Chapter 12 Let Us Take Part in the Glory That God Recognizes

Let Us Take Part in the Glory That God Recognizes

July 19, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

Matthew 11:25-30

Prayer 1

Loving Father! Please personally rule over Your children who have gathered here. Please let us not be foolish ones who do not know that the life we have is in actuality not the life that we should have. Since they have received a great blessing that You have granted for the sake of the people, please do not let them become ones who leave it behind.

Loving Father! A handful of people who were walking the lonely path today have come to this place and have bowed down before You. Please allow them to become one with Your love. Let Your hands of love, which seek humankind, become intermingled with us in that place which represents the 6,000 years. In this way, please link minds to minds and bodies to bodies, so that we can all become united as one.

The grace that You have bestowed on us is not just our own. It belongs to the whole, so please allow this grace to pass through these people and reach out to the 2.4 billion persons of humanity everywhere. Father! Please be the center of our lives, the center of our love and the center of our hope. Loving Father, I sincerely hope and desire that Your hands of grace may be placed upon our heads from this moment forever afterwards.

Father! We know that many people are bowing before You today, so wherever they gather, please let Your hands of love be with them. Please allow those who have gathered to lie prostrate before the deep heart of the Father on behalf of the whole.

Please convey Your hidden love to them. Appear before them so that they will be adequately prepared to represent the whole dispensation of the last days and emerge before humanity. My Father, I earnestly hope and wish that You will allow the Father's blessing of power in this hour.

We offer our hearts before the Father's altar as they are, so please eliminate all the elements that are inappropriate. Allow us to sing the glory of the Father and be filled only with the heart of gratitude. My Father, I hope for it most earnestly.

By doing so, please do not let there be even one unworthy person among the beloved children of Yours who have gathered here. If there are some children who have traces of sins of selfishness, then Father, please manifest the fire-like work of the Holy Spirit so that they can feel shame and repent on their own in this hour. By doing so, please allow us to be remolded as ones who can be offered as meek and humble sacrifices before the Father on behalf of the people.

Father, there are members who could not participate in this place, so wherever they may be, please be with them with the same grace. Give blessings upon those lonely churches who cry out on behalf of the people and the dispensation. Father! Through their solemn hands, allow the fire of the beacon to appear before this people. Beloved Father, please let Your holy will be revealed to the world as the will of happiness through the people who yearn for You.

We entrust all of this hour to You. Please let the Trinity govern us. Wishing earnestly, we prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer 2

Please quickly carry on the judgment of this earth. Please be the only one to protect and rule over the beloved brothers and sisters who have gathered here today, Father. Even for just this hour, please let this be a time when we do not have anything centered on us.

Please lead us to understand in this hour that our life is not ours, our knowledge is not ours, and all of our concepts are not ours. We are nothing more than that which is entrusted to You. Allow us to move when Heaven moves and halt when Heaven halts.

Father, there are brothers and sisters here who carry scars from wounds and have sunken into a frantic state, so our Father who understands their situation and condition, please allow their minds and bodies to go up in the flames of eternal life that descend from Heaven. Please allow this hour to be an occasion when we can return the bliss of rebirth to the Father.

Please let us understand that no matter how great a concept of the world might be, it cannot compare with the Heavenly way. Let us understand that the ignorance of the world has permeated throughout the earth, so that we can realize the shadows that sin is casting over the whole world.

In this hour, please lead us to understand our own lack. Being inspired by the movement of the Heavenly way, allow us to be in awe as we face the whole. Loving Father, we fervently want and hope for this.

Father, we have gathered around and sat down, so please give us a command. We have gathered, so Father, please divulge Your words of advice and desire. Please manifest Your power of resurrection, and let there be an explosion of the power and ability to push through the walls of darkness that have been blocking us. We make an earnest wish.

We wish in our minds, but because our physical body is weak, please bring out the power to shatter this physical body of weakness. Operate it with Your powerful hands so that we can become the clay that can be reshaped into the true essence by Your hands which give the grace of creation. Loving Father, I fervently hope and wish that we can become meek and humble ones who can be forged into a glorious image.

You have called us before You, we who are insignificant. Please allow us to fulfill the hope that You cherish. Please allow the emergence of a living altar for the sake of finding the path of survival for this miserable people, who are dying away. Anoint us to stand before You and have a direct one-to-one conversation. Allow us to take on the mission that Heaven demands.

Please allow us to fight and divide all evil. Separating good and evil, allow us to stand in the position of goodness. Please allow us to become ones who firmly believe that good will prevail and evil will be eradicated; allow us to be ones who, entering the right path, live captivated in Your glory. Father, we earnestly hope and desire for these things to take place.

Father! Please look upon the thirty million people with sympathy. Please allow the tears of the children of God, who lament for the sake of the people, to soak through heaven and earth. Exhibit Heaven's work of inspiration that can cause this people to repent. Please allow the miracle of resurrection, which motivates repentance, to be revealed through the whole people. In this way, please allow us to become the people who can receive in our hearts the new will that You desire.

Please call upon each of Your beloved children who have gathered here and purify them. Father, first interfere with the affairs of their mind and body, and then with their life, with Your eternal ideal. Even just for this hour, please allow us to offer everything for the sake of Your desired purpose and offer a bow as the sacrifice that You can accept.

Please rule over everything. We prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer 3

Father of love, we are trying to convey the heart of Heaven to the pitiful people, but the people who live on this earth do not understand the heart. They understand erroneously that the internal heart of Heaven does not have any relationship of order with this earth. Please forgive the ignorance of pitiful humankind in this moment.

Father! Please let the handful of people who have gathered here understand that Heaven is demanding for them to take on grand missions. Lead them to generate the desire to take charge of the responsibility. Please raise them for the will and through deeds to reveal these things.

How many children are there who desire to become sacrifices for the sake of the dispensation? Loving Father! How many are there who can understand the heart of the Father without being told a word? How many are there who fathom the will and move before they are called upon?

Father! Although what they hope to gain from Heaven is great, we know that what Heaven expects of us is also great. Father! Even from this hour, since a small number of members want to present ourselves on the altar of God for the sake of upholding Your will, please accept us, though we are insignificant. Please do not see our flaws as flaws, but accept them with love.

We know that we can escape the accusation of Satan only when we can come to be truly loved by You. Father, please forgive the whole, and please allow the grace of the Father, which will share Heaven's concealed manna of life.

As we look upon those who have gathered here, we realize that the power must be increased. Father, please amplify Your overflowing power, and allow them to forget their lacks and their sinful mentality. Please personally work a miracle so that this moment can be the time when only life appears before them.

Father! Please lead those who have gathered here to lie prostrate before You with the mind-set of a receiver, much like an empty cup. Please fill these empty glasses with the water of life and revive their original minds. Please allow us to raise our bodies and hands toward Heaven and offer everything we have before the Father. Loving Father, I sincerely hope and wish for this.

At this moment, I am standing in front of them, so please let them realize that the words I speak are Jesus' words of profound significance, which are absolutely necessary for their lives and for the course of history. I know that those who bear heavy burdens will build victorious accomplishments on the foundation of words with the power of resurrection.

Please allow us also to entrust everything to Jesus and to be created again on the foundation where the condition of resurrection was set by the crucifixion. Loving Father, this I earnestly wish and desire.

Govern over everything in this hour. I prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The title of today's speech is "Let Us Take Part in the Glory that God Recognizes." I will speak upon this topic.

The Meaning of Understanding Me

Because John the Baptist, who should have testified to the will of Heaven, did not complete his mission, Jesus stood on the threshold of an arduous fight with Satan. The Jewish people, who should have understood the situation of Jesus, did not understand him. Jesus, who was being pressed by Satan to walk the path of tribulation and who was standing alone despite the fact that every being in heaven and earth should have recognized him, tried to communicate the will of Heaven to the people, who did not understand it.

Jesus realized he had the mission to reveal what he knew internally to the ignorant people. He set himself before humankind and, relying on the comforting thought that at least God understood him, he stepped forward to proclaim the new resolution, the new hope and determination to the people. Today's speech is important since it deals with this content.

Man's happiness is generated by having someone who understands him. If he has a friend, a comrade or a teacher who knows about his past and understands even his future, he is a happy person. Moreover, the place of rest for a person is built centering on the bosoms of these people. The person feels happiness and fulfillment in the environment that they are in.

Jesus was aware of the fact that God in Heaven understood him in relation to history, in relation to the thirty years of his life, and in relation to the eternal will of the dispensation. Just as God recognized him, Jesus was supposed to understand humankind through history, through their lives and through the future. Jesus was aware of this mission. The more he felt that it was indeed he who had to make them understand God, the more he felt he had to testify to the people about God in any shape or form.

Jesus Had to Show that God Recognized Him

Jesus had to prove that in the will of God, he was the person who represented the unbreakable relationship with the 4,000 years of the course of the dispensation. Jesus felt responsible for guiding the Jewish people to God in the same way that God recognized Jesus in relation to the dispensation of 4,000 years. He tried to reveal his understanding of God in his life course.

Moreover, when he learned that during the dispensation that would follow his thirty years of life, the whole of humanity was to become one with his ideals of the future, Jesus felt that until he reached the ideal world in which humankind would understand him, he had the compelling responsibility to reveal the will to them.

When we consider the events that have taken place in the past and present, and are to take place in the future in the eternal heavenly world and on the earth, we realize that Jesus' mission was not limited. When we consider how there still remains the unfulfilled history of the dispensation, in which every existing being must reach Jesus through an unlimited stretch of time, we see that the mission of Jesus was not limited to just revealing this dispensation to Heaven, to the countless saints and to the historical ancestors.

Jesus, who stood before the will representing the whole, had to recognize the people on behalf of God in the same way God recognized him. He had to teach the people that, just as Jesus acted for God, they had to represent Jesus. What is more, unless he builds a relationship with people in which they come to recognize him as Jesus recognized God, Jesus cannot feel the joy of knowledge in his life. You must understand that though Jesus could obtain joy from God in Heaven, he could not be happy because the people did not understand him on the earth.

The words that Jesus spoke did not just ask the people to understand Heaven. The gospel that he spread was not only for the sake of Heaven. All of his words, toilsome deeds and arduous fights were done for the sake of the people of history and the people of the future who were to guide history forward. However, the people who came in contact with Jesus in his time did not know that. If the people on the earth had understood Jesus as Jesus understood God, then the life of Jesus would not have been intertwined with such great sorrow.

The Extent to Which God and Jesus Understood Each Other

To what extent did God understand Jesus? How did God understand Jesus? God understood Jesus from the beginning of the history of creation, through the history of humanity, through the relationships in history, extending to include all of the society of his time, even to the future ideals of Jesus.

Jesus, who appeared before the ignorant people, raised himself up and exerted himself after receiving the directives from Heaven. Moreover, he continued in the battle, deeply bound up in the sorrowful heart of God, who has suffered an infinite amount of ordeals in the course of history. Furthermore, he comforted the ancestors who had exerted themselves in the course of history. He tried to remove all the bitter resentments that had soaked through the course of history. God anointed Jesus to be this kind of man.

Jesus' heart reached out for the sake of Heaven. He had a desperate desire to convey that heart to humankind. As long as Jesus had such a fervent, unfulfilled desire, God who was watching him closely, also felt the same anxiety. We must understand that because humankind did not fulfill their responsibility, God is living in anguish and sadness.

To what extent then did God understand Jesus? God understood him as someone who could manifest the glory of children through the ideology of the bride and bridegroom, centering on Adam's family.

Next, how much did Jesus understand God? While he knew that God recognized him as the representative of history, he also knew that God wanted him to manifest on the earth the doctrine of the bride and bridegroom and the glory of goodness, from his family life centering on Mary to his actual life course. Consequently, his words had the power to alleviate the grief and suffering of history.

Jesus understood that God knew the obedience of Mary. He also knew that God understood the personal situation of Mary. He also knew that God hoped for the faith in the bride and bridegroom to start paving its way from the lowest position. Moreover, he also knew that God expects goodness among the countless created beings. The will of love that Jesus possessed could have consummated a relationship with humankind only if they had inherited the knowledge of God from Jesus.

This is the reason that Jesus could have discussions with God but not with humankind. You must understand that since there was no one on the earth who could reveal the knowledge and grievous feeling of Jesus and the dispensation of restoration on the earth, the sorrow of Jesus was greater than the sorrow of losing the whole universe.

Love Is to Reach Perfection Through Three Eras

If love cannot be perfected in one generation, then it takes three generations. At first, through the love of Heaven, it passes through the love of parents and then the love of the couple. We are walking the course of restoration because of the fall and the mistakes that are being repeated by humankind.

Therefore, in one's life, the time until one becomes an adult is the time to receive the love of parents. After that period has passed, the period of love centering on oneself is the time of the bride and bridegroom. Next, the time of love that involves children comes.

God has been guiding history for 6,000 years. What period of love then was the time until the coming of Jesus? It was the time when, as parents, God personally gave love through Jesus. After that, the period of bride and bridegroom is the time when we ourselves build a family life.

What kind of era then will come next? It is the era when the ideology of the bride and bridegroom bears fruit on the earth. By doing so, Jesus has to carry on the expectations on the family level, centering on the will of God on the earth. To do this, the life of the spiritual bride and bridegroom should unfold on the earth first. By unfolding the spiritual family life of Heaven on the earth, the form of a family representing history has to be constructed.

Today, after passing through the 2,000 years since Jesus, heaven and earth must be combined. The internal and external forms must be brought together to form one substantial body and forge a relationship. You must become new parents and children centering on yourselves. In the period of parents, you must be able to produce new children. Through the new children, the new ideology of the bride and bridegroom must be established on the earth. Such an ideal remains unfulfilled in the course of history.

The Purpose Behind the Coming of Jesus

What is the purpose behind the coming of Jesus? He came to bring to a conclusion the internal form of the family, the external ideology of the bride and bridegroom, and the life of children. After completing the reciprocal standard, not only on the external foundation but also by connecting the external and the internal, the fortune of Heavenly laws would enable anyone to pass through the historical course of restoration on the family level, through which they can start from the internal and establish the one standard. Through whoever it might be, you must establish the form of family life, not only as a realistic and historical phenomenon, but also as a conclusive fact, until God and Jesus raise you up. If you do not possess the demonstrative content of the course of the bride and bridegroom, which Jesus has been working on for 2,000 years centering on the New Testament, you cannot confidently claim the standard of the bride and bridegroom. Leaving on the earth the substantial child of goodness in whom you can dwell eternally, if you can become a child, not of shame, but one who has escaped the history of sin and whom Satan cannot accuse, you will be able to discover the hidden secrets of Heaven. By establishing yourselves, you can receive the love of God, carry on discussions with Heaven and have a relationship of giving and receiving with Heaven.

What is the purpose of Jesus in whom you believe and whom God recognizes? What is the extent to which you understand Jesus? You should not think that the bride and bridegroom are manifested only in Jesus and the Holy Spirit. If you cannot leave behind the foundation of victory and eternal life that can bring eternal salvation through the substantial love of the family and the internal family, then the ideals and hope of Heaven will have no relationship with you.

Furthermore, that can become the possession of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but it cannot become yours.

Therefore, when you come to understand, you should not stop at just understanding him. If there is someone who can enter into a harmonious relationship centering on Jesus, then as the son of God who recognizes Jesus, he will be on equal footing with Jesus. He can proudly appear on the earth representing history, the present world and the future. If such a being emerges on the earth, then he is the one who understands history and the dispensation of Jesus and can represent the world for which Jesus hopes.

To become such a person, you must be grateful to God no matter what kind of condition is imposed on you. In any kind of environment, you must not lose hope. Jesus realized that he needed to arouse the love and hope of God, which is stronger than anything else that he loved.

Therefore, even when the environment and history changed and heaven and earth were thrown into confusion, until the last moment all Jesus thought about was humankind. He tried to forge an unbreakable relationship with humankind to represent the eternal life and the heart of the center. Therefore, he could say, "Cross, come to me. Death, also, come to me."

If you do not experience this kind of feeling through your life, then even if you claim you know Jesus, it is the same as not knowing him. Therefore, you must now represent the general form of the history of the dispensation, the history of the whole and eternal history. You must forge the relationship that can penetrate through the active and passive hearts of the eternal God. By doing so, you should relieve the grief that permeates throughout history, and appear before humanity. If you cannot appear as such a person, then you cannot call yourself the child that Jesus seeks and God recognizes. However, if there is such a person, even when he is eating a meal, every time he puts down the spoon, he will thank God. In every breath he takes, he will feel the love of God.

The Child Whom Heaven Recognizes

Just as the fortune of heaven and earth turns silently, our minds wish to turn without limits. Why is this not being done? It is because we are not aware of the fact that the forces and love of the universe and the principles of Heaven are connected.

Therefore, now we must come to understand Jesus in our life in the same way that Jesus understood God. Moreover, just as Jesus understood the grief of God and returned glory to Heaven, we must have the determination to follow Jesus to return glory to Jesus. If we do not know Jesus, when Jesus follows God and understands His heart of love, how would Jesus realize his fate-filled wishes? You must think about this today.

Today you might say that you are living for Jesus in certain moments. You must exist for the sake of many nations and peoples. Until the final days of history, you must eternally feel that trend and the heart of Heaven. As the master of creation, you must sing the glory of Heaven and return glory to Heaven.

If this is the wish of Jesus, then you yourself must return glory to Heaven for him. By doing so, you can materialize this dream-like event in the reality that is not a dream. God's wish is bringing that will to conclusion. The wish and demand that have been kept inside the hearts of God and Jesus are being manifested through you. If there is someone who can truly believe in Jesus, by connecting with the heart of Jesus and seeking the internal heart of God and becoming the representative of God and Jesus, God will recognize him as He has recognized Jesus. At the same time, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will also recognize him. What is more, the Heavenly soldiers and angels who are connected to Jesus and the Holy Spirit will also recognize him. However, people do not realize that such grace of glory is the true grace.

To Return the Glory of Victory

Jesus was recognized only by God, but we will be understood by God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, as well as the countless saints in heaven. Therefore, if you can understand on earth the God of Heaven, then through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, you will win the recognition of the spirit world. Accordingly, you should stand within the sphere of recognition and come to grasp the heart of God, who has been guiding the dispensation for 2,000 years through Jesus.

God's philosophy of the dispensation must be demonstrated through you. When we consider that, we can see that we are truly blessed. We are more blessed than Jesus as he headed toward the cross.

Jesus died a lonely death for the sake of God. However, we should be able to die for God, and even for Jesus and the Holy Spirit. By doing so, we must become people whom the millions of faithful believers can welcome and support in our path. You must be able to say, "I have been awakened to it, so Father, please guide us so that today we can comfort the countless faithful believers." When you do that, you can represent the whole of God's dispensation and bring out the glory of victory.


Father! We who claim to believe in You are continuing to give out a foul smell and are not aware of ourselves. Father! Please connect us to the heart of Heaven and allow us to understand ourselves. By connecting us to the will of the dispensation for the earth, please allow us to understand ourselves.

Please allow us to comprehend the glorious one will which links heaven and earth. Father, please love these children who have gathered here so that they can fathom the heart of the Father that You want to express. Please grant them the heart that will enable them to serve Heaven centering on the Father. Lead these children to understand Heaven and to yearn for the glory of Heaven by comprehending the life course of the eternal Father.

Please grant Your blessing upon all the children who have gathered here so that they can receive the power of love flowing down from the Father and move whenever You move and halt whenever You halt. Please allow us to alleviate the worries of the Father and represent the whole of the historical dispensation.

By doing so, allow us to build the eternal nation of the Father who can move and shake the universe. Allow us to understand God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the countless saints in heaven and on earth.

Allow us to present, as a condition of victory, the glory of knowing the Father, to dismantle the sovereignty of Satan, and to construct the domain of victory. We sincerely wish and desire this. I prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Chapter 11 Why did Jesus Become the Little Lamb Who Bore All the Sins of This World?

Why did Jesus Become the Little Lamb Who Bore All the Sins of This World?

