True Children’s Day Celebrated in NYC

by David Eaton—NYC

The True Children’s Day celebration in New York provided our movement with the opportunity to display its unique and wide-ranging capabilities in the performing arts. It is always a challenge to find new and interesting talent for our High Holy Day celebrations but with God’s assistance and the efforts of many brothers and sisters the True Children’s Day entertainment was in many ways a very significant program.

In their roles as executive producers, North American Continental Director Rev. Joong Hyun Pak and HSA-UWC President Dr. Tyler Hendricks provided the program’s internal guidance and maintained that the choice of talent and specific offerings of the performers reflect True Parents’ dispensational activities and concerns. Rev. Pak especially felt that in this historical time period the confession of our faith in True Parents should be the main theme of our entertainment.

Prior to Father’s main Holy Day address, the Washington, DC Family Church choir performed an exquisite rendition of the hymn, "Let Us Break Bread Together On Our Knees," under the direction of Susan Osmond. Susan and several other members of the choir are former members of the New Hope Singers International and their contribution to the morning’s proceedings was reminiscent of Holy Days past when the NHSI were a regular feature of our church celebrations. Rev. Chang Shik Yang and Rev. Philip Schanker deserve credit for their inspiration in bringing this fine ensemble to New York to participate in the day’s events.

Dr. Hendricks presided as Master of Ceremonies over the evening entertainment which took place in the newly-restored Hammerstein Ballroom at the Manhattan Center. The full house was treated to a wide variety of musical offerings by both members and guest performers.

The New York City Symphony Chamber Orchestra opened the program with a spirited account of Mozart’s ever-popular "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik," conducted by David Eaton. With South America an important dispensational focus, the orchestra presented two South American pieces as well.

Venezuelan flute virtuoso Marco Granados teamed up with guitarist Isamu Nakashio and members of the orchestra in a performance of Astor Piazzolla’s "Tango 1900." Piazzolla, one of Argentina’s most popular composers, wrote dozens of tangos, and his music is performed throughout the world by a wide variety of singers and instrumentalists. The infectious blend of classical elements with jazz and traditional Argentinean dance music has made his music increasingly popular among world audiences.

Soprano ___ then sang the enchanting Paraguayan song "Alto Parana." She recently performed in Paraguay with Gloria del Paraguay where she learned this beautiful piece. David Eaton had conducted this music in Paraguay with Gloria in 1995 and thus was able to arrange it for ___ to perform on this occasion. ___ also offered the lovely Korean art song, "San Yu Hwa," a song True Parents have often sung at various church and family celebrations.

Raoul Joseph and June Maxim performed a duet of the American popular song, "From A Distance." With its vision of a world united in peace with watchful God overseeing His children, the song was a fitting tribute to True Parents on this day.

Perhaps the most exciting guest performer who has ever appeared at one of our celebrations was vocalist Kenny Mohammed. Known at "The Human Orchestra," Kenny utilizes his voice in unique and always fascinating ways, as he can emulate a wide variety of percussive and synthesized sounds.

Kenny is a member of Minister Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam; he knows Minister Farrakhan personally and on this occasion brought special Holy Day greetings to True Parents from Minister Farrakhan.

Kenny then presented a solo piece entitled, "In the Beginning was the Beat. And the Beat was God." Kenny’s performance brought the Manhattan Center audience to its feet with a standing ovation. But he wasn’t finished. In a clever merge of pop, hip-hop and classical music Kenny joined the New York City Symphony in a piece entitled "Kenny’s Joy," which was composed for this occasion by David Eaton. While Kenny provided the rhythmic underpinning, David and the orchestra played the Vivaldi-esque music and all seemed to enjoy the partnership. Could this be the beginning of a unique musical marriage?

A main component of any celebration entertainment is a video report on True Parents’ providential activities, and on this day members were treated to a report on True Parents’ recent achievements in Jardim, Mt. Olympo and Kodiak. Produced as a monthly video newsletter by our Korean members, the report provided a unique view into the developing accomplishments in South America as well as an up-close look at Father and Mother as they conducted Hoon Dok Hae activities, led fishing expeditions and instructed members and guests on the issues of True Family Values.

Following the video, the second generation took center stage as 30 members of the Jin A school and friends performed two new songs from the upcoming album, "Have A True Christmas." The album is the inspiration of brother Ken Hendricks and features nine of Ken’s songs with vocal performances by various children from Jin A and the New Jersey Family Church. The two songs performed, "True Parents, True Love" and "Songs The Angels Sing," were led by Ken as the children sang to the pre-recorded instrumental tracks. The production of this album was sponsored by the New Jersey Family Church and all proceeds will go toward a second-generation scholarship fund.

The Manhattan Center audience was then treated to an astonishing performance by ten-year-old violinist Yae Joo Woo. Ms. Woo, who performed Antonio Vitali’s "Chaconne for Violin and Piano," is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jong Choon Woo and the niece of Mr. Sung Am Moon, director of CARP’s Acumedia Studios. She has been awarded a scholarship by True Parents to attend the Juilliard Pre-College Conservatory and as anyone who heard her can attest, she has a formidable talent and a potentially brilliant future. She was accompanied by Rikako Asanuma.

In a tribute to the great victory of Blessing ’98 at Madison Square Garden, the award-winning gospel choir from the New Life Tabernacle Church of Brooklyn performed three rousing gospel numbers. This choir, and their dynamic conductor, Angela Moses, was the lead choir for the historic 2000-Voice Inter-Church Choir which performed at the Garden on June 13.

A second video was then presented, this one produced by the Pure Love Alliance (PLA). This exciting footage highlighted various PLA activities including their recent tour of Japan and Korea. Second-generation members were seen presenting speeches at rallies and concerts as the spirit of the PLA spread throughout the world.

The finale of the show paid tribute to the effort of Heung Jin Nim, Dae Mo Nim and Choong Mo Nim at Chung Pyung Lake as Robert Hall, Dr. Hendricks and the Family Church choirs from Manhattan and Washington DC collaborated on a spirited rendering of "Grace of the Holy Garden."

As a surprise Grand Finale, Hyo Jin Nim offered two Korean songs in a fitting conclusion to our highly entertaining and providentially significant Holy Day celebration.

A "Celebration of Thanksgiving"

by Christine Libon—Clifton, NJ

Though adults were present, this evening was predominantly studded with Second Generation stars. Part I was a religious service; Part II was entertainment.

Part I opened with hymns of thanks and two Bible readings given by Jeremy and Mika Gagné. Deut. 8:7-18 urges us to remember that it is God who brings us out of the wilderness and into the land of eating bread with no scarcity, the land of wealth. Remember Him by keeping His commandments and ordinances, lest we say in our hearts that it is by the power of our own hands that we have attained wealth. II Corinthians 9:6-15 promotes cheerful and generous giving so that through us a heart of thanksgiving to God can be produced. By serving and giving we glorify God, and people will long for us because of the surpassing grace of God in us; thanks be to God. Sow bountifully and you will reap bountifully. Excerpts from Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s speech, "God’s Hope for America," focused on the dedication and the sacrifice which the Pilgrims manifested. (This speech was published and delivered in Washington, D.C. in 1973, originally.)

A smoothly harmonious hymn with significant lyrics pertinent to our life and times, "If My People Will Pray," by Owens, was sung by the New Hope Chorale. Following was Rev. John Hong’s message with the key point, "Giving": "Even these young Second Generation want to get up here and GIVE something. In this regard, they are already like parents, because the parental position is the giving position." In the closing song of Part I, the Master of Ceremonies, Mr. George Allen, noted "that the words of this song need not only apply to the founders of the spiritual nation of believers, nor to Korea from where the song originated, but also to our nation of America."

FFWPU-NJ Senior Youth Choir opened the entertainment portion of the program. Their songs included:

"Giver of All, We Thank Thee" (Emerson)-Part I

"We Thank You" (Pinson)-Part I

"Moon River" (H. Mancini)-Part II

"Everything’s Comin’ Up Roses" (Sondheim-Styne)-Part II

Sunmarie Allen sang a solo in "Moon River." Last year she performed a ballet number, and she always lights up our lives with her bright sunny smile. The choir’s last number showcased the youthful energy and spirited personalities of the youth choir participants.

Half of the new "East & West" duo being ill compelled Mrs. Noriko Sprague to give a solo performance of "We’ve Only Just Begun" (Williams-Nichols) and "The Impossible Dream" (Leigh-Darion). Her popularity with the audience was made obvious by the hoots, cheers and applause.

A major highlight of the program was an original play, written and directed by Diana Santelli, which lightheartedly blended historical facts in relation to modern views of our times. The performers were:

Celestine Compton, portraying a modern-day teenager; Sylvia Santelli, as Gov. William Bradford of Massachusetts; Mika Kuwahara, as Rebecca Holmquist (a Pilgrim mother); and Stephen Bien, portraying Squanto (a Native American).

Special commendations to these players for learning and delivering their lines dramatically.

About the playwright: Diana Santelli is a seventh-grader at the Woodrow Wilson Middle School in Clifton, NJ. She is the second-born of four siblings. Diana has acted in four or five plays, but this was her debut as writer-director-coordinator. Remembering Diana’s essay on the Fourth of July last year, I asked her if she had a soft spot in her heart for immigrants to this country. Diana said that her favorite subject is the history of North America. Until recently, she was also a member of the Student Leadership Corps.

Research for dates and information, especially about William Bradford, was done on her computer. The final song of the play, "We Are One In The Spirit," was chosen because "the words made sense" in accord with the theme of the play; the rhythm also added a Native American flavor. Diana also selected the costumes, rented from "At A Glance" in Butler, NJ, owned and operated by a wonderful lady (who made many of the costumes herself) on extremely reasonable terms.

Diana’s dad is Francesco Santelli, long-time choir director, music minister, and assistant producer of this event.

We were also privileged to have a special guest performance by that tenor from across the Hudson, Robert Hall, who sang three Italian arias.

A new soloist just reaching her teenage years, Il Hwa Yokpore, truly graced our evening with beauty, clarity and maturity of voice. She delivered her songs "Amazing Grace" and "Beauty and the Beast" (Menken-Ashman) impressively if (understandably) a bit nervously. We in New Jersey are rooting for her as she pursues the development of her talent. All can see her great potential.

