Werner, Paul. "Testimony," August 1986.

Paul Werner
August 1986

Paul and Christel Werner

Paul and Christel Werner


Below is an excerpt from the personal testimony of Rev. Paul Werner, the national leader of Canada, describing vividly the emotional upheaval in his life as he joined the Unification Church in 1963 and how he spent his first few months in the movement. Preceding the excerpt is a brief summary of his life up to 1963.

Born on September 13, 1927, in Labes, Pornmern (in what is now East Germany), Paul Werner was the ninth child of very religious parents. His father was a minister and his mother a hard-working woman who raised 11 children. His parents lived an exemplary life of faith and prayer. "Jesus was our daily bread."

As a young boy Paul experienced the turbulence of the Hitler era. At age 16 he was drafted into pre-military training and then into military officers' school. He was stationed near the city of Dresden when it was destroyed by bombing on February 13-14, 1945, and he had to take part in carrying out and burning the bodies of thousands of the dead amid the cries of the maimed who still lay buried beneath the debris.

He was captured by the Americans and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp, where hundreds of prisoners died of malnutrition and gastric diseases. There he almost perished from hunger and thirst. The only thing that kept him alive under those circumstances were a strong determination to survive and his faith in God.

Later he was "sold" by the Americans to the French and spent almost four years in labor camps in northern France. Forced labor and pitiful rations reduced him to skin and bones and he was accidentally buried twice in mining disasters, but God still kept him alive.

In 1948 Paul was released and sent back to Germany, but meanwhile his family had scattered. Two brothers had been killed, five had been in labor camps, and his parents had had to flee to West Germany from the approaching Russians. His family lost everything in the war. Paul picked up the pieces of his life from the bottom, wearing nothing but worn-out army clothes. "A spoon and a pair of socks were my only possessions."

At age 21, in the city of Duisburg, Paul attended a revival meeting. There he received Jesus Christ as his personal savior and experienced rebirth. At that moment he dedicated his life, his love, and his heart forever to God and His son Jesus.

His application to become a foreign missionary was declined, and after some time his spiritual life declined as well, because he couldn't find people with whom he could share his love for God.

In 1950 Paul met a young woman named Christel at a Christian youth group and married her in 1951. One year later their son Klaus was born, and "looking for a brighter future" the Werners immigrated to Canada in April 1953 and later to the United States in 1957. Paul worked in a chemical lab and as a construction worker during the sub-zero Canadian winters.

During this time the family went through heavy indemnity -- nearly fatal illnesses and the death of a newborn son.

In 1961 the Werners moved to Sacramento, California, where Paul worked for and received his real estate license. Soon after that his life took an upswing. He became a wealthy contractor, investor, and real estate broker, thinking of early retirement.

We didn't clearly know why my wife and I ended up in Sacramento, California, in the early 1960s. But soon enough we would find out what God had in mind for us.

At this time I was in the process of building super-duplexes and apartment houses. I was dealing with investors, bankers, and the like in my daily life, and I was well occupied with making money, hoping to secure a good future for my family.,

We lived a good Christian life and prayed daily on our knees to Jesus, our Savior. I always knew and told my wife that one of these days I would become a preacher, even though we lived far removed from an outspoken religious life of service to God.

One day in the summer of 1963 my wife attended a farewell party for one of the secretaries she worked with at IBM. A former coworker, Sandy Pinkerton, offered to give my wife a ride to the IBM garage where she had to pick up her car. Little did she know the consequences that would result from that short trip. My wife told me later that Sandy had acted strangely in the car, as if she were deeply troubled by something. Then she began to cry, so my wife asked her: "What is it that's bothering you?" Sobbing, she answered: "Christ is on earth. He has returned!

My wife returned home much later than I expected. In my overprotective way, I scolded her. So she told me the story of this girl.

Paul Werner (kneeling, far left) with Dr. Young Oon Kim (standing, front row) and other members of the San Francisco center in 1963.

Paul Werner (kneeling, far left) with Dr. Young Oon Kim (standing, front row) and other members of the San Francisco center in 1963.


My curiosity was aroused

Something clicked inside of me. After all, you don't hear every day that Christ has supposedly returned. On the other hand, my wife and I had talked about this coming event many times before. "Why didn't you bring her home?" I asked my wife. I thought she must have fallen into the hands of some false prophets or some anti-Christian sect, since there were so many of them around. My Christian spirit was kindled. But something else was also there, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. My curiosity was aroused, and a magnetic force vibrated inside of me. To make it short, just hearing those words ignited me again. I thought: "Ah, God left me alone for a few years and let me sweat it out. Now He wants me after all."

I told my wife, "Why don't you invite Sandy to our house soon and let us find out into whose hands she had fallen. I would like to help her in her spiritual struggle."

Sandy agreed to visit us about a week later in our suburban home, on Sunday afternoon. She didn't come alone; her husband, John Pinkerton, and a woman named Pauline Philips [now Mrs. Verheyen] came with her. Sandy didn't look to me like she needed help. She appeared very strong and self-confident, and so did the others. We offered them coffee and cake, but they refused to eat. That bothered me and I thought these people were arrogant and had little understanding of etiquette. Later we found out they had been fasting. They began to talk, and within the hour they had told us that Christ had returned and was walking on the earth right now. Not only that, but they said it wasn't Jesus, the one we had been waiting for. It was somebody else, a Korean.

It was a strong confrontation; I could not accept any of it. They left us after about an hour and we were alone with what we had heard. All kinds of thoughts and feelings raged within me. Could this be true? What if it were actually true? Or maybe this person was the Antichrist! I was in turmoil. Like most other Christians, I expected Jesus to come back on the clouds. I believed in the Bible word for word and didn't question anything in it at all. I was convinced that God would reveal things to me that I couldn't yet understand; but for me the Bible was the word of God, and I was ready to defend every bit of it. That was my state of mind and heart at that time. I had just been told that Sun Myung Moon and Jesus were one in mission and that the returned Christ had another name. This was really hard for me to cope with.

I couldn't get rid of these thoughts, and we waited for those three people to come back again. We figured they would, after having made such a tremendous statement. But nothing happened. I thought maybe they regarded us as a hopeless case because of our strong orthodox Christian beliefs. After a week went by I told my wife to call Sandy and ask her to come back to discuss the matter further.

On fire to teach the Principle.

On fire to teach the Principle.


I prayed day and night

One week later they came back, and a very turbulent time in our lives began. They brought with them a book called The Divine Principle. The words were simple, but what problems they created for me! Just about everything written in the book seemed to be contrary to my firm Christian beliefs. This brought about one clash after another as I confronted both the book and the people who brought it.

I began to pray as never before in my life. In fact, I prayed day and night. I asked Jesus: "Tell me; my Savior, what is this all about? Is it true? Is Sun Myung Moon the Antichrist, or is he you, returning under a new name?"

Soon we even asked Pauline, John, and Sandy to move in with us. All my life I had been very self-confident and strong, but they took over in no time at all. I became a guest in my own house. They told me to ask God for answers to my prayers, and to fast and study the Principle.

At this time I prayed and studied without ceasing. I created an outline of the Principle book to make it easier to study. I fasted too, but especially I prayed -- hard.

Right from the beginning my spiritual eyes opened up, and I began to see things spiritually that I had never seen before. We designated one room in my house as a prayer room. Whenever I sat down to pray, I sensed the room was filled with people -- spirits. I could even see them, and the room was always full of light. I was drawn magnetically into that room at all hours. Many times I saw beautiful colors in there -- pink, white, royal blue, much gold, and a beautiful light green. It was such a wonderful feeling to sit in that room with so many spirit people and pray and talk to God. My prayers lasted for hours. Many times I even prayed through the night. I never wanted to leave.

These experiences were so wonderful that I didn't want to stop being in that spiritual realm. Soon I also found out that I had healing power, and many spiritual phenomena happened to me. I have always regarded myself as a rather down-to-earth man, and so have others. Therefore, I tested out all these spiritual experiences many times to verify them. I was also able to smell and hear spiritually. People who never had such experiences must have thought I was out of my mind. On the contrary, I was as keen as could be. Even today, after 22 years, I can still have those experiences if I want to.

Pauline and the Pinkertons continued to try very hard to bring us into the Principle, as we called it. One weekend Miss Kim [Dr. Young Oon Kim] came to Sacramento to teach us the Principle. Miss Kim was one of the first missionaries sent from Korea to America. For two days we listened for hours to her in-depth presentation of the truth and bombarded her with critical questions. She was the main person who taught us the Principle. We also visited the San Francisco center where Miss Kim took care of the members.

