The Way of Eternal Life

C. S. Yang

This is from a sermon given January 10, 1999 at the Washington DC Church.

When people in the future look back, they will consider us to be very historic men and women. We can think of ourselves as people who lived through two different centuries; actually, two different millennia.

We are in 1999. We can recall that many prophets over the years have made prophecies about the year 1999. If we divide these prophecies into two large categories, we can say there is a large group of people, from both East and West, who have said that 1999 will be the last days. Usually when people think of the last days they don't think so much of hope, but rather despair and destruction, envisioning that things will be bad during the last days. We are already in the countdown toward the year 2000.

There is another group of prophets who have prophesied about how people can live through the last days, through 1999 and into 2000. It is very important that we will live in two millennia, and also very important to think that 1999 has tremendous significance in the providence of God. That's because this is the year just before the time when God's providence comes to its final conclusion.

The entire Bible is a record of God's providence and the book of Revelations is about the last days. The section we read from is about the period we are in now, the year 1999. Every family and every individual needs to have a clear idea of how we are to live in this year. What is my goal, the goal of our family? What about my work -- what do I want to accomplish this year for God's will, for the United States and for the world in which we live? We have to be very serious at the beginning of this year.

True Parents point out that if you add the numbers 1 - 9 - 9 - 9, it comes out to 28. In Korea the numbers 2 and 8 together represent youth and energy because when you multiply them together they equal 16. Instead of saying "a youth of 16," for example, they would say "a youth of 2 and 8." Those numbers represent energy and youth.

In the beginning of this year we can feel very much that we are coming closer to the conclusion of God's providence, that we are closer to God now. The prophecy in Revelations says that everything which was lost in Genesis will be recovered in the end. The amazing thing about the Bible is that although it was written by many people over many centuries, still there is one central theme to it, that the things lost in Genesis are, through a certain process, restored and recovered and finally reclaimed in the book of Revelations.

When we talk about the accomplishment of God's will, the beginning point is always the individual. We hear the word "restoration" often, but the important thing is how do I as an individual recover my original self, become the original man or woman that God intended me to be. It doesn't matter how beautiful an environment we happen to live in. If there isn't a son or daughter of God who can take control of that environment and rule it with God's heart then everything will be destroyed. Because True Parents know God's heart, they are very serious at this time.

I'm sure that almost everyone here has been using the Internet. People say it is an ocean of information. A number of members asked me to put my sermons on the Internet. I noticed that when I did, many people visited the site. They are giving me feedback about their impressions. This morning I received some information from Sweden. A person in Alaska wrote me of his impressions.

The Internet was originally created for military purposes, but now that everyone is using it, we can see that the world is becoming one through the use of the Internet. In Europe one common currency has been adopted. In this century world unity is really picking up speed. Many non-English-speaking countries in Europe for a long time resisted learning English, but now they are eager to learn because English is the language of the Internet.

As we see the world moving toward greater unity in the new century, we can understand that America's role both externally and internally in the providence is very big. America has a very important responsibility as the elder son nation. The elder son has the responsibility to attend the parents. I think all of us who are living in America have to determine to become a mature elder son so that we can attend the parents internally, and also externally live for the sake of the world. In this year we must have the objective to become a mature elder son.

The God's Day celebration this year was the 32nd God's Day and it was held in Uruguay. About 700 people from 150 countries attended this year's celebration. At midnight, as he always does on New Year's Eve, Father prayed and gave us the motto for this year, "Cosmic Expansion of the True Blessing and the Rooting Out of Satan's Blood Lineage." Father spoke most of the day on the 1st and on the 2nd, the Day of Victory of Love. On the 3rd and 4th the 700 people were divided into eight teams and sporting events were held.

This year Father is 80 years old in the Korean way of counting. Eighty certainly is a very significant number. Father was born in 1920, and is now approaching the year 2000. In 1960 Father's holy blessing was held. Forty years from 1920 to 1960, and now he is completing his second 40-year period, as a family and True Parents. This year of 1999 is the final year of God's 6,000-year providential history, but also for Father it is the final year in which he wants to bring to a conclusion all the things he has been working for his whole life.

All of us brothers and sisters here today have received the baton in the race of the providence, from our ancestors and all those who have gone before us. We have received the baton and now it is our job to take it across the finish line. We are always very concerned about True Parents and their health. I can tell you for certain that True Parents are very healthy. Age 80 is certainly way past retirement age for almost anyone in the world, but Father is still very active to such an extent that it is difficult for much younger people to keep up with him. He is always speaking with a great deal of hope and enthusiasm for the future. He is so busy that he really doesn't have time to take meals three times a day.

Father certainly doesn't eat anything special, just the same food everyone else is eating. We might imagine that Father is carrying a tremendous spiritual burden, that he has to accomplish God's will. But throughout his life Father has never tried to go around an obstacle, always pushing forward to lay the groundwork of the providence.

This morning I would like to speak a little bit about how we are to live our lives, what kind of mindset we need to have in this new century. We are living in the Completed Testament Age. The Completed Testament Age is the age in which all the promises that were made in the Old Testament and the New Testament are finally brought to fruition and are completed. It is an age in which all ignorance is done away with. It's the age in which we come to understand what is the essence of our life, when we come to understand all about God and about humankind.

People living in the Completed Testament Age can understand where I was born, why I was born, how I'm supposed to live now, and where I'm going in the future. In the Bible Genesis is the Alpha and Revelations is the Omega. Genesis was the loss of Adam and Eve, and Omega then is the recovery and restoration of all that was lost. In history we see that the original Adam is Jesus and the original Eve in the Holy Spirit. Now in the Completed Testament Age we see the completed ideal of Adam and Eve in our True Parents.

Our task now is, how do I become the original Adam, the original Eve. We studied in Divine Principle about completing our original character, that we are to become the temples of God that Jesus taught about. In Revelations 21:22, we read, "And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God almighty and the Lamb are its temple." So in the last days, when God's providence is accomplished, the temple is no longer necessary because God and the Messiah are one, and humankind, having come to resemble the Messiah and become one with God, are also one with God. Therefore we ourselves are the temple. In the new Jerusalem God and the Messiah are the original temple and we are the branch temples.

In Revelations 22:5 it says that in the last days there shall no longer be any night, and they shall not have the need of a light or the sun because the Lord God shall illuminate. There will be no need for the sun or the moon. This is because God's glory shines in the world, and the glory of all the people who are with God is shining. Also there is a passage that says that life in the new Jerusalem, there is no need to lock the doors for there are no thieves. There are no thieves because there is no night in which the thieves and others who commit crimes can operate.

The situation is that there is no longer a hell in spiritual world, for even hell and Satan have been liberated and restored. There is no one in the cosmos who can hurt human beings. In chapter 22, verse 4 it says that his name shall be on their foreheads, identifying every person as a son or daughter of God. The problem for us is how do we become such sons and daughters, how do we live in order to reach this point. In verse 15 it talks about the kind of people who will not be able to get into this stage. "Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons, and the murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying."

Certain persons can only be excluded from the new Jerusalem, outside the walls of the city. This is the judgment of the people who will be able to go in and those who cannot. The time of God's kingdom comes, but God's kingdom is not something that is established by a natural course. We may be called to be God's sons and daughters, but it our responsibility whether we are able to respond to that calling and conform ourselves to that calling.

One of the things that inspires us very much about our True Father, our teacher in faith, is that he has this incredible ability to have control over his body with his mind. He is always talking about how mind and body have to be one, centering on the mind. He gives us an example of that in his own life. There are many, many things Rev. Moon has accomplished in his life, but probably the most important thing is this way he has completely subjugated his body with his mind, and is able to show us an example of how a person must be in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. In this sense the philosophy of the mind subjugating the body, living centering on the mind, this is something the West needs to learn from the East.

The final conclusion of the book of Revelations is how we are able to recover and restore the original Adam and Eve. The model that we have is the Messiah. The Bible teaches that we have to become the temple of God. Then we have to have a heartistic connection with God, and we have to be connected to God's love, and connected to His life. In terms of blood lineage, we need to be God's son and daughter. To do that we need to be born again so that we can become people who resemble God and resemble His original ideal.

