Sun Myung Moon
July 4, 1973
Translator: David S. C. Kim
Special thanks to Peter Nordquist for finding this speech
Photo date and location unknown
If you stir the water in a lake, the waves go in four directions. As you stir, stronger and stronger waves go out -- influencing people in all directions. It is the same thing with sound waves going out. A leader should be able to work this way.
Those who are newly appointed State Representatives or Commanders should really serve wherever you are sent. You have to build up, you have to serve them first, gradually win them (the members); win the credit, instead of from the beginning bossing everybody around. It doesn't work that way. You must first serve them; then you build up the foundation. As time goes by, they will respect you. Instead of from the beginning, "I am your boss" -- and your acting as though you know everything -- that is your problem right there.
I will give you the reasons why this lady, [Young] Soo Lim [Oni Durst], has had continual success. I will tell you a few points. Number one: she has absolute faith. Whenever our True Parents, Master says something, she accepts it, she believes that it is possible. She also believes in spiritual cooperation -- the next thing -- and she really puts things into action by herself. She is involved with other people, not just sitting in an armchair. She is not an armchair theorist or an armchair sort of leader. She also has a good heart for embracing and listening to people -- and raising them -- so those who have contacted her group are coming in and will never leave. Once they are touched and impressed, they keep coming and coming. So she is becoming the model, with all those elements, so that she is inspiring people and bringing success, nothing else.
When all you people -- Mobile Unit Commanders, State Representatives and Church Center Directors -- go to the front-line, you have to stand and work in front, instead of your members being used by you. Then, after you have a foundation within your group, you can use everybody, because they will respect you, there will be a oneness. And you can use your members as your own legs and arms, your instruments, your help. From then on, you can sit in the back and claim yourself a leader. But in the beginning, don't try to be a leader bossing them around. You are the boss, of course, but you have to serve first, give something. Victory does not come from the office plan -- victory comes from the actual situation, actual battlefield. Victory comes from there, not from theory. Especially in spiritual work: work really should be applied; the victory will come in the front-line, not from your plan, your office plan. So you should be standing, working hard at the front. Those who have been doing this, in front, serving, raise your hands. Our Master himself stood in front until a firm foundation was set up. So you have to do the same thing. When you get the twigs or branches in the front-line, then a new bud, new branch, will come out. If you are going to expand your work, you have to sit in front, where you can get spiritual cooperation; you can lead the people without any trouble, without any internal trouble; you will grow and multiply.
So, as a leader, you are not supposed to be a burden to your members. If you advance, if you go forward, in front, the Principle says that you will automatically multiply. If the tree is not dead, this multiplication will spread. Your success will not come through using people cleverly -- but you must show the motive. Through this, these people will follow you. So this is the cross line, which decides whether you will succeed or not. So, if you go back to your front-line, practice this new direction, new instruction -- stand and fight in front. Not have your other members in front -- but walk together. In Korea, we have 40-day training, during which one person continuously lectures. Sometimes his nose or mouth bleeds, he is so tired -- that is working in the front also. He does not use you people as that kind of lecturer -- we have two people here, at the moment, teaching the Divine Principle. But he does not demand this kind of intensive pattern, which we have in Korea. In Korea we do this with only one person teaching.
So, we are a heavenly family, and we must work together. One sitting back in luxury and the others working -- that is not fair. So, if you know this kind of thing -- what the Korean family does -- you have to complain in a positive way, and say, "We want to do more." Sometimes the Japanese family works more than over eight hours -- and the Dutch family also -- but some of the American ways of reasoning... they plan to stop at a certain time. He doesn't like that idea -- he wants to push his own way. We have to get rid of this kind of feeling. In other words, the leaders should be in the front-line. This is the battlefield; we are in the front-line. At any moment, our enemy might come in and destroy us -- this is an invisible battle we are fighting. We have to be ready even in the nighttime, when we are sleeping, anytime be alert. So he wants you people to be the models, as leaders, to work in front. Even the things he is doing how -- he does them behind the scenes, instead of showing himself to the world as the leader, claiming leadership. But he does everything by himself, as if he is in front. Parents should usually serve the children more than the children serve them. In the same way: you are parents to the four million people of your state, wherever you are. So you have to pray after all your members have gone to bed. Alone, you have to pray for them. You should know every day about each of your members -- in the early morning -- so you have to know the condition of their minds, spiritual condition. And if you feel, through your knowledge, that there is a need for spiritual counseling -- you have to say what's wrong with them. This is the parental role you have to take. It doesn't happen automatically. When you are in the role of the parents, you are the parents. In the early days, our Master would pray for six hours for one person -- he continually prayed. So you have to pray for your troops.
