Chapter 20 The People Chosen for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Heaven

The People Chosen for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Heaven

December 30, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

John 15:1-22

Prayer 1

Now we have come to the last Sunday of this year. Father, were there times when we fathomed Your heart and were concerned for You? When did we fight for the Father's affairs? When have we genuinely loved the Father?

Father, please forgive us for not having fully coped with the commandments that You have given us with Your concerned heart in this one year and the responsibility that You have entrusted in us for the sake of the people. Throughout the year, there were many commands that the Father gave to us, Your unworthy representatives. Please forgive us for not having been able to complete that responsibility. Please allow us to accomplish the great will that the Father demands.

Forgive the fact that the people on earth who associate with the will have been unable to rise to the level of materializing the hope that Heaven desires. They have been unable to obey the commandments because they are ignorant of the time. Although we might have passed through the path of conflict, when we see that we could not bring victorious accomplishments before the Father, we must feel ashamed.

Please bestow again all the responsibilities that You once entrusted in the sons and daughters gathered here. Please allow them to dash forward for the sake of the Father's will. Allow us to distinguish our internal self and our external self and reflect in ourselves, "When will we be able to receive the love of the Father?"

Father, the mission that You have entrusted in us is not meant to be used just for our own selves, but to seek the people and the world. Furthermore, we are to remove the bitter grief of Heaven. Therefore, we who must take up that mission and follow the Father's orders feel completely awe-stricken before You.

Father, please raise us up again before You, we who are weak and inadequate. Allow Your compassionate and grace-filled hand to go beyond this place and overflow toward the satanic world. Father, we sincerely hope and desire this.

Father, please look upon these people with compassion. Please consider with sympathy the countless churches that have gathered on behalf of this people. Please allow them to be aware of the presence of the Father's great will and dispensation.

Based on this, please allow each church and nation to uphold the will of the Father. Please bring about the fulfillment of Your wishes by working through these people to induce the 2.4 billion people of humanity of this world to advocate the will of the Father. Please let the day come in the near future when the whole 2.4 billion people of humanity can sing that glory. Father, we pray this from the depth of our hearts.

On this day, these people have reported all their lacks. They desire once more the compassionate love of the Father and have come before Your holy presence. Please protect them with compassionate love, embrace them with Your glorious grace, and enhance them with new courage and new power. Father, we hope for this from the bottom of our hearts.

Now we beg that You will allow this hour to be a moment when, attending Father, heaven and earth can harmonize and the Father's love of goodness can dwell in this place. Let this time be a moment when we can offer the Father the glory that arises from our union with Him and receive love from the Father.

Spread widely across the countryside, there are lonesome sons and daughters who are kneeling down and are building altars before the Father. Since the whole mission of the last days has been entrusted to them, please allow them to center themselves on the will of the Father and manifest only the will of Father wherever they may be. We pray with the utmost sincerity.

Earnestly hoping that on this day You will let only the glory of joy descend upon the congregation, I prayed in the name of the loving Lord. Amen.

Prayer 2

Father! We are grateful toward Your grace, which found and raised us up and allowed us to carry on the fight until this hour. Today we still have the mission to offer all of our minds and bodies to fight for the one glorious day of the Father. Please let us not become exhausted.

Father, we have often felt that You have personally walked side by side with us as we traveled the difficult path that we had to take to obey Your commands; that You personally stood at our side even on the path of death. We must offer gratitude before that love of Yours, which guided us inadequate ones and persevered through many things.

Father! Although a long time has passed since the day that You promised and permitted, we feel humiliated before the granted will. If Your sons and daughters who have gathered here today cannot return glory to the will, Father, please allow them to at least return tears.

Father! In these last days, we pray that You will allow the fulfillment of the wishes of the ancestors, who made appeals on behalf of the people according to Your commands to persevere. Please quickly manifest Your will before the humanity of the world and give Your commandments.

Father, among Your sons and daughters who have gathered here on behalf of the people, are there those who cannot realize this great will of Yours? Please let them feel and experience the heart of the Father, which reaches deep down into the flesh and bones.

We understand that the path we must walk is long and danger-ridden. No matter what kind of obstacle block our path in whatever time and place, please empower us to penetrate through them. Please lead us not to become ones who feel grief for ourselves. Father, we pray from the depth of our hearts.

Father! Let the sons and daughters who have gathered here today eradicate all the things they are attached to and extricate all that has become entangled for 6,000 years. While we root out our own inadequacies, at the same time, please allow us to eradicate in this one place all the inadequacies of these people. By doing so, please allow us to liquidate all the shameful things of the 6,000-year history of humanity. Father, we earnestly ask that on this foundation and in this hour You will let this be the year when we can set the condition of victory before Satan and step over it.

Father, please guide us to become like children who do not know anything. Please allow us to do nothing else but obey when we are led and do nothing but submit when we are guided. Please do not let any subjective opinions or concepts remain in any of us. Resembling the heart of the Father and taking after the pure heart of children, let us become people of goodness and keep to this path, regardless of whether we are dead or alive. Allow us to charge forward on the path even if flesh and blood are shed.

Lonely members spread across the countryside are clinging on to the way of the Father's will and are fighting to safeguard it at the cost of their lives. Please guide them not to become debilitated. Father, we beg that You will grant them courage and righteous impulses in this hour, so that they can greet the day of joy and glory with a new determination and readiness.

Please forgive our deficiencies in this hour. We possess nothing and we have nothing of which to be proud. All we have is our earnest desire to be embraced inside the Father's bosom of love like children. Father, we ask sincerely that You manifest Your holy presence and penetrate deeply into the depth of our hearts. Please personally bestow the blessing according to our given measure.

Please let there not be anyone among the sons and daughters gathered here who gets dragged away by Satan. We wish earnestly that this may be the moment when we can receive the seal of purification, hold the flag of joy and victory, and return the glory of Hosanna before the Father for eternity. We offer all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer 3

Father! We have learned through the words of truth that heaven and earth are created as one body. When we consider that heaven is the subject and we are the isthmus, we cannot live even one day or one moment without receiving the sap of the Father's love and life. Please forgive us for not having been able to live so as to receive the sap of love that emanates from the eternal God when we should have lived as the branches and leaves of Heaven.

Father! In this time of the last days that forebodes the day of judgment, please allow us to be engrafted to the love of the Father centering on Jesus Christ, who is the perfect root. Although we know that God longs to reap from us the fruit of love that is born through the eternal love of Father and of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we fear that we might become an obstruction to the Father's harvest because of our immaturity, imperfection, and frailty, which prevents us from bringing that to pass.

We entrust ourselves to You. Father! Please raise us and care for us. By guiding us through the hardships and turmoil, please allow us to mature as ripened fruits. Through the loving hands of the Father, please allow us to become the realization that can build the eternal kingdom of Heaven, the harvester who can reap the harvest.

Father! We know that this moment today is not the first time You have predicted this event. You had already prophesied it long ago in the Old Testament era and at the time of Jesus 2,000 years ago. If we really understand this, then we must cultivate ourselves and become the harvest that can be reaped by Heaven and bring peace to Heaven. Yet when we evaluate ourselves, I am sure that there are those among us who do not feel that they have become mature yet. If this is the case, then Father, I ask earnestly and pray that You will allow them to repent before You on their own volition. Lamenting their own frailty, let them repent even for the grief of Jesus Christ.

Father, we have gathered here today. Please govern our minds totally, and be the center of operations to reign over us. In this way, please do not tolerate any evil concept or assertion that is unacceptable before the will of the Father.

Father, please let these who have gathered here become completely purified children by undergoing repeated processes of purification and bringing an end to the works of Satan. Please allow this to be a time when only You can operate and intervene.

Please allow us to understand that You are pressing us to fulfill the day of Christ, and that this is the time when You wish to manifest the love of Christ through us. Moreover, please lead us to understand that by raising us up, You long for us to take hold of the troubles of Christ and step forward in this twentieth century. Father, please lead us not to center our footsteps on ourselves as we dash forward toward the heavenly nature. Please lead us not to remain in the state of offering self-centered prayers.

Please allow us to chase out all the elements that invite the invasion of evil as we move forward. Father, we pray from the depth of our hearts that You will hold onto us, so that we can travel through any kind of danger-ridden road of conflict for the sake of realizing the will that You desire and that we can persevere even on a road of utter despair.

We know that we cannot receive the glory of earth because we are not men of the earth. Just as it was prophesied through Jesus Christ, we know that when there were citizens and sons of Heaven who possessed the true love and integrity of the Father, they were not welcome on earth in any era during the 2,000 years of history. Father! Please guide us to be able to cope with the persecution we may receive from this people when we try to fulfill the works of Jesus for him. Please empower us to overcome the contempt, the tribulations, and the sorrow that we might suffer at the hands of humanity on earth as we try to lead our lives for the sake of Heaven.

Jesus is longing for the day of harvest and is calling for us today, after the 6,000 years. Please withdraw the traces of historical grief and the blood and tears of the crucifixion through us. Guide us to serve as the shields of victory. Please allow us to understand that Jesus, the substantial manifestation of hope, is longing for us to become qualified to dominate Satan. By virtue of this, Father, we ask sincerely that You will allow us to become the sons and daughters who are determined to fight every day with the joyful will of the Father in our hearts and to subjugate the enemy Satan, even if we have to continue and complete it through our descendants because we could not accomplish this mission during our life-long dedication to the Father's works.

We who are facing the new year must make a renewed resolution deep in our hearts to walk this path of conflict that endangers our lives. No matter what kind of enemies oppose us, Father, please guide us never to submit to them, and safeguard our fidelity. On account of this, Father, we hope with the utmost earnestness that You will allow us to become Your sons and daughters who can reveal before all things that we are the sons and daughters who represent You.

Please let the words You grant us today become manifested and link our hearts. Requesting earnestly that You will move the spirits and mold us anew with Your hands of power in this hour, we offered all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The title of the sermon that I want to reflect on with you is "The People Chosen for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Heaven." I will speak briefly upon this topic.

The Last Days of the History of the Dispensation When We Must Re-examine Our Own Position

Ladies and gentlemen, today we greet the last Sunday of this year. You understand clearly through the principles of restoration that if we do not fulfill our responsibility today, then it must be done tomorrow.

Since the creation, history has traveled through the 6,000 years by passing through one day, one year, and then through a long period of time, while times and seasons were changing. Yet you also know very well that now the dispensation of restoration, through which the great judgment will take place on earth all over the world and God will become complete, has to be realized through the 2.4 billion people of humanity on the earth today.

We have now come face-to-face with the last days of the 6,000-year history of the dispensation. We have been participating in helping the history of the universal restoration and have stepped forward to achieve the will. The time has come when we must unequivocally understand our own situation.

Accordingly, you yourselves must now step over the 6,000-year history to reach the level of Adam and Eve, who were the ultimate ideals of the restoration and the center of creation. Going one step further, your family and society and the whole humanity of the world must reach the standard. Before that standard is met, the dispensation of God will not be consummated on earth.

We, the descendants of today, must take responsibility for the gigantic and fearful dispensation of restoration, which is full of ordeals, and for the failures committed by our ancestors as well as the things that they left behind unaccomplished. You must feel deeply in this moment that such a universal mission rests upon you.

Due to the fall of Adam and Eve, the ideals of the kingdom of Heaven have been fundamentally destroyed and the ideals of the kingdom of Heaven that should have been realized through humankind have fallen down from Heaven. What is more, until now the kingdom of Heaven has not been realized; the citizens who can build the kingdom of Heaven have not been found. The families that can cultivate the citizens are not established. The couples and brothers and sisters who can form such families are not found either.

The Restoration of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Good Life of Human Beings

Therefore, the restoration of the kingdom of Heaven is the central purpose of what God demands. Moreover, the movement to restore the kingdom of Heaven must be done in a process of reversal. Starting from citizens of Heaven, the children of Heaven, the brothers and sisters of Heaven, the couples of Heaven, and the families of Heaven must be restored to construct the kingdom of Heaven. Such a mission rests on our shoulders.

The land that we are living in today, this world in which we live, is not the land of the kingdom of Heaven and is not the world of the kingdom of Heaven. It is not a world centered on God, but a world centered on Satan, a world that stands opposed to the kingdom of Heaven. Nonetheless, in the concluding period of history, without fail there will emerge the watershed when the evil world is restored to the kingdom of Heaven of goodness. The 2.4 billion people of humanity today have crossed the pass of the restoration of the individual, family, society, nation, and world in accordance with the dispensation of God.

The central purpose of Jesus Christ coming to this earth and disseminating the gospels was the restoration of the kingdom of Heaven. This standard called the kingdom of Heaven is supposed to not only restore you as an individual, but going beyond that, also restore the family, society, nation, and world. Therefore, from the day that you began to believe in Jesus, you have been traveling the road of conflict for the sake of restoration.

The lives that people lead now in this world are not for the sake of the world. Although they claim that they live for the sake of the nation, they do not. Although they claim that they are living for the sake of the family, they are not living for the sake of the family. Moreover, although they say that they are living for the sake of themselves, they are not really living for themselves.

All human beings that live in this world of evil today should live for the sake of the world, but they have not been able to do so. People who should be living for the sake of their nation, their people, their tribe, family, and themselves have lost that fundamental position.

When people today live centering on themselves, they are not able to live centering on their minds. When we examine how low we have fallen, you will find that we have fallen so low that although we should live centering on our minds, we have not been able to do so. We have been living for the sake of our physical bodies. We have become people who live only for the sake of our self-centered desires.

Similarly, for the sake of restoring fallen men, God has been carrying on the work of rectifying the body to subjugate it before the mind, rectifying the individual to make him submit to the family, rectifying the family to subjugate it before the people, rectifying the people to make them submit before the nation, and rectifying the nation to make it yield to the world.

Therefore, in any society, individualistic people have been standing in the position opposing the revolutionary course of faith in Jesus. What is more, people who have centered upon themselves have also stood in the opposing position. Because God works in line with the progress of history, in other words, in the orderly progression through the individual era, the family era, the people era, and the national era, in that course of progress, there have been difficult moments of crisis when people could no longer follow.

The Center that We Must Pursue and the Order of Restoration

In this era of the last days, when the 6,000 years are being consummated, the ideology of Jesus Christ has been established on earth as the ideology of the restoration of the whole world. In other words, today the ideology centered on Christianity is becoming manifested as the central ideology of the entire world. However, the ideology of the enemy has counter-attacked, and these two divisions are engaged in a fight.

Then what is the standard that we who stand in this kind of position must pursue? If we look at it through the hope of Jesus Christ, who established the ideology of the restoration of the kingdom of Heaven, this world is not the only ideal garden that we must pursue. The ideal standard of restoration that God seeks is not only this earth. It is the garden of ideology that has become one based on the union of heaven and earth. Therefore, God has been carrying on the dispensation until now for the sake of finding the one glorious day when we can join in harmony and sing centering on Heaven.

What must we, who live in this era, understand? We ourselves must restore through indemnity everything in the history of sin.

When you believe in Jesus, there will unfold a fight on the individual level. The fight between the mind and body will unfold. Those who become stragglers in this fight cannot become the citizens of the kingdom of Heaven. When evil acts centered on the body try to subjugate the mind, if you cannot overcome it and be victorious, then you cannot become the citizens of the kingdom of Heaven. We today have the mission to restore from the world to the nation, from the nation to the people, from the people to the family, from the family to the couple, and from the couple to brothers and sisters. Because of such a fundamental standard for the ideology of the kingdom of Heaven, we must first restore ourselves.

Since it is said, "the kingdom of Heaven is in you," although the universal kingdom of Heaven must also be built, the individual kingdom of Heaven must first be completed. What this means is that you have to become someone who can stand before the universe after establishing the reciprocal base for mind and body.

Therefore, now you must become someone who can be assimilated into and be harmonized with any aspect of the entire ideal of Heaven. If Jesus is compared to a grape tree, you can maintain the shape of a branch of that grape tree, no matter which aspect we belong to. Your moving from the branch to and through the stem is what restoration is all about.

The Stages of Restoration into the Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven

The first stage that you must find is the stage of becoming the citizens of the kingdom of Heaven. Before you lies the fate to enter this stage of citizenship in the kingdom of Heaven. You who are in this situation must have a new historical concept. You are not to live for your own sake; you must have the mentality to live for the sake of the citizens of the kingdom of Heaven, the compatriots of the heavenly nation. You must not have a partial concept but a universal one. Moreover, if you belong to a society, then you have to have the mentality of that society. If you belong to a nation, then you must have the mentality of the nation. If you live in a nation, then you must learn how to love the citizens of that nation.

We today must be able to assert our will with our minds and bodies before God, who has been guiding history for the sake of the construction of the kingdom of Heaven. We must be able to love the citizens of the kingdom of Heaven. We must have the mind-set that we exist for the sake of building the kingdom of Heaven, for the restoration of the world, which is the will of the Father. We, as the believers in Jesus, should not blindly support Jesus, but be able to believe in Jesus by becoming one with the fortune of heaven and earth internally and externally. God has been establishing the ideology of the restoration of the kingdom of Heaven centering on the universal dispensation. We must become the sons and daughters and citizens who can stand there. Furthermore, we must learn to love the compatriots of the kingdom of Heaven.

If there are those who have faith among the people around you or beside you, then you must be able to consider them as your brothers and sisters and your compatriots. Moreover, you must persuade everyone to do the same. When we look at these kinds of things, it is clear that your responsibility is unspeakably immense.

Then what is the demand that God is making of us in these last days today? It is none other than mobilizing the faithful believers and building the garden of the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, individuals must become united and peoples must become united to become compatriots of the kingdom of Heaven. You must understand this.

When we look at the 6,000-year history vertically, in the Old Testament era, God gathered the citizens of Heaven. In the New Testament era, God gathered children of Heaven. Similarly, history flowed in a reverse manner.

In the world today, there are people who are trying to build the kingdom of Heaven centering on the ideology of the compatriots of the kingdom of Heaven. Moreover, there are also people who rely on the ideology of brothers, sisters, and couples of the kingdom of Heaven to build the kingdom of Heaven.

The Legal Standard and the Standard of Life in the Kingdom of Heaven

Now you must learn to obey the laws of the kingdom of Heaven in your daily life. To establish the kingdom of Heaven, you must learn to abide by the laws of the kingdom of Heaven. Moreover, while you learn to obey the laws of Heaven, at the same time, you must learn to lead the life of the kingdom of Heaven. Furthermore, while you learn to live the life of the kingdom of Heaven, you must also become one through the love of the kingdom of Heaven.

God has been working to restore the kingdom of Heaven until now, so centering on what should we abide by the laws of the kingdom of Heaven? We must obey the laws of the kingdom of Heaven centering on the Biblical words that Jesus gave to us. Since words are the very laws of the kingdom of Heaven, we should live centering on the words. This is where your path is. You are to live especially according to the laws of the kingdom of Heaven centering on the Divine Principle words that testify to the internal truth of the Biblical words.

Then what kind of life should you live? You must live a life that represents the thirty-year life of Jesus. Your life in the last days today must be a life that testifies to Jesus Christ. Because of this, you should be able to divulge your life to all people. You must live the same type of life that Jesus demonstrated to us. You must follow the example of the life of Jesus, who abided by the laws centering on the words of God. By leading a harmonious life, you should live for the sake of Heaven.

Therefore, centering on the words, you must now lead a life that represents the life of Jesus, which is based on the laws of Heaven. Your hope and ideal must be the love of God. For this reason, you must set the condition of harmony for the sake of making a link with the love of God. This is what God demands of all the Christians of the world today.

The resin of one tree branch flows to other branches. It circulates through all the leaves and branches. Similarly, you must learn to create harmony between yourselves and give. Such people can possess the eternal love of God.

Throw Away Self-Centered Concepts

Accordingly, we Christians should abandon our self-centered mentality and develop a new mind-set that we represent the world and the universe. Therefore, when we look at our members, we should understand that they are not simply who they appear to be today. You must feel that they represent the 6,000-year history, the eternal dispensation, and horizontally, the 2.4 billion people of humanity. In each person, we can find the universal promised will of God's love. Consequently, you must become the co-operator of that person. Because such a mission rests on you, you must learn to view the dispensational will of God with a correct perspective and represent that will.

The same thing is true in your personal or family life. Your children, your parents, and your spouse do not exist for your sake. Your children are not for your sake and your brothers and sisters are not for your sake. The same thing is true for your parents. They exist for the sake of something greater than the nation and the world, for the sake of the universe.

We should be aware of this, and on that level, relate with our brothers and sister and with our parents. If you recognize this fact and feel this in your life, then you cannot judge anyone with words.

We must never forget that the universal will of God can be found in each of us. You must be aware of the fact that you do not exist for yourself but for the sake of the world, for the sake of heaven and earth. You represent the mission of restoration. You must become unified in your daily life.

You who have been traveling the path that others do not walk must abandon a self-centered life. You should cast away self-centered concepts. Even in our Unification Church, we must throw away a perspective toward life centered only on the Unification Church. The reason is that we are all cells and particles of the universe.

We who live in the last days must feel the historical workings, the providential workings of the heavenly principles, the workings of the comprehensive love of God. Moreover, only when you become the victor in the universal fight with Satan by conquering your bodies, can you become the people needed for the garden of the kingdom of Heaven. In this kind of moment, you will develop a relationship with Heaven. You must understand that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have joined their hearts and are fighting with Satan in order to realize this hope.

When you try to fight with Satan today, you must distinguish whether or not the thoughts, concepts and ideology that you have are for your own sake. If all of your thoughts are for your own sake, then you will have no way to escape Satan's realm.

What is more, we Christians, who are moving forward toward the world, must step beyond the mentality of history constrained in this world. You must be able to transcend that to comprehend and judge the world with a universal perspective of history.

Blessed Are Those Who Bring Peace and Harmony

Then what would happen now to the world whose purpose is restoration? What would happen to the society, family and to us, whose purpose is restoration? What is the will of God, whose purpose is restoration? You must understand these and go beyond them. To do that, you must be able to live relying on the words, having the sacrificial heart of Jesus Christ, and able to live in harmony. Jesus said, "Blessed are the ones who bring peace and harmony. They will be called the sons of God." (Matthew 5:9)

Those who can bring harmony wherever they go can go close to God. You have the responsibility to bring harmony to all individuals, to all people, to the world, and to heaven and earth.

If you fail to feel this somewhat substantial responsibility in the living environment that you are in, you must at least feel it in your hearts. You must have the mind-set that you will become the sacrifice who can bring harmony to individuals, to families, to societies, to nations, and to the whole world. On that foundation, you must have the attitude to confront Satan and go before the Father.

If you build this kind of relationship and lead your life, then when you see someone who is doing good things, you will naturally have the desire to bow your head down and elevate that person. Moreover, if you see someone who is doing evil things, the thought will arise in you, "It is my task to guide that person. I will be responsible for that person." If there is someone who feels this to the bottom of his heart in his life, then he does not have to pray for his own sake. He does not have to pray for his own family. If each of you makes the determination and pledge that you will build the kingdom of Heaven that God wishes on earth and if you live for that cause, then God will be with you.

Therefore, if there are people who can join hands and build the altar of harmony, then they can bring forth a new revolution that will stride forcefully toward the world. The same thing will be true for the churches. If there are people who are determined to die, with the mind-set that they will join hands and become the sacrifice of harmony following the example of Christ, then although the steps they take might seem unsatisfactory and fragile, it is not so. Their steps are robust steps directed toward the construction of the kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Jesus Christ came to earth with the amazing mission of heaven and earth on his shoulders. In the 4,000-year course of history in which there was no loyal subject or filial son who lived for the sake of Heaven, it was Jesus Christ who came to fulfill the mission of the loyal subject and the filial son that Heaven sought.

The thirty-year life of Jesus was completely for the sake of Heaven. It was a world level and universal life. What is more, his life was a life of sacrifice for the sake of Heaven. You must follow the example of Jesus Christ who, unlike anyone in history, came as the filial son for the sake of Heaven.

Father's will is building the kingdom of Heaven. The kingdom of Heaven is the world in which the humanity of the whole world joins hands to be in harmony and in intimate friendship and to intermingle in love and raise their hands to return glory and gratitude to Heaven. When we think about that, then clearly the life of faith that we have led so far is very immature. We must get rid of this kind of immature life of faith.

God Pursues the Ideal of Unification

The time of any kind of denominationalism has passed behind us. The time of any kind of ideology of people has passed behind us. Now the time has come when we must find the ideology of restoration and the concept of faith on the world level.

Koreans today are pitiful people. What these pitiful people must understand is that the history of God tears down the individual to build the family, tears down the family to build the society, tears down the society to build the nation, and tears down the nation to build the world. This is the judgment of Heaven.

Humanity has passed through judgment like this, but what is the problem remaining in the last moment? It is to destroy the course of Cain, which is one of the two courses of Cain and Abel that have been in confrontation and in conflict. Therefore, you must become a different person centering on the words of Jesus. You must establish the words of Jesus as the laws and become different people. You must become the loyal subjects and filial sons of Heaven who can represent the life of Jesus.

Having done that, you are to go before God, who is pursuing the ideal of unification, and be able to say, "God, please liberate through me the bitter grief of not having been able to unite the world and embrace it in love." Christians today do not understand that there remains before us such a great, historical, universal, and cosmic mission. Then to what extent have you been able to manifest the love of Jesus Christ? To what extent have you realized faith and life based on Jesus Christ? You must understand the line of that limitation.

The grace coming from Jesus is universal grace. Therefore, we today must live with the concept of the kingdom of Heaven in us. Your every movement and all of your feelings must be centered on the mind-set, "I am the representative of the kingdom of Heaven." You must live with this kind of mentality. When you are cursed before all people and feel a surge of anger within, you must suppress it based on the concern that your anger might bring curses upon the 2.4 billion people of humanity. This is the heart that Heaven has been feeling until now. If you, even after knowing this fact, become overwhelmed by fury and disobey the will of the Father, then how can this be tolerated? All of you are to join in alliance and help each other.

Which people are in difficulty? You must feel that person's difficulty as if it is a wound inflicted on you. You must then co-operate. This must not be done just by the Korean people. The whole of humanity must help.

You must walk the path of restoring the kingdom of Heaven. You must become the sons and daughters who receive the love of the universe. Next, you must learn to attend God, who is the center of the universe. The God whom you cry out for and Jesus Christ whom you seek and believe in do not exist only for your own sake. The people who believe in Jesus today do not understand that. They think that Jesus and God are only for their own sake.

This is not God's wish. This is not the will of God. God's place is at the center of the whole of heaven and earth. You must learn to attend God like this today. However, this is only possible for those who live the life of the kingdom of Heaven.

The Correct Attitude of Faith toward God

Then what is the reason that God has been working in history for 6,000 years? It was for the purpose of embracing the whole of history in His bosom. God has been wishing that not just earth but even the spirit world will become one with the whole through His love. He has been longing for that one day. If you want to receive grace from this God, then you must pray, "Father! Please call on me."

God's love must never end with you. What you must understand today is that the grace that God gives is not only for your own sake. At the same time it saves your life, it is also for the sake of saving the whole of humanity.

Nonetheless, because the people of today live centering on themselves, though many people want to find God, there is almost no one who receives this grace. You must free yourself from this. You must penetrate through it and dismantle it to serve God as the cosmic God. Before this universal God, you must feel the responsibility that penetrates deeply into your minds and bodies. The garden of hope that you believe in and desire is not just your garden of hope. The archangel fell because he tried to seek and believe in God centering on himself.

The God that the people of today believe in is both our God and the God of humanity. He is both our God and the God of the world. He is both the God of the world and the God of heaven and earth. At the same time, he is our universal parent.

However, if you examine the faith of the people who believe in Jesus today, they are saying, "Please be my God," and those who are a bit better than that do no more than say, "Please be my family's God." Rising a bit higher from this are those who say, "Please be the God of our denomination." We should never have these kinds of concepts.

There are many denominations in the world today that are crying out for God. However, we do not need the God who is sought within a denomination. Only when people gather who transcend the denominations and call out to Him as their father centering on the whole of heaven and earth, can humankind attend God on earth.

Therefore, we today must let the concepts we have be linked to the whole through our families. You who have embarked upon a new road must abandon your life up to now and make a new and historical departure toward the concepts of universal life.

At such times, the attitude that you should have is the heart that can attend the substantial presence of the universal God. By doing so, you can receive the love of God and build the relationship of giving and receiving with God. At such a moment, you can finally consummate the ideology of the universal bride.