July 11, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

John 1: 24-34

Prayer 1

My loving Father! Your children, who were scattered in all regions and directions, have come together before Your knees and have bowed down, longing for Your love. Please, dominate our minds now, and please let the yearning for Your holy sung-sang be the only thing that remains in our minds. Please allow our bodies to cultivate the beauty of Your hyung-sang and be intoxicated in silence by the grace of inspiration. Father, I sincerely wish and desire this.

This earth has sunken into darkness. We know that the mission to rescue the earth from the darkness is upon the shoulders of such insignificant persons as we.

Father of love! Father of compassion! By ourselves alone we do not have the power to distinguish good from evil and to increase goodness. Therefore, loving Father, please allow the power of the goodness and love that You have hidden in Heaven to be manifested. Allow us to exercise goodness even in humble situations, and allow us to obtain the glory, to bow before You, Father, and to bring the glory of resurrection out into the light with all our minds and souls.

Father, please purify the minds of the many children who have bowed down before You now. Father, You must touch each of their hearts with Your hands of sanctification, to lift the veil and to purify each of their minds and bodies. You must eradicate all the undesirable elements within them, so please be their personal guide and master of distinction between good and evil, as well as the master of their hearts. My Father, I pray sincerely that You will guide us to eliminate evil by distinguishing between good and evil, and that we may be offered before Your holy presence through the one center.

Father! Since we have gathered here, please allow this time to be an opportunity when we can awaken to the inadequacies of our own selves before the manifest presence of the Father's hyung-sang. In this hour, please allow us to discover the reality of ourselves, we who have collaborated with the power of sinfulness in the past and who have entered the realm of death. Let us divulge ourselves before Father and before the glorious altar of goodness. Please eradicate all of our undesirable habits of the past and our concepts which have prevented us from having faith in You.

Loving Father, I sincerely wish and desire that we may use this opportunity to receive new stimulation in goodness and, realizing the new value of Father's sung-sang, be shaken in our minds and bodies. I pray sincerely that You will unfold the works of repentance and inspiration in this moment. Please remove all the inappropriate and wrong elements of sin and evil in this moment, Father. Father, please intervene personally and be fully at work among the crowd, in which only the elements of glory that You can govern have gathered. Please govern them.

Father, as far as I know, lonely groups of people scattered all across the land are bowing before Heaven for the sake of humankind this evening. Father, You who are the friend of lonely people, please allow them to maintain unchanging loyalty and fidelity toward Heaven no matter what kind of environment or situation they find themselves in. Even if the mocking of Satan has created a great block, please make them into the brave soldiers of Heaven who can step over this, and guide them to accomplish Your wish and the mission entrusted to them in the last days. Father, I sincerely hope that the immutable power of Heaven will be with them so that they can continue to fight.

On this evening, please descend with the works of the Trinity upon those countless altars that have gathered on behalf of humanity. Beloved Father, we sincerely hope that with the Trinity, You will prophecy about the mission of the whole that You are going to accomplish in the last days, and that You will unveil to the 2.4 billion people of humanity Your original will, which You must find. establish and manifest on the earth.

From the beginning to the end, please let them, as the entrusted sacrifice, form the altar which You can be delighted in, so that only the miracles, the power and the glory which can stand as evidence to the holy body of joy may be manifested. I pray in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer 2

Loving Father! Command us, and create the environment in which we can represent the position of the Jewish people who stood before John the Baptist when he saw Jesus appearing before him as the representative of the heavenly way, and who stood on the shores of the Jordan River and cried out to Heaven. Though our hearts may be far away in historical time, please allow us again to have the blessing that would enable us to hear the voice of John the Baptist who, centering on Heaven, cried out with a pained heart, "Look, there is the lamb of God who bears the sin of this world." These are indeed awe-inspiring, fearsome and dignified words.

Although many people, saints and sages have come to and gone from this earth, there was not even one who could confidently step forward and proclaim that he had taken up the burden of all the sins of humanity. The words of John the Baptist, which testified to Jesus, set the new, historical standard for re-creation.

Please allow us the joyful blessing that can let us fathom the heart of John the Baptist, who found the one who could take care of all the detestable sins of humanity. Let us entrust all our sins into the hands of Jesus and let us bow toward Heaven.

Please transform our environment today into the environment of the Jewish people who received the grace of liberation. Please let their heart be manifested in our environment. Let us realize that there is no one happier than the one who has found the master to whom he can transfer all of his sins.

Please allow us to feel the happiness of having entrusted our life and all that we have and of having offered gratitude in an environment of freedom. Allow us to feel the joy of someone who possesses Heaven. Please let us realize once more that Jesus has come to the earth and has taken over the burden of our sins.

Please take charge of all the sins of those who have gathered here, and allow only goodness to remain and fill the place. Please let us entrust all the sinful elements to Jesus Christ. Loving Father, we sincerely wish that You will allow us to be overwhelmed with a powerful urge which would galvanize us to return glory to the Father and to comfort the sorrowful heart of Jesus.

Look down upon the children who have gathered here with compassion. Please do not let the heart of the speaker and the heart of the listener be divided into two. Please grant the power of resurrection that can give us new life, and the words of re-creation that will enable us to sacrifice ourselves. Give us the grace that would empower our mind and body to cut the chain of sin and, relying on the words of re-creation, restore our original image. Loving Father, we earnestly hope that this may be done.

We have entrusted everything unto You, so please grant us what You intend. I pray in the name of the loving Lord. Amen.

The topic of the speech today is "Why Did Jesus Become the Little Lamb Who Bore All the Sins of This World?" I will speak briefly on this topic.

The Background of the Advent of Jesus

God created humankind as the central beings who can substantially feel His internal ideals. In doing so, God hoped to establish the concealed beauty, love and glory of Heaven as the eternal course through the life of Adam and Eve. He tried to build a world of uninterrupted happiness.

Due to the fall of man, this original will of God was undermined in a fundamental way and, against the wishes of God, humankind established Satan in the position of God and dwelt within the realm of Satan's dominion. Humankind, who should have served God by returning glory and happiness to Him, worshipped Satan instead and continued with this shameful history. You already know this fact very well.

Moreover, God has been leading the dispensation until now because He has to realize glory centering on human beings; He has to make His will to give love material by centering on human beings, and He has to give advice centering on human beings. On the contrary, Satan has been carrying on the battle to destroy the glory of God, the love of God, and the life of Heaven, has shackled humankind in his own domain and has been fighting to keep them in bondage.

Unless the original human being whom God is looking for, a hero who can attack Satan appears, there is no way to return glory to God, nor love, nor life. To find this one central figure, God has been toiling for 4,000 years, leading the dispensation forward. Jesus was the person whom God finally raised as the center of faith, the representative of humankind, whose mission was to testify to the glory, love and life of God.

The Responsibility of Jesus

What was the mission Jesus was supposed to fulfill when he came to the earth? It was to restore the glory, love and life of God. However, sin prevented this from being accomplished. Sin prevented humanity from returning glory to God, prevented them from feeling the love of God, and hindered them from feeling the life of God, so that they could not settle on His love and life as the center of eternal life.

What was the reason behind this? Because of the fall, hereditary and individual sin permeated the whole creation, centering on humankind. Therefore, the mission Jesus was supposed to accomplish on earth first was to carry on the battle of pulling out the root of the sin that pervaded the creation. He had to do this before he could restore the glory, the love and the life of God. To dig out the root of sin, Jesus bore the sins of humanity on his own shoulders.

Why did Jesus have to carry sin on behalf of others? Human beings were committing sins. Furthermore, human beings did not know the truth. Jesus Christ came to the earth to save humanity, bringing with him the glory, love and eternal life of God, yet there was one condition that obstructed his way. This was none other than sin, which is intertwined like one gigantic steel net, woven throughout this person and that person, this organization and that organization, this society and that society, this nation and that nation. Without voluntarily eradicating this sin, this earth will never see the glory of God, the love of God and the life of God.

God has been working through men to exterminate sin. When human beings eradicate sin, the glory, the life and the love of God can be bestowed upon them. God caused them to wipe out sin to make them realize the master of whom they had not been aware. As a result, we can serve that master as the representative of the glory of Heaven, the love of Heaven and the life of Heaven. If we can do this, then there is no power that can sever the relationship between Jesus, who has been anointed by Heaven as the center, and us.

Yet due to the fall, until the consummation of this world, the burden of sin exists in the relationship between us, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This burden of sin is found in the family, society, nation, world and in all of heaven and earth, so the fact that someone has arrived who can take care of all the sins in heaven and earth is the happiest news and gospel of salvation and triumph.

Have we entrusted our sin to Jesus? Moreover, have our families entrusted their sins to Jesus Christ? Have our society and our nation entrusted their sins to Jesus Christ? Has our world entrusted its sins to Jesus Christ? The question is, how many believers remain on the earth who have not yet escaped from the realm of sin?

What You Must Do in Your Daily Life of Faith

What you have to do in your daily life of faith is take all of your sins and entrust them to Jesus. Have you transferred all of your sins to Jesus? You must ask yourself this. There must emerge on earth someone who can say, "Father! I cannot purge the sins that remain within me by myself. I entrust them all to you." Otherwise, the ideals of Jesus can never be realized. If even now the burden of sin still lingers in me and if there still remain the elements of grief caused by sin in my family, my society, nation, world and in heaven and earth, then Jesus' ordeal of the cross will be prolonged. You must understand that even in this hour, your deeds are prolonging Jesus' ordeal of the cross.

Today we must offer the prayer of repentance, "Please take charge of all my sins." You must say, "Lord, please take my sins away." Unless we combine our minds and bodies, combine with the mind and body of Jesus, and walk a course of revolution with our own hands, as well as with the hands of Jesus, and penetrate through to the bottom of sin, we cannot say to the Holy Spirit and to Jesus that we have eradicated our sins.

What is the meaning of the will Jesus proclaimed: that he is going to come to the earth to take care of all sins? Due to our fall, we have lost God, the Master of life, we have lost True Parents, and we have lost Jesus, who came as the one center who can protect and love us. Now, after Jesus takes charge of all sins in the world and in heaven and earth, Satan will be engaged in the ultimate battle with Jesus. If you do not entrust all of your sins to Jesus and God, then Jesus cannot intervene in your affairs as your master, even if he wants to. You must understand this.

From a humanistic perspective, Jesus can be viewed as the most unfortunate person. We must understand the heart of Jesus. His heart was such that he wanted to bear all the burdens of sin in this universe. Humanistically speaking, Jesus was a miserable person. When Jesus came to this earth, there had never been anyone as unfortunate as he. Although he came to the earth to find and to give blessing, there was not even one person who, knowing his wishes, served him with the attitude, "Jesus is my eternal, ideal and unchanging master." Although he came for the sake of the people, for the nation, the world and for heaven and earth, Jesus the anointed one was an unspeakably unfortunate person. There was no one who welcomed him and believed in him based on the words he spoke and the actions he carried out. Similarly, from a humanistic point of view, the environment Jesus found himself in was extremely precarious.

As a human being, Jesus must have felt the same emotions you do. Jesus bore the burden of the sins of humanity both of the past and of the future, because people had no way to purge their sins themselves. Yet he forgot his own ordeals and comforted the lonely individuals who were resentful about their sins. We must comfort the internal tribulations, the anguish and the sorrow of Jesus, the one who came to take charge of the sins of humanity.

Of course, we should mourn about sin. Yet when you mourn, you should never allow it to penetrate into Heaven directly. The Holy Spirit is the one who came to comfort us in our grief. Thus, we must receive the cooperation of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in order to free ourselves from sin. Otherwise, the worries of Jesus, who is in charge of our sins, will not be removed from earth as well Heaven.

The Holy Spirit is in charge of obtaining pardon from Heaven for our sinfulness. This is because humankind does not have a direct relationship with either God or Jesus, who are in Heaven. Therefore, we must receive the cooperation of the Holy Spirit who is working on the earth. The way to redemption has been opened because of the crucifixion of Jesus, but the one who actually toils to take charge of our sins is the Holy Spirit. You must understand that the Holy Spirit stands in the position of a mediator for our sake, representing us miserable sinners.

What kinds of ordeals is the Holy Spirit going through? The exertion of Jesus, who passed away on the cross while responsible for our sins, and the ordeals of the Holy Spirit, crying with us when we cry and being hung on the cross when we are hung on the cross, are very much with us today. Even today, he is undergoing the crisis of crucifixion for your sake. You must understand this clearly. When the toils of Jesus and the exertion of the Holy Spirit are combined as one with us in the middle, and we reach the standard that God requires, then all the sins that we have committed on the earth will be redeemed.

Our Responsibility Toward the Work of the Holy Spirit

We have wrongly thought until now that we were the only ones exerting ourselves to prepare for the coming of Jesus, but we must understand that in the background there is the Holy Spirit, who has toiled more strenuously than we. Since the ordeals of the Holy Spirit are greater than those of humankind, Jesus wants to work through the Holy Spirit to represent the glory of Jesus and rally humankind together. Without ushering in this kind of occasion, there is no way that Jesus can come to the earth again and stand firmly as the master of humanity.

Consequently, when we face evil and go forward, we must be aware of the fact that because of the sins we committed, the Holy Spirit exerted herself on the earth for us, and Jesus had to die on the cross. Moreover, wherever we go in heaven and earth, we must realize that we are sinners who have no way to be unshackled from the grievances of Heaven. We must now be awakened to this sin and offer all of our minds and bodies. Accordingly, first we must rely on the work of the Holy Spirit and assist Jesus in his work to take the burden of toil off his shoulders. The ordeals of the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God must be brought to an end through us before there can be a consummation of the will of Heaven, which has labored to take charge of our sins. What is more, we can finally find the one Master only now. This is what you must understand.

Jesus came to the earth as the son of man and passed away. He came to the earth as a man. As you can see in the spirit world, because Jesus has a substantial body with whom we can have a direct conversation, when our spiritual senses are open, we can comfort and express gratitude to Jesus. You cannot do this with the Holy Spirit. The reason is that the Holy Spirit does not have a body. Jesus came to the earth in a substantial body, as the master of Heaven and as the center of the world of creation. Nonetheless, because the Holy Spirit could not possess a substantial body until now, there is no way to directly comfort her for her ordeals. During the 2,000 years of toilsome history, the ideology of the bride and bridegroom was established to extinguish this source of grief, but Christians today do not understand this. When will there be the appearance of the substantial Holy Spirit on the earth who can become the bride of Jesus?

The crime we have committed is not just that of having caused Jesus Christ to cross the pass of death; it also involves our having caused the Holy Spirit to walk a similar course of suffering. If we can liberate them from that suffering and grief, we can return happiness and glory to Jesus, but the Holy Spirit must await fulfillment.

When we entrust our sins to them, the Holy Spirit takes charge of them first. After that, Jesus Christ takes them over, and then they are purged by God, but we do not know this process so well. If there come forth believers who understand this task and mission, then the Holy Spirit's work of inspiration will be manifest before the whole of humanity.

What then are we to do now that Jesus Christ has left after having come to the earth? We are to find the master in the position similar to the bridegroom, Jesus, and the mistress who is in the position similar to the bride, the Holy Spirit. By so doing, we receive the grace of atonement. What is more, we can cling to the Holy Spirit and Jesus and say, "Holy Spirit and the Holy One and God! Please bless us." If you cannot do this, then the sufferings of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the last 2,000 years cannot bear fruit on the earth.

Why did Jesus come to take responsibility for the sins of the world? This was for our sake, so that we can possess freedom. Finding the master is so that we, humankind, can restore our original self and transfer from the position of being dominated by Satan to the position where we can dominate him. Consequently, after you finish walking your course, you are to be free children, exterminating Satan and becoming free of sin.

Chapter 10 The Pledge That Must Be Fulfilled

The Pledge That Must Be Fulfilled

Luke 22:14-34

July 8, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

Prayer 1

Father of love! Please grant the love of compassion. This group, who did not have a place to lean on, has come to You to lean only on You, Father, forgetting everything else. Please allow all of our hearts to picture the sung-sang of the Father, and please allow our bodies to adore the hyung-sang of the Father. As a result, please let us become one with the love of the Father, which was immersed in Heaven, and allow the glory of Heaven that You seek to be manifested.

Father, please take care of these people who have gathered here. Cling onto their minds and bodies, and convert the concepts they have into concepts that are suitable for the dispensation and which You can control. In the last days, please allow the holistic concept that the Father demands from all humanity to be implanted deeply in their hearts.

Father, please take charge of the children who have gathered in this hour, and if there are any elements that are at fault, Father, please eradicate them with the power of the Holy Spirit and of the Trinity and by penetrating into them with Your eyes full of fire. Please guide them to offer all that they have before the dignified Father. Let them become liberated from sin and evil, and let them receive the blessing of freedom so that they can go before humanity and all things to boast about the Father alone. Also, loving Father, I pray sincerely that You would allow them to serve the True Father, and raise them to become children who can return joy to that Father.

Please reign over those who have gathered here, and on the countless altars that represent the people. On the altar of the whole that represents the humanity of the world, Father, please bestow the same works of miracles, and allow the altars to manifest the central will of the dispensation in the last days. Beloved Father, I earnestly wish and hope that this will be done.

We have put down our minds and bodies on the altar of the Father, so please separate the positions of Cain and Abel. Please lead them not to become the Cain-type sacrifice, but let them become the purified Abel-type sacrifice. Just as You are pleading with humanity until the day the dispensation comes to a conclusion, beloved Father, we sincerely wish and desire that You will make this altar the representative altar that can make the appeal to Heaven until the day that all of Your will concerning the world is fulfilled.

Father, who commands all the grace and blessings of today, please appear before us as You will. Please grant the blessing that You are going to allow, and lead us to avoid that which we must avoid. In this way, Father, please guide us to become children who are capable of taking on the eternal will that You entrust in us. I prayed all the words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer 2

Father! Please reveal Your commands and will to those who want to uphold them, and please guide us to uphold the will of the dispensation and materialize Your wishes on Your behalf. Father, I sincerely pray this. The words that are going to be given today did not appear today. Rather, it took a long period of history for them to be revealed. Moreover, because hidden in these words are the sad and unforgettable stories of Jesus and his beloved disciples, we know that our ancestors who also thought about this walked toward the path of death without hesitation. We know very well that to endorse the new pledge left behind, the apostles of Jesus and all the believers in the 2,000 years since then did not hesitate in their fight to realize the promised will and earnest wish on the earth.

Father, please consider us with pity. Please allow us now to open our minds and act for the apostles who attended Jesus 2,000 years ago. Please let our footsteps pass through the ordeals that the apostles of the past have experienced, so that in the last days, we can fulfill the purpose of the dispensation of the whole.

Father, I sincerely wish and desire that You govern over everything that follows, and realizing the will of the whole that You are going to pursue, receive the glory of ushering in the day of rejoicing. I prayed all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The topic of the sermon I want to give you is "The Pledge That Must Be Fulfilled." I will speak briefly on this topic.

The Meaning Behind Jesus' Giving the Bread and Wine

You must know very well that God, who has been carrying on the work of salvation through the dispensation of resurrection for 4,000 years, has established a new promise. The dispensation of resurrecting Jesus alone could not combine the will of Heaven and the will of earth and bring completion, so He has used the new promise to combine the will of Heaven and the will of earth and has tried to claim back the original garden that He promised.

When you look at this, it is written that the cup that Jesus passed and the bread that Jesus gave are the new promise. After Jesus left, we have received the flesh and blood of Jesus. You must know that this represents the life of the whole and the truth of the whole, which must be realized soon.

What do the blood and flesh of Jesus symbolize? They do not symbolize the flesh and blood of one individual, Jesus. From a broad perspective, they symbolize heaven and earth. In a narrow sense, they represent the center and the individual. Moreover, the flesh symbolizes the truth and the blood symbolizes the Holy Spirit.

Jesus has given us all this unconditionally. Jesus, who has been so giving, did not limit himself to his own problems. All the problems of any being connected to him, the center, were his problems.