When you raise spiritual children, your members, this is not office work. Raising them is a spiritual matter, it is not office work. You are dealing with souls, you are dealing with children. Sometimes the baby becomes sick, and you have to take care of him. So, if your baby is crying, you can't say, "I can't come, this is my office time." You cannot neglect your baby because you are in the office. You can't do that. Twenty-four hours you are obligated to this group; so you had better stand and work in front. So, Neil [Salonen] and his wife should be standing... then later, after have you taken care of all the foundations, passed through all the stages, then automatically you will sit behind and control it and instruct it after that time. Master does not like those people who are sitting in the back, trying to be in a big position, doing nothing and using other people. He doesn't like it. So far do you understand him? [YES!] In this way, you will develop and have success.
Why does spirit world have to serve and cooperate with him? He is even bothered by the spirit world if he sits and does nothing -- so he even goes ahead of the spirit world and influences them. He is pushing the spirit world. So there is no other way but for the spirit world to come down and help him. He is sitting in the front, being in front of them, in the front-line. You think of that line: the enemy is right there, over that line about 100 yards away -- so at any time they can attack you. So you cannot be lazy -- you have to be alert. So, this time he is speaking about another case: he had a Mobile Unit Commander visit, even violating your traffic laws at 95, he just let his limousine run. Even though everyone else slept in the car, he was wide awake and in control. This means he is working in front. During his first, 1965, visit to the States, the same thing: day and night he drove, he let his car be driven. He did finish his schedule. So when you fight against your enemy, there is no night or day. At any time, he may attack; there is no night or day. If you think there is a night, "Let's sleep; at night we sleep, in the morning we fight," it doesn't work that way, anything may attack at night. So we are in the battlefield.
So seriously think about this nation of America from now on, what is going to take place. What are we to do about the economic depression that is approaching? Exports are increasing; wages and living prices will become higher. Everybody would like to have cheaper commodities. So foreign products, which are cheaper than your products, are imported here -- and they will devise cheaper ones. So you produce your good ones and the price is different; cheaper ones exist, though yours is of better quality. But everyone will buy the cheapest one with good quality; so they don't buy your stuff -- they don't buy your products, even sound instruments and electronic equipment. So this nation is moving toward a fear of depression. You have different races living together. When a crisis occurs, they will go their own directions -- individualistic ideas -- so you cannot have unity. Fortunately, the spirit of Christianity is at the moment, temporarily, holding together and maintaining your country. If a crisis comes, there will be no way to continue. The issue of race will become the big issue. All the different races will go their own way; you will have no unity, you will have separation from one another, and then the nation will be weakened. Judaism and Christianity are enemies. There is danger of the Jewish people controlling the economic power in this country; if they stick together, they could very easily take over the economic situation of this nation. With this kind of condition, a division of all races -- not only color, black and white -- but divisions between the races will come about. It has worked all right so far, because the power of your nation has surpassed or taken dominion in that area. But if the power of your nation is decreasing, all these problems will mushroom and you cannot even handle them, you cannot control it. Thus, the threat of Communism exists in this country. The family system has broken down; individualistic imperialism is prevailing -- people don't love families, they don't love society, they don't love nations -- only the individual. There are many, many self-destructive elements in your country. These exist. We now urgently need some kind of ideology, some new direction based on Christianity, to save this nation from destruction. This kind of idea must come out to prevent and deter Communism. A new nationalistic temperament is necessary; even under economic depression we have to have a moral acumen to overcome this situation.