The evening concluded with the well-practiced New Hope Chorale of NJ presenting selections from "The Sound of Music" and the congregation joining in "Let There Be Peace On Earth" (Miller). We then proceeded downstairs to a sumptuous turkey dinner prepared by Mrs. Hong and our loving and humble sisters serving behind the scenes. Special thanks to Rev. and Mrs. Hong for making such a lovely evening possible.

Seating was limited to the families and guests of the choir participants. Those interested in participating next year or in other upcoming events please inquire: Francesco Santelli at tel. (973)472-3755 or fax (973)472-8058.

More thanks go to many others who helped behind the scenes with preparations and decorations and program layout: Mrs. Y. Kono, Mrs. A. Hirose, Mrs. Sprague, Mrs. Muranaka, Mr. Roger S. Bantawan, Christine Libon.

An Encounter with the University

by Linna Rapkins

In Seoul, there were several universities where young students studied for their careers. One of these universities was for girls only. (Or we can call them women.) It's name was Ehwa University.

Mr. Eu was witnessing to everyone he knew; and one of these people was his relative, Mrs. Yang. She was a music teacher at Ehwa University.

When he first told her about Teacher Moon and the new revelation, she didn't want to go. After all, university professors are very important people. They have to think of their reputations. Still, she was curious about the changes in Mr. Eu 's life; and one day, her curiosity got the best of her. Mrs. Yang was a rather spiritual woman. She could sense what was going on around her spiritually , and she could often feel whether something was good or bad, whether it was from God or not.

She listened to Mr. Eu's lectures politely, but skeptically. As the minutes and hours passed, however, she felt a strange excitement growing inside her.

"I feel God in this place," she was thinking. "And the teaching makes a lot of sense."

When the last lecture came to an end, suddenly without warning, she jumped up before the little group and sang a song. She had never heard this song before, and neither had anyone else! Spirit world was singing through her.

It was like the room came to life. Everyone caught the feeling of joy and felt like dancing and laughing and singing. It was a great moment.

Mrs. Yang's life was changed that day. When she returned to the university, she told many people about her experience. Even though she was a respected professor, she didn't care anymore what people thought of her.

The word soon got around at the university that a young fellow in a dilapidated house was teaching something interesting, and people were getting inspired. Students started investigating. They told others about it, and the numbers multiplied.

Those who came felt something spiritual happening in their lives, and it became hard for them to concentrate on their studies. They returned again and again when they should have been studying their lessons.

Soon, the teachers began to notice a change in their students.

"Why are so many of the girls absent lately?" they asked each other. "Is there a sickness going around?"

"I don't know of any sickness," said one. "Anyway, they never stay home just because they're sick."

"True, true," responded another. "Besides, their minds seem to be off somewhere else all the time."

"Yes, and their eyes sparkle," complained still another.

"One of them told me she is visiting a man who teaches new things about the Bible—and something about the Messiah coming to Korea—now."

"Sounds like some wild-eyed fanatic!"

"It certainly does," they all agreed. They decided to report it to the officials in charge of the university

The president and the administrators talked it over then. How much should they be worried? After a big discussion, they decided they would take a wait-and-see attitude. Perhaps the students would get tired of going there, especially since many of them were in their final year and were looking forward to graduating.

Then, parents got word that their girls were spending time with a very strange man. It was a great privilege to attend a university. The parents had worked hard during all those years of war and had made many sacrifices in order to send their children there, so they didn't want anything to go wrong now. They were VERY upset and went straight to the university president to complain.

"We didn't send our girls here to run off with some crazy man," they stormed. "We want you to put a stop to it—and NOW!"

"Yes, yes, of course," agreed the president. "We'll take care of it right away." He certainly didn't want the university to get a bad reputation.

The very next day, an announcement was made, "Students may no longer go to Moon Sun Myung's house. It is off limits starting today."

Some of the students obediently stopped going. But by now, many of them were on fire for God. All their lives, they had been taught to obey their parents and teachers; but for the first time, they understood that God should be obeyed first. So they continued going to Father's little church, sneaking out of the dormitory every chance they got.

Soon they were outcasts at the university. No one wanted to sit near them. No one wanted to be seen talking to them. Everyone seemed to be afraid of them. You would think they had leprosy or something.

Meanwhile, the administrators decided to try another tactic. They would send one of their teachers to hear the lectures; then this teacher could explain logically to the students what was wrong with the teachings. Intelligent students would listen to reason.

When the chosen teacher arrived at the little church, she listened very carefully and took many notes. By the end of three days, however, she got so inspired that she became a member herself!

The officials at the university were in a rage. How could this happen? What was going on anyway?

They decided to send another professor. Again, there were the lectures, the note taking, and the three days. Then the same thing happened—the professor joined the church!

The frustrated administrators still didn't want to give up. What to do? What to do? They decided to send one of the most important people at the university—their respected Dean of Students.

Again, God worked. This lady's heart was moved, and she became one of the most devoted and most loved members ever. Her name was Mrs. Won Bok Choi!

The administrators just couldn't believe this was happening! They talked it over at length, and decided to try just one more time. They chose a professor who had studied the Christian religion and other religions. She had graduated from three seminaries and was very intelligent. She was also the type of person who was logical, and didn't get emotional about things. She was expected to become president of Ehwa some day. This woman would NEVER get swept off her feet by some crazy preacher. She was Miss Young Oon Kim.

At that time, she was quite ill from a kidney disease, but she agreed to check it out. She found the little church, and taking off her shoes, she entered without a word. Her face was serious as she sat down for the lectures. Father sat beside Mr. Eu, his eyes lowered in silent prayer.

In the next room, many of the members, especially the students and teachers from Ehwa, had gathered to pray for her. They had drilled a little hole in the wall, so they could take turns watching her. This would be a crucial set of lectures, because, if SHE went to the president with a negative report, that would be it for them. They would be forbidden to attend the church forever.

They prayed really hard all through Mr. Eu's lectures. She listened politely. What was she thinking? No one could tell. On and on went the lectures—one hour, two hours, three, four. Nothing happened. She just listened and took notes.

Then Mr. Eu came to the part about spirit world. As he described the spirit mind and spirit body, life after death, and so on, she looked a little more interested. No one knew that she had been trying for years to find out more about spirit world. She had been greatly inspired by a man named Swedenborg, who had written a book about the spirit world. It was a great book; yet it did not answer all the questions she had. In fact, she had found no one who could answer them.

Now, Mr. Eu was answering all her questions. On the outside, her face looked interested but calm. Inside, she was feeling growing excitement.

After the lecture, she hid her excitement and asked many questions, and even debated with Mr. Eu, trying to prove him wrong. But he had a good answer for every question. When Father spoke to her, she felt even more inspired.

As the three days went by, she noticed that, while she was at the church, the pain from her kidney disease disappeared. When she went home in the evening, however, the pain returned. In the days ahead, whenever she doubted the Divine Principle and argued with Mr. Eu and Father, the pain got stronger; but whenever she believed, the pain went away.

Finally, she had to admit this was God's answer to her lifelong prayers. She decided to join this little group of people who said they would change the world.

Meanwhile, the university president was anxiously awaiting her return. When she finally arrived with her report, it wasn't what he wanted to hear at all.

"I have studied the Bible for many years and prayed for answers," she began, "and now I know it was all for the purpose of finding this man, Moon Sun Myung. It was all preparation to follow him and help him. It has been made clear to me that he has been sent by God to do even greater things than Jesus."

When he heard these words, he was greatly disappointed, to say the least! You just didn't say things like that in a Christian school. "Good-bye, Kim Sun Sengnim," he was barely able to utter. "With you or without you, I will end this craziness."

That very day, he summoned the students and professors who had joined Father's group.

"Students and teachers at Ehwa are expected to conduct themselves in a respectable manner at all times," he said. "And YOU are a disgrace to our university—the scum of the earth. I should just kick you out here and now, but; out of the kindness of my heart, I have decided to give you one more chance. I'm giving you a choice. Choice number one: if you stop going to Moon's so-called church today, you may continue to attend the university. Choice number two: if you do not stop going, you will be expelled from school, effective immediately."

Now, this was a most difficult choice. Attending a university in Korea meant earning lots of money and having a comfortable life. It was right after the war, and they knew what poverty was like. Some of these young ladies had studied very, very hard for many years, just so they could attend university. Their parents had made big sacrifices for them.

They talked it over with each other, and many decided they couldn't give up graduation, after all. Out of a 100 or so students, there were fourteen brave women who decided to stand by God and True Father.

"We love Heavenly Father, now. We love Moon Son-sengnim, and we believe the Divine Principle is true," they affirmed. "And no university president can force us to give it up." They were expelled from the university.

In the case of the five professors, they were fired. Their positions had paid well and gave them much respect, but now it was unlikely that they would ever have another chance to teach in a university.

As they walked out, their heads were held high, and they smiled. They felt as if they were being decorated by heaven. A gold star from heaven is a million times more valuable than a diploma or job at Ehwa.

When they arrived back at the church, they were received as heroes. That night, there was a great prayer meeting, and God touched each one of those brave women. As they prayed, they were given the gift of speaking in tongues and prophesying about the future, just like the early Christians after the death of Jesus.

They could never fully explain to anyone else exactly how they felt; it was such a deep feeling. But whenever they looked into each other's eyes, they understood each other. And whenever Heavenly Father and True Father looked at them, they understood—and loved them dearly.

Advice to Young People

by Ken Owens—NYC

If there is one piece of serious advice I can give you, it’s this: Keep your purity (virginity). If there is one precious possession that you have, it is your purity. No one else has it. Everyone is born pure. But very few people know how precious it is. Because of their ignorance, they give it away without knowing its true worth.

Young people are no longer children and are looking more like adults. But they do not understand the full responsibility of adulthood. Therefore, they do things on a whim without understanding the full weight (consequences) of their actions, and they spend the rest of their lives suffering because of it.

Your purity is something that only you possess. Once you give it away, you can never get it back. It’s gone forever. So, who do you want to possess your virginity? Do you want to give it to a complete stranger who would add you as a conquest to his long list and never see you again? Or do you want to give it to a relative whom you think you can trust and wants to start you off right? Or do you want to give your purity to the person whom you most cherish and love and who you know would carry your precious treasure always, never letting it go, even for an instant? Who is this special person? This person is none other than your spouse. Before you marry, you always want to keep your most precious things hidden. But after you marry, you happily give your treasure to this most precious person. For you know your spouse is the one who most appreciates and values your treasure and will guard it well.