A vision of our Father

One night, while my wife was away in San Francisco, I woke up to a sudden noise at about two o'clock in the morning. As I sat up, I looked towards a chair about five feet away from me. I saw a man sitting there, an Oriental man, smiling and holding a baby in his lap. I was shocked by this experience. A few days later, I was in the center in San Francisco. I had the opportunity to look through the open door of Miss Kim's room, and on her nightstand was a picture of the same man who had appeared to me in my bedroom in Sacramento. It was our Father, Sun Myung Moon.

God showed me in so many ways, through opening up Heaven for me, that this was the road I should take. This was a time of real tribulation for me, as I tried to overcome my physical body and bring it under the control of my spirit. I began to take cold baths every night, even putting ice cubes in the bath water. I continued this for nine months and only stopped when I left for my mission in Germany.

When I was confronted with the Principle, the spirit of God truly worked. I received baptism not by water but by fire. I had had experiences with Jesus before, but my experiences with God and with Father were different and a thousand times stronger. I had heard about baptism by fire, but now I received it. When I came into contact with the Principle and began to pray and study, I felt surrounded by fire all the time, fire that came down from Heaven. It was the presence of God in the form of fire. When I had first heard that Christ was on earth, I felt subconsciously that it must be true. Yet another voice always kept saying: "Impossible. This is the Antichrist, because Jesus has to come on the clouds;' and so on. But inwardly something was decided already. I just had to fight it out.

One experience I had during the first 40 days of my struggles with the Principle especially stands out.

One evening in Sacramento, while I was in great anguish because so many disturbing and exciting things were happening to me, I jumped into my car and raced out of town down to the Sacramento River. Soon there was only wilderness all around me. The river banks were covered with all kinds of weeds, and the moon was out, partly hidden by clouds. I gazed down at the river with a troubled heart. There were rocks along the river bank, and I remember being told that Sun Myung Moon had kneeled on rocks and prayed for many hours. Here I was, out in the wilderness. I had prayed and cried so hard to God while driving out there that many spirits had come down to take part in this struggle. I could feel their presence. I knelt down on the stony ground. Father had done it, so I wanted to do it too. I prayed as never before, asking God for some kind of a sign, to show me whether I was going the right way or the wrong way. I prayed and prayed, crying out loud, shedding many tears. It was good that nobody lived in that neighborhood. They might have thought that I had lost my mind.

I kept yelling to God: "Father, You have to tell me whether this is the truth or not! I don't want to go to hell, but if this is Your work I definitely want to be a good disciple right away. I want to do as much as I can to restore this world to Your' All I wanted was a sign from Heaven, a confirmation or rejection of what I was about to believe in. I wanted God to come down and say: "Oh, my dear son, you served Me so well in the past, and since you love Me so much I'm going to tell you that Sun Myung Moon is My beloved Son. Surely, surely, he is My Son. Go and serve him!"

Vienna, 1966: Klaus, Paul, and Christel Werner (far left) with members in front of their VW bus, their first center in Austria.

Vienna, 1966: Klaus, Paul, and Christel Werner (far left) with members in front of their VW bus, their first center in Austria.


This is your sign

But God didn't do that. Hour after hour I prayed. I never knew that it was possible to shed so many tears. This went on for six hours, but no sign came, no matter how much I cried to God. Finally, completely exhausted and somewhat disappointed, but with a quiet prayer on my lips, I slowly drove home. I walked into my house and lay down on the couch. I began to cry and cry. My whole body was shaking and the whole couch with me. I experienced a suffering I never knew before. I could not stop crying. Tears ran down and soaked the whole area. A great sorrow went through my heart and I felt that I had to carry the suffering of the whole world myself. Then God said to me: "This is your sign. This is what I feel when I look at mankind:'

For three days I couldn't stop crying. My crying even wore out my body. It was shaking, vibrating with my sobs. This was my sign from God. I'll never forget it.

Even though I had felt right from the beginning that the Principle was true, and that the Messiah was on earth, I had to go through tremendous struggles to get my confirmation. I prayed day and night and studied the Bible and the Principle. When I connected with God and True Parents, I got confirmation after confirmation from Heaven that Father was the one. Then I said to God: "Now I know that Your son has returned, and I'll give my life, my heart, and my love to him:' I made up my mind to serve God and True Parents faithfully. Wealth and power had been important to me, but all of a sudden nothing mattered as far as the material world was concerned. A much greater love replaced everything I had experienced before.

We had a nice family, and a good life. When I was confronted with the Principle, I knew that accepting the new Messiah meant total sacrifice. It meant giving up everything dear to me, everything I was and had, all my dreams and plans, even my wife and son. The simple truth that Christ had returned and was restoring this fallen world back to God made such a deep impact on both me and my wife that our desire to help Him made us offer everything -- our lives, our hearts and our love for this cause.

On August 11, 1963, my wife and I decided to follow our Master, as we called him then. After we accepted our True Parents, we began to go into homes in Sacramento to teach the Principle. It was our first home church mission. We went to prayer meetings and got thrown out of churches many times as soon as the pastor found out who we were. There are so many stories to tell about how God and the spirit world worked overtime to draw the first Westerners away from Satan and to use them in a greater way for God's dispensation.

A visit to a medium

A few weeks later we decided to visit a medium for the first time in our lives. As Christians we had never even considered coming into contact with a medium, since it was considered to be occult and evil; but at that time we decided to find out what this was all about. Four of us went, and when we entered that place we found an elderly lady with very kind and loving vibrations. The whole atmosphere in that room was very warm. We were just new members of the movement barely a few weeks old, but the spirit world must have told her who was walking in. She went into a trance right away and started moving her hands in a wave pattern signifying the flow of love. She then started talking about me for 20 minutes. I was completely amazed at what she said. She told me that I would be leaving America for Europe in the near future. The first years there would be difficult, but then great success would come, and this would happen only through love. She told me many things that would happen to me in the future. How could she know this? I had never seen her before in my life. Somebody in the spirit world must have known. Even though I was only a few weeks in the family at that time, my name must have been known in the spirit world. She said that all four of us were called for a certain mission, and continued: "I can't tell you today what it is, but you have to prepare for a great mission in the future. There is still a little time" Looking back at that experience now, I find that all the things the medium predicted indeed came to pass, one by one.

Curious to find out more, we contacted several other mediums, who spoke almost the same words. One of them told me that the greatest teachers she had ever seen in her life were surrounding me, dressed in gold or white attire. She was so amazed that she asked me: "Who are you?" It was quite an experience to hear so many wonderful things from a complete stranger, and I thought: "Where does all this come from? How could she refer to me as such a great personality?" What she really saw was the impact of the Principle in the spirit world, the truth we carried with us.

In the fall of 1963, while we were spending another weekend in San Francisco, the San Francisco family decided to publicly announce the return of the Messiah. We got busy making up big signs. One of them read: "CHRIST HAS RETURNED. HE IS NOW ON EARTH" On Sunday afternoon the whole center, maybe about a dozen members, paraded down Market Street displaying our revolutionary signs, and we finally stopped at Union Square. Religious groups often assembled there to speak out to the public. There we stood with our signs, and one of us started to talk about the new revelation from God. Just then another religious group showed up with their brass band and started to play hymns, completely silencing us; we couldn't compete with their instruments. Instead we joined them in singing along, and passers-by thought we belonged together. Suddenly it began to rain, and the downpour washed away the white paint on our signs. White splotches covered our dark suits but we hung on to our signs. While marching home our boards were practically bare and our clothes were soaked, but we felt very good inside. When we entered the center Miss Kim received us with a simple but wonderful dinner, and we all had a warm feeling of happiness.

Miss Kim had a very high and strict Principle standard, and for a newcomer, especially me, there was much to digest. The first Holy Day we ever celebrated was Children's Day 1963. For the first time Miss Kim gave us a deep talk about the suffering path Father had to walk to fulfill his mission. The atmosphere was high, and many tears were shed.

