Sun Myung Moon
January 19, 2011
Cheong Hae Garden
Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. Rev. Katsumi Kambashi
(Looking at his agenda book) "The first day when Cheon Il Guk was open was Oct. 1, 2001. This was the most valuable day during 21 years. (Showing his book) It is written so here. This is not my day but the Foundation day for the Nation of the Unified World. It is the number 13 (10 +3). This means to go beyond the number 12 that symbolizes 12 moths and 365 days.
"Then what is the Foundation day for the Nation of the Unified World? (Reading the book) First, it is 'the coronation ceremony of God's kingship and the beginning of the New Heaven and New Earth.' Second, 'Foundation Day and Us.' Third, 'Resurrection of the Whole World for the Unification of the Spirit and Physical World.' I have eight articles in total here, and the last one is '430 Japanese members.' (Continuing to read it) 'World leaders' meeting on Nov. 16, 2001. Direction: (To establish) the Family Party.'"
"There is the 'nature-centered era,' the 'human-centered era,' the 'God-centered era,' and the 'era of the resonating heart. The world of emotion does not just exist in the air. All creatures have emotions too. Cows and dogs are trying to protect their owners from tigers even they know they will be killed."
Hyung Jin Nim at the Press Center on Jan. 18, 2011
Hyung Jin Nim joined a meeting held by journalists from newspapers and broadcasting media at the Press Center in Seoul on Jan. 18, 2011. He answered questions such as True Parents' kingship, True Fathers' physical exercise, the Blessing with people in the spirit world, his Buddhist background etc. They showed their strong curiosity about Unificationism and the meeting was in a friendly atmosphere from beginning to end.