39th True Children’s Day Address

Sun Myung Moon
New Yorker Hotel, Grand Ballroom
New York 1998
November 19, 1998

These are T. Hendricks’ unofficial and partial notes from the extemporaneous translation by Rev. Peter Kim. This document is for the edification of Unification Church members but is not reliable in any specific details, as Father’s words are often difficult even for native Korean speakers to grasp.

God created His ideal through one man and one woman. His creation was for the purpose of joy. Would He find joy just by looking at their faces? No, He would have found more by kissing them. Where? God would have come down to Adam and Eve’s level. Whom would He have kissed first? Adam or Eve? (Various responses.) If He kissed Eve first, what would Adam have felt? Would Adam have been jealous? Who is more important, the son or the daughter? It is not a simple question. The answer is complicated, but we have to know the truth.

When God kisses one of them, all three of them will feel happy. God thought about the ideal position or place to kiss them and be happy. The ideal would be for God to kiss just one of them and make all three happy. Suppose God comes down and asks Adam if he can kiss one and make all three happy. They probably would not be confident about that and would ask God if He could really do it. What would He say? He would divide Himself so that He could kiss both at the same time.

When we say feel good, what does it center upon? It is centering on kissing. To achieve love, it is necessary to kiss and embrace. What type of love do fallen people practice? At best it is conjugal level, but does it include a third party? Does it include grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters? No; we usually keep it between husband and wife.

Is embracing and kissing the end of it? What more is there? For man, the more is your spouse, woman. For woman, the more is her spouse, man. You absolutely need each other. This is an eternally absolute need. What kind of love partner do you want, one who is temporary or one who is eternally absolute? (Eternally absolute.) Is it true? (Yes.) Well, you gave your answer with a smile. If you need each other absolutely, then everything about you should be absolute. That is the family.

Can you find such a family in the fallen world? Are this world’s families false or true? How should God treat false families? As treasures or trash them? Should they attend at your parents’ table, or go into a garbage bag? They deserve a trash can and so God prepared hell. Does God love the fallen world with such families? Do you women feel good or bad hearing this? God’s point of view is based upon the ideal family perspective, so God does not even want to deal with false families. They deserve the dungeon of hell. You American people, God is saying do not be proud of your military or economic power. One nation under God is not the answer. Why do we not work for one world under God?

Unless you mobilize public leaders according to this ideal, America has no hope. From infancy to the grave, we have to follow Rev. Moon’s teaching. So does America need Rev. Moon? (Yes.) You are too far below to get by with one time saying that you are absolute. You have to be an eternal object to Rev. Moon. How do you become a person whom God can love?

Did Adam and Eve learn how to kiss each other? Did they start practicing that as they were growing up? Would God have been happy or unhappy with the position they took in doing that? Do you think they desired to embrace and kiss? (Yes.) Where did they learn it? (From nature.) Yes. They watched birds and animals. After watching and learning, what was the next step? Didn’t they get curious about the creatures producing their offspring? Didn’t they envy those animals and birds? Naturally, when girls reach adolescence, they get curious about boys’ love symbol. It is a mystery to them. They must be going crazy imaging about the opposite sex. Adam and Eve without the fall must have had that thinking and curiosity. They were curious about the opposite sex.

So, what would God tell them as He watched them? To eat or not? He would say to wait. Wait until when? Until you are fully ripe. When fully ripe you will be like a fireball. When the time comes, I will come and embrace and kiss you, when you are so bright, when every cell of your body will be bright, wide open for love, intoxicated. Then I will come and I will conquer you with that love. That is the way of love.

So God wanted them to wait until the temperature between them went up to 10,000 degrees. If they ate before that… If they wait, then God will be even more excited than they are. Who would have the highest temperature? God’s temperature was highest. How do I know? This is the treasure of God and Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Do you want to see it? Since this is True Children’s Day, I will give it as a gift to all of you. The Final Goal of Creation

Adam and Eve’s fire of love was getting hotter and hotter, but it originated in God. Therefore, God’s fire must be hotter all the time. [Father writes on the board: "The Action of Origin-Division-Union is God’s Original Love Power."] Combine Origin-Division-Union Action and you sometimes get children, forming the four position foundation. Above is invisible, below is visible. Do you want to become greater than God? (Greater.) Also you want to see your partner greater than yourself. This applies both to vertical and horizontal relationships. The only way to make your partner greater than you is to give and give and forget, adding forever. Living for the sake of others is the only way, adding and adding. You can reach God only through the practice of true love.