After consummating the ideology of the universal bride, you can go seeking the restored world. But you can appear as the bride before the substantial manifestation of the universal God only after restoring the people and brothers and sisters, and the children and couples. Only when you reach that position can you stand before the substantial manifestation of the universal God centering on the love of God that springs out there and become one with that love. The couple who comes together in this way is the couple who can dominate this earth and live in the kingdom of Heaven. Moreover, only after you have children as this kind of a couple can you build the family of the kingdom of Heaven. When you form a people with these brothers and sisters and children, you can finally bring the dispensation of restoration to a conclusion and live the life of the kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Likewise, the great movement of restoring the kingdom of Heaven is exhibited through you of today. Therefore, you must increase your efforts toward the realization of that will and never become servile before Satan. Just as Jesus Christ did all that was possible as the loyal subject and filial son of God, we must also complete our duties as the loyal subjects and filial sons.

To Complete the Restoration of the Kingdom of Heaven and Return Glory

You must understand this: only after you cause the humanity of the world and all the spirits in the spirit world to fulfill all their obligations as loyal subjects and filial children, can you become the sons, children, brothers and sisters, family, or people who can return to the Father the victorious glory of having completed the restoration of the kingdom of Heaven.


Beloved Father, today we must dash forward. Although our strength is not enough, we face an amazing historical conclusion in which we must jump over tens of stages at once. Although we are in the position to magnificently pass through the course of judgment, we are in a deep sleep today.

Father, we have become bewitched by the secular world. We are accompanying evil. Father, we desire from the depth of our hearts that You will lead us to eradicate all evil elements and raise us as victors who can return victorious glory to the Father, who is the center of the cosmos.

All the hidden stories of history have become entangled in us. Father, we pray that You will allow us to cut them all off and find the center of liberation so that we can stand in the position of a friend to Jesus Christ and make a full bow before the Father.

Please lead us, the ones chosen for the restoration of the kingdom of Heaven, not to trample upon the ideology of the kingdom of Heaven by centering on ourselves. Father, we hope with the utmost sincerity that, until we can be pulled by the ideology of the kingdom of Heaven and can accomplish it, You will allow us to go forward, to sacrifice, and to fight on. Until we attend You as the universal Father, we pray that You will allow us to persevere and win the victory in the battle.

Father, please govern our minds forever. Now please allow us to become sons and daughters who can offer a full bow of gratitude before the Father, who is the center of the whole based on the new standard of universal life. We earnestly request that You will allow us to become sons and daughters who can be immersed in Your love. Father, we prayed all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Chapter 19 Let Us Become the One Who Attends the Lord Who Has Come for the Sake of all Humankind

Let Us Become the One Who Attends the Lord Who Has Come for the Sake of all Humankind

December 23, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

Matthew 8:18-34

Prayer 1

Father, as we think about Your granting us the grace that You have, we the worthless come before You and call you, "Father!" We are truly grateful. We cannot but thank You for sending Your beloved Jesus to us, we who should be leading a life bearing Your inveterate enmity, uttering the moaning sound of death every day of our lives. Thank You for unrolling to us the grace of redemption. Please allow us to become the children who know how to recompense for the grace by first offering our minds and bodies before the grace of the triune God, who has made constant laborious efforts throughout the several thousand years of history for this, and before the toils of the Father who has shined the light of hope on the earth, which is in darkness.

Father, we thank You for granting us the grace that we can experience in our heart Your wonderful grace this morning, that our bodies, which have been buried in darkness, may be submerged in the stream of life hidden in Heaven, and that we who have been buried in death may be linked to the arteries of the Father's cosmic love. Father, please let us feel deeply in our hearts in this hour that there is no way for us to recompense for the grace of the Father, even if we offer all of our minds and bodies. Please let us become those who get overwhelmed with shame even if they offer all of their minds and bodies. Please allow us to feel insufficient of our own accord, even if we offer all of our minds and bodies.

Father, since we came before You with all of our strength, with all of our devotion, and with all of our minds and bodies, please look at us with compassion. Please forgive us. In spite of having offered ourselves as living sacrifices before the Father, we have not done so until this time, this day. Guide us to be equipped quickly with an offering that the Father can appreciate with joy and of which the Father can be eternally proud.

Father, Your sons and daughters gathered here are a small group of people. Please allow them to realize that You are demanding for this nation to be the sacrifice of victory. Lots of sacrifice is required in order for this nation to keep from being swept away by the wave of death.

We are prostrated with gratitude before the grace that You raise us and guide us with, we who are worthless, in this hour. Please accept us as a sacrifice who can take over all fields of the Father's concern, and who can dissolve the basis of the Father's concern, and who can liquidate the battle ground between good and evil and return the glory of victory before Heaven.

Father, please accept this audience first as a living sacrifice with joy. Next, please guide us to be able to build the altar of victory that the Father is seeking. Further, please let us demonstrate Father's will of compassion in the face of this nation and all humankind. Beloved Father, we sincerely wish and pray this.

Father, please allow us to be able to understand Your situation, in which You have raised those who are worthless and given them directions regarding the holy mission of the cosmic level. Please allow us to be able to experience Father's heart with deep-rooted concern. Please allow us to be able to feel Father's bones-and-muscle- aching lamentation. Even if we get exhausted in the fight, please allow us to experience the Father's sorrowful position and heart and be comforted of our own accord.

Father, please let us gather our strength to fight of our own accord and step out again whenever we face the anxious hyung-sang of the Father, who is calling us. Please allow us to become sons and daughters who move without stopping for the sake of Heaven. This we sincerely wish and pray.

Father, this time when the year is about to change, if there was something about us that did not fulfill the mission that You put us in charge of for the past year, Father, please have forbearance. Since the mission that Heaven put in our charge is one that corresponds to the idea of history of the heavenly level, beyond the idea of history of the worldwide level, if there is something about us that was leading life centering on our own selves for the past year, please forbear with us. Please forbear that we have thought of the mission You put in our charge too lightly.

Father, please allow us to have all the inadequacies that we have shown before the Father for the past year liquidated, and allow us to have new minds, a new resolution, and a new vow. Please allow this hour to be one in which we can repent for ourselves being inadequate before the will of the Father. Father, we sincerely wish and pray this.

Father, since the road we are taking is the course of the fate of the cosmic level in which we cannot but walk hurriedly, the course of battle throughout our lives, please allow us not to get exhausted along the way. Please allow us not to be discouraged along the way. Do not let a matter of great regret to be developed by us by looking back while walking on. Father, we sincerely wish and pray this.

We have stepped on the course of the fate of the cosmic level that we cannot but take. We have stepped on the course that we have to walk on even after our death, if we do not walk on it while living. Please allow us to feel insufficient even if we offer all of our minds and bodies. Please allow us to feel insufficient even if we offer all of our true hearts.

Since we are of inadequate bodies, Father, please allow that only our hearts that are wishing for Your compassion govern the whole of our lives. Father, we sincerely wish and pray this.

Since we know that lonely families are spread in all directions with the words that the Father has promised and allowed and are taking pains to pray before the Father, holding onto lonely altars of offering, please protect them wherever they are. Please become their friend, sympathizing with their sorrowful hearts. Let that comfort their minds. We sincerely wish and pray in this hour that You grant us the grace that we may bow with unified minds and bodies before the one grace, and before one will, centering on one glory.

Father, we know that members of numerous denominations are praying with sorrowful hearts before the Father in this hour. Reveal the signal-fire of compassionate love over Your pitiful sons and daughters who do not know about the time and the period. Please display the signal-fire of words of compassion. We sincerely desire and pray that You establish quickly for us the altar of glory, that all of us may unite into one after being embraced quickly in the bosom of the love of the Father, who is to embrace and return the glory of happiness. We pray that we can subjugate Satan after building the altar of victory. Wishing that the grace of compassion be with Your sons and daughters

who are praying for the sake of Heaven, spreading out in all directions in this hour, we pray all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer 2

Please allow the land of goodness to be established. We know that since the original garden that Father created was a garden equipped with goodness, love, beauty, and the shield of eternal righteousness, it was a world of which Satan could not take advantage.

Father, since the standard of hope that my own self wishes are the glory of the truth of love, the goodness of love, and the beauty of love all hidden within the Father, Father, please open the gate of the heart to Your sons and daughters who are gathered here. We wish that You will grant us the grace of the eternal love that the Father has been hiding within Him.

There are words of the Father's tears that the Father has already promised to give. There is the mission that the Father has given, and there is the will that the Father wishes to manifest through worthless us. Please demonstrate to us without hesitation the holy grace of Heaven and the Father's absolute power and omnipotence, and the holy Father's glory. Please reveal Yourself as the fire of the Holy Spirit. Reveal the grace of glory. Please start the history of the revival of re-creation. Father, we sincerely wish and desire this.

Is there still any element of evil that cannot be accepted before the Father? Please govern with the hands of compassion all elements that are unacceptable and fix them. Please allow it to be an hour of happiness for these elements to be kneaded into the original goodness itself. Father, we sincerely wish and desire this.

Father, please raise those who are pitiful and insufficient. Call up and raise the things that have the element of falling again. Then please guide them not to become those who do not know the heart of the Father, who is crying out to have His eternal wish realized and who is hurting so badly like this.

Please allow us to feel with our minds and bodies in this hour Father's heart, which has been doleful and deeply sorrowful for 6,000 years. Let us become sons and daughters who are heartbroken to console the Father in his sorrow. Father, we sincerely wish and pray that You allow us to become earnest sons and daughters who can say toward Heaven, though we are powerless, since I offer You all of this, Father, please give us courage and strength that we can fight with.

Among the thirty million people, we have stepped forward into this course that others oppose, and have come climbing over the hill of difficulty, being beaten numerous times. Father, You cannot but give us more strength and courage. You cannot but grant the shield of the victory of Heaven. Since we cannot but carry on the last fight, the last decisive battle, wearing the heart of righteousness and the armor of righteousness, Father, please allow all of Your sons and daughters gathered here to have a united heart and one hyung-sang.

Please allow us to become those who can return the glory of victory after subjugating Satan in the last decisive battle. Please allow us to justify ourselves as Your sons and daughters of whom You can be eternally proud.

Since Heaven has to uphold its dignity for having called upon us, please protect us and allow us to become the living sacrifice that is loyal to You and that You can be proud of before all created beings. Father, we sincerely wish and pray this.

Father, though the course on which we have fought until this day was a rough one, please allow us not to become those who get disappointed upon understanding that the course we will take after this is the course of struggle. Our nationality is neither this nation nor any other nation on this earth. What we can lean on is Heaven, and what we wish for is nothing but the Father's will to be fulfilled. Since there remains the course of the fight and the hill of difficulty until we get registered in the Book of Life in the end, please allow us not to become those who will be concerned in their heart even if the course of trouble and persecution stands in our way.

We who have been called upon by God, please allow us to become the incarnation of the Father's love and the incarnation of fire. Please allow us to become the foundation of victory that can establish the garden of goodness by liquidating evil and having minds and bodies in which goodness can dwell. Father, we wish and pray this sincerely.

Father, please govern the hearts of the many sons and daughters who are present here. Please allow them to know their own selves. Please allow them to become the children who can preserve the Father's honor, who are working laboriously, and are concerned and sorrowful.

Allow us not to play the hypocrite and not to put on an outside appearance. Please guide them to be truthful. Please allow us to dissect ourselves and divulge all of our subjectivity, concepts, and assertions in the presence of the Father and get it liquidated. Allow this hour to be one in which we offer on the Father's altar the fragrance of eternal life and only the elements that the Father can possess.

Father, please penetrate into us with eyes of burning flame. Please allow each of us to repent before the Father for all that is to be repented about of our own accord, and to feel that we are standing before the court of the last judgment. Please grant us the grace to be embraced in the bosom of the glory of the Father. Grant us the dispensation of compassion, and please hold onto the mind and body of each of us. Father, we pray sincerely. Wishing sincerely that You will allow only the will of the Father to flow over the audience gathered here and make them take action, we pray in the name of the Lord.

Prayer 3

Please let our heart grab onto the heart of Jesus, who toiled laboriously 2,000 years ago, and to honor the mission of Heaven. Please let our minds and bodies be equal to Jesus' tribulations when we face his anxious hyung-sang, he who presented himself as the representative of heaven and earth.

Allow us to receive and be equal to all the contents delivered through Your words. When we think about the Scripture that says, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head," we know that though the minds and bodies of Your sons and daughters gathered here are the holy temples, there still remains a dispensation of grievance resulting from their failing to attend God's only begotten son, Jesus Christ, the crown prince, who was born for the sake of Heaven.

Although our ancestors have been building the rampart of grievance for several thousand years, this rampart is not getting any lower as days go by. Rather, Satan is building this rampart up higher, resorting to lots of deceptions.

We must know that all humankind in the world today has the responsibility to break down this rampart of enmity that our ancestors created, and that we, too, have the responsibility. We thought that it was only Jesus' grievance that he had walked the sorrowful path alone.

However, as we realize that the grievance has been left to us as our own, we discover that it is we who have to go forward toward Heaven with tears flowing.

Now as we look at the rampart of all the sins committed by our ancestors, holding our sorrowful heart in our arms, we come to realize that we ourselves are too feeble. Therefore, Father, please allow us to inherit the power of the Father with which we can force this sin out.

Father, what we have is nothing. Father, when you look at these Korean people, are they not the most pitiful people amongst all of humankind in the world? And even among this pitiful people, we who are worthless and seasoned with loneliness, are in a more miserable position.

However, Father, we know that the worldwide level blessing is submerged in Heaven. We know that the love of the Father is submerged deep in the heart of the Father.

Father, even if we are in a lonely position, please let us clear the barrier of tears to establish the garden of harmonization. Since we know that the Father is concerned about us in His heart, please allow us to become those who march forward ceaselessly, without hesitation.

Now, since we step forward honoring Your command, please allow us to become the good sons and daughters of Heaven who can run toward the way of accomplishing the hope, while living or after death. Father, we sincerely wish and desire this. Please allow that there be not even a single living soul among the sons and daughters in this audience gathered here who gets told with the same sadness-provoking word, "No, do not follow me," as when a teacher of the law came to Jesus and said, "Teacher, if you wish, I will follow you."

When I come to stand before Jesus of my own accord, I come to realize that I cannot but become a sacrificial being. I wish to become good enough that the Jesus of love, Jesus of goodness, Jesus of compassion, Jesus of patience, Jesus who is fully equipped with the wholeness of the nine different fruits of the Holy Spirit, who appears with an anxious look, can take a single fruit among the nine possible fruits of the Holy Spirit from my own self.

Please allow us not to become those who do not understand the internal grief of Jesus Christ, who could not but say, "Do not come the way you were coming, and do not wish what you wished," because there was nothing to be taken when he wanted to take. Father, we sincerely wish and desire this. Please allow the whole group of people gathered here at this time to become the sons and daughters who comply with Jesus when he said, "Forget everything and follow me," and who can be called upon thus.

This hour, we cannot but become Your sons and daughters, who without hesitation, prepare themselves and move forward when Father comes to command for the sake of the garden of hope that You wish to be established, the will that the Father will be happy about when it is fulfilled. Therefore, since we have the responsibility to take the historical lamentations of 6,000 years into our charge and to fight against Satan, please allow us to become heroes of victory who can fight with an indomitable and good heart, being equipped with a new resolution, a new determination, and a new pledge. Father, we pray this sincerely.

Now we wish that through Your words, before the grace You granted, You take charge of this hour in which we can be happy, in which the grace of love can stay, and in which the glory manifests itself as heavenly pride. We, too, wish to take charge. Wishing this sincerely, we pray in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The title of the speech that I want to reflect on together with you is "Let Us Become the One Who Attends the Lord Who Has Come for the Sake of All Humankind." I will speak briefly on this topic.

God's Ideal of Creation and the Result of the Human Fall

God, humankind and all things had to be united into one eternally, centering on one ideal of creation. However, because humankind, who is in the middle of Heaven and all things, made a mistake, all came to get divided into their several ways. All things went their own ways, Heaven went its own way, and humankind went their own ways. Therefore, to restore the world of the original nature of creation, God could not help but carry out the dispensation of restoration, starting from all things, and going next to humankind and then finally to Heaven. You should not be those who do not know about the Father's situation.

Today's people, we who were born with the fallen blood lineage, who are residing temporarily as a fallen tribe, must become those who feel first with their hearts and bodies that God's heart has been touched by sorrow. Though we have fallen without exception, as long as the relationship that God has created with us remains, and as long as the Father exists who is working laboriously to fulfill the providential will, we must not think as if we were standing in a meaningless situation. Even if your own selves are wicked, even if you are situated in a wicked position, you must become of your own accord one of those who recognize the tear-stained trails of the toilsome efforts of the Father, who has carried out the dispensation through the course of history, within you.

In short, the providence of restoration is to seek us again and restore us. Besides that, we must know that the ideal of the original nature of creation and the internal aspirations that remain within God are there within us in the final days. Now then, we must know that the grief of God who stays as an invisible God has touched on the heart of our own selves, and the traces of the toilsome effort of God who carries on the work of the dispensation of restoration invisibly, has remained within us as the grounds of our aspirations.

We who are on this earth must feel our heart being broken as badly as God's and must make toilsome effort, as God did, leaving trails of tribulation. We must become those who will bend their bodies and minds and have feelings of grief that can replace the broken-hearted feeling of the heart of goodness of God's original nature, which is what God has been cherishing as a hope.

Also, we must know that God is there, wishing even this day that the figure will emerge who has the heart of tribulations that can substitute for God's laborious effort, and who can manifest the tribulations of the invisible God with a visible, substantial body. Moreover, we must know that the Father has been searching for a religion of hope that can discern between right and wrong in all historical religions and realize your hope. All of you gathered here today cannot but step forth to a position where you can experience in your heart that the Father has been longing for the emergence of a true saint on this earth whose mind will be suffused with tears, whose body can be stimulated asleep or awake, standing or acting, during a certain moment in the course of life or in an instant of the hour.

The Purpose of the Advent of Jesus and the Disbelief of the Jewish People

Now then, the ideal of creation that the invisible Father wanted to enjoy has remained as bitterness in His heart due to the fall of humankind. The happiness and glory after creating humankind and all things, and God's wish that all would be proud of God's love and share His joys and sorrows, intoxicated with the ideal of goodness were all lost. The figure who came with the mission to unravel this was Jesus. The figure who came as a substantial being to unravel the core of God's internal lamentation representing the 4,000-year history of God's toilsome effort, and representing humankind and all created things was this very Jesus Christ. Then where was the existence who should have attended Jesus, who had waited for Jesus, and could have enjoyed happiness with Jesus eternally!

The Jewish people then should have known that Jesus Christ was the figure who represented God's internal heart and the heart of the deep- rooted bitterness. He came as the substantial, visible figure of God, who would unravel God's bitterness.

However, there was no one among the Israelites who knew about the internal providential will of God, who wished to be comforted through Jesus Christ and praised Jesus saying, "This person is the figure who can unravel the resentment of God's heart, God who has lamented for 4,000 years. He is the eternal existential being that the Father has been searching for," one who could sympathize with the heart of hope of God and attend Jesus.

The bitterness of the invisible God must be dissolved through visible humankind. The figure who could represent God's lamentation and the lamentation of all humankind was Jesus.

However, Jesus never had a happy day in his whole life. This was because the tears of lamentation of God who had cried for 4,000 years had touched his heart. Also, not even one came forward before Jesus feeling Jesus' lamentation deeply. All humankind should have become united into one with Jesus and dissolved God's bitterness. Reflecting on the course of Jesus' life, there was no one like this. Therefore, we should deeply impress upon our minds that the traces of this lack have been passed down to us today.

It had never occurred to the expectant Israelites, even in their dreams, that the Messiah, God's only begotten son and Heaven's crown prince, would emerge in such a sorrowful and haggard shape as this. Therefore, Jesus searched for someone who could attend him. While seeking, he carried it out not for his own sake, but as the representative of God's internal heart. Jesus searched for someone who could share the bitterness of God from the time of his birth, who could represent God's toilsome effort starting from the time of his birth, and could represent God's hope starting from the time of his birth. He could not find someone like this even up to the time he climbed over the hill of the cross after passing through a thirty or so year life course.

Since all of humankind has attended Jesus who died on the cross, how come nobody attended the living Jesus who came with God's eternal life and could transplant that love into humankind? The responsibility is with humankind. Although Jesus came as the embodiment of God's hope, to resolve the grief of God and to get rid of the course of God's toilsome effort and to build a garden of hope, our ancestors did not fulfill their responsibility to hold the grief of Jesus in their arms, and to carry his tribulations themselves, to lead a life of understanding and entertaining his aspirations. That was the sin of our ancestors.

Then what is it that Jesus wants from us today? Since what God had wished was to dissolve all of His bitterness through the single body of Jesus, and it has been prolonged due to our ancestor's failure to fulfill the responsibility, the grief of God has remained as has that of Jesus. The toilsome effort of God has remained, as has that of Jesus. The aspiration of God has remained, as has that of Jesus. Besides that, all of it has been extended even to the Holy Spirit.

What Jesus Wants From Us Today

Today we have the responsibility to resolve the grief of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit that has extended throughout the history of 2,000 years. You must understand this.

The one who can dissolve the bitterness of the 6,000 years of lamentation hidden in the heart of God, who can represent the toilsome effort during 6,000 years, must emerge. The one who will manifest God's 6,000 year aspiration on this earth has to emerge from among us. The one has to be sought among us.

Now, when you step forth and stand before the wonderful grace of the Father or the grace of Jesus Christ, you should not consider the day you are doing it to be a beginning. When you come to stand before the Father, you are not standing in your private capacity. You must realize that when you lead a life of faith, you are not doing it by staking your course of life; you are doing it while staking a 6,000- year history.

Even when you stand in a position where you repent for your own sin before the Father, you must realize that this is not only repenting about yourself but also repenting for 6,000 years. When you have a grateful heart before the grace and love of the Lord, you must not think you are being grateful in a private capacity, within a certain realm of time. We must become those who can feel gratitude representing the whole providential dispensation that the Father has been carrying on, the horizontal dispensation and the vertical dispensation and a standard of fulfilled hope. Similarly, Jesus has been wishing for the emergence of a figure on earth who will resolve God's grief, who will take on God's toilsome effort for God, who can fulfill God's hope.

Jesus, who came to resolve the will of Father as a substantial being, died with the fate to return because he did not complete his work. Therefore, Jesus will come again searching for you who are worthless, with the heart of sorrow that represents the history of 6,000 years. He will come searching for you not only with the grief of 4,000 years but also with the grief of 2,000 years added to that. Also, he comes not only with sorrow but also with the bitterness of the toilsome effort of 2,000 years.

Our Responsibility Toward the Returning Jesus

What is the responsibility of humankind when Jesus, who will come seeking with the aspirations of 6,000 years, appears before us? It is for us to take charge of the heart of Jesus, the sorrow of Jesus, and the burden of the toilsome effort of Jesus, as a substantial being in place of Jesus.

Because the Israelites distrusted and opposed Jesus, he went to die on the cross. There was no one among the Israelites who would know and trust and attend Jesus as the one who had come to resolve the grief of the 4,000 years of the toilsome effort of the Father. Therefore, to complete this task, Jesus has to return.

We of the final days, who have to liquidate the history of 6,000 years, must have the heart that can say, standing alone before the triune God, "Please entrust me with God's sorrow as my own sorrow. Please entrust me with God's toilsome effort as my own toilsome effort. Please entrust me with God's aspirations as my own aspirations." And even though you are individual beings, you cannot but become those who prepare for the day of Jesus' coming with a heart that says you can represent heaven and earth. You cannot but become Christians of such a world as this.

You who must prepare for Jesus' Second Coming must again reflect upon the life of Jesus Christ, who came and went. You must become those who feel the circumstances of the time of Jesus' birth, of the time of Jesus' life, and of the time of Jesus' death as those of their own.

You must own the same sense of responsibility as that of Jesus, who felt that it was his responsibility to redeem all humankind, holding the sorrowful heart of God. You must own a heart that feels as if you are lying personally in the stable of Jesus who was laying alone after being born in the land of wickedness.

What do you mean by saying that Jesus was born in a stable, although Jesus is the crown prince of Heaven? Naturally, if Jesus was filled with sorrow, the extent of God's internal sorrow watching Jesus was beyond description.

Upon looking at these facts, you must feel your sorrow penetrating into your bones. Besides that, you who are faced with the final days must feel the responsibility that you have taken the mission that Jesus assumed. You alone are in charge.

We should be able to look upon it as ours: the circumstance of Jesus who was in an unspeakably miserable situation, receiving cold treatment though he had come for the sake of all humankind. If there had been a suitable person who could offer comfort to Jesus for his sorrow on this earth, Jesus would have wanted to reveal all of his hope to the person while holding onto him.

However, the Israelites, who had been chosen by God through the time and tide of 4,000 years, and the Jewish sects and denominations prepared for the sake of Jesus Christ, did not know who Jesus was. They had nothing to do with Jesus, who was lying in a stable in Bethlehem. This made God go through sorrow again. There was no one who took sides with Jesus.

Now we must become those who will gather the bitterness of God and of Jesus and can dissolve it. Only then can we get rid of the condition of Satan's encroachment on our bodies. Since you know that the Lord of the Second Coming will appear on this earth representing the history of 6,000 years, you should please not stand such a position as the Israelites did. Their faith was not centered on Jesus, not centered on the Messiah, and not centered on God. It was centered on themselves. The Messiah was surely to come and they knew about it. However, no one made preparations to attend the Messiah.

When the Magi from the East called out that they had come to worship Jesus, who was lying in the stable in Bethlehem, the whole of Jerusalem was disturbed. Fortune-tellers from foreign lands had come to visit Jesus. However, a disturbance like this was not something pleasant.

Preparation for the Sake of the Lord Who is Returning

All of you who have faith in God today should not stay in a similar situation as the Jewish church was in, which committed a mistake. Now you should be able to make preparations for the sake of the coming Messiah, and you should not only resolve the sorrow of Jesus by yourselves, you should also be able to return glory to him. Such a responsibility as this has been left to you. These days, when you reach a sacred position where you can consult with the Father, you will be given many commands such as, "Do this" or "Do that."

When the Lord came on the earth, he would eat, he would wear clothes, he would be staying somewhere, and he would be active. However, the Jewish people, who had been waiting for the Messiah to come, did not know about this and so did not wait for him and did not make preparations to attend him. There was no one who was waiting for him with even a single pair of clothes ready for him to wear.

If there had been someone who had made preparations with a sincere heart, when the Magi from the East came to Jerusalem and when all of the Jewish people were disturbed with the hearing of it, they would have followed the Magi and gone searching for Bethlehem. However, only the Magi from the East were on the road.

Our ancestors, who were following God, who were said to be doing the will of God, have left traces of sorrow in the sins they committed. You of today should not be standing in the same situation. You should be able to make preparations to be able to attend the coming Lord with your minds and bodies, within and without.

We of today, who are facing the final days, what is it that the Christians of the whole world must do? If the Jewish people, who were wishing the Messiah would come, had prepared a place to stay when the Messiah was born, Jesus would not have been laid down in a stable. In the same manner, we must become the Christians who can prepare a place for him to stay when the Messiah is born.

Gifts For the Coming Lord

You must not consider it a matter of happiness that Jesus was born in a stable, being wrapped in swaddling clothes. Jesus was the figure that all humankind together should have honored in the most glorious position, more than anybody on this earth, more than anybody in history. He is the figure who should have been liked and praised by all humankind as the son of God. Besides, he was Jesus, whom all humankind should have been proud of in the presence of Satan.

Then what would the sorrow of God have been like as He watched the scene where the Jewish people were not attending Jesus? You must understand such sorrow as this.

Therefore, now, in place of the heart of God and having understood the sorrowful heart of Jesus of 2,000 years ago, you must become those who will prepare gifts internally, without anybody knowing. The gifts of Heaven cannot be shown in the presence of Satan. That is why the most precious gifts never reveal themselves, as you notice in the Bible. Why? It should not be that someone knows about this first. Only the one who must know should know about this first. If Satan knew about this first, he would retain a lingering desire for it. That is why it should not be revealed.

While you make the preparations for the sake of the Lord who comes for the sake of the world, you will have to prepare a precious gift that is not found on this earth, which you cannot exchange with anything else on this earth. In order for the Lord not to feel any difficulty either in his heart or in his body when he is present and active, you must find and prepare the foundation of attendance with your bodies. Why is this so? Because the most precious thing, more than anything else in this world, is your body.

Because he is such a precious figure and a substantial being who can substitute for the whole universe, when the son of the Father, the only begotten son whom Father loves comes, you must establish a foundation of peace where he can rest forever. Then by having your minds and bodies united into one, when Jesus comes again, you must become the hands and feet of Jesus. You must substitute for the life course of Jesus, and you must attend Jesus so that he feels tranquility and comfort. You must become one who can fight the fight that Jesus carried on 2,000 years ago in place of Jesus.

Jesus has been fighting for 2,000 years, so you must now be determined to take full charge of that fight with Satan and prepare even the shield to be used in that fight. Furthermore, while you identify with the situation at the birth of Jesus, you must at the same time feel the heart of Jesus while he was living on the earth.

