Declaration of the Accomplishment of our Destined Task

Sun Myung Moon
August 28, 1998
New Hope Farm, Jardim
The Fourth Declaration of the Seven Great Jardim Declarations and the Establishment of the New Eden


God and human beings are in a parent-child relationship. The relationship between parent and child is our inherited destiny. All sorrows and problems of parents can only be resolved by their children. Such is the path of children. There can never be disbelief or betrayal in a registered family. God and humanity should be united in harmony as father and children.

Teaching elder children to love their younger siblings

Parental love should be fair. Part of being parents entails connecting and bringing together their firstborn son or daughter with their younger sibling, so that the elder children can love their younger siblings in their parents' stead, and the younger children can respect their elder siblings. The parents should act as intermediaries connecting them together. If they cannot do so, the family will fall apart and disputes will arise among siblings. Hence, parents should educate their children. Thus, our destined mission is to accomplish liberation! This means Adam and Eve have to restore and perfect themselves and become absolute, unique, unchanging, eternal man and woman, based on God's four main attributes. As such, they should then receive the Blessing and become true husband and wife.

God hoped to establish a family and for the firstborn son to be His filial son, but this was lost and the family was not perfected, due to the most unfilial act committed by the first ancestors. A nation should have been established following the tradition of the firstborn, but this also could not come to pass. A whole world following this tradition should have been established, but this too was not fulfilled. Consequently, God's kingdom should have been established on earth and been connected to His kingdom in heaven, but this plan also met with failure.

Do you realize that everything went wrong because our destined responsibility was not fulfilled? The means by which all this can be resolved is through the Jardim Declaration. It requires absolute faith, love, and obedience.

God is our Parent. Parents, including those of the fallen world, who are loving subject partners, are hoping for their beloved object partners to become better than them. This is a heavenly principle. Because our fundamental relationship with God is that between parent and child, we need to form God-centered conjugal and parent-child relationships, that is to say, Adam and Eve should have become His embodiments and a divine couple.

The sperm of the father is like the bone, to which the mother adds the flesh. The sperm penetrates the ovum in the mother and only through this act can that ovum develop into a zygote. The bone! How do the bones first start to develop? They begin with the father planting the seed of the baby. It is all part of the original design. That seed enters the mother, receives flesh from her, grows and develops all the features of a human being in due time; what had originally been only in a seed in concept form starts to grow when planted in the womb by the father taking from the body of the mother and adding to itself. Thus, after attaining a form according to a preordained process, an individual person is born.

Freedom of love in married life

There is freedom of love in married life. It should begin in an unrestricted, liberated universe, a place of freedom, where conjugal love would not be hindered by anything, regardless of wherever the couple goes. Based on their love in a free environment, they should be brought together in a unified life of freedom, and through this union, their child should be born having passed through a natural period of development in its mother's womb. Then when the child claims that he is free, respect for his parents' liberty and freedom of love would be embedded in his words. Freedom cannot exist for the child that denies his connection to his parents and to the free life and lineage.

Hence, you are told to respect your parents. You need to respect the love that your parents have been faithful to and inherit its tradition. Only after you have inherited that tradition can you enjoy freedom. In order for the branch to live and grow, it needs nourishment to be supplied from the roots, through the trunk. Then it is free to grow as long as it is kept nourished in this way; when this is denied, it cannot have freedom. If it is cut off from this lifeline, it will die.

The path of true love is purely rational. If you live for absolute faith, love and obedience, love will grow. Since the seed of love was sown through faith, and it put forth buds, who would be responsible for it? For all this, God would invest everything He has, even Himself completely.

In Kodiak, plenty of salmon can be found. Salmon lay their eggs in the cold winter month of November. Since it is so cold, there are no insects, nor are there any small fish around. All fish swim away in search of warm currents and so there is nothing to eat. For this reason, the mother and father become the food for their young. It is only natural for the parents, the ancestors, to sacrifice themselves for their children. The animal kingdom has abided by this tradition for billions of years and still continues to live by it; on the other hand, humankind, who should be better than animals in every respect, are not keeping true to this principle, and so it is sometimes said that people are inferior to animals. The same is also true for loving. Animals do not love recklessly. Birds follow their own species in the way of true love. They don't love imprudently. Once they have found a mate and formed a pair, that relationship is absolute.

In the future, family law should be enacted. I have already issued instructions for the fundamental rules to be drawn up. If the nation is established after I have passed on to the spirit world, my absence would not matter so much because you would already have the laws set out on how to constitute that nation. If you abide by those laws as you would my words, and become united and march forward, you would be connected to God's kingdom.

You cannot be self-centered and insist on your own way

You should understand that you cannot be self-centered, individualistic or insist on your own way. Before asserting yourselves, you need to realize that your father and mother existed before you, and from their lives emerged their lineage. On top of that, love was created. The relationship through which you can learn to respect lineage, history and your ancestors, and which will help you serve them, is the one between you and your parents. You need to respect your parents and then God. What would then be even higher than Him? It would be love.

Encompassed in the mother and father are the absolute love, life and lineage attained through the Absolute Parent and Father of absolute love. You should be aware of the fact that you are born from all this. Thus, you are the representative of lineage, maternal and paternal life and love. Having received them all as the representative, you were born to expand them and spread them wide; since such is the purpose of your life, if you don't fulfill this and instead act as you please and put your greed before everything else, you would be ruined and perish.

It is our destined and inevitable task to unite through the parent-child relationship, but what should that unity be centered upon? From the bone marrow, the seed, it should be centered on true love. Only when a baby is born thus can it possess a heart and body big enough to embrace the whole world as well as its father and to become one with its mother. You should follow your parents with absolute faith, love and obedience, as the grandson and father should follow the grandfather with absolute faith, love and obedience.

It will be handed down as an eternal tradition. Our destined mission is to accomplish liberation! Only then can we fulfill Family Pledge number eight, which is to achieve the ideal of God and human beings united in love through absolute faith, love and obedience now that we have entered the Completed Testament Age. Only when this unity has been achieved can we strive to perfect the realm of liberation of God's kingdom on earth and in heaven.