Preparing to leave for Europe

My wife and I finally decided to go back to Germany as missionaries, to help restore our native land. It was not easy to disengage from all the business affairs I was involved in. It was aggravating and time-consuming. My mind was already totally focused on God and the returned Christ. I went to my partner in real estate and investment and said to him: "Isaac, I have decided to become a missionary and go to Europe to spread the gospel there." Isaac Berger was a 63-year old, very wealthy Jewish businessman. He looked at me and laughed. He thought I was joking, but when he found out that I really meant it he became angry and called me an idiot, a dumbbell, and everything else in the book. His God was money. He once pulled a dollar bill out of his pocket, slapped it on the table, and yelled, "This is my God!" I'll never forget that. The poor millionaire Isaac was in a wheelchair from a stroke. His own children wouldn't even touch him because he was so ugly to them. For the previous two years I had taken care of him since he couldn't move under his own power. I had even picked him up bodily and put him into the tub for his bath. Even though he had called me his angel before, when I left he cheated me out of a great amount of money due me from our partnership.

I traded in my new Imperial for a VW bus, which was to serve as my first center in Austria and was later used for Father's first trip through Europe in 1965, when he blessed all the European holy grounds. On April 1, 1964, my wife and I loaded up a few suitcases and left California, crossing the United States to New York. Along the way we visited 40 churches, reading aloud some passages of the Principle in each one of them as a condition for future witnessing in those states. From New York a ship would take us to our new mission in Europe. 

Smith, Dale Irwin. "Testimony," March 1970.

Dale Irwin Smith
March 1970

Dear Family,

As a youngster I was raised in a Protestant family and attended Sunday School regularly. When in high school I was sent by one of my parents to preparatory class to join the church. This was a class of persons of about my age. When the Sunday arrived to join the church I did not. I felt social pressure from the Parents who sent me and social group pressure from the preparatory class to join as a group. I felt this was a serious thing between me and GOD and the others were not considering it seriously (They proved that to me in latter years). I kept going to Sunday School, church and church young adult groups through college.

After graduating from college I began searching for a church that I could walk into, and come out knowing what the message was. I could not find any such church at first so I stayed home on Sundays and read my old Sunday School books. I tried to expand my perspective by studying other American beliefs and latter I joined a Unitarian Fellowship. (Not large enough for a church). I liked the idea of believing in what you want. I discovered latter I needed a more Christian church. This fellowship had no one of my age group nor did they satisfy my moral codes. I joined a mother a Protestant church denomination that had an active Young Adult group. It filled most of my needs and I felt my spiritual growth was making progress but I did not want to glorify Jesus Christ so much.

I moved to another area and my search began again particularly for a church where I found meaning in the service and had a good young adult group. While searching one Sunday in the Summer of 1968, in Washington, D.C. where I lived at the time, I was approached after a Sunday Morning service by a Unified Family member, this member asked me the meaning of a pin I was wearing which had "Expect a Miracle" on it. I explained the meaning to this person (A pin of a Christian Healing group) and other Unified Family members who began gathering around me. I was invited to hear a Unified Family lecture and I walked with them to the center to hear my first lecture.

The expressions on the member's faces were radiant and I had no doubts in. what was being said at the first lecture. I brought friends with me to hear the lectures before I heard the conclusion. After hearing the conclusion I needed time to think it over but I did feel a "glow" about me the day I heard it and felt so good that I got little sleep.

I continued attending protestant churches for a while but the word Unified Family would keep coming to me during the service and I was not getting any meaning in the service.

Later I attended a Unified Family Sunday morning meeting and the message was so good that I had tears in my eyes. I still remember parts of it!

Satan put some doubts in my mind and after clearing them up I joined the Unified Family.

I hope to bring more people to Father.

In the True Parents Name,

Dale Irwin Smith 

Verheyen, Teddy. "God has given me everything I ever wanted and more," March 1972.

Dale Irwin Smith
March 1970

Dear Family,

As a youngster I was raised in a Protestant family and attended Sunday School regularly. When in high school I was sent by one of my parents to preparatory class to join the church. This was a class of persons of about my age. When the Sunday arrived to join the church I did not. I felt social pressure from the Parents who sent me and social group pressure from the preparatory class to join as a group. I felt this was a serious thing between me and GOD and the others were not considering it seriously (They proved that to me in latter years). I kept going to Sunday School, church and church young adult groups through college.

After graduating from college I began searching for a church that I could walk into, and come out knowing what the message was. I could not find any such church at first so I stayed home on Sundays and read my old Sunday School books. I tried to expand my perspective by studying other American beliefs and latter I joined a Unitarian Fellowship. (Not large enough for a church). I liked the idea of believing in what you want. I discovered latter I needed a more Christian church. This fellowship had no one of my age group nor did they satisfy my moral codes. I joined a mother a Protestant church denomination that had an active Young Adult group. It filled most of my needs and I felt my spiritual growth was making progress but I did not want to glorify Jesus Christ so much.

I moved to another area and my search began again particularly for a church where I found meaning in the service and had a good young adult group. While searching one Sunday in the Summer of 1968, in Washington, D.C. where I lived at the time, I was approached after a Sunday Morning service by a Unified Family member, this member asked me the meaning of a pin I was wearing which had "Expect a Miracle" on it. I explained the meaning to this person (A pin of a Christian Healing group) and other Unified Family members who began gathering around me. I was invited to hear a Unified Family lecture and I walked with them to the center to hear my first lecture.

The expressions on the member's faces were radiant and I had no doubts in. what was being said at the first lecture. I brought friends with me to hear the lectures before I heard the conclusion. After hearing the conclusion I needed time to think it over but I did feel a "glow" about me the day I heard it and felt so good that I got little sleep.

I continued attending protestant churches for a while but the word Unified Family would keep coming to me during the service and I was not getting any meaning in the service.

Later I attended a Unified Family Sunday morning meeting and the message was so good that I had tears in my eyes. I still remember parts of it!

Satan put some doubts in my mind and after clearing them up I joined the Unified Family.

I hope to bring more people to Father.

In the True Parents Name,

Dale Irwin Smith 

Shimoyama, Valerie. "Testimony," April 2009.

Testimony Of Valerie Shimoyama
April 2009

While I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley, I was a communist and a radical feminist, very anti-religious, and particularly anti-Christian. I had often argued with the Unification Church members who were witnessing on campus. Then one week in February, 1974, this big group of “Christians” came to campus, carrying placards with the face of their minister on it (Reverend Moon). They were giving tickets to a speech he would give that night. Despite my adamant opposition to these people all throughout the day, right before I left the campus that night, a young Japanese man approached me, thrust a ticket at me, and said, “You should come!”

He spoke no other English, so I couldn’t argue. But the thought occurred to me, “I SHOULD go!” I suddenly wanted to go. I justified it by saying to myself I would go there to stop the speech. And I did go, and yelled a bit. I discovered that a lot of other kids at Berkeley had decided to do the same thing: to go and yell. Halfway through the speech, in a lull in the speech, I found a chance to ask a question to Reverend Moon that really expressed my question to God, maybe the seed or core of my resentment. I yelled out in a brief silence, “Why is God a He?” This short question embodied all my other questions, such as: Why is this a man’s world?

Why do women get raped? Why do women sacrifice to put their husbands through college, only to be divorced by them? Why do men make more money, build the space rockets, historically receive more education, and found all the religions and philosophies? And so on. For the rest of the speech, the translator, Dr. Pak, began translating each pronoun referring to God as “He or She.” I was kind of dumbfounded and embarrassed to hear how it actually sounded from the stage. And I was humbled. They were so much nicer than I, or any of us, were.

I sat down. (I’d been standing, so that gives you an idea of the atmosphere at the speech.) Actually, I think the entire audience quieted after that, but I know that I for one sat down and started listening. I felt chastened by love and humility. I listened, and to my great surprise, joy and dismay, my heart changed. I listened to the remainder of the speech, and I realized that everything Rev. Moon was saying was true: that there is no joy in life without family, that true love is the source of all our happiness, etc. I had been going in the direction of radical feminism and Marxism/Leninism for three years, atheism for eight. I realized that what he was saying was true, and that he was a true man. I didn’t believe in God, but I felt that what he was saying about love was true, and that he embodied it. I had a vision of him, like Jesus, sitting by the Sea of Galilee, speaking to his followers while broiling fish they had just caught. I wanted to be there, sitting beside him. I wanted to be his first true follower. I wanted to convince him there was no God, and then change the world together.

I went out of the speech flying so high, so thrilled and happy. I stayed up all night studying in the 24- hour study halls they had at the school, like a ball of energy, planning to save the world with this great new man. I can remember that night in the study hall so well. A whole new universe of possibilities was spreading out before me. For so long I had wanted to change the world. Now I knew we would change it through true love.