In the near future, this is to happen; so we are preparing ourselves to meet those problem areas. We are preparing ourselves to conquer, to overcome that difference, to revive the Christian people, and to prevent the spread of Communism. We would like to set up a self-economy system. So we have to love the family, the nation and the world more than ourselves, "me." So we are the only group, the only institution that this nation needs very badly. Our movement surpasses any single race or nation; we have an interracial, interfaith, international character. This nation could very soon come to us and welcome us -- because we have something to offer. So we are preparing for it. God's predestined year is, at the most, 210 years... you have 197 years as of today... 200, at the most, till your lot will be ended -- only thirteen years left for this nation. God gave a limited time, unfortunately. So you have to know the nation in which you were born. You have to be thinking that this America will go away, and a new and different America should come about. That is what you are doing. You are dating that new America. Do you believe whit he says? [YES!]
So, we have only 13 years now; how are we going to do it? We have to speed up. Even if you are going to make a college or university, it takes more than 13 years. But you are going to rebuild this nation. Then we need a miracle. We have to surpass some kinds of normal things; otherwise, there is no way to accomplish it. That is what we are doing. That is the only way left in heaven -- no other way. Do you agree with him? [YES!] That is why there is no night anywhere -- just relaxing or sleeping -- there is no daytime. No, nothing exists. So do you think that our Master is wrong in saying all of these peculiar things? [NO!]
So, from Master's point of view, it is even harder for him to use you people, who are so low, so full of junk, so full of incapability -- harder for him to use you people. Do you think so? [YES!] Why in the world does Master accomplish anything; why has he come here to go through this difficult path? If there were no God, he would not even step into this country. Who blesses this nation? If there were no God, he and you would be strangers, would not necessarily have to be together. And could we meet if there were no God between you and him? [NO!] Well, why did the Japanese people come to this country? Because of God! That is why they are here, because of God this thing happens. So we have nothing to do, if we have no goal. This kind of God needs us -- and we are going to take on the responsibility to do God's work. That is why we are gathered here. Without that, why would we monkey around here?
So because of God this house was purchased; he did not come to the States as a luxurious place. Until very recently, he even insisted that no one in the Korean or Japanese families live in America. He even insisted. "There is nothing to learn in this country," he said. Now he is doing all this revolutionary work, and has to work hard. Why does he do that? In order to save this country. If it were to save your nation only, he would not have come. He wanted to save the whole nation and then the whole world. That is why he had to come here. If you think you are here to save only your own nation, you are entirely wrong. You are here to save first your own nation -- and then, with this nation, to save other nations. That is why -- because this is a blessed nation and a chosen nation. So he is here to do this kind of work. He has enough money and enough property to live until his physical life is over, for himself -- but he did not come to make money in this country. Very simply, he can eat three meals very easily. He has already made this kind of money or property for his whole family -- so he did not come here to make money. Even when he is using money from other sources -- this is being used for the whole world.
So, in the worldly sense, you are in the wrong place, our True Parents are the wrong persons for you. Now you have to listen to him, even without sleeping, and you cannot get out of it. You are really trapped by him. Why are you doing this? Because of whom? [GOD!] What kind of God is that? He is our Father -- and our family, our nation, should save this world. That is why we are doing this. Father, God our Father, is working harder than we are. How can a child of our Father sit still and do nothing? We can't do that. God does not sleep, you see -- He is awake all the time. When you sleep you have to repent: "I am sorry I have to sleep, forgive me." You cannot sleep in a double bed, with a beautiful mattress, or something like that -- that kind of thing, you cannot do. When you think of God's situation, really think of His situation, you cannot do that. So, if you do suffer and undertake a situation, God will love you and will provide more for you.
