Sun Myung Moon
February 20, 1981
Speech upon Completion of American Sisters CARP Condition
Photo date and location unknown
Those of you who have come back from CARP, please raise your hands. All those ladies, please stand up. Was it better to go out as you did, or would it have been better if you hadn't? Do you think that the junior members should follow your trend? Does anyone want to go back instead of coming home? It seems that you like what you have done, and that you are happy to have done it. Is that right?
No one ever told you to do so before. If others had been told to do this, they would not have gone. So this is the first time in history for such a thing. The resolution here now is that the will of God is more important than your own husband, your own family. But how could you feel that way? As long as you live, you can help your husband and family live, but even though you live, there is no guarantee that you can make America live.
What you have done is really a landmark. It is tradition. The tradition is here to stay, and millions of people afterwards will continue in that tradition. America and the world will be made to live.
Eve's position is especially important. Because of her, both husband and son have been lost. Therefore, in order to indemnify and restore, such a course is inevitable. At the same time, you have really come to know the value of your husband and family. Centering on you, your husband and children will become completely one and be completely united on the family level.
Therefore America has a hope for life. Your family can now come together in complete unity, and because of that the spirit world can now support your family so that whatever your family does, it will be on the national level.
Now that you have come home, it is your time to serve your husband and your family the same way as before but on a different level. The feeling of love that you had for your husband twenty-one months ago and now is on a different level. Now it is more elevated. Because you have been persecuted, now that you have come back you will persevere to a greater degree than before towards your husband in order to set your husband's course straight and to help him carry on. While you were out, what was your experience of persecution?
Even if your husband would treat you in a worse way that that, you should persevere and help him. You will now get a much better result. You might have a quick mouth resulting from some complaint or feeling of resentment. Instead of refraining from speaking and persevering, you might speak out. Can you now keep from speaking out? Do you feel confident that you will not do so? I might call all the husbands in different areas and instruct them to bother you! Will you still be able to keep it up? Will you listen to your husband better now?
All you men folks, are you glad to have your wives back? Do you really have that glad feeling for Eve missing the son and husband that she lost, and for God missing His lost children because of Eve? In view of this event, you should be able to renew that feeling and have a deepened sense of God's sorrow for His lost children. Did you do countdowns for so many days left? Did you watch the calendar? Prison inmates keep track of the days, and when the day of release is approaching, they go mad. Many go insane only one week before the time. If the feeling you have now lasts for the rest of your life, then going t, prison would not be so bad at all! Such people are so much better off than those who have not gone to prison. They can realize the value of free life on a much higher level than those who never suffered and therefore never knew.
Restoring the past
Naturally what happens is that you, by going through all the family mishaps of the past, must have such an inclusive experience that the past can be wiped out. In past history, women experiencing the same thing as you but without your ideals would have run away from home, forsaking their husband and even giving up their children. Such things have taken place, as you can imagine, especially when the husband makes his wife work very hard. But the woman who withstands this difficulty can in fact cherish her husband. This is the standard I am looking for. Especially in America, where the customs are different, it is difficult to do that. But now, all the more, you will care about your family and your husband. And that you have come to do this is in itself something amazing.
You have heard a lot about indemnity, but restoring by indemnity is nothing conceptual at all. It is something so real. There can't be anything more real, and you have to go through it. I am really dubious about what percent of our own members have a true feeling about paying indemnity; I think perhaps only a few people understand that we have to pay various levels of indemnity from the individual through the cosmic levels. Did you ever feel that you would die if you did not complete this twenty-one month course?
Those who are coming from CARP and have just arrived, come forward and sit here. Are you able to persuade those who do not want to go now that they will be better off by the time they get back? Do you have that real confidence? Does this mean that I do not have to be here but that you can do this by yourselves? Do you think that you can decide a schedule for yourselves to go out and follow the same trend?