The Tears and Prayer of Jesus

Now if you truly try to seek the Father, and if you seek Jesus' bosom of love, then you will shed tears. God could not divulge His sorrow even while suffering for 4,000 years. Jesus lived with the substantial shedding of tears. Although only three or four such instances are recorded in the Bible, in actuality, there were numerous times when, unbeknownst to others, Jesus shed tears.

When God was looking down upon the Jewish people whom He had loved through the thousands of years of dispensational history, there was not one moment that He did not shed tears. Jesus shed tears every time he prayed before God. Every time he encountered a difficult and lonely situation, he felt grief, with God on his side as the only one who understood him. Nonetheless, he could not reveal his sorrow to his disciples. You must understand this situation of Jesus.

It was not just one or two times that Jesus climbed the Mount of Olives and prayed through a sleepless night. He did not just pray in the Garden of Gethsemane once. While he was traveling the path of hardships, Heaven was the only one in whom he could confide his mournful situation. Yet he did not pray to place his sorrow on the shoulders of Heaven. On the contrary, he prayed that he could single- handedly bear all the sorrows. He appealed, "Father! I am going to bear the grief that You feel as You look down upon me. Father! Please be comforted through me! I am going to resolve Your sorrow. Please do not be so sad." What is more, he prayed, "Father, I will be responsible for the efforts of 4,000 years, so please do not worry. I am here. Please do not worry, because Your hope remains."

Jesus kept sorrow inside as he grew up. This means that Jesus underwent grief ever since his childhood because people did not attend him.

Jesus grew up as a step-son in Joseph's family. Although all the people in his town talked about him, he lived a life of reticence. Although he understood in his heart the great and amazing will of Heaven that could not be revealed, he grew up as a normal child. You must not think that his life of thirty years as a carpenter was comfortable. What a pitiful life it was! Jesus should have stood in the most lofty position among the Jewish people and have manifested the joy and glory of the Father. Instead, he lived with a hatchet and plane in his hands to help support the livelihood of Joseph's family.

If there are sons and daughters who want to uphold the will of God today, true sons and daughters who want to remove grief and bitterness from God's heart, then they must consider the life of Jesus their model course. If you want to fathom the life that Jesus lived, you must be moved deeply by the heart of Jesus, the amazing grace. Feeling that heart, you must enter the same difficult position. Then you will feel that the sorrow of Jesus has transcended time and life, and that there was not even one peaceful moment in the life of Jesus.

Nonetheless, Jesus, who came for the sake of the earth, felt great anguish about channeling the sorrow that he suffered on earth toward Heaven. Today, those people who believe in Jesus commonly try to direct their own crosses and sorrows to Heaven. We do not believe in Jesus to do that. The person who can say, "The sorrow of Heaven was caused by me, so I will bear it on my own shoulders. God, please do not worry," is the person who has become connected to the dimensions of Jesus' conviction and life.

Are You My Friend?

Now since there remain the footprints of Jesus' grief, which show that he lived the thirty years of his life in tears, you have the responsibility to resolve this. Jesus lived the thirty years of his life in sorrow and finally passed away while bearing the cross. Yet you must understand that even when he was crying out at the last moment, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? (Father, why have You forsaken me?)" his heart was overwhelmed by the desperate desire to fulfill the will.

If you look at the world today with the mind-set, "I am a friend of Jesus," then you will not be able to look at this world without shedding tears. Jesus shed tears with every step he took and with every movement he made. There was not a moment he did not shed tears. If there is someone among the faithful believers of today who sheds tears with a repentant heart before Heaven, just as Jesus did, then that person will become a friend of Jesus.

If in each church and each family there is someone who can understand the heart of Jesus and shed tears on behalf of God, then in those places, unlimited life and love will surely be present even without making a request to God. You must understand that God demands this of Christians, that they connect with the situation, emotions, and the contents of Jesus' life.

Today if the Lord of the Second Advent comes to this earth, he will ask, "Have you indeed become a friend of mine, I who spent thirty years in hardships?" What is more, he will ask, "To what extent have you shared the anguished heart of God? How many days have you lived feeling the sorrow of the world?"

You must understand that because humankind could not serve Jesus who came to the earth, humankind made the condition to give Jesus over to Satan to be crucified. You must overcome this condition.

Why are we alive today? It is because before this body dies, before soil enters these eyes, we must become the people who fulfill loyalty to the full extent and cling onto the life of Jesus in tears. We must become true people who can erect those things in the life of Jesus trampled upon. Therefore, while you are alive, you must fully accomplish this responsibility.

Therefore, today you are not simply yourselves. You must not think that you are merely the person of the years that you have lived so far. You must realize that each of you is a person who bears the universal mission to consummate in your lifetime the dispensation of the restoration of God that combines the 4,000 years from Adam and Eve to Jesus and the 2,000 years since Jesus until now.

Thus, just as Jesus stood boldly before the enemies, you must also remain bold, even when you are suffering the tribulation of crucifixion. Even when you are shedding tears, you are not to mourn for your own sake. When you cry, you are not to cry for your own sake. If you are to cry, you must cry for the sake of Jesus. Then how happy Jesus would be, he who lives for your sake and thinks about you. What is more, God will understand your situation. Even when you shed tears, you must shed tears with this kind of heart. There is no need for someone who cries for the sake of himself. Only those who cry for the sake of Jesus and the love of God and repent can become the sons and daughters of God.

When you confront the hardships of the crucifixion, if you truly feel the love of the Father and feel that you dwell within the realm of the Father's love, then you won't be able to pray. I have felt that before. Even when I bore on my shoulders a massive burden that seemed to weigh a thousand tons, I did not pray, "Father, please lighten my load." You must never offer such a prayer.

God, who loves you, understands your situation very well. If you pray, "Father, I am bearing this kind of heavy burden," to the Father who is already deep in sorrow, then you will add another load of grief to His anguished heart.

You are to understand even these subtle points and relate with God and Jesus. If there are even just a few people among this thirty million people who have this kind of attitude, then they can prevent this nation's grief. You must never shed tears because of your own lamentations.

Jesus Went Through a Great Deal to Console the Father

Although Jesus came to the earth with a universal mission, he suffered hardships throughout his life. Nonetheless, he did not pray to alleviate that anguish. Instead, he went through a great deal of trouble to console the wounded and anxious heart of the Father. Meanwhile, Jesus took great pains to forgive the ignorance of the people. Because he stepped forward to substitute for the ordeals of God, whether he lived or died, he lived with the singular determination to glorify the will of God. Jesus did not care whether God recognized him, or whether people on earth recognized him. Whatever place and time, he lived for the sake of the will.

Although Jesus came to completely accomplish the will, he did not complain or despair just because he had to die on the cross. Even when he entered the position of death, he did not speak in his own defense. As you all know, Jesus did not try to vindicate himself even while he was passing through the court of Pilate, even on the hill of Golgotha to be crucified on the cross. He was the champion of no self- vindication. He could feel that even the opposition that he received from the people was his own responsibility. We who believe in Jesus Christ must pass through the course of Jesus who was born and Jesus who lived, and then become his friend.

Jesus did not become a friend of life but a friend of death. Although countless people walked the path of death in the course of history, Jesus is the only one who became the friend of death on behalf of the deaths of all people. He died on behalf of all people.

Consequently, Christianity is religion of death and sacrifice, and the Christian truth is the truth that prevails over death. Jesus' activities were to destroy him. Even then, you must understand, it was the course of Jesus to love without any grudges.

Because Jesus was a friend of death, even when death pressed itself upon him, he was not concerned about it. You have to understand that he lived a life with room to die for the sake of his enemy.

In the end, even God said to Jesus who hung on the cross, "I do not know him." At that moment, Jesus cried out, "Father, why have You forsaken me?" but he did not cry out because he feared that the hope would be shattered and all of his life would be in vain. He cried out because he was concerned that, due to his death, he would have to leave without being able to complete the will of the Father. He was not concerned about whether God sent him to Heaven or hell, because he fulfilled his personal responsibility. Jesus, who had to become a friend of death, tried to be content with his own situation of death and tried to accomplish his mission through his death.

Although Jesus came with universal love, there was none who understood this. Although he came with such an amazing grace, once he stepped forward to become a friend of death, he did not harbor any lingering attachments. Though Heaven did not treat him as a being of hope when he had come for the sake of realizing the hope of Heaven, Jesus did not rebel or hold grudges.

When we go in pursuit of God, we will encounter the ultimate pass. Even if you were to pour out all of your heart and soul, in the end there will come a time when Heaven will deny any knowledge of you. The reason that Heaven does not recognize you is that the worldwide mission lies before us. Similarly, because Jesus also had to take charge of a worldwide mission, he had to undergo such an experience. A similar thing will also happen to you. There will come a time when even if you are to remain extremely loyal and offer all of your life to cling onto the Father, Heaven will not recognize you.

But you must be able to say that, dead or alive, the will of the Father is the only thing that matters to you. What is more, if you were to have any hope, you must only have the one hope of fulfilling the will of the Father. You should be the owner of the heart that says, "Not eating well and not wearing good clothes are joyful things."

The Ultimate Pass on the Road that Seeks God

You today must never believe in Jesus to enter Heaven. Those who believe in Jesus to die will go to Heaven. If you believe in Jesus to die a noble death rather than to lead a good life, then your faith will become extremely precious. The twelve disciples who believed in Jesus to gain a good life, where did they go when Jesus died?

You are not to believe for the sake of leading a good life for yourself. You must believe to offer your life as a good sacrifice; in other words, to die a noble death.

To do that, we must follow the example of Jesus' life. We have the responsibility to champion the life of Jesus on behalf of history. We have the responsibility to possess his life. Only when we possess the life of Jesus can we come to possess the love of Jesus. Only when you attend Jesus can you receive the love of Jesus. What is more, you must cultivate a faithful character that can resemble the 2,000-year suffering course of Jesus.

Not only that, since the dispensation of God was prolonged for 6,000 years, you can attend the one who is to come to take charge of, and on behalf of, the 6,000 years of the dispensation. When the Father or the Lord appears before you, you must welcome the Lord and attend him. This should not be limited to just one or two hours but should last for eternity.

Then what must you do to attain the qualifications to become the bride who can serve the Lord? More than anything else, you must be able to be responsible for God's 6,000 years of sorrow and comfort Him.

Then you must go before the Lord of suffering and be able to say, "I will do this and that. I will serve you like this and that. I have prepared like this and that." You must have made universal preparation and say, "Lord, please come. Lord, please appear." Such a faithful believer will never perish.

Such a great mission lies before us. Yet many people do not understand this. What is more, they do not understand that the internal heart and internal hope of Jesus revolves around each of us. What will happen to such people? Those who are ignorant will perish. There will come a time when they pound their own chests in regret.

To Attend the Lord Who Is to Come

The responsibility of a son is to serve with the heart and mind, to attend with the body, and to attend by mobilizing the society, the world, and heaven and earth. Yet today you cannot even serve God in your hearts. You must understand that you have not even begun attending Jesus yet.

You should remember that by attending with your heart, body, society, nation, world, and heaven and earth, glory will fill not only your own individual self, but also your family, your society, nation, world, and the whole created world. You probably never even imagined that such a cosmic mission rests upon you.

You who bear this kind of mission and have gathered here out of the ordinary should not be small-minded. You also must not be base or foolish. Even when you go before many enemies, you must remain bold and audacious. You have the responsibility to serve Jesus, who is to come with the universal glory and love. You are the ones who must step up to the universal position with your heart and substantial body.

But there is no need for the Christians who prayed for their own sake and for the sake of their families and were content with that. There is also no need for the Christians who are content to be concerned only about their own churches. Even if every one of the thirty million people is all Christian, even if the whole of humanity are Christians who can represent the people and believe in Jesus, there must be a representative Christian who can stand on behalf of the 2.4 billion people of humanity.

If we are the qualified ones who can dominate over all the angels in the spirit world. We must be able to say before them that we have accomplished these kinds of valuable deeds. It is Jesus who came to do this very thing.

Jesus who came to fulfill such a great mission, Jesus, whom we should attend with such utmost earnestness, how have we, who rest our hopes in Jesus, lived our lives? We are so shameful. Even if we were to shed tears for 6,000 years because we feel such great shame, it will not be enough. Even if we were to pound our chest and lament for 6,000 years, it still would not be enough. We who are in this position must never be ungrateful.

Even if you were to die right now, even if you were to be stepped on and trampled upon, your heart of fidelity and loyalty must never change. You should be able to stand dignified before all things in the universe as the sons and daughters of Heaven.

Sons and Daughters of Fidelity and Loyalty

You stand on a difficult road. You stand on the fateful road which you cannot choose not to travel on. You who stand on this fateful road must walk on it while maintaining your conviction and internal loyalty for the rest of your life.

You must shed tears. You must repent and mourn, "I was meant to serve the world-level Lord, the universal Lord, the Lord who can climb over the 6,000-year history and embrace the eternal ideal world. But until now, I was content just to serve the Lord of the family or the Lord of the people and the nation. That was all I could do."

Do you of today feel that you have the responsibility and mission for this era? Have you ever thought that you would be the one to fulfill the ideal that the whole of humanity has been hoping for since the beginning of time to the day that the ideals of creation are completed? Have you ever felt that sense of mission?

In addition, you must have the latitude of mind to pray, "I am confident that I am more than capable of accomplishing this kind of mission." When you pray from this kind of position, then you do not have to pray a lot. If there is someone who stands in such a position, it only takes one word, "Father!" for all to be expressed. There is no need for explanation. There is no need for theories.

We have entered the position in which, moved by direct impulse, we must step forward without hesitation and attend before we are given the command to do so. We have come forward with this kind of treasure. You who have embarked right now, are you subject to some condition of accusation? In your path, have you come to a stop and now stand stagnant in a certain stage? During your life, what level have you reached? You must begin from the individual level and passing through the family, society, national, and world levels, you must reach heaven and earth. You must understand that such a cosmic mission rests on you. This is the only way that you can meet the Lord.

Jesus Christ must find a true person who can attend him and, being unshackled from the sighs of the 6,000 years, cling to him and shed tears of gratitude, saying, "Father, the one whom You have longed to find is here. Father! Please be happy." Heaven will give the glorious answer, "Yes, it is true." The day when this takes place must dawn upon humankind.

You must never forget that you have to fight on until the day when you can receive the glory of such triumph, the love of the Father and eternal life; when you can become the bride who represents all things, all forms, and the whole universe, the sons and daughters who can live eternally with the Father, sharing all His ordeals and happiness.

Chapter 18 Those Who Will Possess the Kingdom of Heaven of Hope

Those Who Will Possess the Kingdom of Heaven of Hope

December 16, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

Matthew 11:1-15

Prayer 1

Father of love! Father, who has embraced insignificant us and shown concern for us in every way in the past week, please let us not live each day according to our own will. When we think about Your grace, which leads us away from speaking words according to our own inclinations, Father, we are truly grateful.

Today these young faces have come before the Father. We know that first, our minds and bodies must become sacrifices like the gold, frankincense, and myrrh that the three wise men offered. Please allow us first to offer our minds and bodies. Please lead us not be become abominations before the holy shrine. Beloved Father, this is our most sincere desire.

We know that the Father who has exerted Himself to gather these people has passed through a doleful course of 6,000 years. We understand that since each of us has been called upon first to come before humanity with a great mission, each of our actions and struggles must manifest joy on behalf of the whole faith of Heaven.

As we understand more about the good purpose for which we have been chosen, and as we think more about the fact that You have selected us, the unworthy ones, we cannot but become contrite about our lacks before You. We have set aside all of our own mentalities, concepts, and subjective opinions and lie prostrate before the Father. Father, please hold us tight.

The wave of death has surpassed time and is in motion. We know that the reason the Father laboriously sought us and granted us grace is not because we merit it. We also know that the sorrow of the Father will continue until the day that Christ returns to earth.

Father, please take charge of the whole. Please completely reign over our bodies and minds. Do not let this meeting be a gathering in which just human beings come together. Father of love, we pray from the depth of our hearts that You will inspire us to comfort the heart of the Father who is clinging onto the 6,000-year history. We pray that the holy Trinity will dominate our minds and bodies so that we can unite with the countless men and women of faith and, as one sacrifice, offer a full bow of joy.

Father, please have sympathy for these thirty million people. We know that You have toiled for a long course of history to love these people. We know that when You were selecting us to manifest the will, You went through a lot of trouble that no one knows about.

We know that there are children of Yours who, having built the altars and having cultivated a deep relationship with the Father, are making an appeal on behalf of the people. We offer our gratitude to them. Please let a new chapter of the dispensation open before them and please give rise to great impetus. Beloved Father, we pray from the bottom of our hearts that You will groom us as the revolutionaries who can single-handedly take on the responsibility toward Heaven on behalf of the Korean people.

We know that the grief and bitterness of the people have penetrated deeply into Heaven. We know that the resentment of humanity on earth has also soaked through Heaven. Since we know that Heaven is lamenting because there is no one who can become the sacrifice to supersede this sadness in Heaven, please mobilize the children who have gathered here to solicit the Father for the sake of eradicating the resentment rooted deeply in this earth and in this whole universe. Father, we earnestly hope that You will allow us to become the sons and daughters who can step forward to face Satan and fight on Your behalf.

Please allow our minds and bodies to move in harmony and join in union centering on the one will and to sing praise to the grace of the Father. Please allow this to be an hour when we offer our full bows of gratitude for the grace of liberation.

There are sons and daughters who are lifting high the beacon of new words and carrying on the fight in the countryside. Father, please be with them wherever they stay. There is nothing else that they can rely on except this earth. There is nothing that they can lean on but the grace bestowed by Heaven. Father, since they have entered the course of universal fate that will force them to fight with countless enemies in the face of their mockery, please prod them.

Father, we wish with utmost sincerity that today You will again bestow the same grace of Heaven to overflow the minds and bodies of those who have gathered here. There are also those children who stand in lonely places to pray with concern on behalf of the will. Please guard their souls.

We earnestly request that You will grant the grace that You have planned to command and permit. Please dwell in this place during this hour. I prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer 2

Father, You have lived through ages and centuries and have suffered to guide the dispensation until the last days. Please allow us, who wish the dispensational will of the Father to quickly be accomplished on earth, to take responsibility for those toils of the Father on earth.

Father, we pray from the heart that You will lead us to become the proud sons and daughters who can inherit the heavenly mission centering on the Father's shrine and fight with Satan on earth for Jesus. We have read with reverence the words that You have given us today. We know that although John the Baptist, who came with a historic mission, fulfilled his mission of testifying to Jesus, he could not fulfill his mission of attending Jesus according to Heaven's expectations.

Please let this congregation that has gathered before You, sons and daughters of Yours who lie prostrate, reflect on themselves in repentance. Allow them to cleanse themselves before the Father. Please lead them to stand before the multitudes and exert themselves to fulfill the mission of God in the end of the century on His behalf. Please let them be loyal subjects who are obedient toward the heavenly mission that Heaven is demanding in this era and to respond faithfully to Heaven's call.

The time for the dispensation is limited, yet humankind, ignorant of this fact, makes unlimited wishes. There are many pitiful people who do not understand that life and death are being decided in this moment today. Father, please let the children who have gathered here pay heed to the circumstances created by the testimony of John the Baptist.

Let us now open our hearts and build the internal altar of Heaven. Please raise us as the sons and daughters who can offer ourselves with no hesitation as the sacrifice triumphant over Satan. We understand that Heaven is looking for confident and intrepid soldiers and shuns those who kneel before the enemies in servility and cowardliness. Allow Your children who have gathered here to become the brave soldiers of Heaven who can even throw away their own lives for the sake of the will. We know that the time has come when these daring soldiers are needed.

Just as John the Baptist, who lived for heavenly principles, and his followers were engulfed in the fire of the internal heart of Heaven and confronted the whole corrupt Jewish faith to reveal a new truth, please manifest the light of compassion and love before these people through us. Please do not withdraw Your extended hands of the dispensation.

Father, please bless the countless altars that are being built for the sake of this people. Please let every place be full of sons and daughters who cling onto the established denomination and build a concealed altar to become a sacrifice that prevents corruption.

Father, You have selectively called upon these lonely ones from among many people. As we follow the path because we have no other choice but to do so, we realize on our own that it is indeed a difficult path. Father, we know that we have to pioneer the one path of conflict with the fighting spirit of a pioneer and march forward as a fighter for Heaven. Please embrace these young sons and daughters who have kneeled before Your holy presence.

Since the path they are taking is the path of the Father's will, guide them to brave the fields of thorns and the rugged mountains and the high and steep peaks. Even if their bodies are torn and wounds are inflicted on them, please embolden them to pioneer everything, centering only on the will. Let the grace of Your counsel be the only thing that blossoms in their hearts.

This is not the time that we need many words of truth. It is the time when we must move hearts to reach the emotion of Heaven. It is the time when our minds must be inspired to forge unity and harmony with the whole membership centering on the will of the Father. Father, I pray from the depth of my heart that these children of Yours who lie prostrate before You will prepare themselves inside and out to rise as the original human beings who can represent Your heart.

Father, please consider with compassion these pitiful ones who are following this lonely path. Please forgive all faults of the people, and forgive the fact that they have failed to fulfill the mission that You have entrusted in them. Please encourage the sons and daughters of the Father who, unlike others, have gathered here. Since You have placed them on the front line, please do not let them become exhausted in the fight.

Father! Please grant unchanging faith until they can fight for the will at the risk of their life and usher in that day of victory. Like a bomb thrown into the enemy camp, let these children secure the one immutable center. Disregarding the environment, let them move forward to explode before the enemies for the sake of the victory of the Father's will. Father, we pray with the most sincere heart.

We have come forth with the words of truth. Father, please be with us, and lead us to move centering on one heart. Please enable us to offer all that we have, purifying ourselves as we become concerned with the will of Heaven and reflect on the will of the Father. If humanistic elements, mentality, and concepts that the Father cannot forgive are controlling our lives, Father, please strike with Your might and bring on miraculous works with Your power of re-creation. Soliciting earnestly that this may be a joyful hour when we can frankly reveal ourselves before the Father and lie prostrate as humble sacrifices, we entrust everything to You. Please govern according to Your will. We offered these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The title of the sermon that I want to join with you in reflecting upon is "Those Who Will Possess the Kingdom of Heaven of Hope." I will speak on this topic.

When we look at God's ideal of creation, although God also hoped for the kingdom of Heaven in the invisible world, He created all things really hoping for the concrete kingdom of Heaven in the substantial world where He could dwell. You already understand this very clearly. In other words, He created the world of creation so that as He created the kingdom of Heaven in heaven and the kingdom of Heaven on earth centering on Adam and Eve, He could enjoy the glory of both the spiritual and substantial kingdoms of Heaven.

The Results of the Ideals of the Creation of God and the Fall of Humankind

You also know very well that due to the mistakes of humankind, in other words, due to the fall, the kingdom of Heaven in heaven and the kingdom of Heaven on earth that God yearned for disappeared without a trace. He created the kingdom of Heaven in heaven and the kingdom of Heaven on earth not for Himself but for the sake of humankind.

The purpose of God's creating the universe was to create the two kingdoms of Heaven, so that with the building of the kingdom of Heaven on earth centering on Adam and Eve, human beings who lived in the earthly Heaven can enter the eternal world of the heavenly kingdom in heaven and live there. Nonetheless, with the fall of Adam and Eve, the spiritual kingdom of Heaven and the substantial kingdom of Heaven on earth disappeared out of sight. The world in heaven and the world on earth have become worlds of sorrow in which Satan can freely bring accusations to God.

After the fall, earth and heaven, has become the sphere of Satan's activities, covering all the way up to the feet of God's royal throne. Consequently, Satan has been accusing the human beings of the spiritual and the physical worlds. The men of faith today do not understand clearly that Satan has been in action with such great power. You must feel to the marrow of your bones that when the world of creation could not fulfill its original destiny of singing and rejoicing about the glorious ideals of God centering on Adam and Eve but was completely transferred over to Satan because of man's mistake, this caused great anguish in the Father.

God has been conducting the dispensation of restoration in which He has tried to forge a relationship with humans through the angels so that He can restore this earth, which was defiled. God has been carrying on the dispensation of restoration to relate again with humankind who stand in the position of having betrayed the sacred God because of the fall. Humankind has fallen so far as to be below all things. To seize back His reign over human beings whom Satan has controlled and accused, He has laid down the bridge and has carried on the work. This came to pass through the Old Testament and the New Testament and is being continued even today.

The Dispensation of the Old Testament Era

The Old Testament era was the time when God had to perform the works personally and associate with humans with His glory. Yet because that dispensation could not be completed, possessing sadness in His heart, He had to pioneer the path through which He can relate with humankind with the assistance of the angels. Such is the history of the dispensation of the Old Testament era.

In the Old Testament era, God conveyed His will through Noah and Abraham, who were chosen as the central figures in the position of a servant. Father chose the family of Abraham and the people of Israel to elevate humankind in this land of darkness to the position where He could associate with them. Through the Israelite people, humankind gradually pioneered the path through which they could approach God.

In this way, Heaven set the one standard by which He could work through the angels. Then, by setting the condition of having completed the will of God in respect to Adam and Eve, He has been exerting Himself for 4,000 years until the coming of Jesus to build the victorious foundation on which human beings can associate with Him directly. You have to understand this.

Jesus was the person chosen to raise humankind from the position of a servant to that in which the son can deal with them. The New Testament is the gospel given for the same purpose. Because of this, since the time of Jesus, humankind was in the position to relate with God through Jesus. Humankind should have received the love of God directly, yet they could not do so. Therefore, throughout the 6,000- year history until today, what we wished for was to receive the love of the son and then go further to receive the love of God.

By receiving the love of the son and realizing the ideals of creation, you are to become the substantial sons and daughters of God who can share both the joy and sorrow of God, who has been seeking to rejoice centering on love. This is not to be done just spiritually, but these bodies must also be able to receive the love of God directly. You must understand that such a mission fell on our shoulders because of the fall of man.

The Mission of Jesus and the Role of the Holy Spirit

Jesus had to come to this earth and guide humankind to the position where they can receive the love of God. What is more, Jesus was to elevate them to the same position of a son as himself, both spiritually and physically, and receive the love of God. Jesus came to earth with this kind of mission, but because the people did not believe in him, he could not complete the mission of elevating humankind to the position where they can receive the love of God both spiritually and physically. He pioneered only until the point where God can call us sons and daughters spiritually.

Then what is the ultimate purpose of the dispensation of the restoration of God? It is establishing one standard by which the people who exist on earth as the substantial beings of both the spiritual and the physical can live while receiving the love of God. The one who has been at work to fulfill this purpose during the 2,000 years since Jesus is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has been at work since the death of Jesus until now, but she is not to personally establish the dispensational foundation upon which the will of God's ideals of creation can be perfected. Rather, she plays the role of a bridge by means of which we can go before Heaven. You must understand this clearly.

Then what kind of people are the ones who can live the life-style of the kingdom of Heaven on earth? What kind of spirits are the ones who can live in the eternal spirit world, in the kingdom of Heaven in heaven? You must understand that the kingdom of Heaven on earth is the dwelling place only for the people who have become the victors of harmony centering on the ideals of love while they were receiving the love of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father and living with the Father on earth. The eternal kingdom of Heaven in heaven is the place where only this kind of person can go.

The Qualifications to Become the Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven

When we examine the standard of God's creation, such a place is the kingdom of Heaven of hope. If we recognize this, then we who are alive today must reflect in which realm we desire the kingdom of Heaven of hope, which is the purpose of God's creation.

In Revelation 14:1 it is written, " . . . the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads." The Christians of today's world wish for the standard of heavenly grace represented as the bride and the bridegroom. They think that this is all there is to it. However, just as in the verse, "and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads," the problem is the name of the Father.

After you believe in the bridegroom Jesus and become qualified as the bride, you are not to remain only in the love of Jesus. Using that as a stepping stone, you are then to go one step further to receive directly the love of the Father, who could not love humankind personally for 6,000 years.

This is the whole purpose of the dispensation of God, and the purpose for which Jesus was sent and has been exerting himself for 2,000 years. Yet the men and women of faith today are ignorant of this fact.

When can we step beyond the position of bride and bridegroom and, as the triumphant and eternal substantial being, can create harmony on earth and in Heaven, the eternal kingdom of Heaven, centering on the love of the Father? You are to make a relationship with this kind of love. This is the purpose of Jesus Christ and the purpose for which God is conducting the dispensation.

Until now, you have maintained your faith wishing for the love of the bride and the bridegroom. Now you must hold the hands of Jesus and go before the Father to say, "Father, please relate with us as the ones who have fulfilled the will of the 6,000 years that You wished for. Father! Please love us directly." You must understand that God's dispensation cannot end until He can find this kind of person not in the spirit world, but in this substantial world. Because Jesus came to this earth and set the standard to secure the right for the love of spiritual sons and daughters, as long as the people on earth build a relationship with Jesus Christ and inherit that right of love in one harmony, there is no room for the accusations of Satan, who has been using the sins of humankind on earth as conditions to make accusations from the spirit world.