When my wife and I were married, we were both virgins. I was 39, she 35. Why did we wait so long? Because we didn’t meet each other until we were in our thirties. It is not easy for people to wait for marriage, because it is natural to want to give and receive love. For man, who is the one who initiates love, is looking for beauty to give his love to. Woman is the one who is ready to receive love by giving her beauty. When man and woman meet, they instantly want to give and receive each other’s love and beauty. But young people don’t understand the preciousness of this, of what happens in a marriage between a husband and wife. By not fully realizing this point, they only count on the physical aspect of a relationship. By concentrating only on physical love, they lost the value of the purity, and can easily give it away. So many young people have regretted it afterwards, having realized how precious their virginity was and that they should have waited.

So please understand that your virginity is priceless. You cannot exchange it for anything. Once it is gone, it’s gone forever. I gave my virginity to my wife. She possesses it and values it deeply. My wife gave her virginity to me. I treasure it in the deepest recesses of my heart. We are very happy because we know who possesses each other’s virginity. It is our most beloved spouse.

So, please wait. If my wife and I could wait till our late thirties, you can wait a little longer.

1999 Church Calendar


1 TRUE GOD’S DAY (1968)
2 Day of Victory of Love (1984)
7 Hyo Jin Nim & Nan Sook Nim’s Blessing (1982)
10 Un Jin Nim’s 31st Birthday (lunar)
Kook Jin Nim & Soon Ju Nim’s Blessing (1989)
11 72 Couples of the 2nd Generation Blessing (1989)
12 1275 Couples’ Blessing (1989)
19 Shin Choon Nim’s 9th Birthday (lunar)
20 Hyo Jin Nim’s 37th Birthday (lunar)
28 Ye Jin Nim’s 38th Birthday (lunar)


5 Shin Yul Nim’s 5th Birthday (lunar)
8 1800 Couples’ Blessing (1975)
10 Jun Sook Nim’s 31st Birthday (lunar)
11 16 Couples’ Blessing (1978)
12 Shin Gil Nim’s 11th Birthday (lunar)
16 Hoon Sook Nim’s 36th Birthday (lunar)
18 Yeon Jin Nim’s 18th Birthday (lunar)
20 In Jin Nim & Jin Sung Nim’s Blessing (1984)
Heung Jin Nim & Hoon Sook Nim’s Blessing (1984)
74 Couples’ Blessing (1977)
22 Choongmo-Nim’s Ascension (lunar)
430 Couples’ Blessing (1968)


3 Shin Jung Nim’s 16th Birthday (lunar)
10 Kwon Jin Nim’s 24th Birthday (lunar)
27 Shin Won Nim’s 11th Birthday (lunar)
31 Hyun Jin Nim & Jun Sook Nim’s Blessing (1987)


4 Jin Sung Nim’s 37th Birthday (lunar)
7 42 Couples’ Blessing (1989)
138 Previously Married Couples’ Blessing (1989)
57 Single Blessing (1989)
10 1265 Couples’ Blessing (1992)
11 Un Jin Nim & Jin Hun Nim’s Blessing(1986)
12 36 Couples of the 2nd Generation Blessing(1986)
13 Shin Chul Nim’s 7th Birthday (lunar)
16 Kwon Jin Nim & Hwa Yun Nim’s Blessing (1995)
Sun Jin Nim & In Sup Nim’s Blessing (1995)
17 TRUE PARENTS’ DAY (lunar)
Sung Jin Nim’s Birthday (lunar)
26 Shin Hwa Nim’s 11th Birthday (lunar)


1 43 Couples’ Blessing (1969)
HSA-UWC Established (1954)
6 Nan Sook Nim’s 33rd Birthday (lunar)
10 Jin Hun Nim’s 36th Birthday (lunar)
15 36 Couples’ Blessing (1961)
16 Day of the Love of God (1984)
Ye Jin Nim & Jin Whi Nim’s Blessing (1981)
17 Shin Bok Nim’s 17th Birthday (lunar)
21 118 Couples’ Blessing (1978)
24 Hyun Jin Nim’s 30th Birthday (lunar)
26 True Parents’ Blessing (lunar)


4 72 Couples’ Blessing (1962)
6 Shin Yeon Nim’s 9th Birthday (lunar)
13 39 Couples’ Blessing (1981)
First Stage of the 360 Million Couples’ Blessing (1998)
Jeung Jin Nim’s 17th Birthday (lunar)
23 Day of One Heart (1989)
30 Young Jin Nim’s 21st Birthday (lunar)


1 2075 Couples’ Blessing (1982)
23 Shin Ha Nim’s 1st Birthday (lunar)
24 124 Couples’ Blessing (1963)
26 Kook Jin Nim’s 29th Birthday (lunar)
27 Sun Jin Nim’s 23nd Birthday (lunar)


1 Day of Returning to the Home Country (1993)
16 Total Victory Day (1985)
20 Declaration of the Providential Age of Salvation by Love(1989)
22 Shin Goon Nim’s 16th Birthday (lunar)
Shin Kwon Nim’s 10th Birthday (lunar)
25 30,000 Couples’ Blessing (1992)
360,000 Couples’ Blessing (1995)
28 In Jin Nim’s 34th Birthday (lunar)
29 Hwa Jung Nim’s 22nd Birthday (lunar)
31 Day of the Settlement of 8 Stages (1989)


1 Declaration Day of Heavenly Parentism (1989)
6 Young Jin Nim & Hwa Jung Nim’s Blessing (1997)
Hyung Jin Nim & Yun Ah Nim’s Blessing (1997)
8 Sa Sa Jeol Declaration (1998)
9 Shin Ji Nim’s 5th Birthday (lunar)
11 Shin Joong Nim’s 6th Birthday (lunar)
15 Hyung Jin Nim’s 20th Birthday (lunar)
18 Foundation Day (1976)
24 Soon Ju Nim’s 27th Birthday (lunar)
27 Day of Dispensational Reversal Toward Unification (1988)


4 Day of Victory of Heaven (1976)
5 Proclamation of Total Liberation and Unification between the Physical World and the Spiritual World (1998)
14 6000 Couples’ Blessing (1982)
16 Shin Myung Nim’s 13th Birthday (lunar)
19 In Sup Nim’s 27th Birthday (lunar)
21 777 Couples’ Blessing (1970)
24 Shin Eh Nim’s 10th Birthday (lunar)
26 Shin Ok Nim’s 10th Birthday (lunar)
28 Hwa Yun Nim’s 22nd Birthday (lunar)
30 6500 Couples’ Blessing (1988)


1 Shin Pal Nim’s 1st Birthday (lunar)
3 Daemo-nim’s Ascension (1989)
11 Shin Sun Nim’s 9th Birthday (lunar)
13 Yun Ah Nim’s 21st Birthday (lunar)
Shin Hoon Nim’s 5th Birthday (lunar)
25 Jin Whi Nim’s 36th Birthday (lunar)
Shin Young Nim’s 13th Birthday (lunar)
29 3.6 Million Couples’ & 36 Million Couples’ Blessings (1997)
30 Heung Jin Nim’s 33rd Birthday (lunar)


22 35 Couples’ Blessing (1976)
30 Un Jin Nim’s 32nd Birthday (lunar)

Due to the manner in which the lunar calendar corresponds with the solar calendar, Un Jin Nim’s Birthday is celebrated twice in 1999.

Prepared by Kathryn Coman.

Understanding True Father's 50-Year Ministry

Rev. Joong Hyun Pak
Leaders Meeting at HSA HQ
November 24, 1998

Having had the opportunity to listen to the contents of True Father's speeches at recent International Leaders meetings, True Children's Day sermon and the many talks True Father has given at Jardim in South America, I feel I can explain things more clearly to you concerning the current progress in the dispensation and the goals and challenges which lie ahead. The more we come to understand True Father's message the more we can take responsibility to teach it clearly to others..

To begin with, Father himself developed the accompanying chart, which he uses again and again. It gives the history of True Father's mission during the last half century. Actually, Father gets very involved with this chart and gives many details which only he can do. However, I will now explain to you in a more simplified way what the chart represents.

This is a very famous chart so you need to know how to use it at your church and in your particular situation. You can explain it many times to others. We need to explain to members many times, not just once. Even though we come to know it, repeating it over and over is very necessary for us. Father's technique is to repeat over and over again. We hear some things over and over from Father, still it is like we are hearing it for the first time. Father himself gets stimulated by his own teachings.

It is just 13 months before the year 2000. Before that time, True Father will surely change the world. The next 13 months will be busy, exciting and serious. There will be hard pushing and pulling in this very unusual time period. Like an airplane on a runway, we will run madly and furiously forward and then with all our might, and with all our mind and body parts we will suddenly take off with a forward thrust. Or like an Olympic runner who races off very fast and then leaps high over a net. This is how we want to be charging through the coming months before the year 2000.

The unity of mind, body and spirit that it takes for the powerful forward thrust is also the kind of unity we need to have with True Parents in order to successfully rise to victory. Please do not complain that you feel you have been pushed and pulled enough already. That is not wise thinking. Especially those who have been with True Parents for 20 or 30 years or more should keep a fresh mind and spirit, always keeping in step with True Parents. We need to "take off" together no matter how long we have been in the race.

True Father gives a good formula to follow: Think of a small insect, a fly, he says, who wants to take off and land with the Messiah in Seoul, Korea. It doesn't have to "pay the price" of an airline ticket; it just clings to the side of the jet. There are strong winds and cold driving rains, not making it an easy trip, but if the fly is determined to hang on in faith, love and obedience, it can arrive at the same destination with the Messiah and become a king or queen of its own world. This formula involves several essentials--be serious, don't relax, and don't give up--in order not to become separated from the source of victory.


True Parents appeared on Earth officially in 1945. Father was born in 1920 but began his mission in 1945. He knew that if Christianity--Catholics and Protestants--united and supported him he could have fulfilled everything in 1952--within just seven years. He would then have fulfilled a worldwide Blessing, everyone in the world being included. Everything would have been done. Through grasping this meaning we can realize the importance of conveying the value of the Blessing to others and the strategy God is using for this dispensation.

Just one year away, before the year 2000, God wants to bless the entire world. We will be so busy next year! We will be sending out many wakeup calls!