About three months later, at the end of April, I was invited again, for the hundredth time, to the Unification Church center. This time I went. I listened to the lectures and felt that everything they were saying was true (except the part about God). I agreed that we needed more morality and more love, that Jesus' heart had been broken, and I joined the Church. Only later, when I went into the Church prayer room and saw the picture of Reverend and Mrs. Moon, did I realize that it was the same group that I had met at the speech in Eshelman Hall in February. I had met the Christ. And I had the biggest job in front of me that I would ever confront: changing myself and my character from one who was set to destroy the world to one who would try to rebuild it.

That’s my story of Father Moon. Ever since then, I’ve felt that he is walking with me, talking with me -- the girl he snatched out of the flames of Berkeley. I’m profoundly grateful to him from the bottom of my heart and will be forever.

I had almost completely forgotten about that 1974 experience, blocked it out, I think, and always told my story as just how I met and joined the Oakland church center. Then a few years ago, when I had to dig to the bottom of my guts in prayer and tears to re-find why I was here, I remembered how I had really met Father. I saw myself in that crowd, dredging out a memory that I hadn’t thought of for almost thirty years. I suddenly realized that I had directly confronted Father in a crowd and yelled at him personally, and he had answered me. And he loved me.

We had had direct one-on-one give and take. I had gone there to stop him, to kill him actually. I was VERY radical, and wouldn’t have stopped short of that, in a certain sense, in terms of my ideology.

With shock, in my prayer, I suddenly realized that once I had been that person in relation to Father. He had taken me in, into the bottom of his heart, and turned me around in the course of ninety minutes. I prayed and cried and looked at his picture, and said to Father (in the picture), “Do you remember me?” And I felt him say back, clear as day, “I do remember you!” It almost knocked my socks off! Here I had always felt like just a face in a crowd, one of many thousands of church members.

In that moment in prayer, I realized that maybe God, and Father did remember me, someone who had gone to his speech dying, and in a way, planning to kill him, physically or spiritually. Yet he had won me through his prayers, maybe prayers going back to the rock of tears*, for American young people who were so lost, so loud and noisy, but so sad and afraid, and crying tears for a God whom they had lost. I was one tiny, noisy, ugly unlovable fish he had caught that night in Berkeley. Though my way had been long and winding, he was still pulling me along.

That prayer was the second time he saved my life, and my second new spiritual life began then. I truly realized Father is the messiah, and the one who saved me. He is my personal messiah. I feel as if he is my spiritual parent, as clearly as if he put a line in the water and pulled me up. Because he was able to love me -- all of us that night -- he saved my life. That is how he will save all of us unloved Americans, who nevertheless retain the ability to see a bright light shining at the end of a tunnel, and to follow it.

It may be a little hard to understand how someone such as I, who was so far on the side of communism, could change so quickly. It was because of my youth. When I was young, I had been deeply religious, but then I lost that faith. But when I went as deeply into communism as I could go, what I found was that there was no love. I realized that without love, wherever we went and whatever we did, we would just recreate all the problems that we were trying to solve. We would make an “icebox” world. I had come to the conclusion that because of this fundamental problem in communism, it could never save the world. So when I met Father, and later the movement through the Oakland Church, I realized that they had the key. I thought I would just have to convince them there was no God. It was very simple. Then we’d take their love and spread it all over the world. It took me a while to realize that God was the source of that love.

Valerie Shimoyama joined the Unification Church in 1974. She was on a Mobile Fundraising Team (MFT) for five years, first in Los Angeles, then in the Chicago region (Michigan, Wisconsin, and later Ohio). She graduated to the Richmond, Virginia witnessing center in 1979, and was chosen by Father to work at the Washington Times, from 1982 to 1986.

She joined her husband at New Future Films in 1986 and worked for the business end of that department from that time until approximately 1999.

From that time, she began helping the Clifton, New Jersey Church Center as office support. She is now taking classes at the Unification Theological Seminary Extension in New York. She is also an Ambassador for Peace for America for the New York region.

Mrs. Shimoyama is the wife of Hiromichi Shimoyama, and the mother of three children, Tokuhiro, Karin and Marina.

Tuma, Larry. "Now: I Am a Prodigal Son Returned, My Personal Testimony," February 3, 2001.

Now: I Am a Prodigal Son Returned, My Personal Testimony
Larry Tuma
February 3, 2001

I would like to share my testimony:

I was blessed with the gift of life on June 21st, 1957 in Stillwater Minnesota. It was a precious gift given to me by Heavenly Father. What I have done, and what I choose to do with the rest of my life, will be my gift to Him. I want to make Him proud of me, and make Him happy that He gave me life.

I was born out of wedlock to James Roloff and Dorothy Lindberg and given the name Michael Anthony Lindberg. I spent my first nine months with Dorothy, but was taken away and put up for adoption due to less than ideal living conditions. In retrospect, this was actually a blessing. The next 15 months were spent with a foster family on a farm with lots of children, love and attention.

The Lutheran Social Service acted as the adoption agency through which Robert (Bob) and Elizabeth (Betty) Tuma from Le Center Minnesota adopted me as their son. My name was changed to Larry Robert Tuma.

Le Center is a small rural farming community in southern Minnesota. It is also the Le Sueur County Seat. Dad was the Le Sueur County Treasurer for 32 years and Mom was a full time wife and mother. She also ran a day care center for local children and still does a little babysitting. They had adopted a girl, Linda, previous to adopting me, and had a daughter of their own, Pamela, when mom was 35 years old. We attended St Paul Lutheran Church as a family every Sunday for as long as I can remember. I don't think I missed a Sunday service until I was 15. My childhood was almost ideal. With my Father being a strict disciplinarian and my mother a loving 'born again' Christian, I received the structure, education and love every child deserves. It wasn't always ideal, I wasn't always a good kid, and my parents weren't perfect, but I appreciate and love them for their efforts and sacrifices. My mother taught me how to garden, clean the house, wash dishes, sew and cook, while dad taught me how to do handy work, mow the yard, hunt and fish. I admired dad and wanted to be like him to the point that I lied one day during my eye exam just so I could get glasses like him. I was involved in a Christian youth program (Luther League) through the Lutheran Church and attended many summer Bible Camps where I first felt the unconditional Love of God. Whenever going through difficult times in my life I always reach back to those times and am reassured. I also participated in prayer groups during high school. At 16 I rededicated my life to Jesus after a period of backsliding.

After graduating from high school I volunteered for military service and entered the US Navy at 18 years of age. I was elected platoon leader in boot camp, and selected for the elite Navy S.E.A.L. Program. Due to eyesight that didn't meet their requirements, I ended up going to the Orient (WESPAC Tours) on the USS Oklahoma City (guided missile cruiser) as a cook. I was lucky enough to travel to many exotic countries including, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Australia, Guam, Philippine Islands and Viet Nam. After a rough year I found myself in trouble and ended up in solitary confinement (the brig) for 70 days. We were in Pusan Korea at the time. The only reading material I was given while imprisoned, was the Bible. I read it through completely once, and read the Book of Revelations 6 or 7 times. I was brought up to anticipate Christ's return in my lifetime and was very intrigued with 'the last days'. I was given one other book a few days before being let out, and that book was 'The Omen'. This book was based on the Anti Christ. Needless to say, by the time I finished reading this book, I was ready to re-dedicate my life to God.

I was released from active duty with an honorable discharge in October of 1976. I was in California at the time and decided to check out the University of California-Berkeley Campus with a friend. We were in a bookstore, when a gentleman approached me from the 'Creative Community Project' who invited us to join him for a "free meal and short lecture". I took his flyer and said we might show. Well I guess we decided not to because we hit the highway and were hitch- hiking down the coast when a van full of smiling young people pulled over to give us a lift. It turned out they 'just happened' to be going to the same "meal and short lecture" I had been invited to earlier. My buddy opted to continue hitch hiking down the coast, and I was on my way to the biggest adventure of my life. (One will be taken and one left behind). After an evening of peanut butter sandwiches and vegetable soup, I found myself signing up for a 7 day workshop (which ended up being a 40 day workshop) at a place called Booneville, in Mendocino County, California. During this time, I experienced some very deep spiritual and emotional changes. I committed my life to this movement called the Unification Church and wanted to learn more about this couple I was now calling 'True Parents'.

