Blessing the 3.6 Million Couples 36 Million Couples

Sun Myung Moon
November 27, 1997


Originally, through our achieving the Blessing of 36 Million Couples, everything would be made flat. In order for any water to flow into the sea, it must reach that level first. What type of water flowing into the sea flows in the slowest? The waters of the great rivers are the slowest in flowing into the sea. Does it look like that? It flows in as slowly as possible because river water wants to be absorbed completely by seawater, which is the main body. Everything in nature moves and continues to exist according to the laws of heaven and earth. Then why would we begin to make faster progress after the completion of the Blessing of 36 Million Couples? That is because we have already reached the bottom of the mountain and the terrain has become flat. Since we have surmounted the peaks of formation and growth, in terms of the realm of Satan we have reached the point of surpassing the top of the growth stage. Isn't our next goal 360 million couples? That would be the realm of completion.

I cannot even say anything to you about this serious matter. If I told you what I know, you would descend to the depths of grief. I have had to reach my present solitary position all by myself. Who believed that we could accomplish 3.6 million couples? Chung Hwan Kwak! He did not believe it. No one believed it. I alone had faith that we could do it. Re-creation takes place under the orders of creation issued by God. Ezekiel was able to bring to life thousands of people from the valley of sand; from the valley of dry bones, Ezekiel brought to life an exceedingly great army. You must understand that the Almighty God is with us.

Is there a contest anywhere in the world that is completed in a single round? Yes, it is the one we just took part in and we have already beaten the opposition. Since we have already achieved victory, it follows that all your families have been victorious as well. The same is true for Korea. Even the North Koreans were mystified when I said that we would perform the Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples. They asked quite plainly, "That is a lie, isn't it? Isn't it a lie?" We had already accomplished it and yet they refused to believe that it was not a lie. If I were to tell them that this time, I have blessed 72 million people, wouldn't they fall over backwards in amazement? What would happen if they fell backwards? Once I save them from a bad fall, they will have to listen to me. Such a time has come at last.