When God, Adam and Eve all are happy, what is the next step? Children are visible and God is invisible. Can they be happy together? We all want to see God. Adam and Eve are resultant and visible; God is causal and invisible. How can they unite together in happiness? The final goal of creation was to make this unity of the invisible and visible in joy and goodness. God’s invisible sung sang and hyung sang were planted in His children. Thus we find God in the body of Adam and Eve. He dwells there. Since God dwells within them, they dwell within God. When, therefore, the two visible beings are united in joy and goodness, so too is God united with them.

So who takes the ownership of love first, God or Adam? Why do young men and women want to marry? They want to conquer the other’s world. When a wife embraces her husband’s body, she is embracing the universe and God, because he has ingested the elements of all creation. Her husband is the concentration of all the elements, so she is actually embracing the universe, including the invisible being, God.

Where should they become one? They become one at the center, with God coming down at an angle of 90 degrees from above. They approach the center from either side. God is the bone marrow, the husband is the bone, and the wife is the flesh and its oil. That’s why women like to treat their skin and do not have a beard. Their flesh goes inward, therefore women have little hair. And the woman’s organ is deep and internal, in contrast to the man’s, which expands outward. They are shaped that way so that they can become one. Man’s is like a mountain and woman’s a valley. When they become one, the result is a flat field, ground level. In a flat meadow, all kinds of insects prosper. If convex and concave reject each other, there is no hope for life. The power to flatten the mountain and raise the valley is the power of love. If they reject each other, then there is no meadow, no life and no human beings. The body is three-quarters water.

Women cry in private, quietly. Men rush out the door and cry out to the mountains and oceans. When laughing, men expand and women shrink down. No matter what you may try or think, woman is woman, man is man. You cannot change your gender. Even when you make love, if the wife wants to take subjectivity, she will have to tell her husband to lay down and she will get on top. But then the seed will be lost and no children will come.

Husband-Wife Relations

God starts invisible at the top of your head (or so Father seems to be saying by his body actions). His invisible flesh becomes our visible flesh. God dwells there. So we become the proper love partner to God, through the love organ. But people think the love organ is the dirtiest thing. Because people do not value true love, they do not understand or value anything. How can we turn this around? If you lose true love, you lose the bright way for your life. Without true love, men and woman cannot trust each other. Because the "we are born for the sake of the other" philosophy does not prevail in the world, people take others to serve them. One’s first love should last eternally. There were only one man and one woman in the Garden. Their love was to have been absolute. False love becomes a battle, a power game. Can anyone change this?

God is the vertical True Parent and Adam and Eve become horizontal True Parents, and they all meet in the center at 90 degrees. In three dimensions, you create 12 relationships in the three object purposes. The three object purposes illustrates that God needs the other three and that each needs the other three. They all become one at the center. Parents become the hyung sang God. Eve and Adam move toward each other and God starts descending. Then they produce their children as a horizontal multiplication and become parents. That is the point at which all three are happy.

Because of the fall, our angle is not 90 degrees. It is 89 or 92. We all know what our own angle is with respect to mind-body unity. We should admit and understand that Adam and Eve are in the position of God’s body, and their mind is the original mind of God. There is no room for Satan.

Man is born as man for the sake of women, and vice versa. Man and woman are born for the purpose of making love. Because only through love can man and woman go beyond being a half of a person and work toward God.

What kind of couple are you? Do you form the 90 degree angle? God Himself must have gone through stages of growth, such as infancy, childhood, etc. Husband and wife should recognize the different stages of growth in each other. By parents watching their children grow, they relive their own growth period and so does God. They feel happiness and joy through their reflection in their children.

The fallen parents who did not receive love from God are doomed to hell. The agony of God was not being able to have three generations, with Adam and Eve being the second. Now God and True Parents are planting the true seed of life and love in this world. The fallen descendants are wild olive trees, to be cut off at the root and engrafted. Once the engrafting takes place, then the remainder of the old olive tree becomes fertilizer. So it will become rotten [this is why the fallen world is rotting?].