After spending some time fundraising in San Francisco, I was assigned to the national MFT (mobile fundraising team). I fundraised, witnessed and street preached across America, spending time in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and 2 years in Boston. In the winter of 1979 I had caught a severe cold and chose not to participate in a cold shower condition. My central figure told me to leave, re-evaluate my commitment to God and True Parents, and gave me enough candy to sell to buy a bus ticket home to Minnesota. After spending 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for three years on MFT, to be so easily dismissed really took me by surprise. I was deeply hurt and confused. I had earned signed pictures of True Parents, pins and awards for fundraising and couldn't figure out why this had happened. I don't know why I didn't question his direction. In retrospect, I probably should have.

From 1980 to 1990 I, for the most part, wandered around in hell, separated from God. Using my fundraising experience, I became a travelling salesman for a few years, moved to Phoenix Arizona, owned a couple businesses, experimented with drugs and alcohol, and basically fell to the other end of the spectrum from which I had felt closest to God. I eventually lost my house, my business, and those who I thought were my friends. It didn't end there. I was hit by a car while riding my bicycle, and my dog 'Bear', a beautiful cinnamon Chow, ran away. My girlfriend was addicted to cocaine, and after numerous unsuccessful attempts to help her, I joined her. We finally broke up. I moved to Las Vegas where I hit rock bottom.

After a night of drinking and doing cocaine by myself, I broke down and tearfully asked Heavenly Father back into my heart and life. I moved back to Phoenix, moved in with my ex-girlfriend's (Lisa Diamant) Parents (Rob and Susann Benjamine), and with their love, support and guidance successfully broke my addiction to the partying lifestyle. Lisa was eventually murdered, shot in the back, because of the lifestyle she was trying to break free of. She was clean and sober for 120 days the day she was killed. I eventually started a successful computer integration company. I became involved as a youth counselor with The Church of the Nazarene and had some wonderful experiences. Out of curiosity, I called the Unification Church Headquarters in New York in January 1990 and communicated for a short time with a sister named Debbie Garth(?). I was excited when she informed me that Mrs. Moon was going to be speaking at the Point Resort, on South Mountain, in Tempe Arizona. I attended her speech and the old memories started coming back to me.

I knew in my heart that it was time for a change. One thing led to another; I closed my business, broke up with my friend and fiancé, and moved back to Minnesota. I needed the kind of love I knew only my family cold provide.

For the last 10 years I have been rearranging my priorities in life, with the help of Reverend Hun Suk Lee and his wife, Reverend Jim Bard, and other Unification Church members here in Minnesota. After going through a few more difficulties, and being asked to leave once again, by a Korean leader in Washington D.C., because I rejected a match for the Blessing in 1995, I have survived. I am not going anywhere. I am here to stay. I was blessed in marriage by Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, with a wonderful wife, Adriana Pallares from Mexico City, Mexico, on June 13th, 1998 at Madison Square Garden in New York City. (Along with 120 million other people around the world) I have come to the conclusion that unless my life is centered upon God, 100%, it has no value or substance. Unless I'm using the talents God has given me to enhance the quality of my life and those around me, and bringing people closer to Him, there is no peace. I want to be the best role model I can be to those around me. When I go to the spirit world and meet Heavenly Father, I want to be able to say to Him that I did my best in helping to heal the world.

Seuk, Joon Ho. "Testimony," September 1986.

Joon Ho Seuk
September 1986


I was born in 1944, the year of the monkey, the same as Father. I was also born in the same month as Father: January, according to the lunar calendar.

In 1944 Korea was not a free country but was occupied by the Japanese. I was born in what is now North Korea, in the town of Ham Hung, which is very close to Hungnam where Father was imprisoned. After the liberation from Japanese dominion my family moved south to Seoul.

When I was six, the Korean War broke out, on June 25, 1950. Millions of people were slaughtered by North Korean communists. My family barely escaped being killed. At that time my mother, Mrs. Won Pok Choi, was in the United States as an exchange professor. She didn't know if her family was alive or dead. She had nightmares all the time. The North Koreans forced all the young people into the army. They would come to people's houses to investigate and would torture anyone caught outside. My father fled into the mountains and lived there for several months. My brothers and I hid at my uncle's house in the countryside. We stayed in the basement, trembling in fear of being bombed. There was nothing to eat -- no rice, no kimchee.

On September 18, 1950, the UN forces advanced into North Korea, and on October 4 Father was liberated from Hungnam prison. On January 4, 1951, all the South Korean and UN forces retreated. My family fled south to Pusan, and there we led a refugee life until 1953 when the armistice was signed and we could return to Seoul.

Sent To "Save" The Students

When Father was liberated from Hungnam he also fled to Pusan and started the Unification Church there under miserable wartime circumstances. In 1953, Father came to Seoul and began to preach there. The spiritual world actively helped by bringing many people to hear Father. Terrible rumors were also fabricated at that time, and the Korean government began to persecute the Unification Church. However, many college students started coming to the church, especially from Ehwa Women's University and Yonsei University.

The school administrations were worried and sent many respected professors to investigate. One was Dr. Young Oon Kim, a very eminent scholar. After she heard the Principle, she was deeply inspired and she joined. Another professor was my mother, who was the dean of student affairs in the Law and Government School of Ehwa University. The president of the university also sent her to investigate the church and "save" the students. But on the contrary, she was touched by the truth and joined.

The vice president of Ehwa University was the wife of the vice president of the Korean government. She pushed the government to go against Father. Under those circumstances, my physical father misunderstood the Unification Church and began to oppose my mother's joining it. Until this happened, we had had a very happy family that everybody had envied. All of a sudden, my family began to break apart.

My mother was desperate to explain to us about her involvement with the church, but we could not understand her at all. The conflict between my father and mother deepened. Every night I had nightmares that dark clouds were sweeping around the house to swallow us up. I used to scream in fear and wake up. This was Satan's attack on our family to prevent my mother from joining the movement.

All of a sudden, my mother left one day without telling me. I neither saw nor heard from my mother for 10 years after that, until I myself joined the Unification Church. Her leaving the family was a terrible blow. At that time, divorce was very rare in Korean society. The Confucian ethics respecting family values were pervasive. The idea of the breakup of our family was unthinkable to me.

My character had always been joyful and aggressive, but from that time I became very reserved. I tried to forget my mother. I concentrated only on my school work and martial arts. I studied martial arts so hard that I forgot everything else. My father was the most famous martial arts educator in Korea as well as a professor and a graduate of law school. When I was in high school I was at the top in martial arts and was very strong physically among all the high school students. But when I was about to enter college I received an injury which developed into pleurisy. It was a life-threatening disease and I had to give up school.

Father at Kimpo Airport on October 10, 1965, upon his return from his first world tour.

Father at Kimpo Airport on October 10, 1965, upon his return from his first world tour.

I Felt I Had To Find That Church

I began to think about what life meant. I felt very desperate to try to find meaning in my life. I read many books about philosophy and religion and I visited many churches and Buddhist temples to find the answer. Then one day I asked myself why my mother had left us to join the Unification Church. I felt I had to find that church. In fact, it was only a 15-minute drive from where I was living, although I didn't know it at the time. So I started my search by visiting my mother's brother. He was surprised that I had never visited her. He told me to go to Myung Dong (comparable to Broadway in New York) to a place where many young women were witnessing to people and inviting them to hear lectures. That was the Unification Church lecture hall. So I went to Myung Dong and found many sisters distributing leaflets there. One of them approached me and brought me in to listen to the lectures. Lectures were given every day and hundreds of people came to hear them.

When I heard the lectures I was really amazed. I had heard all sorts of bad things about the Unification Church, and I even thought my mother was the worst kind of woman. But here I found something very inspiring and profound.

The series of lectures lasted one week. One day as I was coming out of the lecture hall onto the street, I encountered my father. He was so shocked. "Do you know what this place is?" he said. "This is the Unification Church. It is dirtier than a house of prostitutes:' He really got angry. I told him I was just visiting the center but that I didn't want to join. I said I would never betray him.

After three months of study I reached the conclusion that the Principle was true, and I made up my mind to join. It was a very serious moment for me. Should I betray my father or not? I decided to change my name to my mother's last name so my father would not hear that I had joined. That was in September 1965.

