Backdo (White Island)

Sun Myung Moon
Circa 1999
Compiled by Taekon Lee


We can learn a great deal from the ocean

1. Like the ocean, we should live while embracing the universe

When you visit the ocean, you can learn many things. It undergoes changes several times a day. There is a saying, “A person’s mind changes morning to evening,” but the ocean does not change only morning and evening, it changes every hour. Even on a fine day, if you go to a certain area, the waves would be mild. Yet when you go to another area, the wind would be blowing. It would not be a strong wind, but different in mood. Just as peoples’ faces are all different, so are water and mountains. Climate also differs depending on the height of the mountain. The ocean exhibits beauty in all sorts of forms and figures. (263-18, 1994.8.16)

I enjoy nature. I love the ocean. You do not know how mysterious the ocean is. The drops of water are all like diamond gems. As each glitters, it would proudly say, “We belong to Rev. Moon. Water has more value than diamonds.” Why would the water boast in that way? It would say, “Without me, life would not have been formed in this universe. Because I exist, high and low things can be made level.” Do you realize how uneven the ocean is? And yet it instills a good feeling because the water makes everything even. The ocean also gives off a blue hue that an observer would never grow weary of over a period of thousands or tens of thousands of years. Blue is the color of consolation.

Why did God create the color blue? You will not be exhausted; no matter how long you gaze at the color blue. It is the color of consolation. It is the same in all of creation. The sky is blue, and the ocean is blue. How ideal! Once you are immersed in God’s love, everything including people and the world of nature would become your friend.

Once you know nature’s character, you see that it never changes. But human nature takes on all sorts of forms and shapes. It is one way today, but changes the next. That’s why there is a saying, “A person’s mind changes morning and evening, yet mountain scenery never changes.” A person’s mind changes in the morning and the evening. What use are human beings? They are not even as good as animals. (177- 274, 1988.5.20)

The ocean embraces the universe. Its water evaporates and gathers, becomes clouds and covers the mountains, becoming their friend. Then it showers rain from above and spreads out in all four directions. Water is an amazing thing. It does not rest. It should be tired from moving around for tens of thousands of years. I love the ocean. There are no deceptions in nature. If it is high, it is high. If it is low, it is low.

Nature will provide, without objection, to the high places. Since I have learned from nature, I also provide without any objections. When I go to a foreign land and find people who have less than I do, I would open my storehouses and share all my rice, even they were to become depleted. It is to make things even. I learned all that from the water. That is why I like water. (300-141, 1999.3.2)


What would happen if the sky, ocean, plants, and everything else were blue? You would suffocate. Imagine if they were yellow or your favorite color. You would immediately tire of it. Even if you replace it with another color, you would soon tire of it. Green is another color of consolation. Why do people like the color green? The existing world is in harmony with the color green. That is why there are many colors in the soil. The color of soil is usually close to green. That is why it is logical to say that we, who were made out of the soil, would like the color green. That is how you may think. Since God knew that, He made the sky and ocean blue. Everything was created in harmony with the color green, centering on human beings. How wonderful this is! (119-168, 1982.7.18)

The ocean, when calm, is mystifying and has the power to draw people in like a captivating, beautiful woman who is like a queen of mystery. The ocean may look silver, but it also takes on a jade color. At other times, the ocean takes on different hues. When the gentle breeze rustles by, the beauty of the ripples takes my breath away. No matter how well a dancing girl dances, her beauty does not come near to that. To see a dancer, you have to see her dance on a stage, but a stage is too small.

On the other hand, the ocean’s stage spreads out to infinity. Do you know how vast the ocean’s stage is? The ocean can be like a beautiful woman or a dancing girl, but once it becomes angry it can be more frightening than a tiger or a lion rushing towards you in the wilderness. Think about it. When waves that are tens of meters high come rushing in, the cry of a seagull stands not a chance. The ocean roars, “No matter how well you sing, no matter how great a stage actor you may be, you do not stand a chance before my majestic vigor.” The ocean’s might is imposing.