When this is fulfilled, it means that entire families, tribes, nations, the world and cosmos will be in the Kingdom. In just seven years this can happen. When nations and religions don't support True Parents, True Parents have to go the wilderness course. A terrible wilderness course. Jesus was crucified. True Father himself has had to bear 40 years of a crucifixion course which he began when he could not culminate everything in the years 1945-1952. He paid all indemnity and started again. After 40 years of wilderness, we entered the next seven-year period 1992-1998. In 1992 True Parents did a 50-state American speaking tour, and other countries as well, giving the message True Parents and I.

"True Parents and I" means 'True Parents and myself." True Parents means us--you and I; everybody engrafting ourselves to True Parents and taking responsibility in the Blessing work; being good tribal messiahs and joining in and working together. This was our invitation and call beginning in 1992. We did it. The chart which you are looking at is your history, my history too.

During the past seven years, True Father has been going back and forth between North America and South America. His work there already had a foundation from as far back as18 years or more. South America represents Catholicism and North America represents Protestantism. They also represent Judaism and Christianity and Cain and Abel. Within South America True Father has united Cain and Abel and within North America he has done so as well. And Father has connected North and South America.

In 1992 True Parents went from North America to South America, then to Europe, Africa and Asia, connecting all the continents of the world. Now at the end of this seventh year, Parents will again take a world tour, finalizing everything. Unlike 1952 when Father completed his seven-course but could not bring victory, this time he is bringing victory.

The most important ingredient for all of this is the Family. In the Garden of Eden God lost his family. True Father's only concern is establishing the blessed ideal family. The Blessing is the promise, the potential of the ideal family; however, becoming an Ideal Family means that the contents of the Blessing have been fulfilled.

When God lost Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden He also lost His homeland--His property--His land--His territory--His space! This is an important point. In Family Pledge #1 we say "My family seeks our original homeland to establish the original ideal of creation..." The problem that exists at the present time in some of our nations is that Satan is trying to take back some properties which were already claimed and sanctified by True Parents. Some of the properties may be small, but have great meaning to God. We must fight hard to maintain God's property. We have be so serious about this.

In South America Father has prepared Jardim, Fuerto Olimpo, Salobra and Rio Perdido as unique, special "four-position foundation" properties. Centering on these holy grounds, Father has many plans to develop and spread out. Jardim is the New Garden of Eden, where the Education Center has been established and where the Ideal Family Education for World Peace workshops are held. Already three 40-day workshops have been held and a fourth one has begun.

How is Jardim different from Chungpyung? Think of a dirty bottle, filled with toxic materials, shamefully dirty. This is us; this is our life. In reality, we should be totally cleansed and reborn before receiving the Blessing, but True Father has to move on quickly to lay all heavenly conditions within certain time periods, so he gives us our conditional Blessings. Beginning in 1960 Father began with the 36 blessed couples, then the 72 blessed couples, the 430 blessed couples and on and on up to the millions today. But throughout all these Blessings, no one was really qualified to be blessed. Father had to bless our unworthy couples anyway. Over the years, True Parents had to suffer so much because of unworthy blessed couples, many of them not taking the proper responsibility for the position God gave them and causing True Parents so many headaches.

Chungpyung was established so we would have a place to go to receive internal cleansing. There we shed many tears and strongly repented, cleaning out our dirty vessels, our dirty bottles. At Chungpyung, a lot of judgment comes to us and we have the need to repent. True Parents cannot conduct a place like Chungpyung; rather True Parents bring us True Love. So Dae Mo Nim and Heung Jin Nim take the responsibility to rid us of our evil spirits and ways and make us clean.

At New Hope East Garden, Jardim Education Center, True Parents are directly conducting a portion of the workshops. They are often present there themselves. Our family receives a new spirit from them. They fill up our bottles with their own pure liberating elements. At Chungpyung we pay a lot of indemnity but at Jardim we relax and get our bottles filled at a very peaceful workshop. It is a community of peaceful, cooperative brothers and sisters. It is a place where nature dwells peacefully side by side with the families of humankind.

The Hoon Dok Hae we are doing at workshops and in our homes is not an inconvenient thing for us. It is a most wonderful experience and tradition. And, in fact, it is not exactly a new tradition in human history. The Jews of old (and today as well) walked around doing their "Hoon Dok Hae"; reading over and over the words of scripture which is carried in their hands, as they nod their heads repeatedly before God. If you visit Jerusalem, as I did, you will see people doing Hoon Dok Hae from corner to corner in the temple and even at the tombs people are doing Hoon Dok Hae. I visited King David's and Rachael's tombs. There were many men doing Hoon Dok Hae there. I didn't see any women among them.

At Jardim, Father teaches a lot about the spirit world and about our preparation for eternal life in the spiritual world. All of this means that True Parents want us with them in the spiritual world. True Parents will be right within the center of God's heart. They want us there as well. True Father does not want to be separated from us when he goes to the spirit world and we are still on Earth.

In South America we are exposed to perfect nature--the fish, birds, animals and insects. Here we can connect with them in heart, We can connect in heart with land and water. Nature has been sacrificed with this fallen world but it should be protected and preserved as God's creation.

When we complete this 40-day Ideal Family workshop we are eligible for heavenly registration. In John's Revelation we know it speaks of the 144,000 registered in the kingdom. True Father wants to complete this prophecy by the year 2000.

For all this victory, Father gave five declarations; four at Jardim and the fifth at Kodiak. The first one is: Have absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. God seemingly has everything, but He does not have His love partner. This must be created by absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. God used these three when He created everything. True Father declared this secret hidden in God's bosom.

True Father gave the property at Jardim the name "New Hope East Garden" meaning New Garden of Eden. Why? Because this is Adam and Eve's place of re-creation.

The second declaration is: God is Absolute, Unique, Eternal and Unchanging. We also must be absolute, unique, eternal and unchanging; our couple, our children, our family as well. We become in His image. Our family becomes absolute, unique, eternal and unchanging.

Declaration three is: God is the first creator, Adam and Eve are second creators; their children (us) are the third creators. We inherit God's creativity; we become owners with God; we become the visible, living God. True Father often says that three generations should live together. Why is this important? God gave true love to Adam and Eve but actually their children were to have received not only Adam and Eve's love, but God's love as well. Their value increased over that of Adam and Eve. Without grandchildren, multiplication would not take place and we as the third creator could not create the Kingdom on Earth.

Declaration four is: Soong Myung Jak Chae Ahn Hae Wan which means "the relationship between God and us is that of parent and child. The parent and child relationship is one of absolute destiny. All the anguish and problems of a parent can only be resolved by the children. This is the children's responsibility. There must never again exist disbelief or betrayal in a family that has been Registered. As God's children, in our husband and wife relationships, the relationships between ourselves and our children, all these relationships make the three object relationships. All must be absolute, unique, eternal and unchanging. No divorce. Forever. We have to be harmoniously united with God forever. This relationship was meant for Adam and Eve but Eve deviated from the relationship with God and Adam and united with the Archangel instead.

God is our Eternal Parent and if we register in the Kingdom, He guarantees our Eternal Life. What a wonderful thing! We should be so happy. This is victory. We should rush quickly to register.

Declaration five proclaims the fulfillment of the first four declarations which True Father proclaimed in South America. He went the wilderness course in South America and got the victory. "North" symbolizes God so Father went back up to North Garden, Kodiak in North America to proclaim the victory He had won, restoring everything which was lost. September 8, 1998 Father announced the 4.4 Ceremony and the Kodiak declaration. It is very important. The key content is: Father has fulfilled! The four-position foundation was proclaimed for the Earth and the four-position foundation was proclaimed for the spiritual world.

On June 13, 1998, at Madison Square Garden, Father liberated both saints and sinners. It was this kind of event. The gates of Heaven were opened and the gates of Hell were opened at the same time. At that time we can say that 120 million couples were blessed on Earth, but in the spiritual world, billions were blessed. So officially, the four-position foundation was created not only on the Earth but in Heaven as well. Kodiak (the North) also represented the spiritual world (which is why it is named North Garden) so Father had to come back to make this victorious proclamation.

Following the 4.4 Ceremony Father announced that it is now a completely new start in history. And Father loudly proclaimed that God is absolutely Chun Chai (meaning that everything is totally in God's control, all belongs to Him, down to the tiniest insect and atom); that God is absolutely Chun Ban (meaning that God is capable; He is almighty); God has sovereignty. God has a homeland.

Now through the Ideal Family workshops, thousands and thousands of blessed families will become ideal families. They will be registered with the True family. On Earth and in Heaven, more and more blessed families appear. We now become God's children, God's people. Finally, the King of Kings appears. The Lord of the Second Advent appears.

We now fulfill the Old Testament (era of all things), the New Testament (era of children) and the Complete Testament (era of Parents). We become living sacrifices, living offerings. We cannot believe that we have reached this stage in our lifetime.

How can we now make the required indemnity offering? We can fundraise. We can borrow. We can sell something. We can include our tribe in our offering. We can witness. We can call on help from the spiritual world. Many members are receiving revelations and guidance.

Let me inspire you with a true story out of Korea. This story is similar to the movie Ghost. But this actually happened. There was a man from my hometown, Elder Kim. I knew him. He was an early church member and leader; he was a good business man and made wise investments. He and his second wife were both deeply spiritual and faithful members of our Church. Thirty or forty years ago Elder Kim and his wife were thought of as crazy because they were church members. Elder Kim had property, a bank account, everything. Elder Kim's son and daughter-inlaw were both substantial people in their own circles and the son had access to the family wealth, even having possession of the official family "stamp" required for banking business.

Elder Kim suddenly died. But because his wife was a church member the son and daughter-inlaw kept all the properties and monies and did not give her anything. They did not want the church to receive any of it. Actually, Elder Kim's wife did not even realize the wealth her husband had accumulated, but after his death he appeared to her and instructed her to go out and get on a certain bus and to follow his instructions. [Just as it happened in the movie Ghost!] They went some distance on the bus, got out and he instructed which building she was to go to, which floor, everything. She followed his instructions and without even any identification or stamp, she was believed by the bank authorities and she claimed right there all that was rightfully hers. When the son went to get some money, he discovered there was nothing there! This activity between Earth and spirit world happens often in Korea and Japan.

Even with the sales of the marble vases, there were many miraculous, spiritual stories. Before they were even approached for the sale of the marble vases people would have dreams of buying them, or having miracles performed once they did; all these sorts of things took place.