During the recent events in Uruguay hoon dok hae was held regularly. One of the things that was read was a series of five books recently published by the Korean church which include content regarding the years before 1960, when Father was undergoing tremendous persecution in Korea. Almost no one in the room was able to keep from crying upon hearing that content.

In particular there was deeply moving content about Father's testimony from Hungnam labor camp. Anyone who hears that will realize that no one can deny the victory Father gained in that experience. In particular, the effort to recover the self that has been lost is something that Oriental religions and philosophy teach very deeply.

For example, in Buddhism there is the practice of choosing 40 days in the summer when it is hottest and in the winter when it is coldest, praying all night and all day during that time, without sleeping. In order the prevent himself from sleeping, the trainee has knives pointed at his face so that if he falls over he will cut himself and immediately wake up.

In another form of training a person will carry a 100-pound load of stones and climb up a steep cliff. Buddhists say that the rocks he carries represents the load of karma from his bad deeds and the bad deeds of his ancestors. He hauls this load up the cliff, maybe seven or eight hours, and when he gets to the top he will take the rocks and throw them away. That action represents the liberation of that indemnity.

There is training in which a person will do 3,000 bows or 10,000 bows before the Buddha, hoping through this process to come to resemble the Buddha's heart. During 1999 there will be many spiritual hurricanes that will blow. The way that we can survive these spiritual storms is to understand the truth and be one with the person who has brought us this truth.

Most recently Father is emphasizing that members must understand spirit world completely. It must not be something we vaguely know about, but something that we can feel and touch with our senses. We have to consider deeply this year's motto, the cosmic expansion of the blessing. We are living in a cosmic age. Beginning with the RFK blessing, this is the time when spirit world and physical world can be blessed together. Already twice in December there were ceremonies held in Japan and Korea in which people in spirit world were blessed with people in the physical world. There were ceremonies in which single people over the age of 60 were matched and blessed with people in the spirit world, and Daemonim gave the names of those in spirit world who participated in that matching.

Father has given us the blessing, and we are living in the age when we can receive authority to give the blessing, even to 120 ancestors. It has to be on the condition that we become one with our original selves and that husband and wife become one with each other. One thing must be clear: though we near the end of our lives on earth, it is not the end of our life as such. Instead we are on the way to our eternal life. We have to understand that during our life we have to inherit all the blessings that God has prepared for us and wants to give us. Then we can go into the spirit world and live with God there.

How do we inherit that blessing? First we become one with God and True Parents. Second is to do the work that God and True Parents would have us do. How do we come to know True Parents? The best way is through hoon dok hae, reading Father's words. Now 12 volumes of that series have been translated into English. All members should have these volumes in their home. In Korea 240 volumes of Father's speeches have been made available on one CD. It is important to be able to read the words and receive the life elements through them.

If you miss the morning reading, then read in the evening time, but at least once a day there should be time for the family to sit together and read the words, thus attending God and True Parents to receive their spirit into your family. Already many families have testified about their wonderful experiences through hoon dok hae and how they have become closer through relating centering on the word. Through this experience we can understand that we are on the course of going to the spirit world for our eternal life.

The 12 volumes in English include two that talk about spirit world. They contain a very clear and detailed explanation of the spirit world. There are many answers in the book "The Way of the Spiritual Leader" about how we should be as leaders. These are not just words that Father spoke, but words that he received from God.

The most enthusiastic participants in hoon dok hae are True Parents themselves. Father receives inspiration from the words he spoke previously. If you do hoon dok hae, you don't need to do 3,000 or 10,000 bows like the Buddhists do, or do a 40-day prayer condition with no sleep.

I have the experience of going to a Buddhist temple to speak to the priest about becoming a Buddhist monk. They say that first one must destroy the evil self within oneself, so they send you to the kitchen and make you do menial work there. Then you are sent begging for rice in the village. You will also be sent to the priest's toilet to get his urine and feces. He will say, can you go so far as to eat and drink this? If an individual has even one ten thousandth of himself left, he cannot pass such a test. The priest will not meet anyone who has any pride in himself, so a person wanting to meet him must first do a full bow to the lowest priest in the temple. Afterward you can meet the head priest.

I'm sure you've heard about people in India who meditate in order to find themselves and their own essence. In Korea there are shamans who teach a very high level of spiritual existence. When they are in a trance they can dance on knife blades. All of this is people trying to overcome themselves and do away with their fallen nature, to become true men and women.

A person who has gone through such an intense spiritual path and achieved the goal is now before us as the True Parents. In order to go to True Parents, we have to go through the word. We need to have deep prayer and meditation in order to become one with his heart. Let us this year have absolute faith and hope so that we can overcome our individual and family struggles and difficulties.

Father is commemorating his 80th year by choosing 80 cities around the world that he will visit this year. He will speak in each of those cities and give a clear message to the people of the world about the spirit world so that everyone can understand exactly what the spirit world is like.

I hope very much that this year for each you and your families can be a year in which you can center on the word and on True Parents in order to have victory for yourself and your family.

Blessing '99 - The Completion of the 360 Million Couple Blessing

February 14, 1999
Rev. Joong Hyun Pak

True Parents have fulfilled the Blessing of 360 million couples worldwide. Some couples attended the Blessing in front of True Parents, some couples attended in front of a satellite screen, some attended in front of an internet and there were some couples who were being blessed in their homes or their hometowns. Still yet there are probably some among them who received the Blessing somewhere, somehow and they don't even realize that they are blessed! One way or the other, incredible history was made.

But wherever they were in the world, 360 Million Couples have been blessed! Blessing '99, centered on February 7, held in Korea, was truly a historical occasion, totally fulfilling the 360 million couple goal. You and I became co-partners for this great victory and for this we have to appreciate God and True Parents.

The Associated Press (AP) news agency carried the story about Blessing '99. And it was quite detailed. They reported about Reverend Moon starting the Blessings in 1960 with the first three couples and that today, 1999, he blessed 360 million couples. The news media is more and more respecting Father's history and his efforts and victory to arrive at this 360 million couples Blessing. This brings happiness to True Father.

Just for us to organize a small number of people for the Blessing is not an easy task. So even now with the 360 million Blessing completed, we still cannot believe that such great numbers have received the Blessing.

The World Culture and Sports Festival officially opened with a banquet on February 4, held at the Lotte Hotel in Seoul. General Alexander Haig, former Secretary of State in the United States, and former supreme commander of NATO forces, introduced True Father.

Also, on the day before the Blessing ceremony, a Reception was held. A thousand VIPs from all over the world attended and were very inspired. General Haig and other worldwide figures joined True Father and Mother in the reception line to welcome the many VIPs.

On February 1, another celebration was held--the tenth Anniversary of the Segye Times. Korean President Kim Dae Jung attended and offered a 15-minute congratulatory speech. Father gave a concise talk on God's Providence. President Kim participated with True Parents in cutting the cake as well. It was a very meaningful day. All the political leaders of South Korea were there. President Kim knows True Father's value and he respects True Father very much. Some years ago, when President Kim was temporarily removed from his country because of political

misunderstandings, he was welcomed and hosted by True Parents' representatives in America. So there is an interesting bit of history going back quite a few years between Father and President Kim.

The WCSF this year had a victorious foundation behind it for many different reasons. To develop this foundation, and bring in important world leaders, many of True Parents' organizations held a three-day Convocation just prior to the Blessing, with participants representing all parts of the world, to discuss how to bring about world peace through religious unity. Among these organizations were: Women's Federation for World Peace, the Summit Council, the Inter-religious Federation for World Peace, the Professors World Peace Academy, International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, and others. Actually, all these organizations met in one major hotel, holding their various seminars in separate conference rooms. It was a very economical, efficient and convenient way to do it. It was like one great multi-conference.

On the afternoon of February 6, True Father gave the inaugural speech for the newly-formed "Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace," centered on Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak. (Father made the announcement in Uruguay during the God's Day meetings of his intention to inaugurate this new organization.) True Father's inauguration speech was so meaningful. This new organization signifies a great victory for True Parents. There were so many important, well-known people in attendance February 6 for this inauguration.

