Report on the Jardim Project, Brazil

by Rev. Joon Sung Kim -- Fort Olimpo, Paraguay

Rev. Kim is the Director of the Jardim Project, Brazil. This report was given to the Leaders’ Meeting on Nov. 20th at Fort Olimpo, Paraguay

Father wants to build a Training Center here in Fort Olimpo big enough for 300 people. As you know, we have some problem with flooding here at this location. So when Father became aware of this he approve money to by land on higher grounds. So we need some of you to stay behind and help with the construction. What do you think?

Three and a half years ago Father called me and gave me special instructions concerning Jardim. So very quickly I prepared myself and came here. There was nothing here at the time, no paved road, no bridge, and no house of any kind. There was a small pond and some ditches. Father asked to make out of it a 20,000 square feet lake. I stayed in a small tent. When it rained I could not do anything.

Can’t Tell You Much

There is a giant project planned for Jardim. You know only 10% of it at best. I can’t really talk about it so freely. It’s a very sensitive issue and this is the first time I am talking about it. The government in Paraguay has gotten to know our project and me. At the beginning they gave me somewhat of a hard time but now they like us. Here we do not need any visas or fishing licenses. The police are usually quite strict; there is a 80 km speed limit. If I drive Father, I have to go pretty fast, as fast as 150 km per hour and I don’t even have a license. When they catch me, they let me go, because they know Father is doing great things for their country.

I have been without a visa for the last few years, but now the Brazilian government has given me a permanent visa on November 15th, 1998. Promoting the Unification Church in Brazil, Korea and worldwide is very difficult, so how can we develop and support such a huge project. How can we find the money for all this?

The Jardim New Hope Project was originally planned for Chung Pyung Lake. However, the government said no because that area provided water for the 20 million inhabitants of Seoul and surroundings. We also bought some property on Che Ju Island (?). Chung Pyung was bought in 1972. In January of 1993 we bought the Texas Farm. In 1994 Hyung Tae Kim reported to Father about Jardim. So Father went there to fish and the fishing was very good. Father caught 20 Dorado every day. One even jumped into Father’s boat.

33 Cities

In February of 1995 we bought the first property there. On March 11th, 1998 Rev. Joon Sung Kim came to Jardim to take care of Father’s projects centered on Jardim. Two persons from every country where Mother spoke came to Jardim. 31 persons to begin with who spoke 19 different languages. Centered on Jardim, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul; in the range of a 200 km radius there are 33 cities. In 1996 Father asked me to find a beautiful river and mountain. Gradually we bought more and more land. So far we have bought 40, 000 hectares of land. In Texas we bought only 1,200 hectares.

Up to this point we have spent $24 million for this Pantanal Project. True Parents want to buy between 1 million and 1.5 million square kilometers. But if we acquire between 150 and 200,000 square kilometers, we can seriously start the schedule for this project. Father may give an order for members to immigrate to Brazil. We are planning to make a deal with the government for us to be able to do that.

Some rich Brazilians want to invest in this project. We have not announced the complete plan yet because we are worried that someone will steal our ideas. The land prices will also go up if we tell everyone what we are planing to do. Even the not so rich land will go up in price. Already the land around Jardim has gone up to 15 times the original price. Next year we need $10 to 20 million. Father wants to bring 20,000 members to advance the project.

The Money Man

Mr. Furuta was present. Mr. Kim asked him if he could provide that kind of money. (I did not catch his answer). The Rio Perdido (lost river) is so beautiful. It is a perfect tourist area. We will be able to make a lot of money there. Already an area near there called bonito is quite famous for tourism. The river has crystal clear water and I estimate that we can make $10 million a year there alone. We can easily bring 100,000 people to that site. Most tourists would come from Japan.

In the pond we created (20,000 square feet) in Jardim we have released 17,000 Bacu. People can fish there year round. We can train 50 horses and have a riding stable. Already plans for Hotels and Restaurants have been drawn up. Education for outside people is our main objective. We will build a 3000 seat Education Center in Jardim. In the smaller cities, like Fort Olimpo the Education Center will hold 300. We want to build industrial parks. Create many factories for instance to make steel and machines. We want to build it all by ourselves, without any help other then the local population.

Farms Everywhere

We are also planning to create an Ostrich Farm. Their meat and eggs are very valuable. We have 29 ostriches now but want to raise their number to 500. This would cost us about $1.5 million. Within 5 years we could make about $10 million.

There are also a lot of snails in the area. They can be sold as a delicacy. It takes them 4 months to mature. Within three weeks we cold build a Snail Farm. We would only need one hectare to do this. To raise cows, we will need at least 2,000 hectares. We also want to make canneries with different delicacies made to order for many different but specific national tastes. Our plan is to give each of the 33 cities a specific job. For instance, 6 cities would be zoned for the industrial park. The inhabitants of those cities would help in building the factories and also work in them when they are completed. Five special tourist areas will also be set up within the 33 cities.