The position of Father... son and daughter means more time for your family. What is a loyal servant? A loyal servant -- well you might think, "In my youth... I am getting old and my youth is going away." So, why doesn't Master come here, give us all the blessing, match us together, before this kind of suffering -- you might think that. Why doesn't he give us the blessing quick? So, if he did that right now, half of you would go away -- so he cannot give it to you right now. If he did that, he would be adding something [negative] to God's dispensation -- not plus -- so he cannot do that right now, There is order; and if, right now, you are moving toward a match, and if he were to bless you, overall, would we be adding something or bringing a minus? Which one? [MINUS!] So, he cannot do that. Then you must quickly restore the nation -- and then you can set up your family. That is the first thing you have to do: destroy the enemy first, make a safe zone -- then they cannot steal you back. It will be bad for those old misses -- but they just have to see the general condition; it is a total sacrifice in such times. The older you get, without it, the more beautiful a wife you will become; and you will get the smartest and most hand some husband. There are hundreds of billions of them -- so you don't have to worry about it. So, all these nuns and priests, single people, celibates, have to pay the price, the indemnity price. So, if you think about it, it is very simple: then you will have future good fortune and an eternal husband or wife in the spirit world -- what's wrong with it? Suppose she does not receive the blessing on earth? She will be blessed in heaven, be better rewarded -- have a better choice. Then, with her case, all those nuns who did go to the spirit world without knowing this will be liberated because of the little lady. Then, by sacrificing one nun, thousands of millions will be liberated in the spirit world -- what a wonderful Mother Nun she is, maybe. And you will be the chief Mother Nun. (David S. C. Kim: I used my own words, but he supports my words. [Translator David Kim often used his own words and examples, which did not originate with Rev. Sun Myung Moon.])
Even if you are in a period of indemnity, don't be sad. You will be rewarded many-fold; multiple luck will be yours. He knows this; that is why he, is pushing you people. It doesn't matter if it is 10 years, 80 years, 100 years on this earth plane -- eternal life is waiting for you. This 100-year life is just like one second of breathing spent, even though you don't see it this way. So he said it is even shorter than one second -- this life of yours -- when you compare it to eternal life. Because he knows this... says that when he was young he was the most handsome of all the young men. Do you believe it? [YES!] He has versatility in every way, every field. He is able to do anything. Any job, he will make it. Many, many women are fascinated by him -- even one glance -- appearance itself, not necessarily talking about the internal. Maybe by American standard or point of view Master has a small eye size -- but that doesn't matter.
So, if there is no God, we have nothing, nothing to do. Even if he does the same thing, if there is no God, even our True Mother... so he asks the question to our Mother, "You are whose wife?" If there is no God, you and I cannot meet together -- he will say that. If there is no will of God, Mother and he have nothing to do with it. Spontaneously, we have nothing to do with it -- if there is no God. So all the time he is thinking, "If it has nothing to do with God's will, I have nothing to do with our Mother." If anything is against God's will, he cannot do it. If his wife is against God's will, no more wife -- she will spontaneously become Satan, the enemy. This is a Principled life. So you have to do it. Because of God's existence, you have a relationship with Master. If there is no God, you are just Americans and he is just a Korean -- nothing more, no connection between you. Because God exists, that is why we are thankful for Him. Even with persecution, we are grateful to Him; if you are happy, it is because of Him that you are happy. Because of Him, we receive persecution; if there is no God, there is no reason to be persecuted. It is a wonderful fact that we are receiving persecution, because we love Him, and He loves us.
When you study the Divine Principle, all of man's history comes to the surface. We can very easily see the reasons and causes, all the processes. Now, this message... Master just used some technique to put it together. Because of Master this kind of dispensational Principle exists? Because God exists, the history of the dispensation since the fall has existed. Master found it, but it is because of God that it exists. So, through the Principle, you have to find God, the God who made this history, who left us this history. So you should know the God who made the religions, you and Him -- this God, we have to find -- the One who gave you the responsibility to save this nation. You have to find out the relationship between you and your nation. So you have to find that God. If there is no God, all of this connection, all of this nation of America will vanish -- you do not exist -- no connection. So we have to find this kind of God, even give this to others, in order to unite heaven and earth.
So we have to talk about God, between individuals, between your contacts. We are talking about when you eat, you have to think God is eating with you, right there. When you are working, you should think that God is working with you -- this kind of a conscience. So, if there is no God, nothing makes sense; if there is no God, we don't need to love our Master -- no need. Even if you wanted to love him without God, without that -- he wouldn't allow you to. So, even if our Master goes to the spirit world, because we have a connection here, God still exists here; the relationship remains. In your daily living, you have to bring God into your life. By doing that, by trying, we are connected with God, centering on His will -- all other things are false. So, whether you like it or not, since you met our Master, the True Parents, whether willingly or unwillingly, you have to go with him, because this connection came from God. So, there is no other choice; even if you go along unwillingly, there is no other choice. Then, from Master's point of view, he wants to push you to go faster to God -- or shall he let you go slowly to God? [FAST!] You know very well. So he is willing to spank you, push you, drive you, or whatever.