The Toilsome Effort to Bring Complete Salvation

Satan took away Adam and Eve, whom God had created. Since Satan took with him not only the spirit but both the spirit and body together, Heaven has raised us believers in the faith today to take back Adam and Eve in spirit and body, away from Satan, and then to open a new way for God to be able to love them personally. You must keep this in mind.

Jesus Christ came to this earth after setting up such a wonderful, cosmic creative center as a standard. Then where did Jesus Christ put the standard of the last fight? Since the believers of the faith following Jesus had received spiritual love only from God, Jesus put the standard as their being able to receive both loves, spiritual and physical. Since the hope is to receive both physical and spiritual love, Jesus, who dispensed spiritual salvation only, cannot enjoy complete glory in Heaven. Even in Heaven, he has to pray for humankind on earth.

Similarly, since the hope of Jesus Christ has not yet been realized on the earth, numerous spiritual beings in Paradise, along with the twelve apostles, are being mobilized with this hope as a standard, centering on Jesus. You must know this.

Today, the laborious accomplishments of the angels who were helpful in providential history have been left to us in the final days. Besides that, the laborious accomplishments of numerous disciples have been left to us. We today cannot but take the responsibility for all the accomplishments and conditions made because of their laborious work throughout history. We ought to be able to resolve the resentment of thousands upon thousands of saints, who labored and helped represent the will of God's providence of the past and that of Jesus, including all spiritual beings in the spiritual world.

We who are facing the final days must receive Jesus Christ's approval when we step forward as the representatives of the past history before God. We must also win the approval of the Holy Spirit. After you pass through the stage of approval by Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the triune God will decide whether you can move forward toward God. You must know that the history up to this stage is the providential dispensation of the New Testament.

The Approval Stage, the Determination Stage and the Judgment Stage

What is the approval stage? We can say that it is like the engagement step before marriage. What is the determination stage? We can say that it is the qualifying stage for us to become the bride before the holy Blessing. Then what is the last remaining stage? It is the judgment stage. It is the stage when God has the day on which He can declare to humankind, "This is an existence who can receive God's love as an eternally unchanging, substantial being. This is my beloved, with whom I can share My joys and sorrows, and who I have wished and desired as the ideal of the creation." God promulgates this to all the created beings by personally holding up His hands. This is the so-called judgment stage.

Though God has been carrying out the dispensation for 6,000 years until now, He has not yet had the day that He can judge on a cosmic level. The thing that God hands down on this day, having set such a day as a standard, is God's judgment.

You have to pass this gate of judgment, and you must receive the blessing that God granted to Adam, giving him the authority to rule over all created beings. Then you have to step forward as worthy people of Heaven and declare individually, "Father, please love me. Please look at my accomplishments representing the historical condition. Since I understand about the will that Jesus aspired to accomplish and the will that the Holy Spirit and God desired to be accomplished, Father, please bless me." Such a character has to appear on the earth in the final days.

Only after God raises a person and judges the person to be worthy will all created beings also understand that they must serve us as God's true sons and daughters. Only after we make the relationship of true sons and daughters with God will Satan succumb.

To you who are facing such a moment in providential history, upon self-analysis, it is a question of what position you will be standing in. Firstly, you must be standing in a position to receive Jesus' approval, and then in a position where you can receive the approval of the Holy Spirit. If you reflect this against the providential history, the approval stage is the Old Testament Age, the decision stage is the New Testament Age, and the judgment stage is the age of the Second Coming.

Until today, history has been coming down vertically by passing through numerous different courses. However, now the time will come when history will start opening horizontally. We who are facing the dispensation of the judgment stage ahead, after having passed through the stages of approval and determination during the history of 6,000 years, must go forward passing through the history that has flown vertically and the end-of-the century horizontal history.

What does this mean? The history of God has been that of fighting against Satan. Although God has been fighting on against Satan so badly for 6,000 years, the fight has not been settled yet. Although numerous saints and sages came and labored, they could not fulfill the will on earth as God wished. You must welcome the moment when you can say that you have fulfilled the will of the numerous saints and sages who left without fulfilling on earth. Today in these last days, countless peculiar phenomena that you cannot comprehend will appear. There will appear a man saying, "I am Elijah." Such a time will come. There will also appear a man saying, "I am Elijah, I am Moses, I am Paul," or a man saying that he is Samuel. Why do phenomena such as these occur? It is because of the principle of restoration through indemnity. In other words, it is because we must restore fully through indemnity the will that those saints left behind.

Because they could not set up the victorious standard, despite their fight against Satan centering on God's providential will in the course of restoration through indemnity, their mission has been passed on down to posterity. Accordingly, there will appear the people who take charge of their mission. Without knowing the facts, they will say that they are such providential figures as Paul and Elijah.

What we in these final days must understand is that as a substantial being, having our spirit and the body united into one, we must solely take on and pass through the whole of the approval stage dispensation and the determination stage dispensation of the 6,000 years, and the judgment stage dispensation. Only when you can accomplish this can you escape from the condition of Satan's reproaches and sneers knotted into the course of history. Only then can you step forward before God.

How to Get Through All Stages of Restoration

Now, members of the congregation, believers of faith in the final days, must broaden their minds. Humankind on earth today must seek the ideal of the kingdom of Heaven, the infinite world of Heaven, created as our ideal. The will must not be sought through Jesus Christ in the spirit world, but through humankind on the earth. You must know this.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit reside in Paradise. Since they do not have physical bodies, they cannot fulfill the will of Heaven on the earth. Accordingly, God's sons and daughters with substantial bodies cannot but establish the eternal will of Heaven on earth. They must also escape from all the conditions of Satan's reproaches and sneers, which have been thrown at them throughout the course of history for 6,000 years.

While Abraham was making the three offerings: a heifer, a goat and a ram, and a dove and a pigeon, he cut all of them in two except the birds. Therefore, God could not receive the uncut ones. You should not repeat a similar mistake. You must pass through the gate of sanctification at the last. You must be able to sanctify your individual sins, in short, the sins that you have committed and the sins that you inherited, the sins of your lineage, and all the historical sins. You must step up and stand above them. Unless you do that, you cannot become the children who will fulfill the will of God and who will rule over all created beings.

You know very well about the history of restoration through indemnity. Today you are not existential beings existing for your own sake. Even though it is said that God deals with you individually and loves you, that love is not for the sake of yourself alone. It is a love God is granting for the achievement of the ancestors who labored during the providential restoration for 6,000 years. You must know this.

Today in the final days, upon receiving God's personal voice saying that He loves you, or upon receiving a command, if you take it as an act of God's love meant for your own sake, that would be a great mistake. You must know that it took 6,000 years for you to receive this. Therefore, the love is a historical one; it is in place because of the achievements in the history of 6,000 years. You ought to know this.

The Value of Humankind in the Cosmic Sense

Therefore, that existence must resemble God's character and equip itself with the nature of love that can last throughout the course of the dispensation of the providential will. Based on this standard, God has been developing the providential history of struggle.

Jesus Christ came as the embodiment of love after the lapse of 4,000 years of providential, restorational history. He knew that God had set him up as a substantial being who could unite numerous religions and numerous tribes into one and fulfill his mission. Therefore, even when Jesus was preaching the gospel to the Jewish people, he was not spreading his own assertions. When Jesus preached the gospel, he did it as the substantial being representing numerous saints and sages who had labored for the past 4,000 years.

Jesus preached the gospel not as a mere act of the moment. He labored when preaching the gospel so that not only all the people at that time could receive God's love, but further, that the people of the eternal future could also receive God's love. Accordingly, now that humankind has been passing God's providential will down eternally, the whole that is being passed down was started by one person, Jesus Christ. You ought to know this.

Each movement of yours is one that represents heaven and earth. For you to become God's true son is the hope of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and the hope of thousands upon thousands of saints in Heaven. They have been wishing for true sons and daughters to emerge on earth and establish a standard of victory. Also, they have been wishing for God's true sons and daughters and true substantial beings to emerge who have established such a standard. By perceiving these facts, we must not think that any one of us is a trivial existence. From this standpoint, Jesus once said, "What good is it if you lose your life even after you've acquired the whole of earth?" You should know this.

Christians are said to lead a life of religious faith. You who are gathered here are said to have a religious faith! How much have you felt of the value in the cosmic view? I mean, how much have you realized that you yourselves are God's unchanging sons? Jesus exclaimed with confidence, "I am God's son," and this is a motto that today's Christians should model themselves after. Today, at the final moment of history, Jesus is seeking a person who can step up and say, I am God's unchanging son, in the presence of God, or in the presence of Satan, or in the presence of any person. Jesus demands such an existence.

"I Am God's Son"

During your religious life, you have tried to build a standard of life for several decades up to this point. However, God has been searching for a person who can take on the mission on the cosmic level and carry on the fight in the course of history, who can confidently say that he is God's son. God is wishing for sons and daughters to emerge who can confidently make a vow and step forward in a dignified manner in the presence of God. God has been seeking a person who won't be servile towards Satan's blatant reproaches and sneers and who can stop an angel in Heaven and not try to push him away when he comes and who can easily stop Jesus and the Holy Spirit and not push them away when they come.

Jesus Christ died upon the cross as a sacrifice for the history of 4,000 years. He had an unchanging heart with which he could say, '"I am God's son," until the moment of his death, his body torn and stained with his own blood. Even when God denied him at the time of his death, Jesus' heart did not change, for he knew so well the meaning of the 4,000-year history of restoration. There had not been a son or daughter of God, fully, among all of God's created beings until then.

What was that single standard Jesus had set, by which he could get up and move forward after he ran into grief and fell down again? It was his understanding that he was the son whom God could love. With this understanding, Jesus could overcome any difficulty and proudly win his battles. You also must know this.

What happened to Jesus Christ, who came to this earth with this hope and aspiration and had to fulfill them in the world of humankind? What was the meaning of this untimely crucifixion? No matter how much you bewail this, beating the ground and calling down curses, Jesus' sorrow will not be dissolved.

The Reason God Abandoned Jesus and Jesus Did Not Change

Throughout the long history of fallen humankind, because humankind has devastated God's heart and has forgotten God's will and has betrayed God, based on the principle of restoration through indemnity, Jesus was put in a situation where he was abandoned by God for humankind.

The reason that Jesus died on the cross saying, '"Oh, Father, why have You forsaken me?" was to indemnify the sin of humankind, who had betrayed and acted against God for 4,000 years from the time of our ancestors, Adam and Eve. Because humankind had abandoned God, based on the principle of indemnity, God had to abandon Jesus.

However, Jesus did not betray God. Even when thrown into Satan's world, God's son is still God's son. Even when going into hell, God's son is still God's son. Jesus Christ labored throughout his life of thirty years having such a center in his heart and then died.

Every one of us today who believes in this Jesus must lead a life of faith so as to become the bride before Jesus, the bridegroom. You should be able to stand as God's son in place of the 6,000-year history. You must know that Heaven is seeking a person who can reproach and sneer at Satan mercilessly before God.

The many saints who lived in the course of history until now are wondering why Jesus or even the Holy Spirit have to be subjected to Satan's accusations. That is because the mission that was to be completed by a person with a perfected body and soul has not been completed yet.

Then when will this war that Jesus and the Holy Spirit have carried on for 2,000 years end? When will Satan's reproaches and sneers against God end? In order for this to end, there has to emerge a person who has the same center in his heart as Jesus, who declared confidently that he was God's son and successfully won over sin and Satan with a substantiated body for the 4,000-year history on earth. Only then can he repulse the Satan who has reproached and sneered at God for 6,000 years. Then the fight Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Satan have engaged in will be concluded. Christians ought to know this. This is the truth.

Jesus Christ in Paradise today still has the fate to save sinful humankind. Even while you take a break between prayers, Jesus has to pray on. The Holy Spirit, too, cannot take a break. God cannot take a rest. Similarly, they have marched on in the course of history without any break at all.

Now with a sense that we are God's sons, we must become offerings who can pray, "The face of God, the face of Jesus, and the face of the Holy Spirit will be saved by me." You have to save God's face. You have to save Jesus' face. You have to save the face of the Holy Spirit.

God, who is in a sorrowful position where He cannot love humankind although destined by heavenly law to love them, was internally tied up by a condition like this. Only if there emerges such an existence of whom God can declare willingly, "He is my son, who is qualified for Me to be proud of in front of heaven and earth," then Satan will not be able to reproach and sneer at Him.

As Jesus had the sense that made him say," I am God's son," there must emerge saints who will take over the laborious work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in these final days of the 6,000 year history and who can say, even upon facing the whole universe, "The will that God and Jesus Christ wish to be fulfilled is this: I am God's son taking responsibility for history." If the number of the saints who are trying to achieve this are many and if there are more saints like these in Korea than in any other country in the world, then Korea will become the central nation of the world.

Now we must know that God is seeking an existence who will take over the mission of God's son and daughter and establish a day of victory before God and boast about it before Satan. God is seeking one like this.

The One Whom God Is Seeking

Though 6,000 years have passed in history, God has not been able to establish an existence whose body and spirit are united into one and declare before Satan, '"Since I am establishing My true son whom you cannot oppose, My true daughter whom you cannot oppose, you must submit." Heaven is seeking such a person. To accomplish this, the Lord of the Second Advent is coming. People say that I am crazy because I speak like this. Yet I am the righteous one. They are not thinking what they should be thinking. This is the truth. You must know this. Today, after 6,000 years of history, we must become the person who will receive the authority from God to fulfill the 6,000-year historical mission and with that authority, help the Lord when he casts judgments.

Jesus knew himself that he was God's son. Then what did he do? He fought for the sake of God's will. "I am God's son." Jesus had the sense that he was God's son that nobody knew about, that nobody declared. He could step forward confidently with the sense that he was God's son and that he had taken over God's work. There were many saints and sages in the course of history until today. However, there was no one who could say, '"I will take over all of God's work," except one. Only Jesus. That is why Jesus became the savior.

We of these final days must be able to step forward before God, who has been carrying on the dispensation of the 6,000-year history, saying, '"Since I am Father's son, Father's daughter, please let me take over the Father's work for the Father." Look at Jesus. He did not care whether he would fail or die when he was carrying on the Father's work. You must not worry whether you fail or die. There is no condition. No condition! Look at Jesus. To subjugate Satan, he moved on, not caring about what happened to his body. This is the spirit of loyalty one should have as God's son, and as a loyal subject who can take over God's work. In that spirit, he sacrificed his life without hesitation to subjugate Satan.

In these final days, since we have inherited the work left by Jesus Christ who had God's work in his charge, to subjugate Satan, we must be able to not be concerned whether we live or die. If a crowd of sanctified people emerges who know how to subjugate Satan and are willing to practice it, the world can be God's world.

Only after you inherit God's work as God's son and successfully carry it out can you receive God's love. You cannot win God's love by fighting. You ought to know this.

God created all things to build a garden of peace and love. God created humankind to have a relationship amid joy. God did not create all things wishing that heaven and earth would become the battle ground where humankind and Satan fight. It deviates from the principle of heavenly law. Therefore, to raise humankind through loving, God lets the Holy Spirit carry it out in practice for God. Similarly, humankind can come closer to God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

If you only climb up towards Heaven praying, '"Oh, Holy Spirit! Oh, Jesus! Oh, God!" then you will not be granted grace. As the final days come near, since it is the time of God's grace descending, Jesus will make his Second Coming.

Today the truth-seeking world is clearing the straight upward path. However, you must not expect only to climb up. You must be able to pass over the climbing stage depending on time and place, and come down again seeking grace and become persons who can fulfill the will of God.

The Hill We Must Climb Over

Now, since we seek the grace of Heaven and try to take over God's work and be in the place of God centering on Jesus, God's son, we must know why Satan has been fighting on against Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You have to know the ways to subjugate Satan.

Do you know what is the hill that we must climb over now? It is to subjugate Satan, who has been fighting on against God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. To do that, you have to know what the shield was that Satan used in the fight and what condition Satan set up to infiltrate. If we know about these, we can subjugate Satan naturally. Only after that can God say to you, '"My eternal son."

Then what kind of existence is Satan? How does he look? I think there are many people who resemble Satan.

Before us there is the cosmic, fateful course that we must go through even after our death, if we do not succeed while living. Even if it takes hundreds of thousands of million of years, since my spirit does not die, there is a course that the spirit must go through for me. If we do not pass forward through this course alive in the eternal course of life, we must do it even after death. Even the past saints and sages went through this course for the sake of eternal life without being concerned about their personal problems.

When Jesus stood in the wilderness to fight against Satan, since one day's fasting did not carry far enough, he had to fast for two days, for ten days, for twenty days, and for forty days. Your fate is like a fired bullet, like a fired bomb, a fate of no return. Jesus knew about this when he stood out; he could not return even if he wanted to. Everyone who joined the Unification Church, too, has stepped onto the course of no return. You have to keep this in mind.

Jesus was miserable when the wall of death stood before him. When the whole nation turned against him, when all of the people turned against him, when the disciples who were following him turned against him, he could not be miserable anymore. You must know that while others could turn around from being on the course of death, Jesus was in a situation where he could not turn around.

Today you are leading a life believing in Jesus and honoring the will of Heaven. If you lead the church, the nation, with such determination as this and plead for the sake of the world, you cannot but become God's son or daughter. You must represent the will of God and carry on God's work.

Though Jesus has gone to the spirit world, he is not resting. Even in the spirit world, when faced with suffering on the cross and with even more serious difficulties, he is fighting against Satan to save us and to save this earth. At this time, when such heavenly trials and fights are being carried on, you should have the spirit of saying, "You, Satan! If you want to come, come; if not, don't. I will move on unchanged," and not be afraid of the trials. Those kinds of people are God's people, God's sons and daughters.

Now we have to establish a family, centering on Father, as God's sons and daughters, and establish a people, a nation and a world that Father can love. Further, we must establish Heaven on earth that is acceptable before God. This is God's eternal will. By knowing all these historical facts, you can strengthen the defenses against Satan's reproaches and sneering and, further, can subjugate Satan.

From the viewpoint of the ideology of creation, where is the person who has finally become a substantial being of mind and body, God's loving son or daughter who can proudly govern the existence that was to be governed by humankind! Before we become like this, no one can go to Heaven. That is why no one has gone to Heaven until now. Paradise is a midway station in the spirit world.

To plow our way through this cosmic wall of fate, we should be able to beat off completely the attacks of Satan. Unless we become one like this, God's toils will not be appreciated. Therefore, God has been searching until today for someone who can defeat Satan completely, and for a son and daughter who can understand the laborious efforts and the heart of God. If humankind continues being ignorant of God's labor forever, Heaven on earth will not be established. Even in the spirit world, Heaven will not be established.

The One Who Owns Heaven

Therefore, now you must step forward, holding up the flag in front as a pioneer who is clearing up the straight course of victory against Satan in the battle ground on earth. You need such resolution and determination as this. If you have wished to go forward in the presence of God, you can say, '"Hundreds of thousands of Satans! Come to me. Even if the 2.4 billion people go against my way, even if heaven and earth go against me, I will still go." With resolution like this, you should make a vow and step forward before God.

Even if persecution comes from my family, from the nation, from all of humankind, even if the 2.4 billion people start kicking and struggling to get rid of the Unification Church, you have to move on with a determination that you cannot be destroyed. You should not hesitate whether to step forward or not. You must keep in mind that we are in a situation where we cannot but move because the stepping out action has already started.

Now, everyone who stepped forward to fight against Satan! You have to model yourself after Jesus Christ, who could be raised as the second Adam of victory in substitution for the 4,000-year history after winning against Satan. He kept his vow and resolution in his heart and had the sense of responsibility that he would take on God's work and fight on. Because Jesus fought with such a resolution and vow and with such a sense of responsibility, he could subjugate Satan.

Now we who are equipped with bodies and spirits, who are substantial beings, must subjugate Satan. Only when such living existences as these emerge on earth can the heart of God, who has worked laboriously for 6,000 years, and the heart of Jesus who has also labored, be comforted.

The Heaven that God can govern will become ours and the earth that God can govern will be ours. This is God's purpose of creation. You have to know that only such persons as these who, in order to accomplish God's purpose of creation, take the responsibility and fight and win can own the Kingdom of Heaven.

Chapter 17 The Providence of God and the Nature of the Adventure That Transcends Reality

The Providence of God and the Nature of the Adventure That Transcends Reality

December 2, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

Luke 22:24-46

Prayer 1

Father, You have been guiding a history of strenuous labor until today for the sake of the whole of humanity. You have been guiding the mission to dismantle the walls of grief and resentment that are deeply rooted in Heaven. Through the words of truth, we now understand that we are the ones who must bring down this wall of resentment erected in Heaven. We have come to realize that when that resentment is dissolved on earth, the link with Heaven will be created.

Please allow us to heed the fact that the Father is calling upon us, the people of this age. Since You have chosen us as Your representatives and have raised us as Your sons and daughters before the whole of humanity, please allow us to reveal only the glory of the Father through our bodies. Let our every deed manifest only the goodness and righteousness of the Father.

By doing so, please let us create harmony centering on love everywhere we have a gathering. Beloved Father, please allow the songs of victories offered to You fill the whole universe.

Heaven does not forget us even in this hour and is reaching out for us, commanding us to do the much-desired will that it seeks from us. Yet when we contemplate whether we respond readily to that calling and whether we have become the sacrifice of harmony before the Father, we are left to beg Your forgiveness for not having realized these ideals and for still stagnating in an inadequate, imperfect and unprepared state.

Please allow us now to open the gates to our hearts, and through new repentance, become the sanctified sacrifice so that the bitter resentment that permeates Heaven can be rooted out with our hands. Furthermore, Father, we hope from the depth of our hearts that You will allow us to become sons and daughters of Yours who can usher in the day of happiness.

The ultimate wall of tribulations of the last days blocks our path. Before us lies the course of conflict that we must travel through with our lives. Father, please do not let us become immature and base ones who become bitter toward Heaven and fall down in the middle of this course of conflict.

We are already firmly determined to offer our minds and bodies as sacrifices, so please accept them, though they are lacking. Beloved Father, it is our utmost wish that You will guide us to become Your sons and daughters, who, as the offered sacrifices, can entrust everything to the Father and await the Father's commandments.

Father, this is a sacred hour. Father, this day is a sacred day. Father, please let this whole year become a sacred year. Please bless these children of Yours, who have gathered here representing the people in every place they gather. Please raise the flames of the sacred spirit that is hidden deep in Heaven. Deliver the works of the sacred spirit that You have promised for the last days. Please pour it down as one would pour down water. Father, please let there be many sons and daughters who can bring down the wall of resentment. Father, based on this, please allow every place they gather to become both a hidden and a manifest altar from which they can bring victory in the universal battle. Please allow us to respond to the direct commandment of Heaven to become victorious in the universal fight and bring the beacon of victory to the Father.

Father, Your children have gathered here in this hour, so please reign over each of their minds and bodies. If there are those who still cannot transcend their own self-centered thoughts, then please allow them to discard them. Please guide them to become living sacrifices before the Father. Let this be an hour when they are humbly and meekly offered as the sacrifice. My Father, I humbly and earnestly ask that You allow them to have a share in the grace of joy and the grace of harmony.

There are many sons and daughters who are wounded and exhausted. Father, please counsel them with compassion, so that the inspirations of this hour can govern their lives. Please do not let them lose the standard in their life course. Let there arise from within them the powerful and shocking stimulation of life. Please allow them to feel and experience the Father's love and be immersed in it. Father, we pray from the depth our hearts that on account of this, You will allow all of us to offer gratitude and harmonize the many millions of faithful people on earth, so that we can persuade them to offer gratitude before Your holy throne and to build the altar of victory.

Father, we wish that through us, the unworthy, You will fulfill the will that You desire and seek to manifest. We have entrusted everything to You, so please reign over us. We prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer 2

Father, we have stepped forward with the utmost zeal representing Heaven, but we are too inadequate. Since we who have nothing wish to remain before You, please allow us to go forth and cry out aloud without any hesitation. Father, please look down with compassion upon our minds and bodies, which have been wounded in various ways during our attempt to take after the heart of God that no one knows about; wounded while we were following the path of the will that others falsify.

There were times when we shed tears in solitude and held grudges against Heaven. Although You have promised us the day of hope which is near, and although You have granted the ultimate fruit of the will to those who have been following with persistence, we worry that we cannot cope with it. We are overwhelmed with a great sense of awe before You.

Father, please govern Your sons and daughters who have gathered here. Please grant the Father's will of happiness to manifest itself within our minds and bodies. Please remove wrong thoughts, ideologies, and concepts with Your presence and reign. Father, based on this foundation, please allow us in this hour to bring about the works of inspiration that can completely eradicate the bitter resentment rooted deeply within Heaven.

Please grant the heart of repentance to spring forth from within us. Strike our bodies with might so that the evil elements can be liquidated and only the elements of goodness can be revealed before the Father who lives in eternal presence. Please bless us so that we can respond to the Father's goodness with our original nature and character, and creating harmony based on the Father's love, enable the Father to look upon our beauty with delight. At the same time, may the faithful believers of Heaven be caused also to unite in consonance and return the song of glory to the Father. Father, we make this wish from the depth of our hearts.

Even in this hour, the dark surge of sin is trying to invade each of our minds and bodies. Please grant us the strength and the capability. Please guide us to the realization that as the number of the sons and daughter who gather increases, the Cain and Abel relationship becomes more manifest. Lead us not to stand in the Cain-type position.

Please allow us to become Abel-type sacrifices and voluntarily fulfill all of our responsibility as substantial sacrifices. Please allow us to act for Abel to bring the Cain-type people to submit to the Father. Father, we earnestly hope and desire that Your works of might and ability will be unfolded before the whole in the hour.

Father! In this hour, please let us heed in our hearts that the mission You have entrusted us with now is not for our own salvation and liberation. Please let us understand that the fate of this people rests on us today. Please allow all of the 2.4 billion people of the world to set the condition of appeal to Heaven and earth through us.

Father, please hold us until the day when we who stand in this magnificent and serious path of life and death cling onto Heaven with our right hands and strike Satan with our left hands, until we can reap victory and raise our hands to return the glory of Hosanna to the Father. Please govern the whole of the sons and daughters who have gathered in this hour. Please let there be no one among these participating sons and daughters who hold the root of sin in their hearts and resist repentance. Appear with the power to eliminate and explode all the bitter roots of sins they harbor in their hearts.

Please let that which belongs to Satan and that which belongs to God be separated in this hour, so that we can be offered before the Father as the sanctified sacrifices of joy. Father, we make this appeal from the bottom of our hearts.

Your lonely sons and daughters, Your sons and daughters who have dispersed throughout the countryside with the words of the new gospel, I know that they must be kneeling alone and facing difficulties in their attempt to walk the path of sacrifice. Father, please be with them.

Your lonely sons and daughters who are coping with the will before the time is ripe, please do not let them become exhausted in their fight with Satan. Father, who has been providing protection until now, we wish for Your grace of protection to continue even after this hour, so that wherever we may be, please permit us to represent Your will and to resolve the resentment rooted deep within You. Please guide us so that even at the cost of offering our lives as a sacrifice, we can inherit the bitter heart of the Father and offer gratitude toward Heaven. Please, beloved Father, raise us as the embodiment of beauty in whom You can take delight and who can return the glory of Hosanna, so that we can quickly and fully accomplish the will of Heaven.

There are many altars who have gathered before the Father's presence on behalf of the people today. Be with them to lead them away from building the altar of evil out of their ignorance of the will. Let the works of the inspiration of Heavenly Father dawn upon this hour on the religious groups who have gathered representing the people so that every one of them can join their hearts and combine their altars to offer themselves as the one altar of victory to the Father.

Please take charge and reign over everything in this hour. Please operate only the will of happiness in this hour. Manifest only the will of happiness. Wishing for these things with the most sincere heart, I prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer 3

Father, these words of truth are the truth of re-creation. We know that You are grieving over the absence of the embodiment of truth on earth, about which You have proclaimed in the Garden of Eden, "It is good, it is good." We know that as long as there the condition remains unfulfilled to reclaim the words of goodness that were lost, we cannot find the embodiment of goodness.

Father, please divulge the words of goodness to this congregation. Father, I pray from the depth of my heart that You will renew Your commandments with the reclaimed words of goodness. Through their minds and bodies, I pray for the Father's special dispensation of re- creation, which can produce the embodiments of goodness amid the congregation.

I have stepped forward with the truth, so please let both the speaker and the listener become one in their hearts. Father, we know that when one secures the reciprocal base and becomes the source of pride, then the whole can be molded through that person. Please come seeking the sons and daughters of Yours here whom You have raised. By establishing the center of words and producing the works of conditions, allow them to overcome the power of Satan. Moreover, Father, we humbly and fervently desire that if our minds and bodies are enslaved inside the realm of Satan, then please allow us to divide ourselves with the truth to be able to receive the Father's seal of purification.