What blocks the relationship between God and men? Heaven's will should be manifested on the earth, and all situations on the earth must be concluded as to the will of Heaven, moving with the same purpose. This process has been thwarted. Accordingly, Jesus, the hero of love, symbolizes the one will that is going to emerge for the glory of the victorious Heaven, and he has been working hard until now.

The fact that God has found one man, Jesus, after 4,000 years of suffering, symbolizes that He can possess the whole of heaven and also all of the earth. Consequently, those who believe in Jesus can possess all of heaven, as well as all of the earth. However, we are entrusted with the will of the dispensation, which requires us not to permanently possess what we have as our own, but to return it back to God.

Because Jesus left after establishing the new promise, ever since there remains the unfulfilled condition that the spirit world and the physical world must communicate with each other centering on the apostles who follow Jesus. If Jesus had not passed away, then heaven and earth could have communicated with each other centering on Jesus, but because he passed away, Jesus came to represent the conditions of heaven, and the Holy Spirit came to represent the conditions of earth.

The Person Who Represents the Will of Jesus and the Holy Spirit

Who then is the person who can stand as the mediator and act on behalf of the will of Jesus and of the Holy Spirit? You must never forget that it is the apostles and we who have believed in the new words of promise on the earth.

Where is the unfulfilled wish of Jesus? The wish of Jesus is not found in heaven. Where is the unfulfilled wish of men? It is not found on the earth. The wish of Jesus must be linked to the will of the earth while the wish of humankind must be linked to the will of heaven. Accordingly, centering on Heaven, as the holy body that replaces the blood and flesh that Jesus gave, you must become the sacrifice representing heaven and earth.

If this is not accomplished, Jesus and the Holy Spirit can never become one. The Holy Spirit will continue to work on the earth by herself, while Jesus cannot but continue to work in heaven by himself.

What is the meaning of the words that Jesus said to his disciples, "You must drink my blood and eat my flesh?" You must never forget that implied in those words is the earnest heart of Jesus that pleads, Even if I were to go, you must come to own everything that falls within the sphere of the dispensation and materialize my unfulfilled wishes.

The blood that the disciples received from Jesus symbolized the spiritual aspect. The flesh, which symbolizes the physical aspect, signifies the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Jesus and the Holy Spirit wanted to form a holy body through the flesh and blood and hoped to be established as the central figure who can head toward the one purpose. What is more, the blood of Jesus symbolizes heaven while his flesh symbolizes the earth. Accordingly, you must know that the great hope and aspirations of Jesus are manifested in that.

Now, after having become a sacred body through the Holy Spirit, your mind has to become connected to the holy body of Jesus. This symbolizes the course of the history of restoration. When God created Adam and Eve, He first created the body and then created the spirit. After creating the physical body, He blew life into the nostrils and created Adam and Eve. Similarly, just as the two principles are combined to create one man, in the course of restoration, since the Holy Spirit centered on Jesus had established the new promise, from then until now, the works of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, which combine heaven and earth, are being carried on in conjunction. When you think about this, you have to realize how important is the responsibility we bear.

You must understand that insignificant apostles like us determine the fate of heaven and earth. You represent the apostles! You have been born with the holy body of Jesus and must manifest the power of the life of Jesus that can act on behalf of God. Inspirational works of the Holy Spirit must emerge which can act on behalf of Heaven. When you move as one before the will of Jesus, which seeks to restore the whole world of creation, Heaven will move according to the direction you move.

If you do not fully establish the condition based upon which Heaven can act through men, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will protest against you. The universal mission that Jesus left behind will also protest against you. When you think about this, you have to realize that through us who amount to nothing, Jesus is trying to fulfill the great universal will in which he can move heaven and earth at his will.

Jesus does not have the authority to make decisions without the aid of men. The Holy Spirit also does not have the authority to decide. Only we have the authority to decide.

Recompense for the Flesh and Blood Received from Jesus

Until now, the history of the New Testament was based on the concept, "Lord, please do it for us." It was a history with a limitation, which made a demand for the fulfillment of a wish. The history of the New Testament could not free itself from this limitation and remained stagnant. We must transcend the words of the New Testament. We must transcend that history and receive the grace and blessing of Heaven. We must obtain the whole merit of Jesus, who tried to possess everything in heaven and on earth. Furthermore, transcending the limitation of the New Testament, we must be able to say, "Father! Please grant us a new promise."

You must manifest in your life the appeal that Jesus was making with his blood as his flesh was being torn on the cross. The responsibility of humankind, which must be completed before we can go to heaven, is made a part of the promise by Jesus. However, it must go beyond just fulfilling the promise itself. You must carry the grace of the whole, the wish of the whole, and the life of the whole within yourself. Exceeding the limit with the ideals of your life, you must set the standard on the earth to give freely and bring it to perfection. If you cannot achieve this, there is no way to resolve the suffering and grief of Jesus. We dwell in the middle of the process of realizing the wish right now. We are heading toward the goal and achieving the wish. If you move within this process, you can bring the promise of faith that you have made to a conclusion. You must understand that one who steps over that kind of limitation recompenses for the flesh and blood of the Lord that he received in that ultimate moment.

In this sense, what are we going to do? We must be able to dare to represent Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God in front, back, left, right, up and down. If you cannot establish on the earth the day when the final results are brought by men, which is the will of heaven and of earth, then the will of God and Jesus cannot be accomplished. What is more, when we think about that will, we must realize that insignificant as we are, our value is enormous.

What is the one thing Jesus demanded as he was giving out his flesh and blood to the disciples? He said, "Take this and divide it among you." You must never forget this. Since we have received the flesh and blood of Jesus, as long as we take responsibility for the problems in Heaven on behalf of Jesus, then the will of God will be fulfilled. This is the wish of Heaven.

Today we have the responsibility of the last days, which calls upon us to build relationships among ourselves and to seek the altar of victory as a condition of having received the flesh and blood of Jesus. You must feel deeply that we bear such a responsibility.

The Will of the Lord Who Requested Us to "Love One Another"

The principle that comes down from above does not change. Who is going to find the immutable relationship that will link the principles of high and low, as well as left and right? You must find it. Though history and the era might change, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have remained as the unchanging center and have persisted in the same direction. Just as Jesus and the Holy Spirit gave and received, we also must form those kinds of relationships among ourselves. You must understand that if we cannot build such relationships, then the altar upon which God can operate on the earth cannot be constructed.

Do you understand the heart of Jesus, who distributed his own flesh and blood? It was an unspeakably bitter and sorrowful heart. In the world today, those who know the will and are trying to live for its sake must try to manifest the will, even if that means that they have to be in a bitter and miserable situation and go through crushing ordeals that are comparable to the melting of bones. Accordingly, you must be able to fathom how it must be for Jesus to look down upon those who have not felt this and do not understand the will.

If you do not understand this kind of historical circumstance, then you cannot even hold a horizontal holy banquet among yourselves. Therefore, what we need today is the way of life that can allow us to share with each other the heart of love that we feel when we communicate with God and Jesus. In other words, we need a way of life that manifests the love of the holy body. Linking people with people and connecting denominations with other denominations, we have to understand the request of Jesus, who asked us to share the heart of love with each other for the sake of transcending denominations and entering one sphere centering on the love of Heaven, without paying attention to the external forms. You must understand that those among you who do not have a friend to whom he can give himself and in return receive all of his friend is a truly miserable person. What is more, because the Holy Spirit does not change before Jesus, even if humankind changes, Jesus has been carrying on a relationship of giving and receiving with her. Accordingly, you must stand on the foundation to give and receive with her and fight on behalf of the history of the spiritual world.

Now the time has come when we must bring to a conclusion the one final wish that Jesus left behind for us. If you want to link this wish to the left and right, then what should you do? You must first become one who can serve on the earth. You must fight on the earth and become a martyr. You must be able to serve the righteous people on the earth.

Today you must take to heart the words that Jesus spoke. He said, "Those who serve everyone will be served by others," and "Those who try to elevate themselves will decrease." This is the center of our life today, which we feel on the horizontal plane. Therefore, we must learn to serve any and every person and learn to become friends to everyone and learn to protect them.

To Fulfill a New Promise

Since new words of the New Testament have been promised, we must feel the internal heart from which Jesus gave commands. While we fathom that heart, we can comprehend the ideals as well as the practical aspects. By doing so, we are to fulfill the will of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in their place. If that will is not realized through us, then in the last days, the works of Jesus and the Holy Spirit will be terminated. Should the works of Jesus and the Holy Spirit be terminated, on the day of termination you should stand alone and understand the wishes of Jesus and the Holy Spirit and become a person who can walk the practical course that Jesus had walked, championing the new ideals on behalf of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

We have received Jesus' new flesh and blood of promise. What is the mission left for us? It is fulfilling the new promise. To do this, we must be able to easily win over Satan without the help of the Trinity in the last days. What then is the center of the victory we can bring over Satan? It is doing things that Satan is incapable of doing. We must do deeds of which Satan is incapable.

The essential nature of Satan is arrogance. The essential nature of Satan is jealousy. The essential nature of Satan is living only for his own sake. Therefore, the lessons that Jesus and the Holy Spirit emphatically stress are, "Be meek and humble; sacrifice; be the sacrifice." These are the things Satan cannot do. If Satan were to become meek, he has to first repent for all his sins before God and turn around. If there were no jealousy in Satan's heart, then this world today would turn quickly toward Heaven.

Therefore, you must first nurture those elements that are diametrically opposed to Satan. Moreover, you are not to stagnate in that realm of limitation, but you must exceed that limit and enter a new sphere of promise. When you establish an immutable center by doing that, you can fulfill the new promise made as one who has received the flesh and blood of Jesus. If you cannot be in the position to discuss the things that God could not discuss with Jesus and Jesus could not discuss with the Holy Spirit, in other words, if you cannot stand as the central figure who represents all the standards of heaven and earth, then you must know that while the promised will of Jesus cannot be materialized, at the same time the promised will that God desires also cannot be fulfilled.

Today, even if we do not possess anything of the world, we must fully possess the mind and body of Jesus. We must be recognized for our value as the center that represents heaven and earth. Yet our recognized value must not stagnate in any one sphere of limitation. We must become invaluable beings whom the creation and heaven cannot but welcome.

The flesh and blood of Jesus do not affect only the earth. It is not the case that it can only be applied on the earth. Just as the course of faith is applicable in heaven, they are applied also in heaven. Therefore, if we totally receive the flesh and blood of Jesus, our wishes will be completed in heaven and on earth. What is more, the completed wishes will replace the wishes of Jesus and the wishes of the Holy Spirit on earth.

In this way, the two must become one and take charge of the work that Jesus and the Holy Spirit has been doing. We must go forward until we reach the state when we can let Jesus and the Holy Spirit rest and make another promise with God. You must not forget that only by doing so, the new dispensation of God, the whole history of the dispensation of Heaven, will finally reside on a victorious foundation and move forward.

Prayer 3

Father! We know that on the earth, the battle for truth is taking place, while in heaven, competition for love is going on. We know that the one purpose of the fight for truth on the earth symbolizes the body of Jesus and tries to bring that to a conclusion. We also know that the reason we make our wishes toward Heaven and long for love is to consummate the will of the flesh of Jesus.

We have realized that the crossing point of love and truth is the victorious foundation in which Jesus can dwell, where the Holy Spirit can dwell, and where God can operate. The victorious foundation of the Father is not to be settled centering on Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Let it be solidified through us who are on the earth.

Father! Please allow Your beloved children who have gathered here to stand now before the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and call out, "Oh! Father! Lord! Holy Spirit!" and let Heaven be shaken by that voice. Please let the earth move. Father, I earnestly hope and wish that You would grant that which our hearts desire. Let our voice calling out, "Father," penetrate through Heaven and wrap around and move all things on the earth.

Please allow the purpose behind Jesus' giving of his flesh and blood to us be accomplished through us, and allow us to earn the dignity of children who can serve the Father and live eternally in the garden of victory that represents the character of Jesus. Father, we earnestly wish and hope for these things.

Now, please allow the blood of Jesus to soak through our minds, and let our minds become entangled with the flesh of Jesus. Please allow our wishes and will to represent the hope and will of Heaven. Because we could not free ourselves from the sin of having killed Jesus, which we inherited through the lineage, we could not totally eradicate today the elements of Satan's essential nature. Father, please indemnify all the elements of sin and evil, and fill us only with the grace of life.

Father, we hope from the bottom of our hearts that You will govern over everything and manifest through us the value of the blood of Jesus, which represents life, and that You will manifest Jesus' victorious garden of glory that represents the body. Offering gratitude for Your grace in having taken care of everything, I prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Chapter 9 The Responsibility of Those Who Have Become the Root

The Responsibility of Those Who Have Become the Root

Genesis 18:22-19:12 Isaiah 6:11-13

June 1, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

Prayer 1

Beloved Father! You know the hearts of the children who have gathered here, so please allow every cell of their bodies to move toward the Father of compassion. Please let the whole of their minds and bodies become captured by Your hands of love. Please let them emerge as the essence of harmony of the whole. Purify them in this hour to become the soldiers of Heaven who can put their life on the line and dash forward for the sake of testifying to Your words.

Father, please consider with sympathy the many children who have gathered here. We know that we must walk the fateful course of restoration, which requires us to ascend each level by relying on the words of life that You have permitted, Father of love, so please extend the hands of love, and holding onto our unworthy hands, please guide us. We lay down before You, joining our minds and bodies, Father, so please grab us and lead us. Raising us up, please convert our minds into the mind of God. I sincerely hope and desire this.

Father, please bless the many people who are participating here, and please allow God's miracle of life, inspiration and resurrection to take place. We have divulged all the concepts of this world that we hold and have come before You with the meek and humble heart of a child. Father, with Your hands of grace, please give rise to the miracle of recreation. Please reveal the fire of the Holy Spirit. Beloved Father, we wish that You would unveil the love that was hidden, and let these ones open the door of the blocked off realm of death in the last days, and that You will allow the Father's glory of victory to be revealed.

We know that we do not need many words now. Even if the children who have gathered here do not receive many words, please lead them to digest fully the grace You have granted them. God, our Father, in this hour we have made the pledge and determination toward You in order to fulfill the promised will that You have allowed, so please fill all the empty vessels. Please raise us up as the children who can be intoxicated in Your abundant love and return glory to the Father. In this hour, please allow the grace that will guide us to become the children You can love. We wish this sincerely.

Please tie together the heart of the speaker and the heart of the listener, and let our minds move in step with the movement of Heaven. Let our bodies move in synchronization with the movement of Heaven, so that we can model after and take after the nature and image of the Father. We earnestly wish and desire that this be done.

Wishing that the remaining hour will also be full of Your compassionate guidance and words, we prayed in the name of the loving Lord. Amen.

Prayer 2

In this day that You have allowed us, we have lain prostrate for the sake of bowing before the Father, so please penetrate into the heart of each individual who has gathered here and please nurture in them impeccable minds. Loving Father, we earnestly wish and desire that You allow the bows we offer in this hour to become the bows of comfort that can soothe Your anguished heart. Let this hour be the time when You can command us and entrust Your will to us.

Father! It was You who gathered these children here. It was also You who have moved them inside the realm of life by advising them, so please grant the fire of the Holy Spirit that You have promised and help each of our minds and bodies come together in harmony to bring happiness to everyone. Loving Father, we hope fervently that the whole of the holy nature that You demand will come out into the light in this hour.

Father, please pour down upon the children who have gathered here the love of compassion, and move everyone's heart to lean toward the glory of Heaven through the work of the Holy Spirit. By doing so, we earnestly hope that You will accept this hour as the time of bowing when we can represent all of humanity and all of the creation in heaven and on earth. Opening the door of the holy of the holies and going near the Father, we pray we may offer the living sacrifice of victory.

Please raise these people to stand near You on the foundation of our bows. Going one step further, we fervently hope that You will bestow an opportunity when the whole of humanity can escape from the realm of sin and evil and cross over into the realm of goodness that You, Father, govern.

We know that even now, dotted all across this land, there are those who are praying ardently and building altars before Heaven, representing the people. No matter where people are bowing toward Heaven, we pray that You will bless each place with the same grace and will prophesy the whole dispensation You are going to reveal in the last days. We pray that You will fulfill the will You wanted to realize through this people, and that by accomplishing their mission to testify, the people can lay the foundation to bring joy to God.

In this hour, we have put down before You the heart that will enable everyone's mind and body to bow before the Father and obey. Please, without any hesitation, give to them directives as to all that You promise and plan to fulfill.

Wishing that the works of the Trinity will abundantly fall upon our heads, I prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The topic of the talk I want to give now is "The Responsibility of Those Who Have Become the Root." If you look at Isaiah 6:11, it is written, "Then I said, 'For how long, O Lord?' He answered: 'Until the cities lie ruined and without inhabitant, until the houses are left deserted and the fields ruined and ravaged, until the Lord has sent everyone far away and the land is utterly forsaken. And though a tenth remains in the land, it will again be laid waste. As the terebinth and oak leave stumps when they are cut down, so the holy seed will be the stump in the land.'" Here God reiterates that if any root remains, He is going to use that root to blossom new buds and begin a new dispensation.

The ancestors of humankind, Adam and Eve, should have fulfilled the hope and ideal of all humanity with the one immutable root of heaven and earth. However, you know very well that because they fell, that fundamental root was dug up, pulled out and transplanted in the satanic world.

The Center of God's Dispensation

For this reason, the central point of the dispensation God has been guiding until today is to find the fundamental root that could become the root of man's happiness in the Garden of Eden. It is the root of the ideals, the root of life or the root of love. In other words, God's dispensation was to find again that fundamental root God had tried to implant through Adam and Eve. Although the countless prophets and sages who have upheld the will of the dispensation in the course of history did not understand the situation of Heaven, the suffering that they have gone through for the sake of the will has laid the groundwork on which to receive the lost root, the goal of the dispensation, as the unchanging, substantial being.

During the 4,000 years since the beginning of dispensational history, the Jesus you believe in is the one who was raised to claim back the root lost in the Garden of Eden. In other words, the mission of Jesus Christ was to re-establish on the fallen earth the one vineyard that God can manage freely after He acquires the root that can be used as the base and then perpetuate it forever. This is the very purpose for which God sent Jesus to this earth.

You must understand that the 4,000-year period since the embarking of the dispensation of Heaven to the time of the coming of Jesus was a path of suffering on which countless saints and sages shed tears and blood centering on the will of Heaven. In other words, you must never forget that, although there have been different dispensational wills representing the tribe, people, nation, world or history, by the time the dispensational will centering on that tribe and history passed through the chosen region or environment, there were the ordeals of countless prophets and sages before it who became the root. Jesus was sent as the substantial person who could cultivate the root on the individual, societal and world levels.

We who believe in Jesus today must know that all the ordeals of Jesus during his thirty years of life and in his work of the 2,000 years since his death was borne on behalf of the world. What is more, you must understand the tribulations of the prophets and sages who, as the hidden root, faced difficult crises in history and have been fighting with the enemy in the background until the time when they are established as the perfected root.

Abraham Lived a Life Full of Unseen Ordeals

Abraham was the one in the historical background who made it possible for Jesus to be established as the perfected being. Abraham possessed a concealed character of virtue. He did not betray Heaven even when he was in an environment where no one recognized him. In other words, even when he was in a situation where he was captured by the enemy country inside the satanic realm and faced the temptation to betray the will of Heaven, he did not. Abraham, who was like the hidden root, did not evade any situation but overcame all of them, even when the era was laden with vices, history was haunted by confusion and the environment was chaotic. In fact, he felt heartbroken about the declining cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and appealed to Heaven on their behalf.

Even if someone who is evil and wicked has something special, it is human nature to want to boast about it. But for a long time Abraham kept the grand dispensational will promised to him in his heart. He upheld that dispensation for the sake of fulfilling the will of God. As the chosen root, no matter who touched him or tried to uproot him, he persisted in his way for the purpose of laying down the solid and unshakable foundation. Even when he was subjected to all kinds of persecution and ridicule, he lived a life of unseen ordeals in which he persevered and overcame.