At that time True Father was making a world tour, establishing holy grounds. In 40 days he established holy grounds in every state in America. Father drove day and night from state to state, eating hamburgers and hot dogs in the car. He brought rocks and earth from the holy ground in Korea to connect all the new holy grounds. When he arrived back in Korea, I went to see Father at the airport. My mother was with him, but I couldn't approach them because there were so many family members who had come to welcome Father. Several days later I finally met my mother face to face at my grandmother's house. It was our first reunion after 10 years of separation, and it was a very emotional and moving moment.

One of Your Children Will Join

One amazing thing my mother told me was that when she was with Father on their way back to Korea, some place in the Philippines, Father suddenly asked her if she had ever contacted her children. My mother was very surprised to hear this question from Father because Father had never before asked about her husband or children. My mother answered, "Since I left my family I haven't seen or heard from them in 10 years:" Then Father told her, "Now the time has come when one of your children will join." That was the same time that I had begun listening to the Principle. If I had had good health I probably would never have become a church member. After my suffering, heavenly blessing had been given to me.

After I became a member, I studied the Principle more and more seriously and started to go to the Sunday services. Before, I had never gone out on Sunday mornings. But all of a sudden I began to go to the church very early in the morning and also to the regular Sunday service. Usually Father gave Sunday morning service at six, right after five o'clock pledge. During regular Sunday service Father knelt down in the back, listening to the sermons that his disciples would give.

On the first day of every month, Father used to go right after pledge to the holy ground on the mountain in the center of Seoul. It took about 40 minutes to climb up the mountain, and every family member would go, even in the snow. We would gather together at six and everybody would pray. Then Father would give a short sermon. Even if it was raining or snowing, Father would always speak.

At that time I was still living with my father; I could not attend church freely or witness freely. I didn't want to "betray" my father and give more pain to him. I wanted to hide myself. On Sunday mornings I always went out of the house quietly so I wouldn't wake him up. I opened the door without making any noise so I could slip away, but he became suspicious. He woke up early one morning to watch me.

Then my father began to realize I was actually attending the Unification Church. Because of his attitude I was not free, so I decided to join the army. All Korean young people had to serve in the army for three years. At that time the Vietnam War was going on, and many Korean soldiers were dispatched to Vietnam. I volunteered to go to Vietnam, externally as a Korean soldier, but internally as a Unification Church missionary to represent Father.

From left to right: Dr. Seuk; his wife, Moon Hye; his mother, Mrs. Won Pok Choi; and True Mother.

From left to right: Dr. Seuk; his wife, Moon Hye; his mother, Mrs. Won Pok Choi; and True Mother.

Teaching in Vietnam

During the eight-hour flight there, I prayed all the way that I would never regret going there even if I got killed. I was very serious about my mission, because I didn't know if I would come back alive or not. Thousands of Korean soldiers were killed in Vietnam. I felt I had to devote myself 100 percent to God's will even though I might die at any moment.

I taught martial arts to Vietnamese and American servicemen at the Vietnamese National Military Academy. I also contacted civilians, but it was very dangerous because there were many Vietcong and there was no clear front line. The Vietcong disguised themselves in every way.

Sometimes I visited mountain tribes whose people spoke a different language, so I would go with a Vietnamese minister who translated for me. I could even contact many high- ranking people through my martial arts instruction. Two of my many contacts even visited Korea later to meet Father, but now that Vietnam has become communist, I don't know where they are.

During my stay in Vietnam, one of my friends went back temporarily to Korea and met my father. Without understanding my situation, he reported to my father that I was teaching the Principle and witnessing to Vietnamese and American people, and that my main activity in Vietnam was actually witnessing. My father was extremely disturbed to hear this.

When I came back to Korea my father was very suspicious. So I told him emphatically, "Don't worry about me. I will never betray you." Finally, however, he found out that I was still attending the church. I could not tell him a lie anymore, so I told him straight out: "I am a member of the Unification Church." My father was really flabbergasted -- he almost fainted. His features became very contorted and the blood came up to his face. After that, whenever my father looked at me he became sick. His physical condition deteriorated just by seeing me. My stepmother advised me not to stay in the house or else my father would die. She also talked with my father and he decided that if I was a church member I could not stay at home.

One day soon after that my father prepared a special dinner for me -- all my favorite foods. He began to cry as he offered the food to me. He said, "Your mother has betrayed me, and now you have betrayed me. I love you both so much, but I have been betrayed." He cried and cried. Then he said, "You are leaving me now. I hope you have good luck and much success." He sent my stepbrother, whom I love very much, to see me off My brother was weeping, saying that he was so sad that his elder brother was leaving him.

I Began To Study Intensively

I went to stay at my grandmother's house. I became very serious in my determination. I had betrayed my father so now I wanted to start a new life. From that time on I seriously thought about my goals, and I determined to devote myself 100 percent to God's will. Otherwise I could not justify betraying my father.

My first plan was to study the Principle thoroughly. I began to study intensively from early in the morning to late at night without leaving my chair. Whenever my grandmother came into the room to bring me cake or fruit, she would only see my back. She began to complain that I wouldn't even turn around to greet her. For two or three months I studied like this. Then the Principle test was held.

In Korea we have national Principle tests every year. Only a few people could pass the test; sometimes nobody could. It was a very difficult test but I got the highest grade.

In the secular world many people study very hard to become doctors or lawyers. In Korea some people even go to a temple or a mountaintop for two or three years just to prepare for a bar exam! Then what should our standard be towards the Principle, which can bring eternal life to all humankind?

I also volunteered for everything, humbly, to enlighten myself and enrich my experiences. I didn't want to become a leader until I was fully prepared. I felt unworthy to be a leader. I needed training and experience, so I volunteered to be a follower in a humble position. I was a pioneer in a small town for a while, but I returned to Seoul in 1970 and became a Principle lecturer at a local church center.

In 1970 the 777 Blessing took place. I thought I was unworthy, so I didn't attend the matching candidates' meeting, which was being held in the old Chung Pa Dong Church. Two days later, Father asked me to participate; so I came in at the very end.

That evening, Father finished matching around 10 p.m. and went up to his room, which was attached to the side of the church building. He used to live in a very humble and small place, even though he and Mother already had many children.


Father Chose a Very Nice Sister

Around two a.m. Father came back down. It was a very exciting moment. Right away, Father pointed to me and I stood up. He looked at all the sisters and chose a very nice sister for me. The sister and I went out into the hallway and spoke for about one minute. We didn't have to talk much; we had absolute faith in Father's recommendation. We went back in and bowed to Father -- the match was set.

The Blessing was held in Janchoon Gymnasium on October 21, 1970. Our couple stood at the front of the third row. Mr. Salonen and his wife were next to us. During the ceremony, Mrs. Salonen collapsed because she was so tired and nervous. The cameras zoomed in on her, and our picture was also taken. That evening, my physical father saw my Blessing on TV. I heard that he was really shocked. He hadn't known where I was, then all of a sudden he saw me on TV with my bride, in our wedding apparel, getting married without his knowledge or approval.

Right after the Blessing, I volunteered to be a local center leader in a small town near the 38th parallel. The blessed wives' team captain at our center was Mrs. Tiger Park. She already had four sons at that time, and had just given birth to their fifth child three months earlier. An American military base was located in that town. Many prostitutes hung around that base, and some of them even lived across the street from our center. It was the worst kind of city, but I wanted to challenge it. The holy ground was located high up on a hill, overlooking the whole city. We would go to the holy ground for prayer at five o'clock every morning, no matter what the weather.

After that mission, I came back to Seoul to become regional director of CARP in the Saemaul Haksa region. In February 1972 I came to the United States and participated in Father's first seven-city tour. During Father's public speeches, I sat next to Mother. It was really an unforgettable blessing for me. I felt immense warmth and personal love from her.

After this experience, I was given the mission to check and correct the contents of the English Divine Principle transcription (the original black book), which was first translated into English by my mother. We had hired someone from outside the family to correct the English, but because he didn't know the Principle at all, his corrections caused some substantial changes in the contents. I had to check every single word in the whole book.

A New Unified Martial Art

In 1978 I became a CARP advisor in Washington DC. One year later Father gave me a new mission at the Unification Theological Seminary. I became an assistant to the president, and treasurer as well. I endeavored to establish Father's tradition at the seminary, and I conveyed every speech of Father to the seminarians. While there I got the inspiration to found a new unified martial art, Wonhwa-do.

I sought to incorporate in it the best of all martial arts, centering on Unificationism.