Women wear earrings because they want to hang onto men. And they wear necklaces because they want to hang on their husband’s neck. When she is hanging on, he has no choice but to embrace her. Why is wedding ring worn on the fourth finger? You went through four fingers, representing the four directions, to get to the marriage state.

A poor wife forces her husband to go clean himself up when he gets home hot and sweaty from work. The husband comes home and is tired, and he even falls asleep during dinner and wants to lay down on his wife’s lap, but she pushes him away. The good wife just offers dinner without him washing, and if he is tired, she puts the food in his mouth. This revitalizes him and so he reciprocates and starts feeding her. Then he feels energy and says he’d better take a shower.

About True Mother taking care of True Father: she clips his nails once a week. She keeps all grooming implements neatly arranged in her drawer. Mother takes care of Father with external love, so Father gives Mother internal love in return.

If you look at your wife’s eyes, you can see if she had a good day. The challenge is to make your wife’s eyes smile. The couple that does this is an artistic couple. Before taking her to bed, make sure her eyes smile and her nose smiles and her ears and mouth and all her organs and cells are intoxicated. Then she will hang onto you like an earring. Then lift her up and she will cling with her legs bent at ninety degrees. Then you spin around and you kiss her as you spin, as if dancing, and continue to the bedroom and bed, then that’s it, everything is worked out.

If the founder of a serious religion gives instruction on lovemaking, what a miserable religious founder he is. Maybe a Christian minister who is here will say he expected a holy Pope type person, but Reverend Moon is a very natural type person. Which is better? There are many things I have to teach you, to help you reach God. The woman lives for the sake of her husband. Even the word, woman, has the word man in it. Woman presupposes man. The beginning of the existence of anything is life for the sake of others. Christian ministers do not know that they are born for the sake of their wife.

[Father uses Susan Osmond to illustrate the features of the woman’s body serving her husband. Her soft skin, her proportions.] If a man strokes his wife’s cheek, he cannot stop doing so. By nature she makes unity with her husband—the soft and gentle woman with her rough and rugged husband. The soft supports the strong and the strong supports the even stronger. Copper cuts diamonds. When woman smiles, she shrinks, and man expands when he smiles. Therefore they can embrace. If you are verging on a fight, go in the bathroom and cool off. If you get angry, it will linger for ten days and your children will feel it. If you are on bad terms, your senses will be sad. You will feel as if it is pouring rain on you all the time.

Flesh and Bones

Who gave bones to your children? Their father. The mother gives flesh. No matter how well educated the wife is, if she is not flesh to her husband’s bone, he will be miserable. The seed grows out of the father’s bone. The father plants the bone and the mother adds the flesh. Then mother and children become one, and together they become one with the father.

My father gave me my bones and my mother gave me my flesh. There is nothing of myself; I consist of my father and mother. So all that exists is life and love. That is all I can give to my spouse. You inherit all these from your parents.

Life in the kingdom is that of children living with their own parents. What kind of family lives in the kingdom? A true love centered family. The family is the unit to enter the kingdom. Due to the fall, men and women think they can live together any way they want to as husband and wife. They think they do not need children. As a result, they cannot face the beautiful family life in the Spirit World because they do not fit in.

Make love to your wife as if you were a slave who suddenly and for no good reason attained the right to make love to a queen. Try to dig out all the beautiful points in your wife. And wives, study your husband. You may think he is one way and then you see some other side of him. Study him from every angle, 360 degrees. At the time of marriage, you saw him only through a small lens. Now you are more relaxed.

Do you feel that your spouse is your absolutely eternal spouse, so that even if you die you will want to marry them again? That is love with your entire body. To study closely means to look at your husband’s organ and to realize that they all exist for you, so you can never let him go. With that consciousness, your mind will never get old. What about love? If your mind never gets old, your love will never get old, nor will your life and lineage. Centering on love, nothing gets old. You will always remain a beautiful young man or woman.

Compare an ugly but faithful woman with a beautiful woman who is an atheist. One has mind and body united, the other has them in conflict. Then as time passes, the ugly becomes beautiful and the beautiful becomes ugly. The ugly becomes beautiful because she receives energy and power from God. Think: my peace, my happiness, my dream are in my spouse, my wife, my husband. So when you go out of town, you will not be tempted. Any tempters have the appearance of rotten fish. Make your mind beautiful. In front of God you will be shining like the sun. Through your shining light, God will be attracted to you.