Similarly, Abraham not only set an unchanging condition before Heaven, but also, his sacrificial life for the sake of all of humanity became the seed that was sown. At the same time, his distressed heart was determined that if he could establish one fixed standard that could turn even evil people toward God, he would then cling onto it and never change.

Sodom and Gomorrah deserved to be punished by God, but it had nothing to do with the place where Abraham was. Although it did not directly concern Abraham whether or not the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah understood the will of God or whether the people were doomed, because he had a sense of mission toward the dispensation of Heaven and he felt that he must take the responsibility, he was concerned and anxious about the two cities night and day. What is written in the biblical verses reveals such internal feelings of Abraham.

Today when we are witnessing the concluding period of the 6,000-year history, you are able to sleep in peace, wear good clothes and eat good food, not because of some merit on your part. You will be doomed if that is what you think. The reasons that the world can at least sustain us like this is because in the background, there were unknown people who have become the hidden root and were building the altar of appeal on which they have been shedding tears and blood. You have the mission to propagate this fact to all people.

If there were people inside Sodom and Gomorrah who knew that Abraham's fervent prayer was reaching Heaven and that he was having a direct conversation with God, moreover, if there were some righteous people who could recognize Abraham among that crowd, then Abraham would have appealed earnestly to Heaven to put forth some condition that could save Sodom and Gomorrah from the fate of judgment. If there were even just a few righteous people, no matter how wicked Sodom and Gomorrah were, Abraham would have used the fact that there were righteous people as a condition, and would have appealed to God, "Father, who determines and judges with justice, is not judging both the good and the evil people equally with fire contrary to Your will?" Nonetheless, you must understand that when he realized that it was only he who was praying for Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham's heart was deeply hurt.

Do you know the main reason Abraham became the historical figure? You must never forget that more than caring for his own happiness and comfort, Abraham risked his life for the sake of his tribe, without others even knowing about it.

The Reason Abraham Could Become the Ancestor of Faith

The reason Jesus could emerge as the fruit of faith was also because such persons as Abraham came before him in the dispensation of Heaven and played the role of the root concealed under the ground. In other words, even if all the others were to be undermined, because there was someone like Abraham, who demonstrated eternally unchanging faith toward Heaven and played the role of the root, on that foundation Jesus Christ could be born.

Abraham's course of ordeals which others did not know about was even greater than that in which Abram ("exalted father") from the individual level was elevated to Abraham ("father of many nations") who was chosen to be the ancestor of faith. We should reflect back on our own past and, making a one-to-one comparison between ourselves and Abraham, we should deeply repent. What is more, we must experience the situation in which Abraham found himself.

Just as Abraham built the altar of the concealed root in regard to Sodom and Gomorrah, you must also possess the zealous heart of Abraham, who prayed and appealed fervently for the region he lived in and its people. You must never forget that you should inherit the foundation of faith that Abraham established on the basis of his hardships, which was a condition much like the concealed root.

The family of Abraham, the ancestor of faith, was promised a blessing. Through Isaac, Jacob and Moses, this was raised to the level of the people, and eventually expanded to the worldwide level. If there had been no loyalty and faith in Abraham that had penetrated deeply into Heaven, then there could not have emerged a relationship on the earth that could create a bond with Heaven.

Today everyone wants to show off the good things they possess. They want to bring it out and brag about it. Nonetheless, while someone who wants to divulge it and let others know about it might fulfill a responsibility analogous to a branch, he can never take on the responsibility of a root.

Do you know what the secret was behind Abraham's rise to the position of the ancestor of faith? Because his heart of longing toward Heaven and love for the earth was so extraordinary, he could build a wide and solid ground for the relationship with the Father in Heaven and could become the ancestor of faith.

Moses, the Leader of the People

The same is true of Moses. Until the time he was elevated as the leader of the people, there were the forty years of unknown tribulations in the palace, where he was living as a concealed root. While he was staying in the opulent and splendid palace, he did not eat sumptuous meals or wear luxurious clothes, and he did not live a cheerful life. While he was living in the palace, during every hour of his eating, dressing and sleeping, he was always thinking about the Israelites. Among the Jewish people, only Moses maintained an unchanging heart of loyalty toward Heaven, despite they knowing about it.

Even while he was inside the bosom of the enemy, as the nucleus of immutability, he determined repeatedly that no matter what kind of environment oppressed him and even if there was something blocking his heart from extending to Heaven, he would not change. Because there was this forty-year period when he exerted himself internally to the utmost with an unchanging heart toward Heaven, in the days that followed it was possible for him to have an explosive power of love toward the people.

Moses might appear to you to be a person with a bad temper, but in truth this is not the case. The fury that Moses felt when he saw the Egyptian and the Israelite fighting and when he then killed the Egyptian was not caused by a sudden impulse of the moment. When he saw that sight, the heart of internal sorrow with which he had appealed to Heaven on behalf of the people for forty years finally exploded. In other words, when he saw that injustice being done to the chosen people of Israel, he felt an irrepressible indignation and beat the Egyptian to death. His love toward the Jewish people and his righteous indignation toward the Egyptian was the internal cause behind the action of Moses. What is more, there was providential significance in the actions of Moses.

The reason that Moses could not surmount his indignation and beat the Egyptian to death was because he was concerned about and felt responsible for the fate of the Israelites. Compared to the sin that the Egyptians committed in their oppression of the Jewish people, Moses' action was minuscule, so God chose Moses as the leader of the people, the one who was concerned about the people more than anyone else. However, the Jewish people misunderstood Moses and divulged the fact that he had killed the Egyptian. As a result, when Moses found out it could not be hidden, he had no choice but to escape to the Midian wilderness.

Moses, who lived in the Midian wilderness, felt shameful about the luxurious life he had led in the palace. He forgot the glorious days of the past when he had lived in a free environment and the daughter of the Pharaoh gave him all that he wanted. Although he became a nameless shepherd who wore clothes made out of lamb's wool and drove the flock of sheep from one place to another, as he was watching the flock, he longed for the land of Canaan that had been promised to his distant ancestor, Abraham.

Moses appealed to Heaven with a penetrating heart. He prayed that although he was doing no more than driving sheep, one day he was going to guide the people to enter the land of Canaan just like he drove the flock of sheep. Just as Abraham had prayed for the sake of the people in Sodom and Gomorrah without them being aware of it, Moses gave all that he had, whether he was eating, starving, sleeping or awake, in prayer for the sake of the people.

When Moses saw the suffering of the Israelite people under the oppression and cruelty of the Egyptians, he felt such great anguish it was as if his bones were melting, and he appealed to Heaven, "Jehovah! Please, on my behalf, treat the people with sympathy." So God chose Moses, who had a remarkable heart of appeal, as the leader of the multitude of 600,000 people, to lead them out of Egypt. He let Moses, a shepherd in the Midian wilderness, insignificant in the eyes of others, inherit the concealed root that came down from the ancestors and made him the representative of the people. What is more, He guided the Israelites to become one with Moses and enter the land of Canaan.

The Jewish People Did Not Know the Hidden Foundation of Moses' Devotion

When Moses entered Egypt after receiving the promise from Heaven, he was ecstatic. However, he was not satisfied by the joy. He could pioneer the path of survival for the people because of the fulfillment of the will that he had appealed for before Heaven, in which he pledged that he would offer his life to guide the people to the land of Canaan. He was not just satisfied at that. He gained a sense of mission and responsibility that he would diligently carry out the second part of his responsibility.

From then on, Moses did not act centering on himself. From trivial things to grand events, there was not one thing that he carried out without making a connection with God first.

In this way, Moses entered the palace of the Pharaoh, and by performing more than ten miracles and plagues, he could lead the Israelites into the danger laden wilderness. The Jewish people should have become one with Moses there. In other words, although the wilderness was fraught with danger, as the Jewish people escaped to the environment of freedom and headed toward the land of Canaan, the mind of the people should have become one with the mind of Moses. They should not have had differences in opinion and thought with Moses, who had rescued them from the palace of the Pharaoh. Nonetheless, because they did not unite with Moses, they walked a path that was not in line with the way of Heaven, and they met their doom. What was the reason they were doomed?

They did not know the foundation of the hidden devotion behind the appeal that Moses made while becoming their leader. What is more, although Moses suffered all kinds of hardships from the day he rescued them from Egypt and cared for them, they did not recognize his suffering and ordeals. Consequently, they were divided from Moses in the wilderness, and eventually, they fell in the middle of the wilderness. The history of the Israelites' unfaithfulness toward Moses is being repeated by the believers of the last days today.

The Believers of the Last Days Must be Awakened

Although Jesus came to this earth and toiled for the sake of humanity for thirty years, and he came down to meet humankind for 2,000 years after his death and worked through his love and grace, humankind is not sincerely worshipping Jesus in their lives. What is more, to the believers of the last days, there might occur a fearsome event similar to the one in which the Israelites could not completely uphold the will of God by not believing in Moses, who tried to lead the people into the land of Canaan. When he came face to face with the fact that the Jewish people were not one with him, Moses regretted before Heaven his own lack of ability before he scolded the people for their unfaithfulness. In other words, when he went up to Mount Sinai and offered a forty-day fasting prayer, he cried out, "Father, why is this people not able to enter the land that You have promised, even when it is laying before their eyes? Who does the blame fall upon? The responsibility lies in me. It is because I could not fulfill my responsibility. Thus, please accept me as the sacrifice and prevent the people from walking toward the path of destruction." You must understand that Moses had this unheralded period of devotion.

If the Israelites had known that Moses was fasting with a heart of anguish, not for his own sake but for theirs, they would not have made the golden calf and worshipped it to show off their unfaithfulness during the forty-day fasting period of Moses. Moreover, when Moses, who represented the blessing of the people, was being offered to Heaven as a secret sacrifice, if they had sympathized with him, and if, reflecting on his past hardships, they had shed tears with Moses and appealed to Heaven, then they would not have left God.

Just as Moses walked a lonely path by himself representing the people, Jesus walked a similar course. In other words, Jesus Christ, who was made the center of the world through the historical sacrifice of Abraham, as well as through Moses' course of sacrifice representing the people, followed the example of Abraham who had removed the condition of accusation of Satan on behalf of his family and that of Moses who did the same on behalf of the people. Jesus had to eliminate all the conditions of accusation by himself on behalf of the humanity of the world, and he had to lay the victorious foundation of indemnity.

Jesus Is the Center of the Victory and the Savior of Humankind

You have to understand that such responsibility lies on the shoulders of Jesus. For this reason, until the immutable foundation is built throughout the worldwide foundation, Jesus himself must not be limited to just himself. Therefore, Jesus displayed more loyalty than any other central figure of faith who remained loyal to Heaven during the 4,000-year course of history. He sacrificed himself for the sake of the whole.

Similarly, through the thirty years of his life, Jesus formulated the shape of the center representing the whole within the sphere of his mission, which no one else in history could achieve. You must understand that if he could not become such a central figure, then he could not have become the spearhead responsible for the worldwide dispensation.

Faithful believers today believe that Jesus bore the cross of his generation, but you should not limit your understanding of Jesus to that. Before Jesus' death on the cross, there was the altar of hardships that Abraham built, and there was Moses' course of ordeals. What is more, feeling the anguish of the people and humanity who are caught up in affliction and misery, Jesus pleaded with Heaven, "Please let us bear the burden of pain and please grant them the eternal ideal That they demand." To take responsibility for their anguish, he could not spend even one day in peace.

Because Jesus cared even for the people who were in the bosom of the enemy, and because he led a life focused more on the will of the whole that he was responsible for rather than on his own happiness, he was made the central figure and the Savior of humankind, and won the victory in the fight with the satanic world. What then must we faithful believers of the last days realize? We must repent for the fact that, until now, we have failed to shed tears in concern and prayer for the sake of evil people. The more people are going to be judged in the last days, the more we must pray for their sake. Moreover, we must never forget that behind us there is Jesus, who is concerned about us and praying for us. If we forsake Jesus and lapse into faithlessness, then there will be no way we can escape judgment in the last days.

The Believers in the Last Days Must Fulfill Their Mission as the Root

If the people of Sodom and Gomorrah of the past had heeded the warning given through Abraham and Lot about the judgment of God and had repented for their past evil doings, they might have been able to avoid judgment. Since historical events can teach us about the events of the future, we who are in the last days today must also reflect upon our past life and repent. Therefore, just as Moses climbed up Mount Sinai and prayed for the unfaithful Jewish people, we must clearly understand that, even in this hour, Jesus is praying for our sake on the spiritual Mount Sinai.

The heart of Jesus, who has prayed for the sake of humanity from his Heavenly throne for the last 2,000 years, surpassed the distressed and desperate heart of Moses, who had clung onto the Jewish people and prayed. Thus, you who are on the earth must know this and live according to the will of Jesus. In the past, Abraham prayed to God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah from judgment if there were ten righteous people, but because there were not even ten, they faced the judgment of God.

Therefore, just as Jesus has prayed for the sake of humankind from Heaven since the day that he passed away on the cross until today, and just as Moses prayed on Mount Sinai, you must experience the same sorrowful heart. Grabbing hold of this era, you must be concerned and pray in place of Jesus. What is more, you must never forget to seek, in your prayers day and night, the person who can take over the worldwide mission of Jesus and represent the prophets and sages of history. If in the last days there is not even one person who can remain on the earth as the root, then just as the Israelites fell down in the wilderness, the land we live in will not be able to escape fearsome judgment when it enters the concluding days on the world level.

What then must we do today? Because you are like the hidden root, we must possess the spirit of Jesus and answer the wishes of the ancestors who have longed for one central root as they passed through the course of history. Moreover, you must be able to be in step with the heart of Jesus who has toiled for 2,000 years until today, longing for the day of the Second Advent. This is the problem. Thus, you must now make a comparison between the historical central figures and yourself, and do an analysis. In other words, putting yourself in positions comparable to Abraham, Moses and Jesus, you must analyze whether your heart is the same as their heart, whether your wishes are the same as theirs, and whether or not their suffering and grief are the same as yours.

Now you must learn how to start with empty hands and go before Heaven to build high the altar of appeal. You have to understand the heart of Abraham, who pleaded before Heaven for the sake of Sodom and Gomorrah. The reason Abraham prayed for Sodom and Gomorrah was not for the sake of his own children or his nephew, Lot. Because he forgot everything else and built the hidden altar of devotion, Lot, who was related by blood to Abraham, could escape the judgment.

Those who claim to believe pray, "Please let my will be fulfilled." We should not offer this kind of prayer. Instead, we should pray, "Rather than my own will, please fulfill the will of God." When the will of Heaven is fulfilled, the will that we long for will also be realized. Therefore, we should not pray, "Please let my will be fulfilled." We must pray with the most devout heart, "Father, since You have put me in this position and called upon me, please let Your will be fulfilled through me." What you have to understand now is that the remaining task you have received is not a task just for your own generation, but it is a task that comes down all the way from Abraham and through Jesus.

You who are living in this era must represent all the tribal sects since the time of Moses, and, representing the tribal sect that Jesus needed, you must fulfill the will that God demands. In this way, even if this earth is evil and this land is dark, even if this earth is to perish, you must still become the concealed root that God has implanted.

What Heaven Demands of Us in this Era

Today Heaven requires us to fulfill the mission of religion on the foundation of individual faith. That mission is completing the responsibility similar to the one of Abraham. Next, the question is whether or not you have mourned and strived to save the thirty million people of Korea from the misery they are suffering, applying all of your heart and will to the utmost, just as Moses tried so hard with a distressed heart for the sake of the Jewish people. What is more, Jesus will ask whether you have strived to live for the sake of the humanity on behalf of Jesus, just as since the time of the creation until now, God has worked so hard to save humankind.

When you are then asked whether you have led the same life as Abraham, Moses and Jesus, you must be able to answer, "Yes, don't you already know that about us? The concealed root is found not just in us, but also inside God." When you become such persons, the fidelity of faith that Abraham demonstrated will bear fruit through you, and the will that Moses longed for will be fulfilled through you. All the elements of sorrow that Jesus held within him will be resolved through you.

If that kind of person can be found on the earth, then the hearts of Abraham, Moses and Jesus will be liberated from the sorrow that they suffered in their lifetime. Therefore, if there is such a person, you must serve him with all of your heart and soul. If there is no such person, then you yourself must become that person, and if there is such a person, then you must lift him up in place of Abraham, Moses and Jesus, and attend him. In doing so, you should say, "Please pray more for the sake of the people, please go out and do more." Going one step further, even if you cannot become the sacrifice that can be offered to Heaven, you must at least become the person who is building the altar.

Therefore, today you must call God, "Father." If you cannot directly feel God, who could not play the role of the master in the course of history from the creation of the universe until now, you will not be liberated in this generation. Accordingly, you must build the altar of prayer on behalf of all that, just as Abraham, Moses and Jesus prayed.

Chapter 8 Let Us Claim Back the World of God's Dominion and Offer It to Him

Let Us Claim Back the World of God's Dominion and Offer It to Him

Matthew 22:15-22

Former Church Headquarters

June 27, 1956

Prayer 1

Beloved Father, we pitiful ones have come, longing to be embraced in Your bosom. Please govern our minds and bodies. Please govern over our whole being. Allow us to realize the minds and bodies about which You can be happy. Please allow this hour to be immersed in the glory and righteousness of the Father.

Beloved Father! Please have sympathy for those who have gathered here longing for You. If the Father is not present in them, then they are the most pathetic and lonely people. Father, please have dominion over them all. Beloved Father, I honestly hope and desire that You will be at work to make them become the heroes who can fulfill their wishes.

We have gathered our scattered hearts in this hour and are bowing down before You to offer gifts to Your sacred image. Father, I wish that You eradicate, from the beginning to the end of this hour, all the elements in us that are not acceptable to You and move our hearts.

We know that in this day, Father, there are many who have gathered here to seek blessing, so please work a miracle with the grace of the Trinity wherever they gather. Beloved Father, we pray that the time will come in the near future when the same grace can be given to every one of them who praises Your glory and to every place they gather to take charge of the responsibility given to them in the last days.

Isolated members have gathered on this day to build an altar undisclosed to others and they are bowing down, so please appear as the master of life for the whole, and appear as the spirit of resurrection for the whole. Please do not let their work of life and resurrection cease on the earth, and allow this place to be filled only with the honor to return joy to God by bringing harmony to the countless saints in heaven and to all of creation.

From the beginning to the end, please do not allow Satan to invade. Sincerely wishing that the victorious Father of glory will protect us, I prayed in the name of the loving Lord. Amen.

Prayer 2

Beloved Father! We brothers and sisters who do not possess anything have come before the Father's knees. Please do not let them feel self- centered emotions. Please let them not possess any valuable thing centering on themselves without first living for the sake of Heaven and the Father. Let everything be offered as a sacrifice for the sake of the dispensation of God.

We are pitiful ones whose minds and bodies are under the dark shadows, so Father, please have sympathy. We are stretching our weak and powerless hands toward the sky, so Father, please extend Your hands of compassion. We who used to be dragged toward Satan are now stretching our arms toward Heaven and crying out, so Father, please embrace us. Even if we stand on this perilous earth that Satan governs over, beloved Father, please raise us to become the shield of Heaven who possess the eternal heart of God, the valiant soldiers and children who can become the pride of Heaven.

Father, Your beloved children have gathered here now. Although the natures of those who gathered here may differ greatly, they earnestly wish to take after You, so please receive them with a single heart. Giving them commandments, please allow them to obey Your directions and to testify to the heart of Heaven.

Those children whom the Father has called upon have gathered here in this hour, so please lead them to fight against the enemy, Satan, who is spread out all over the world, and to become capable enough to block off all approaching crises with the shield of victory. Please let us stand in the position of ones who give rather than ones who take, and please allow us to bring out our full value and become sources of Your glory.

Father, these beloved children of Yours who are tired from difficulties and surrounded by disaster, if You do not grab hold of them tight they will become the most pitiful ones. There are trials, crises and grief accompanying every step they take and in every environment they dwell in, so please guard them and protect them.