A speed boat easily glides across the sea when the water is calm. But when big waves come, it is impossible to move around. You just sit, wagging your tail and shaking your head, tossed about by the waves as they come. You have no power over them. (128-249, 1983.8.28)

The power of nature is great. That is why people who love the ocean cannot be arrogant. The ocean has that kind of greatness. If you open the doors to the ocean and look inside, you will find all kinds of fish living there, from fish that are gold in color to fish that are yellow and blue, and even fish that are colorless. When you compare the land with the ocean, which is more beautiful? The land, with its variety of birds, flowers and butterflies, is beautiful, but limited. Flowers do not move. Compared with the profusion of beautiful sea creatures that dance about in dazzling, brilliant colors, these things are somewhat dull. So which is more beautiful, the land or the ocean? The ocean is more beautiful. Why did God create this thing called water? We can say that water is a special amusement device for God to enjoy. He hid its depths away and did not open it to the public. When you observe creation in this way, you can conclude that God probably had more interest in the ocean than the land.

People who think about the future take more interest in the ocean than the land. God’s interest is in the future ideal family that has yet to emerge. That is why, rather than focusing His interest in the things that have appeared on earth in history, it is inevitable that God should take interest in the marine world that focuses on the future. This would make sense. With this perspective, we could say that people who think about the ocean are people who envision the future, and they will greatly increase. (128-249, 1983.8.28)

The freedom one has when sitting with a fishing rod is beyond description. Would you be able to take a walk in that situation? You only have a small space in which to move about and cook your meals. Could you go to the theater or go out to meet your friends? You cannot even listen to music because you need to be silent. That is why you must gaze at the ocean and talk with the sea and the heavens. It is the greatest feeling to be at sea alone in the very place where the ocean and heaven become one. I constantly go out to the sea to benefit spiritually and in all ways. If I stay at home the entire day, I become distracted and end up thinking about the world missionaries, church problems and other matters, yet only vaguely and in fragments. But when I go out to the sea, I can think more comprehensively. Because of this, I love the ocean a great deal. I believe that is why the phrase “the way of fishing” came about. (79-270, 1975.9.1)

Think about a married couple having intimate relations in the middle of the tranquil ocean. Would the ocean complain, “You no-goods, you are killing me!”? Groups of fish would come wagging their tails and watching that spectacle. All of creation longs for that kind of love. Everything in the natural world cries out, “Please come here, come to us!” and longs for people to make love there. You should have the heart to understand and feel this. If the master were to go to the top of a mountain covered with snow and make love there, nature would be pleased saying, “Our dear master makes love in such a beautiful way!” That is what creation wants. (235-277, 1992.10.11)


2. Life in the ocean is amazing and mystifying

The Black Current passes across four thousand miles based in the Pacific Ocean. It circulates over four thousand miles in one year and the force of its passage makes the five great oceans circulate. Were it not for this primal Black Current, the oceans would not be in motion. The Atlantic and Pacific are linked to the five great oceans because of the Black Current. (227-129, 1992.2.11)

Through these environmental circumstances, all five great oceans continue to live, without wasting away. (297-209, 1998.11.20)

No matter how large the river is, it flows to the ocean, and no matter how vast the ocean is, it follows the Black Current. Do you know what the Black Current is? The Black Current is a strong current of water that follows a four thousand mile path in the Pacific Ocean. Because of this powerful current, all the water currents in the five great oceans are alive and on the move. Only water that rides this current and circulates is qualified to become seawater. It is the same with human life. (220-201, 1991.10.19)

No matter how numerous, large or small, all the rivers flow toward the vast oceans. Once there, all their waters are mixed together. The Black Current flows in the Pacific and circulates for four thousand miles among the five great oceans. This is possible because of the moon’s gravitational pull. Because the Black Current circulates in this way, the five great oceans can all be in motion. It acts as the supporting pillar of the entire ocean system. When filth and other things come into the ocean waters, they are all mixed up and move towards becoming one. This is the purpose of the ocean. Even if a large river were to constantly supply fresh water for tens of thousands of years, the ocean has the authority to absorb it all and still have room to spare. The ocean is great because it stays unchanged, no matter what comes into it. (210-200, 1990.12.23)