Would you actually say that you are confident in doing so? This means that I do not have to stimulate you but that by your own experience, you can persuade each other that after all this was not a loss but a gain. This is not even the beginning of this tradition. As you may know this started in Korea. Right after that in Japan, as you are fully aware, the 777 couples were separated for many years before they joined together and started having families. All the while, I had a strong feeling that if this is a crime, then there could be no worse crime that I could commit. I felt this deeply. In Korea there were similar instances which were also vital. Of course, some husbands left right away because their wives were not there and they didn't have faith, and so forth. Many different things happened during this time, but to me this was to be expected because it was dictated by indemnity.
Paying indemnity is real
As I just mentioned briefly, restoring by paying indemnity is nothing conceptual. It has, in every minute detail, involved actual feelings, actual workings, and actual situations which have to be gone through before reaching the g al. Why, then, restore by paying indemnity? Is it necessary? Why don't we just restore without indemnity? Because Satan is there! If Satan were not there, then restoring by paying indemnity would not be needed. Since there is Satan, indemnity is needed to separate from him. Look at the world. Does it belong to God or does it belong to Satan? Certainly Satan is everywhere in this fallen world. Therefore indemnity is needed in every place, everywhere. Restoring by paying indemnity is done by recreating. To be saved is to be recreated, and to be restored is to be recreated. It has the same meaning. We know that being saved means to be restored. We are restored by paying indemnity and by paying indemnity we separate from Satan, and therefore push the boundary forward by regaining ground inch by inch. The ground we gain has nothing to do with Satan's claim. Although God cannot have complete dominion, He can form an area which is under the heavenly dominion which Satan cannot have anything to do with. We can expand this realm. This is what we accomplish by establishing conditions of indemnity.
Throughout the history of the Old Testament era, restoration was made through material goods. Through the offering, the family that is making it is connected to that offering. This was always at the family level but there is an upper level, a national level, where a specific offering is set. In Korea, we see that once or twice a year, the whole village will come to make an offering. That is a village-level offering. At the national level, we can see, too, that when the day comes for an offering to be made, all the patriots or persons who have served the country become the central figures in all the different localities; they all connect and make the offering for the nation. The whole country is connected to that offering.
Therefore there was a system where the head of 100 people, or the head of 1,000 people, such as a high priest, represented the country, and all people came under his representation. The one with the most heart for that purpose was the one to prepare the offering and actually dedicated the offering.
The character of an offering
For an offering, you must always take the best. Suppose you are offering an animal. It should not be an animal with a deformity. It must be a perfect animal, the best commodity of its kind, certainly something better than the best of what is eaten. If a cow is offered, it is bathed and kept clean for many days. You take better care of the offering than of your husband or loved ones. Often, a housewife, not so faithful and not understanding the real intent of her husband, would blame him. "What does this mean? Do you cherish the cow more than me?" the wife often complained. But he knew he was doing right because he knew that all the family was directly connected with that cow.
We have various notions about Noah building an ark on a mountain, but what do you think is likely? Do you think that while Noah was building the ark everything went smoothly and his family supported him? Certainly not. Every single moment, he was considered a madman, a crazy person. The entire family had a very simple and ready reason to blame him. "Why in the world, if you are going to build a boat, why don't you build it at the ocean? Why on the top of a mountain?" So, they thought he was crazy. Of course they heard that it had something to do with God but why would God build the boat on top of the mountain? Everyone at one time or another has felt this way. And even after the ark was completed, they made angry proclamations.
Noah must have said, "Now you good-for-nothings, it is completed, so get in." But probably he had to beat them to get them in. That is what Noah must have done. And the wife, who had been kind of unpleasant for 120 years, thought, "Well, he hasn't hit me before, so I guess I should persevere this time."
That is most likely what she felt. He dragged everyone in. God was looking down at that time and He was furious. God felt that this wasn't right and that she didn't deserve to enter, but because of Noah's obedience, God did not chase her away from the ark but let her stay.
This means that even though everyone opposes the person who is responsible, if he has done the work right, once he has completed it, he can be very strict because very soon, everyone will understand. This applies to you and your leader, also.
After your leader has established a condition which he knows works, then all other people who do not know might complain. At that time, he can chase the people in or out. They go out to do their missions, but never happily. They go out crying. But once they go out and learn what is in store for them, it's all right. This is not just in our time, but throughout history. I have given Noah's ark as an example. Restoring by paying indemnity was always this way. There is often no place for conventional wisdom.