We could fight until now because You have toiled and been concerned about us. They are experiencing Your tribulations and shedding Your tears, so Father, please protect them eternally. Please defend them until the day when they can return the glory of Hosanna to the Father, representing all things that come with the joy of happiness, and offer bows of gratitude in the garden of the ultimate victory.

I am trying to convey the message that You have permitted this hour in Your place, so please remove all of their wrong thoughts and concepts, and please let the inspiring works of recreation and harmony pour forth. Please allow this hour to be a time when our minds and bodies cannot but be moved and intoxicated in Your love, that we may offer bows, submit and repent. In this hour, please allow them to receive the heart of Heaven without any hindrance. Wishing this earnestly, I prayed in the name of the beloved Lord. Amen.

The topic I want to speak about, centering on the Bible verse I have recited, is "Let Us Claim Back the World of God's Dominion and Offer It to Him." I will speak briefly on this topic.

The Task of Finding the Governing Lord, God

All the things God created in six days have been in a state of sorrow and difficulty until now, for they have not been able to serve the governing Lord, God. This remains before us as the fate we must resolve in the course of restoration. Accordingly, if we want to be elevated as the sacrifice that can pledge before Heaven and bring the victory, then we must bring the restoration of the dominion that God desires to a conclusion. Without doing that, we can never stand on firm footing as the victorious sacrifice. The reason that such a course lies before human beings is that after the fall, a world unfolded that nobody wants, a world Satan that dominates.

God, who had created all things to obtain joy through Adam and Eve, lost everything He had created because of their fall. He lost Adam and Eve and the creation. What is more, to everyone's surprise, Satan has taken over the position of God, the Creator, and has been dominating all things. This is the grief of God and the grief of the conscientious people and saints who have longed to take after the heart of God during restoration history until now.

If you bring created beings in front of you and ask what their wishes are, what answer would they give? Every one of them will answer, "Finding the governing Lord, God." Although God understands well that this is what all things seek, He cannot directly govern over them even if He wants to. You must understand that this is the lamentation of God.

What is the wish of men, who are part of the creation that God lost? It is to be governed directly by God, who used to govern according to the wishes and longings of every created being.

Today the mission lies before us to fulfill this; we are given the royal summons to carry it out. Therefore, we must restore God's dominion and at the same time restore the dominion of being the master of all things. Moreover, we must return the glory of gratitude for the grace that God reigns over. Today this kind of responsibility lies not with the creation, not with the soldiers and angels in heaven, but in us, we who amount to nothing.

Accordingly, if we fail in our responsibilities once, then we will lose dominion over the whole of Heaven. If we lose the original Heaven, then we will lose the whole hope of all things. Therefore, if we cannot fulfill the responsibility in our life that decides the historical fate, then we cannot stand before God, and we cannot emerge as the master of all things.

You are the center of the whole world of creation. You were endowed with creativity and were created to be the center of the internal world. The course you must walk is not to remain constrained within you.

If you live a life for the sake of the universe but only think about yourself, then God's ability to dominate and create will be undermined. You must understand that then the hope the creation has in you, that you may govern over it, will also be shattered.

Consequently, you must bring out the full value, which represents the position of Heaven's dominion over all of the creation. By doing so, you should be able to utter with your own mouth, "God, I have fulfilled all the purposes that You intended for me when you raised me up as the one You have sought, the original lord of dominion who represents the whole. God, please give me the command." This is the person God has longed for during the 6,000 years of the dispensation. Accordingly, the mission we share in common is to fight through the tribulations of God's 6,000 years and restore humankind by defeating the enemy, Satan.

As the representative of the whole, we must find the authority to govern. What specific things should we look for today?

Due to the fall, humankind lost God, who governs over the whole. We have lost God who governs over and is the root of the whole. Accordingly, today we must find the God who has created all things. In this way, you must obtain possession over all the things God has dominion over.

The Result of Losing God

What are our grief, sadness and lamentation? What is the sincere hope and wish that has been hidden deep within the course of dispensational history for 6,000 years? It is finding God, whom humankind, the universe, heaven and earth have lost. God is the hope we must seek and He is the root of the glory that represents the value of the whole. Therefore, to restore the dominion of God over the whole, you must be able to possess God. You must become people who can greet God.

What kind of being is God? You must understand that He is the God who created all things and who has been working hard to have dominion over the whole creation. Accordingly, if you come to possess God now, because that God is your God, if He is eternal, you also will become eternal. If He gains dominion over the whole world of creation, you will be able to stand in the position of the incarnation of God who can govern over all things. If you cannot raise yourself up, then you cannot say you possess God.

The reason there is so much sorrow and death on the earth is because we have lost God. What is more, by our losing God, Satan came to fill the role of the master. According to the principles of creation, humankind originally should have served God as the only master, but because of the fall, they have come to serve Satan as the master in place of God.

Before you lies the fateful responsibility to repossess the love of God. Yet who is blocking the path? Who opposes the will that the created world of all things serves God as the one center? It is Satan, who is inducing sin and evil in you today. Hence, if you cannot pull out the root of sin and evil implanted deep in your mind today, and if, representing humanity, you cannot build the world of God after defeating Satan, the betrayer of Heaven who has been fighting for 6,000 years, then you cannot exercise the dominion of God on the earth.

You are seeking freedom in your minds, but the question is what kind of freedom you are pursuing. If you cannot find God, you will become the servant of Satan. Accordingly, if you cannot possess God but instead possess Satan, you will become a traitor who violates the universal principles. You must understand this.

To Possess God

For what reason has God taught us the universal laws? It is to teach us the way to find and understand God. What is more, He carried on the 6,000-year course of history to teach us that way.

Today you realize that God exists because of your faith. All the members know that the nature of God is manifested as the essential nature of the creation. You must build a relationship with God for eternity that no one can sever.

When this happens, whether you are dashing east, west, south or north, no matter what kind of course you find yourself on, as long as God remains unchanging, your right to possess God will not be affected. If you cannot stand in such a position, then the expectations and hope that God has toward you will remain incomplete and unfulfilled. If that happens, then Satan has the condition to invade because of you, and God's sorrow will not be removed. You have to understand this.

What do we have to do in this position? First, we must cast off the accusations of Satan. We must be recognized just as Jesus was acknowledged: "Indeed, you are the son of God who is qualified to possess God and build a relationship of oneness with God." You must realize that if you cannot restore this kind of day, you cannot step forward as the master of the creation before God, who governs all things.

Due to the fall, humankind lost God and lost the original nature. Moreover, when we analyze ourselves, we can see that when we lost God, we also lost our original mind. You must rely on your mind. If you cannot control your mind as you will, then you cannot possess God, and God cannot build a relationship with you.

When your mind establishes the eternal standard of reciprocity with God, you can possess God, and God can dominate your mind as He wills. Therefore, just as God and Jesus became one in mind, you must become one with the mind of God to be in the state of having attained oneness with God. If you cannot stand in such a state, then your mind will not cannot rid itself of the conditions of Satan's accusations.

Originally, humankind should have lived according to the purpose that the mind desires, within the limits of the will that God demands. By doing so, humankind should have represented the whole ideology of God and entered the position of being the second God. However, due to the fall, humankind lost the original mind that can achieve this. Consequently, the condition is such that human beings today must suffer grief in order to find this original mind.

Therefore, we must purify our minds through Jesus Christ. Although our minds are trapped in sorrow, we must give rise to a new mind when we face the universe and rectify the original heart that can find its way through the darkness. By doing so, you must link with the heart of God and connect with the minds of humankind who are stranded in the realm of death, and create the mind that can revive them. If you are unable to do this, then you must realize that you do not possess the heart that can eternally possess God, and at the very least, must repent.

When we offer ourselves fully to God, we do not do our utmost just for a certain time period. As long as God remains unchanging, you are to secure the unchanging heart toward God during your life. In other words, you must lay the foundation of heart that Satan cannot invade with any kind of condition. This must be built the immutable system in the future. It must become the fundamental principle for walking the path of the universe.

Now, you must understand that if you do not possess the heart that God can take pride in, you cannot be in the position to win the sympathy of God.

Jesus, Who Possessed God

When humankind restores its dominion over the whole by finding their original hearts, then they will be granted the authority to command any being in the creation through the activities of their minds. Thus far, no one has perfected the mind's ability to dominate like this.

Moreover, we still stagnate in the sorrowful state where human beings cannot assert their authority to act systematically according to the will of God. Satan has much cause to rejoice due to this. As long as humankind remains stagnant, this condition puts God into a state of anguish. You must clearly understand this.

What was the wish that God wanted to realize through Jesus, whom He sent after 4,000 years of preparation? Because in the course of 4,000 years, there was not even one person who gained possession of the God who was lost, Jesus wished that humankind could possess God through him.

Consequently, Jesus arose as the perfected possessor of God. What is more, Jesus was the person who was sent to represent the mind of humankind in the human world and the external aspect of God's heart.

Two thousand years have passed since the coming of Jesus. What is the condition of glory that every people, tribe and individual must come to possess? It is none other than possessing God. It is the hope of Jesus and God that such a person will come forward.

Jesus came to the earth and possessed God. Furthermore, as his mind established the base of reciprocity with human beings, his body represented the body of God.

Jesus emerged after setting the standard to own the mind of God and the creation. He came bodily with the principled right of possession.

Therefore, the day he appeared was the day of God representing the whole universe.

Suppose the saints of today, believing in Jesus and understanding God, obtain God's comprehensive right of unchanging possession. What would they do? You must join the standard of value centering on that right of possession with your mind and your physical body and present it before the whole of heaven and earth. This is what Jesus left behind on the earth. You must understand that the ideology of the Second Advent of today longs for that day to come.

What is the mission the Lord of the Second Advent must do after he comes to the earth? What is the ultimate purpose Christians must fulfill in the last days? No matter how much Christians have come to possess God with their minds, or no matter how much you have come to possess God with your minds, there still remains one condition (of accusation) and that is the fact that you have failed to own your body. For this reason, you must complete your right to possess your body now and emerge as the embodiment of God's love and the incarnation who can testify to the original nature of God. When will such people emerge? You must understand that Jesus came to raise such people.

The Restoration of the Body and the Comprehensive Right of Ownership

After Jesus passed away, the Holy Spirit was sent to the earth in order to complete that task. Therefore, you must now become one with the subjectivity of mind that Jesus has and the comprehensive subjectivity of God. Then, having become one with the rights of possession of yourself and God, you must appear and bring out the value of the Holy Spirit with your body. Jesus could not thoroughly manifest the value of the body because his spirit was separated from his body. You must display the aspect of Jesus' mind and the value of the Holy Spirit, who has become one with God.

Therefore, the purpose of the 4,000-year history was to transfer the right to possess the mind of humankind in the conventional realm to the natural right of possession. This task is not that difficult. Nonetheless, the difficulty in the course of the dispensation lies in that it must be materialized in the body. The value of that concept must be manifested in a relative value, which is the body.

In his life of thirty years, Jesus came to possess God and that mind for the sake of this task, but he has not been able even now to escape from the realm of Satan's accusation in the 2,000 years since. He has not been able to be ensconced in an impenetrable position that is not subject to the trials of Satan. Jesus has been accused by Satan in the spirit world, and the Holy Spirit has been accused by Satan in the physical world.

There still remains the unfulfilled course of going over the three stages in the physical realm, which is the principle of creation. Because of this, Satan retains even today the condition to fight with Jesus, and he can even present conditions to fight with God and the Holy Spirit. This is what you must understand. Moreover, you must know that although you have possessed God in your minds on the foundation of Jesus' thirty-year life course, because you could not possess God in your body, until now God could not govern over our bodies.

Humankind today is in the position to have to strike their own bodies. What is the purpose behind that? The reason that one strikes the body is to eliminate Satan. Furthermore, by striking the body, the Holy Spirit can conquer it. Thus, the reason that we strike our body is to set the condition for the Holy Spirit to occupy our body. To strike our own bodies is to strike Satan. By striking Satan, the Holy Spirit can occupy what had been previously conquered by Satan. Because of this, one can possess God, possess the original conscience, and possess the body. When this takes place, we can claim the merit of having finally brought to completion the eternal and unchanging right of possession, which represents all the creation in heaven and on earth.

Accordingly, if that state is not established, you cannot say that you have struck your body. Only after you find it can you erect the subjective standard of the whole and receive glory in the place of God. Moreover, because there is this will in the background, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have been laboring even after Jesus' death, until now. Therefore, for anyone who has the spiritual and physical, even for someone who is in the satanic realm, the 2,000 years of the mournful dispensational history of God was the time when the providence was being carried on with the hope that the Holy Spirit would one day take over.

Now we must look back at our past with this perspective. As long as you still have the (unclaimed) right to possess God, there will always be sorrow for God, who is the Lord of Dominion. Accordingly, when you think about the fact that the sadness incurred in God and the world of creation is because of you, you must repent for your sins today. The reason you repent for the sins you committed is so that you can establish heartistic merit. We must make a worthwhile repentance in which we can say that we have come to possess God, who is the Lord of Dominion over the whole.

The Reason You Must Repent for the Sins You Have Committed

Until now, faithful believers have led a life in which they struck their bodies, but this must not continue forever. The purpose of striking the body is to help the Holy Spirit occupy the body and make it possible for it to receive the love of God. Christians today completely forget that they have the responsibility to do this. They have forgotten it for 2,000 years. Where the godly love of the physical body is neglected, the love of the spiritual cannot be complete.

The reason is that when the mind becomes one with God and the body becomes one with the mind, then the body will move naturally. It is a universal principle that progress will occur through the complete giving and receiving action between the mind and body centering on God. It is the law of the creation that wherever there are unity and good giving and receiving action on a reciprocal base, the creation of one demonstrative, substantial body will take place. Only then is it complete.

The reason that God created all things is that He Himself wanted to be happy. When one does one's utmost to forge unity between one's mind and the mind of God, you can become one with God. Furthermore, the foundation will be laid to become one with humankind on the earth, so the dispensation of heaven on earth will unfold in a new way. Accordingly, when mind and body become one within you and you build a relationship with the Holy Spirit, we can restore God's victorious subjectivity over the whole. This is what you must understand.

What we find is that in walking toward the will of God, there is more than just one way. There are front, back, left, right and all four directions. Nonetheless, human beings today are left with the direction heading toward Satan. Consequently, when you try to find the body and mind, and when your mind and body try to improve their horizontal and vertical aspects, Satan is encountered in all four directions. Furthermore, in all six directions, front, back, left, right, up, and down, Satan has set up an encampment of darkness. Therefore, you are to penetrate through the tents and raise yourself up. You are to unveil your true merit before all things, proclaiming, "God is my eternal possession. My mind is the possession of God. My body is also the possession of God, and that very person is I." The substantial embodiment whom the Trinity is seeking in heaven and on earth must quickly step forward.

Where in the world of creation can one find such a valuable being, with whom the Holy Spirit can go and dwell, as well as Jesus and God? You have to understand that such a person is the substantial embodiment of the ideals of the restoration that God has desperately longed for and sought after for 6,000 years.

The Substantial Embodiment God Has been Desperately Seeking for 6,000 Years

Consequently, when such a meritorious being appears on the earth, God will not allow any condition against him. God and even Satan will hold onto him and shed tears of comfort. Accordingly, today we must understand what kind of environment in which we are living. You must not disregard yourselves, you who bear this kind of responsibility for the whole. You must supervise that great responsibility.

Now, if you can possess God freely, then you can say that you have come to possess your mind, which you can elevate as the eternal center. What is more, if you bring the body to perfection as a substantial entity that can create eternal life and possess it, then no matter where you go, east, west, south or north, no matter where you dwell, the victory song of Hosanna will be sung there. What will unfold is that all things in the creation will submit naturally to you, saying, "You are indeed the son of God who dwells in the glory." You must understand this.

Moreover, today, such an event should not occur in just one dimension but must unfold everywhere. However, because there is not one being who has fully resolved all the basic problems of possession and appeared before the creation in the full honor of merit, becoming such a person remains as the hope you are to fulfill.

You and I, as well as God, are all sad about such a state of humankind. Today we must be in the position of possessing such value. Representing all things and the whole, we must obtain the glory of Heaven and offer the victorious song to God. When this is done, the heavenly soldiers and angels in heaven, as well as the countless saints, will greet the day of happiness and joy. What is more, we will return glory to God. Unless this task is completed, humankind will walk this path for many trillions of years.

We have not fully brought this to a conclusion. Who was the main cause of this situation? This is, of course, partly because we ourselves are unworthy, but more important, it is because there are satans who are making accusations to Heaven.

If there was someone who was the master and the governing lord of the whole and the whole creation could be dominated because of that one man, then even if he could not complete the restoration of the whole, it is all right. Using the power of the whole, we can focus our efforts and carry on a new task. Similarly, although God has tried to lead the whole of history toward one direction, because of Satan's existence, that task could not be fulfilled.

Therefore, to bring Satan to an unconditional surrender and to allow the countless imperfect spirits in heaven to proceed toward perfection, God promised to send one person. That one person is none other than Jesus.

When you think about how you stand in the position to pursue the glory of God, what is it I have brought? Originally, the ideal that God held for men was obtaining the right of possession of heaven, mind and body. Therefore, if you have failed to reach the realm of such ideals, then you must have the eyes to discern the right of possession of evil and the right of possession of goodness. Going one step further, you must possess all of the five senses. Nevertheless, if in your life one day you could not prevent the accusations of Satan, then you will not recognize the Lord of the Second Advent even when he comes.

Faith that Can Distinguish and Discern

When you hear the words "The Lord of the Second Advent," you blink your eyes and express joy. What is so good about it? The Jewish people, in other words the priests, could not recognize Jesus. The Roman soldiers did not see him, and his opponents could not see him even if they tried. Only the person whose nature is connected to the mind and the body, the person who has established the standard of value that represents the whole, can see Jesus. There is a dimension in our seeing and hearing ability that depends on our nature.

Consequently, now you must go before humanity with the value of goodness and righteousness. The body resists this. This is the basic nature of Satan.

Where is the person who possesses God without appearing in public or having anyone know about him? Where is the person who possesses the original heart without anyone being aware of it? Where is such a person? The eternal God will accompany those who seek such a person.

Therefore, if we cannot enter such a position today, then we must at least be able to distinguish the evil sphere of dominion and the good sphere of dominion. You must not only be able to distinguish this with your mind and body, you must also be able to discern without even thinking about it. If you cannot awaken to the value of Heaven, then you have no vertical relationship with Jesus, even in the slightest degree. Hence, you must be able to distinguish and recognize everything about Satan. Unless you are someone who can discern all the subjective elements of evil that is left in heaven and earth, you cannot completely set the condition of victory before God.

If you can set such a condition, you will not suffer any pain while you are living on the earth. This is because one who possesses God has his mind held tight by Jesus and his body held firmly by the Holy Spirit.

Nonetheless, now these two have come together, so the spirit world is coming toward the physical world, while the physical world is coming toward the spiritual world to work in full cooperation. Furthermore, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all working together. Consequently, in such times, you must not only be able to go before Jesus and the Holy Spirit to offer a bow; you must also be able to go before God.

Furthermore, you should walk the fundamental course of distinction in your life of faith based on experience. As the unchanging victor representing eternity before all things, you should set the standard of which you can be proud. If you cannot set the standard yourself, then a condition for sorrow will remain on the earth. What is more, as long as conditions for sorrow remain, even when you go to heaven, you will have a difficult time finding the internal heart of God. Therefore, you must reveal yourself as the being of life born through Jesus of the heart and the Holy Spirit of the body, and emerge as the substantial embodiment of glory. When this takes place, you will finally become the embodiment of faith.

Thus, if you can restore your glorious self and take on the work without the help of the Trinity, just as laws run this universe, a joyful mind will dominate the whole of you. That kind of life is not momentary, but eternal. So you should be able to proudly step forward before the creation as the lord of dominion, pronouncing, "God is my possession. The Lord is mine, the Holy Spirit is mine, and I, also, am mine." You should be able to say to Heaven, "Oh, Father! Thank You."

