Sun Myung Moon
April 13 2004
East Garden, U.S.A.
April 13 2004, East Garden
What is haebang and what is seokbang? The meaning is not clear, is it? [No, they are almost the same in English.] Almost the same? They are fundamentally different. Seokbang means that all existing sins completely disappear, without a trace. Only then can you stand before God. You cannot stand before Him with a flaw. That is why the “era of seokbang” is different.
On the tenth of last month, I declared the seokbang of the angelic world, their being made completely free. How great were the sins of the angels? It is not haebang but seokbang. They fell, but all fallen things will disappear without a trace, from God and from this earth. Seokbang means a state of natural liberation, where we can be born from sinless, good parents and freely meet the nation, world and God. They do not have the proper concept for this in English.
Seokbang. You have to understand this in the original language. It is not “liberation.” We shouldn’t use “release,” either. [Father says these two English words in English.] This word means returning to that fundamental, original state without sin, that original state where God could freely deal with all creation. I am talking about an original state as if sin had never begun, where there is no indemnity. It means a unified realm in which we see what God sees, we hear what God hears and we feel what God feels. Do you understand? This is important. I have to make this clear for you. That’s why there was the total freeing [seokbang] of the angels and what comes after this is the total freeing of Cain and Abel. The total freeing of the parents: there were false parents but now the True Parents have appeared. The nation was in conflict within the realm of two nations. A unified fatherland of God and the era of the peace kingdom could not be made.
Thus only when we enter the “era of being completely free” on the national level, where we can completely erase one nation [i.e. the satanic nation] on the national level and begin the original nation, can this become the age of the realm of unity of the harmony, unification and love of the entire universe! Amen! If we translate this into English will 80 percent of the meaning come through? It won’t be understood. So you must learn Korean.
Seokbang. Say it. [Seokbang!] Seokbang: this is a most important concept. So what we need to do is to completely free the lineage of the world of Cain and Abel that was changed.... Through the stained lineage, Eve brought about the struggle of Cain and Abel. Liberation must be carried out here.
On April 19 will come the complete freeing of the Cosmic Parent, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.