When Abraham parted from his family, he did it in the night. He just packed up a few things and left. If he were going, why didn't he go in the daytime and say goodbye? But he literally fled in the night. Why did he have to do that? Certainly there were complaints about this the next day.
Jacob worked very hard and he was deceived. He received only a fraction of what he deserved. You may work ten times harder than you are supposed to and then get only one-tenth back, but if you are not working as you should and try to get payment right away, it is deception. It is not right.
There may be a person who is apparently doing good work but all the people come out and strike him once a day for many years. One day that person surprisingly hits back.
Then the people around him say, "Oh, he is right. For once, he is right." He had to keep working for everyone to see that what he was doing was not wrong, but that he was being persecuted. Then, at the proper time, he can strike back, but never before. The true properties of sacrifice are such that it is the thing that Satan hates most. What Satan hates most is for you to be meek and humble, sacrificing and serving. These are the things that Satan doesn't like. Yet we don't mind because by doing this we get to the right place, and in doing so, we make Satan drop away.
Sacrifice in the Biblical ages
If all the Israelites had assembled and had dedicated an offering through the high priest, then the whole country would become one with the offering and they would have been successful. However, the people didn't have faith in the priest. "We don't want anything to do with the high priest. That's his doing," they said. If the Israelites had understood, then they could never have separated into two like they did. In the Old Testament era, for two thousand years until the coming of the Messiah, there was a continuation of this kind of offering on various levels. By doing this and setting a good example, even the pagans could come under the direct influence of the Messiah.
In the New Testament era the person, not the goods, becomes the offering. Jesus made himself an historic offering so all would become one with him and cherish him, never separating from him. This is history. The first commandment in Jesus' time was that: whoever loved anyone more than Jesus himself was not worthy of him; that means even son, daughter, husband, wife, and parents. More attention was to be given to Jesus than to them. So even you can judge very simply. Is not this the quality of what the offering should be? If you were less connected to the offering and more strongly connected to Satan, where would you be?
A man devoted to Jesus would not show preference to his country, to a beautiful woman, to wealth, or to power. He would not take even a king's throne. And this choice is not even for a glorious Jesus, but for a bleeding and suffering Jesus. Yet many chose him. Why? They chose him because by doing so, they could chase Satan away. That's the fastest way to separate from Satan.
That person has gladly chosen to believe in Jesus. By doing that, he will have paid the indemnity condition. By choosing this way, perhaps he would someday have to go to the cross just as Jesus did, but he doesn't mind. He does what he must to go the same path as Jesus. By having faith in Jesus, one will attain the same effect as he did. 'From all the various levels, the village and county level, the state level and higher levels, all the ministers will come into one national level. And even going beyond that, all Christianity must come into unity at this focal point by making the offering of the person himself. If many Christian denominations are in opposition, then that much will be returned to Satan, and it is likely that the whole offering will go to Satan.
In the second coming of the Messiah, his chief role will be the highest priest, and he will lead all the churches. Then all will go along with him completely, saying, "What you do is right. We obey. We will follow you." That high priest will say, "Let us all offer ourselves just as Jesus did." And everyone will agree to that. There will be no opposition. Just as Jesus did, so should we do, with no objection. But there may be a person who doesn't want to do that. He may think, "You do that, but I won't." Then all that is attached to him will be drawn to Satan. What will the chief priest do then? He will grab hold of him and pull him in. Even though he doesn't want to, he will do it because that is the only way to separate from Satan. And after he realizes what has happened, he will be grateful to the chief priest.
The time of the Second Advent has come, but the world is not ready. Everyone is still too ignorant. And the Christians are also too ignorant. Don't count on them. Through the establishment of the Unification Church, we will help play the role of the Christian faith. This is real indemnity. The Unification Church will re-indemnify just as Jesus did. In the Old Testament era, what did people do? Didn't they give up all property for the sake of God? This is precisely what the Unification Church is doing. Everything that belongs to you was received from God. Some gave up property. For others, the sacrifice was parents, sons and daughters. After indemnifying vertically, then we must indemnify horizontally by offering all things and people at one time. So as individuals, what do we have to do? We have no property. It is already dedicated to God. We have no family. So if I'm told to go, I'll go, and if I'm told to come back, I'll come back. This is what the Unification Church is supposed to be.