But of course the greatest victory of all was Blessing '99 itself. Incredibly, Korea had 33 days' notice to prepare for this event. About 20 days before the actual day of the Blessing, I was in my office in New York when I received the news that True Father announced that Blessing '99 would be held not in the Seoul ChamShil Gynasium as planned by the Korean Church, but rather at Seoul Olympic Stadium!! Outdoors! In February! Wintertime! I remembered how shocked leaders were when they heard in 1997 that we were going to use RFK Stadium in Washington, DC, also an outdoor stadium! In November! Wintertime! The weather at RFK on the day of the 1998 Blessing turned out to be quite good for a November day--not bad at all. The same thing happened in Seoul at Olympic Stadium. The weather was quite good. How come? BECAUSE GOD AND TRUE PARENTS ARE IN CHARGE. WE CAN TRUST THEM. THEY HAVE CAPABILITY.

The seating capacity at Olympic Stadium is 130,000. It is huge. Our Korean Church Headquarters organized 3,000 buses from all corners of the country to come to the stadium. The greatest distance was Pusan, five to six hours away. Three hours before the Ceremony, practically all seats were filled. I was responsible for seating 30 ministers from North America. Some came late; it was a very difficult task.

There was a very noble and holy feeling throughout the stadium. Everyone had on their white scarf. The stadium was magnificently decorated, gorgeous actually, as many of you saw by satellite. Using all their previous experience, one could see that the organizers put everything they had into this event. It was like a final climax of all previous events and experiences. This was a great offering to God.

Before True Parents entered--in their traditional fashion--9 world spiritual leaders, representing the major religions of the world, came on stage and gave their blessings to the assembly: Christianity (Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant) Judaism, Buddhism, Shikhism, Confucianism, Islam and Hinduism. Representing Catholicism was a top leader from the Vatican. Our own Pastor T.L. Barrett from Chicago so proudly and loudly proclaimed the True Parents in his presentation and in his prayer on stage. And most interesting of all was Rabbi Herzel Kranz of Washington, DC, representing Judaism. For Madison Square Garden's Blessing '98 Rabbi Kranz offered a video blessing address. But for Blessing '99 he appeared in person to give his blessing to the assembly. He became ill after arriving in Seoul but bravely chose to appear on stage with True Parents nevertheless. The Rabbi paid quite a price to be there. History itself will reveal the results of his courage.

During the Blessing, True Parents displayed expressions of happiness, victory and peace. This is our greatest reward. Praise God.

At the victory banquet on the night of the Blessing, held at the Little Angels School, True Father gave a very special message. Following that, the Universal Ballet Company gave a performance, starring Hoon Sook (Julia) Moon. Primary dancers from their many productions were chosen to perform as well. All those visiting leaders in the audience were so fortunate to be watching a part of many famous ballet programs, all in one evening. What a special treat.

As usual, True Father's stamina through all of these many days of activities astounded us all. We never cease to be amazed at how Father can keep the schedule he does and still appear alert, fresh, handsome! True Mother as well. So beautiful and radiant all the time. Morning, noon and night, they didn't rest. There was not a moment that activity was not going on.

Following this Blessing '99, True Parents will not be officiating for previously married couples--only for matched couples. How fortunate are those already-married couples who received True Parents personal blessing. From now on, we, you and I, as Tribal Messiahs, can bless married couples. Let's quickly bless 185 couples or even 1,850 couples as the beginning of our newly assigned responsibility.

The Philippines was the nation that brought the greatest number of Blessing candidates to Seoul: 14,000 in all! What an amazing heavenly harvest. In America we have blessed many married couples and will continue to bless many families. Now the fruits of these families, their young people, can be matched.

There were so many young matchings to be done this time that we can imagine that even for True Father it must be a difficult task, even time-wise. We must develop the spiritual skills for the future. At one particular breaktime during the matching in Seoul, Father directed Continental leaders to exercise their skills and do some matchings. When True Father resumed the matching process himself, the leaders found that they had been 70% correct! Not bad! We were very happy to discover this.

So we can see what the future holds for all of us. As Tribal Messiahs, we will become more and more empowered with the Spirit to carry on this heavenly task. We will be co-partners with God, to perform and fulfill the most noble and precious heavenly act. True Parents trust us. They are sharing their heavenly mission and role with us. We have inherited this.

True Father said we have inherited seven generations. Centered on us, our families of seven generations can be immediately blessed.

True Mother has already begun her speaking tour in Japan. As we know, she will begin her tour in America on March 21. Mother will continue her world tour following True Parents Day in New York. For Mother's speech in New York we can plan to hold it banquet-style at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

During this same period of time in America, Dae Mo Nim, working through Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim, is planning a short visit, hopefully meeting with members in four cities: San Francisco, Chicago, Washington, DC and New York. As soon as a definite schedule has been worked out, we will make an announcement so that members everywhere can plan to see her. Even if the second generation has school scheduled, some arrangement should be made so that they too can attend. It is important and it is a tremendous opportunity that none of us should miss.

Well, following all the victory of Blessing '99, practically speaking, what do we have to do?

(1) We must launch and begin activities for the newly inaugurated "Interreligious International Federation for World Peace." This very year we must bring results.

(2) As Tribal Messiahs we will continue the Blessings and educate young people for the next matching, especially those in our own physical family, solidly building up our tribes.

(3) We will plan to go as couples/families to the Jardim 40-day Ideal Family workshop.

(4) We will accumulate as quickly as possible during this year, our "Living Offering" Family Fund.

Let us be grateful to God and True Parents everyday for their True Love and their many victories, in which they allow us to be co-creators and partners. Amen.

Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace

Inaugural Address
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 6, 1999
Hotel Lotte, Seoul, Koread

Distinguished leaders from every walk of life:

It gives me great pleasure to host this Inaugural Assembly of the Interreligious and International Federation for World (IIFWP). Although it was last year that I made the official proposal for its founding, in my heart I have been preparing for this occasion for decades.

The purpose of the various ecumenical and interfaith activities and organizations I have been developing over the past forty years has been the realization of a world of peace that God and human beings have been longing for. A vision for peace is the heart of any interfaith activity.

In the 20th century humankind has suffered two devastating world wars, and experienced confrontation and conflict for seventy years under the oppression of the atheist communist ideology and the Cold War era. When that came to an end, the world drank a toast in celebration of peace, albeit briefly. All too soon we came to learn that the end of the Cold War era did not lead automatically to a time of peace. Violent conflicts continue to occur throughout the world today. Even now, massacres are being perpetrated in Yugoslavia, the Middle East, Sudan, South Asia, and elsewhere. It is common knowledge that many such disputes have behind them deep-rooted religious conflict. These are only some examples that awaken us to the importance of dialogue and cooperation among religious orders.

Often, in the modern era, religions work toward the realization of their ideals while keeping a certain distance from the realms of worldly power. This is generally accepted as the norm. I believe, however, that it is time for those international organizations that serve the cause of world peace to re-examine their relationship to the world's great religious traditions.

Perhaps the United Nations, more than any other international organization, serves as a good example. Many regard the UN as the institutionalized organization of the human ideal for world peace, and set their hopes upon it. At the UN, representatives of all nations combine their efforts to solve the world's problems and to promote peace and human prosperity.

However, these efforts by the UN to realize world peace have always met with serious obstacles. While its accomplishments cannot be denied, one can observe that the UN could be improved in many ways. The time has come when cooperative and mutually supportive relationships among the world's statesmen and religious leaders is desperately needed.

Originally, human beings were meant to live with their mind and body united, responding to the complete love of God. It is because human beings were created to be God's son and daughters, resembling Him, that their mind and boy should not fight. Instead, they should create true unity. God's mind and body are not in conflict: Almighty God could never have any conflict within Himself.

The human ideal of unified mind and body is realized when a person is fully possessed of the true love of God. The words, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God" (Matt 5:9) also premise that the ideal of unity of mind and body is to be attained on the basis of relationship with our Heavenly Father.

It was due to the human fall that people lost the standard of unity and harmony of their mind and body, and has thus been living in self-contradiction and conflict. Moreover, the battle of the mind and body within the individual has expanded to the level of the family, society, nation and world. Cain's killing of his younger brother Abel originated from this. All the conflicts and wars that the world has witnessed since the beginning of history have been, in essence, the battle between the Cain side, which is relatively on the side of evil, and the Abel side, more on the side of goodness. The struggle between the Cain and Abel sides should be terminated and everything restored to its original state. Likewise, the confrontation between our mind and body should be brought to an end, and harmony and unity regained.