There are no contradictions in the law of Heavenly fortune. Because humankind has been elevated as the representative of the subjectivity and ideology of the Creator, since they have minds and bodies, they cannot exist without the relationship between the two. Therefore, you must never forget that only when you build a world of dominion on the earth that can connect all things in heaven and earth, can the Lord's glory be unveiled.

Prayer 3

Beloved Father, when we realized that the fateful path that lies ahead of us is this difficult, like steep mountains with thick forests, we find that the scope of our belief is so narrow. Because we have been following the path of the will too narrowly, too passively and too inadequately, we have to make a frank report to You.

Father, from this hour, please allow us to be governed by God, who is guiding the whole dispensation of the universe. Please grant sympathy so that we can look up to Your image. Jesus, please hold us firmly. Holy Spirit, please lift us up. My Father, I sincerely wish and desire that You will raise us up so that we can be capable enough to adequately represent the creation on the earth and grow as the original substantial being who can naturally distinguish good from evil. Please let all your children who have gathered here this evening forget all the concepts about themselves, Father. Please remove Satan's right of possession from our bodies. In this way, please guide us to be restored as the unchanging individuals whose minds possess only God, call out only to God, and are proud only of God.

We know that Satan will submit naturally when we return glory to the Father, when all things and the countless saints in heaven join in harmony and cry out in one voice, and when the singing of Hallelujah in gratitude echoes in heaven and earth. Lead us to make this come true.

Please let the whole subjectivity of the Father bear fruit in us, and please allow us, who have been called upon to represent the whole, to sing the victorious song of Hosanna before the Father. Amid the harmony of all things, please allow us to become the children of victory who represent Heaven and the center of testimony. Father, as we wished for and desired these things, we prayed everything in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Chapter 7 Let Us Become People Who Pay Back Our Debts

Let Us Become People Who Pay Back Our Debts

Former Church Headquarters

June 10, 1956

Matthew 18:21-35

Prayer 1

God of creation! Your beauty is manifested in all the created beings, and everywhere Your hands have touched teems with mysterious and radiant beauty. Please allow us to fathom the distressed heart of the Father who, even today, is ceaselessly trying to find the beauty in us which is the purpose of the creation of men. Allow us to return beauty to You for Your love.

Please allow us to come forward with the original heart at the time of the creation. Please allow our body to emanate beauty in its sinless form right after its creation. Allow our mind and body to attain the original perfection which represents the heart and love of God, so that when You move, we move and when You stop, we stop.

We have come to realize that this is the model that You have been working on throughout the history of the dispensation of restoration. What we have to find is our mind and what we have to complete is our body, so please allow us to find and complete them. Raise us up as people who can offer bows in front of the original beauty of the Father. Please allow us to offer songs of gratitude and glory before the Father. Please allow us to understand to our bones that this is the purpose for which You have worked so hard.

Because we have inherited the fallen lineage, we have abandoned Heaven and have led lives centering on ourselves. Abandoning the Heavenly way, we became selfish people, so please allow us to turn back and be guided by the original heart connected to Heaven. Allow our original mind to inspire our body and find our original self that Heaven can claim.

That being done, please allow us to remove the grievances that all things hold against men and eradicate all the lamentations of heaven and earth. Please raise us up as children who can humbly bow before You and receive Your love.

Please be in charge of all the children who have gathered here. I know that they have acquired many wounds during their fight with the world during the week. Although their minds and hearts want to believe the will of Father completely, if there are any who have succumbed to Satan's temptations, please forgive them.

Please heal the wounds they have received and embrace them with Your compassionate love. Father, I pray and wish sincerely that You may pour down the oil of love to make us complete.

Even though we might not have prepared the gifts that we should offer to You, please allow this hour to be an occasion when we can at least put before you our meek and humble hearts and repent, unveiling all the sins that have permeated through our minds and hearts. Allow this to be a time when we can lay bare our hearts before You. Please, Father, in this hour let them become absorbed naturally by the operating power of Your love. Let us feel unity and harmony with You in our minds and bodies.

Father, You who have worked so strenuously to bring up those who have gathered here, You have walked side by side with us on the thorny path. You have been a friend to us when we were lonely. You have been our shield when we were fighting. Yet we know that this was not because we were worthy, but because the great light of Your hidden love and comfort has been with us, so please take charge of our lives today.

Father, please manifest the will You desire as love in this hour, and allow us the blessing to represent the will You are advocating and to bow and sing praises to You. My father, our members everywhere have bowed down facing this one place. Building the altar of obeisance, they are praying before Heaven. Please appear before them with the same grace and love. Because of this, please allow them to remain in the last days and complete their missions in the places to which they are assigned, and guide everyone to adore the center of harmony.

Please lead us to reveal before the thirty million people a new will and give them a stimulating new impetus so that when others walk toward evil, we lead to the path of goodness. My Father, I sincerely wish that You reveal the loving hands and the miracles of the love of the Father.

Please do not forsake even one of the members that You have called. Embrace them in Your bosom of love so that they can feel the grace of the leading works of the whole. We entrust to You the remaining hour, so please govern over us. I prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The topic I want to speak about is "Let Us Become People Who Can Pay Back Our Debt." I will speak briefly on this topic.

Men Owe the Debt of Sin and Toil

Originally, when God created the universe, He did not lay down the principle of owing debt. The purpose of God's creation is to build a relationship of oneness with men though they (God and men) have the form of two entities. They are to give and receive, and whatever belongs to one belongs to the other.

Because Adam and Eve, who were created for this purpose, did not fulfill it, from that time to this, countless created beings have come to owe infinite debt to Heaven. Jesus Christ was the one God sent to open the way for men to pay back the debt incurred by the fall. As we passed through the course of history based on Jesus, we have been paying back the debt. Moreover, through this kind of lifestyle, we have been seeking eternal life.

Although you might think that you have qualifications you can present before the universe, you must understand that while you do not realize it, you have the debt of sins that you have inherited in your lineage through the thousands of years of history. Moreover, besides that, we possess the debt of God's suffering and toil accumulated during His dispensation for men. Besides that, we have the debt of toil collected through the restoration work of the countless prophets and sages or Heavenly soldiers and angels.

When we reflect on this, we realize that we have no way to pay back the debt we owe to the universe today and have no way to be dignified. Nonetheless, the one that came to represent us and restore our dignity before the universe is Jesus Christ.

The Debt of Eternal Life, the Debt of Life, the Debt of Love, and the Debt of Karma

Since the time of our birth, we should have possessed eternal love centering on God. When we were born through our parents, we should have already represented the love of God. Moreover, centering on us as a couple, we should have represented the love of parents. We should have also built a relationship of love with all things.

Because we could not become such people, men owe a debt of eternal life to God, and we owe the debt of life to our parents. We owe the debt of love to couples, and we owe the debt of karma to the creation.

After God created the universe and all things, the reason He elevated Adam and Eve to be the center of all things was to give eternal responsibility to men. Consequently, we bear the responsibility to give eternal love. In other words, because Adam and Eve did not follow the will of God and were dragged into the bosom of Satan, the debt for the life centering on the eternal love of God remains unpaid in each of us today.

Moreover, after we have been born through our parents, we owe a debt to them because they have loved and taken care of us in their lives. We also owe a debt for the love of God, which must be paid back by living the life of a couple. To all things, we owe a debt for the love that nature has given to us. When you reflect on this, you must understand that we today owe a debt to God for eternal love, to our parents for life, to our couples for the love centering on life, and to all things we owe the debt of the relationship of love which we have incurred in our daily life.

As the center of the creation, you must be able to display dignity. You must realize that men owe eternal debt to God, the debt of their lives to their parents, the debt of love to couples, and the debt of life to the creation. The creation demands that men pay back all of this debt.

Jesus Came to Pay Back the Debt on Behalf of Humankind

However, based solely on the ability of men, that debt cannot be paid back or canceled. Thus, Jesus was the central figure who would make it possible for such people to go before Heaven. In other words, he would allow them to represent the eternal parents and stand before Heaven, represent the eternal couples and stand before Heaven, and represent the eternal love of the creation and stand before Heaven.

Because Jesus Christ came, the eternal love of God was manifested. The accomplishments of love that God wanted from men were revealed. Jesus was the one who came as the embodiment of love representing the eternal parents. Moreover, Jesus also came as the fruit of love representing the eternal couples. It was also Jesus who built an eternal relationship of love with all things. Accordingly, in the one person of Jesus, the 4,000 years of long history is connected. Even the eternal future is connected to him.

Although Jesus came to pay back the debt that the fall of man had incurred to the eternal God, the eternal True Parents, and the creation of goodness that was not infiltrated by evil, he had to leave the earth before he could pay everything back. Therefore, we must pay back the remaining portion.

Centering on Jesus, we must build a relationship with the creation, the couples, the parents and with the eternal God. We must realize that unless we do that, the purpose of the coming of Jesus, who came for our sake, will again stagnate in the state of incompletion.

When we closely observe the course of history, the period until the coming of Jesus was the period of worshipping nature. It was the time when men believed in all things in place of God and stayed close to nature in place of God. Next, people focused on their children more than on anything else.

After passing through the time of worshipping all things and the period of worshipping the children, we entered the period of worshipping the bride and bridegroom. Now even that period of worshipping the bride and bridegroom is also passing by.

The period of worshipping the parents is the period that lies ahead of us. The time will certainly come when we can elevate the parents more completely. Therefore, our bodies must create a relationship with God. We ourselves must join in union with God and, while observing all the mysterious natural phenomena, we must live a life of direct intuition in which we stay within the bounds of the relationship of life with God.

The gleaming sunlight and the blowing wind, we must build a relationship with all these creations, which represent the pulse of the eternal life of God. Although we have not been able to feel anything until now, when we center ourselves on Jesus, we can feel new things and build a new relationship of heart with all things. Moreover, we can build a relationship centering on God's principles of possession.

After that, you can rejoice with the creation and simultaneously be dragged into the realm of God's love. You will lead a life in which you can attract that kind of love to you at will. When you enter the realm of such profound grace and stand before Heaven, you can whisper with any part of the creation.

There will not be any existing created being, such as the sound of the wind, that does not have a relationship with men. Therefore, we can conclude that all things of the creation, created for the sake of men, exist to manifest their true value through the relationship with and by being recognized before men.

To Pay the Debt Owed to All Things

Nonetheless, because we dwell in the fallen realm today, we do not know how to recognize the value of all things. Therefore, you must realize that when you feel new love coming from God, all things can also feel new life. You should lead a life in which you can brag and set the highest standard of love. Even if you are alone, you must be able to sing of the boundless love of God. If you become this kind of person, your heart will never feel confined.

When this happens, then all things can be in harmony because of us, so we can feel at peace no matter where we are. This cannot be blocked by any force. God set this one standard as the purpose of creation and chose men as His representatives who would fulfill the purpose. He sanctioned men to have dominion over all things, but humankind today cannot command dignity before all things. Rather, today we stand in a position of unspeakable grief before all things.

Therefore, just like the words written in the eighth chapter of the epistle to the Romans, what all things wish for is the appearance of the sons of God. The reason is that all things should have become connected to God through the mediator, men, who represent the love of God, but due to the corruption and the fall of men, the essence of their ideal has been demolished. Consequently, even today, 2,000 years after the coming of Jesus, the creation longs for the fulfillment of that one purpose through us.

When we think about this, we can understand that while we are not aware of it, we have incurred a debt to the creation. We owe a debt for the hope it holds in us.

We ourselves must obliterate the debt. While we must become qualified to attain oneness with the creation, we must also become the children of God whom all things can love and to whom all things can give. Furthermore, we must become the children of God and receive the love of God.

One Who is Qualified to Pay the Debt of Love

Jesus and the Holy Spirit are giving new birth to you. Having obtained the elements of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and after passing through the position of the children, men are heading toward the position of bride and bridegroom as the goal. Today we are inspired and moved by the Holy Spirit by believing in Jesus. Relying on that power, we are moving forward.

What is it we must accomplish by ourselves? Even if the grace of the inspiration of Jesus is not given and the Holy Spirit does not make a deep impression, we ourselves must perfect ourselves as the bride as if we have received a deep inspiration and impression.

This is not being manifested in the Christianity of today. Today we also feel the love in the position of the bride only when the Holy Spirit is at work. Since we have grown up with the aid of the works of the Holy Spirit, even if we do not receive the grace from the Holy Spirit, we should learn to long for Jesus as the bridegroom. If you can only accomplish it with the continued aid of the Holy Spirit, then there is no way that you can pay back the debt for the love of husband and wife on the earth.

Therefore, even if we do not receive inspiration from the Holy Spirit, we must become the bride who can serve Jesus as the bridegroom. This is the only way that we can become the couple who is established in the original position before the universe and someone who is qualified to pay back the debt of love.

What would fallen men do after they are restored to the position of bride and bridegroom, after they pass through the positions of all things and the children through the dispensation of restoration? Because we could not be linked with the love of the True Parents, who took responsibility for our life and loved us, we must indemnify the debt for the love of the True Parents, who were elevated based on God's will of creation. You must recompense spiritually and physically for the debt of universal love which the True Parents have displayed in their concern for our lives.

In other words, after we are restored as the bride and bridegroom, after passing through the positions of all things and children through Jesus Christ, we must find the True Parents. Nonetheless, the people of today's world do not realize this. They must find the True Parents who have not fallen for the sake of the fallen parents, but they do not know when these True Parents will appear. The True Parents appear at the time of the Second Advent.

The Time When We Must Pay Our Debt to the True Parents

In the Christian churches, they talk about the Marriage of the Lamb, centering on the ideology of the bride and bridegroom. What kind of people are the bride and bridegroom, centering upon whom the Marriage of the Lamb is conducted? They are the people who have become connected with the True Parents through love.

Jesus Christ came to the earth on behalf of the universe and humanity. To pay indemnity for the debt that humanity bears, he has been at work until now. For this reason, you must pass through the position of all things, the positions of the children and the bride and bridegroom, and, centering on Jesus, usher in the day when you can serve the True Parents. Only after the mission to serve the True Parents is completed in this way can the love of the True Parents, representing the eternal God, emerge on the earth. At such time, the mission of Jesus comes to its conclusion.

Jesus wished that the purpose of the dispensation of restoration in the spirit world could be materialized in substance amid all things on the earth. Therefore, if the followers today who believe in the resurrected Jesus cannot pay back the debt of the bride and bridegroom and realize the purpose of the True Parents and usher in the day when they can offer the prayer of restoration on behalf of humanity, then there is no way that the debt of eternal love to God can be paid off.

Therefore, Jesus also stands in the position of someone who has owed a debt for 2,000 years. Because he could not complete the will of True Parents, he still has the responsibility to pay back that debt on behalf of all humanity. However, that responsibility does not end as a spiritual responsibility. When the position of Adam and Eve before the fall is restored, and, centering on the eternal life of God, we form the family that can represent the True Parents amid all things and sing and bow before the love of the eternal God, only then can the purpose of the 2,000-year course of the history of Jesus be concluded.

Longing for the fulfillment of this one purpose, Jesus has been praying earnestly before God for 2,000 years. By doing so, he tried to establish the highest standard with which to claim back the original world of God, who created the universe and all things.

If the fall had not taken place, the love of True Parents would have become the pivotal point around which the husband and wife, children and all things could build a relationship. However, because men fell, God is carrying on the dispensation in which He must pull it up backwards. After all things, children, and husband and wife become connected, the eternal world can come. The so called eternal world that the Christians refer to is this world in which all of the creation can respond to the words of the True Parents and appear before God centering on Jesus, who came as the True Parents, centering on the standard of the bride and bridegroom.

We who dwell in the period of the Second Advent must now be determined to take charge of and assume the burden of all of the work of Jesus done in the last 2,000 years. Only with such determination can you finally stand tall as the children who have paid back the debt of love owed to the True Parents. Moreover, you can become the central figure who can govern over the creation in God's place. If that happens, the will that God intended after creating Adam and Eve and giving the blessing to them will be fulfilled completely on account of you.

What is more, when you pay back the debt that you owe to True Parents, the true couple and the true creation centering on the love of God and then go before God, your mind and body will naturally go close to God. You must feel the impulse to naturally offer a bow of gratitude to God. You act before you think and realize the purpose before you make a demand.

To Pay Back the Debt to God

What do we need to do to attain that purpose? The fortune of heaven and earth moves from heaven to parents, from parents to couples, and from couples to all things. Accordingly, you must become connected to all these stages before stepping forward. Only when you become that kind of person can you stand before God and call out, "Father!" The world of direct dominion stands in such a position. We must move forward until we can appear in such a position and relate with God.

To do this, we must inherit the conflict that Jesus has conducted in the spirit world and the fight that the Holy Spirit has carried out on the earth to pay back the debt that we owe until the present. This is the way that we can have a relationship with the creation from the position of substituting for the True Parents. We can fight and win over Satan on the earth.

When you can do this, you can liberate the grievous heart of God, who has shown a deep concern for fallen humanity while He was guiding the dispensation of restoration. At the same time, you can win the recognition of Satan: "This person deserves to receive the love of God." You must understand that God's love will be present through the appearance of such a created being.

Thus, we have this type of grave mission. You must pay back the debt through your life of faith, in all the surrounding environments that are reachable to you. You have to pay it back. Accordingly, you must reflect whether you are living a life in which you are paying back the debt.

When you live a life of faith today, you are joined in a relationship with the debt to eternal God, parents, couples and all things. Because you are aligned with the time when all of this debt must be indemnified, you have to think about what kind of heart you should possess.

Right after we fell, we were people who could not stand before God and could not relate with God. If God wanted to hold grudges against us, His grudges would be limitless. If He wanted to lament and despise humankind, there would be no end. As you can see, although we have a debt from the fall, we also bear the debt of resentment and enmity incurred during history.

What Is the Reason We Must Endure and Forbear?

What is the reason that we must endure today? If we cannot forbear, then we cannot pay back the debt we owe and cannot resolve the grievances inside the bosom of Heaven.

Because the fortune of heaven and earth moves along with the dispensation of God, the satanic world will be judged if you play when God plays and are on God's side as you share the bitterness and grievance of God. This is the reason Heaven teaches us to restrain our anger and persevere in our life of faith.

Satan will invade if we become out of step with that and create a gap in the dispensation of God. Therefore, we who have the faith must unconditionally sacrifice and obey, following only the internal aspects of love.

We have led a shameful life as the ones who have shattered the universal laws of God and the ones who owe a debt to the creation. We have caused much concern and trouble for Heaven. Therefore, the husband and wife who are leading a life of faith must be able to act on behalf of the Lord. Furthermore, we must build the relationship to serve (the Lord) as the parents on behalf of God, Jesus and the earth.

You must forge this relationship horizontally and three-dimensionally, in which Heaven reciprocates with the True Parents, the true couple and the true creation. Having accomplished this, you can say to God, "I have finally won the victory. Father! I have offered my life to eradicate all the relationships with Satan in which men had worshipped Satan in place of God and fell into the temptations of Satan. What is more, I am a perfected child who has paid back all the debt to the universe and brought Satan to his knees." You must understand that only when this is done, can we be dignified before heaven and the creation as ones who have paid back the debt to the universe.

Prayer 2

Father! We have failed to realize even when we were living in the fallen world that we have become indebted to the creation and to each other as a couple. We did not realize when we were serving our parents that we are in debt, and that we owe an enormous debt even to the eternal God.

When we look at our situation in the fallen world, we have been debtors who deserve to die, and we have owed a debt to the creation and to Jesus Christ, who has founded the ideology of the bride and bridegroom. Although we should have paid back the debt on behalf of the eternal God, we were not even concerned about paying back the debt. Instead, we have despised the earth, the creation and Heaven. There is nothing in us that is forgivable.

To save humankind who is like this, Jesus fought on, not even being afraid to face death, and he passed away on the cross. As a result, the fight to pay back the debt owed to the universe remains incomplete, and the mission of judgment lies ahead of us.

Father, please help us cross the pass of judgment and wipe out all the debt that we owe. Please lead us to understand that we can go before You only after canceling all of our debts.