Photo date and location unknown
Understanding will come
Where are our parents now? They do not yet stand in the perfected parents' position and the children therefore do not stand in the perfected children's position. So this is where we are. You go out on the street to witness and to fundraise. You are never stationed in one place, but neither am I. I go to different countries all over the world. We are all on the move now). But one thing is for sure: we are going on a track. We are following a mystical track and we are going straight toward the goal. So even though there is a lot of sacrifice, it really doesn't matter since what we have to do is achieve the goal. If you continue, then people will come to realize that, after all, what the Moonies are doing is not wrong or bad. More and more they will understand and more and more we will let the people know that God is at the center of what we are doing. If you were doing this only on the national level, it would be easier.
But we are doing this on a world level. So we represent all five continents and all five colors of skin. Although we are of different races, the feeling is uniform. We all go fundraising, we all go witnessing, and we sacrifice ourselves. We are the resurrected body of the Old Testament, New Testament, and Completed Testament eras. While we are perfecting ourselves, we should never fail as a perfect object. Doesn't it stand to reason? By acting this way, we will be separated from Satan's world and a new heavenly world will be established.
That is the mission of the Unification Church and that is the way that I am directing the church. On the day we enter the Unification Church, all of a sudden we find ourselves with nothing we can call our own. We are not concerned about property, but where are we going to settle for the first time as restored people? This is our desire. If you have property but no place to stay, what good is it? As when I came to America from Korea, we cannot say where or when will be our permanent settlement.
Home church: our true home
We know that our permanent settlement is home church. When we accomplish home church, then we no longer have to go witnessing from place to place. That is where we establish our permanent residency. We will witness there, we will fundraise there, and we will live there. You can meet all needs in one place. So in this dispensation the reasoning is that there is nothing better than that. Compared to home church, what good would it do to go to the seminary or to obtain a Ph.D.? No matter how great you May be, what good will it do without home church? Even though you may go to some school, you are still drifting. You never know in the next moment where you are going to go. This home church permanent settlement did not come automatically. You have to work out all the aspects of restoration. The focus on home church is what mankind has been committed to for all of history. Therefore home church is the gospel of all gospels.
In other aspects, what is home church? Home church is like the same ground that I have been covering throughout the world, only it is mini-sized. Your 360-home area represents all different races and countries so that you do worldwide home church in your home church area just as I did physically all around the world. I went through seven years of tribulation on the world level.
What you will be experiencing is seven years' tribulation on the home church level. And if, within this seven years' tribulation you become successful, this means that you will save America and the entire world. That is exactly what I have been doing between 1974 and 1980; namely, seven years of tribulation at the world level. You as the blessed couples are the core members of the Unification Church. Can you understand theoretically what I have been explaining to you about the Unification Church: the Old Testament, the New Testament, and Completed Testament eras; the Unification Church role to indemnify all that; the nature of home church; the comparison between my home church and your own; and my seven years of tribulation?
Do you really understand what I am talking about? All blessed couples must clearly know this. Also I am saying that I have completed my mission. I have gone through this seven-year tribulation; I have been saying for a couple of years, especially lately, that I have now completed my mission in America. In another aspect, by beginning the second 21-year course, you can do it in seven years. It doesn't have to take 21 years. We have a guarantee that if we follow God's direction, it can be done in seven years. But if we don't take heed, then it may very well take 21 years, not seven. My plan was to do everything in seven years, but the persecution and opposition were so great that it wasn't done in that time. That is why it took me 21 years.
Our course
But now the road has leveled so much that you can do it in seven years. As blessed families, do you clearly know the significance of home church? This is the end-result of the resurrection based on the years of the Old Testament era, the years of the New Testament era, and my 60 years of work. Now I am leaving it to you. If we don't have a strong desire and yet obey, it still counts. We get credit for it. But what if we do it willingly? All of the spirit world will come and help us.