We have to apply the principle of individual mind-body unity the global level. For this purpose, I established the Interreligious Federation for World Peace representing world of the mind, and the Federation for World Peace representing the world of the body. Together, they embrace the total concept of world peace.

It is now the time for religion to exert genuine leadership in the world. I believe that religious people should feel responsible for the situation of humankind, and for resolving the various inequities of this age. Profound self-reflection is surely prerequisite to this. Religious people have failed to set an example in the practice of love. Now is indeed the time for them to repent for not having exerted themselves fully for the sake of world salvation. Instead, they have been absorbed with the pursuit of individual salvation and denominational interests. Mere belief in love is not enough. It must be accompanied by its practice.

God is calling the leaders of society, but in particular the religious leaders. He wants us to challenge the injustices and sins of the world and establish true love in their place. All religious people should become one in heart, representing and carrying out God's aspiration for all people.

World peace can be realized through the synergy of the statesmanship and measures taken by politicians who represent the body and the secular world, and the wisdom and efforts of the world's religious leaders, who represent the mind and the world of the spirit. The time has come for us to seriously reflect even on such a matter as restructuring the United Nations. Might it not even be possible to imagine the UN as adopting a two-house structure?

What is the existing United Nations comprised of national representatives serving in one house that speaks for national interests? Then a religious council or UN senate could be established, comprising distinguished religious leaders and in the those fields of society pertaining more to the heart, for example, culture and education. As a body representing a global perspective, this religious council would have to address the interests of all people, transcendent of regions or nations.

Through mutual respect and cooperation, these two houses would be able to contribute enormously to the realization of world peace. The political wisdom of the world's leaders could thus be effectively completed complemented by the wisdom and vision of the world's most prominent religious leaders.

I am confident that the moral vision and exemplary lifestyle of religious leaders can be lamp for humankind, not only pointing the way to the world beyond this one, but also teaching the road to genuine happiness and peace on this earth.

Religious leaders should become ideal leaders who not only inherit and pass on the precious and holy wisdom of their great traditions, but also lead lives of unselfish service. The great disqualification of any leader -- whether religious or political --would be selfishness.

Through the regular holding of conferences to bring religious to bring religious leaders together, I have been striving to carry out true-love education transcendent of religious denomination and nationality. Last year, religious leaders worldwide took the lead in suggesting that all religious people donate money of an amount based on the number 7, and thus pioneer the creation of a fund for world peace. Individuals and nations have different economic circumstances. For some, seven rubles would be a lot to offer but then someone else might offer 7 million dollars. If all religious people of the world were united in heart, they would be able to not only raise funds, but also use the money to effectively to promote the ideals of true love and the value of raising exemplary families.

Respected leaders, we should work together to implement a system through which the highest expressions of religious wisdom are brought to the table at which the world's most serious and urgent problems are being addressed. Such a system can be achieved by creating a council of religious leaders within the framework of the United Nations. Today, I would like to ask you to establish the IIFWP as a first step in realizing this goal. In addition, it is my sincere hope that you will generously offer your own experience, wisdom and effort as we work to realize these highest of ideals.

I am confident that the IIFWP will make a decisive contribution to the realization of world peace, and I pray that God will bless you, your families and your work.

Thank you very much.

February 1999

The Being of God

by Diesa Seidel -- Poughkeepsie, NY

(Diesa Seidel is a freshman student at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY. She has a scholarship for playing Division I Basketball.)

There are various ways in which human beings can interpret the "being of God." Most commonly human beings have perceived the being of God as that which is "holy" and "divine". What each individual sees as "holy" and "divine" can have diverse importance depending upon the particular perspective. I believe that there are several basic approaches when thinking about the being of God through natural theology.

Nature alone takes an enormous role in our daily lives. It is filled with immutable laws that control and guide our actions whether we realize it or not. The order and harmony that we witness creates a certain wholesomeness in the universe. Phenomena such as a gorgeous variegated sunset, the vast nightly sky, or the timeless laws of the physical earth and cosmos are just a few of the simplistic sensations that we face every day. With these simple beauties, our minds are captivated and we feel a presence of a transcendental being behind this reality. By experiencing these types of splendors, we trigger our emotions. This is to say that we can experience God with our emotions. The more creation is similar to us, the deeper we feel an attraction to our hearts. Our sense of beauty is more and more stimulated as the object through which we experience beauty is similar to us or reflects our own being. For example, flowers are nice to look at (or smell), but one would experience more "joy" with a cute puppy dog. Yet the ultimate sense of beauty is derived through other human beings. This self-revelation of God through an ultimate object allows us to have the highest experience of beauty. I believe that these experiences are a type of self-communication with God. As nature becomes the mediator for understanding "God", human beings can see God through nature. With this at hand, we can say that God reveals Himself to us through His creation.

The scientist can experience a sense of divinity through the principles and natural laws that are imbedded in nature. Humankind who gains this scientific knowledge can understand God through the intellect. The intellect then gains knowledge about reality and in this way can open the door to understanding the divine. This fascination with the system and unity of laws brings to question the explanation of a First Cause. This is to say that some being must have been the cause of the world in which we live in today. The teleological and cosmological arguments are two arguments which are commonly brought up in discussion. Both argue that God must exist due to the assumption at the world is a contingent world, and is therefore caused by something outside of space and time (see Questions That Matter: An Invitation to Philosophy, ed. L. Miller, (c)1998, McGraw-Hill, NY, p. 227).

St. Thomas Aquinas used these arguments in his famed proofs for God known as the "Five Ways" (motion, nature of efficient cause, possibility and necessity, gradation to be found in things, and governance of the world). All of St. Thomas’ "Five Ways" begins in an "a posteriori" way, meaning that through sense experience the existence of God can be proven. St. Thomas believed that no matter how long the universe had existed, it is dependent on something absolute (and not dependent) for its existence.

William Paley, an English clergyman, also argued for God’s existence on the basis of design in the cosmos (teleological argument). he is most famous for his watch analogy: The world is to God as a watch is to a watchmaker (Miller, p. 239). Much of Paley’s thoughts were contrary to Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theories. The Paleyan view sees the world being full of particular instances of design. A common example is the human eye: this is an evidence for the direct creating and designing activity of God (Miller, p. 245).

Tennant took the same analogy of the human eye, except he argued that the human eye developed through natural causes such as evolution. Nonetheless, the universe in its entirety is an astonishing proof for the making and designing movement of God (Miller, p. 245).

We can see that through the conclusions of multiple philosophers, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution has influenced how God can be perceived. Miller said, the science of evolution was the primary source of the wider teleology as well as for the main motive to the recovery of the closely connected doctrine of the innate (Miller, p. 243).

On another perspective, human beings have a will set on goodness. The more we can understand God as a being of goodness, the more we are inclined to expand on our own will for goodness. By applying our will for goodness, we can understand God as a being to love goodness. If we observe God as a benevolent creator, then His (Her) actions and power all must be rooted and structured toward righteous manners.

So far we have discussed the being of God through human emotions, intellect and the will to obtain goodness as well as through the inquiry of a First Cause. The next question brings to thought the essence of divinity and holiness. What do we encounter in our lives that qualify to receive such a prestigious title?

If we understand God to be revealed to us (to a certain degree) at the highest form in human beings, then we can further comprehend why we describe God with anthropomorphic characteristics. In revealed theology we may read about how God "walked" through the garden, or how the "hand of God" was helping the poor. Another way in which God is given anthropomorphic characteristics is through ideal types of human experiences. If we say, "we are loving," then we can conclude, "God is perfectly loving." If "we are patient," then "God is perfectly patient," and so forth. With these imageries being directed towards a transcendental being, we come to say that it has a greater value and significance than what we commonly find in our material reality. Through this we can state that divinity is within transcendental beings. To experience the divine deals with immanence of God. Being co-creators allows us to partake in divine attributes (we become good like God is good, holy like God is holy). The dwelling of God in His (Her) creation then allows us to actually experience the divine in our lives.