After crossing the Pacific, do clouds from Japan say, “I don’t like the American clouds!” when they are about to merge with the clouds over America? The waters in Japan flow to the Pacific through the Black Current. When they approach the waters around America, do they say, “Ah!”? The Black Current flows four thousand miles in the Pacific Ocean. Does the Black Current distinguish between advanced nations and developing nations? Are there actual borders between nations? Then what is it with the human world? Anything that goes against the movements of nature will be broken. (268-26, 1995.2.7)


In the world of love, you have access to all places. Does the water in the Pacific think, “I am of the Pacific Ocean. The waters in Asia are all polluted. I do not like them!”? No matter where the waters come from, they all latch onto each other. If there were some dirty thing in its path, the ocean would mix the filth with its water, quickly dissolving it, while going along the same path. Therefore, no matter how severely the Pacific Ocean is polluted, even if humankind ceased to exist, the ocean waters would surely be as blue as ever. Even if it goes through tribulation and a course filled with twists and turns, the ocean water does not lose its blueness. In the same way, the authority, content, and power of love will always be blue. (214-273, 1991.2.3)

The Unification Church must become the main stream of the world and resemble the Black Current in the Pacific Ocean. The circulation of the Black Current through four thousand miles in the Pacific enables the waters in the five great oceans to circulate. To generate the life energy of the world from the universe, a source must be created that can turn and move the deepest of places. Through this, we must purify the tarnished world. (275-32, 1995.10.30)

You cannot imagine how fearsome and horrifying the waves and the winds are when a storm brews. But I believe that even the strongest wind is fulfilling its mission. Without wind there would be no waves in the ocean, and as a consequence, fish would not survive. The wind blows to supply oxygen to the ocean. Waves supply oxygen. That is why even when the waves are rolling and the wind is blowing strongly, you should taste the ocean and say, “You haven’t lost your taste!” The ocean is salty. I also think that I have not lost my touch. If I can think that way, then the currents and rushing waves are not unpleasant.

You do not realize how much philosophy can be found in the ocean. People who have only lived on land will face a considerable amount of obstacles when they try to engage in ideal activities in the other world. In the spirit world, you can ride on whales and swim with the fish. But if you do not like the ocean, you cannot do that. (119-252, 1982.9.13)

When you go out to the sea, you will fear the storms. Their waves are ferocious. Yet no matter how ferocious they are, they can be overcome when the power of love sets its sail. (110-102, 1980.11.9)


The ocean should not be still. Water does not die when it is moving. Even water poured into a bowl would last for eternity if it were moving. If it is in motion, it will not die. When a ship that is used for ocean fishing departs from port, it carries a year and a half or two years’ supply of water. Because of the waves that water sloshes about and would not spoil even if you drink it hundreds of years later. When water moves, it does not spoil. But when it stops moving, it soon spoils. Isn’t water truly unique? That is how it is with water. (296-200, 1998.11.9)

If you are going out to fish in the ocean, you must have a full supply of drinking water on your ship. You have to drink that water for a year and a half because you cannot drink salt water. If the water is in motion, it will not spoil for decades. Water must be in motion. That is why the Word of God must also be in motion. (291-88, 1998.3.5)

Why does water flow? It flows because it is not level. When water flows, it searches for the horizon. Water must go to the ocean. It must seek the horizon. (263-91, 1994.8.21)

Water must always be level. That is its characteristic. No matter how strong the wave, the ocean maintains a horizon. When you see the horizon, you want to tumble over it. You think, “Hey, I want to roll over it!” Since your body cannot do so, then you do this with a boat. Have you ever thought about that? Whatever you do on a horizon, even if you fall down, your head or hand will not be the first to be hit. You will hit it horizontally. That is possible with a horizon. Human beings need a horizontal line. (263-90, 1994.8.21)

Air and water are just like love. If there is a vacuum, the air in the world will be mobilized to fill it up. If there were a puddle, the ocean water would rush in to make it even. Air, water, and love always maintain their level. (264-316, 1994.11.20)