That is the difference. If you are happy to do the task, if you have strong desire to fulfill God's will, if you are on fire just as I am, I can guarantee that it will take no longer than seven years. Do you understand this point? One time you thought that as blessed couples you would come into a grand new era. Surely you are there, but things have not gotten better. So you may think, "Why do I have to do this?" We have to understand what Jacob had to go through, what the Israelites had to follow as an example, and the path that Jesus had to go. All Christians have to go this way. What I have to go through now, all. Unification Church members have to go through.
Then what is my path, anyway? I had to go the same way as Jesus because I had to re-indemnify Jesus' course. I will have to go exactly the same path because I must re-indemnify not just in concept but in reality. I must retrace Jesus' course. Of course it will take a very Jong time to explain in detail what I actually did, but I have already re-indemnified Jesus' course. Therefore, if there is any failure, we will have to fault the Unification Church. At one time, every single person in Korea opposed me.
I went to prison. In 1957 I went on a fast and started a completely new Unification Church witnessing program and for four years really stirred up the whole country by sending Unification Church members to every corner of every village. At the end of that period, I was rejected and scorned the same as Jesus was. I was accused of breaking up the Christian religion, of breaking up families, and also of breaking up the country. "A traitor to the country," "A traitor to Christianity;" every bad name that you can think of was directed towards me. Nowadays the establishment doesn't kill people so easily, but it was the same as being killed. The only way to go was the way of crucifixion.
The first 21-year course
On the basis of conditions set, our holy matrimony took place. Then 36 couples were blessed. This was the restoration of the ancestry. On that foundation, I went on to the world dispensation. Right after that, I proclaimed the 21-year course. 2,000 years of physical indemnity were condensed to 200 years. Even those 200 years were indemnified and further condensed to 21 years. God's Day was founded on the foundation of Parent's Day, Children's Day, and the Day of All Things. Centering on my family, all indemnity conditions were achieved. By doing this, all the blessed families can take the example of my family and make similar preparations. From 1970 to 1973, for three years, all the Korean blessed couples had to go out just as you did. On this foundation, I was enabled to continue with the real workings of the world dispensation, which started in 1973.
During that time, we had to impress deeply on the minds of the people of Korea that if all Korean people lived just like Unification Church members, their families would survive. We showed by example. And we showed not only by explanation but by deeds. Even though living conditions were very poor and virtually impossible, still we went out and worked so hard, shedding tears and sweat for the sake of Korea.
We did so in order that the country would survive. On the foundation of what 'was done in Korea, I came to America in 1973 to do the same thing on the world level. In 1973 Korea was in the Jewish position on the spiritual level whereas in America the dispensation was on the physical level. The first period of world dispensation lasted precisely 3½ years, from the day I started the dispensation in April 1973 up until September, 1976. This was the peak of the entire world's opposition to me. Since this was the peak, it couldn't go any higher, and it is coming down now. Note the 444 days until the release of the hostages and the inauguration of the President for a 4-year periods at his age of 70 years.
Your mission successful
This is the worldwide, universal family time, and from the time that I chased you out into the world, you are the center of that family. This is really an historical situation. I must stand on the victorious foundation of the family. Without this event, without you being able to achieve and accomplish successfully I, in other words., the American Church, cannot have a foundation on which to begin. Therefore I stand on the successful completion of your mission. This is your time. This formula is no man's invention. It is here for us to follow precisely, day-by-day and year-by-year. Three and one-half years were condensed into 21 months. On this foundation, the door to home church is wide open.
This brings us to the conclusion that since I stand on a firm foundation, I can now have time for my family. Until this very moment, I have been loving the Cain sons and daughters, namely mankind, more than my own sons and daughters. I dedicated everything I had, even my last penny, for the world dispensation, not for my personal use. From this time on, I can now begin to have my own personal property. I can divert my love to my own children without anyone blaming me. You might really ask me to come to you, but I may not. This is a time for shifting priorities. I can make money for my own use. I may not respond to your requests. On the other hand, if your whole clan requests me to come to them, then I might go.