Please allow us to prevent the accusations of Satan by paying back our debt to the True Parents, to true couples, to true creation, and lead us to pay back the debt of life as You want us to. Father, we wish and desire this sincerely.

Please allow us to understand that Jesus is also working hard for this path. Jesus and the Holy Spirit offer unlimited prayer for the sake of humanity. Let us not forget that this is because we have not paid back the debt owed to the universe. What is more, this is because we are too unprepared and inadequate.

We realized in this hour, Father, that to stand in the position of glory where Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Father can be happy, we must fulfill the responsibility of Jesus in his place. Allow the miracle of Heaven to be manifested on the earth and please let the fight with Satan in heaven be led to victory on the earth through us. In this way, please allow us to become the eternal children of Yours who can feel the love of the eternal Father as joy and glory.

Loving Father, I sincerely pray and hope that You will lead us to become Your beloved children who are worthy to stand before the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and before the countless saints and sages, humanity on the earth and the creation. Please raise us up as your children who can firmly govern over the creation.

Hoping that You will govern over and guide them to pay back the debt they owe, Father, we prayed all this in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Chapter 6 Let Us Fulfill the Will of God's Love That Seeks to Bring Unification

Let Us Fulfill the Will of God's Love That Seeks to Bring Unification

June 6, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

The topic of today's sermon is "Let Us Fulfill the Will of God's Love That Seeks to Bring Unification." I will speak briefly on this topic. The content of this speech is something you know very well. You even have it memorized. You consider it to be the most important words of truth in your life of faith and the center of the good life you are seeking.

The Hope of God in Working Through the Prophets

Because the will of God was not fulfilled due to the fall of Adam, the dispensation of restoration has continued through the course of history until today. God's original will behind creation was that God and men would live in harmony centering on one purpose and with one love. With heaven and earth rejoicing in the love of God, love would be established as the actual center of life around which everyone could live as one. However, due to the fall of Adam and Eve, the love of God remained only as the love of God. In other words, the love of God, which should have been connected to men, could not make the bond alone. It had to abandon men and all of creation.

Consequently, God has spent the last 6,000 years hoping for the day when, centering on the love He wanted to implant, He can bring together all of the creation and live in joy with them. However, until the present, all created beings remain unable to unite centering on the love of God, and the ideology and hope of God's love remain unfulfilled. Thus, God has been propelling the dispensation forward to accomplish His will at any cost. Likewise, although God has worked for a long time since the fall of man to fulfill His hope and to find the heart to trust and love men, until now, He has been unable to accomplish and find it.

When we look back at the history of God's dispensation, we find that by raising Abraham, God was trying to establish the immutable standard of hope, ideals and love toward men. Only when the will of God is fulfilled as such, only when such a center of love is established, can the relationship between God and men be built. Based on that relationship, God can feel the joy of a new ideal. This is the reason He chose Abraham and lifted him up. Nevertheless, because Abraham could not establish the center of love, from then until the time of Jesus, God was laying the foundation to fulfill the will of Heaven's love.

Hence, the 4,000-year history until Jesus was the period in which God had to find one person who realized the hope, faith and love of God. If such a person were not found, then God's hope, faith and love would have become divided and unification would not be possible in any period of history. God first laid the foundation of hope. After that foundation, He laid the foundation of faith. On that foundation, He tried to lay the foundation of love. Eventually, He was trying to usher in the day when He could present before heaven and earth the incarnation of all these, the demonstrative embodiment of the hope of the whole, the faith of the whole and the love of the whole. However, if He could not bring about such a day, then the ideal of unification centering on the love of God could not be accomplished on the earth.

To bring about such a day, God worked hard to lay the foundation, dividing the 4,000 years of history since Abraham through Moses and John the Baptist into these three stages of hope, faith and love. Jesus Christ was the very person who came as the substantial incarnation on that foundation of hope. Because Jesus Christ appeared as the incarnation God had longed for, he was the ultimate culmination of the dispensation of God, which God had led with hope for 4,000 years.

Jesus came as the culmination on the earth and he disseminated the New Testament gospel brought about by the divine will. In other words, he promulgated the gospel of faith. Since then, 2,000 years of history have passed centering on that gospel of faith.

The person who is to come on the foundation of the accomplishments of the gospel of faith, representing heaven and earth and emerging as the incarnation of the love of the whole, is none other than the Lord of the Second Advent. What is God trying to do at the time of the Second Advent? You must understand that the purpose of the 6,000-year history of God's dispensation was to sow the seed of life on the grounds of faith built until now that they may bear fruit centering on the Lord of the Second Advent.

The Central Element of the Completed Testament Age

Today we look up to God as the center of our hope and faith. Moreover, we look to Him as the center of love. God, who exists as the center of hope, faith and love, led men through the Old Testament period. That represented hope, and the New Testament period represented faith. From now on, we must pass through the Completed Testament period, which represents love.

What can remain as the eternal, unchanging, central element of the Completed Testament, which is the time of the Second Coming? It is the love of God. While it is the central element of the whole, it is also the element of the ideal of the whole.

For this reason, men have passed through the dispensational course of hope and faith for the sake of this love until now. However, you must understand that if you do not walk the dispensational course of love, then the foundation of unification that God must build on the earth centering on love will be shattered.

Jesus Christ, who came as the center of faith on the foundation of hope, spoke his words in an attempt to implant faith on the earth. If the people of his time had received Jesus Christ as the culmination of hope, the center and embodiment of unlimited faith and as the one who could testify to the eternal love of God and bring unity, they then could have possessed and experienced the limitless hope and faith and the original limitless love of God.

However, because their disbelief caused the death of Jesus, in our life of faith today, we can perfect the incarnation of hope, of faith and of love only spiritually. What is the standard of victory of God's love? Every being in the universe moves centering on the love of God, but because Jesus, who came as the incarnation of God's love passed away, the whole dispensation collapsed.

Jesus hoped that he could come as the hope of God's 4,000 years of labor, the center of all things, and become one with God. The human ancestors' hope to become one with God was shattered because of the fall of Adam and Eve. So, centering on Jesus they were to unite with the ideal of God and arise as the embodiment of faith, but it was fulfilled only on the spiritual level.

Accordingly, we today must now inherit the unaccomplished work of Jesus and accomplish it. Just as Jesus became the spiritual and physical embodiment of hope, we must become the same and represent him. Just as Jesus was the embodiment of faith, we must do the same and represent him. What is more, just as he was the embodiment of love, we must become that kind of person. Having done so, we should stand before God and represent the hope, faith and love of Jesus. Furthermore, as the embodiment of the Holy Spirit's hope, faith and love, we must fulfill her mission on her behalf.

This is the mission that we on the earth today, after the ascension of Jesus, must accomplish for the sake of the Father. Accordingly, when we complete that mission, we can bring about the conclusion of the hope of Jesus and of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, we can bring about the conclusion of the faith and love of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Only after you bring everything to this conclusion can the Lord of the Second Advent come to this earth.

Men Should Have Become the Embodiment of the Faith, Hope and the Love of God

God's hope was not His own; it was for the sake of men. God's faith also did not belong to Him, but was for the sake of men. Moreover, God's love was not for His sake but for the sake of men. Therefore, men must act on behalf of that hope, faith and love of God. When that is done, God can take such men before all things and brag about them as the ones who represent the hope, faith and love of the whole.

To put it another way, He can brag that they are the center of hope for which all things wish. Moreover, He can brag that they are the heroes in whom all creations, any being in heaven or earth, can believe. Not only that, He can brag that they are the center of admiration whom all beings can love.

Just as Jesus Christ appeared as the mediating incarnation representing the love of God, we today must receive the hope, faith and love of Jesus and present ourselves before even the most evil people as living proof of the one hope, faith and love. Unless we become such people, no matter where we go, we cannot set the condition to indemnify the standard of the hope, faith and love of Jesus Christ. Therefore, today we must make recompense to Jesus Christ who came to the satanic world as the embodiment of the hope, faith and love of God.

You are to return the debt to Jesus, not for partial hope, partial faith and partial love, but you must pay back the totality. Men have tried until now to set the one standard on the earth to recompense, but they could not return the whole. Nonetheless, you must understand that Jesus tried to reveal the process through the three main disciples. Who is the person who emerged as the fruit of faith? It was Peter. Who emerged as the culmination of hope? It was James. Who emerged as the fruit of love? It was John.

As these three people took responsibility for one section of the gospel of Jesus and joined as one, we today can obtain the fruit of hope, faith and love. What is more, the history of the dispensation moved along hoping for that to take place. Therefore, the final path is for the three people to become united and to form one perfected body. This is the last teaching Jesus left on the earth.

Therefore, in order for you to emerge as the last perfected person, you must become the representative of Jesus. If you do not stand as one being of substance whose root is in the three disciples of Jesus, you cannot go before Jesus the bridegroom, who raised up the three disciples before he ascended. As you think about this, you must fulfill the hope and faith with which Jesus raised Peter. You must bear the fruit of the hope invested in James. You must reap the fruit of the love endowed in John.

If you can do that, in other words, if you can become brides who can stand before Jesus in the last days, then you will feel within yourself the joy of the fulfillment of the will that God has yearned for in the 6,000 years, and you will offer gratitude to the Father. Furthermore, you must unveil the happy news that the hope of the faith that God has longed for in history has been realized through Jesus and on behalf of all things. Thus, you must become ones who feel joy while the Father feels joyful, and return gratitude toward Him. You must understand that such a task remains with you as the historical responsibility.

What the Dispensation Demands

The time has come when you must bear the fruit of hope, the fruit of faith and the fruit of love by calling out, "Oh Father!" What is that which is asked of you? You must understand the heartbreaking sorrow of God as He held onto hope for 6,000 years. Moreover, you must come to feel the toil of God in His attempt to establish faith for 6,000 years and understand that He has repeated the course of sacrifice for 6,000 years in order to perfect love.

For Jesus, the dispensation of faith is the practical course that represented the fruit of God's hope of the 4,000 years. The work of the Holy Spirit was the practical course that represented the faith. Moreover, the work of unification was the next practical course that represented love. Likewise, Jesus built the path of the dispensation with hope. Then with the Holy Spirit, he sowed seeds and multiplied them and tried to unite all that were multiplied.

Accordingly, you must actualize the love of God, the love of Jesus and the love of the Holy Spirit. What is more, you must realize that the time when the hope of Jesus is transformed into the hope of God is the time of the Second Advent. The time when the faith of Jesus is transforming into the faith of God is the time of the Second Advent. The time when the love of Jesus is being disseminated as the love of God is the time of the Second Advent.

If the fruits of Jesus' hope, Jesus' faith and Jesus' love are not materialized in you, then you must find another center of the hope, the faith and the love of God. This is the task bequeathed to you.

To find them, what must you do? You must realize the hope of Jesus, inherit the hope of the Holy Spirit, and inherit the faith and love of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Having done so, you could say, "Father, I now understand the toils of the Holy Spirit. I understand the hope of the Holy Spirit. I understand the work of the Holy Spirit carried on with faith. I realize the hope of Jesus. I realize the faith of Jesus. I understand the love of Jesus." You must understand that on the earth today, there must emerge someone who will go before the Father and say these words.

What kind of being is that person? The hope of that person is the hope of Jesus, his faith is the faith of Jesus, and his love is the love of Jesus. When that one person brings them into union with the hope, faith and love of God, God can finally conclude the purpose left behind as the unfulfilled wish of Jesus and fulfill the will. Accordingly, that person must surpass the prayers that Jesus has been offering until now for our sake on the right hand of God, and step forward before Heaven as the perfected being both spiritually and physically. What is more, when such a person appears and experiences the joy of Heaven through Jesus, God and men can finally become one. You must understand that we must proceed forward until this point is reached.

Consequently, we must feel deeply the heart of Jesus whom God labored for 4,000 years to give rise to, and the heart of the Lord of the Second Advent, for whom Jesus toiled 2,000 years to find. Moreover, since Jesus Christ could not materialize the hope of going beyond spiritual perfection and physically complete the substantial manifestations of hope, faith and love, it is our responsibility to bring them to completion.

The Lord of the Second Advent is the Representative of Faith, Hope and Love

We must find the Lord of the Second Advent, who is to come centering on the love of Jesus and build the relationship with God through which we can communicate with Him. What should we do to accomplish this today? We must emerge as the demonstrative, substantial manifestations of hope, faith and love. If the Lord of Second Advent comes on such a foundation laid by you, the hope that God held toward Jesus will be realized through you. Therefore, the Lord of the Second Advent will come forward as the hope of the whole, the faith of the whole, and the love of the whole.

Nonetheless, when the Lord of the Second Advent emerges as the love, hope and faith, you are not to rejoice by yourself. You are to thank him because he is the cause of happiness and hope. You must thank him for the fact that you can grow as the substantial embodiment of faith. When you do that, the whole of heaven and earth will respond to you and relate to you as the embodiment of love. In such a way, you must feel the movement of all of heaven and earth.

In such feelings, you are a pioneer to fulfill the hope that God held in Jesus through the practical course that can substantiate hope. Moreover, you must pioneer the works of the Holy Spirit, which represent faith. Furthermore, you are to put into practice the life of service that represents love, and through unification become people whom humanity can serve in glory.

For this reason, to realize the final love of God, you must possess the practical hope, the faith and the love of the Holy Spirit. At such a moment, you can live eternally, attending the Lord and attending God.

What is more, we today must overflow with joy before the creation and humankind on the earth. You are to build an era when the whole world can feel equal joy and live eternally.

Wherever you go, you must become the practical grounds where the hope of God is realized, where the faith is put into practice, and where love is incarnated. The will of God must be fulfilled on the earth, and the hope that He wanted to realize through Jesus must be realized through us and be linked to the creation on the earth. Moreover, when the joy of God is connected to the creation through men, the unification that God hopes for is completed.

Consequently, to be elevated as the source of the hope of God, you must first ask yourself whether you have felt joy as the fulfillment of the hope representing the whole creation in heaven and on earth. Moreover, you must ask yourself whether you have become someone who can rejoice on behalf of the faith that sustained countless people's belief in God up to now. Going one step further, you must ask yourself whether or not you can feel the love coming from and offered to God.

However, the one person who comes as the fulfillment of everything is the Lord of the Second Advent. In other words, the Lord of the Second Advent is someone who comes as the representative of everyone's hope, faith and love. When he appears, you can possess his hope, the faith of the Holy Spirit and love only if you have already made preparations to serve him. Moreover, at such times you must go forward to fulfill the will of God and put it into action. Accordingly, you must appear as the incarnation of the hope and the embodiment of faith and love who has transcended the emotions of the people who live in the fallen realm of the world today. If such persons exist on the earth, the Lord of the Second Advent will come for them.

For what purpose does he seek after those people? He comes to physically conclude the mission that Jesus Christ left behind unfinished. He comes to fulfill the will centering on the spiritual and the physical, which God has hoped for during the 6,000 years.

Accordingly, when a person who can be an example in respect to that will appears on the earth, no matter what kind of unknown person he is, you must serve him as the being of hope, faith and love. The one world where the ideal of unification has been realized centering on love also possesses hope and faith. Therefore, you carry the momentous responsibility of ushering in the day when heaven and earth can respond to your life centered on love.

The Practical Foundation of the Lord of the Second Advent

Even if the Lord of the Second Advent comes on the earth, there must first be the practical foundation laid by men. Even if he is the representative of the eternal love of God, he must have the foundation of men like you. Such an important responsibility lies upon your shoulders. Accordingly, you must understand that you represent the 2.4 billion people of humanity and countless ancestors who have gone to the spirit world. Furthermore, you are the hope of all things in heaven and on earth. All of heaven and earth wish that you would become the substantial body of faith and the demonstration of love.

Thus, from now on, you must feel this in your heart. No matter what you do, whether you are eating, starving, living or dying, you must testify to and protect the center of the whole in your daily life. By doing so, you must return joy to God through all things in nature. You bear such a momentous responsibility today.

When you reflect on your past life of faith, have you become the living proof of having fulfilled the hope? The problem is whether you have become the living proof of having fulfilled the faith and love.

When you become such people, you will feel that the hope, faith and love of Jesus are really the hope, faith and love of God. Accordingly, you must now feel the hope, faith and love of God given to us through Jesus.

If there is someone who feels this, such a person is directly living in the grace of God. Moreover, such a person will naturally manifest the hope, faith and love of God even when he is not trying to. If you become such people, then wherever you go, you can share with others the hope of God, the faith of God and the love of God.

You must keep in mind that in place of God you can serve the Lord of the Second Advent, who can only come upon such a foundation.


Beloved Father, we thought that the reason the will of the world hidden deep in the universe had not been fulfilled lay in You, but we now realize that the responsibility lies also with us in the fall of man. We realize that as long as God's eternal hope remains, eternal hope also remains in us. As long as the eternal will of the faith of God remains, the eternal will of the faith also remains in us. As long as the eternal practice of the love of God is not completed, the responsibility lies in us to form the manifestation of eternal love.

To inherit the history of indemnity today, we must inherit the hope of the 4,000 years and manifest it as the hope of the 6,000 years. We must inherit the faith of the 4,000 years and manifest it as the faith of the 6,000 years. We must inherit the love of the 4,000 years and manifest it as the love of the 6,000 years. Since the responsibility remains with us to stand before God and secure the hope of the 6,000 years as eternal hope, the faith as eternal faith, and the love as eternal love, please forgive our inadequacy and insufficiency. Please forgive us our lack of loyalty and filial piety. Please forgive us for having elevated ourselves.

The time has come now when the hope of humanity is to be realized. The faith is to be fulfilled. The love of humanity as one essence is to be manifested. Yet where is the fulfillment of that one essence? Although we are unworthy, please awaken us to realize that we must prepare ourselves anew as the brides.

At such a moment, the toil and suffering of Jesus, who brought perfection on the internal level, can bear fruit through us. They can appear in the ideals of the Second Advent, and can unfold the external history.

We believe that the ones who must play the central roles in heaven and earth today are the devout believers who stand before the word of the Second Advent in the last days. Although You, Father, want to entrust in us Your eternal hope, we are concerned whether or not we can be entrusted with that hope. Although You want to entrust in us the love of God, we worry if we can be entrusted with the love.

Taking responsibility for everything on behalf of the Lord, we will go before the Father as unchanging people who belong to the Father's love and as the eternal tribe of hope. We will become the tribe of eternal faith and eternal love. Please lead us to understand that such a responsibility has been assigned to us.

The purpose of Jesus, who is the victorious center of the chosen Israel, must be realized through us. In other words, we must realize the essence of hope, faith and love, which represents the whole. Now, after the work of the Second Advent, we must stand up as the fulfillment of the hope of Jesus, as the heirs of the faith, and as the heirs of the love who must take on the mission that Jesus had carried out on the earth. Please let us understand this clearly.

We who stand at the pass of the fall now are in the process of restoration, so we must be able to say, "Father, we will take on the burden of realizing the Father's hope, faith and love," and we should be able to return the hope, faith and love to the Father. Furthermore, we must stand before humanity as the center of love. We know that only when we become the victors who can receive the Father's love by doing these things can we obtain the qualifications to represent the ultimate glory in the last days. So, please guide these children who have gathered here to become people to whom Father can proclaim, "You are my hope; ones that I can believe in and love."

Therefore, the Father's joy must be turned into the joy of this earth, and the love of the Father must become the love of this earth. The hope and the faith of the Father must be turned into the hope and faith of this earth. Please allow us to bring horizontal joy to the Father while we uphold the ideals of the Second Advent, and please allow the Father's will to be realized through us and allow its glory to be exhibited before the whole created world.