We are in a very, very urgent time. So you have to think, "I have to see many, many people before the time runs out." That kind of urgent state of mind, winning souls, spreading this message, looking for the people; that heart we have to maintain.
So, in his own mind, unconsciously, he feels a sense of imminence -- feels we must hurry -- that means the time is very near. Because the Israelites did not fulfill the 40-day period, it became 400 years -- then was extended to 4,000 years. So the time element... but if he does not fit the dispensational timetable -- extension, postponement -- same thing we see in the Part II message. Have you experienced something like thinking so seriously of God's will, trying so hard, that you have a fever over 101 -- even this is inside your mouth, and all this becomes irritated and -- what do you call it, when you are tired, fever blister? Have you experienced this because of the Will, the urgency of the Will? You have to experience this kind of thing. Master had all this experience, because of God; he did experience it. If there were no God, our Master would be the craziest and the funniest man in the world -- if there were no God. He is doing the most peculiar things. So, if there is no God, he is a mental case. But because He exists, he is the happiest man, he is the person heaven recognized and incorporates.
Day and night, the spirit world teaches spiritual or psychic persons, spiritual sensitives, telling them, "You have to humble yourselves to Master." Keep telling them, spirit world. Perry Cordill is taller than our Master; physically, he [Master] is very much smaller than him [Perry]. Why does all of the spirit world give revelations about him [Master] and not him [Perry]? He has some motivations -- the source is different, to heaven than him -- that is right, he has a difference there. Heaven would be very glad, even if the whole world jointly pronounced that Master Moon is crazy. So, sometimes, from a worldly perspective, you may say, "You are crazy, you are the nut of nuts, and you do only peculiar things when you come to the United States." Even though you are labeled by the world as crazy, as mentally ill, Master loves you; the relationship between him and you is the same as the relationship between God and him. If you have no Master, no True Parents, you are nothing -- you are just garbage to God -- nothing. You would want to go somewhere and tell everything that you have; but you would have no place to go, nowhere to explain your situation, if there were no God.
So, we have to pass through this quickly -- instead of a slow tempo -- we have to be quick. He is tired of all this heavenly work -- he wants to finish all this. So we want to go fast. His job is a very tough one. He doesn't want to do it, but he has no other choice. It is boring for him all the time, but he has to do it. So he has paved the way for a leap forward method, and he will take it. You may not know this situation. Even in the worldly sense, failure is a cumbersome thing. Even if the family is totally destroyed -- in order to restore that destroyed family, or even one individual, how long will it take? All your life? In many cases, you could not resolve this in an entire lifetime -- he is going to restore or recover all of 6,000 years of human history, up until now! That is not easy. So, in his own lifetime, he has to correct all this, restore all these conditions. That is not easy. Do you think that is the easiest job for him? It is terribly difficult. He is standing on serious ground, serious conditions.
He has been angry and very upset -- because time is urgent. He is very, very nervous. Sometimes, there is not even time to talk. Heavenly time is so, so precious. So, without saying anything, without complaining, just follow blindly. That is the best way, until we have the victory. If you do that, you will make it; otherwise.... Three or four years from now, the relationship between some of you and our Master, the True Parents, will be a very distant one. Some of you may no longer follow him -- but he will continue to advance. Up till now, he has been that way; so he believes he will be the same way. He will see many, many people in the middle of the road, before reaching the destination; many people will be debating, he sees that. He knows this because he has experienced such a thing before. He will see the same thing in this country too. Because he sees this coming, he wants to lead you people so fast -- quick, fast exodus. By doing so, there will be fewer casualties, and you will reach the destination much faster. And because he is in America right now, if American Christians oppose him, that will be the end of it. Before they even begin to start the persecution against our movement, we must go faster. This will be the best way, even to show our concern for them and our love for them. Don't you like that idea? [YES!]