Following divinity, human beings have an interest in what is "holy". Generally what is "divine" can usually fit the category for what is "holy". Oftentimes in our lives we are overcome by feelings of dejection due to sufferings or setbacks we have experienced. However, we sense that there must be some "unbroken reality" in which we would not encounter these dilemmas. This reality is in the position of God ("unbroken reality"), who represents and holds the wholeness and original ideal of creation. We can perceive this quality to be "holy". Since God is beyond our physical temporal reality He (She) is known to be uncreated reality. This standing gives God a divine and holy nature (in the eyes of created beings).

Mysticism is one of the most intense as well as engaging (non-rational) ways of knowing God. Aldous Huxley wrote about mysticism in his book The Doors of Perception. He spoke about the loss of interest in space and time (the physical world), and centered his points on "the infinite value and meaningfulness of naked existence," "a world of visionary beauty," and the "All" (Miller, p. 266). Mystics describe their experiences as indescribable; thus it is questionable to define the limits as to what exactly is mysticism. We may conclude however that mysticism is the pursuit of a transcendent, unitive experience with the absolute reality (beyond space and time). Mysticism is also commonly characterized with the following terms: transcendent, ineffable, noetic, ecstatic and unitive. Classical mysticism focuses its means not in heightening the consciousness, but more or less in clearing the consciousness of all sense impressions and ideas, and through this method the soul can attain a reality of an entirely changed and higher nature (Miller, p. 267).

When we reflect upon mysticism, it is vital to bring up Plato. In general, mystics are not Platonists; however, they do hold certain aspects of Platonistic thought to help them perceive reality on a scale. The object is to reject one’s p -- ysical incentives and thus to become united with true being. By doing so, one is changing from evil to good. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave can be an example of a mystical rising (from living amidst a false reality in the cave, to escaping and finding truth—darkness to light—see Miller, p. 267).

The Scottish philosopher David Hume is what we call a radical empiricist. Empiricism is the view which emphasizes experience as the source of knowledge (Miller, p. 168). Through our own personal experiences we can derive knowledge which is certain and whole. Hume’s understanding of knowledge and truth (or for what exists) is claimed on the basis of perceptions. These perceptions are then divided into impressions (clear sensations of experience) and ideas (wan copies of impressions) which provide for material thinking. His main argument is that we have no ideas unless they are from impressions. Hume’s radical thoughts are so due to the fact that he allowed no rationalistic slides or shortcuts. Our knowledge is merely what is disclosed in our sense experience. Hume’s skeptical systematic view about causality argues that we have no basis for thinking about anything beyond our own experiences. The idea of causality is based on causes and effects joined together continuously right before our eyes (Miller, p. 249). This brings up the question that if everything has to have a cause, then what caused God? Obviously this question would lead us into circles with no answer (since our ideas are confined to experiences). Both Hume and Kant made the same reproach: "The concept of causality cannot be legitimately extended beyond the objects of possible sense experience, and therefore cannot be extended to God" (Miller, p. 249). Hume charges the Cosmological and Teleological Arguments to be an unjustified concept of the causality of God.

Kant, contrary to Hume, did believe that "every event must have a cause." He saw this a natural way in which our minds grasped reality. Like Hume, Kant saw that causality could have no possible bearing on anything outside our sense experience. This statement suggests that Kant left no room for a superior transcendental being (God), as the origin of the universe. Kant also rejected the Cosmological Argument by saying that it is an "illusion" (Miller, p. 252).

Hume declared that causality is limited to the sensible world -- because we know it only through sense experience, and thus have no proof that there is a transcendental being (God). Kant’s perception is similar as he states that causality is limited to the sensible world because it is "constitutive" of sense experience—it is part of what experience means. This also leaves no grounds for a supernatural God.

In conclusion, the being of God can be perceived in many ways. One can approach this field on the basis of mysticism, empiricism or reasoning. The skeptical causality views of Kant and Hume have rigid boundaries which limit the possibilities for a universal God. Despite their disbelief, they have not come to affirm that this transcendental God does not exist.

Thatched Roofs and Straight Truth

True God’s Day 1999 in Punta del Este
Dr. Tyler O. Hendricks -- NYC

Punta del Este. I think it means the eastern point. Montevideo is on the southern side of Uruguay, across the broad expanse of the La Plata River from its neighbor to the south, Argentina. This river, 100 miles wide at Montevideo, extends north into the heart of True Parents’ kingdom in South America. It passes by the Hotel Salobra, within a few hours of Jardim, and up into the Pantanal. Moving south from Montevideo, it opens out into the Atlantic Ocean. Driving along the coast to the east and then turning north from Montevideo, you pass the airport and enter a very pleasant coastal environment. It is a place of vacation homes. I could compare it with Carmel, California; call it the Monterrey of Uruguay. It is here, after an hour’s drive, that we find this pleasant estate we call Punta del Este.

It is just lovely, a land of thatched roofs. I have never seen a thatched roof up close, but Punta del Este is just full of them. Curious and quaint, mixed among the Frank Lloyd Wright wannabe’s. South America, wherever I’ve gone, shows little evidence of the urban planning one finds in North America. This may be the reason the houses seem so disparate from each other. Or it could just be my gringo unfamiliarity with the culture; maybe we are the strange ones, with cookie-cutter dwellings and some degree of color and materials consistency. In any case, each dwelling seems to me to be an architect’s fantasy, one of a kind in all the world. It made for fascinating bus rides to and from the beach.

I picked up some local color from members. Most of the homes in Punta are owned by Argentineans who made their money in beef during the 30s and 40s, selling to both sides. Today, money is so short, the people so poor, and the atmosphere so -- wild west?wild west? -- that the banks are guarded by soldiers. Bank runs from a McDonalds are taken with several guards holding loaded machine guns. We are close to Paraguay, and there are a lot of bank robbers in Paraguay. Once I heard that, I realized what was strange about the sounds of celebration we heard at midnight God’s Day. They were not fireworks; they were guns.

Arrival at our estate was uplifting from the first moments. The air was lit yellow from the setting sun -- it was mild and fragrant, and the lawns and trees spread silently in all directions. Brothers and sisters came and went, not many, and I soon learned that Father was speaking in the theater and so most people were there. I filled out my registration form—a torn piece of paper because they had run out of copies, paid my fee, received my map of the property and found my way to the brothers’ bungalows.

These were two huge tents, reminiscent of Chung Pyung Lake, large enough for 200 or more sleeping bag, -- uitcase and toiletry displays. They turned out just big enough. Almost no one was there when I arrived, but the sleeping turf had been claimed to a great extent. I followed my spiritual nose and found a place to squeeze between two anonymous sleeping bags—later that night I was pleased to find old friends Rev. Sudo, Dr. Shimmyo and Mr. Takahashi (of CARP martial arts fame) as my neighbors.

I rushed over to see Father speaking, and he was holding forth in the golden light to 500 or 600 members, walking up and down the aisle of the large t -- nt enclosure. The staging was a colorful and creative amalgam of the Star of David, fish (for Christianity) and the yin-yang symbol, surrounded by the branches of trees. John Morris, State Leader of Ohio, filled me in on what Father had been talking about—mind-body unity. Father spoke at length about breaking habits, forgiving and forgetting, serving and serving, and everything centering on study of God’s words to reach the whole world. He spoke of setting our personal agendas within the context of preparing for 10,000 years in the future.

Here I am, I thought, having traveled across oceans and continents, night and day, by plane and bus, into this unknown corner of the world, to meet the golden sunlight and the Messiah speaking exactly what he would be speaking at Belvedere, at the U.S. Congress, at a science conference, or on a fishing boat in a swamp. Here he is, perfectly at home and absolutely himself. The good things in life stay that way.

We broke for dinner and dressed for the midnight prayer. The food was just fine -- lots of beef and bread, fruit and vegies. Little packets of Brazilian coffee you could make as strong as you liked by the discrete use of hot water. We enjoyed the array of many tables set under the pine trees for eating and conversation. Where can one find a better restaurant and more convivial company?