We must be able to sing the glory of Moses through our life and daily living. Please allow all of us to become one through the love of Moses. We know that all of the 2.4 billion people of humanity and the countless saints in the spirit world have one thing to be proud of, and that is the fulfillment of God's will. So we earnestly request that we can take the fulfilled hope, faith and love as the eternal pride and make them the center of heaven and earth. We offer these words of prayer in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Chapter 5 Like Jesus, Let Us Return the Glory of the Resurrection to God

Like Jesus, Let Us Return the Glory of the Resurrection to God

May 27, 1956

Former Church Headquarters

Matthew 22:34-40

Prayer 1

Beloved Father, how much did You want the Jewish people and the believers in Judaism who did not believe in Jesus to repent? Please let this hour be a time when we can feel deeply with our minds and bodies the course of Jesus, who was chased out, driven out and could not rest in peace. We cannot help but then deeply feel and take after the heart of Jesus. Isn't it Your will that such a heart finds its place among us? Isn't this also what we desire?

Please allow us in this hour to clearly understand that it is our responsibility to bear the burden of the course Jesus walked and of the words of the gospel that Jesus left behind. It is also our responsibility to fight with millions of satans and to return the glory of victory to the Father. Just as Jesus had a desperate and earnest heart toward Heaven, allow us also to have the same heart toward Heaven.

Please allow us also to believe in Father's words of truth and life and to step forward with audacity just like Jesus, who spoke with courage to the people who had gathered in their faith in God. Lead us to not boast about our present selves before Jesus and not to bring our hardships and situations of today before You. There are many here who fall prostrate before the Father, so please do not let them become shameful. Lead them to have the same attitude as Jesus and to represent the heart of the Father. If Your will is that someone appears before humankind without hesitation any time and any place on behalf of the will of Jesus Christ, then please, Father, remember these children who are prostrated here. Please visit each of them and give them direction.

Father, even when he was being opposed, Jesus spoke in defense of Heaven and was concerned only about the will of the Father. He fought to accomplish it. Yet has there been a time when we rebelled while we were living for the sake of the will of God and Jesus? We have often complained and grudged against the will of God.

Father, please forgive us. Now we will courageously proclaim the will of the Father before humanity, so Father, please lift up those who have gathered here as the brave soldiers of Heaven and as the children of the Father. Please command us, advise us, seek us and put us in the position where You can be proud of us. Father, I earnestly hope and desire that You will love and guide us.

Please allow Your capable hands to be a part of this gathering from beginning to end, and allow us to have the heart of a meek child. Father, I pray that this can be the time when we can become the children who can be offered to the majestic Father as living sacrifices and be recreated into the original selves.

We do not need many words in this hour, so please allow the inspiring work of life to overwhelm the whole of our minds and bodies. We earnestly request that You can enlighten us with the words so that we can sing the Father's happiness and testify to the Father's glory. I pray in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The title of the speech that I want to reflect on with you is "Like Jesus, Let Us Return the Glory of the Resurrection to God." I will speak briefly on this topic.

The Ideal of Creation and the Purpose of the Coming of Jesus

The Garden of Eden is the garden where God's glory is revealed and all things live in happiness and offer a bow of delight to God. The purpose of God's creation was to build that kind of garden. What is more, man should have unveiled on the earth the glory for which God hoped. It was the responsibility of our ancestors, Adam and Eve, to reveal the glory of God in substance, but because they fell, that will was not realized. The original garden in which God wanted to materialize the ideals of creation and live in joy could not be built due to the fall of man. Therefore, until now, humanity has passed through the path of conflict, fighting with the forces of darkness and wishing for the glory of resurrection. This is the course of the 6,000-year history.

As God passed through history until now, He has accomplished the glory of the resurrection of the whole and the unfinished work of the resurrection of the whole. The trillions of living things on the earth and the billions of heavenly soldiers and angels hope to usher in the day when they can sing the glory of God and offer bows of gratitude. God has sent countless saints to the earth to bring about such a day. After 4,000 years, Jesus, the only begotten son, was sent as the manifestation of the internal heart and external self of God and as the embodiment of glory. Since the person of God's glory had come, people should have rejoiced and returned thanks. In other words, the chosen Israelite people and the Jewish sects raised up for the sake of the dispensation should have revealed the glory of Jesus in his place, but they failed to do that. You must know that as a result, Jesus had to leave behind the grief of sorrow and resentment. When we look at the words Jesus left behind, he did not speak them only for the sake of the people who did not believe in him. He was speaking to humanity. Jesus was determined to die for the sake of God. He knew that the path which lay ahead of him was a fate he could not avoid. Because Jesus knew that the fallen people could not fulfill the will of God at certain points of history even as they were pouring out their hearts and souls, he cried out boldly, "You are to love God with all your heart, soul and strength." You should not mistake these words to apply only to your own selves.

The Words Jesus Spoke

What is the meaning behind those words? Jesus felt to his bones the distressed heart of God, which saturated the 4,000 years of history with tears. Accordingly, he felt that it was his responsibility to serve God. He felt that no matter when or which hour he had to represent the heart that could not be revealed in the 4,000 years of history, he would be the champion who offered his life and fulfilled the dispensational will completely. This is the theme that he elucidated.

The glory of Heaven should have emerged as the glory of Jesus, and the glory of Jesus should have appeared as the glory of humanity. The glory of humanity should have reached down to every one of all things in the universe. However, you must understand that because Jesus and the people separated, the glory of resurrection and the glory of gratitude that Jesus brought about remain today as the hope of humanity.

Jesus came as the glorious incarnation of God. Jesus was the victorious incarnation who offered all of his heart, soul and strength for the sake of God. History had never seen such a man before. You have to understand that within Jesus, the heart of God left a permanent impression. Furthermore, you have to understand that before Jesus did his utmost, it was God who gave all that He had. Before Jesus exerted all of his nature and character, God had done it first. Similarly, it was Jesus who appeared as the incarnation of the gospel and the mediator.

Therefore, Jesus' words of truth were not felt standing on the sidelines. They penetrated through the ideology behind the creation of man; they were the glorious ideas that could enhance the value of the whole, and they were the words that could reveal the hidden heart of God. You must understand this.

You must not think that the words that God spoke were given because He loved only you. The reason that Jesus spoke those words was that he wanted to materialize the will of God, who had toiled to raise him up. Just as God had done His utmost for Jesus, Jesus testified that men must exert their utmost for God, but these words could not be realized.

God Has Offered All of His Heart, Will and Character in His Pursuit

Accordingly, now we must honor God with all of our heart, will and character, and we must understand that it was God who first offered all of His heart, will and character to seek us.

What kind of heart did God possess toward men during the 4,000 years? He did not have the mind-set of living for His own sake. Although men deserved to die at once and suffer pain, God gave all of His heart to men and persevered through the 4,000 years of history. He walked the path of conflict in which He separated Satan from men. Similarly, you should understand the nature of God who has persevered, fought, and loved for 4,000 years with an unchanging heart.

Jesus, who appeared before such a God, offered all that he had to build a nation of God centering on the Jewish people. Consequently, the thirty years of his life was the time of sacrifice when he offered all of his heart. During the thirty-year course, he did not try to distinguish himself before the people, but in silence he tried to experience the heart of God, who had persevered for 4,000 years.

By doing so, Jesus unraveled the mysterious facts surrounding Satan in the 4,000-year course of history, and he revealed it after attaining proofs of it in the spirit world. Furthermore, in the thirty years of his life, he bore the responsibility to reveal the secret of the universe hidden deep inside the 4,000-year history, build the substantial foundation for the internal perseverance of God, and build the external substantial foundation. Therefore, the more he found himself in difficult circumstances, Jesus felt the urge to be self- seeking, but he could not even think about doing it. You must understand that Jesus felt the heart of God, who had persevered to find one man, Jesus, during the 4,000 years of history. To emerge as the substantial being who could liberate God from that history, Jesus spent thirty years of his life preparing himself.

Until this hour, God had not made excuses for His situation to any one. He had not complained about it to humanity or to the enemy, Satan. Because Jesus was trying to understand everything about the heart of God, even when he was lonely, he did not complain to anyone and persevered. You have to follow the example of such a lifestyle.

Nonetheless, God persevered for the sake of Jesus, and Jesus did not persevere through it for himself but for the Father. In other words, Jesus felt that God had walked the path of torment to find him, so he persevered not for himself, but for the sake of God.

Similarly, because Jesus forsook himself for thirty years of his life and persisted for the sake of God, he exceeded Satan in perseverance. Satan had been struggling desperately to destroy the path that God had persisted on for 4,000 years. However, Jesus knew that God's perseverance surpassed that of Satan, so he believed in the Father and persisted with patience just like Him. Thus, he could become the incarnation of patience and persistence. Similarly, Jesus himself stood on the foundation of the heart of God who had persevered for 4,000 years, and using that as the launching pad for victory, he stood above it and fought with Satan. Yet even if he won with his patience, if he could not lay a substantial foundation of victory, the heart of God who had persevered for 4,000 years, would be destroyed.

Jesus Defeated Satan with the Heart of Patience

During the thirty years of his life, because Jesus displayed patience centering on God's will even when he was in an unbearable environment, because he could abide by the will of God and persist even when Satan could endure no longer, Jesus was lifted up as the symbol of patience and became the hero who could fight with Satan.

God walked through the 4,000 years of bloody history for the sake of finding one man, Jesus. What is more, even while men struggle vehemently to attain the things they greedily desire, God has walked the historical course of conflict for the sake of men. Similarly, God fought the satan in us for 4,000 years, but He did not fight for His own sake. Nonetheless, Satan was fighting for his own glory. Moreover, even now, he is fighting with God centering on himself. Yet God never fought for himself. The purpose of God's fight was for the sake of pitiful humanity and it was to find one man, Jesus, through the chosen people.

What kind of man did Jesus appear as? He appeared as the materialization and personification of the victory that God had won over Satan in his fight during the 4,000 years. Likewise, Jesus came to the earth as the champion of the conflict who stood in place of God. The three-year course of his ministry was the course in which he acted upon his responsibility to inherit the will of God, which had established the internal foundation of victory, and to secure the external foundation of victory on the earth. In this three-year course, Satan fought with Jesus for his personal victory, but because he was defeated, he mobilized the people and waged another fight.

Jesus never fought centering on himself, no matter how much difficulty he faced in the battle. Jesus said that he observed the deeds of Father and acted accordingly. He walked the three-year course of public ministry as the incarnation of conflict representing God and as the substantial representative who unveiled the internal heart of God. Jesus never engaged in a fight to try to vindicate himself. Just as God could not speak in defense of Himself, Jesus did not try to vindicate himself when he was fighting with Satan before humankind. He served God with an unchanging heart of gratitude for God's tribulations during the 4,000 years suffered for his sake.

Jesus, who realized that the will of God manifested itself as the course of conflict in the dispensation, carried on the fight in order to realize externally the will for the whole that God had set internally. In this fight, Satan was fighting for himself, but Jesus was fighting for the sake of Heaven. This is where the foundation of victory was laid.

What is the reason that Satan was defeated? It is because he fought for his own sake. However, the purpose of Jesus' fight was for Heaven. What is more, because Jesus fought with the resolution that since God remained unchanging, he would not be changed until the end, he could lay the foundation of victory. Moreover, just as God poured out all of His mind, will and character, Jesus showed the same example before humanity.

Jesus Is the Substantial Representative of God

In this way, Jesus represented the internal character of God and, persevering through all difficulties and sorrows, he could inherit the heart of God, whom he loved. Therefore, no matter where he was or in what position he found himself, Jesus fought with Satan as the substantial representative of God's will and love.

During his fight, Jesus learned that when Satan attacked centering on a selfish purpose, its influence reached not only to Jesus himself but also to God. Therefore, no matter what kind of difficulty he was facing, just as God had persevered for him and humanity and just as God had fought with Satan in the course of the dispensation, Jesus persevered through the thirty years of his life by himself and fought on. Similarly, until the final moment when he took the last breath on the cross, Jesus' life was lived as the embodiment of God, putting into practice and revealing God's love. However, his life course, the course in which he put God's love into practice, was a course riddled with ordeals in which he had to constantly fight with Satan every step of the way.

Why did God give Jesus to Satan to be hung on the cross? This is not because God did not love Jesus. Do you know how much God loved Jesus? You have to understand that the highest of God's love is received when one surpasses the point of death. Therefore, in order for you to receive the love of Jesus who comes in place of God, you have to have the mind-set to even cross the pass of death. At that moment, Satan will surely submit. For 4,000 years, God looked down on the world with sorrow and worry by Himself, but when Jesus stood on the earth, centering on him, a new battle with Satan unfolded. Jesus forgot everything about himself and fought on for the sake of God. Not only that, because he did not have any selfish desire even when he faced death, he could manifest the power of resurrection. Today we must also pass through the same course of victory as Jesus.

Jesus offered all that he had to possess the eternal life of God and exhibit the glory of God. Moreover, he offered himself as a sacrifice for the sake of wicked humankind. We have to understand the love of Jesus who raised his hands and prayed for the sake of humanity to the point that he even forgot the opposition of Satan.

Because Jesus unveiled a love that cannot be found in the satanic world, Satan had to submit to that love. Satan wanted to make a claim for himself, but through Jesus, he felt ashamed of himself. Therefore, as a result of the crucifixion, not only did God feel mournful, but also men began to feel doleful, and Satan also felt sorrowful. You have to understand this. It was not just God and men that mourned over the death of Jesus. Satan also mourned over the death of the love of Jesus. Therefore, the greater the remorse that Satan feels, the greater the fruit that the love of Jesus will bear.

Based on the victory of the cross that testified to his love, Jesus could forge an immutable link with God who had been carrying on the dispensation for 4,000 years and who became the embodiment of unchanging victory and love. Because Jesus became one with God representing heaven, earth and men, since God remains unchanging, he also will not change.

God had tried for 4,000 years to manifest the glory, but that will was not realized until he found one man, Jesus, through whom He tried to realize it. Therefore, Jesus tried to manifest the will on the earth through men. Although Jesus was supposed to emerge as the substantial proof of the 4,000-year dispensation of God, because of the crucifixion, that will was trampled upon by Satan. Nonetheless, as the eternal incarnation of God, Jesus demonstrated the glory of God, who had been carrying on the dispensation for 4,000 years. That is none other than the glory of the resurrection. You must understand this.

Jesus Manifested the Glory of the Resurrection

Jesus' resurrection was the first representation of the glory of Heaven and the glory of victory won in the fight with Satan in the 4,000-year history. Because Jesus had demonstrated the standard of victory on the spiritual and substantial level, God raised the deceased Jesus to unfold another dispensation. Through the crucifixion, Jesus took on the responsibility for the 4,000-year history of the dispensation and the responsibility of the ancestors. Representing the glory of Heaven, he ascended to heaven. This is what the resurrection and ascension are about. Similarly, Jesus came with the purpose to evince in substance the internal glory of God on the earth. In other words, he came to demonstrate fully the glory of God. The complete glory must combine the internal and external glory. This is the mission that Jesus came to fulfill. In order for the glory of God to be fully displayed, the internal glory of God endowed in Jesus should have become the glory of the earth through the unity of the Jewish people with Jesus. Nevertheless, Jesus, who should have been in charge of the 4,000-year dispensational history of God, and who should have realized the glory of God on the earth, had to die on the cross due to the unfaithfulness of the Jewish people. As a result, the internal glory of God became spiritual glory only. Therefore, Jesus ascended after having realized incomplete glory.

What is the ground upon which Jesus, who came as the representative of men, creation and the love of Heaven, must establish victory? It is none other than the earth.

The Holy Spirit Took on the Responsibility for the Fight on the Earth

Who is then to be responsible for the course of conflict that remains on the earth? While Jesus inherits the internal fight of God in the spirit world, we must cooperate with the Holy Spirit on the earth and join our efforts to win the victory in the fight of love, the purpose of which is to bring the internal fight and dispensation to completion in substance.

This fight will not just be engaged in spiritually. It has to be fought physically and spiritually. Moreover, you must understand that the fate lies with us to bring victory in the battle. In other words, it is our destiny to inherit the internal fight of God that Jesus took on in the spirit world and the fight on the earth that he carried on by sacrificing his thirty-year life for the sake of saving humanity. Therefore, you must now pray and cry out, "Father! Jesus! Holy Spirit, please give me strength," and give all that you have for the realization of the historical hope of Heaven on earth.

Jesus came to the earth as the culmination of the 4,000 years of work and suffering, and as the first perfected person for which God had wished. However, there remains before Jesus the course that was not completed in the thirty years of his life. Moreover, there remains deep remorse for not having completely manifested the glory of God even during the fight in the three-year course of public ministry. His heart of love that shed blood on the cross is left behind on earth.

Consequently, when we put ourselves before the Father and make criticisms about ourselves, what should we do? Jesus fought with Satan to fulfill the will of God. Even after Jesus passed away, he labored arduously with the Holy Spirit for 2,000 years. You must follow the example of Jesus. What is more, you must remember that when he went forward before God and engaged in the victorious battle, it was not a matter of one day, but of the whole thirty years of his life. You must fathom the heart of the Father, who has carried on the dispensation for 6,000 years, and the heart of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, who were desperately trying to bring the will to pass.

If in your own course of perseverance, you cannot pour out all of your heart and persist, then because of you, the will of God who has mourned for 6,000 years, the will of Jesus for which he toiled his whole life, and the will of the Holy Spirit who has worked strenuously for 2,000 years since the death of Jesus, will all be greatly hindered. You must understand this clearly. Therefore, you must carry on the fight for the sake of this will.

Our Mission

Jesus was severely opposed by enemies. When he was chased out of one village, he went to another. When he was persecuted there, he sought refuge in another place. Even in the midst of that, he never acted in defense of himself. He came with the life of the whole of Heaven, but he could not manifest it. In this way he was persisting in a silent battle; even on the hill of the crucifixion, he completely forgot himself and fought with Satan for the sake of testifying to God's will and love.

Therefore, if you have a heart of love and strive to raise Jesus up, then it will not bring sadness to Jesus but will make him happy. You must consider this and act on behalf of the thirty years of the grievous life of Jesus and represent the heart of God, who has waited patiently until today. You must represent the heart of the prophets who built an altar and worked through the people to fulfill the will of God, and the heart of Jesus who loved humanity. By doing so, you must do the same work as Jesus, who did not elevate or love himself and who made Satan sorrowful by setting the standard of victory. You must bring all the conflicts of the 6,000 years to a conclusion.

You must win victory in all kinds of courses of conflict through perseverance. Moreover, you must be victorious in the fight to testify to the will of Heaven. You must act on behalf of Jesus Christ. You must possess the victorious heart of the will, glory and love behind God's perseverance of 4,000 years. Just as Jesus completely forgot about himself and toiled only for the sake of realizing the will of Heaven, you must forget yourself and bear fruit in the glory of the whole that God desires. You must bear the fruit of victory with your mind and body.

Accordingly, you can sing a song of the glory of Jesus in your heart, and sing a song of the glory of the Holy Spirit in your body. In our hearts, we must represent the glory of the resurrection of Jesus and in our bodies, we must represent the glory of the resurrection through the Holy Spirit. This is the only way that the Holy Spirit can enter the glorious position of resurrection. Although Jesus already commands the glory of resurrection and ascension, the Holy Spirit does not yet possess the glory. Until today, there has not appeared one substantial being who spiritually and physically represents the glory of God who has been guiding the dispensation for 6,000 years. Today there must emerge someone who can represent the glory of the victory won by the love of Jesus; someone who can stand in the position of glory established by the resurrection of the Holy Spirit. You must realize that unless you emerge as the substantial embodiment like Jesus, who fought with his mind and body to fulfill God's dispensational will of the 4,000 years, the will of God cannot be gloriously manifested.

What are we to do from now on? You have to understand that the Holy Spirit, who possesses the utmost will, heart and character, has come to the earth. Therefore, unless a substantial representative of Jesus Christ, who acts on behalf of God's will, and a substantial representative of the Holy Spirit appear on the earth, God's will cannot be fulfilled. You must understand this. What is more, you must understand that you bear the responsibility even to liberate the Holy Spirit from this earth. If the will is not accomplished today, in the last days, then the purpose of God's 6,000-year dispensation cannot be reached. Accordingly, you must reap the victory in all the battles fought for the sake of bringing to pass the will of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You must go over that course of conflict and perseverance to bring to full light the glory of the Trinity.