If we go out to sea, we naturally observe water. Water circulates. Fogs form in the morning above places with water. It becomes vapor in a low-pressure air system and does not rise up. The vaporized water condenses to become a fog. Water becomes mist. It then evaporates, becomes a cloud and circulates around the world. What would happen if there was no water in the ocean? Everyone would be frantic and no living being could survive. Think about the greatness of water. (263-78, 1994.8.21)

As you know, whenever I had time, I would always go out to sea. I would go out to sea and be harassed. Harassed as I was, I believe the purpose was to calm my spirit and prepare me for trials and a greater battle. Though I was exhausted from having gone without sleep, I kept my wits alert, set my own standard and made effort to keep from going in a different direction from that horizontal line. (73-270, 1974.9.29)

Air is always in motion. Hasn’t water also been in motion for tens of thousands of years? The ocean works on the same formula. Look at the ocean. How exhausted the water must be! Yet, not even once does water think it is tired. That is the formula for its survival. (207-18, 1990.10.21)

We can conclude that people who do not know the realm of the ocean are very limited in their sphere of happiness. If there is a Lord of Creation, He will enjoy hearing praise from people who appreciate both the mysteriousness of the sea and the beauty of the land, based on a correct knowledge of the land and sea. It is only reasonable to say that He would not approve of praise for only one aspect. (128-256, 1983.8.28)

You would certainly be grateful to the Creator if you consider that the ocean, land, and everything was created for educating humankind alone. (128-259, 1983.8.28)

When you look at the ocean, you should not regard it simply as the ocean. You should consider it a gift from our Heavenly Father. A great revolution can begin from the moment you begin to re-consider and re-experience everything in the course of re-creation. The value of a great victory can sprout from this point. (112-306, 1981.4.25)


3. The great power of nature lies in the ocean

I like things that are stimulating. I make breakthroughs at places where there is a lot of change. In this respect, the ocean is more appropriate than the land. At times, the wind blows in the ocean. At other times, the ocean is calm. The ocean is always changing, with rising and falling winds. That is why traveling on the sea is better than traveling on land.

When you walk on the land, your thoughts in the morning do not change at all. No matter how much you walk about, you can move in a dignified way, without using your hands. But that is not the case with the ocean. Even though you may wish to go a certain way, you are tossed about in one direction after another. That is how much it changes. You will find truly stimulating changes. When the sea is calm, its tranquility surpasses that of the land. It is serene to the point that it draws wonder from the observer. The ocean water can seem like glass. There are times when the ocean is so beautiful that you wish to touch it and even drink it. That is why the ocean is ever-changing. But still, you should continue with determination on your course. Without that kind of motivation, you cannot do great things. (79-270, 1975.9.1)

When you observe the bottom of the sea, you will discover fish that look like whales and halibuts. Also, you will see fish that look like catfish attached to the bottom of the ocean. This type of catfish’s head is larger than its body, and it has a large mouth. It nibbles and eats large objects and rotten things that flow by. This fish swallows it whole and then nibbles on it. If that is not enough, this fish sucks in bugs to eat. In this way, it is constantly contributing to the purifying process – the cleansing process.

There are 3,600 species of fish living in the Pantanal. That is 3,600 kinds of fish! And they all eat something different. All these fish are mixed together in the water and are tirelessly cleaning it up. You should realize that the act of eating is their cleaning work. All these fish do not exist for their own sake, but to bring order to the environment – to clean their surroundings as they live, helping one another. This constitutes a natural cooperative system. They are purifying the ocean water. The ocean should not just be salty. There should be fish that can eat the filthy things. What would we do with fish excrement? There are creatures that eat only dung. (293-283, 1998.6.7)

Fish are not the only creatures that make the ocean clean. Waterfowl such as wild geese and sea gulls also take part in this cleaning process and are tirelessly probing the area. If they find something not on the surface but sinking into the water, they would go after it to eat it.