On January 2, 1983, Father gave me another mission -- I was to be the national director of CARP. I never thought I would receive such a responsible mission. I felt that I was not ready, that I needed more training at the seminary. My physical condition was not good. During my life at the seminary, I had lost almost 20 pounds, and my back and stomach were becoming weaker. I had to keep a special diet. I made every effort to improve my health, but all my efforts were in vain. I was afraid I had cancer. I went to see a lot of doctors and took many tests, but they could not find anything. My health has not improved even today. I have become very serious and I often think, "If I have cancer and die, what will be the meaning and value of my life? Have I made a strong enough commitment to God? Have I done my best? Have I lived the kind of life that I will not regret?"

Father gave me this CARP mission even though he knew my health problem. I received the inspiration that Heavenly Father would give me good health if I really committed my life 100 percent to Him and to His will. If I receive good health, I know it doesn't belong to me, but to God. If I don't use my good health for Him, my health will eventually deteriorate. Through this, I know Heavenly Father wants me to become more serious. So now I have no choice -- I must either commit myself 100 percent, or die.

In 1974 my physical father visited me for the first time since I had left home. He met my wife and liked her very much. He began to change his concepts about our church. When he went back to Korea, he praised my wife to his friends, saying, "Even though she is a Unification Church member, she is a really wonderful daughter-in-law. I like her very much:' He visited us again in 1979, to see my children. At that point he changed completely and became positive about the church. I testified about Father and our movement to him. He even stayed in the World Mission Center and had dinner with Rev. Kwak.

After watching a videotape on the science conference, he said "Rev. Moon is really a remarkable person. I respect him very much." My elder brother signed membership, and my younger brother also became supportive. In Moses' course, we can see that before God gave blessings to Moses and the Israelites, He gave them trials and hardships in order to separate them from Satan and prevent Satan's accusation. I know if I invest myself with utter sincerity for Heavenly Father, the spirit world can be mobilized and help us. In my house there is a plaque with Father's calligraphy written on May 1, 1975, that says: "Utmost sincerity moves Heaven." That is my personal motto.

Heavenly Father sends trials and sufferings before He sends blessings. We should overcome any difficulties with a grateful heart and absolute faith in God. I want to become a frontline soldier for God, even willing to give my life to do His will. When I die, I want to die without any regret.

Hyo Nim, standing beside Father and Dr. Seuk at East Garden, displays the message Father wrote in calligraphy for CARP on the Day of Victory of Love in 1985.

Hyo Nim, standing beside Father and Dr. Seuk at East Garden, displays the message Father wrote in calligraphy for CARP on the Day of Victory of Love in 1985.

Personal Moments with True Parents

A few years ago when Heung Jin Nim had the accident and was in critical condition, I visited Father and Mother at the hospital. They had just come from Korea. Mother was crying and the atmosphere in the room was very somber and heavy. But when Father saw me he said, "Oh, CARP has come! How are the CARP members?" That was Father's first greeting to me. Even under those serious circumstances, he had a deep heart of love and care for the members.

On October 25, 1985, I visited Father at Danbury prison and spoke with him for six hours. I had never spoken to him in such an intimate setting before. There was a little table in the visiting area where we could talk face to face. I was speaking with Father so closely he could probably smell the kimchee on my breath.

Father even sent me a personal letter from Danbury, with his own signature. He wrote down the three major areas of responsibility for CARP and for myself. Through this I could feel Father's great concern for CARP.

One day in May 1984, Mother invited me to go on a drive with her to visit the beautiful Mt. Holyoke campus where Un Jin Nim would be attending school that autumn. Upon our return, we stopped somewhere to eat. I was preparing to order for Mother and myself but she told me "Oh, I will order for you." She didn't even ask what I wanted but just went ahead and ordered for me. While we were eating, Mother asked me many things about my, family and children. Then she asked, 'Have you ever fought with your wife?" I told her "Yes, Mother, sometimes." "Who wins?" she asked. I answered, "I always lose." Mother smiled, and I felt Mother's deep compassion.

After that, Mother took me to a department store and bought two summer suits; one was meant for me and one for Father. Except for the size they were identical. I knew this was an expression of Mother's love not for just me but symbolically for all the members.

In CARP my motto is: "Advance Father's plan." This means that CARP should do things before receiving any direction, and do even more than True Parents expect. 

Selle, Angelika. "Who Is He? - Personal Testimony," May 2009.

Who Is He? - Personal Testimony
Angelika Selle
May 2009

Born in Pforzheim, Germany, I grew up in the Catholic faith tradition, which I observed sincerely even as a child of a very young age. My grandmother, who came from Bohemia, taught me how to pray to God and Jesus. She counseled me that if I didn’t know what to do in a difficult situation or if I needed an answer, to ask Jesus. As I practiced her wise advice over the years, Jesus became a very close friend -- even like a brother -- whose presence I felt often and whose life I wanted to emulate with all my heart. In fact, I wanted to live my life for and with him.

As I studied Catholic theology in Freiburg in my later teens I asked a lot of questions concerning faith, the purpose of life and what I would be doing in the future. To my surprise I discovered that most students, and even theology professors tended to intellectualize faith In God and Jesus, to the point where there was no more faith left! If I had not also been involved with the Catholic Youth, including counseling young people, I might have lost my faith at that time.

Finally I remembered to ask Jesus. I didn’t get an answer right away, but I do remember sitting in one of the beautiful Baroque churches in Freiburg on many an afternoon after class, just looking at Jesus' picture and communicating with him. Deep peace and love filled my heart when I did that, which gave me the confidence that he would guide me. It is just that sometimes it was hard to have patience.

Finally the answers came, but not in the way I had expected them!

One day as I walked down the main street in Freiburg, a woman with an Austrian accent asked me if I believed in God. I said, "Yes, of course!” This actually startled her, since many students at that time didn’t believe in anything. Then she asked me, "What does God mean to you? Who do you think God is?" I didn’t know what to say. I had no clear answer ready. She challenged me to spend fifteen minutes with her in discussion, which we did, during which time she explained to me about her concept of God -- a male/female being whose core is love.

That sounded reasonable, and in fact I thought I knew that already. When I asked her who she was representing, she explained to me about the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Again, I felt and thought that this was a good idea and very needed. I had never liked the split between denominations, since there is one God and one Bible.

She then introduced me to the teachings of the Divine Principle, and when I heard them, I felt to my bones, that this was the TRUTH. Again, I felt that these teachings were something that I had known about in my heart all along. It just made a lot of sense, and I was happy to finally have found a logical explanation of deepest truth for this very scientific age.

Then one day I was asked about the return of Christ, and what I thought Christ should and would be doing when he came back. The first thing I thought was, "Make peace in Vietnam." That same day I further heard that he has already returned! So who could it be -- the Korean man and his wife whose picture I saw in the other room? I was then asked to think and pray about this, and to ask God. And that I did.

Given the amazing teachings that I had just heard about, it made a lot of sense that the one to whom God would reveal this truth would be at least a very special person, anointed and called for a special mission. That night I wrote in my diary that I had heard that the Messiah has returned. Is it true? “Yes, it is!" was my spontaneous response from the heart.

But just like John the Baptist, after a few days I began to doubt what had been revealed to me. These doubts were heightened by some newspaper articles I had come across, which were very critical of the Unification movement. But I wanted to know the truth, not what other people were thinking. Mr. Paul Werner, the pastor of the German Unification church at that time, challenged me to ask God once more, who Reverend Moon was, before making a decision. He also asked me to study the Divine Principle further, and the lifestyle that comes with it. I accepted that challenge. I prayed that night very deeply -- in tears -- asking God to give me a sign! No special sign came to me, so I decided to go on faith, saying to God, "I will stick around and check this out for a month, and if I should find out that this is a hoax I make You responsible, and I am out of here!"

About three months later while in Augsburg, Germany, a smaller town near Munich, I sat in the prayer room of the small church center, of which I had become the leader, looking at Reverend Moon’s picture. I was wondering again, who this Korean man is.

Suddenly the picture faded out in front of my eyes, and I saw another face looking at me with deep brown eyes, middle length hair, sharp nose... I “knew” immediately that this was the face of Jesus looking at me! A moment later, his face also faded away and yet another face was looking at me -- Mother Moon. And again her face faded and Father Moon looked at me, then again Jesus, Mrs. Moon, Father, and so on, like in a movie.

