July 10, 2019 Emi Ikeda World Rally for Korean Freedom (1975) July 10, 2019 Emi Ikeda Click on image for full photo and caption True Father at the Podium, World Rally for Korean Freedom, Yoido Island, Seoul, Korea, June 7, 1975 Part of the massive crowd of 1.2 million attending True Father emphasizing a point in his speech True Father on the stage Another view of the crowd with the Korean parliamentary building in the background True Father and True Mother on the stage; Mrs. Won Pok Choi behind A view of the Yoido Rally crowd A view of the crowd from the back A view of the stage area Rev. Young Whi Kim, President of the Unification Church, Korea, delivers a rally address Little Angels dance troupe at the rally A sea of white on Yoido Island True Father speaking; the Yoido Parade Grounds remained dry despite rain throughout the city of Seoul Crowded stage area True Father speaking with photographers snapping shots Close-up of True Father and photographers True Father with the crowd in front of him A view from back in the crowd Western members holding up signs in Korean letters Japanese representatives at the rally Col. Bo Hi Pak, Vice-Chairman, Executive Committee of the World Rally, delivers remarks U.S. Unification Church President Neil Salonen delivers a rally statement Japanese Unification Church President Osami Kuboki delivers a rally statement translated by Col. Pak German Unification Church President Paul Werner delivers a rally statement French Unification Church president Henri Blanchard delivers a rally statement A warning message to Kim Il Sung delivered by Chong Joo (Tiger) Park New Hope Singers International at the rally True Father waves the Korean flag True Father led a cheer of “Mansei’ at the conclusion of the rally Emi Ikeda