So we, also, can expect many unusual things to happen. We have to believe in the spiritual world activities. And we have to be creative. Think positive. We can make it exciting! Who knows what adventures lie ahead.

The most important thing we must think about during this time is that True Parents paid the indemnity! That is what makes everything possible. America is a rich country. We have to believe that miracles will occur. We also need to lay the right conditions for things to happen, such as uniting our mind and body; we need to push our physical bodies; we need to sacrifice for True Love and sacrifice for the dispensation. Go to the holy ground in South America; go the the Ideal Family workshop; follow Father's direction. True Parents have paid the indemnity there, corner to corner.

Heaven does not ask the impossible. In fact, God asks us for so little when we think of all Heaven will give us in return. God's children will inherit eternal life; they will become citizens in the Kingdom of God, both on Earth and in Heaven. They become owners of all which God owns, both on Earth and in Heaven. It will come back to us a thousand fold.

When you register for college entrance, you can expect to pay fifty to one-hundred thousand dollars and do an awful lot of hard work before you reach completion and receive your certificate or degree. In comparison, think how little God requires for assurance of your certificate into Eternal Life in His Kingdom. We must think logically about this. Our Family Fund which we are paying into now is so little compared to the eternal dividends we receive.

God knows our situations. He knows we are frontline workers with very little to offer. He knows how much we sacrifice. But He also knows there are ways to accomplish what seems to be the impossible. He knows there are unique and exciting ways to accomplish things. As leaders, we have to think and teach in unique and exciting ways.

Someone at this meeting has just revealed a story about suddenly receiving an inheritance. This is what we are talking about. These are times when anything and everything can happen. Help will come in mysterious ways. But we must have expectations! And we must feel hopeful. This is important.

As I said before, it was at the Ideal Family workshop, which Mrs. Pak and I attended, that I came to realize more deeply just how much indemnity True Parents have paid in South America. With total unity of mind and body, True Parents went the way of the cross and paid the price of victory.

When we go to the workshops in South America why are we so inspired? Because it is so beautiful there? No, there is a lot of development to be done yet. Is it because the weather is so lovely? No, it is very hot right now. Are we inspired because there are no insects there? The mosquitoes are very active there! We are inspired by the indemnity that has been paid. It gives us cause to repent and be deeply grateful and appreciative to True Parents.

After putting in such a small amount of work we wondered within ourselves how we won such a victory at MSG. True Parents paid the price long before us, that's why. Such indemnity as they paid attracts the attention of spirit world. They come to help.

This final indemnity we are being called to make is a source of great blessing. This sacrifice will be the foundation for our eternal blessing; this will be the source of blessing we pay as individuals, as families, as tribes, as nations and world.

Turning again to the Chart, True Father said this is his entire 50 years of ministry and victory. True Parents have completed the Four Position Foundation, the Ideal of Creation, on Earth and in Heaven. They have united Cain and Abel. True Father has restored all horizontal positions by offering the Blessing to everyone on the Earth and in Heaven. He has connected land and water, all corners of the Earth and Heaven. He has connected North and South, East and West. True Parents have re-created all things of Earth and Heaven.

Learn the content and teach it well. May God and True Parents go with each of you.

Directions for Interfaith

Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak

This address was given at the opening plenary of the IRFWP Conference on "Realizing the Interfaith Ideal: Action Beyond Dialogue" December 18-20, 1998, Washington, D.C.

This evening I would like to share with you a vision for a new direction in interfaith activity. There is no question that the worldwide interfaith movement has been an extremely important development in the history of humanity. A vision of peace lies at the heart of the interfaith movement. And, while this vision has grown and prospered in recent decades, the forces that resist peace have not been dormant. We all know the twentieth century has been a century with two devastating world wars, and a cold war struggle that dominated human history for nearly seventy years. Even now, in the post-cold-war era, ethnic, racial and national conflict remains ever present. Equally disturbing is the plague of family breakdown and the rapid moral decay occurring worldwide among today's youth populations.

All religions teach that God, or ultimate reality, intends for all human beings to realize peace and to experience joy and happiness. If we ourselves are troubled as we observe the suffering in our world, how much more is God. I believe God grieves as he witnesses our miserable situation. His greatest longing must be for the elimination of this suffering, and the evil from which it derives.

However, God does not alter the human reality simply by divine edict. God moves the world through human agents. In this respect, the invisible God needs a substantial body through which to achieve the heavenly will. In fact, the origin of the world's religions can be attributed to God's commitment to guide humanity toward ultimate peace and happiness. It is God's ideal that his own will and heartfelt longings can be expressed through the leaders and the followers of the very religions He has inspired. According to God's ideal, religions are meant to manifest God's heart of true love, and through religious leaders God could speak to and serve the world.

As the cold war era came to a close, there was a brief time of celebration. Quickly, however, we learned that the end of the cold war did not lead automatically to an era of universal peace. For while the flaws of the communist system were exposed, so too were those of the liberal democratic societies. In both the communist world and the democratic world, there emerged a kind of moral and ideological vacuum.

While, on the one hand, the suspicion of ideologies and moral truths prevents one from being taken in by false ideologies, this situation, on the other hand, also gives rise to greater individualism, cynicism and moral relativism. As we see among many of today's youth, there tends to be only a short-term vision. Unfortunately, self-centeredness, hedonism and the pursuit of immediate gratification are traits which are being encouraged and supported by popular culture.

Such an outlook stands in direct opposition to the classical religious traditions which emphasize eternal values and standards. Religions have taught from time immemorial that human society should be guided by heavenly ideals. The role of religious leaders is precisely to guide and educate others in the way of heavenly standards. Not merely by presenting religious theories, but by serving as a living example.

In the face of contemporary social crises linked to sexual decadence, family breakdown and youth alienation, religious leaders are sorely needed as models of a heavenly, yet practical ideal. At the deepest core, all human beings long to flourish in a true and lasting love relationship. For this reason, the family is absolutely crucial. Indeed, the family is the school of love. With the rise of selfish individualism, moral relativism, and sexual permissiveness, the family will only decline, leaving in its wake a spiral of socially destructive consequences.

If the family remains on a course of decline, future generations will suffer. That is, the love that is longed for in the heart of every child will go unfulfilled. As the moral and social significance of the family is lost and forgotten, future generations will lose respect for all human institutions, including religion and the state. There is great need for a renewed awareness of the importance of the family as the foundation for the development of human character and as the basis of social well-being. At the present time, there is perhaps no greater task to be taken up by the world's religious leaders. That is, to teach God's ideal of true love and the family.

Human beings, unlike animals whose sexuality is only expressed at specific times for the sake of reproduction, have been given sexual freedom. That freedom, however, only comes with responsibility. According to God's ideal, human sexual love is fully free, but only within the context of marriage, between a husband and a wife. The conjugal relationship between a husband and wife is meant to be exclusive, and permanent. The sexual organ of the husband is solely for the sake of his spouse and no one else. Likewise the sexual organ of the wife is solely for the sake of her spouse and no one else.

This principle applies even prior to marriage. The youth of the world should be educated in the practice of pure love, namely, that they are to preserve their purity until marriage. All religions should work to promote the ideal of pure love. It is precisely through the practice of pure love and true family that full human flourishing and social well-being is possible.

It is sometimes said that a focus on sexual and family matters distracts religious leaders from broader social concerns such as social justice or conflict resolution. This should not be the case. Sexual ethics and family ethics are fundamentally social in their relevance. There is no greater or more socially significant—not to mention religiously significant—act than that of loving parents having and raising children.

Family and sexual ethics are directly linked to social issues such as crime, disease, literacy, education, psychological health, individual character traits, social skills, attitudes toward others, etc. Thus, the focus on family is not merely a private concern, but rather a social concern; a universal human concern. In fact, it is the most fundamental of social concerns, and the area that must be addressed if we are to solve today's pressing social problems.

The responsibility of religious leaders lies not only in the area of teaching about and exemplifying family values. That is, the concern with family issues derives from the broader commitment to follow God's will and to serve humanity. In so far as God's vision and ideal are global and universal, so too should the religious leader step forward to address global problems.

Often in the modern era religious ideals have been marginalized and kept distant from the realms of worldly power. This marginalization has its roots, perhaps, in the reality that relations among religions have frequently been characterized by conflict, competition, and mutual disrespect. Sadly, such a characterization of religious history is not inaccurate. But, due to the rise of an interfaith consciousness, the situation today has changed dramatically. This gives rise, in my estimation, to the need for a positive re-evaluation of religion. In particular, international organizations which serve the ideal of world peace should re-examine their relationship to the world's great religious traditions.

Perhaps more than any other international organization, the United Nations exemplifies a global consciousness. In the eyes of many, the UN represents humanity's highest institutional expression of the human ideal for world peace. At the UN we have representatives of all the world's nations working together to resolve problems and promote peace and prosperity.

However, the efforts to establish world peace through an assembly of national representatives, has met with sizable obstacles. While its great achievements are not to be denied, there is certainly room for improvement. To be specific, there needs to be a joining of forces of both the world's statesmen and the world's religious leaders.

Since human problems are not, at their root, only political problems, political solutions alone will always be found wanting. While certainly most human societies are politically governed, at the root of most national and cultural identities lies religion. Religious loyalties, in fact, may far outweigh political loyalties in the minds and hearts of most of the world's populations.

For this reason, world peacemaking calls not only for the wisdom of statesmen and diplomats, but also for the wisdom of the world's religions, as embodied in the most honored representatives of those religious traditions. To implement such a program would involve a restructuring of the UN as currently conceived. For, in addition to the representation of nation states, there would be representatives of the world's religious traditions.

One can perhaps imagine a congress with two houses. One house—a House of Representatives— would be structured very much as the existing United Nations. It would consist of an assembly of wise and experienced representatives of the world's national governments. In addition to this house, however, there would be added a second house or senate. This Senate would consist of distinguished religious leaders. Together, in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation, these two houses would work together with a single objective: moving the world toward peace. In this way, the political wisdom of the world's leaders would be fruitfully complemented by the wisdom and vision of the world's great religious leaders.

These ideas and the specific proposal which I present to you tonight, and which joins the idealism present in both the interfaith movement and the United Nations, are rooted in the global vision of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Rev. Moon, whose teachings and example have been my guide for over 40 years, has always taught that religious leaders should be fully engaged in world affairs. Their moral vision and their example should be a light to the world, pointing not only to a world beyond, but pointing the way to true and lasting peace in this life. Religious leaders, in effect, should function as "world senators." We should be leaders who not only have absorbed the holy and precious wisdom of our traditions, but also who carry that wisdom into the world with dignity, professionalism and, most of all, an attitude of selfless service for the sake of others. The great disqualification of any leader—whether religious or political—is selfishness.