Many, many times he fainted because he was overworked. So he will expect the same thing of you. Sometimes he would sit on the ice, praying, fasting and shivering. So, some kind of additional muscles had to form -- and he developed a hard muscle because of this. So, the Unification Principle which you believe did not come with a small price. He existed at a great, great price. His view of value is different; your view of your position is different from his. So, you have to learn day and night. So, even ten years from now, he will speak new words which you won't even know. So, even David Kim, who has been following for 20 years, doesn't know anything about it -- he is still learning. This road of Principle... without any mumbling, just blind faith, blind submission, following blindly... it may be bothering your heart, but that is the only way.
Sometimes when you reach a crisis point, your blind faith... you are ignorant of something better... some things bring a good result. If you are crossing a one-board plywood bridge, over a canyon -- if you see that, still you cannot do it; you don't know anything about it. With blind faith, you believe that you may make it; but if you know everything, you cannot make it -- you are too scared. It's the same thing on this road of Principle. If you follow blindly, your Leader and you may pass through this with a miracle. The same thing applies to this world -- how we are going to pass through it quickly. That is what he is talking about. So, this one second of heavenly time, he is looking for that -- when is it coming? It may come when you are asleep. We don't know where this will take place. Maybe even when we have fireworks at the July 4th Celebration, maybe that is the time he will figure it out centering on God's will -- dispensation timetable.
Somebody is thinking, "It is 12:30; why not go to bed, why this continuous talking?" This time of talking may be the end of your life -- who knows? You may even die while you are dozing. And if that happens to you, you cannot go to heaven. Then Satan will grab you (just like he [Master] did to me [David Kim] -- too much now) and take you away. So he [Master] is a very dreadful man; he is a judge. Because you have come here to have a relationship with him, connection with him, Satan will come to grab you. If you have made a mistake or committed a sin, Satan is following you -- because of the Principle. This is a dreadful place. This very moment, this very second, may be the time when you can grasp something for your eternal, complete salvation -- or your successful key may be lost -- who knows? For 6,000 years, God has been looking for that time, that very moment -- this may be the moment everyone has been looking for -- who knows? So, at any time, even in the middle of the night, you might suddenly awake -- sober, fresh and alert -- no fatigue, ready to fight. If he were not ready, whenever Father wanted him, he would not be a loyal son to Him. Do you believe that? [YES!] [Leader, in English: "Are you like me or not?"] [YES!]
He is very serious. So, in this kind of situation, his whole body becomes explosive. If he had known English much better, he would have influenced millions of people. He is even thinking that. So he has a very sorrowful heart sometimes. The real heart of God he is carrying out. This is the person who is our Master, our True Parent. But you are not as serious as he is. He does not want you to resemble him physically -- he wants you to resemble his heart. Sometimes, you may cry. When you feel this kind of heart, have you experienced that kind of thing? You have got to have this depth of experience in relation to God's heart. You should experience this kind of crying for God, crying for the whole, at least three times a week. People are continually dying; out of a total population of 3.6 billion -- even if the death rate is but 1% out of 3.6 billion population, how many people are dying right now? There are 36 million people dying right now. Then we can calculate how many people are dying away. Every day, 10,000 people are dying away, dying without knowing the Principle at this time -- they are destined to go automatically to hell. Then heaven must be very solemn. So in order to save these people, heaven will naturally make you work hard -- drive you crazy, to save these dying people. Thirty-six million people are dying every year.
When you think of this kind of God, who thinks of things, looks at things in this way -- and you are the sons of God, children of God -- how can you sit still? You may understand or know this because he says so, but you have to actually feel this within your spirit and mind. You have to really, really feel it -- not just talk about it, or say you know it. You have to feel it when you speak out. So, even if you are good, if he has to sacrifice the entire Unification Church throughout the world, sacrifice the members, let them die for the indemnity, in order to save all mankind -- he will do it! Then it will become good, even though he had to kill all of you -- this world will become good. So, do you find any significance there? With this kind of situation, now, this is the time; so you leaders, core nucleus leaders, if, instead of going out to the field and showing yourself as a mobile unit member you are sitting back and driving other people out, it doesn't fit. So you cannot continue to eat and sleep well, eating all this... using the money earned by brothers and sisters going door-to-door -- rejection after rejection, persecution after persecution or frustration, and then bringing in the money -- while you're sitting there daily, doing nothing -- you are a hypocrite! You are betraying them. So that money on which you are living is no good -- you have to stand in front. That money should be used for the people for the members, for this work.
