Sun Myung Moon
May 11, 1969
Headquarters Church, Seoul, Korea
Photo date and location unknown
I would like to thank You, Father, for You have alone worked and persevered throughout history to manage and lead all people until this time.
Among the many religious people who are spread all over the world, Father, please be with those who have inherited Your heart. They have sincerely devoted themselves by putting their lives at risk, allowing Your wonderful peace and tranquility to dwell within them.
Father, among numerous nations in the world, You have chosen unworthy Korea as Yours, and You chose me to kneel down in humility and adoration in front of You. We are not the type of people who eagerly follow commands or directions. But Father, we have understood and accepted Your direction and are determined to sacrifice our own lives so that the goal can be accomplished; we have pledged this already. Therefore, please allow us to give our simple and humble pledge to You.
Father, we know that Your eager and lonely heart has desperately longed to substantially see perfected sons and daughters of God. There are many devout people, who have aligned themselves with you and praised You, but how lonely and disheartened You are, Father, to see that there are no sons and daughters, who have understood Your internal heart. Where are the ones, who, for the sake of this earth, have determined to run into the enemy camp in Your place, to raise the flag of victory and glory? Please allow us, Father, to understand your suffering heart.
Father, we pray that You may regain dominion of both the Heaven and Earth and the destiny of all living things. Father, I know the tragic truth that You did not receive the proper filial piety and love from man, who was destined to be the ruler of all creation.
We are not gathered here today to respect someone's fate and destiny. Rather please allow us to bind with You. We want to cut off the origin of sin that has been dispelled through the decaying bones of evil. Allow us to regain our eternal relationship and destiny with You, Father, our only source of life. Please also grant us the strength to cut off and remove all the relationship to this evil world, and, with power and strength, to destroy the essential elements of evil, so that we have only the heart of kindness and admiration for You. I beg you, Father, that You can grant us moral standards as pure as those of a newborn child and allow us to be elevated to an eternal relationship with You and Your creation.
Today is the Sabbath. From this morning until the end of this day, please protect and guide us, Father. Do not let us have the heart to admire and love someone else, but please grant and allow us the heart to first admire and love You.
Please let your children who are spread throughout South Korea to direct their prayers towards this place today, and I beg You, Father, that You can be with our lonely and desperate children, who are pledging to You all over the world at this time.
Please allow all the things that You have longed for to come into reality and please also embrace those, Father, who despite their own unfortunate circumstances, are thinking about You, while earnestly praying that Your sadness will disappear.
I sincerely hope and pray that You will grant us the strength to follow Your voice, becoming the lambs, the sacrificial offerings, that may absorb all Your glory and honor.
From this morning until the end of the day, we will trust and follow You. We must now go again to the frontline, Father, for we have seen so many of your children who have fallen on the road to salvation. Also, I was able to see that many, Who have prided themselves as your sons and daughters, after a short period of time on the path, have become traitors and losers. Consequently, because they have fallen and been unable to reach their goals, many have resented and cursed You, Father.
Is there anyone in the world who has ever comforted Your desperate and lonely heart? Father, please embrace Your sons and daughters, who have great faith in You and can become the root of Your true sonship and daughtership, which has been Your sincere desire and wish for tens of thousands of years. I sincerely pray and hope that we can release our unfaithful hearts and disbelief in You, and can become the proud children of God, giving joy and glory to You.
I sincerely request to You, Father, that at this time You can grant the wishes and desires of Your loving children, who have accepted your Will and have gone out into the front line for the sake of Your providence. I pray in the name of our most beloved True Parents.