Sun Myung Moon
May 13, 1994
East Garden, Irvington, NY
Translator: Peter Kim
Summary by Donna Ferrantello January 2, 2017
Photo date and location unknown
In May 13, 1994, Father Moon gave directions to UTS Faculty at East Garden that demonstrate his unconventional administrative leadership as well as the true purpose of UTS to transform America and the world (Notes from True Father's Speech to UTS Faculty, East Garden, translated by Mr. Peter Kim, 5/13/1994). In these talks, he directs UTS professors and graduates to work with CARP and civic engagement by seeking political offices and educational reform to become leaders of other universities in America and the world. He clearly directs them to follow his quest to overcome Communism and to teach Divine Principle to the communities around them, [in Dutchess County, at the time,] as well as their hometowns and the world at large.
Father's original leadership does not always follow secular models and often seeks to “shake things up” with action-oriented purposes for transformation rather than maintaining the status quo. In this 1994 talk to UTS faculty, he says, “You should all become revolutionary soldiers (2)….Suppose you stay at UTS another 20 years and join Spirit World and your neighbors go to Spirit World. They will challenge you as UTS professors who knew True Parents and didn't teach them. Can you say, 'I didn't have a mouth, a tongue, I couldn't talk?'….For example, you could have a debate every week in downtown Poughkeepsie between UTS students and local ministers and theologians. If you did that for 20 years, all the Christians would have given in by now (3).” “Father gave direction to launch declaration of True Parents at 3,000 college campuses. UTS professors, are you going to live comfortably or take responsibility for this campaign? Every Saturday and Sunday you should give lectures” on college campuses (5).
He elevates their sense of responsibility by asking two faculty members, “Are you satisfied to stay at UTS or go back and rule your country (3)?” He asks them to become university presidents and administrators in other institutions. Rather than to be comfortable in UTS, he also asks them to go out to college campuses as both educators and motivational speakers. “Father doesn't plan to see you get old at UTS and waste your life—become presidents of Harvard Divinity School and Yale….Father is the only one who can save this country (5).”
Father does not want “lifers” at UTS as he admonishes them further. “You may be needed by 100 UTS students, but the country needs you, the world needs you. Do you want to devote your life to 100 students or the country or the world?...If you want to leave some good result, if you just stay at UTS you can't. You have to inherit good potential to your country.” In the 1994 talk, he stuns them further to say that when a new President comes in, “the leaders of UTS should voluntarily submit their resignation so the new President can choose new people for the positions (5).” By pushing them to go out to other institutions and places, he says that they bring greater value to UTS with their influence and success to represent UTS and then encourage others to study at UTS. Since he has always asked members to learn Korean, he specifically requests that Professors also learn to teach in Korean so they can be guest lecturers and professors at other universities and gain influence by their contributions in Korean.
This was not the first time Father asked Ph.D.'s to become involved with American leadership as well as leadership in other countries. At the 1989 meeting of Ph.D.'s at East Garden, Father asked some of the more than twenty-five Ph.D.'s to run for public offices, such as Governor, Senator or other legislative positions. At a 2010 East Garden talk, he asked two seminary women graduates who were sitting in the front row to run for public office. Later, he asked that the President of UB should run for Senate. And, in this 1994 talk, he even said that Asian graduates should marry Western spouses and then run for public office.
But, even in 1994, Father laments the years with lack of results in America. “It is time to clean up 20 years mess (3).” He asks UTS faculty to outreach more to seminary graduates in the field and the church leadership as well. “American professors should also put more effort into taking care of graduates to save America….Writing a letter is a piece of cake now with computers—just change the name and send 50 letters…3 or 4 times a year…If a graduate received 70 or 80 letters from you, he would consider you as God caring about him(3).”
If you think these are extraordinary expectations, listen to his call for Ph.D.'s again, “You should be campus ministers and give lectures in 12 campuses every month—how famous you will become. Take Action! Don't just have interest, take action (9)!” [Well, that would be 3 campuses every week.] Actually, there are conservative speakers and religious leaders in America today who now are fulfilling that goal due to the threats to Religious freedom, freedom of speech, true family values, and government tyranny. These pro-family, pro-freedom, pro-faith speakers have shown tremendous courage to battle with political correctness and cultural pressures that challenge us today.
It is not too late for UTS faculty and graduates to take up the torch….More than ever, America and the world needs you!!!! Let us listen to our Father's words and better emulate his revolutionary, Christcentered, sacrificial leadership! At a time of real hope for new leadership in America, we must keep vigilant to continue the good work to save America.