Why is home church necessary? There is another aspect. How are you ever going to accommodate not only Mother and I but also our entire family? You won't have big enough grounds. However, if you have home church, this is a world unto itself, and here you can easily accommodate me. When your 360-home church is successful, then you can invite my whole clan to come.
Since they will move in, where will you find a house which can accommodate them? All 360 homes will vacate for that time so I can do as I will. At that time, you can make the stand that heaven is expecting of you. That is the principle of restoration through indemnity. If Mother and the children come to your home, they should be able to do whatever they want. You can do the same with your successors.
Home church: your foundation
Without serving the True Parents properly you cannot go to heaven. However, you cannot do this without a foundation. Home church is your foundation. So you should feel grateful to your home church. You have been serving me by doing as you have but from now on, without having a home church foundation, there is no way that you can continue to serve me. The chief of the village is the village messiah, the county chief is the county messiah, the province has a messiah at that level, and the president is the country messiah. Without being in this position, there is no way to connect. Without the accomplishment of home church, you will not qualify to participate in these meetings. You can't go to heaven, either.
This is a kind of training. We practice the love of heaven more than the love of our own family. Do you understand the significance of home church? The blessing can come only on the foundation of home church. You are to become a chief of 144,000 people as recorded in the Bible in Revelation.
The purpose of indemnity is to separate ourselves from Satan. In my late teens and early twenties, my course of indemnity took place chiefly in Japan. I dealt with Satan also in my prison experience in North Korea as well as in South Korea. America, too, is looking for a chance to do the same to me. The struggle against North Korea was on the level of the individual separation from Satan. Centering on Korea, I am indemnifying the family, the clan, and up to the national level. After that, here in America, the separation from Satan is on the world level. Now the spiritual world and the physical world are very much in contact.
Therefore through your home church you should be in close contact with the spiritual world. In this respect, home church is your altar through which you can make proper offerings not only on an individual level but on all levels including the family, clan, nation and spirit world levels. You can do this all at one time in 3½ years if everything goes right, and 7 years at the most if we follow faithfully. So during this time, we really have to be faithful and think of nothing but the successful years to come. During this time if you complain against me or complain against your superior, how can you work successfully in God's plan in the home church area? You have to observe all complaints and digest them.
No more barriers
If you are successful with your 360 homes, then wherever you go, Satan will make way for you. He will not counter you. When you become master of your 360 homes, there is no restriction in your travel, not even internationally. If you go to South America or to Africa, there will be no barrier. Just think. It is not that difficult to evangelize the entire world. All you... would have to do is tune in to one TV station and it will be carried instantly to the most remote corner of the world. Everyone will understand the Divine Principle at one time. After that, there will be no boundaries between nations. Everything will occur automatically.
You should be accepted so much that you don't have to call up your home church members to tell them you are coming. They should not be able to close you off by saying, "You did not call, so you can't come in." Home church should be open. We have to bring the people up in that way. Throughout history, man waited and waited to separate himself, let alone his family, from Satan. Now it is finally possible. We are avenging the entire history of what Satan has done to God's people. Now it is at your fingertips to do this. Your family also can be completely separated from Satan, and you can enjoy God's love. You can stand up against Satan. You can fight against that very Satan that has been deterring you from going towards Gods and winning. Because of Satan's role in the Garden of Eden, mankind was destroyed. Have you ever thought of home church in that context? Even if you don't have time to eat, still home church must have priority. Sometimes you feel great urgency to go to the bathroom. Home church has to be that urgent. So whenever you are very hungry and can't wait any longer to eat, and whenever you feel the urgency to go to the bathroom, then think about these words today. You must feel even more urgency about home church.
As was emphasized in the Bible, wives are the ones who wait for the Messiah more than the grooms. Now at this time you hear about the groom. But have you heard much about the groom in the Bible? Coming home after a successful 21 months, you have to convert your archangel into Adam. You must understand this clearly. Now the men must really work hard. By doing so, we can perfect ourselves and fulfill indemnity. Throughout these thousands of years, the major religions, namely the Jewish and Christian religions, have done such a meaningful and important work. But now all the pieces can come together into a complete whole. A full explanation is offered so that you know everything from A to Z.