The day cooled off into a suitably brisk evening and I was glad for the winter coat I had been wearing in New York. Everything at Punta is out- -- f-doors, and when you are just sitting, and you are not far from the ocean, it does get chilly. It was nothing like last year’s True God’s Day, though, the Holy Day of rain. Our brothers and sisters were drenched in rain and slogging in the mud. This year—magnifique! It rained a couple of time during the night, but each day dawned crystal clear. Even the fourth day, when Patrick Kirkbride was warning everyone that a storm was coming, high winds were all that we experienced. Father said he might do True God’s Day there again next year, and that they should improve the facility. I expect a five-star hotel, based upon the amount of improvement over the past year!

We did Hoon Dok Hae until midnight. It consisted of Father’s words about his early life. We had several sessions from those manuscripts, and they were precious, for me they were the deepest element of the teachings this time. Here are some of my notes of what we heard prior to midnight:

The Easter morning I was crying in prayer, Jesus gave me many instructions and teachings. He asked me to play a special role, in short, the whole spirit world unfolded before me, and I could speak with the saints and Jesus. The conversation is the essence of Divine Principle now. I never met Jesus rejoicing, only serious and in sorrow. He went through suffering. Easter was resurrection. But Christians have not understood the meaning of resurrection. So how sorrowful is God. We have to be Jesus’ friends who can heal his heart.

I remember that time. I was young and wanted to keep playing, but my life turned around. I had to keep this heavy burden to myself. To fulfill this responsibility was a big problem. I knew that Noah and Moses were strong but couldn’t fulfill their responsibility. I sacrificed the present for the future.

No one witnessed to me. The starting point was God. I asked to the end if God really exists. I asked if God has hope -- yesyes -- and do you needand do you need -- yesyes -- and how much? I struggled with my faith. I wanted to go to Japan and America. How much you need to know God’s situation and purpose! So I studied the Bible and other scriptures. Since age 16 I lived with Jesus. I could go to spirit world. I could see glimpses on the new age of glory. It turned into Divine Principle and God gave me the mission to spread it. This truth has been buried. I traveled the country. I lived as a beggar. I hitchhiked around the country. I would buy food for the driver, then he would pay for it. I was determined to offer my life.

Because I am still alive, there is still a path to go. Who does God love? Not the strong, not the determined, but those with love. With love, you can go everywhere. Even my parents could not understand my path. The human path follows the heavenly path. To do so you must not have your own self.

I couldn’t buy a present for my parents, because I had to love God first. I will never rest until it is fulfilled. I couldn’t teach my own parents. I had to love others first. You have to decide, yes or no, and answer to your destiny. Even if everyone betrays me, including my family and followers, I will sweep them away and still follow Heavenly Father.

Exactly at midnight Father and Mother prayed. After the prayer, Father wrote this year’s motto: The cosmic expansion of the true blessing and uprooting Satan’s blood lineage.

Then Father spoke for about an hour.

How can God restore the children of His worst enemy? It is a million times more difficult than the creation process itself. He has to find the true family and go through the reversal course through the illegitimate children. But the environment is completely full of Satan’s dominion. So what was closest to God was offered; that was the OT age. It was the way to find the sons and daughters to be the chosen people to bring forth the son of God. This led to Israel and the Roman Empire. But the foundation to receive Jesus killed him instead. This divided the physical world and spirit world and created a new chosen people, the Christian realm. They were to restore the children of Israel, because the body was lost.

They expanded to the world level, step by step. They had to make sacrifices of blood, until 1945. People chosen by the spirit world laid the foundation and the substantial Lord of the Second Advent was ready to come. The chosen ones were like John the Baptist, who was to transfer his foundation to Jesus. The Christian foundation should have gone to Lord of the Second Advent in the position of bride at the end of World War 2. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and all the saints and martyrs had laid the foundation to solve the world’s problems.

If Christianity had received the blessing, it could have established parentship and kingship and turned the world around in one moment. But the entire foundation shattered. It was worse than Jesus going to the cross. The body and mind were separated at the cross. The Lord of the Second Advent should have restored it, but could not, so the 40 year course had to start. How sorrowful and miserable to go through the restoration course of Christ.

By the way, I want here to extend my thanks to Mr. Katsumi Otsuka, president of the church in Japan, for provision of the transmitter that enabled us to have translation, and to Jin Seung Eu and Jin Man Kwak for their tireless interpretation.

It sprinkled on the second night, during the night, but everything was dry by morning. True Parents officiated the Day of the Victory of Love ceremony at 6 a.m., and Father had Won Ju McDevitt read his 1984 speech on Heung Jin Nim’s transition to spirit world. After the reading he spoke for about an hour. I won’t even try to explain what he said; it was too, too intense. Somehow, these veterans of the wars of the Lord absorb everything and cheerfully amble forward on the schedule. The schedule was to divide by lottery into eight teams for the Second Annual World Fishing and Sports Tournament.

After breakfast the teams were off to the beach. The day was bright and sunny, and we drove thro -- gh the town and saw the beautiful vacation homes. We drove to a large public beach and divided into our teams. Eight teams; mine was the red team. We all received a white tee shirt and nylon shorts with our team color. Each person could choose their sport—some beach fishing, some boat fishing, some soccer, some volleyball, some foot racing, and everyone tug-of-war.

The sterling athlete that I am, tough and weathered, running 18 mi -- es a day rain or shine, pumping iron after dessert and of course a compleat angler, for my contribution to this global competition I chose to invest my considerable skills in volleyball. The first task was putting on lots of sunscreen. The second was to figure out where the volleyball court was. Further, we had to calculate how many players were supposed to be on a team. After that, we challenged the task of whether or not the score would be counted sequentially, and to which team points should be credited—the one that hit the successful shot or the one that had the successful shot hit against them.

Then entered Mr. Ishi to set all matters at rest, and the competition ensued. Believe it or not, far from its humble beginnings, my team reached the finals in volleyball on the first day. A raggedly crew, we did feel ourselves hopeless at first, but somehow we developed teamwork. Although there were no stars, everyone was solid enough to get the ball across the net more often than not and to keep out of the other fellow’s way if they were going for the ball. Not only that, on the second day we won the whole tamale! First prize in volleyball, against some incredible 8-foot tall monsters, I’ll tell you! On our team were Mike Jenkins, Farley Jones, two Mr. Oh’s (Sae Ick and Taek Yong), Mr. Takahashi and several Japanese. On the second day, Kyung Ki Sa, president of our church in Europe joined the team, and as we approached final victory, amazingly enough, more and more fatherland leaders joined our team!

True Parents came both days and watched the soccer games and walked about the beach. The weather was sparkling. We arrived back at our estate grounds -- which were reminding me more and more of Belvederewhich were reminding me more and more of Belvedere -- around six on both days of the tournament and cleaned up and had dinner. On the second day, we heard a vague rumor that we should head over to the theater for an awards ceremony. Talk about an understatement.around six on both days of the tournament and cleaned up and had dinner. On the second day, we heard a vague rumor that we should head over to the theater for an awards ceremony. Talk about an understatement. -- The top brass of eastern Uruguay were on the stage. Governors, mayors, tourism directors, newspaper editors and diplomats were there. They gave speeches. They handed out awards to us sports champions. Externally it was not the Olympics, but internally, we—and they—were Heaven’s champions in front of our True Parents.

The True God’s Day entertainment was heartistic and full of enthusiasm. The local acts were touching and, well, really good samples of local culture. Our sister Sandra Lowen mobilized a group of Japanese sisters to sing O Happy Day. Two Brazilian dancing groups were lively, displaying the happy combination of Amazon culture and American rock, the bridge being the powerful electric bass. (As Pastor Glen Martin puts it, "I want to feel God this morning; turn up the bass.") These dancers were pretty and young and it is great for God to see them on His side, standing for purity against the ways and wiles of Satan’s world.

The audience called Hyung Jin Nim to the stage and, with this writer, he performed a spirited rendition of "La Bamba," his signature song, and then, a cappella, a Korean song. But it was True Parents’ performance that stole the show. Father sang four songs, staying long past his desired moment to leave. On his way to the stage, in fact, he feigned departure, taking the turn toward his house a few steps rather than toward the stage. Happy members blocked his path.