Rev. Moon teaches that we can successfully end the suffering of humanity and move forward to a world of peace, but only if religious leaders move ahead in two ways, building on the foundation of our interfaith consciousness. First of all, we must work together to stem the tide of moral decadence, seen most especially in sexual immorality and family breakdown. Stated more positively, we must work together to promote the ideal of true love and true family values.

Secondly, we should work together to implement a system wherein the highest expressions of religious wisdom are brought to the table where the world's most serious and urgent problems are being addressed. As Rev. Moon has proposed, such a system can be achieved by creating a "senate of religious leaders" who hold official seats at the United Nations. In this way, global problems can be addressed from a broader, and even more realistic perspective.

In order to realize these twin goals, and in order to fulfill both the interfaith ideal and the United Nations ideal, Rev. Moon is proposing the establishment of a new federation which works to transcend conventional religious barriers and national barriers. Moreover, this federation will also work to overcome the conventional split between the religious and the secular quests for world peace. The provisional name of this proposed federation is The Inter- Religious and National Federation for World Peace and Unification. It will have its official inauguration in the very near future.

It is my sincere hope that you will support this bold initiative and lend your own experience, wisdom and effort to the realization of its high ideals. At this time in history, we must not let national boundaries or religious differences keep us from fulfilling the ideal that lies at the heart of all religions, world peace.

Again, let me thank each of you for taking time during this holiday season to attend this important conference on "realizing the interfaith ideal." It has been my privilege to address you this evening. It is my hope that you will reflect seriously and prayerfully on what has been proposed. I welcome your own constructive thoughts and suggestions, as well as your cooperation in establishing this religious and national federation. Let us continue to work together to realize world peace.

Rev. Kwak is President of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International; and the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace

Understanding Life and Death

Reverend Sun Myung Moon
International Religious Foundation for World Peace
Realizing the Interfaith Ideal: Action Beyond Dialogue
December 18, 1998
Washington, DC

We live in the physical world, but we know that this is not the only world that exists. There is also the spirit world. The spirit world is a definite reality. We also know that these two worlds—the physical world and spirit world—are not meant to be disconnected from each other. They should be linked together as one single world.

We human beings, who were born from the spirit world, eventually return to that world. In Korea, we commonly use an interesting idiom in reference to death. When someone dies, we say, "he has returned." To where does he return? It is not to a cemetery. We mean that we return to the point of life’s origin. We return across the vast expanses of history. In the process, we shed our nationality. We return to the world that brought forth the human ancestors. If a Creator exists, then we are returning to the world of the Creator. That is where we originated, so it is there that we finally return.

The universe is engaged in circular motion everywhere. For example, when the snow melts on the mountain, it forms a small stream. As it flows down, its volume increases until it becomes a river. Eventually it reaches the ocean. From the ocean it evaporates, completing the circle by returning into the atmosphere.

The School Of Life

All beings desire to reach a higher ground, a better place, through circular motion. Where, then, is the better place we go to live eternally? While in the physical world, we live in our physical body. Our mind, though, is headed toward the eternal world. We are born into this world, and we pass through our teenage years, our twenties, thirties, middle age, and we eventually reach old age. Ultimately, we come to the end of our lives, just as the sun finally sets on the horizon. Those who know that the spirit world exists, however, know very well that the time spent in our physical body is relatively short, and that the world we face after we die is eternal. They know that our life on earth is a period of preparation for the eternal world.

We are like students who must earn credits in all our classes so that we can fulfill our school’s requirements. The school determines the extent to which its students meet its standard and decides whether it can recognize them. The further a student’s credits fall short of the standard, the more removed that student is from the school’s standard of value. In a similar way, the value of all beings is measured against a standard. Our life in the physical world is a period of preparation comparable to the time a student spends trying to earn good marks at school. In other words, we spend our entire life on earth preparing and striving to make good marks. We live each day of our life centering on a measurement. That measurement is in accord with a particular standard. We are accountable to that standard for our entire life on earth.

The Unity of the Spirit World

Most people in society do not know with certainty about the original world where we go after life in this world. They do not know whether there is life after death, or even whether God exists. Eventually, everyone goes to the spirit world. It turns out that the spirit world is a single realm. It is not divided into many countries, as is the physical world. Then, what is it like in the spirit world? We can compare it with the water that serves as the environment for fish. Water is an absolute condition for the fish to live. That doesn’t mean, however, that a fish will spend its entire life in one place. A fish that lives in fresh water cannot spawn if it remains in its river. It has to leave the fresh water and come into contact with salt water in order to lay its eggs. It thus passes through two worlds. In the same way, our mind, part of spirit world, and body, part of the physical world, must be interconnected.

At the beginning of human history, a realm of global unity should have formed in honor of Adam’s birthday, the anniversary of his holy marriage and the anniversary of his death. Then humanity could have united as one people by our sharing in the commemoration of those days. Instead of dividing, humanity could have lived in a single realm. If this had happened, then Adam and Eve’s way of life would have passed down through human history. The culture formed would have endured as long as human beings continued to exist.

The Value of Hope

Each of us goes through life ignorant of when we will die. We do not know that we won’t die in a traffic accident. I think some people will die saying, "Oh, Reverend Moon was right!" expressing regret only at that moment. We need to know that we are travelling a very serious path in life. We need to use every second of our life to prepare ourselves for the eternal world. We should be aware that we are standing on such a fateful path.

When people go to spirit world, they can be divided into two general types. The first comprises those who live out their natural life in this world, and the second comprises those who experience an untimely death. Among the latter, some die as a result of punishment and others die in order to pay indemnity for the nation or the world. Suppose God established one person in a central position with the value of a thousand people. What if God made that one person go the way of death in the place of those thousand people?

In such an instance, the grace and virtue of the one who died in their place would move the hearts of the thousand people. They would determine to live for the benefit of that person, model their lives after that person and live as he lived. If they did this, the thousand people would enter the same realm of grace as the one who died for them. The reason we try to follow the philosophy of patriots and model our lives after wise men is that we desire to enter the same realm of grace as these people.

Some people live with hope while others live without hope. We can divide people’s hope and aspiration into two general types: that centered on human beings and that centered on Heaven. A newborn infant thinks that his mother’s bosom is the most wonderful place in the world. At a certain point in its development, however, the child leaves its mother’s bosom. As the child grows, he or she forms friendships, thinking himself happiest when he is with his friends. Eventually, though, the young person will leave his friends behind. During our life course, we come to discover that neither loving parents, nor a loving spouse nor even loving children can completely satisfy our hopes.

People have many kinds of hopes. Eventually, all these hopes pass away. We have hopes for our family, hopes for our country and hopes for the world. But the reality is that as we grow older, our hope grows weaker. Some people boast that their hope represents the hope of all humankind, but find they lack the conviction to pursue it at the sacrifice their life. People fervently entertain many hopes during the course of their life. But when they face death, they abandon all their hopes. They desire to stay alive one more day. Day after day they wander in search of something new in which to place their hope. When they finally face death, though, all their hope fades away and they fall into despair as they set out on their final path. We know all too well that this is true.

Viewed as an individual, it may appear that a person possesses worthy aspirations. But no individual hopes live beyond death. In my view, it is important for all people on earth today to give serious consideration to one question. How can we find hope that will not collapse in front of death, but will transcend it? All things of this world will pass away. Our families, nations, and even the world itself will pass away. Ideologies and philosophies will pass away. What is it that remains? Whatever remains, that is the hope that can defeat death.

We can consider a person who does not possess such a hope or aspiration to be defeated in life. There are people who, from the time they are born, reject all the hopes and aspirations of the secular world. These people embrace aspirations not of the human world but of Heaven, hopes that are eternal. Heaven helps these people. A life of faith does not embrace any aspiration that exists on earth. Instead, it embraces the hopes that surpass even the gates of death. It dreams of the world of eternal hope.

Overcoming the Fear of Death

Someday I, too, will die. When we are young, we don’t think much about death. But we become increasingly serious about death as we grow older. This is because death is a gate through which we are inevitably destined to pass. But what happens to us after we die? Do you know why I am talking about death? I talk about death in order to teach the meaning of life. Who really knows the value of life? It is not the person who is going all out to preserve his life. The only person who really knows about life is the one who goes into the valley of death. He confirms the meaning of life as he desperately cries out to Heaven at the crossroads of life and death.

Why do people fear death? It is because they do not know the purpose for which we are born. Those who do not know why we are born do not know why we die. Therefore the first questions philosophers ask are "What is life? Why are we born?" If we think about it, we realize that when we die we are reborn into the midst of God’s love. But in the human world, people cry out, "Oh no, I’m going to die! What am I to do?" They make a big fuss. Do you think that God laughs, "Ho ho ho!" when we die? Or do you think God cries out, "Oh no!" and is overwhelmed with sorrow? The truth is, He is happy. This is because the moment of the physical body’s death is the moment we experience the joy of leaving the finite realm of love in order enter the infinite realm of love. It is the moment of our second birth.

Then is God happier on the day we are born into the physical world, or at that moment we leave our physical body behind? At that moment, we are born a second time into the realm of the infinite expansion of love. We become His new children through death. Of course, God is happier at the second birth. I am telling you this because you need to know that you cannot have a relationship with God unless you are released from the fear of death.

Our Two Births

It makes God happy to watch and directly take part in our life. Consider how a baby is born and wets its diapers as it begins the process of growth. God is happy because as the child grows, the pulse of love that is in God’s heart also grows. When God makes a face, babies imitate Him and make the same face. When God smiles, babies also smile, and when He is sad they also are sad. This is how babies gradually grow to resemble God. As babies grow, they also begin to resemble their parents. From their parents, they learn language and the rules for daily life. Of course, all these things have their origin in God.

So, after God has lived with us on earth and goes whoosh over to the other side, what are we supposed to do? If we say, "Wait, God, I want to go with You," will He reply, "Who are you? I don’t know you"? Is He likely to leave us behind like that? Or will He want to take us with Him? Of course, He will want to take us with Him. But when God says, "I can’t take you with me now. I’ll take you with me after you have grown a little more. I want you to work a bit more on your perfection," we can reply, "Well, we can’t go now, but we are certain that there will come a time when we are able to go." Then we can wait for that day.