At such a time there is no need for many words. Until now we have heard and come to know many words of truth, but Father, we know that we need the power to give life to our minds. Please do Your works with power and ability.

Father, we sincerely hope that You will remove all evil concepts and manifest the words of truth that have the power to resurrect, and that You will give rise to the works of re-creation and resurrection. Please lead us to become those who fathom the heart of the Father, who wishes to see the perfection of one beauty in this hour. More than by any other means, through the heart of profound inner experience: the feelings, concepts, and repentance based on such inner experiences of the heart, we wish that in this hour we can be offered as one sacrifice. We prayed all things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

In the words I have recited today, there are words that Jesus spoke as he faced the ultimate cross and made the adventurous determination. Therefore, the title of the sermon that I want to reflect upon with you is "The Providence of God and the Nature of the Adventure that Transcends Reality." I will speak briefly on this topic.

We who follow the faith today are traveling through the course of ceaseless conflicts, with the day of universal judgment lying ahead of us. This path is not a smooth course. Therefore, if you cannot erect the adventurous center and secure the victorious center with which you can cast away the judgment of the universe's bitter grief, then you will become losers in the historical course and losers in the life course.

The Ultimate Universal Judgment and Our Own Understanding

Therefore, you must keep in mind that the history of God's dispensation forecasts the providence that begins and concludes adventurously. The environment and the various conditions that enable us to freely lead a life of faith were not results of your efforts. The reason that we can call out to God and lead our life of faith in this kind of freedom is because our ancestors have crossed over countless hazardous passes. You must understand this. You must also realize that if you cannot feel this deep down in your bones either in your life or in your course of faith, then you cannot cross the ultimate pass of universal judgment.

Before doing that, you must first understand the reason Heaven has called upon us. We must be able to explain by ourselves our identity, we who are passing over the hill of grief and resentment of the 6,000- year history.

What is more, we must reflect on such questions as: Have we erected the center of freedom that will enable us to cross over the pass of universal bitterness blocked off due to the resentment of history and Satan? Have we come to possess the victorious center from which we can confidently step above the standard of the judgment of resentment that lies ahead of us in the future? Which state has your life of faith reached today? Until the day that the whole dispensation of Heaven is completed through the historical course by passing through the practical course and the course of the future, we must form the bond with Heaven and contemplate the various problems of the past, the present, and the future.

Now if we assume that Heaven wills to raise us up to rest the whole mission of the last days on us and manifest the glory of victory through us, then that will must be the representation of the will of the dispensation of the 6,000 years. What is more, the criterion by which Heaven is trying to seek and raise us up is crossing the pass of the ultimate judgment. In other words, it is the new standard of the new heaven and earth. Accordingly, if you cannot set the standard of the new heaven and earth and the victorious environment of freedom in which you can live for eternity without any constraints, then you cannot emerge as victors before the dispensation of God.

When we reflect on the past, Heaven elevated us today not just to save us. He raised us up as the culmination that can resolve the historical grief and bitterness. You must heed this and get rid of the resentment that has accumulated from the time of Adam. Moreover, you should resolve the adventurous resentment of Noah and unravel his adventurous life.

The adventurous lives of those who came after him, from Abraham to Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and the prophets and sages of history, you must take charge of the works left unfulfilled by them and, using them as the one basis, establish the center that will empower you to confidently step above the standard of judgment in the future. Otherwise, you must remember that you will become a straggler in the historical battle with Satan.

Noah Traveled the Path of Adventure

Let us now reflect back on our ancestors of the past. When we look at the life of Noah first, we will find that it was not a smooth and even life. How do you think Noah must have felt when he received the commandment, "I will judge the world with water 120 years from now, so build an ark on the top of Mount Ararat"? It was not a feat that took twelve days, nor twelve years. It took 120 years. The commandment to build an ark on top of Mount Ararat was completely out of step with the reality of that time.

When you look at the actual situation of Noah, who carried out that kind of commandment, he might be considered a truly insane person, one who was fully out of touch with his time. Noah, who received such enormous directives from God, made a firm determination within himself. He persevered not for one day, but for a period of 120 years, wishing for that one day to come. You must understand that Noah was truly the adventurous champion, unprecedented in the 1,600 years of prior history. He was raised before Heaven representing that history.

Noah, who maintained absolute faith in the commandment as the will of the covenant, did not pay much attention to all those conditions. Once he decided, he did not care whether God intervened or whether the people of the world cursed at him. Since he had already embarked on the path for the sake of the will, putting his life on the line and having forsaken it, none of these matters posed any problem. Thus, he silently traveled through the course of ordeals that continued for such a long period of 120 years.

Noah must have faced criticisms in his family. Society must have greatly reproached him. Yet nobody could stop the footsteps of Noah, who began his journey to single-mindedly pioneer the heavenly path that humankind does not understand and has not traveled before, the path that no one in the course of sixteen hundred years had walked before. You must keep in mind that Noah was an adventurous person who could cast aside all opposition, even if the environment of society of that time obstructed him and all the people of the world pushed him back.

Noah made headway with dogged determination, regardless of what kinds of tests and tribulations he faced. After 120 years passed, he could erect the one restored family that Adam's family had lost. You must understand such a historical background.

The same thing was true for Abraham. When Abraham received the commandments from God to leave Ur of the Chaldeans, this was no easy matter for him. When God ordered him to abandon the mountains and rivers of the homeland dear to his heart as well as all of his relatives and neighbors, he was greatly distressed. From the humanistic perspective, it was an impossible deed.

Abraham, who received the commandment of God, transcended the environment in which he had lived up to that time. Transcending the family, he abandoned the life that he had led happily until then and went on his way. Such an action as Abraham's would never have taken place under the usual circumstances in that time. Even if there were those who centered their thoughts on the will and were concerned about the will, no one could have stood beside Abraham and proclaimed, "Yes. The path you are taking is true, so please guide me."

Abraham started his journey with an unwavering heart that disregarded whether the world understood him. He had the mind-set to leave Ur of the Chaldeans for eternity. When he thus took his steps according to the way that God led, he climbed over all the steep mountains and crossed the pass of death with great persistence.

The Faith of Abraham Transcended Reality

God seized the first son of the idol seller, Terah, and put him in that position. Abraham, who had that calling, made the firm determination, "In the path that I am walking now, my center will never change, even if my beloved parents hold me back, even if my beloved friends dissuade me, and even if my beloved brothers and sisters pull me back." That was not all. Abraham even obeyed the order of God to offer as a burnt sacrifice his precious son, Isaac, who was born when Abraham was one hundred years old. That command constituted the one adventurous condition that was unprecedented in history. That event was the condition that represented heaven and earth and decided the fate of events in heaven, events on earth, and of many millions of matters. Although Abraham was ignorant of this, he made a sincere attempt to place his son on the altar and sacrifice him after he had received the order to offer Isaac.

Think about the heart of Abraham, who was trying to strike his beloved son with the knife. His mentality truly transcended the reality. In his time, who could have recognized that kind of faith? The adventurous deed of Abraham indicated that he belonged to Heaven and that his family belonged to Heaven. It showed that he as well as his family and all of their belongings would follow the commandment of God. He realized this fact while he was making a burnt offering of his only son.

He tried to offer Isaac with the attitude, "Although I have given birth to this son, because he is Your possession, I will offer him to You," and he tried to break away from the environment of practical reality. You must understand the center of the faith of these historical ancestors.

This holds true also for Jacob and Moses. When God raised them up, He did not allow them to travel a smooth and easy path. Jacob was engaged in the battle to seize the elder sonship from the time of his birth. Moses also faced conditions of conflict from the time of his birth.

Moses Walked an Adventurous and Revolutionary Path

God called upon Moses and raised him at the time the Jewish people were suffering 400 years of tribulation in the land of the enemy, Egypt. Moses was protected by his mother for three months under the fearsome tyranny of the Pharaoh. After that, he was taken in by the daughter of the Pharaoh and he lived in the palace for forty years.

You might have thought that Moses' life in the palace of Pharaoh was splendid and magnificent. However, Moses, who upheld the providence, was not an Egyptian citizen, though he was living in the palace of the Pharaoh. As each day passed by, the thought that he was a member of the chosen people of God and the thought that he represented Israel penetrated deeply into his heart. When Moses left the palace after adhering closely to the principles of Israel alone for forty years, he beat an Egyptian to death because he saw an Israelite suffer mistreatment at the hands of the Egyptian. Irrepressible indignation burst out from within him.

After that, he fled the palace. Cherishing the blessed providence of Israel in his heart, he began the life of a shepherd in the Midian wilderness. His life was in no way peaceful or comfortable. There was no one from any era who could understand why Moses would abandon such a splendid palace as the Pharaoh's and live as a shepherd. Nonetheless, Moses did not despair. He began building a hidden altar that others did not know about for the sake of Heaven and Israel. On this foundation, God chose him in the year that he turned eighty and groomed him as the hero who could remove the resentment of the people.

After that, all the footsteps Moses took were adventurous. Because he kept the transcendent center of the dispensation of God close to his heart, his whole life transcended reality. What he saw, as well as the battles that he engaged in, all transcended reality. When Moses went to the palace of the Pharaoh under the direction of God, God should have blessed and protected Moses, who was carrying out His commands. Instead, He blocked the path of Moses and tried to kill him. Why did God try to impede and kill Moses, who was carrying out His orders? This simply should not take place in actual reality. This is something that human beings cannot comprehend.

According to practical common sense, there is no way that this pass could be crossed. Nevertheless, since Moses was already determined, with a heart yearning to fulfill the one will even at the risk of his death, he passed through the condition of a test set up by God and Satan. In this way, Moses, who became convinced of the transcendent existence of God and performed more than ten miracles in the palace of the Pharaoh, was an unprecedented adventurous revolutionary on the universal scale. You must understand this. Similarly, Moses did not succumb to anyone's opposition. With transcendent faith toward the will, he led the 600 thousand Israelite people out of Egypt. When you look at this, you should realize that the whole life of Moses was a path of transcendent adventure.

Jesus Prepared Himself for an Adventurous History

Moses came as the representative of the restoration of a people. After Moses, Jesus came as the one with the mission to restore the world. Jesus knew that during the 4,000 years of history, countless prophets and sages had lived a lifestyle that transcended their practical reality for the sake of accomplishing the will of God. What is more, he felt to his bone marrow that he himself was indeed the one who was responsible for completing the will that the prophets and sages could not fulfill when they had participated in the dispensation of God.

After reflecting on history, Jesus realized that even up to his time, the countless prophets and sages had resentment and grief and that the dispensation of restoration had not been consummated. Therefore, he made a firm determination to bring this to pass.

He was truly determined to walk through the course of transcendent adventures for the sake of pioneering the course of 4,000 years. You must understand that Jesus was someone who had the determination to walk the course that summed up all the hazardous courses of the saints and sages.

Because Jesus was born with the mission to bring the hazardous history on the universal level to an end, from the moment of his birth, he walked a path of adventure. Indeed, his whole life was one of transcendent adventure. What is more, in the end, even the path of death that hung Jesus on the cross was a path of adventure that transcended reality.

Then what was the foundation of the life of Jesus? It was a life that was to bring to full consummation the 4,000-year history and bring to an end the danger-ridden course where God's resentment was deeply rooted. It was a transcendent, victorious life not found before in this world. It was a life that sought to lay a new, victorious foundation.

The Heart of Obedience of Mary and Joseph

What you must understand now is that Jesus was born through the body of Mary. What fate would have befallen the providence of God if there had been no one like the holy mother Mary for Jesus, who had to come to live an adventurous life? If there had been no one like the holy mother Mary, in other words, had there been no woman of Heaven, Jesus could not have even been born. If there were no foundation of adventure-undertaking sacrifice like Mary's, then the birth of Jesus could not have taken place. Jesus had to pass through a hazardous course to be born with a new life.

When the angel appeared before the virgin Mary and told her, "You will be pregnant, and you will bear a son," Mary answered him, "I do not know any man, so how could this be?" The angel answered again, "God, who is omnipotent, has chosen you." At that time, Mary replied, "Lord, I am a humble servant, so do as You will." These words embodied the universal adventure.

Though Mary knew that according to the laws of her time, an unmarried woman with a baby would be stoned to death immediately upon discovery, she transcended the environment of practical reality and said, "Lord, do as You will. I am only a humble servant, so do as You will. I am Yours even if you kill me or even if I meet my doom. Please do as You will." Heaven gave birth to Jesus because there was a substantial, living sacrifice, Mary, on earth.

This is not all. Even in the life of faith that you are leading, there are many hazardous paths of which you are not aware. Joseph, who received a revelation about the pregnancy of his fiancée, Mary through a dream, tried to sever his relationship with her because of many humanistic difficulties. The news that his fiancée was pregnant caused him much humanistic pain and anxiety. Joseph tried to save Mary, taking responsibility for all the things that had happened. That was not an easy thing. It transcended reality.

Therefore, you today have the mission to walk the path that Jacob and Joseph walked, and to walk even the paths that Jesus and Mary walked. Accordingly, you must be aware of the fact that before you lies the transcendent scene, the hazardous pass that must be crossed by transcending practical reality.

Jesus Walked the Path of Transcendent Adventure from the Moment of His Birth

People could not recognize Jesus, who contained within his heart the sorrow of the 4,000-year history, and who was determined to offer himself up as the sacrifice even at the risk of his life. People did not realize that he was the Messiah, the savior of all humankind. When we look at that, we can realize that the life of Jesus transcended reality beginning from his birth, that he lived a life of new, ideal adventure. You must understand that today this remains as the incomplete will that is being sought after in the time of the Lord of the Second Advent.

Looking at the life of Jesus, he was concerned about the providence from the time he was growing up in the family of Joseph and Mary. His younger brothers (and sisters) reproached and accused him. Joseph did not have the same heart toward Jesus in Jesus' thirty years of life as he did initially. Joseph loved his own children more than he loved Jesus. You must understand that this is the reason Jesus could not have a family environment that was socially acceptable at the time.

The life of Jesus, in which he lived as a stepson and eventually died on the cross, transcended reality in all of its aspects. As he encountered all kinds of troubles in his family environment, he quietly overcame them all. His last work, when he appeared with the providence and finally proved that he was the Messiah of all human beings, was also counter to reality.

Because Jesus surpassed the realm of laws, which had been established as the creed of Judaism through a long history, and superseded it with a new gospel of Heaven, wherever he went and wherever he resided, he was not welcomed. Driven out by his family, John the Baptist, and Judaism, he did not have any place upon which to rest. Nonetheless, though he had no place to rely on, he did not look for a source of comfort.

Jesus, who understood the will of God, proclaimed the gospel of the New Testament. Initially, when John the Baptist testified to Jesus, there came into being an environment in which all the Jewish priests and officials could have recognized him. Yet as Jesus walked the three-year course of his public ministry, Jesus' position gradually declined until eventually only fishermen and women of little importance followed him.

For Jesus, who had to manifest the ideals of God, the promise had to be eternal and the will had to be eternal, but in reality, he could not find them no matter how hard he tried. You must understand how incomparably miserable the heart of Jesus was at the time he gathered a crowd of five thousand on an empty hill and offered prayers of grace for them, and also when he was praying desperately in front of the tomb of Nazareth.

During the 4,000-year history, countless prophets and sages led adventurous lives with bold determination and swallowed internal agony for the sake of God's will. Yet none even came close to the sorrow of Jesus. Jesus had to penetrate through the bitter and grievous heart of the 4,000 year history and rise up to console God's heart of internal anguish.

The people who were following Jesus were not the kind that the Jewish people would welcome. They were not ones that the believers of Judaism recognized. Jesus had to walk a path that no one welcomed in the social and religious realms. Wherever he went, he could not find a free environment to stay in.

The Bitter Heart of Jesus

When Moses was leading the multitude of 600 thousand, he was blocked in front by the Red Sea. Behind him, the chariots of the Pharaoh were rushing toward them. On behalf of the 600 thousand people who were afraid of dying, Moses confronted the situation head on with the unwavering belief that he could prevail in that trial of death. You must understand that by persisting on that path, he could have sacrificed the multitude of 600 thousand.

The same thing is true when Jesus could feed the crowd of 5,000 with a handful of fish and bread. Looking down upon the countless crowd spread across the hill at sunset, Jesus' heart was, in practical terms, a heart that could not be found in anyone else on earth. Truly, it was a heart of great adventurous spirit that should be restored back to Heaven. Because Jesus cried out with this kind of heart, he could cause miraculous works of re-creation.

We must fathom Jesus who had an adventurous birth, Jesus who walked hazardous paths in his life, and Jesus who set the standard of an adventurous spirit even when he was at last nailed on the cross. When we look at that, Jesus did not lead an insignificant and bland life. It was not a polite and fashionable lifestyle.

You who have faith must re-examine yourself and match your life to the life course of Jesus. If you have the desire to become the bride of Jesus Christ, then you must understand his life from the moment of his birth through his thirty years of adventurous life to the hill of Golgotha. You must understand his life of humiliation and adversity to the fateful path of the cross, the hazardous path of death.

Indeed the life of Jesus began as an adventure and ended as an adventure. Every hour, we must feel deep within us the agonizing heart of Jesus who came as the bridegroom but had to walk the lonely path of death: Jesus who passed away for our sake; Jesus who died to save us.

If there were a gift that you could give to Jesus in these last days today, what would it be? It would be possessing the anxious heart of Jesus Christ who passed through the adventurous course at the risk of his life and becoming the most remarkable sacrifice that cannot be found any other place in the whole world and universe: the unique offering of universal adventure.

Accordingly, you must now understand the bitter heart of God, who has traveled through the historical course up to now and who has risen from the most lowly position. You must lead your life with the determination to die for the sake of the will. Think about it. If Jesus Christ, who died for the sake of earth condemns the earth, then there is no one who has the right to condemn it more severely.

However, Jesus did not come for his own sake. First, he came for the sake of history, for the sake of the Jewish faith and the Israelite people. He came for the sake of the disciples who were to follow him. On a larger scale, he came for the sake of the people, the nation, the world, and the universe. This is how he lived his life. Even his death was not for his own sake.

Yet who remained faithful to the path that Jesus walked? In the pass of death, he was betrayed by his beloved disciples. He was left alone to take responsibility for everything. Think about it! If he were going to become bitter and hold a grudge against the earth, then even if he were to weep ceaselessly, pounding the earth, he would not have been able to fully resolve the resentment of the thirty years. There was no way that he could be compensated for the ordeals that he suffered. On the contrary, Jesus was concerned that humanity would suffer under the yoke of Satan. With a heart of compassion, even in the moment of death on the cross, he prayed for the sake of the Jewish people who betrayed him, the disciples, and humanity who betrayed him. Because he was a man of sorrow, he could become their friend even when the ancestors of this earth appealed on the basis of the 4,000 year history and all of humankind. He could pray for the sake of the people who opposed him and the enemies who struck him. Such a thing had never even been heard of in the 4,000 years of human history. Moreover, you must understand that this was the work of universal adventure done to dismantle the wall of sin rooted deeply in heaven and earth.

If Jesus is the king of all kings, then for you to become the queen of this king, you must believe in his promise. Without fearing death, you must entrust everything to the will and lead your life.

Jesus walked this kind of path. The life of Jesus was this kind of life. The hope of Jesus was living for the sake of the will and dying for the sake of the will in that manner.

We Must Walk the Adventurous Path Following the Examples of Our Ancestors and Jesus

Then what is the task that lies before us? What is that which we must be aware of? We must understand Jesus, who solicited for blessing to fall upon humanity even at the moment of death, and who took away with him all the internal sorrows that penetrated deeply into his bitter heart.

Among the people who believe in Jesus, there are many who pray to the Father that He will grant blessings to them. Before beseeching for blessings, you must first understand the grief that is immersed deep inside His heart. Not only that, you must even understand the life of Jesus and the course of crucifixion. You must understand today that there was deep sorrow behind the hazardous course, which humankind is not aware of and only Jesus and God understand. You must fathom Jesus' heart of internal sorrow that he could not speak about.

By doing so, you could say, "Lord! I will resolve all Your resentments and those of history. Please prod us on. Please guide us to fulfill the will that You hoped to realize through all the people of history. Let us not fall down but rise up as venturesome sacrifices who can supersede the universal history and eradicate the bitter grief that countless prophets and sages have left behind them."

The hope that we have now is in accomplishing the will that Jesus Christ left behind on the earth as the remaining task. It is our fate to bring new fulfillment to the will of Jesus Christ. History flowed down through the hazardous course of the individual, family, society, nation, and the world. Therefore, when an individual among Christians attempts to accomplish the will, hazardous elements are added to that individual's path. It is the same for the family, society, nation, and the world. You must understand that such an adventurous gateway lies before you. Accordingly, you must be able to offer yourself as a sacrifice of adventurous spirit on behalf of your venture and life, which stand in front of the forked road of life and death and the place of universal judgment. You must offer it on behalf of the life of the people and the humanity of the world.

What is more, you must be able to copy the life courses of the prophets and sages and Jesus Christ and apply them in whatever environment or time you might live in. Moreover, no matter who at what moment in time sets forth any condition, you must have the determination and audacity to step forward and appeal to the whole universe and proceed forward as the representative of the will of Heaven.

We Must be Offered as the Venturesome Sacrifice

Today, when the day of the Second Advent is near, you must carry on the one venturesome, universal task that remains as the last remnant of the 6,000 year history. If that task is universal, then you must also become a universal being. You must understand that only when you step forward with adventurous internal determination will you be able to fulfill that task.

If the will of God is fulfilled apart from the life of faith that we live, then how would it be? Until now, the history of God has gone forward through the venturesome course that transcended practical reality.

Only when you pass through such a universal and venturesome gateway can you lift high the flag of ultimate victory and go before the Father to sing the victory song. Then you can represent the position of the universal bride. Moreover, you will not be subject to any condition when this takes place and only then. Even if there are persecutions and humiliations in some environment, you can still become the prince of Heaven who sets the standard of transcendent adventure. You must understand that only the ones who have the determination to become this kind of prince can bear the ultimate responsibility for the will of God's dispensation and become the bride of Christ who can manifest glory.


At this moment, when the last days of history are shedding light in various places of heaven and earth, even if we are experiencing grief, that one ray of light is shining upon our minds and bodies. Father, please be present with those who have the mark of life, the power of life. Please manifest Your mighty works so that the faithful Christians of today can walk that universal adventurous path that remains before them.

Father! The life of faith that we have led until now was centered on ourselves. When did we decide to live a venturesome life for the sake of Jesus and Heaven? When did we pray before the Father, "I will become an adventurous sacrifice"? If there are no such people among the sons and daughters who have gathered here today, Father, please lead them to repent. Please do not allow them to become abominable people who do not fear the awe-inspiring dispensation of Heaven. Father, we entreat from the depth of our hearts that You will allow us to pray earnestly before You to represent the universe and to walk a venturesome path.

Father, Your sons and daughters who have gathered here have been starving for the life that transcends reality. Their life has not been normal. If one were to use the word "fanatical," there cannot be a more fanatical life than theirs. However, when we evaluate it based on the past, the present, and the future, then that cannot be considered an untoward lifestyle.

Please lead us not to become cowardly ones who betray the Father on this path of universal agony and adventure. Father, please extend Your hands of power. Please allow us to understand that the path Jesus walked is the model course we must travel. Passing through the works of resurrection and rebirth, let us cultivate a new center of life. Father, we wish with utmost earnestness that You will let us secure a foundation for the new life and walk the course that heaven and earth can recognize, after gathering new strengths.

Please let the words spoken today become the words of truth that give life to the sons and daughters who have gathered here and penetrate deeply into their flesh and bone. Guide us to offer ourselves as the eternal sacrifices of victory. Through them, please set the conditions of appeal to resolve the resentment of Heaven. Soliciting with deep earnestness, I prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Chapter 16 Behold the Little Lamb of God Who Is Bearing the Sins of the World

Behold the Little Lamb of God Who Is Bearing the Sins of the World

November 25, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

Matthew 5:43-48 John 1:19-34

Prayer 1

Father who promised the resurrection of life, Father who has granted the grace of love, and Father who gave eternal life! Father who is not far from us, but dwells within our minds and bodies and in our surroundings! Our hearts long for the Father's love and yearn to be intoxicated by Your love. We want to sing Your glory.

Father who has come seeking us this hour, please reveal the honor of Your joy. By doing so, we ask that You let us also partake in joy and harmony with our original hearts and original natures. Fix our minds and bodies to create the atmosphere of glory where even the creation can be part of the harmony.

Father of promise! Please operate in this hour. Father of power! Please appear in this hour. Although we are insignificant, we know that when we march forward in obedience to Your commands, there will spring forth within us the power to pioneer the course of eternal life. Father of love! Please do not hesitate in this hour to give commands through our minds and our bodies.

Let us restore the original hyung-sang You created. By doing so, beloved Father, we hope from the depth of our hearts that You will protect us and raise us as proud sons and daughters whose beauty can bring You joy and whom You are proud to present before all created things without any hesitation.

This is a holy day. This is the day that we must take responsibility for the lives of all people and guide to the Father the many minds and bodies shackled by the hands of the enemies who dwell in the realm of death.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the ones who have taken responsibility for this task and have been at work to fulfill it. The ones who have been assisting in this feat were the countless faithful believers in the spirit world. Please lead us to understand that we have the mission to arm ourselves and help accomplish this one will.

Father! If we are too weak to take charge of this unfulfilled mission, then please allow us to cherish in our hearts the will of blessing promised in the infinitely distant past. Please raise us before the Heavenly principles. Please lead us not to become pitiful sons and daughters who provoke sorrow. Please allow us to touch Your heart and bosom and become Your sons and daughters who will accomplish the entirety of Your will before You give the command, beginning the action before You make the request.

Father! Please bless these people. Please bless the religious group that represents the people. Moreover, please bless Your sons and daughters who have gathered here.

Please prophesy about this event to many lives everywhere. Grant a new blessing of life. Please let all of humankind awaken to Your will and elevate the foundation of their lives so that peace can emerge. Father! We make this earnest request.

Please allow these sons and daughters who have now prostrated themselves before You to become the children who can receive the love and blessing of the Father with a new heart. Allow their bodies to embody the beauty of glory and the beauty of love.

Is there any son or daughter who, being unworthy before You, possesses the bitter root of sin and induces sorrow? Father, please take charge of this hour and appear before us. In that way, please personally produce the miracle of re-creation. Father, I earnestly wish and hope for this.

Please manifest abundant blessings of the Father on the children who have gathered in this hour. My Father, I pray from the bottom of my heart that You will grant the same grace upon the children who are scattered in all regions and are building lonely altars, the sons and daughters who are testifying to Your truth. Hoping sincerely that You will descend upon each of them, I prayed all these things in the name of the Lord.


Prayer 2

Father, You have exerted Yourself to cling onto us and to assemble us. We have gathered here centering on one holy altar. Please allow our minds and bodies, we who are prostrating ourselves before You, to become one and to act on behalf of Your commands. Our bodies, which are prostrated, must become the holy altar.

When we come to realize that we are the hope You have sought for a long time with a lamenting heart, we deeply feel that the Father is truly miserable. We also can come to fathom the situation of the Father, who has suffered all kinds of insults as He guided the history of the dispensation until now.

We reflect now that it is the Father who has received all kinds of humiliation, and it is the Father who has persevered through them all, longing for sons and daughters of hope even when You were suffering all kinds of ordeals. We come then to realize how unworthy we are. Nonetheless, we have come before the will with enraptured hearts. We came forth with the determination to possess loyal fidelity, so that we can alleviate the grief and bitterness of the Father.

Consequently, we are in a position to walk through the course of conflict today and tomorrow. We believe that the Father is aware of the fact that we are trying to tread the course only for the sake of the Father's glory. Please come seeking us now. Please lead us to move centering only on Heaven.

We have gone on until now by believing in the Father on this earth where there can be no faith, and by relying on the commands of the Father on this earth, where there is no place to set our feet. Father, we cannot dispel our concern for the dispensation of today and tomorrow. Please allow the gratitude of today to become eternal gratitude. Let the voice calling out for You become a voice calling out for the Father for eternity. Loving Father, we pray from the depth of our hearts that You will personally protect and guard us until we can sing the song of glory together with all things.

Father, the time and place are not far away. Your children, who are being urged on by Heaven, as well as Your heart, which is driving on because the time and place are imminent, are both distressed. Yet Your sons and daughters of the new age, who must pioneer the new task because they were raised in the world of darkness and faithlessness, are also pitiful.