Dr. Sang Hun Lee believed in Divine Principle, but he wasn’t totally convinced. Then in Spirit World he realized it is true, absolutely true. So he wrote his book from Spirit World. According to him, when the 3 object purposes are fulfilled, then you can see yourself… Thus Father says, let’s each make our couple the number one couple to enter the Kingdom of God.

We have the same relationship with God that Adam did: He is my Father. But Adam lost God, and we have True Father and the blessing. These are the weapons with which to fight the fallen world. True Parents even blessed the worst criminals. Therefore they proved themselves to be the True Parents. So Father established the ideal family workshop center in Jardim. The fish in Jardim and Pantanal didn’t go through Noah’s judgement time. They are from the original creation.

So we have to offer absolute faith, love and obedience to follow True Parents with True Love. Form stage is with the mouth, kissing. Second, the growth stage is fondling the breasts, embracing. Third, the completion stage is in the genitals, convex and concave. Father wishes all of you who came today will eventually become ideal couples and build true families.

December 1998

Why Christ Came and Why He Must Come Again

Volume 3 - Part 1

As the Divine Principle sections on "The Creation" and "The Fall of Man" have explained, God originally created man and woman in His image. They were intended individually to grow to full emotional, intellectual and spiritual maturity, and on this basis form families that could fully embody and express God's love. Such families would then be the well-spring of God's love for larger levels--the society, nation and world.

The first couple chosen to achieve this ideal, however, the Biblical characters Adam and Eve, failed to do so. Their fall occurred through an unprincipled expression of love between Eve and the archangel Lucifer, and between Eve and Adam. With the loss of love at the beginning of history, all humanity has since suffered the deprivation of love. For Divine Principle the original separation from God's love has thwarted the realization of the divine ideal and has given rise to the tremendous pain and suffering that make up the record of human history.

History on the Horizon

Divine Principle explains that, beginning with the tragic separation of humankind from its Creator, God has sought to restore men and women to their original state, no longer crippled by the catastrophic events involving the first human couple. God wishes to elevate us to the status of His True Children and to lead us to live in love, justice, and brotherhood.

To realize this stage, prophets and holy men have appeared, directed by God, at various points in history. The coming of men such as Abraham and Moses, Buddha and Confucius, St. Francis and Martin Luther expresses God's redemptive activity in human society. However, the central manifestation of God's work was the advent of Jesus of Nazareth. For Divine Principle, Jesus was the man anointed by God as His Son to realize the original ideal on earth. He came in Adam's place to restore the lost Garden of Eden--the Kingdom of God on earth.

The Bible

The New Testament offers an inspired and beautiful account of the life of Jesus and has served as the very well-spring of the Christian faith. Over recent decades, however, the New Testament--and, indeed, the entire Bible--has come to be understood in very different terms than has been the case in centuries past.

The critical catalyst in this change has been the advent of modern biblical scholarship, particularly as it has been focused on the four Gospels. While as devotional material the Gospel accounts are awesome, it is now widely considered that as historical documents they fail to provide reliable data on the human Jesus and his actual teachings.

The problem as most scholars see it is that the writers of the Gospels--writing anywhere from thirty to seventy years after the death of Jesus and writing with their own purposes in mind--freely embellished earlier oral and written reports that up to then had been the sources of information on the life of Jesus.

In the words of Father Raymond Brown, of New York's Union Theological Seminary: "Primarily the Gospels tell us how each evangelist conceived of and presented Jesus to a Christian community in the last third of the first century. . . they offer only limited means for reconstructing the ministry and message of the historical Jesus."

Recognizing such realities has led to extensive re-examinations of the life of Jesus. In recent decades, scholars have looked again at the Gospel accounts, questioning orthodox understandings and expressing radical dissatisfactions with traditional thinking about the Son of Man. The very fact of the volume and intensity of debate on this issue points to the problematic nature of the traditional New Testament picture of him.

Hero, prophet or zealot?

The arguments presented by different theologians have ranged over a broad spectrum. A pivotal book in this debate was written by none other than the famed Dr. Albert Schweitzer, who, among his other great accomplishments, was a highly regarded theologian.