If the wind says, “Hey cloud, there is a hot place that is about to dry up. Let us go there,” then the cold ocean air would go to that place. The wind would carry the clouds and shower water as it passes by. Consider how this universe is created as a system for joint cooperation. If there were no winds it would be a problem? The same can be said of the boiled rice, bread, and things you make. The vapor rises from the ocean into the air and is carried by the wind. This vapor follows the warm sun rays in the summer, and when it becomes rain, the moisture is absorbed to create many things. The moisture on land and the moisture in the air can be used to make boiled rice and bread. Consider how much toil was involved in that process and how valuable these things are. The universe is also engaged in that process. The universe is in motion and cooperates to make that bread. A piece of bread is not easily made. (293-285, 1998.6.7)


Where do you think the saltiest place would be in the ocean? In the deep places or the shallow places? It is the deep places. Why? Because salt water is dense. That is why the deeper the place, the saltier it is. Using the saltwater allegory, where would the highest palace be in the heavenly nation? It would be at the bottom of the ocean. The palace would be found there, at the very bottom.

You should understand the concepts that I am explaining to you. What I am trying to say is that the highest place of Heaven can be found in the deepest part – the bottom of the ocean, where it is saltiest. The cleanest person, on the other hand, can be found at the summit. God can be found in the place with the most conscientious person – the person with the loftiest heart of serving the world and the whole. (244-178, 1993.2.7)

Pristine water that flows in the mainstream cannot avoid polluted water filled with filth and say, “I don’t want to mix with you!” That is how it is in nature. The harmonious and overall relationships in nature are mysterious. When there is something dirty, water will embrace it, even if it spoils the pure water’s essence. Water will absorb and assimilate the things around it; and as the water continues to flow, the dirty things sink while the clean things rise to the surface. The water becomes pure as it flows through the ocean. The flow of history is like that as well. (218-292, 1991.8.22)

No matter how strong the ocean currents, the fish sleep in the ocean. While the body of the fish is asleep, its fins are in motion as it swims against the current to maintain its position. Isn’t this interesting? It is like being asleep while all of your blood vessels are active. The fish itself is asleep, even while it maintains its bodily functions, in the same way blood flows in your body. In that light, who becomes the owner and who stands on a higher level? The one who invests and serves more becomes the owner. (220-282, 1991.10.20)

Though the waves in the ocean may be ferocious, its currents must always follow the main current. By aligning itself to the main current, it can survive the opposition and persecution of the entire world. When God stands in the mainstream as the complete subject partner centering on that main current, His object partner would not be harmed because it would be protected within that subject and object partner relationship. (249-164, 1993.10.10)

When you are swimming, would you say, “Hey, I am thirsty. Get me a cola or a McCol!”? If you are in the water for the entire day, you can get by without even drinking a cup of water because your cells absorb water. Last time I spoke, I talked for sixteen and a half hours. One might think, “How could he endure for such a long time without going to the restroom?” but everything that should go out as urine goes out instead as sweat. It is released as vapor because of the heat and comes out as sweat.


That is why even if you are in the ocean for the entire day, you do not have to bring any water with you. If you are thirsty, then try swimming around like a whale in the ocean for an hour or two. Would you still be thirsty? If you were lying on a sandbank, you would drink water because of the heat. Water is essential to human beings and air is important as well! Where there is water, there is air. Is there air in the ocean or not? (217-206, 1991.6.1)

The oceans are always in motion. The winds blow so that the ocean may prosper and live on. Typhoons occur, and waves build up to tens of meters high in order to oxygenate the ocean. Then how do the fish live through a typhoon? When you consider this you would think, “The fish at the bottom of the ocean are delighted that this typhoon is blowing. Although I am having a difficult time, I will enjoy it because the fish are enjoying it!” (262-289, 1994.8.1)

Water is the ancestor of life. So, would you love water instead of God? You should love the ocean while thinking about that. In scenic areas there should be water and forests. Water creates harmony. I am saying that loving water is the same as loving all of creation. That is a fundamental idea. When loving water, do you love the lake water or the seawater? Should you go out to the sea everyday? If you were on a boat when the winds blow and the waves run high, your blood would swirl around and never go bad. Your blood would be purified. That is the truth. That is why those who always go on boats are healthy. (262- 289, 1994.8.1)