This went on for I don’t know how long -- moments, minutes or hours! I just sat there, mesmerized, absorbing the spectacle in front of my eyes, not knowing if this was real or not. Finally dusk set in, and I was not able to see that picture very clearly. I felt surrounded by a very high spiritual atmosphere, as if angels surrounded me in the room. The vision had stopped, and I was just sitting there supping in this peaceful, rich atmosphere, wondering what it all meant.

Then suddenly it became clear that this experience held a message for me. Jesus was letting me know that he is working together with and supporting Father and Mother Moon. He wanted to confirm to me that he wanted me to do the same, and that it was in fact he who had brought me here to work together with them to fulfill God’s dream and ideal.

That was all I needed to know. From that day on I had no more doubts as to who Father Moon is -- the returned Christ, the King of Peace, and most of all, the True Parent of humankind together with Mother.

I am proud to be a coworker together with them, to help usher in this new era of lasting peace, equality and prosperity centering on blessed families.

Self, Howard. "Testimony," 2008.

Howard Self

I was brought to Reverend Sun Myung Moon in February of 1975. I say “brought to” because I felt then, and still feel now, that God’s forces were bringing me along, preparing me, in my sometimes intense search for “Truth,” for something... something Big. That “something,” as it turned out, was not a big “something.” It was a big “someone,” a very big someone... the True Father, Reverend Moon.

And I did meet him in person, in a beautiful, quiet place called Barrytown, New York. For me, this meeting was an explosion of major proportions. After graduating from my university and spending two years in the U.S. Army (one of the last of the Vietnam draftees), my thirst for “Truth” had led me to the counter-culture world of hippiedom. So, on that fateful morning in ’75, I was at my “hippest,” especially in appearance. I had long hair down my back, big full beard, granny glasses, faded blue jeans, and union suit underwear shirt. I was described by some as looking like “John Lennon at his hairiest.”

After having heard the Divine Principle 2-day workshop in North Carolina, I had made the trek to Barrytown to hear the 7-day and to hopefully meet the “Fully Actualized Man,” as I had labeled Father at the time. True Father had come to speak exclusively to the 120-day workshop participants, who were actually the original American missionaries, preparing to go out to the world later that spring. Somehow, to the obvious shock of David S. C. Kim and the security fellows, I found myself (looking as described above) sitting in the middle of a large classroom of “elders,” all of whom wore suits, ties and had very short haircuts. I was totally entranced by the words, persona, spirit, and LOVE of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Father, looking at the crowd, saw this one rather long-waisted, long-haired “freak” sitting in the middle near the back, totally taking in everything that he said. Father seemed so happy to see me. I KNEW that I was happy to see him! Father began to make jokes about hippies in America, and I laughed so hard, knowing what he was saying was totally true. In spite of my appearance, Father could somehow know that my heart was completely his, and he poured out so much love to me. This wasn’t brain-washing, but it was certainly “heart-washing” at its best! It was the greatest day of my life when True Father invited me into the realm of his heart.

Since that first meeting, I have been so blessed throughout my nearly thirty years in the movement to have been in Father’s presence hundreds of times in all types of settings and situations.

My missions... Victory Over Communism pioneer, Tiger Park’s assistant, Dr. Seuk’s assistant, American Freedom Coalition with Dr. Pak, Mr. Joo and now Dr. Yang, working with Jin Hun Nim, and with Hyun Jin Nim Moon in World CARP... all brought me to many meetings with Father. Also Father came many, many times to the Unification Theological Seminary while I was a student there. He personally taught us how to make the nets and do all types of fishing, to dig out the large pond with shovels, to plant and harvest ten acres of potatoes that we delivered to the hungry in Harlem, to level the soccer field (twice!) and on and on. When I graduated, I went to London for nine months, pioneering Home Church. Father was there with us for most of that time. There also, Father matched me with my wife Chieko in a comparatively intimate matching and Holy Wine ceremony of two hundred couples.

As any member can tell you, each meeting with True Father is a story in itself. There is no such thing as a boring encounter with him and True Mother. Father is a whirlwind in himself. There are always so many levels of activity and connections going on around him, all of the time. He is indeed a living miracle. His scope of activity and attention is enormous in scale. He is the one universal man that people from all over the world, all races, can experience as their True Father.

Truly, Father was born to speak, to express God’s feelings on every kind of subject from the minute to the cosmic. He is like a bubbling spring when he begins speaking.

I was there in the garage at Belvedere when he set his own personal record of speaking continuously for over seventeen hours, without once repeating himself! Dr. Pak was translating, and he certainly deserves the crown of “King of the Translators.” After Father had spoken for about twelve hours, standing the entire time, Mrs. Eu slipped over behind Father and placed a chair behind him, hoping that he would sit down and rest his extremely tired legs. After a little while, Father turned his head slightly and saw that the chair had been placed behind him. Like a tiger pouncing, Father turned and with all of his might, kicked the chair completely across and off of the stage! Without saying a word about it, he then turned and continued speaking, for another five hours! He was determined to set a record condition that day, and saw the offer of a chair, even though presented with so much love, as an attempt to weaken his steely resolve.

I often felt sorry for Father, as had Mrs. Eu, because he has always mercilessly pushed his own body, no matter how sick or tired he might be. True Mother has also endured such incredible physical trials in trying to keep pace with him. I observed that for Father, this is his way of life. It is his God-given nature to push himself beyond all limitations. He seemed to have offered his entire life as one long indemnity condition, composed of an endless myriad of conditions, offered as sacrifices for furthering God’s will on the earth. But to live more comfortably is totally alien to Father. He explained to us once at the seminary while we were at the river fishing, that every day, before he stops to eat a meal, he will push to do one more accomplishment for Heaven, complete one more task for God, before taking any form of rest or sustenance. He does that for every meal. He lives like that every day. Father is famous for his “iron will”; steel would be more like it! Father’s mind and will have total dominion over his body.

One story that I feel encapsulates his lifestyle was told by one of my favorite brothers, Rev. Kevin McCarthy. Kevin was the Western brother in charge of a rather large workshop of leaders at a training workshop in Kodiak, Alaska, at North Garden, with True Father. Father’s usual schedule for that time was to get started at 3:15 AM. Everyone usually went to sleep around 11:00 PM. Kevin, having some responsibilities to fulfill, was up later than the others one night. At 12:15 AM, he looked up to see Father walking down the hall, fully dressed in his fishing clothes. “Time to go,” said Father, “It’s 3:00 o’clock!” Kevin, looking at his watch, said, “But Father, it’s not 3:00; it’s 12:15.” Father had mistakenly mixed the hour and minute hands of his watch, seeing 3:00 instead of 12:15. Father looked at his watch and realized what he had done. Then he threw his head back and laughed long and loud, as if the funniest joke had just been played on him, and then went back to his room. Father’s mind had told him that it was 3:00 AM, and no matter how tired his body was he completely dominated it, and was going out for his condition of fishing, no matter what. His body must have protested mightily, since it had received only an hour or so of sleep, but that protest had no chance against his mind and will. That story is just one of a multitude that reveals his total domination of the mind-body relationship, and his total dedication to liberating God.

Coming to know True Father is a continuous, unending exercise in discovery. It is impossible to put him into any known “category,” as the media, to its chagrin, has found. He is routinely described by the media in such an array of personas: “evangelist,” “businessman,” “empire builder,” “brainwasher,” etc. It is not all that much easier to really “know” him for those of us who have been blessed with being with him so many times through the decades. He sometimes has said, “Even True Mother doesn’t really understand me.”

My latest personal “meeting” with True Father was in December 2004, just before Christmas. There were many people there at his home, East Garden, in Tarrytown, New York. Father had just completed his speeches in Washington, D.C. at both a three thousand person breakfast “summit” and an equal- sized dinner event (both on the same day, December 13!). To our surprise, he chose sixteen of the organizers and leaders involved in those events and announced a “lottery” in which the sixteen each drew an envelope containing the flag of a nation from his hand. These were the sixteen nations that had supported South Korea in the Korean War by actually sending their troops to shed their blood on Korean soil. With these sixteen, Father was initiating a new worldwide organization, the Inter-religious and International Peace Kingdom Federation. I drew South Africa.

Father Moon is totally serious about helping God to build His Kingdom... on the earth. Going from one huge effort and victory to another larger and even more challenging task is his way of life. All of us are greatly blessed by that precious life.