In our physical body, we are unable to follow God wherever He goes. It is only natural that we would aspire to resemble God. On His part, God also would want His sons and daughters to resemble Him. We must conclude, then, that God designed us to be born again into a body that enables us to resemble Him. God and human beings long for that eternal day when we can soar through the heavens together. The day we are born as beings who can take wing with God, the day we are born into that body, that is the day of our physical death. On that day we cast off the physical body like an old coat. Then, should we welcome death or fear death? The answer, of course, is that we should welcome death.

For what purpose, then, should we die? We should die for the sake of God’s true love. That is the love whereby we seek to sacrifice ourselves for the benefit of others. We can conclude that the reason we cast off our physical body is so that we can participate in the realm of God’s work of love. We die for the sake of the world of God’s love.

Wouldn’t you like to be born as God’s real sons and daughters, who can receive and practice true love? If we could measure God’s wealth, how rich do you think He would be? Have you ever thought about that? With all those stars in the universe, isn’t it likely that there is one star that is a solid diamond? How about a star of pure gold? God is truly omniscient and omnipotent. Wouldn’t He want His children to have everything? What do you think? God can go from one end of the vast universe to the other in an instant. Is this something that you would find interesting to do?

To gain that ability, what do we need to do? We must keep the laws that God has established for us. Only when we do so is it possible for us to be with Him. It is impossible if we just behave anyway we want. Are you confident that you can refrain from doing what God tells you not to do? Human beings have a dual structure. The mind is the subject partner and the body is the object partner. It is necessary that the two become one, with the body subordinating itself to the mind.

Three Stages of Life

We go through three realms that correspond to the stages of formation, growth and completion. We go through the realm of water in our mother’s womb, then the realm of the planet earth, and finally the heavenly realm of floating in air. We go through the period in the water of the womb and are born into the world. We live in our physical body in this world for about a hundred years, until we enter the world in which we fly through the air. We pass through these three realms.

When a fetus is in the womb, it resists leaving the womb for the outside world. It fights as hard as it can to stay in the womb. The reason is that when the fetus leaves the womb, its home is destroyed. All its nourishment and everything else it had in the womb breaks apart and flows away. Also, its head and the body increase in size during the birth process. Who would want to go through something like that? Every fetus cries, "No!" right up to the moment of birth. Eventually the water breaks and the infant follows soon after.

As you watch a woman give birth to a child, you really have to feel sorry for her. Women who have given birth know what I am talking about. When the mother is pushing, it makes no difference how beautiful she may be. Her face contorts into all sorts of strange shapes. She makes such terrible faces that even her husband can’t stand to watch and leaves the room. She makes just about every possible face. So, the mother, too, goes through tremendous pain up to the last moment in order for the baby to be born.

After birth, is it necessary to leave the umbilical cord connected to the baby’s navel? Or is the umbilical cord chopped off without a second thought? Maybe someone should object, saying, "That cord is someone’s lifeline. How can you cut a lifeline that connects one human being to another?" The newborn infant, too, cries at the top of its lungs because it thinks it is about to die. As God looks on, though, He can’t help but break into a happy smile. From the viewpoint of the new life that has just been born, one world has just disappeared completely. Now it must breathe the air of its new world.

A child is conceived in the depth of water. The period in the womb is a period of existence in water. As long as the fetus is in its mother’s womb, it is floating in water. At first thought, you might think the time in the womb would be difficult because the fetus cannot breathe. You would think that it would need a process of taking in and sending out water. This function is fulfilled by something like a hose attached to the baby’s belly. How does a fetus in the womb receive nourishment? It receives nourishment through its navel.

For the child in the womb, the navel functions as a mouth. So, we should not be disdainful of our belly buttons. Give your belly button a little rub and say, "Hey, belly button. Thanks for working so hard back then." If you pat your belly button often, it is good for your health. No, seriously. It’s a good way to exercise. It’s good for your health to exercise your belly button. For example, a person sleeping in a cold room can avoid coming down with diarrhea as long as he keeps his belly button well covered.

The Breath of Love

We can refer to our belly button as our former mouth. Someone might say, "How foolish. Whoever heard of a former mouth?" There’s no denying the fact, though, that your belly button once functioned as your mouth. The belly button also acted as a breathing apparatus. Your present mouth fulfills that function here on earth. The function has moved up on your body. The same function is as necessary for the spirit self as it is for the fetus in the womb.

The spirit self is attached to the physical body that lives on earth by breathing air. It lives off the physical body until the body grows old. Then the spirit self kicks the body away and tries to separate. If at that moment, the body cries out, "No, I don’t want to die! I won’t die!" how will God react? Will He feel sorry for the physical body, because of the pain it is enduring? Or will He quietly smile?

The child who experiences pain in order to emerge from its mother’s womb grows to become the object of its parents’ love. In the same way, our spirit self must leave behind our crying physical body in order to be born anew as the eternal object of the God who is a spiritual being. This is a conclusion based on Principle. On earth, too, the baby can become the friend of its father and mother after it is born. This is because it is born into the physical world where it can share love with its father and mother. In the same way that the fetus swims around the mother’s womb, life on earth is breathing and living in the swaddling clothes of air. Only when the baby shares love with its mother and father as it breathes air can we say it is alive. In the same way, we can share love with God our Parent, who exists as an eternal spiritual being, after we are born again into the spirit world.

What kind of place is the spirit world? When we enter spirit world, we begin to breathe through a hole on the top of our head and through our cells. The air in spirit world is not the air we have on earth. Instead, it is love. When a spirit person breathes, he or she inhales and exhales the nourishing elements of love. On earth, eating alone does not sustain our life. When we eat and drink, all we are doing is filling our sack with food and water. Eventually, we will die. The form we take during life on earth is our second existence. While on earth, we need to develop our character of love. Therefore on earth, the thing we need most is love. What is an orphan? Why do we call a child who cannot receive love from a father or mother an orphan? It is because such a child lacks the love by which he or she can connect eternally with spirit world. Absent love, we are lonely. That is why we feel sorry for a person who lives without a spouse.

Death destroys our ability to breathe in the second stage, and connects us with the nourishment of love. We eventually have no choice but to leave the physical body behind. We cannot see love, but our internal structure develops centering on the love of parents, of husband and wife, and of children. Just as there is a normal development for a child in its mother’s womb, there is a normal course of development on earth. We follow it by living in accordance with the laws of God. We cannot do it by living just any way we want.

Human Flight

If we examine the world of nature, we see that insignificant insects, seeds of trees and even baby birds can fly. Does it make sense that human beings, the greatest of all creations, cannot fly? Look at the dandelion. It is made so that its seeds will fly away when the wind blows. Birds fly, insects fly and the seeds of plants fly. Surely, human beings also must have been created with a way to fly. Someone might be tempted to complain, "God, why did you create us without the ability to fly when everything else in creation can fly?" God’s reply probably would be, "Wait a few decades until you reach completion and then I will let you fly."

So, what should we be doing until then? We need to train ourselves to be able to adapt to the spirit world. We need to train ourselves by loving our parents, loving our spouse and loving our children. Then, when the time comes, we will enter the eternal world and live in attendance to God. For that to take place, we must put aside this physical body and die.

Look at the life cycle of the cicada. Before a cicada can fly, it goes through a larval stage. What would happen if the cicada said, "I want to go on living as a larva. I don’t want to shed my skin. I don’t care about land and air"? Even if it were resisting its transformation, once it shed its skin it would fly away.

A similar situation obtains with the dragonfly. First it exists as a larva, swimming around in water. Then it crawls on land for a time. After that, it sheds its skin and flies away. It begins to eat insects that it never would have thought of eating while it was living on land. As it flies around, the entire world becomes its home. Many insects pass through three stages like this. That is why insects have wings. They develop wings through their life in the water, on land and finally in the air.

Human beings are the highest beings in creation, but do we have wings? Does living only on the earth satisfy us? Human beings have wings, but they are wings of a higher order. You may say you don’t want to put aside your physical body and die. But once we die and leave our physical body behind, our spirit self passes through the blessed gates of our second birth and whoosh, we fly away.

Crossing the Finish Line

As I have already said, we cannot avoid death. We have to be prepared to suffer in order to establish the good that is in us as our second self in the eternal world. A fetus in its mother’s womb must receive proper prenatal care if it is to be born healthy and strong. In the same way, we need to prepare ourselves properly while on earth. We need to grow by modeling ourselves on the image of God, the heart of God and the divinity of God.

Once we are grown, we need to invest our lives to pass over the line of life and death. We must pass over even if we have to brave the fiercest storm. It is not enough if we do well most of the way and then fall just short of the finish line. What must we do when we find ourselves approaching life’s finish line? Even if we run with our mind focused totally on the goal, we can’t be confident we will make it all the way. If we wander aimlessly at the end, we will be ruined. We win victory only as we dash across the finish line.

It is an effort worth making for everyone born as a human being. No matter how much opposition there may be from behind, no matter how much persecution comes from the side, you just have to push forward one step at a time. There is no time to get entangled with the opposition. You have to keep going as quickly as you can, even one step at a time, in order to traverse your path of destiny to its end and finally cross the finish line. We all must go this way.

The Value of Righteousness

We often say that a person’s heart is upright. What does this mean? When a heart is firmly vertical, we say it is upright. If a tree is lying on the ground, we don’t say it is upright. The same is true when we refer to a heart as upright. The expression means that the heart is standing vertically. That is why human beings walk upright. An object must be vertical in order to be upright. We must set our hearts in a completely vertical position. Then the body will be horizontal in relation to this. When the vertical and horizontal are set within us, the pulling power of the vertical and the pushing power of the horizontal will be in balance. There will arise centripetal and centrifugal forces. So, we need to find ourselves. When we assert ourselves, we should say that God and true parents are also this way. On this foundation, we can expand our sphere of life through relatives, one clan and one nation.

Doctors quarantine patients who have dangerous communicable diseases. For the same reason, the time is not far off when we will send people who know the Will of God but continue to sin despite this knowledge into isolation near the North Pole or other arctic area. People thrown into such a place might not have a place to sleep or food to eat. They may go through immense suffering until they can genuinely repent.