Once on stage, with the spirited dancing in front of him, Father gave his heart, giving up the microphone at one point and dancing like a man half his age. He danced with Mother, holding both her hands in his and swinging her back and forth. She didn’t know what to think, but danced along. I wondered, do True Parents ever have the chance to dance together? Out in front of the stage our Korean elders joined in the dance, and then the 20 or so Brazilian dancing girls joined them, livening up the antics of the elders with girlish joy. Now that is world family! Dressed as Amazonian primitives, with paint on their faces and grass skirts, the girls somehow fit with these Korean grandpa’s, innocent enough to dance to the Messiah’s raucous folk songs. These Brazilian girls were truly ecstatic to be close to True Parents. "I was THIS CLOSE," cried one to her friend.

John Chisholm, our East Garden brother who is taking care of our properties in Uruguay, did an incredible job single-handedly preparing the stage, sound and lights for the event. Out of this environment, our WACOM staff in Montevideo broadcast the event on the internet to Japan and from there around the world. They sent the broadcast from the side of the tent.

Our neighbors in Punta play hardball. The night of January 3, from, oh, about 1 or 2 a.m., a friendly neighbor pumped up the volume of a tremendously loud sound system. It was playing music. Not just any music; this was designed to inflict exquisite torture: it was disco music. A full night of disco music blasting through the Monterrey of Uruguay! Can you imagine? It may have been worse than rainstorms. A night full of the BeeGees and Olivia Newton-John. Dan-sin, ye-ee-eh! Stayin’ alive, sta-ayin’ alive! The disco music was mixed with Uruguayan dance music, which sounds basically the same, except more trumpets and mucho macho. We had it full blast through everything, through sleep, through waking up for Pledge, through reciting the Pledge, … until Father started praying.

As Father started his Pledge Service prayer, the sun rose and the, ahem, music stopped. Magic. Heaven. God is alive.

We had a particular blessing by participating in the world-level memorial service of Grandmother Ok -- Ok Sae HyunOk Sae Hyun -- one of the first members to join Father in North Korea. She had passed to spirit world a while Father was in Punta, and Father gave her the title, Sungmo Nim, which means "early mother." Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang, the first follower to join in Pusan, testified about Grandmother Ok’s life.

Mrs. Ok’s husband and she were wealthy people and leading Christians in Pyongyang. She was fifty when she met Father, and she gave up everything to follow him. Her husband, her children, her church -- everyone attacked her and attacked Father. Then Father went to Hungnam prison. Grandmother Ok took him food and clothing once a month. I will quote some of Mrs. Kang’s words:

If someone criticized Father, she would curse them and fight them, and they would be surprised that this elegant Christian woman would speak so. She could not overcome her temper, no matter with whom she was speaking, she would attack with acerbity.

Living there (in Pusan), I went out witnessing and one day came back and saw her face and Father’s face very depressed. She said that her son had come and beat up Father, banging his head against a wall. She told me that her best son came and beat Father. She was willing to separate from her children to serve Father.

She shared deeply when my faith in the second coming was down. If he is the one, I asked, why does he live in such a humble house, wearing summer clothes in winter? Father said he was crazy for God’s will. He and she would encourage me.

She said she visited Father in prison and took him grain powder and made clothes for him, in secret from her husband. It was difficult for her husband not to notice. On the way back from prison one time, she was tempted to cease the visits because of her family, her husband’s opposition, and her lack of money. As she prayed about this, one grandfather with white clothes and a white beard appeared to her and quietly said, "why do you want to stop the visits? He is suffering in the dark room of the prison, but soon Teacher Moon will appear as the Messiah. He came with the mission of savior and pastor, so please continue no matter how difficult." He almost begged her. So she said to herself, "If I discontinue the visits, he will be so disappointed because he longs for my visits, so I should continue no matter how difficult." If the grandfather had not appeared, she could not have continued.

She told me this at the time of my difficulty, and told me, let’s wait a little more. Teacher Moon is not an ordinary person. He came with the mission of the second coming. I was surprised. I loved Jesus and was longing for his return. I always prayed to Jesus that if you come, I want to be the first to meet you! (laughter) Even at night, looking at the moon, I was asking Jesus to come. Now Grandmother Ok was telling me, he is the one you’ve been waiting for. But I thought he would come on the clouds. So I said okay, it is easy to believe in a Jesus in spirit world, but difficult to believe in a Jesus in the physical world, because he endures many trials. If I had lived with Jesus 2,000 years ago, I might not have been able to believe in him. Often I wondered if Father is Jesus. But for Jesus 2,000 years ago it was even more difficult. Jesus was born fatherless, I thought, but at least Teacher Moon is better than that. (laughter)

<-->I do not have the time or space to capture the entirety of the True God’s Day experience this year. Father’s words were continually powerful and revelatory. His accounts of his early life and the life of the early church members brought everything that is happening today into the context of God’s suffering love. True Parents long to care for the whole world. They have promised God that they will make us, all 6 billion of us, one happy family. It may appear as a speck of humanity now, but it is not a speck—it is a seed. Father and Mother did a lot of watering and nurturing at Punta del Este this year. I pray that the ripe fruit will come soon.

Reverend and Mrs. Moon Convene Blessing '99 in Korea

by Chris Corcoran -- NYC

The Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon will convene the International Blessing '99 ceremony in Seoul, Korea, on February 7,

1999. The ceremony, to be held in Chamsil Olympic stadium, will link by satellite thousands of couples in the stadium with millions of couples worldwide. According to Reverend Moon, participation blesses, cleanses and liberates the couples, gathering them up into the true family of humankindbeyond race, nationality and religion.

Rev. Moon and his wife, called by Jesus Christ to be the True Parents of humankind, seek to free the world from the abuse of love and instill a "culture of heart" worldwide. The Blessing is the decisive event in that process of spiritual and substantial liberation.

Reverend and Mrs. Moon also are convening a four-day World Culture and Sports Festival February 4 - 8. It will gather international academics, religious leaders, artists, media professionals and statesman to discuss the theme, "Family Ethics and World Peace." Ambassador Phillip V. Sanchez, publisher of Noticias del Mundo and Tiempos del Mundo newspapers and the former US Ambassador to Honduras will chair the Special Convocation. According to Ambassador Sanchez, "I believe this conference is vital to the development of a common vision for humanity as we enter the 21st century. I see the hand of God working through Rev. and Mrs. Moon and all those people around the world who are making it happen."

The conference will consider the means to bring together the leaders of the world's religions under one vision for a God-centered world, and to empower them to provide coherent spiritual and moral guidance to the political sphere. The conference designers are eliciting contributions as to the role of the media, academia and culture in this revolutionary process.

The Festival, sponsored formally by the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International (FFWPUI), thus will strengthen the family unit, the most vital body in all societies, and set up a healthy balance of spiritual and secular forces in society.

The Blessing is open to couples from all religions wishing to take a stand for eternal marriage, sexual purity and universal family values. The organizers will broadcast the February 7 ceremony, beginning at 2 p.m. Seoul time, via satellite. Satellite coordinates will be listed soon. By tuning into the satellite coordinates, millions of couples worldwide can participate simultaneously in this extraordinary show of God-centered interracial, international and inter-religious unity.

Report on the Jardim Project, Brazil

by Rev. Joon Sung Kim -- Fort Olimpo, Paraguay

Rev. Kim is the Director of the Jardim Project, Brazil. This report was given to the Leaders’ Meeting on Nov. 20th at Fort Olimpo, Paraguay

Father wants to build a Training Center here in Fort Olimpo big enough for 300 people. As you know, we have some problem with flooding here at this location. So when Father became aware of this he approve money to by land on higher grounds. So we need some of you to stay behind and help with the construction. What do you think?

Three and a half years ago Father called me and gave me special instructions concerning Jardim. So very quickly I prepared myself and came here. There was nothing here at the time, no paved road, no bridge, and no house of any kind. There was a small pond and some ditches. Father asked to make out of it a 20,000 square feet lake. I stayed in a small tent. When it rained I could not do anything.