He [Master] is a very stingy person in money matters; he never uses money for himself. Most of his clothes somebody bought him for Father's Day or some other special day. Until he was 30 years of age, he never bought new clothes. All the time, he had used clothes. During his college days, so as not to attract the opposite sex, he disguised himself as quite an ugly man. You could often find him on the street, walking with his face down, because lots of temptations came his way. Some girls even wrote in blood, showing the pledge -- they wanted eternal love. This kind of thing happened. Sometimes when he was by himself, in his college days, girls would come to him; you know, even that kind of temptation was there. He rejected it. He has trained himself. Even if there are 100 beautiful girls -- even naked -- he would not be tempted, he would not be caught, because of that oneness [with God). Even when he was in his twenties, he was already trained that way. Because he is thinking only of God's will. You should know that our Master is not the person you think; he is not a commonsense Master. So when he sees the leaders using their positions to subordinate, instead of doing the front-line work, he is very upset. When the other members perspire, sweat, you have to do the same thing. When they cry, you have to cry together. When they are full of tears of sorrow, you have to be the same way. If one of your members does not sleep, you have to stay up with him -- this is his life. So, if you do not do that every night before you go to bed, you have to repent, whatever you were unable to do. You have to feel guilty, repent of it; otherwise, you are in trouble.
This is the tradition; you must support this tradition on which the Unification Church was founded, everybody. So he wants you to expect him to drive you hard, make you work hard, drive you just like a slave driver -- if you love America more than Master, because he loves God. That means you have to work harder than him, because he is working... so even if he makes you go through extreme suffering, persecution and hardship, his conscience does not bother him. He sees the love for you. Even if you seem to be perishing, his conscience will not bother him, because you will [really] be flourishing. So he doesn't feel guilty. You are all nucleus leaders in our movement -- so please stand in the front-lines. Become the models; stand, and you will be good leaders.
In Korea, there are lots of factories under his supervision right now. Whenever his mind or heart goes to a certain factory, that factory will automatically flourish. If he does not go to it all the time, many problems will arise in that factory -- no enterprise, trouble after trouble after trouble. So you have to make yourselves attract our Master's heart -- so that he will be among you. You must be really loving spiritually; you have to attract him and then he will come to you.
In Korea, in the countryside, there are three trinity ladies who are constantly praying hard at a place called Yamak village. They constantly pray that Master will come to that place. While he was traveling in a certain direction because of the spiritual power in their heart, his car automatically turned in that direction, toward the three trinity prayer ladies who were longing for him. And they received from heaven -- tomorrow, what time our Master's party would be coming -- they received this like a spiritual telephone. They knew this lady, Mrs. Kim; and when he arrived, everybody already knew the message from spirit world (spiritual electronic system), and they were waiting at the front door -- even though we had never said anything. When they do this kind of thing, how in the world can our Master skip that place? Automatically, he had to go there. So he went; even though there are multitudes who long for him less, he will automatically reach that person who longs for him (most]. Because of this, every day -- even four hours of driving -- because of this love and attraction he had to go every day. Where is there such a group of people in America? Then, even without revival, centering on this person in that village....
Have you ever thought about this; longing for him so much in your room, in your house -- your wish is for him to stay there. For such a thing, would you really, really long for this? If you concentrate your heart and love there, even if you could not go beyond ten miles without leg trouble -- that kind of loving heart -- if you prepare for him to come, you will be saved by attending him. By attending him, you will attain salvation without getting through the Divine Principle. So when you believe it, even though he is not there physically, he will be there spiritually; you can see it through a vision. If we long for this, it will happen. So, just like we suddenly see our ancestors coming, Master came here -- he ate and everything -- this is just like a book of revelation in the psychic realm. He talked and everything, and after eating, she sent Master's party off. When they opened the door, there was no car... this entire thing was a vision! This kind of thing happens, if you are eager, if you long for him with this formula. So this thing actually happened; it happens right now. Who is the highest in spiritual power? That is the man right there. When one begins to long for our True Parents, our Master, Master suddenly comes, embracing that person as if he were a sleeping baby -- spiritually, not with his full body. This is possible now.