I do not receive a salary. I live off my own efforts and means. Wherever I go in this world, I can survive – even if I were to be placed in the farthest reaches of Africa by a helicopter, where there are no human beings or animals. When I went to the mountains, I learned how to survive off the mountains, and when I went to sea, I learned how to survive off the ocean. That is why I am going to the den of beggars and doing these things to create heaven. Even if you do not follow me around, I am trained in such a way that I could fulfill God’s will, even through a bunch of beggars. So, would you or would you not go to the den of beggars if I told you to do so now? But to do so, you need training. (109-152, 1980.11.1)

You may think about holding on to your belongings and living comfortably, but to this day, I have been a pioneer. I have opened the way and stood at the lead. Just recently, our company made a boat. If there had not been a captain, I would personally take everybody out to the sea with me. “The wind may blow, and the waves may run high, but could they block the path of this man? Here, I am going to solve the food problem for the sake of Heaven and humanity, and to carry on life to the future generations.” This is what I believe in. Is that not the expression of a great man? I like that kind of person. Movies produced here will remain, and the whirlwind of history will subside in this place.

Wouldn’t that way be the greatest mystery of all? It is a path filled with both tragedy and comedy to which any great man would aspire. From this base you can jump forth and go beyond the world. Hope will rise among the countless young people who go out to sea. The fountainhead or spring that will enable people to dream of the ocean worlds of tomorrow will explode from this place. How wonderful would that be? (109-152, 1980.11.1)

I go out to sea with such passion, and problems would arise if I lost that passion. That heart must be maintained. Devotion must last for tens of thousands of years. Indemnity conditions would not be established if I offered devotion in comfort. So instead, I should be going so out upon the ocean. Today must be better than yesterday, and tomorrow must be better than today. The waters from the lakes gather in the Atlantic Ocean, and it in turn flows into the Pacific Ocean. If I continue offering devotion until the day I save all those people who are starving to death, I believe that the will of God will be established on the earth, even if I were to die. (279-308, 1996.9.22)

You would never think that this dark-faced man who looks like a fisherman from the Hudson River, someone who might disappear after a thousand years, would possibly be doing these great things? Why am I doing this? It is to liberate the twenty million people who are starving to death. Do not forget about the sweat you shed at the Hudson River.

There is something that breathes and thinks throughout the five great oceans and six continents. It is invisible, like voice waves or electric waves. That something can lead to the path of liberation for future humanity through the fish world living in that place. As long as there is land and the ocean, people will not starve. With my teachings, I can save the people who are starving to death. (247-21, 1993.4.21)

Since God is absolute love, it is fascinating to observe His created objects. Interestingly, the creation is made in such a way that there will always be enough of the daily necessities for a family in the welfarecentered Kingdom of Heaven. Even the flowing water exists to assist in the functions of heaven and earth. At sea, the water becomes vapor and circulates to revive all things of creation. Everything lives within a realm of cooperation and helps fulfill humanity’s ideal by cooperating with one another, instead of being in conflict. God, using earth as His stage, raises His children and transfers them to the Kingdom of Heaven. (284-47, 1997.4.15)

A world opposite to the former world has now come, like morning following the passing night. The time has now come when spring comes to the Unification Church, while the satanic world heads towards evening and night. There is no hope left in the satanic world. That is a dark world of despair, one void of hope. People thought there was no hope in the Unification Church, but after the era of dawn, a new morning has come ushering an age of clearness and brightness. It becomes Rev. Moon’s kingdom of the truth. I have a good name. The Chinese character for Sun (鮮) is a combination of the Chinese character for “fish” (魚) and “lamb” (羊), which unifies the land and the ocean. The Chinese character for Myung ( 明) symbolizes the sun, moon and space in the heavens. The Chinese character for Moon (文) when written quickly looks like, and is related to the Chinese character “father” (父). If there is a word meaning “the father” or “true father” that can be explained through the truth, then these words should be placed in the closest position. I did not know this myself. I only learned it after explaining it to you. (261-64, 1994.5.22)