Can’t Tell You Much

There is a giant project planned for Jardim. You know only 10% of it at best. I can’t really talk about it so freely. It’s a very sensitive issue and this is the first time I am talking about it. The government in Paraguay has gotten to know our project and me. At the beginning they gave me somewhat of a hard time but now they like us. Here we do not need any visas or fishing licenses. The police are usually quite strict; there is a 80 km speed limit. If I drive Father, I have to go pretty fast, as fast as 150 km per hour and I don’t even have a license. When they catch me, they let me go, because they know Father is doing great things for their country.

I have been without a visa for the last few years, but now the Brazilian government has given me a permanent visa on November 15th, 1998. Promoting the Unification Church in Brazil, Korea and worldwide is very difficult, so how can we develop and support such a huge project. How can we find the money for all this?

The Jardim New Hope Project was originally planned for Chung Pyung Lake. However, the government said no because that area provided water for the 20 million inhabitants of Seoul and surroundings. We also bought some property on Che Ju Island (?). Chung Pyung was bought in 1972. In January of 1993 we bought the Texas Farm. In 1994 Hyung Tae Kim reported to Father about Jardim. So Father went there to fish and the fishing was very good. Father caught 20 Dorado every day. One even jumped into Father’s boat.

33 Cities

In February of 1995 we bought the first property there. On March 11th, 1998 Rev. Joon Sung Kim came to Jardim to take care of Father’s projects centered on Jardim. Two persons from every country where Mother spoke came to Jardim. 31 persons to begin with who spoke 19 different languages. Centered on Jardim, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul; in the range of a 200 km radius there are 33 cities. In 1996 Father asked me to find a beautiful river and mountain. Gradually we bought more and more land. So far we have bought 40, 000 hectares of land. In Texas we bought only 1,200 hectares.

Up to this point we have spent $24 million for this Pantanal Project. True Parents want to buy between 1 million and 1.5 million square kilometers. But if we acquire between 150 and 200,000 square kilometers, we can seriously start the schedule for this project. Father may give an order for members to immigrate to Brazil. We are planning to make a deal with the government for us to be able to do that.

Some rich Brazilians want to invest in this project. We have not announced the complete plan yet because we are worried that someone will steal our ideas. The land prices will also go up if we tell everyone what we are planing to do. Even the not so rich land will go up in price. Already the land around Jardim has gone up to 15 times the original price. Next year we need $10 to 20 million. Father wants to bring 20,000 members to advance the project.

The Money Man

Mr. Furuta was present. Mr. Kim asked him if he could provide that kind of money. (I did not catch his answer). The Rio Perdido (lost river) is so beautiful. It is a perfect tourist area. We will be able to make a lot of money there. Already an area near there called bonito is quite famous for tourism. The river has crystal clear water and I estimate that we can make $10 million a year there alone. We can easily bring 100,000 people to that site. Most tourists would come from Japan.

In the pond we created (20,000 square feet) in Jardim we have released 17,000 Bacu. People can fish there year round. We can train 50 horses and have a riding stable. Already plans for Hotels and Restaurants have been drawn up. Education for outside people is our main objective. We will build a 3000 seat Education Center in Jardim. In the smaller cities, like Fort Olimpo the Education Center will hold 300. We want to build industrial parks. Create many factories for instance to make steel and machines. We want to build it all by ourselves, without any help other then the local population.

Farms Everywhere

We are also planning to create an Ostrich Farm. Their meat and eggs are very valuable. We have 29 ostriches now but want to raise their number to 500. This would cost us about $1.5 million. Within 5 years we could make about $10 million.

There are also a lot of snails in the area. They can be sold as a delicacy. It takes them 4 months to mature. Within three weeks we cold build a Snail Farm. We would only need one hectare to do this. To raise cows, we will need at least 2,000 hectares. We also want to make canneries with different delicacies made to order for many different but specific national tastes. Our plan is to give each of the 33 cities a specific job. For instance, 6 cities would be zoned for the industrial park. The inhabitants of those cities would help in building the factories and also work in them when they are completed. Five special tourist areas will also be set up within the 33 cities.

The next challenge for us is how to bring tourist to Jardim. We are planning to import cherry blossom trees from Japan and Europe. There is another exotic tree called Ipe Tree. This tree is very rare and very beautiful. It takes 50 years to mature and it only blooms every 4 years. Our goal is to get 10,000 Cherry Blossom Trees and 10,000 Ipe Trees. It would be spectacular to see these trees in full bloom. The Kiwi fruit is also very popular. I want to grow Kiwi Fruit Trees in rows, very close together and 4 km long. This would make a long tunnel kiwi fruit tunnel. We will create many attractions so that people will want to come.

We have a Pecan Nut Farm and a Deer Farm with 300 deer. We took some members from Taiwan and showed them everything. They were so inspired and donated $300.000. Father wants to buy the highest mountain in the whole area. It’s 450 meters high and one can see all of the Pantanal. An airport big enough for 747’s is also in the planning. We want to get the Brazilian government to pay half of the cost.

We also want to create a 10,000 Sq. km mango orchard. We will never use chemicals to grow them, that will not be necessary. Have you tasted mango juice? It tastes very good. There are many other vegetables and fruits that are unique to the Pantanal and can be exported to the rest of the world. Everything grows very fast; we can eat many different fruits and eat fish all year round. For this purpose we will create fish farms. We also want to provide a way for people to come and hunt. There will never be a shortage of food. We will also build fishing boats, big enough for 10 people

Planned 20 Years Ago

I have planned this for a long time. 20 years ago Father asked me to think about South America. I have received many ideas and education from the Spirit World. The government is giving as a 10 year tax exemption. By lottery the National Messiahs will receive an 10 hectare area ($3,000) for their nation. Families should immigrate there and take care of 10 boats. That would bring in enough income to live.

The government will support the project all the way. We are building a model of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth right here in Jardim. In order to do that we need help from Mr. Furuta. He is the head of Happy World; he knows how to make money.

We explained our project through lectures to all of the leaders of the 33 cities. Father gave ambulances to 29 cities. They had a condition to have True Parents Names and the Church Symbol painted on it for the first year. After that they could take it off if they wanted to. In 1997 another 100 cities asked Father to also give them an ambulance.

In September of 1996 sent UTS graduates to the 33 cities as city leaders and missionaries. In January of 1997 we started to erect buildings in Jardim. Because the bridge had not been built yet, we had to make a detour of 28 miles to get the materials onto the construction site.

Why Jardim?

Why did Father choose Jardim? Father is a religious person he would want to choose a place with many people so as to reach out to them, but Father chose against it. Jardim is far away from the big cities, and it is a very primitive place. The standard of education and transportation are very low. People also have a very low standard. Some illegally grow marijuana. But we will change all that.

At one time several mayors had lunch with Father. One mayor told me that he had heard rumors that Rev. Moon is looking for diamonds in the area using a special electronic search device. He asked me if that was true.

I told him, "Yes, that is true. We are looking for diamonds, but they are different kind of diamonds. They are shimjung diamonds. We are looking for people with a good heart with whom we can set up a True Love Movement." Some people in the state government know our project better than the members that visit us.

At this point we have our project not officially offered to the government. We want to buy more land in the future, so we don’t want to talk too much, otherwise the land prices will go up by much. What will Father do from now on. The culture of the people is not so high here, but they are naturally rich. The can grow three times the rice than what can be grown in Korea. Here we can harvest three times a year. Other vegetables and fruits grow twice as fast. Bananas, Papaya, Pineapple and many other fruits can be harvested twice a year.

"The Easy Life"

Clothes, food, shelter are easy to come by. Wee only need to wear shorts. Everything is abundantly available. The land can supply all kinds of food for all kinds of people. Brazil has the most natural resources. The Amazon must be protected to assure clean air supply. The Pantanal is next. There is no industry yet and there are unlimited possibilities here. $1000.00 buys 10 hectares of land. We can buy a cow or ox for $300.00.

There is one project you don’t know about. 30 years ago Korea was poorer than any country here. How did it change? Through education and rural development based on Father’s instructions. Father started all this, no one knows this. In Jardim we can do it in 7 years.

Three years ago religious leaders here started a rumor that the Unification Church members are kidnapping babies and eat them. But now there are only positive articles in the papers. We bought beautiful land that Brazil did not want. A four kilometer strip that includes 20 water falls. Father has the capacity to build the Kingdom right here. It is a perfect site for tourism. People will pay to see it.