Father! Please cast away Your worries. We realize how great the concern of Heaven is, and we hope to cling onto these concerns on its behalf and exert our utmost for the sake of the remaining will of the dispensation. Therefore, Father, please look at us and be comforted by us. Please let us comfort Your heart, suffering from the bitter sorrow of the people and the church.

Father, please hastily assemble in one place Your sons and daughters who are scattered everywhere. Allow them to build the altar of victory, glory and righteousness, so that they can go toward the single strand of the light of life in which You can be delighted. Beloved Father, we earnestly pray that You will allow the one will to be fulfilled through the people of this world.

Among the children who have gathered here, is there anyone who has become subjected to the accusations of Satan or who possesses a heart of spite? Father, please let there be no such child. If there is such a child, then in this hour, with the miracle of power, please inject into their heart the grace of gratitude and resurrection that can induce them to repent. Father! We pray for this from the bottom of our hearts. We entrust the remaining time to you, so please remove sadness and govern us with honor. We wish from the heart that only the grace of joy that You can personally assert and boast of will descend upon our heads and fill our minds and bodies. We have entrusted everything to You. Please take charge of it all. We prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer 3

Father, we have come to understand that according to the commands that You have given, there remains the pass that all men must cross. We of today stand in the position to carry on the fight to eliminate our imperfections before the perfection of the Father. It is our fate to rise above the basic standard of the unchanging truth.

Now, when we think about the fact that the time has come when we must step forward before the whole universe, and that it is our historical fate to resemble the perfect sung-sang of the Father and dominate over all created beings, we come to realize that we today must take the place of the Father's lamentation. We must testify to the eternal love of the Father and must be able to carry on the mission of restoration by disseminating the words of the Father to the dark world.

Nonetheless, the life of faith that we have led up to now is not worthy enough to be presented before the Father. Please allow us to feel remorse and at the same time to repent and come to our senses.

We must bring out all our concepts, assertions and ideologies before the solemn will of the Father and completely deny our own selves. We must restore our original nature, we who are eternal substantial beings, and take after the character of the Father, who is perfect. We must restore ourselves to the point in which we can be overwhelmed with the glory of the Father. This is the course of conflict that lies before us. Please lead us not to be ones who retreat from this course of conflict today.

Please allow us to become the honor and source of joy of the Father through our life each day and for the rest of our lives. Guide us to become worthy and beautiful sons and daughters whom You can accept. Father, we hope for this from our hearts.

This is the time when the period of restoration is reflected. This is the period that we must rise above the historical standard of judgment as in the time of Jesus. This is the time when the new will is being brought forth before Judaism, when the works of testimony on the shores of the Jordan River are taking place, when the works of John the Baptist, who gave the baptism, are unfolding worldwide.

Now each of us must prepare the resting grounds of Heaven and build the garden of goodness. Jesus should have returned glory to the Father with the testimony of John the Baptist, without any invasion by sin and Satan. We must build the garden of repose in which we can grab hold of each other's hands and join our hearts to sing a song.

You have called us today for this kind of responsibility. You have chosen us for this kind of task. Please lead us not to become the sons and daughters who will leave the wound of grief and sadness before the chosen will.

We who understand that the resentment of many thousands of years has saturated history by virtue of the failure of John the Baptist, have received Heaven's calling and were chosen by Heaven. Please allow us to stand before the throne of the Father and lay the foundation of the dispensation which can bring completion to the entire dispensational will of the whole universe. By granting this, please allow us to accomplish the remaining mission on a secure foundation.

If we have not become qualified enough to offer bows before the dignified sung-sang of the Father with liberated minds and bodies, then please lead us to understand that the bitter grief of restoration is still embedded in us. When we offer all of our minds and bodies to the Father and raise our two hands to call you Father, then Father, please hold us tight with Your hands and guide us to earn the justification to be considered the honorable sons and daughters of the Father.

In this way, please allow us to become sons and daughters who can sing the glory of joy in the garden of bliss, sing the glory of Hosanna's victory to the whole universe and return glory to the coming Lord. We make this most earnest wish.

Allow us to think about Jesus Christ, who came to bring liberation from the historical grief, in this day that You have granted us. When we come to the realization that the path that Jesus walked does not pertain only to him, but is the model course that we must walk in the last days, we cannot help but feel that our heart becomes weighed down with burdens and our mind succumbs to our body. Lead us to become the loyal subjects of the Father who can fulfill this will, even if it requires our toilsome struggle. Father! We pray from the depth of our hearts that we may become sincere loyal subjects of the Father.

We entrust everything to You, so please allow the heart of the speaker and the hearts of the listeners to become one. I fear that even in this hour, Satan might work through the minds of those who are skeptical. Please remove such doubts from them first.

If there is anyone whose mind does not operate according to the commanding words of the Lord or who is being dragged into the darkness because they cannot be intoxicated by the grace of the sacred spirit, then please grant them compassion and the grace that can induce them to repent. In this way, may the love of the Father sink into our minds and immerse us in the eternal ideal of life forever. Humbly requesting that Father's miracle of life, miracle of love and miracle of power may be manifested in this hour with the words, we prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

I will speak on the topic "Behold the Little Lamb of God Who Is Bearing the Sins of the World."

The Purpose of God's Dispensation and the Mission of Humankind

The 4,000-year history from the fall to the coming of Jesus was not a history of goodness but a history of sin. Although countless prophets came to the earth and fought with sin while upholding the will of the dispensation, they were unable to eradicate all the sins. Similarly, the fight with sin repeatedly ended in failure, and the dispensation was prolonged for 4,000 years.

The purpose of God's dispensation is to completely purge all these sins. Accordingly, until the day that all sins are liquidated, the history of conflict will not be concluded and the history of the dispensation will not finish. What is more, God has no choice but to send his beloved children as workers for the dispensation.

Therefore, in order to fulfill the will, God established Noah's family in place of Adam's family. Yet because Noah's family repeated the failure, He had to raise Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses, who acted on behalf of the people. After that, from King Saul to King David to King Solomon, as well as to the four great prophets and the twelve minor prophets, the will reached John the Baptist.

Before us lies the mission that humankind must fulfill for Heaven now. What is that mission? Since the root of sin was implanted by virtue of the fall of man, it must be man who subjugates Satan and the root of sin, and returns goodness and glory to God. God has led the dispensation for 4,000 years for the sake of finding such people.

The Cause of the Tribulations of Jesus, the Faithlessness of John the Baptist

What then was the mission that John the Baptist was supposed to accomplish on the earth? It was to testify to and attend Jesus Christ.

Because Jesus was elevated to the position of perfected Adam who did not fall, from his birth, he could return glory to Heaven. What is more, he was someone who could bring joy to God. God sent Jesus Christ to proudly display him before humanity and Satan.

From his birth, Jesus was not supposed to walk the path of suffering. He was supposed to represent humanity, return joy to God and become the honorable mediator, the mediator of love and the mediator of goodness. However, humankind could not receive Jesus.

Consequently, as you know very well through the Divine Principle, although the life of Jesus should not have had any connection or relation to sin, but should have been teeming only with goodness and joy, Satan invaded Jesus' life, because John the Baptist did not complete his responsibility.

What then is the mission that lies ahead of us, we who live in the last days? We must fulfill the mission of John the Baptist. In other words, before Jesus, who came as the representative of history, we must become the sons and daughters of glory who reap victory and people of goodness with whom Jesus can rejoice. You must bear in mind that this is our mission.

The sorrow of God was caused when Satan tried to pull Jesus Christ down and put him through tests. What is more, the reason that Jesus had to fight with Satan for 2,000 years after he passed away was because of the disbelief of the Jewish people at the time. Furthermore, as you all know, it was because John the Baptist made a grave mistake.

Human Beings Are the Ones Who Must Subjugate Satan and Eradicate Sin

At this time, when we have arrived at the threshold of an era like the end of a century, you must stand opposed to sin and fight. You must understand that you are in the same position as John the Baptist, who had to fight with Satan. Satan had opposed and fought with God for 4,000 years. You must fight with Satan. In place of the 6,000 years and the mission of John the Baptist, you must fight with Satan and bring him to submission. In this way, you must remove all traces of Satan in yourself. Such a responsibility lies on your shoulders. If you cannot fulfill this responsibility, then the Lord of the Second Advent who is to come will not be able to receive you.

Originally, according to the ideals of creation, God's garden did not have any trace of Satan. Consequently, to realize God's ideals of creation on the earth, we must vanquish Satan and rise to the level of perfected Adam who did not fall. Therefore, if you do not represent God's glory and do not become the source of pride that He can display before Satan, there is no way to cleanse the resentful grief of Jesus, who was put through tests before Satan.

Due to the fall of man, Satan trampled on humankind and is dominating all over the land. To reverse this, we must rely upon the principles of indemnity. Because humankind was trodden on by Satan, even if Jesus does not help and the Holy Spirit and God do not help, humankind must subjugate Satan with their own hands. They must be able to overcome all the conditions of sin that Satan presents to them. This is the only way that they can become victorious sons and daughters.

If you do not become the sons and daughters who can reap victory even while fighting alone with the universal Satan, you will not have any relationship with Jesus. This is the fateful path that we simply have no way of escaping. This is the fateful path that we must walk even after our death, if we fail to do so when we are alive.

Jesus Christ, because he failed to accomplish the will that he was meant to bring to pass while he was alive, even today, after 2,000 years have passed, hopes to find someone who can act on his behalf so that he can fulfill the will even after his death. When you consider this, you will see that the 6,000 years of history is not a history of glory. It was not a glorious history for God. Moreover, you must realize that as long as Jesus and the Holy Spirit are fighting against Satan, as long as the sons and daughters who follow Jesus and the Holy Spirit are being tested by Satan, the original ideology of God's creation cannot be said to have been materialized on this earth.

Therefore, the resentment that permeates heaven and earth became set as the grief of God. The new history, which sought to eliminate the resentment of heaven and earth, was manifested through the cross of God, the cross of Jesus, the cross of the Holy Spirit and the cross of the faithful ones today.

Until now, we have survived by virtue of the protection and commands of the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God. We must from now on become the "I" who can comfort the Holy Spirit, "I" who can console Jesus and "I" who can comfort God.

The will of the Holy Spirit, the will of Jesus and the will of God are not personal desires. This will penetrates through the individual and the world; it links even heaven and earth. Who will live on behalf of this will and become the universal sons and daughters who can console the universal heart of God? You must understand that Heaven has been guiding the dispensation to find such sons and daughters.

Similarly, to dismantle the wall of the sin rooted in history, we must carry on the fight in the present and in the future. Heading toward the pass of sin that we must cross even at the risk of our lives, and while pouring out all our energy and life, you must make a new determination and march forward.

Jesus remained unchanged, testifying to Heaven and giving a new kind of baptism even when the law-abiding believers of Judaism and the Jewish people opposed him. We also must do the same. Now we must step up to the final stage and transcend denominations. Moreover, while transcending denominations, we must also surpass all ideologies. Even if we are alone, we must fight against Satan. If you can win in the battle with all satans, then the glory of Heaven and the joy of Heaven will descend and reside in you.

We Must Fulfill the Mission of John the Baptist in His Place

Even in this hour, the wall of sin blocks your way. Yet what is the nature of this wall of sin? It is a wall of the sin of 4,000 years of slaying the prophets and sages that God loved. It is a wall of the sin of having hung Jesus on the cross. Therefore, if you cannot eradicate this sin in your own generation, then you will have nothing to do with the Kingdom of Heaven. If you cannot dismantle this wall of sin, you cannot enter Heaven. You must be clear on this point.

If you are to represent the will of God and to stand in the position of John the Baptist, you must learn how to observe the universal sin. By doing so, you must bear on your own shoulders the grief and resentment of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. You must comfort Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and God, who have been suffering because of sin. If those who can usher in the day of the Sabbath do not appear among you, then even if the Savior was to come to this land, it would be to no avail.

In these last days, we must fight with sin for John the Baptist. We are to represent the 6,000-year history and substitute for the mission of John the Baptist. What is more, besides this, we must personally experience the course of conflict that Jesus walked.

After Jesus Christ passed away, what remained behind him was the path of the cross. Although he tried to establish an eternal standard of victory on the basis of baptism and the cross, he could do so only in the spiritual dimension. Today the mission lies before us to mobilize both the spiritual and the physical and to fulfill the universal, heavenly mission of John the Baptist. You must personally experience the bitter and indignant heart of Jesus, who came to earth and was not honored by humankind, and resolve it on his behalf. Because humankind has this mission, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have been working with them for 2,000 years. Yet the faithful believers of today are not aware of this fact. They have believed that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are simply their servants and messengers.

Who then is Satan? He is the archangel. The fall allowed the archangel to snatch from human beings the right to dominate over the creation and act in that capacity. Therefore, during restoration, we have to pass through a course in which we are dominated by Satan.

To walk this kind of path, what must we do? Using the life of John the Baptist, who testified to Jesus, as the example, and using the life of Jesus as the example, we must walk the same path as they.

The Path Jesus Walked in Order to Destroy the Wall of Sin

What kind of path did Jesus walk to destroy this wall of sin? We in the last days must pass through the path that Jesus once walked.

When Jesus was fighting with Satan, he did not stand in the offensive position to uproot the universal sin. Jesus did not stand in the offensive position toward sin to purge it. For the sake of purging sin and bringing it to submission, he stood in the position of taking it on his shoulders. You must understand that this was the spirit of Jesus Christ.

Sin is an evil and wicked thing. We have a mind linked directly to the original nature of creation, and sin is the thing that acts diametrically counter to that. Jesus took on this sin for the sake of purging it. He bore the sins of the individuals, families, societies, nations, the world, humanity and even the spirits above. You must understand that Jesus even took on the sins of the countless spirits who had lived in the 4,000 years since the creation.

He went so far as to bear even the sins of the spirits who were sent to hell. The reason is that Jesus came as the perfected Adam. Because everything, including Heaven, was overwhelmed with resentment due to the fall of Adam, Jesus had to drag out all that was produced by the fall and bury it.

Thus, Jesus' life of pioneering a new course took the opposite course from life in the satanic world. Knowing that there is no hope in the elements and essences of the satanic world, he opposed it and taught the way of meekness and humility. Accordingly, the truth of Christianity transcended this world. The Christian truth is meant to rebel against the world.

Jesus led a difficult and toilsome life. Obliged by the dispensation, he was not supposed to take on the sin that came to him from the front. He was supposed to turn back and take charge of sins from behind. Jesus Christ was a pitiful person who took charge of all universal sins and suffered the agony of the cross until the moment of victory. Even today, though he lives in that other world, he cannot rest in peace. He hopes that someone on earth will take responsibility for all the sins.

Jesus Suffered All Kinds of Ridicule and Tribulation

When we reflect on the life of Jesus Christ, who came to take charge of the sin of human beings, we can see that during the thirty years until his death, he personally experienced all the ordeals and difficulties that humankind goes through. He put himself in the shoes of a miserable person so that he could bear the sins of those who are miserable. He put himself through hunger so that he could take on the sins of those who are hungry. He sought a lonely place so that he could bear the responsibility of those who are lonely.

After having attained the ability to manage individual sins in this manner, Jesus sought to take charge of the sins of families. For the purpose of taking on the sins of families, he went before a family, but that family opposed Jesus. The parents he loved opposed him, even his younger brothers and sisters countered him. Furthermore, Jesus was rejected by the Jewish sects. This was because he also had to be responsible for the sins of the religious sects. What is more, Pilate and King Herod rejected him. They drove Jesus toward the cross because they thought that the will of Jesus was not in line with their own wishes. Despite all this, until his last breath, Jesus did not hold it against these enemies. Instead, he wished blessings upon them. You must cherish this image of Jesus in your mind.

Jesus was born in a stable. He started in the lowest and most humble position, but rose to the highest position of being the son of God. Jesus came for the sake of humankind and for the sake of the people who believed in God.

Yet, who are the people that befriended Jesus? When he was praying at the Garden of Gethsemane, the three disciples he loved were dozing off. Although they should have become one in heart with him when he was heading toward the hill of the cross, the three disciples took a position that had no resemblance to that. Realizing that he had the mission to bear all the universal sins, Jesus was grateful, no matter who was whipping him. Even if people mocked him and sneered at him, he took it all with gratitude.

You must understand that to realize the purpose of purging sin, Jesus did not strike it and eliminate it by shattering it. He tried to shoulder all the universal sins that were in any way connected to Satan. Nonetheless, because sin has not yet been fully purged, Jesus has been at work to eradicate it.

Even If You Face Persecution and Rejection, You Must Maintain Unchanging Faith

Since you are the ones who are attending Jesus as the Savior, before him you should contemplate, "To what extent have I taken charge of sin? How much sin did I try to bear on my shoulders?" What is more, you should place yourself in the same environment as the one in which Jesus lived.

If you have the fate at the end of the century to bear the sins of the individual and family, then you will someday face persecution on the individual level and the family level. Just as Jesus suffered the opposition of individuals, his family and the sects, Christians who live in the last days today will receive the same kind of opposition. Furthermore, there will emerge one religion that will be opposed by the society, the nation and the world.

Jesus' fight to purge the sins of humankind has not come to a full conclusion. In his place, there will emerge on earth one believer who will be denounced by individuals, families, society, nations, the world and the spirits in heaven during his efforts to bear all the sins of the universe. History is working toward this one crucial moment. You must understand this.

People who believed in the Old Testament became the enemies of Jesus. Similarly, it is easy for those who have been believing in Jesus today to become the enemies of the new dispensation of God. Jesus cried out on the cross, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46) This was because God said He did not know Jesus at the moment of the final settlement.

Similarly, when you try to offer yourself for the task of bearing responsibility for the whole sinful history, God will deny any knowledge of you. If that happens, you have to have the same immutable faith as that of Jesus on the cross. You should have the mind-set that you are already a dead person. It is the mission of Christians to advocate this somewhat revolutionary faith.

Is there anyone who opposes you? You must be grateful to them. What is more, is there any family that opposes you? You must be grateful to that family. Is there any religious group that opposes you? You must be grateful to them. Even if the nation and the world put up opposition, you must be grateful to them. Moreover, even if the spirit world, the physical world and Heaven deny any knowledge of you, you should have an unchanging heart. You must have the faith that does not shake.

There must appear believers whose faith will remain unaffected even if Satan, who caused Adam and Eve to fall, opposes you, and Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God claim not to know you. This is the last remaining mission. Yet the 2.4 billion people of humanity and the Christians who believe in Jesus do not clearly understand this. Moreover, even if you become this kind of faithful believer, that is not the end. You have to form a family, a society, a nation and a world that all have this same kind of faith. If you do not cultivate this kind of faith, then you will have no vertical relationship with the will of God. The path through which Jesus will come to you as the bridegroom will be blocked off.

Overcome Persecution With Love and Be Triumphant

The love of Jesus represents the love of God. The love of God cannot be undermined by any creature in the whole universe. You must receive this love of God. To do that, you must bear upon your shoulders all the sins of this world and become the triumphant sons and daughters who will not be knocked over even if Satan were to test you, but will digest it instead. Otherwise, you will have nothing to do with the love of God, which is the center of all the powers of this universe and operates as the center of all substantial existence.

Consequently, just as Jesus shed tears of concern for the sake of men on earth even after suffering injustice and mistreatment at their hands, there must emerge in the last days many believers who can do the same. If there are many such believers, there will not be any divisions between denominations. What is more, even if no one is martyred, because the power of conscience, truth and the universal principles wield great influence, the whole universe will have no choice but to follow those believers.

We can erect the signpost of victory, build the victorious family, altar and world, and connect the victory to Heaven only when we stand in such a position. You must never forget that this is your responsibility.

What is more, the conflict that is taking place centering on your individual self, and all the events that revolve around you is not limited to your one self. Thus, you must be cautious. If you make a mistake, it will have ramifications for the whole. You must never obstruct the will of God. You must walk the path of sacrifice for the sake of the whole.

Moreover, if there is a good person, then you must attend him well. If there are evil people, you must be worried and anxious for their sake. Having become such a person, you must march forward bearing even the ordeal of crucifixion for the sake of creating that kind of family, society and world. You must embody the heart of Jesus Christ and persevere and be victorious in fulfilling the will of God.

Chapter 15 Jesus Is the Hero of the Universal Revolution

Jesus Is the Hero of the Universal Revolution

November 11, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

John 14:1-21

Prayer 1

Beloved Father! It was God's purpose of creation to look down upon the garden of life. The garden of truth that sings the glory of the Father was the ideal garden. The original garden was the place where, centering on the eternal and unchanging love, the whole becomes harmonized before Your holy presence. While manifesting the internal sung-sang and the external hyung-sang of the Father, everyone was to live in intoxication.

Beloved Father, please allow us to feel in this moment the garden of hope for which we long. Allow us to experience the original garden. While yearning for it in our minds, allow us to put our bodies into action and bow before You. While we elevate the will of the Father with our minds, please allow our bodies to be offered as the sacrifice. Please hand over to us all the ordeals You have undergone to find us. As for You, we hope that all You will receive is glory.

Father, please do not forsake even one life among the sons and daughters of Yours who have gathered here in loneliness. Please allow their minds to be caught on fire in the eternal life of the Father. Please allow our minds and bodies to become one with the life of the Father. Allow this to be the time when the whole congregation can become one in heart and offer themselves as the sacrifice. By doing so, please allow us to become impeccable sacrifices. Father, this is our sincere wish.

Father, please protect us. Take charge of the work of purification. Please do not let Satan invade in this hour. Please allow us only to be captivated by the will of the Father. Centering on the will that You have commanded, allow us to act in response. Please allow us to obey with our minds and bodies.

Loving Father, I earnestly pray that we can honestly reveal before You all our deficiencies and undesirable elements and repent. At the same time, let us receive the Father's love in this moment.

Father, this day is a holy day in which You have promised to bestow blessing upon us. Bless the countless altars that have gathered on behalf of the people. Since there are many who are fighting on a lonely altar representing the will of God, please grant them the same grace.

Please prophesy to us, reveal to us and let the reality that You testified to be manifested through us. This people are in the bondage of darkness, so please bring forth Your direct miracle, which has the power to awaken them. Through the churches and Your children, please let it appear. Beloved Father, this is what we earnestly hope for.

The promised last days have come near us and the time of permitted grace has come. Yet since we are still imperfect, inadequate and deficient, please lead us. Please lead us not to become ones who cannot uphold the will of the Father which we must advocate.

Please allow us to mourn about our own deficiencies and bow before the Father. By doing so, please let many loyal children who uphold Your true will emerge amid the denominations that represent the people.

In this way, please allow the divided denominations to be tied together as one, and lead them to act on behalf of the whole grace of the Father. Please manifest the concealed will of Heaven. Allow the dawning of the day of blessing in the near future, when, before the 2.4 billion persons of humanity, the Father can rejoice and take pride in that will. Father, we earnestly hope and wish for this.

Father, please look with sympathy upon the children who have gathered here. They are the ones You have called together, and they are the ones whom You have driven out to the lonely path and gathered together. Govern them in the front, back, left, right, above and below. Now, please let nothing else but the Father's desired will remain in your minds and bodies, and let there be no traces of Satan and no roots of sinfulness there. Through a repeated process of purification and centering on the impeccable goodness, allow our minds and bodies in this hour to lie prostrate as humble and meek people before the original nature of the Father.

Father, we believe that Your children, who are carrying on the fight with Your words, are lying prostrate before You everywhere. Please protect them and grant to them the same grace as this hour.

Father, You have put us in the front, advised us and cooperated with us for the sake of the people. Please allow us to demonstrate proudly that we are indeed the children of the living Father, we are indeed the children who are standing in the center of life.

Father, please testify to the realities grasped in Your hands. I earnestly hope that by awakening this people, you will allow them to be saved from the yoke of Satan. By doing so, raise us to the point where we can sufficiently live up to the expectations of the Father's will to grant grace on the level of the people. Allow us to lead them to the Father.

Please allow our minds and bodies to be moved by the joyful will of the Father and the Holy Spirit from the beginning to the end of this hour. Please accept this whole gathering as the glorious offering. This is our sincere wish.

Govern us from the beginning to the end. I prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer 2

Father! To find the one center of Zion, many ancestors have been fighting and shedding blood until now for the sake of paying indemnity for the debt they owe the Father and the concern they have caused the Father. Father! Please allow the glory of Zion to come upon our minds and bodies in this hour. Please let our minds be overwhelmed by the joy of Zion, in which You can dwell for eternity.

If we can be the children of glory whose minds and bodies You can govern, then there is nothing else we want more. There is no greater wish. Nonetheless, if we cannot be grasped inside the loving hands of the eternal Father, then on the earth there are none who are more lonely, pitiful and miserable than we.

Father! With life and love, please protect and nurture Your sons and daughters, who have suffered in a difficult environment. These wounded minds and bodies have come forth before You in the shape they are in, Father. Please consider them with compassion. Even for this moment, please allow us to heal our wounds, inflicted during the fight. Even for this hour, please allow us to taste the love hidden deep inside Your mind. These things being accomplished, please allow us to resemble the heart of Heaven. Allow the whole to sing and rejoice, centering on the glory of Heaven. Let this be the hour when the whole congregation can bow their heads for the sake of Heaven's will. My Father, this is our sincere wish and desire.

Father! It was You, Father, who drove us, the lonely ones, here and there. It was You who caused us to be in a miserable position and to make an appeal toward Heaven without the awareness of others. Please allow these people to be comforted in this hour. Behind the course of tribulation that Your sons and daughters who are prostrated before You have walked, there can be found footsteps soaked in blood. The tears of bitter mourning are helping them. Father, please look upon them with sympathy.

Please allow us to be touched by the hope we will gain from today, the grievance that we will understand from today, and the Father's love we will feel from today, so that we can cross the pass of the future fight with hope. Please allow us to step over the wall of hatred of the many enemies we will encounter in our course of life. This having been accomplished, please allow only the mind of peace to be the center of our minds. Let the urgent heart yearning for the victory be the only center of our life, so that we will be sufficiently prepared to uphold the flag of the fight and step forward on behalf of the people.

Please allow us to be adequately prepared to go forward, holding up the words of victory that Heaven has granted as the shield. Lead us not to become ones who set their hearts on the causes of the long- standing sorrow both in the present and in the future. Loving Father, from the depth of our hearts, we desire that You will ignite the fire of Your eternal love and allow us to become sons and daughters who are more than qualified to eradicate the enemy Satan, who is making the accusation.

Father, who guides this lonely pulpit, those children who are following in Your footsteps are also in a lonely and miserable situation. Please be the whole of their life, the whole of their goodness, and the whole of their hope again today. Please comfort them, lead them and love them.

We know that being the last days, this age does not need the words of men, the words spoken through men, nor the will centered on men. We know the only thing needed is the Father's words of love, which move inside the pulses of eternal life. Even if Your children who have gathered here stand in precarious positions where they cannot experience love, please work Your miracles on them. Inspect them with Your fiery eyes. Please manifest the nucleus of glee hidden deep inside our hearts. We who are in bondage to all kinds of fears, please allow us to step forward before the Father and repent.

If there is anyone who is held in the Father's hands and is returning gratitude to the Father for Your grace, then please allow them to safeguard such a heart without changing. Father, I earnestly wish and hope that You will allow us to become worthy children who are more than qualified to win the seal of acknowledgment for being sons and daughters of love before the sacred Father.

Please bless the countless altars gathered for the sake of the people. I know that the protesting voices of the saints, who are in agony because they do not know the will, are penetrating through Heaven. Please resolve their grievances and suffering. Take charge of their hearts so that You can lead them to uphold and realize the will that You desire in the last days.

Moreover, among this people there are many unknown brothers who are pioneering the lonely path and fighting with the darkness for the sake of the will, without others being aware of their actions. Let the day that the darkness recedes before them dawn upon them in the near future.

The movement of life, the movement of grace and the manifestation of glory are all one. Father, please testify through them. Father, we wish from the bottom of our hearts that using the scattered altars as the barriers, You can drive them centering on the Father's will and build the altar of happiness that will bring the people together as one.

Even today, lonely sons and daughters are spread all over the countryside fighting with Your words. Please be with them. With the spirit that they must prevail over the ultimate enemies of the 6,000- year history, they have built the altar of victory. Based on Your directives, they have been fighting for the day when the Father can rejoice with Your sons and daughters. Father, please be present with them, so that wherever they are, Your personal works of miracles can take place. Father, we fervently desire that You would allow the influence to reach the whole through that kind of environment.

Now, in this hour, please bestow only the Father's grace of bliss. Hoping that You will accept us, we prayed all these words in the name of the beloved Lord.


Today, in this hour, I am going to speak on the topic "Jesus Is the Hero of the Universal Revolution."

God Desired that Man Perfect Himself as a New Substantial Being

When you observe the process of a new thing being created, you can say that it is a revolutionary process. When you look at all the things created in the six days, from the trifling insects to man, God created gradually newer and better beings. At the very end, He created man. You probably all know that by creating man, God could fully realize the higher form of God's internal sung-sang and external sung-sang. The Father's desire for a new, yet unchanging, substantial being that He could be proud of for eternity is the ideal of the Creator.