Until this time, people did not know about restoration through indemnity. You and I should feel free to communicate everything together. You have to become like a child to go to heaven. There should be no boundaries between the minds of parents and their children. I can freely talk to any race. If you can freely communicate, that is heaven. The races should come closer together.
Our white members should think really deeply to be matched to black. We have to feel that way at the very beginning point. It is not for sure that you will be blessed with black or white. But gradually you will feel that if you are matched to another white it will be OK, too.
Start from the worst imaginable, thinking that if you are blessed with that person, it will be all right. Then if you receive a good one, of course, it will be very good. But you have to always start from there. This is the principled point of view. You can never compromise with the principle. In every area you have to expect the worst and prepare to love that.
Now you know indemnity and restoration. This is conceptual to a degree because we never have done that yet. In other words, what we have been thinking will become a reality. And that is home church. America is good for doing home church on the world level because there are at least twelve different racial backgrounds here. There are probably many more. That is restoring by indemnity.
You know the clear path
Now do you know about home church? Why did I chase you out for twenty-one months? Do you understand that better now? Even I am very much under that law. That is why I do what I do. How great it is! You are told everything. But I had to find one piece after another in the pitch darkness, re-indemnify, and teach other people to do it. If what you are going to do is the true way, how can you ever complain? You didn't even have to go out and discover all of this, to make the foundation. You didn't have to do anything except listen to what you are supposed to do. How hard God had to work! How Jesus and his followers had to sacrifice and shed blood! How many thousands of people have been killed!
Without having to go through any part of that, you know clearly and you are even given the green light. Can you say that it is too difficult for you? If you know as much as you do and yet cannot do it, you can expect judgment from God and heaven. You have to feel like that. You are in the direct avenue to God. The people of the world cannot figure me out, and so they labelled me as crazy, insane. But you know me better than anybody else. Am I really crazy? God is that much misunderstood. He is on our side.
I will assign all the women who came back to home church areas. So I welcome you back by giving you an additional burden. But you must think that this is an additional blessing. To this we must all hail "Amen."
The Koreans really worked hard in this country. You may wonder what the Koreans have done for this country. But when you talk to them, you find that they say unexpected things. Once they talk to you, your eyes are really opened. Once you ignite them, the tears flow from their hearts. By working skin to skin with me, they have many feelings. It so happens that I am Korean. I have to be something, after all. How are you going to inherit the national level without this understanding?
Through the Korean and Japanese members you will get an inheritance. On that foundation you can go to the international level. That is the historical way; that is the traditional way. But so far you have been complaining about the Koreans and Japanese. They think deeper than you and they have been working harder. I only speak on special occasions now. I have said things today which I haven't said before. Through whom are you going to learn these kinds of things? That person is likely to speak Korean or Japanese. They are your brothers and sisters. You are about to go to the world level dispensation. But without having a solid foundation from the individual to the national level you cannot do that. This is what the Japanese and Koreans have been doing and once they accomplish it, they won't stay here but will go right back where they came from. This is the way I feel.
You are very much in the archangel's position. What will you do? Go straight to the world level and be victorious. I was always poor. I was always at the front of the front line. You have to inherit that kind of tradition. After that, you can be victorious always. That is completely compatible with the path of the principle. Maybe now you can understand more than ever how special my course has been. This is what history has been suffering. I have put everything together and worked it out.
The glory of home church
Now the gate of home church is open. You must clearly understand the glory of home church. Let's say America won a huge war. But compared to the victory of the heavenly dispensation, which is more glorious? In your own home church area, you will shoot up a rocket which will go further than the moon, right into the heart of God. Outside, we go to the moon, but inside we go to the sun. Home church is your base, and I set a fire to ignite you. How great it is! So far I have been a dreamer in the eyes of the world, but how fantastic the reality will be! So I am really a great realist. Let us go quickly up to the standard.
In the fifth section of Our Pledge we say that we are proud of the one sovereignty, people, language, culture, parents, and blood lineage of God. It progresses from outer to inner. Home church will: realize that. We will be glad to sacrifice everything for these things. Everything is there. Sovereignty, people, land, language and culture, parents, blood race, and even heart. What I am painstakingly doing is helping you to become the same blood. I am recreating you in Abel's position. Now do you feel that you are recreated? Everything about you is changing.