In his Quest for the Historical Jesus, Schweitzer demolished a number of his predecessors' views of Jesus and advanced his own understanding of Jesus as an apocalyptic hero. He sees Jesus as believing in the imminent, supernatural appearance of the Kingdom of God, complete with the subjugation of all evil forces.

In Schweitzer's view, at one point in his ministry Jesus expects the arrival of this Kingdom even before the next harvest. Only when his hopes are dashed does Jesus start thinking of the cross. Schweitzer concludes that Jesus finally went to the cross believing that this act would precipitate the apocalyptic arrival of the Kingdom of God on earth.

In The Prophet from Nazareth, on the other hand, Professor Morton Enslin argues that Jesus must be understood simply as a man fulfilling a prophetic role. Enslin argues that the later Church paid tribute to the Nazarene Carpenter by bestowing him with such titles as Christ, Son of god and Lord, but that his original disciples thought of him simply as "a prophet mighty in deed and word." (Luke 24:19). Indeed, for Enslin, this is all Jesus thought himself to be.

Another view of Jesus is presented by England's S.G.F. Brandon, of the University of Manchester. For Dr. Brandon, Jesus was a Zealot, striving for the political overthrow of the Roman tyranny. Jesus' primary interest was political, and this is why he was ultimately crucified. According to this view, a careful reading between the lines indicates the authors of the Gospels "rewrote early Christian history in order to remove Roman suspicions concerning the Church."

Such is a partial view of the debate on the life of Jesus. Many opinions have been offered, but many questions remain. As Brandon's theories indicate, even extreme views have gained a hearing.

In the opinion of many people--both theologians and laymen--the Divine Principle has shed a very helpful and clarifying light on some of the vexing problems surrounding Jesus. As a revelation received by Reverend Moon through his spiritual communication with God and Jesus, the Principle has the advantage of being able to penetrate the New Testament ambiguities and present a clear understanding of Jesus and his mission--one that has profound implications for the contemporary church and one that will help Christianity complete the spiritual revolution begun two thousand years ago.

WFWP Gift and Fundraising Items

Women’s Federation for World Peace has many beautiful gift items that it has developed over the last few years. These would make inexpensive Christmas and God’s Day gifts for contacts friends and family. We are also able to make them available at reduced prices for bulk orders so that they can be used for fundraising activity.

The appearance of some of the jewelry will be familiar as they were used as gift items at the sisterhood conferences.

Brooches Enamel

a) Rose, or b) Cherry Blossom each 2 inches long, c) Oval rose and cherry blossom with engraving on back commemorating the sisterhood conference. All three come in a velvet gift box.

Pendant on a Gold Chain

a) Rose, b) Cherry Blossom. Available in velvet gift box.

Angel Pendant on a Chain

Small white Swarsky Crystal (suitable for a girl) In a gold foil gift box.

T-Shirts and Sweatshirts

T-Shirts, white with W.F.W.P. Design on breast. Sweatshirts, gray with same design. Both Extra Large (one size fits all).


International recipes, spiral bound version a) has description for preparation of offering table and Korean holiday food. It also has quotes from Father and testimony relating to meals and food preparation. The b) Version has a commemorative Sisterhood ceremony cover, and the quotes and testimony has been left out.


by Karen Judd Smith-NY, NY

You have questions about WFWP? You want to know if WFWP is doing anything these days, and if so, what? I hope we can begin to answer some of your questions here. We hope that the rest will be answered by what you see WFWP doing in the next year or two.

Possibly because I spend quite a bit of time on the computer and on-line, asking questions myself, the idea of helping flesh out the latest of the Women’s Federation for World Peace’s developments by using the "Frequently Asked Questions" seemed reasonable. I’m not sure if your questions are exactly the same as some of mine, but they can’t be too different.

I have questioned WFWP’s real purpose, What is its most effective approach to local and global issues, how to position it-as a service organization, educational organization, membership organization-and why, and many more. Some questions were very personal, ones I would have had to face no matter where I was in the world. Others stemmed from genuine concerns that are bigger than any one of us as individuals. Nevertheless, the changes that are now going on are the fruit of many individuals’ efforts. They are born from a belief in the vision of genuine, true partnerships between men and women as the basis for a peaceful world and the desire of the human spirit to be effective in our pursuit of this vision as a united group of women rather than as individuals.