Thus, no one can hurt or bother or destroy the Unification Church -- because of this. Those who know this kind of thing know; other people just don't understand. So when you American family members have driven up to so high a level, spiritual phenomena -- just like physical phenomena -- will occur. Where is it? In Korea, high spiritual sensitives are talking right now. They feel it, they hear it immediately, between Mr. Moon and here. They are seeing it; they are seeing what he is doing right now. This is why, in the early days, lots of persecution came. No one understood it. One of the young families experienced this kind of thing. He disciplined many, many people. He has to discipline and spank the people, because Satan is behind him, and is ready to invade. So he has to gather them -- sometimes to kick the person out - - to prevent the invasion and send Satan away. So if Master invades that person, then Master will kick the bed; to get Satan out. What would he do? [KICK THE BODY!] That is the way it works.
The reason why he talked so long tonight is that, as leaders of this movement, you are standing in a dreadful, serious position. If you are in a leaders' position, it means that you are already in a dangerous position. Anytime you are wrong, against the Principle, if you violate the law and commit a sin, you are dead bodies; there are coffins ready to swallow you. This is dangerous. You are in a position such that, anytime you go wrong, you will be put in a coffin. The leaders' position is the most serious position in influencing or destroying God's dispensation; therefore, you are standing in a serious position. So that is why you have got to be serious. If you make a mistake, you get the feeling that you are going to the scaffold, in the judgment seat. And when you are successful, you get the feeling of going to a marriage ceremony, going to the Master. This is your situation. Exactly where you are -- good or bad, success or mistakes -- within you, this is your position, you have it now. On a small scale, you are this way. On the large, world wide scale, Master is in the same position. The scale is different; the basic principles are the same. Would you like to carry out your responsibility in the frontline or not? [YES!] If you do it this way, we don't have to wait until 1974 -- you will accomplish it before that. He has the confidence to overcome that period, that dispensational time table. If we don't overcome it -- extension -- but he thinks we can do it, we are able to do that. If we don't do that, he will be a heavenly cheater. He can't be a thief, he cannot be a betrayer. Do you understand him? [YES!] If you move, it is possible; if you don't move, you will get into trouble. If, as a responsible leader, our Master says something -- you must go and enforce it. He has now announced it; God listened -- even Satan listened to it -- but he has to enforce it. That is why he publicly announces it. He has the confidence to achieve it, confidence in you. In case of failure he did everything on his part -- he will not be responsible. The punishment will not come to him; it will come to all you people. Understand what he said? [YES.]
His thoughts constantly go further than next year -- to 1977, 1978 -- that peak, that time he is working for. You are truly an obstacle to him; you are all the time having ups and downs -- little old junk -- all the time you are doing, going this way and that. The only reason you can maintain is that he is still alive, still active -- so that you are receiving benefits. Even so, with the ups and downs, you are barely making it. This is the Principled way of interpretation. Don't you think we have made a little progress, according to this report, because of his being here in America? [YES!] You are crippled now, tired, dragging all day, injured leg, whatever; you are stumbling, but you are making a little bit of progress. You need more effort and more preparation. You will get it. Now you are staggering, so he is planning the rail on which you will be going; if this rail is set up, you don't have to worry about yourself. You will be the heavenly train; he will be the locomotive engineer. God will be the advisor, he will be the locomotive engineer, and you will be the locomotive and passengers both. We will analyze it, we will chop them down, and cook them in the land of America. Can you do that? [YES!] Instead of shaking different ways, you have to be steady and drive forward. Can you drive forward? [YES!]
So he is driving you very hard to let you in the heavenly train. So you cannot be negligent -- that moment, 12:00 or 4:00 in the morning -- who knows? He is looking for that one second, that one moment, when we can put it on the rail and automatically dash forward. Do you understand his situation, his reasoning? [YES!] So you must understand the situation, even while you are sleeping; this is more serious than you think.