Similarly, God created humankind as the eternal, new substantial being in whom He could take delight. God made them in such a way that when He compared them to any other created being He could say, "They are beautiful and indeed very good." You know that the ones who were created like this were Adam and Eve.

Adam and Eve should have felt joy by feeling the original goodness and the internal glory of God through their actual daily life. Nonetheless, due to the fall, Adam and Eve could not realize that will. Fallen men are those who remained stagnant in the position where they, as the representative of all beings created by God, were unable to manifest the new glory.

More important than the fall of man is the fact that, because the will of God is an unchanging will, unless it is accomplished at whatever cost, God cannot be dignified as the Creator and cannot command His authority. Therefore, as you know from the Divine Principle, the history of restoration and the history of salvation are attempts to restore this situation.

When God faces all things of the universe with this perspective, the following questions arise: when is the day of the appearance of one precious being who cannot be found in Heaven, on earth and among all things? When is the day a new substantial being of a higher realm, who can manifest anew the whole sung-sang concealed deep inside God, will appear and fulfill the will of God? To usher in such an inspiring and shocking day, God has set His one purpose. Until today, He has been carrying on a ceaseless course of tribulation in the dispensation of restoration.

When would the day come when, among all the created beings, God can find a new universal being who can bring Him the joy that did not exist until then and cannot be exchanged even with all of the creation? God is over-anxiously longing for that one day and that one being.

God has already completed the design for the world of the ideals of creation in which He can rejoice, enjoy Himself and harmonize with humankind and all things. He has even mapped out the aspects of the ideal lifestyle. When He can rejoice with the one hero with whom heaven and earth, created as the internal and external symbols respectively, can also share their joy, then heaven and earth can feel happiness together. You probably know well that Heaven has been exerting itself for the sake of erecting this one standard.

What then is the will that the Father demands of us? If there is one will that cannot be abandoned, even if everything in heaven and earth must be shattered, it is the perfected human being. Until human beings become perfected, they are to follow the principled laws of the creation and become the substantial embodiments of truth. Because of the fall, they became embodiments of the unprincipled. Therefore, although human beings have the external shape of a human, their internal characters and external forms could not manifest themselves as the incarnations of the eternal substantial being of God.

Because of this, although fallen men have the shape of human beings, they have lost the ideal form of the creation. God has been injecting again the ideal form of creation into human beings. You all know very well the work of Heaven, which is toiling to find the one new substantial being.

Jesus Came to Realize God's Ideals of Creation

The person who came as the original being, the one center and being of hope, is Jesus Christ. God suffered for 4,000 years until He sent Jesus Christ. Although after the creation, He sent Jesus as the one new being who could bring harmony and be presented before all things, humankind did not serve Jesus as the signpost of God's hope, but unfolded the opposite course of the fall.

God, who strained to find the lost standard of goodness, gathered the people who were under the accusation of Satan while He was going through the 4,000-year history. He laid the foundation on the level of the people. This foundation on the level of the people should have served Jesus, who was raised as the one master representing all things in heaven and earth. Yet Jesus and the people went their separate ways. Here, our mission and God's were determined.

The Jewish people could not see that Jesus was sent as the representative of the whole, whose purpose was to restore the universe into a new world centering on God. Because they could not serve him as the master of the whole as they should have, Jesus and the people had to fade away to separate ways. You must understand this greatly increased the grief of God.

The words that Jesus spoke to the Jewish people then and all the things he manifested were not based on his own will. It was the will of Heaven. Jesus was acting on behalf of the will of God's dispensation. However, there arose a bitter conflict between Jesus and the people within the realm of the fall, who should have received the will of God through Jesus.

The Jewish people of the time did not realize that when the words of God appear before a people in this fallen world, they can revolutionize the people. If they appear before an individual, they can revolutionize the individual. If they appear amid the world, then they can revolutionize the world. Furthermore, they did not realize that the words can newly revolutionize heaven and earth.

The Jewish people thought for 4,000 years that the laws given through Moses and the covenant bestowed on Jacob could enable them to realize their ideals and that they could replace the whole. God, however, began from the lowest level and had been gradually elevating them. The Jewish people did not realize that after passing through the Old Testament history of the formation stage, history was taking the Principled course of the creation of the universe, whereby it passed through the New Testament era of the growth stage and proceeded forward until the completion stage. Consequently, the people of the time could not accept the words of life of Jesus. The people then could not recognize that they were new words higher than those of the Old Testament and that they could forge a link with higher, new values.

What Jesus wanted was to accomplish all of God's ideals of creation. Accordingly, on behalf of heaven and earth, he has been continually walking through the revolutionary course to complete the universal mission. Therefore, you who are living in the last days must understand that when Jesus appeared on earth and marched on the path of the universal will, he went through the course of elevating fallen humankind back to their original position. In that course, there were numerous vicissitudes of conflicts and courses of revolution.

The Hope of Jesus and the Unfaithfulness of the Jewish People

What then is the extent of the hope of this revolutionary Jesus? His hope is not the type of hope that one would possess on this mass of earth that we live on. It is hope that can transcend the world and connect with the limitless kingdom of God. While this is the hope of Jesus, it is also the hope of God, who is one with him. Therefore, humankind must understand that God placed all hopes in Jesus and tried to manifest His will through him.

What then were the words that Jesus spoke before the Jewish people? What was the form of Jesus, who was the demonstrative proof of God's whole will? He emerged as the hero of the new truth who had not existed in history until then. Although countless people called out for truth, they were merely on the individual level. Although they might have claimed that their truths could represent the people and all nations, in actuality, they could not become such embodiments of truth. It was Jesus who appeared with the truth that can shed light on heaven and earth. Accordingly, the words that Jesus spoke were the most valuable, new and revolutionary words in that era and that world. Had the Jewish people, who had longed for the will of God, known these revolutionary words of truth, they would have forsaken their personal lives and pursued the truth.

Since the Jewish people, who should have stood in this position, shattered this one day they should have accomplished, we must step over this. We have the mission to resolve that which is deep-rooted. The sacrifice has to be made because the truth of Jesus is not upheld.

God raised one people. Among the one people, He tried to find the one center. Through that one center, He tried to manifest His internal heart as the universal words of truth. Nonetheless, the Jewish people did not understand this. Jesus was supposed to manifest the eternal words of truth during the thirty years of his life. Due to their unfaithfulness, he was abandoned. Therefore, until the moment they find the embodiment of truth, humanity must seek the universal new truth that Jesus tried to disseminate on the earth on behalf of the will and heart of God.

The faithful believers of today must fulfill the wishes of Jesus. The words that Jesus testified to should have been brought to light at his time on the level of the people and the world. However, because they could not be shown as the words on the level of the world, Christianity became a religion of tribulations. If the words that Jesus spoke were demonstrated then as the central words that could have saved the land, then the powers of God could have been exhibited. If there were individuals and people who had followed Jesus, and if the world had followed Jesus, then Jesus, who was responsible for the will of God, would have fulfilled that will on the earth. Yet there were no such individuals, people nor such a world before Jesus.

What is more, centering on the words of Jesus, the beloved disciples who had to represent him, the beloved family, the beloved sect and the beloved nation should have become one with him to experience the heart of God and uphold the will of God. Because they were relating with Jesus with the truth they held on the level of the sect, they took different paths than the words of Jesus. What then is that which Jesus is demanding of you, the believers in the last days? Hoping that we, the shameful ones, would become universal individuals, he proclaimed the universal truth.

Although Jesus came to earth as one individual, he was not an average individual. He represented all the created beings of the universe. He represented the whole truth contained in the creation principles of the created world.

What Jesus Demands of Us

Although he came as such precious being, he could not become the valuable hero, the master of the universe. Therefore, you yourself must accomplish this purpose of universal value. If we believe in Jesus, we can come in contact with truth on the individual level through the spirit of Jesus. If unlimited grace and blessing are bestowed upon you as you undergo the spiritual works of Jesus, you must not think that this is just individual grace. In time, it must become grace on the level of the environment and the sect; then it must finally reach the level of the world. Only then can he return.

When grace is granted us, you should not be caught up in your own individual thoughts and think that it is only your own. If you received the blessing and the truth through Jesus in the individual position, then while you digest them as your own, you must also be responsible for disseminating this truth to the world. If you march forward with the world side by side, then while it becomes your grace, it also becomes the grace for heaven and earth. Nonetheless, if your concept of faith seeks only to save you, if you stagnate in the concept of individual salvation, then you will meet your end there.

If the blessing that is overflowing in your hearts remains merely as yours, then you will repeat the mistake of the Jewish people who nailed Jesus on the cross. If the truth you obtained remains in the religion that seeks only to save your life, then the hope of Jesus can never be accomplished.

The words of Jesus are spoken based on the center of hope. They reach the dispensation of Heaven by passing through the individuals, family, society and the world. Through the individual grace granted to you, they will produce the miracle of resurrection and rebirth. The salvation on the level of the individual, the people, the nation and the world must be realized through you.

You must clearly understand that before you the salvation of the individual level, the level of a people, the level of the world and the universe remain unfulfilled. When you express gratitude to Father, you must be able to do so not just on the level of the individual, but also on the level of the family, the society, the nation and the world. What is more, when you repent, you should begin with individual repentance and move up to repentance on the level of the family, the nation and the world. You should repent on behalf of heaven and earth.

Now is the time when you must transcend the concept of individual salvation, the concept of the salvation on the level of the family, the society, the nation and the world. Only then can you begin the indemnification of the world. If the Jewish people had the concept of salvation on the level of the people and on the level of the world, then Jesus would have saved humanity through the Jewish people.

The Words of Jesus Are the Words of Universal Revolution

Jesus' words of the gospel, which bore fruit through the course of history, are words of truth. They can transcend history and the lives of the ancestors and grant salvation to you. You must understand that these words of Jesus are indeed the words of universal revolution.

Jesus came to earth and put up opposition to all the laws that people had believed in until that time. He proclaimed, "Through me, all laws must be perfected." Because the Jewish people did not understand these words of Jesus, which contained universal perspective on faith and universal value, they killed him. These words at that time were universal words. Pertaining to love, he also spoke universally revolutionary words.

Jesus said, "Those who do not love me more than anything else are not acceptable. Moreover, if you do not love me more than anything else, then you cannot become my disciple." When we see this, we can understand that until God creates the one perfected universal body that He sought after as the ideal of creation, the path toward the truth involves a universal course.

Universal love is extremely important for forming the relationships between people and the relationship between God and human beings. Because humans could not form a relationship with God based on universal love, they formed a relationship with the archangel. Accordingly, human beings lost the power to penetrate through the door of love and rise up centering on the ideal relationship of love with God. If they are to penetrate through this door of love again, they need power.

The reason Jesus said, "You must love me more than anyone else," is not because he wanted to receive love for himself. If human beings believed in those words and loved Jesus, he could grasp them with a force stronger than the force that is holding them in the realm of Satan and elevate them to the position where they could give and receive the original love with God. For this purpose, he said, "Love me more than anyone else." These words are revolutionary words of prophecy.

However, the love in today's world is self-centered love or love centered on the nation. Until now, at best it was loving one's own nation or one's own family. There was no love that transcended the national sphere.

What God and Jesus hope for is not one people or one nation. It is constructing, centering on God, the ideal world that can bring unity to heaven and earth. Therefore, the love that Jesus presented was love on the level of the world. It was not self-centered love on the level of the people and nation, but love that transcends the world and links heaven and earth.

The Revolution of Truth and the Revolution of Love

What then is the true path that Jesus paved through the words of the gospel? How much love have you been giving today? Jesus Christ did not stand before an individual. He also did not stand before a family or a nation. To do this, Jesus, who was the master of universal love and the bridegroom, received persecution on the level of the family and the nation.

The countless created beings of heaven and earth, all the created beings that could not feel the love of God until now, finally formed a relationship of love by virtue of Jesus. It was the responsibility of Jesus to form these kinds of relationships.

What kind of love is the love that Jesus pioneered and established? It is love that is counter to the love of this world. Although the love of human beings is at best for the sake of the nation, the love of Jesus was universal. In other words, it was love that transcended individuals, people and nations. It penetrated deeply into Heaven.

What kind of love is the love of God? It possesses both sides. It does not just love itself, it even loves the enemy. Therefore, while we love God, we must also love our enemies.

The love of Jesus was such that it even embraced Satan. Because he knew that the love of God embraces even Satan, Jesus set that as the standard and said, "Love even your enemies." (Matthew 5:44) Therefore, we must establish this standard of universal love on earth. We must have the mind-set that if we cannot complete this task before our death, then we will establish the standard through our descendants.

Moreover, now you must lead a life of gratitude. You must have the attitude that you are alive by virtue of the grace and love of Jesus and Heaven, and lead a life of offering gratitude to Heaven. Your salvation merits gratitude. The grace that allows you to carry on the universal mission of Jesus and perfect the love of Jesus also merits gratitude.

You must understand the universal love of Jesus who, representing his family and clan and holding onto the people, forgave and loved his enemies even while he was dying on the cross. You must fathom the heart of Jesus, who overcame sorrow and looked down upon the enemies with a loving heart.

While he took his last breath on the cross, Jesus said, "All is fulfilled." (John 19:30) Until he could say that, he cast out of his mind all his sorrow and bitter grief and suffered in an attempt to accomplish the will of Heaven. Because the mission of claiming back the universal life through his one self was on the verge of total failure, Jesus forgot even his own agony and affliction and overcame all kinds of ordeals. Therefore, the life of Jesus was not a life lived to save only himself; it was lived for the sake of building the nation and people of God.

The Faithful Followers of the Last Days Must Awaken

Today you are carrying on a movement to claim back the life of Jesus Christ. In the democratic world, they are carrying on a movement to resurrect the name of Jesus Christ. On earth, the gospels of Jesus remain, and the new universal truth, love and life not previously found here remain. Such universal truth, love and life can become yours.

As the one who came to save humanity and strained his every nerve toward that end, Jesus was the most pitiful person ever. The words of Jesus were spoken for the world. They were the words of truth that should have been sown on earth, the words of Heaven that should have been upheld on earth, and the universal words of life that should have been implanted on earth. They were not upheld on earth, and Jesus who came was rejected. Because the people then did not believe in the words of Jesus, Jesus was deserted.

God exerted Himself for 6,000 years. Yet if the master of life and truth, who can alleviate the burden of God, can come to this land, then all the conscientious people on earth will love him. If there are people who are seeking the way on earth, if there are people who seek the path of life, they will walk on his side. Although this is the standard that Heaven hopes for, human beings today lead a life based on the standard of individual love and the concept of individuality. Because the believers of Judaism in the past lived with the same mentality, they hung Jesus on the cross. We must come to grips with the fact that such phenomena have continued since the time of Jesus.

Now what we need are new words, new life, and new love that can represent heaven and earth. However, what we need are not just conceptual words, but words that can be substantialized in practice.

Therefore, in these last days of today, you must awaken. Possessing the new truth, life and love, you must save the people and the world. You must eradicate the bitter grief and spite of the 6,000 years.

Chapter 14 Let Us Claim Back the Eternal Ideal of God

Let Us Claim Back the Eternal Ideal of God

October 7, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

I Corinthians 13: 1-13

Prayer 1

Father of love, we have come to understand that Your lamentation is having no one who can bring the history of conflict, which remains as the source of grief and suffering for Heaven, to a conclusion. Humankind should dig out the root of the fall that they have implanted. Yet although the long history has passed by, they have not been able to pull out that fundamental root of sin. Father, please allow them to dig it out.

I earnestly wish that You allow everyone in the audience gathered here today to be moved by Your heart and to become united with it. Allow us to inherit Your anxious heart, and become newly possessed of the wish that You hold onto. Please lead us to become the brave soldiers who can take on the responsibility for the remaining history of grief and fight with the countless enemy satans, stepping forward representing heaven and earth.

Until we can create the garden of bliss on the battleground and share with each other the eternal love of the Father there, please allow each of us to bear the responsibility for the will of the Father and march forward. Loving Father, I fervently desire that You allow each of us to become the courageous sons and daughters of the Father who can represent the whole will of the Father and fight with Satan.

Please allow us to understand in this hour which direction of Heaven our mind is facing and which direction of the universe our body is facing. Please allow us to become the children of joy who can resolve the grievances and sufferings of the Father.

Our minds and bodies could not be embraced inside Your bosom until now. Father, please advise us, and command Your powers to correct the position of our minds. Fix the direction of our mind correctly, so that we can walk toward the path of hope that You desire.

Please allow us to experience with our mind and body the Father's grace of happiness. Please give rise to the miracle of re-creation centering on ourselves. By doing so, on the foundation of fighting the clinging root of sin and prevailing over it, let us experience the love of the Father and return glory to the Father. Loving Father, we sincerely offer our wish.

Father, do not let the children who have gathered in this hour fall into the temptations of countless satans. Please allow them to be offered as the sacrifice of glory on the Father's altar.

Lead us, who prostrate ourselves before the Father as we face the majestic and holy presence, to realize our own lacks and to make a confession. I deeply wish that we, as the meek sacrifice, become children who yield before the grace of atonement of the Father and appear in the form that the Father has been seeking.

Please do not let these who have come shed tears of lamentation. Do not let them walk the steps for which Satan will mock them. Be present with them so that their minds and bodies can be captivated by the Father. Allow this hour to be an opportunity when they can be intoxicated by the grace of eternal life, the grace of resurrection, the grace of love and be offered as the ideal sacrifice that can bring happiness. Father, we make this our sincere wish.

Father, this holy night is the day of promise when the blessing can be given to the whole of humanity. Let the grace of joy fall upon every holy congregation that has gathered on behalf of the 2.4 billion people of humanity. We have greeted the last days. Please pour down the fire of the Holy Spirit as one pours down water, so that Your chosen children can be united as one to prevail over this world of darkness. May they eradicate all evil on behalf of the heart of the grief of 6,000 years.

First, please bless the 3,000 altars that represent the thirty million people. Father, I earnestly wish that You will allow Your children, who are offering all of their energy, heart and fidelity on behalf of the 3,000 altars, to become Your eternal offering.

Please do not let them become indebted to the Father on the remaining battleground. Please allow them to digest the grace of eternal victory. Until we can construct the ideal garden that can manifest the heart behind the Father's blessing on the earth, please allow us to possess the mind-set of invincible soldiers and establish the Father's will.

On this evening, there are many children who failed to participate in this occasion, so wherever they might be, please be with them in the same way. Please guide them to proclaim Your will everywhere, that which You want to accomplish in the last days. Let them build the altar of joy on which heaven and earth can come together in harmony.

Deeply wishing that You will allow us to become children who pour out all of their heart and energy to accomplish Your will with a single mind, we prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The title of the sermon to be given now is "Let Us Claim Back the Eternal Ideal of God." I will speak briefly on this topic.

God's Ideal of Creation

When God personally began the work of the creation of this dark world, He set the one goal of establishing the ideal hyung-sang found within His own heart as an eternal substantial body. You know very well that He began the work of creation so that after having established this one substantial body, He could set not two but one ideal of reciprocity and live within eternal joy and fulfillment.

Among all the creations that He created with strenuous effort, God chose man as the center of all the ideals. Yet because that one man stood opposing the original wish of God, although a long history has passed since that time until now, humankind has lost any kind of relationship with the ideals for which God hoped.

The course of history in which God tried to claim man back for the sake of realizing the one ideal is the course of the dispensation, the course of salvation and the course of pioneering. The one ideal God wished from His internal heart affects the whole of the created universe. Yet, due to one man's mistake, that ideal cannot be found anywhere in the created universe.

Therefore, the one central will, through which God is trying to claim back the will of the dispensation through the history of pioneering and salvation, is raising a man and having him materialize the ideal that God has envisioned in His internal heart. By doing so, God cannot only rejoice; He also hopes to establish that ideal of happiness as the eternal ideal of man and have man return it to Him as the condition of glory.

Therefore, we must understand that God in Heaven is calling each of you. God in Heaven has been exerting Himself until now, hoping that each of you will become the center who realizes your ideals. However, the ideal that God hopes for cannot be realized as long as we remain in the realm of imperfection and cannot distinguish between the will of God, the will of man and the will of Satan.

Wherever we look, left, right, up or down, we must accomplish the ideal of God. You know through the Principle that those on the left and the right, those who are on the earth as well as the saints in heaven, all unconsciously long for that one ideal.

Numerous sages and wise men have pioneered this path, which they do not clearly understand, with the thought, "When is the day that God's new ideals of light will emerge in this dark world? When would that hour be? What moment will it be?"

Consequently, after becoming connected to the heart of God's ideal of light, you must possess the element of the eternal and unchanging ideal, based on which you can say, "This is the very hope that You have dreamed of in Your heart. This is the very ideal that You have been seeking." Having done so, through your minds, bodies and environment, you must lay the grounds on which to realize the one happiness. If you cannot establish such grounds of happiness, the ideal of God cannot be found and erected in the world of creation.

The Realization of God's Ideal and Human Responsibility

Where is the most important question found? It is not found inside the creation nor in the spirit world, nor is it found with the angels in the spirit world. It lies in you who are the center of the whole, the one standard, the one nucleus and the master of creation. Accordingly, you must understand that you are the center and standard that determines the fate of the ideal of God.

The joy felt on the day of the appearance of the one focal point and center of heaven and earth, which has been repressed by death, is the hope of those of us who are passing through the course of history today. It is also the will of the dispensation of God, who has been fighting with countless evil spirits.

For this reason, if you are to possess the heart yearning for the ideal of God now, then you must first cultivate yourself to be in perfect harmony and unison with the internal heart of God. Having achieved this, just as nature behaves according to law, we must act with our minds centered on the Heavenly heart. What is more, you must understand that unless we establish the center of the heart that can connect this to the universal culminating point of Heaven, the eternal ideal of God cannot come into eternal relationship with the world of creation.

When we fathom our mind and body now, is there a wall that blocks us from Heaven? Is there a wall between our minds and bodies? Is there a wall that blocks our bodies from all things? Since such walls exist, the eternal ideal of God cannot have any relationship with you.

Now we must open the door to our hearts. After purging all evil and sin, we must set the one standard of harmony. After that, we must receive the natural grace that will make us strongly feel the heavenly character and act according to it. We must then face God and begin to work toward the realization of His ideal.

Nonetheless, because fallen humankind is at a place far away from that one standard, there has to be some toilsome work that will bring humankind up to that standard. That is none other than the history of the dispensation of restoration. We must keep in our minds that God has been leading the history of the dispensation that sought to accomplish the will by sending prophets and sages until now.

Now you must just march forward. To do that, you must first earn the value of the body created as the symbol of the creation and the value of the mind created as the center of the body and represented the heavenly nature. In this way, the internal character of God, who exists as the center of all created beings, this internal heart that emanates from the central heart of the whole, must pass through our minds and bodies. Then, passing through the sphere of our daily life, it will finally be manifested as one movement that includes all things and images. We must accomplish all this through our own selves.

The Relationship Between God and Man and the Goal of Satan's Activities

God has been working to restore humankind, who fell from the realm of God's dominion, back to the original state. Yet what was that history like? With the principle of creation, God created all things as symbolic, substantial objects and created humankind as substantial objects in image. Therefore, as long as one substantial being remains as the ideal standard of our minds, we will come to possess the one unbreakable bond.

The one who is obstructing that bond and cutting off the path of communication is none other than your enemy, Satan. It is Satan you must fight. You must win the eternal relationship of victory and bring him to natural subjugation. Nonetheless, since the ideal garden of God is not materialized today or tomorrow, and as long as the wish of God is not manifested in the whole universe through our minds and bodies, then Satan cannot be eliminated.

God has ideals of our minds, our bodies, and all things. Yet Satan stands opposed to it and is fighting against it. Therefore, there must come the day of hope when we can take responsibility for this and subjugate Satan on the worldwide level.

Because the condition caused by Satan remains, God's ideal cannot have any relationship with us. Consequently, for the sake of fulfilling His ideals, God has found one hero who can stand up against Satan and overcome him. That person is Jesus Christ.

Nonetheless, today the doors that connect the creation to our bodies, our bodies to our minds, and our minds to Heaven are all shut tight. It is Jesus and the Holy Spirit who come to open the doors of the mind, body and the desired objects so that there can be smooth communication.

What was the immutable purpose for which Jesus came to the earth? It was to realize the ideals of God at any cost and by any means. First, it was restoring the mind of man, the body of man and then the world of creation. Although Jesus came with this ideology and ideals of the whole, because the chosen Israelites did not believe him, he was only able to establish the ideals of the heart that represented the nature of the heart of God before he passed away. Consequently, we today must understand the life and history of Jesus until he can fulfill the ideals of the heart, in other words, the spiritual ideals.

Jesus has shown to us the path of heartistic victory, which leads us to the fulfillment of the ideal that God desires. In other words, he has shown us the path to winning victory over Satan. Therefore, when we rely on Jesus and go in pursuit of the ideals, we are not seeking some ideals constrained within the sphere of time; we are seeking the eternal ideals of God. It is the mission designed to fulfill all of the character of Jesus, the hope of Jesus, the beliefs and ideologies of Jesus, the life of Jesus and the love of Jesus. It is not a temporary mission, but a mission that represents eternity. You must understand that Jesus was the one who was fighting to complete this kind of mission.

What do we need to possess as we are trying to go seeking after and materializing the ideals of God? We must possess the element of God's eternity. The reason is that even if time and era change, God's eternal self does not change.

Accordingly, you must understand that the ideals that God possesses are eternal ideals. Therefore, the ultimate ideal that we as humankind must seek after is the eternal ideal that God seeks. You must fight today, tomorrow and for the rest of your life until the day that you can make that eternal ideal part of your flesh and blood.

The Faith, Hope, Love and Life that Jesus Established

When Jesus came to the earth and sought the eternal ideals of God, he fought to implant eternal faith on behalf of the faithless people of Israel. There were many people in the course of history who believed in God, but the limit of the hope and faith they held was confined within themselves. Jesus alone did not establish his faith and wish for his own sake. Since that stood as the eternal ideal of God, he offered his life to cultivate the faith that can match up to the elements of the ideal, in other words, eternal faith.

What was the one center that Jesus longed for during the thirty years of his life? In the 4,000-year course of history leading up to that time, countless prophets and sages had erected the standard, but their faith could not step beyond the limit of the people and the world. Thus, the center of Jesus' life revolved around his attempt to go beyond that standard and accomplish the eternal ideals of God and establish eternal faith.

Therefore, the faith of Jesus did not seek his own salvation. His purpose was not his own salvation, and it was also not just to save the earth. Understanding the heart of God, who has been working through the dispensation from the beginning of history through the historical course until the culminating point, Jesus was trying to restore everything.

What is more, to erect the eternal ideal of God, Jesus fought with Satan to establish the eternal standard that history had never witnessed before, the one standard that will not change for eternity. You must understand that because this is the kind of man Jesus was, he was able to set the condition of eternal faith before God, who had been seeking the eternal ideal.

Therefore, we must learn from the example of Jesus' faith. Next, we must understand that Jesus spent thirty years of his life trying to erect the standard of hope of the eternal God, the eternal, immutable and firm foundation of faith. He did this by going beyond the boundaries of himself, the society, the nation, the world and the universe. When we believe in Jesus, we must take after him, the one who has established an eternal standard of faith that had never been witnessed before.

Moreover, we must next inherit the hope of Jesus. The hope of Jesus was not just limited to his own self. It was the hope that inclusively absorbed all the hopes for which the countless ancestors in history have longed for a long time. What is more, he possessed the hope that represented the eternal hope of God, which was deep-seated in heaven and earth.

That is not all. By erecting faith toward Heaven, Jesus engendered hope and the relationship of life and love. Accordingly, he walked through the course of conflict for thirty years of his life to establish his hope as the eternal hope and to establish his life as the eternal life.

The greatest value that Jesus felt about his life was when, representing the whole of the created world, he received the elements of eternal life from God, who exists for eternity as the center of life. Because he was the possessor of this kind of eternal life, no power of Satan could have an affect on him. Moreover, the love that Jesus demonstrated was not the type of selfish and limited love that humankind possesses today. It was an unchanging love that enabled him to die for the sake of realizing the eternal ideal of God. Therefore, the heart of God, who loved Jesus from Heaven, could represent the whole of humanity. You must understand that finally in heaven and on earth, Jesus came to possess the heart of unchanging love that can represent the eternal ideal of the heart of God and represent the whole universe and all of humanity.

The Correct Attitude of Faith Toward Jesus

We have inherited today the will of the dispensation that Jesus established in this way with the faith, wish, life and love. We must comprehend the will of salvation that he has erected through such a course of suffering. Moreover, we must follow the example of the course that Jesus established by using the cross as his shield and extinguishing himself to set the standard of atonement.