There is one thing that makes me sad. God gave me responsibility to accomplish His will, so during my lifetime I need to accomplish His will to a level He finds acceptable. Until I have done that, I cannot die. For that reason, when I am in the valley of the shadow of death, God leads me out of danger. Whether I am eating or fasting, whether I am asleep or awake, I am always praying for the world and humankind. My suffering is not for the sake of a particular country or people. My objective is the salvation of the world. I have worked to this day and I am ready to die if necessary. I have sacrificed my life so that this objective might be achieved. You, also, should live and die for the sake of the world. If it is for the sake of world salvation, you even must be prepared to die with your wife, your family, your clan and even your entire people.

Face to Face With Death

Some day in the future, you will die. When you stand face to face with death, you will look back upon your life. You need to think what final words you will leave behind at that moment. On the path of death, your friends will not be with you. Your loving parents will not be there, nor will your loving brothers and sisters. Your spouse and children whom you love so much will not be with you. It is a path that you will take alone.

No one can go down that path twice. Once you have gone, there is no coming back. Once you take that path, you cannot return in all eternity. The heart that you have as you walk that path is important. When that moment arrives, face to face with death, if you do not possess the hope that can transcend death, that will be the end of you.

In history there have been many people who upheld and established God’s will. They did not retreat when they faced death. Instead, they laughed in the face of death and valiantly transcended death. We know well that these people paved our way to Heaven. What kind of person is it who is joyful even when passing over the hill of death, the moment that drives most of us into heartfelt sorrow? This is the kind of person who has heartfelt hope and aspirations for Heaven. For this reason, we must not reproach the world and lament when we face death. Instead, we should feel joy as we stand before heaven with pride in the value of our death.

What happens to us when we die? Up to the moment we die, we belong to ourselves. But as soon as we die, we belong to God. This is because we are born of a fallen lineage. Until our death, we lack the ability to cut our ties with Satan. After death, though, we establish ties with God. There is no resurrection without death. It is impossible to enter into the next period without first passing through the preceding one.

To what kind of death does the Bible refer when it says that those who seek to die will live and those who seek to live will die? (Luke 17:33, John 12:25) This does not mean that we should lose the eternal life given us by Heaven. It means that we should lose the life that is connected to the satanic world, inherited through the fallen lineage. That is why those who seek to die for the sake of God will live. This seems paradoxical. But from the perspective of the fall, this is the only way restoration can come about. This is the standard for discussing the possibility of restoration.

Wisdom and Foolishness

Success or failure in life is not determined over a period of decades. Rather, it is determined in an instant. If you look at the entire course of life, it does not take very long for a baby to be born. Of course, there is a period leading up to the birth, when the fetus is in the womb. Those ten months in the womb are a time of preparation. The birth takes but an instant. The preparation may go well for the entire ten months, but if something goes wrong at the decisive moment of birth, the infant will meet a tragic end.

After living out our life on earth we come face to face with our moment of fate. We will see our entire life flash before our eyes. The one who can say, "There was truth in my life" and "I am leaving behind something more valuable than my life," is a person who has spent his life in a worthy manner. On the other hand, the person who starts to recall the past, and begins to shake his head over things he would rather not remember, is a tragic person. For some people, the more they remember, the greater the expression of joy on their face. If all their problems can be buried in the ideal, death will actually be a comfort. The moment of recalling the past will not be filled with fear. If they are leaving something behind, then that past record will not die and its reality will not die. Instead, these things will be made manifest. The people whose past allows them to do this are without a doubt people whom the nation can follow. They are the ones whom the people of the world can follow.

We need to consider whether we can stand alone before God. Truth and goodness begin with a particular individual but they do not end with that individual. Once truth and goodness have begun in a particular person, they must bear fruit in another person. Or, they can begin in another person and bear fruit in me.

If a person spends her life giving to others, then she will have no fear on the path of death. She has given everything and sacrificed herself for others. She has led a life that is close to truth; she has shed tears for others and she has invested her life for others. If a man’s aspirations are for others, all the life force coming from his pulse is focused and invested for the sake of others. If this is the case, then this person’s past is one of glory.

The path taken by the wise is different from that taken by the foolish. A wise person tries to live in partnership with history, in partnership with the present world and in partnership with the future. A foolish person lives for the self and tries to make the world exist for his or her own sake. There is a global environment characteristic of the spirit world, and within it are nations, clans, families and individuals. An individual cannot enter Heaven without a self-motivating character by which he or she is absolutely indispensable as an individual. The family or clan cannot enter Heaven unless they can say that they possess a self-motivating character that makes them indispensable on the family or clan level.

How to Go to Heaven

Compared with spirit world, Earth is but a speck of dust. The spirit world is an eternal world, transcending time and space. If a spirit person commands, "The person who lived in such and such an age with such and such a heart, please come forward," then that person will appear in an instant. It is a world in which feelings and intuition turn into reality. There are no factories there to produce food. There are no automobile factories. There is nothing like that.

To register yourself in spirit world, you need a certificate based upon your life on earth. How are you going to obtain it? I’m talking about a certificate of life that will let you say: "This is what I became. This is what I did." You cannot just make your own certificate. First, Satan has to write one for you. After you receive that certificate, you have to receive one from Jesus. Finally, you have to receive a certificate from God. You will need these three certificates.

When you go to spirit world, you will find that it is made up of three very large realms. Those who lived for others will go to the highest level. Those who lived for themselves, however, will find themselves on the lowest level. They will find that everyone is opposing them, whereas everyone will welcome those who lived for others.

Once you are in spirit world, your parents and spouse cannot help you. The people in the highest levels are those who lived for the sake of others. In the uppermost tiers are those who traveled throughout the world living for others with a heart that expanded their love for their mother and family. With a saintly heart, they always are looking for ways to save the people of the world from evil.

The one who lives for himself goes to Hell, and the one who lives for others goes to Heaven. People separate into these two worlds at death. So, we must live for the sake of the whole, for the sake of the greater good. Live for the sake of the world, for the sake of God and for the sake of human liberation. Someday competitions will take place to see who can live for the sake of others to a greater degree. In the heavenly world, the person who has lived for the sake of others will go to the higher position. So you can leap to a higher position by living for the person who is higher than you are. Living for that person is the same act as God bringing forth His own object through His creative act. Thus, that person comes to stand as your object partner of love.

The Value of Living for Others

In the spirit world we live for others, centering on true love. If you encounter a person who has dedicated 100 percent of his life for the sake of others, then you have to say, "Please move past me, go ahead." It doesn’t matter how great the United States seems. A person who dedicates his life for the people of America to a greater extent than your President does can move past the President and be welcomed.

When a person only cares about his own interests, he is everyone’s enemy. It is the same way in spirit world. When a person says he will live for something greater, then he will naturally move past others. One who lives for the sake of the world does not need worry about living for America, because America is included in the world. All countries are included in the world. The conclusion can only be that true love, by which a person lives for the sake of others, is the only content and direction that everyone can welcome.

When you die, you must take with you three accomplishments. One, that you loved God. Two, that you loved yourself and worked hard to establish your essential self. And three, that you worked hard to expand the love you shared with your spouse and your family to the entire world. This love for humanity and for God will remain forever. It will define your right to ownership in the next world. When you enter spirit world, the number of people you evangelized will determine your right to ownership.

In the spirit world, pride wells up over the extent to which you longed for people with your life. You do not need anything else in the next world. The only thing you need is the record that you loved God more than the world, more than your country, more than your spouse and more than your children. If a wife wants her husband to love her with godly love of a higher order, then she has to say, "Please love God more than you love me, and then love me."

The Family and Spirit World

I often preach about the realm of the heart. The foundation for the realm of the heart is the love of true parents, the love of true brothers and sisters and the love of true children. The world of the heart is one in which we universalize these types of love. In this original world, a person can live by the standard of husband and wife love, but theirs must be a husband and wife love that gives primacy to heaven and earth and to the cosmos.

So, where do we go in order to establish a foundation to qualify for that world? We must lay this foundation in the physical world. We are not to spend our time here for the sake of all those things valued by this world. We are here to qualify ourselves for the next world.

That is the basis for the principle that we live as families in the spirit world. Why do we need to have children? The vertical love of God and the horizontal love of parents bring descendants into this world. This is a vertical and horizontal mixing of the blood of God and the parents. Thus, people who were unable to have descendants on earth will not be able to harmonize Heaven and earth in the spirit world. They will be unable to keep step with the rhythm of north, south, east and west. A person who has no descendants will have no place to rest or play in the next world.

Religions and Nations in Spirit World

In spirit world, there is no need for religion, much less for denominations. There is no need for entities such as the Presbyterian Church or the Catholic Church. People there are in the realm of life together with God. In that realm are people who loved the world, patriots and loyal subjects, women of virtue and saints. As far as I am aware, however, there is as yet no one who lived his or her life in the original love of God, centering on the tradition of the realm of the heart.

Whenever you begin a task, you should begin it centering on God. Whether you go to Hell, the middle spirit world, Paradise or the Kingdom of Heaven, is determined by the extent to which you harmonize with this principle. The most precious path on earth is that which endures the greatest amount of suffering and sheds the most tears for the sake of Heaven. That is the path that will bestow the freedom to enter the next world.

In the next world, people of different nationalities cannot live together, but true followers of all religions can live together. The religious sphere is one of longing for one world and believing in one God. So people of true piety will be together. The uniqueness of people of faith is in their living their entire life based upon the standard of the spirit world. Religion teaches us how to relate with each other centering on the eternal world, the transcendent world, the dwelling place of the Divine Being—whether we call Him God or by some other name.

God’s Call to World Leaders

There is a reason for my speaking to the participants in this gathering about the value of life in relation to issues having to do with life and death. You represent religions that are active throughout the world. I want to stress that it is religious leaders’ responsibility to teach about life and death correctly.

Today, the political leaders of the world are seeking to realize peace and prosperity through the United Nations. In my judgement, however, the path to world peace will be incomplete if we build it merely upon the political, economic and military functions of the United Nations. Political, economic and military powers can deal only with that which is external, physical and material. We can reach the internal and spiritual aspects of life only through religious teaching and through the unity and united actions of the world’s religions.

I would like to take this opportunity today to supplement the existing United Nations with a structure in which the UN and leaders of the major world religions can work together. I hope that the participants here today, and all the nations of the world, will seriously consider this proposal to establish a structure encompassing the world’s religions and the United Nations.