Engraft with the New Bud of True Olive Tree

Sun Myung Moon
March 20, 1983
Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 2: True Parents, Chapter 3: Section 6


Why do you need True Parents? It is in order to receive the new lineage. The Old Testament Age was the age of the foundation of faith, the New Testament Age was the age of the foundation of substance, and the Completed Testament Age is the age of the new ideal. Hence, it is said that it is in the age of love where we should inherit the good lineage of the heavenly kingdom. Until now we had different blood. We inherited mixed blood.

I have inherited the original, traditional blood and so I am fighting with Satan with knowledge of all this truth. I am doing this because I know such things.

True Parents are the new bud of the true olive tree. You should cut yourself off and be engrafted with the bud of the True Parents, The Parents' bud and God's bud must be engrafted. Then, your body may be cut down to nothing, but your thought becomes the same as that of God and True Parents. You will be able to give birth to the same fruit -- sons and daughters of goodness. This cannot happen in the satanic world. It is not good to have sons and daughters before this happens. (125-208, 1983.3.20)