Furthermore, we who remain inside the realm of limitation must long for the unlimited faith of God, the unlimited hope of God, the unlimited life of God, the unlimited love of God, and reflect on the life of Jesus, who spent thirty years in bitter anguish. You must understand that Jesus, who was the master of the whole universe, the savior of humanity and the master of the earth, fought with his life on the line for the sake of setting the condition to realize the eternal ideal of God regarding hope, faith, life and love.

What is more, you must look at the creation with the same heart as Jesus, and feel the same feelings as Jesus. Moreover, you must understand that he fought while longing for that kind of aspiration, hope and ideal. You must not think that he was some historical personage whose life did not have great significance. You must feel Jesus as someone who dwells within your mind and accompanies you. You must reawaken to the life element that can fulfill the eternal ideal of God. Your faith must thus become comparable to the faith of Jesus. Your hopes must become comparable to the great hope of Jesus. Your life and love must also be comparable to those of Jesus.

You must follow the example of the center of Jesus, which represented the whole ideal element of God. You must inherit the faith, hope, life and love of Jesus, as well as his central heart that fought to establish them all, and you must accomplish them. If there is no one who can accomplish this for him, then the will of Jesus on the earth, which he could not fulfill due to his death on the cross, will never be accomplished. Because the course that Jesus could not complete still remains, the will of the dispensation is reserved for us.

Therefore, we must try to feel the sung-sang of Jesus through our body and through all things. In this way, the sung-sang of Jesus must become one with our sung-sang and join with the ideal of the eternal God who represents the whole universe. Now you must understand what the fate of Jesus on the cross prophesied. That pass of the cross fulfilled eternal faith. It is the cross that enabled Jesus to experience the eternal hope of God. It is the cross that advised us to also possess the eternal life and love of God. You must also understand that by virtue of the cross, the way of salvation that came as the result of the history of atonement is the condition that can transfer to us the eternal faith, the eternal hope, the eternal life and the eternal love of Jesus.

Nonetheless, because the faith of Jesus, who came representing all humankind in the universe, could not be manifested to the whole, Jesus made an appeal of bitterness on the cross. In other words, because the hope that Jesus wished to fulfill on behalf of humanity could not be realized on the world level, the cross was an appeal of bitter resentment. If at that time, the faith, hope, life and love that Jesus wished for had appeared, there would not have been the resentful appeal of the cross.

What Must Be Accomplished Through the Crucifixion

Accordingly, what do we need to accomplish through the crucifixion? We must obtain possession over the eternal faith and the eternal hope that Jesus had, the eternal life that Jesus lived, and the eternal love for which Jesus yearned. Today it is not enough for us to offer the eternal faith, hope, life and love established before the cross as those that belong to Jesus.

We must bear his cross and possess his eternal faith as our own faith, his eternal hope as our own hope, and his eternal life and love as our own life and hope. Furthermore, we must also possess the elements of God's ideals, which Jesus handed over as he was bearing the cross for the sake of humanity. Next, just as he had the main disciples to whom he could hand over the eternal faith, eternal hope, eternal life and eternal love, we must also raise this kind of person. If you set the condition of having failed to fulfill the faith, hope, life and love that you have received from Jesus, then they will emerge in the last days as the conditions of judgment toward you.

In the last days, God will come to you and ask whether or not you have recompensed for the debt of eternal faith that Jesus left behind. He will ask whether you have paid back the debt of hope, the debt of life and the debt of love. When you face such a situation, you should be able to say the same thing Jesus said on the cross, "Everything has been accomplished." We today must be able to say that we have fully accomplished the endeavor of the eternal God that He had set before Jesus. However, you must understand that unless the one man appears on the earth, the culminating will of God's dispensation cannot be achieved.

Jesus established the central element that God had willed during the 4,000-year course of history. To expand the condition of spiritual and internal salvation to the world level, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have been at work until today. Accordingly, unless we can manifest the elements of the internal ideal of the eternal God as eternal faith, hope, life and love on the external level, then the 2,000-year will of the dispensation of Jesus will be totally undermined. You must understand this.

Now you have entered the course of faith in which you are trying to follow the example of Jesus and even feel the heart of God. Yet you must first reflect to what extent you believe. Do you carry on your faith inside the realm of your own assertions, which have been erected with your own concepts? When compared with the faith of Jesus, who represented the whole universe, if there is a difference, you will be judged exactly to that same extent in the last days.

What is the hope you hold today? The hope you hold inside you as a concept is a selfish one. You must testify to the hope of Jesus as if it were your own. By doing so, you must step beyond yourself and come to possess the hope of Jesus, who represented the eternal ideal of God. Yet if there is a gap between the hope of Jesus and your own hope, you must understand that the gap will be the condition of judgment in the last days.

The same is true for life. If we believed in Jesus and attained life, then that life is not for our own sake. That life is meant to restore this people and harmonize the countless saints. It is life that must represent the heart of Jesus, who embodied the eternity of God in the face of the cross and attacks from Satan. Even when he faced death on the cross, Jesus did not hesitate to face the attack of the enemies.

Jesus is not the person you thought you knew. He was someone who tried to fathom the heart of God, who had fought with the enemy Satan for 4,000 years for the sake of humankind. Jesus was someone who tried to feel eternal love. When you come to respect this unlimited heart of Jesus, you will feel that this has become the core of your faith.

Therefore, the degree to which Jesus felt the love of Heaven was strong enough to replace the eternal ideal of God, which could help him overcome any kind of difficulty and tribulations on the earth. You must understand that because Jesus was in such a situation, he forgot about the fact that he was walking the path of death due to the mistakes of his enemies, and he prayed for the sake of humanity.

The Love Behind the Crucifixion

By believing in Jesus today, you have received unlimited love and the unlimited life of God. Yet you should reflect in which realm that life is dwelling.

Jesus understood the eternal and ideal love of God who, after the creation of the whole universe, was in great agony while trying to embrace it. Therefore, while he was on the earth, Jesus loved God more than he loved himself, his family or his people and the world.

Possessing the love of God, who was the center of all love, and on behalf of the countless prophets and sages who came and passed away during the course of history, no matter how much difficulty he was undergoing, Jesus forgot all about it to fulfill the will of the dispensation that they could not complete. While feeling the heart that reached out to love God, he left something behind, and that is none other than the love behind the crucifixion. You must deeply contemplate this.

If there is a judgment in the last days, then when the love that flows down from God and is manifested through Jesus reaches down to you, you must have already prepared the foundation in your heart to receive the love and keep it for eternity. If you lack such a foundation, then you cannot confidently go before God at the time of judgment in the last days.

Consequently, now you must understand that before us lies the great and lofty hope and ideal of Jesus. That great and lofty ideal was manifested on the earth through Jesus Christ. Therefore, we today are trying to believe in Jesus and follow his example.

Even after going to the spirit world, Jesus is still fighting with Satan on behalf of the internal world. To accomplish the eternal ideals of God, with the Holy Spirit and the numerous heavenly soldiers and angels in Heaven, he has been fighting with Satan for us.

We must not possess as our own the faith given to us, the hope bestowed on us, the life demanded of us and the love desired of us. You must keep in mind that if we possess them only as our own, then the eternal ideal of God will have no relationship with us.

Chapter 13 Let Us Bring Out the Value of Restoration

Let Us Bring Out the Value of Restoration

July 3, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

Acts 1:6-11

Prayer 1

Father of love! After three days of being protected in the bosom of Your love, many children have gathered here again this evening to humble their minds and bodies and offer a bow. Please let Your glory fall upon their heads. Please let the loving hands of the Father, who has been patient in His dispensation, be present with them and guide them so that they can provoke in humankind a compelling urge to follow them. Let Your hands inspire them to meekly lie prostrate and bow before the Father.

Father, we have received Your permission to live inside Your bosom for three days, but we know that our minds and bodies often stepped out of the permitted boundaries. Because we are full of faults, we have set the condition for accusations from Satan. With Your power of love, loving Father, please impede those conditions and remove them with Your powerful hands.

Father, I hope and desire that You will lead us to have desperate minds and bodies, and that in this moment, You will allow us to be intoxicated in the love that has been locked up in Heaven. Guide us to be offered as the sacrifice in which Heaven can delight.

Please make the minds and bodies of all the children who have gathered here become the sacrifice on the altar that the Father can be happy about, to become children You can accept. By doing so, please allow this to be an opportunity when we can digest all of Your words of advice and command.

Please govern over us so that there will not be even one person among us who is reluctant to receive the Father's advice and grace of love. Make this a precious time when the whole congregation can represent the heart of the Father and become one based on one heart and one joy.

Father, these who have come before Your solemn presence must have some personal ordeals. Please penetrate into them with Your fiery eyes so that they can overcome them. By inspiring peaceful and grateful hearts in them, please lead them to understand the substantial presence of the Father. In this way, please allow the manifestation of impressive works that can expose their lacks as they are and bring them to repentance.

Father, please let that inspiration move our minds and bodies and move the whole. We earnestly hope that we can be offered to the Father as the sacrifice of gratitude and the sacrifice of glory in this hour.

Please grant the Father's words to each of us. If there are sinful elements in us, then please rule over us so that we can bring them out before the Father and purge them in this hour. At least for this moment, please allow us to be embraced in Your bosom and resemble Your meek original nature.

Please lead us to resemble Your peaceful original nature and to sing the Father's glory with inspired hearts and watery eyes. Father, we fervently desire that we can offer proper greetings before Your majestic presence.

Father, we know that on this day, many congregations are offering the bow as we are doing now on behalf of the people, so please allow compassionate love wherever they gather. Please allow the ignorant people to open the door to their hearts and fathom the one life that Heaven demands and the anxious heart of God, who is trying to raise them. Let many of these children appear everywhere in large numbers and spark the fire of love. Let such a fire of life be revealed in all the lands.

Father! Please endow these people with the power of salvation, so that the people of the Abel-type who represent the whole can set the conditions of victory and build the altar that can restore the whole, the altar that Heaven desires.

Moreover, Father please be with the small number of those who stand on lonely paths and are pouring out their hearts and exerting their bodies for Heaven. We know that as they offer the bow, they already realize the magnitude of the mission entrusted to them in the last days. Father, please do not let even one of them fall into temptation. The crowds that are gathering are chosen for the Father's dispensation of love. Loving Father, please do not forsake any one of them. Protect them so that they will not fall into the temptations of Satan and cause grief to You.

Even today, there are many children who are building the altar of redemption for the sake of humanity, without being noticed by others. They are concerned about Heaven with an anxious heart. What is more, we know that in caves or mountains or in the wilderness, there are many concerned children who cry out on behalf of the heart of the Father. Father, please also manifest the promised will of the last days before them.

Please grant the promised grace so that in the near future this people can be given the honor to put their knees before Yours and build the altar of glory. Father, we earnestly hope that You will construct one altar representing these people so that they can sing joy and victory and march forward, holding up the torch of the eternal truth of heaven and earth.

Father, we know that for the sake of preparing for this task, we must maintain many hidden altars. Please let many people gather quickly. Please allow this people to serve you in the near future. We sincerely hope that You will lead them so that happiness will be multiplied and Your glory is brought out into the full light.

Please rule over this evening from the beginning to the end so that there will not be even one who will be dragged off as a sacrifice of Satan. Wishing these things, I prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer 2

When we realize that the course to accomplish the one will is a lonely course of which humanity is ignorant, when we think about how the twenty years of Jacob's life lies before us as our own path of faith, we can come to understand that every footstep of suffering is drenched throughout with tears and sighs.

Father, these who have gathered here are the ones who have come forth to walk the path of the dispensation, following the footsteps of the course of Jacob, who was heading toward the house of Laban in the Haran wilderness. Sympathize with them and be their friend. Please protect the path they are walking on.

We know that many Satans are blocking the way on the path we are on. We know that the forces of darkness are obstructing the way, beloved Father! So, please safeguard the center in their hearts to be as immutable as rock, as they try to walk the model course of Jacob. Please raise them so that they can pour out all of their heart and soul for the sake of the will of Heaven. Forgetting all situations of the physical body, let them dash forward at full speed.

Since we have before us the unfinished path that we must fight and persist on until the day we sing the final song of victory to the Father, please grant us the power and ability, Father. Bestow on us the blessing to inherit the lonely heart of Jacob and to watch the glorious scene of angels climbing up and down the ladder connected from the earth to Heaven.

Please allow us to understand that there is God, who is helping us until the last minute. Let us understand the heart of perseverance of the Father. Make us become the victorious soldiers of patience who can carry on the battle until the day that the Father's eternal will is realized and brought to victory.

We have entrusted everything to You. Please understand our anxious heart to communicate with You and please receive everything as our expression of loyalty. We hope that all of our minds and bodies can be offered as one harmonized sacrifice. Father, we fervently hope that You will grant us the blessing to offer everything as a sacrifice.

Father! Please allow this to become the hour when we can express gratitude toward all the blessings that You have granted us. Repress all our personal assertions. Please lead us not to become the throng of Satan who possesses the conditions of Satan's accusations. Please allow us to uphold the honor of victory and exert all of our minds and bodies to make the meek sacrifice the triumphant offering of Heaven.

We have given all of our minds and bodies to You. Please govern the whole with the honor of victory. Hoping sincerely that You will allow us to take part in the blessing of joy, we prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer 3

Father! Allow each of us to understand that when one person's mind has not squarely centered itself on Heaven, this has considerable impact on the whole audience. Please lead us to understand that if one of us falls prey to Satan because of our inadequacy, then the whole prepared altar cannot be offered to the Father.

If Heaven's work is manifested and the separation is made, then those who have not found the center will walk the path of Cain. Those who have secured the center will stand before the path of Abel. Please let there be many Abel-type people in this gathering. Please do not let them lapse into the position of Cain.

Father! In this hour the separation must be made, so please let each member of the audience enlighten his or her own heart. By establishing a center in our minds, please allow us to stand on the right side of Heaven.

Lead us not to take up the attitude of the one who stands on the left and peeks at the right side. Help us to become meek people who can submit before You in silence, facing the direction in which God can be happy. Father, I sincerely wish that You will guide us to exert our utmost for the sake of achieving harmony with the center of Heaven.

Please let these beloved children of Yours receive and digest the words of life this evening. Please convey new words of fire in our minds and bodies so that we can realize where each of us stands. By doing so, please help us to find the mind in which God can take delight. Help us train bodies that are acceptable to You so that we can stand before the altar of the Father as a being of happiness.

This evening, I have gathered young children before me and am trying to speak the words as You allow me to. Father, please reveal the appropriate truth and let Your hope be realized in this hour.

Please expunge all the wicked hearts in us and on the grounds of the good heart, please allow us to receive the sacred spirit of honor that brings joy. Let the heart of the speaker and the hearts of listeners form one image by resembling the hyung-sang of the Father. Let them give and receive in this hour. In this way, please allow this to be a precious moment when Heaven can achieve harmony through us. Father, we earnestly hope and desire this.

Requesting from the bottom of our hearts that You will govern the whole with the fire of the Holy Spirit, I prayed in the name of the Lord, who is overflowing with love. Amen.

This time, I will speak based on Acts 1:6. My speech is entitled "Let Us Bring Out the Value of Restoration."

Jesus Came With the Mission to Restore the World

The purpose of God wanting to save humankind is, as you all know very well, that He is trying to restore them to the original state. The countless prophets and sages who have come to the realization of the will of God first have taken responsibility for the restoration. While passing through each era, they have been striving toward one purpose: to realize the will. In other words, the 4,000 years of history before the coming of Jesus was this kind of history. The course of conflict in the thirty years of his life was also trying to realize this purpose. The history of conflict that he carried on with the Holy Spirit by his side for 2,000 years was also an attempt to achieve this purpose.

The purpose for which Jesus came to the earth was to restore history. He came with the mission to restore his own self and the world. Therefore, the words of the gospel that he spoke on the earth were for the sake of restoring the history of Israel and to restore himself in his life of thirty years. Going one step further, it was for the sake of restoring the humanity of the world. Therefore, based on the words that Jesus left behind him, humankind has been passing through the course of history until today, taking responsibility for portions of the dispensation of restoration.

Not only that, today you must cultivate the mind-set of a loyal subject who, centering on the words of the New Testament that Jesus spoke 2,000 years ago, can indemnify the 6,000 years of the past and represent the eternal life of the future. At the same time, you should find the value of victory that can restore you and history. If you cannot do this, then the words of the gospel, the words of life to restore humanity, which represented the 4,000-year history and the thirty years of Jesus' life, cannot bear any kind of fruit.

You today must become children who remove the grief and suffering of Jesus, who represented the 4,000-year history. You must become children who complete Jesus' mission of restoration. For the thirty years of his life, Jesus tried to establish the new ideology of restoration before humanity and lay the victorious foundation of Heaven. You must also complete the mission that Jesus and the Holy Spirit have labored to accomplish.

By doing so, as the representative of history, you should return the triumphant glory of restoration to the Father. You should return to the Father honor that has a value that surpasses the value of Jesus' victorious life.

If one were to ask whether Jesus reveals everything to humankind in his dispensation to accomplish the history of God's restoration, the answer is negative. We know through the Divine Principle that until now, Jesus could not unveil specific details of the dispensation of restoration in his works.

He hid himself, and with symbolic words of testimony has been leading the dispensation of restoration to accomplish the will of Heaven on the earth. He has been propelling the dispensation of restoration forward without fully divulging the glory of Heaven before humankind. Consequently, we must come to understand the internal heart of Jesus, who has been driving the dispensation of restoration forward without clearly revealing the specific details.

The Reasons Jesus Could Not Divulge the Inner Feelings of His Heart

What must you understand to restore the glory of restoration today? You must come to understand the concealed value of restoration that Jesus could not expose, first through your daily life, and next through your minds. You must then understand the unknown inside story of the restoration of Jesus, who could not disclose the value of eternal life.

After that, when God is trying to fully establish the glory of restoration on behalf of Heaven, what must we understand? You must understand the content that Jesus had to hide deep inside his heart and could not divulge freely to humanity during the thirty years of his life. If you do not understand such matters, then you will not be able to manifest, from earth to heaven, the full value of the restoration that represents the universe.

If you closely scrutinize the words of the gospel that Jesus revealed, you will find that specific details of his daily life are not described. The way that Jesus suggested aspects of his undisclosed lifestyle is through the example of sacrificial service. In other words, although he was a glorious son who could rise high, he lowered his glorious self. By going below the feet of sinners and living a life of sacrifice and service, he revealed the concealed aspects of himself. Moreover, through his life of reticence, he revealed the hidden aspects of his life that he could not reveal to anyone. He could not divulge his inner thoughts even to the twelve disciples.

The reason that Jesus could not expose the secret is that he knew that although he himself understood the secret of Heaven, if he made it known when there was no one who could comprehend it, he would have been mocked by Satan. In other words, he had the burning desire to convey to humankind the things that the Father had shared with him, but because there was no one who fathomed his thoughts and came to listen to him, he could not proclaim the secret of Heaven to humankind. He could not reveal the hidden aspects of his heart before humankind.

As a result, he was pushed to walk to the cross and stand before the authorities and Pilate. He was convicted of the crime of "claiming himself to be the king of the Jews." At that time, Jesus kept his silence and only after Pilate asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" did he finally reveal his identity.

The good and righteous people on the side of God should have considered it their life-long glory to serve and worship Jesus as their king. Instead, Jesus faced a trial before Pilate and was convicted as a criminal. When he faced the trial of Satan that could not be avoided, he broke his silence. Speaking on behalf of the agony of God, he spoke the truth as it was.

From this we can learn that even in the works of Heaven, when Satan exposes the truth and inquires about it to God's side, God's side has no choice but to reveal the hidden heart. Conversely, when the saints on the side of God point out the hidden secrets inside the heart of Satan, he also has no choice but to tell the truth.

Jesus kept within himself the knowledge of restoration that he could not reveal to anyone. In his daily life, he not only propelled forward the dispensation of Heaven through silent deeds of service, in the practical aspect of his life, he moved ahead of everyone to reveal the concealed truth about the restoration. Therefore, you should penetrate into the heart of Jesus that can reflect the ideology of restoration and ask, "Is your heart not like this?"

You Must Understand the Undisclosed Secret of the Dispensation Through the Cooperation of the Holy Spirit

You must understand that unless such people emerge, no matter how much time in history passes by, the secret hidden deep inside the heart of Jesus cannot be revealed on the earth. Moreover, you must comprehend the secret of restoration that was unveiled through the life of Jesus and the knowledge of restoration inside his heart.

Only after you do that can you confidently stand before God and stand proudly before Satan. In other words, only after you do that can you become one who has completed the restoration of a victorious life.

Jesus indemnified the 4,000-year history through the thirty years of his life. He perfected the center of the restoration on behalf of everything in the universe. However, until today, there has not been even one person who could inherit the full value of Jesus, the value of the secret kept deep inside his heart and his undisclosed life. The person who appeared with his internal secret and the secret surrounding his life in his time and place is the Holy Spirit.

Although you believe in the words of Jesus' gospel, those words alone are not enough for restoration. What you need is the Holy Spirit cooperating in your life and living with you.

Therefore, just as Jesus walked the course of sacrifice and service, you must walk the same kind of course and go before the cross before the concealed secret of Jesus' life can be divulged by Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Moreover, the internal secret of his heart will also be manifested in the same way.

Consequently, we must know today that unless our mind and daily life become one on the basis of our unity with the Holy Spirit, achieved with her cooperation, and unless we can establish a relationship of oneness between Jesus and the Holy Spirit centered on ourselves, there can be no true life. Similarly, with the help of the Holy Spirit, today we are undergoing an important process of realizing the truth of restoration locked inside the secret of Jesus' life and heart. Accordingly, we who are in the middle of that process must become one with the Holy Spirit in the same way that Jesus and the Holy Spirit have become one and form a trinity centered on Jesus. This is the only way that we can securely lay down on the earth a plane or base on which the foundation of God's victory can be established.

Moreover, when you seek the concealed knowledge of true life, even if you are receiving the help of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that kind of life only comprises a part of the restoration process for a whole life. The reason is that the secret of the restoration of a whole life still remains as the secret of Heaven. Consequently, even if you have achieved something that has a value equivalent to life, with that alone, you will not be able to consummate it. There still are hidden aspects of life that God has not yet revealed through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

The Things We Need

We must fully manifest the value of the restoration of the whole and show to many people the value of the secret of the life of Jesus. At the same time, we must represent the value of the internal secret that Jesus kept. We must be able to obtain God's recognition for the value of the universal life that combines Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

What kind of state are you in? Although you have the desire to love Jesus, you have not been successful in loving him properly. For this reason, you must learn about the continued service and devotional life of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in which they persisted for the sake of causing humankind to love God. You must also learn about how God could not love Jesus as much as Jesus has exerted himself on behalf of all things.

Now if you do not understand such contents of love and fulfill them, then there is no way you can resolve the deeply-rooted grief of Heaven and bring to pass the remaining history of God's restoration on this earth. What then do we need as we go forward toward the purpose of the restoration of life and the dispensation of restoration of life in the growth stage? The growth stage came after the three-year course of public life, the course of crucifixion and the course of cooperation, in which Jesus and the Holy Spirit have been toiling for 2,000 years since the ascension. What we need to do is imitate the heart of goodness with which God has loved Jesus and the Holy Spirit and has embraced the whole universe in love for 6,000 years. We must then establish the center of love in which our heart can work in unity with the hearts of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. If you cannot accomplish these, then you cannot complete restoration in respect to our lifestyle, heart and life. You cannot make a relationship with the love of God, which has the power to fully manifest the value of the whole life and glory.

To Make a Relationship of Love with God

What then do we need to do to make a relationship with the love of God? We must pass through the central course that Jesus walked in his life and pass through his heart, which has exerted itself for the sake of humanity for 2,000 years. In other words, we must go through the internal heart of Jesus, who has felt distressed about the situation of humanity during the historical course. We must go through the internal heart of the Holy Spirit, who has been at work since the ascension of Jesus until now. We should sympathize with and deeply feel the anxious heart of God, who has led the dispensation for the 6,000 years since the creation and is now exerting Himself to build the ideal world that is to come. If you cannot do this, then you will not be able to fulfill the full value of the restoration centering on the love of God, which represents the eternal glory of life. You must not forget this.

Therefore, just as Jesus has walked the path, you must walk the same path that the Holy Spirit has walked. Moreover, you must follow the course and example of the apostles, in which they forgot about everything, including even the awareness of their own existence, and lived only for the sake of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

When you walk that kind of course, you can finally be able to dominate your mind and your lifestyle, and life will overflow within you. You will be able to be linked up with the love of God. Moreover, the love of Jesus will be manifested through you, and the love of the Holy Spirit will dwell within different aspects of Your life. You must clearly understand this.


Beloved Father! Where tears flow over tears, let there be a passageway of the emotion of Heaven that cannot be severed. We know that where the heavenly emotion passes through, the connection with life will be made, so that the karma of love hidden in Heaven will be revealed. We know that this must become linked through the earth.

Father, we know that the garden in which everything is restored is the garden of love, the garden of victory and the garden of glory that You desire. For the sake of realizing this kind of garden, we know that we must claim back the life, love and glory which You can be happy about through our own life of service. At the same time, we must cultivate ourselves.

We must understand the heart of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, who cannot fully reveal the will of Heaven before humankind, though they keep it close to their hearts. They cannot proclaim it to humankind though they have the burning desire to convey it. They hope that humankind can liberate them from this distressed, anxious heart and situation. We must also know the heart and situation of the Father, who must reserve the words that should be spoken through Jesus. Not only that, we were not aware of the fact that before us lies the unfulfilled history in which we must comprehend this and achieve the liberation. On that foundation, we must disclose before Heaven, "Is this not the very will of the Father hidden inside the secret?"

Thus, when we think about the fact that with us remains the responsibility to bring to pass even the tasks that Jesus left unfulfilled on the earth with the help of the Trinity, we know that we must divulge the wish of the internal heart, which is concealed within God. It is not known to Jesus, the Holy Spirit nor all the countless living things, nor to all who have sacrificed themselves for the sake of the will of the dispensation up to now. After having completed this, if we can point out, Is this not the fervent yearning of the Father that the Father could not speak about? then we can receive the ultimate love that the Father has safeguarded deep inside His heart. By virtue of this, we can manifest before humanity the center of the love that flows down from the Father. This is what we must accomplish.

Father, we are now receiving Your love, so please allow us to be responsible for and accomplish this feat. My Father, I earnestly offer my wish and desire. Only after this task is fulfilled can the wish inside the heart of Jesus be realized, as well as the wish of Father who has been exerting Himself to lead the dispensation for 6,000 years.

Accordingly, Father, please accomplish through us the standard for the ideal of the restoration that You have kept in Your heart since the creation. Please allow us to build the thousand-year kingdom with that standard as the foundation. Allow us to reach the realm of Your ideals, so that humankind on the earth can totally inherit the internal heart of the Father extending beyond trillions and billions of years, for eternity, without limit.

Please guide us to remove all the conditions that might provoke Satan's accusation, and as the representative of heaven and earth, accomplish total restoration. Allow us to become children who can claim back the glory of the full value of the Father and offer it to You. Loving Father, I fervently make this wish.

Until now, we have been struggling in a lowly and trivial state. When we interact with a person, we have struggled to raise ourselves higher and in a meeting, we have sought to make ourselves known. Yet Jesus knew that God could not assert His dignity before all things, so out of concern for God's dignity, he dared not to step into the limelight, but bowed his head in humility. What is more, we know that he has concentrated all his thought for the sake of pioneering an exemplary path before the enemies. Please allow us also to walk that path with joy.

Jesus was more concerned about comforting God than about his own comfort because he knew that humankind could not resolve the grievances rooted deep inside the heart of God. In the same way, we must now become filial sons and daughters who can comprehend that heart of Jesus and console him. Beloved Father, please lead us. We earnestly yearn for it.

Please divulge to us through Jesus and the Holy Spirit the anguished heart that the Father has kept hidden for 6,000 years. By doing so, we sincerely hope that You can guide us to comfort that heart of the Father and become the champions of restoration who can represent the glory of victory.

Please let us comprehend that if we cannot become the victorious heroes in regards to the lifestyle, heart, power of life and the course of life unknown to humankind, this grand feat cannot be accomplished. Similarly, it cannot be accomplished if we cannot become the king of reticence. Allow us to understand that unless the fight with Satan comes to an end, this feat will not be completed.

Now please lead us so that we can start from one and pass through the whole course of conflict, then stand before God and receive Your words of blessing to inherit Your heart. Please allow us to forge the relationship of victory and act on behalf of the Father's will.

I fervently pray that You will protect us. Let the Trinity help us until we gain the right to inherit the glorious work of the Father. Offering everything to the Father and taking in all the bad things and winning over Satan, we will obtain the qualifications to be the victorious heroes.

I prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.