The most comprehensive talk
Your view of the dispensation can change completely while I speak. If I were not confident in the ultimate goal, I would not have started the Unification Church. In essence, this is the most comprehensive talk I have ever given. It is a most historical talk. You understand home church better than at any time before. I have talked so much about home church; I am getting tired of it! But you should be burning with enthusiasm for home church. There is everything in home church. There is sovereignty, land, people, language, culture, parents, heart, everything. Once you accomplish that, you can go everywhere, at least in the spirit world. When you go to spirit world, the first question will be if you have accomplished home church. Your offspring will blame you if you are not successful. There is already so much accusation because Adam and Eve failed. How much their offspring have suffered and complained.
In every cell I felt how much I would be blamed in the future if I failed. So I tried desperately. I become immediately dubious when things go easily. When I am persecuted, I feel that it is the natural state of affairs and know I am on the right course.
I know how difficult your situation is. I was careful not to have you settle down until this point. But now you can do so through home church. From now on I can choose anywhere to go and live. Nobody can blame me. If I should want a tankful of running beer to drink, glass after glass, no one is in a position to criticize me. This doesn't mean that I am going to do such a thing, but I am not afraid of it, either. Those home church goers will gladly and meaningfully go to home church and those who are beginning the 21- month course will gladly follow that tradition, too. Those who understand me and are grateful, raise your hand. Once you know clearly, shouldn't you act on it?
Those who have been living in the New Yorker cannot continue to live there and do home church, for the New Yorker is not home church. So you will move to your home church area. If you feel totally insecure about doing that yet I make you do it, that demonstrates our love for each other. When Abraham left home, did he get a loan from his parents? When you are leaving home, do you manage by yourself or do you say that you have not accumulated anything while in the church and ask me to provide for you? You might wish that you had known these things before. But that is the usual rule of indemnity. You never really understand the indemnity while you are doing it, only after you finish. First your Parents know and after you complete it, they let you know.
Home church has already been won. All we need to do is just try it. If you meet persecution, it is just a fraction of what it used to be, believe me. You may wonder how you can do home church. You will suffer for perhaps the first three or six months, but in no time at all you will quickly open the way. This is a reason why you should be all the more grateful for your home church. Are you going to go ahead with your cross on your shoulder, or will you leave it behind? I have gone with the cross on my shoulder, but you will be freed from your cross. If I had to go through the Himalayas, you will have to go through only the foothills.
Do you want and do you need your home church? If you do not do home church, you will become more and more isolated from society. Your home church members will help to take care of you. You won't have to worry about trifles. If they know the will of God, then they cannot but help you. Help each other as much as you can. Actually I am willing to help you, but if I do that, it is not so good for you.
Home church: the culmination Now you have come back to be praised for the fine work that you have done, but you get another burden. But home church is absolutely the last thing that I will say to you. This is the culmination of all. In your home church area you will know everything about everyone. You will know where everyone lives, what they eat, how much money they spend, etc. The mailman will come to you when he cannot find someone. Perhaps you will need a computer to keep track of everything.
If you set a good example, everyone will like the idea of home church. You need me as much as I need you. So it should be with your home church members. You know how hard you will have to work for that because you know from your own experience what it took to come close to me. When you come to your home church town, everyone will welcome you, just like you welcome us when we return from a trip. What a beautiful sight that is!
Once America becomes like this, we won't have to worry about the rest of the world because they will copy us. Many people who come from other countries to visit America will learn about home church here and will bring the idea back to their own countries. Each area will come into close unity with the person who is responsible for it. Once that happens, the economic problems of a nation can more easily be solved. In the U.S. we could tighten our belts and save 30%. Then we could increase foreign aid by an astronomical amount. Then America will be beyond accusation. That is the way God would have it.
Would you like to see me lead a good life from now on? I would rather live humbly because America still needs a lot of help. In the worldly sense, I have reason to be proud. But I would especially like to be proud of you. I would like to forget about any credit which is due me and give credit to you.