The next challenge for us is how to bring tourist to Jardim. We are planning to import cherry blossom trees from Japan and Europe. There is another exotic tree called Ipe Tree. This tree is very rare and very beautiful. It takes 50 years to mature and it only blooms every 4 years. Our goal is to get 10,000 Cherry Blossom Trees and 10,000 Ipe Trees. It would be spectacular to see these trees in full bloom. The Kiwi fruit is also very popular. I want to grow Kiwi Fruit Trees in rows, very close together and 4 km long. This would make a long tunnel kiwi fruit tunnel. We will create many attractions so that people will want to come.

We have a Pecan Nut Farm and a Deer Farm with 300 deer. We took some members from Taiwan and showed them everything. They were so inspired and donated $300.000. Father wants to buy the highest mountain in the whole area. It’s 450 meters high and one can see all of the Pantanal. An airport big enough for 747’s is also in the planning. We want to get the Brazilian government to pay half of the cost.

We also want to create a 10,000 Sq. km mango orchard. We will never use chemicals to grow them, that will not be necessary. Have you tasted mango juice? It tastes very good. There are many other vegetables and fruits that are unique to the Pantanal and can be exported to the rest of the world. Everything grows very fast; we can eat many different fruits and eat fish all year round. For this purpose we will create fish farms. We also want to provide a way for people to come and hunt. There will never be a shortage of food. We will also build fishing boats, big enough for 10 people

Planned 20 Years Ago

I have planned this for a long time. 20 years ago Father asked me to think about South America. I have received many ideas and education from the Spirit World. The government is giving as a 10 year tax exemption. By lottery the National Messiahs will receive an 10 hectare area ($3,000) for their nation. Families should immigrate there and take care of 10 boats. That would bring in enough income to live.

The government will support the project all the way. We are building a model of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth right here in Jardim. In order to do that we need help from Mr. Furuta. He is the head of Happy World; he knows how to make money.

We explained our project through lectures to all of the leaders of the 33 cities. Father gave ambulances to 29 cities. They had a condition to have True Parents Names and the Church Symbol painted on it for the first year. After that they could take it off if they wanted to. In 1997 another 100 cities asked Father to also give them an ambulance.

In September of 1996 sent UTS graduates to the 33 cities as city leaders and missionaries. In January of 1997 we started to erect buildings in Jardim. Because the bridge had not been built yet, we had to make a detour of 28 miles to get the materials onto the construction site.

Why Jardim?

Why did Father choose Jardim? Father is a religious person he would want to choose a place with many people so as to reach out to them, but Father chose against it. Jardim is far away from the big cities, and it is a very primitive place. The standard of education and transportation are very low. People also have a very low standard. Some illegally grow marijuana. But we will change all that.

At one time several mayors had lunch with Father. One mayor told me that he had heard rumors that Rev. Moon is looking for diamonds in the area using a special electronic search device. He asked me if that was true.

I told him, "Yes, that is true. We are looking for diamonds, but they are different kind of diamonds. They are shimjung diamonds. We are looking for people with a good heart with whom we can set up a True Love Movement." Some people in the state government know our project better than the members that visit us.

At this point we have our project not officially offered to the government. We want to buy more land in the future, so we don’t want to talk too much, otherwise the land prices will go up by much. What will Father do from now on. The culture of the people is not so high here, but they are naturally rich. The can grow three times the rice than what can be grown in Korea. Here we can harvest three times a year. Other vegetables and fruits grow twice as fast. Bananas, Papaya, Pineapple and many other fruits can be harvested twice a year.

"The Easy Life"

Clothes, food, shelter are easy to come by. Wee only need to wear shorts. Everything is abundantly available. The land can supply all kinds of food for all kinds of people. Brazil has the most natural resources. The Amazon must be protected to assure clean air supply. The Pantanal is next. There is no industry yet and there are unlimited possibilities here. $1000.00 buys 10 hectares of land. We can buy a cow or ox for $300.00.

There is one project you don’t know about. 30 years ago Korea was poorer than any country here. How did it change? Through education and rural development based on Father’s instructions. Father started all this, no one knows this. In Jardim we can do it in 7 years.

Three years ago religious leaders here started a rumor that the Unification Church members are kidnapping babies and eat them. But now there are only positive articles in the papers. We bought beautiful land that Brazil did not want. A four kilometer strip that includes 20 water falls. Father has the capacity to build the Kingdom right here. It is a perfect site for tourism. People will pay to see it.