Without this common sense of commitment to the vision of WFWP, without the desire to genuinely respond to human need in our own communities and abroad, and without the common sense that WFWP is a major vehicle of change at this time, we would not have come this far. Change never comes easily-anywhere, within or without. So while we have no glowing victory speeches yet, we offer a few words to outline the work in progress and a few more words aimed at encouraging faith in the power of women of heart and integrity. The Women’s Federation for World Peace is associated with many such women in one way or another.

I hope the following FAQ’s can answer some of your questions. I hope that if you see some aspect of WFWP that could do with some help, you will step in and offer to do so. WFWP can be a powerful way that you and I offer the best of ourselves to the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is WFWP different now than before? What are we doing since the Japanese-American Sisterhood Conferences ended and what was the result of those conferences?

This is perhaps the most commonly asked or unasked question, yet it is perhaps the most important to ask… and to answer. I wish to answer this one in two ways.

First of all, WFWP is not yet very different, as we have only started on a new direction two months ago. However, the direction we are headed in will widen our approach and accessibility and increase our effectiveness. Why and how? Because so many women are feeling the need to be involved in something substantial rather than symbolic only. Or should I say, most of us feel the desperate need to substantiate our faith, our conviction that our core belief in the goodness of humanity can help us make real changes in a society that is largely headed in an amoral or immoral direction.

If there was not this common "felt need" and desire coming from so many women, Women's Federation for World Peace would have little reason for or hope of real change. The very fact that so many ask this question shows what we need to be doing-creating an organization that IS an agent of change in our communities and our society. So our efforts are currently focused on that-creating an infrastructure that enables our volunteer group of women who are scattered about the country and who have varying degrees of time and availability, to nevertheless contribute to their community and the nation in a substantial way.

The second point I wish to make as part of the answer to this question is to acknowledge the value of what we have done. Sometimes we are a little too hard on ourselves in our quest for the kingdom! So here I would like to add the following to Mrs. Spurgin’s review of what we have accomplished. I simply wish to remind you (and myself) of the two stages of creation . . . of anything. The first stage happens primarily in the invisible realms of thought and word.

The first years of activity, I would liken to the formation stage of WFWP. Through the seeds of change by thought and word, those years helped create a unique organization that brought with it a way - a "bridge of peace", that enabled thousands of women to transform by crossing over their own barriers. Now we are at a time when we need to take this more spiritual experience out into the homes and lives of those who are unable to come to the "bridge". We need to substantialize our ideals through deeds. I too have to be careful not to negate the value of the first phase of this development while making sure we do move on!

In other words, all the Sisterhood Conferences that gave WFWP it’s amazing foundation were not only all glitz and money spent, but they are now an essential part of what WFWP has become and thus they form a foundation for our future work. The urgency we face now is to use well the foundation built, the money, sweat and tears spent, so as not to waste all our past efforts. The urgency is also to catch the wave that can take us quickly to the shore we currently seek-influencing American culture away from its current moral apathy.

Plus it is important to know that our Founders have urged WFWP and the leaders of our "brother" organizations to further support the work of WFWP in the short time before the year 2000. Sure there is pressure coming from all quarters for all of us to produce in many other areas. This is not new. The worldwide situation is not yet easing up, so neither will the urgency.

We simply urge you to offer some of your efforts and support to the work of helping make peace a reality through WFWP. . . Perhaps three hours a month and $40 to $120 per year?

What are the main structural changes taking place in WFWP?

First, our board is becoming far more active and involved in the planning and development of WFWP. This means that the top decisions are not being made by one person alone, but through the wisdom and investment of heart and experience of seven people, up from four, and we plan to add more. As the board develops, board members will play more of a key role in developing funding plans and finding donors! So right from the top, people are being encouraged to think of ways to find funds and spend those funds wisely.

Next, we have developed an Executive Committee. This committee meets on a monthly basis to discuss ongoing activities and developments; to report on the various National Committee’s work, to accredit the various chapters that are applying for status as a WFWP Chapter, and to ratify National Committee staffing changes when they come up. In other words, it is a mechanism to enable WFWP members to participate in the ongoing work and representation of the organization. This helps make WFWP a member’s organization.

Likewise, the development of the National Committees enables direct involvement with the development of WFWP by non-staff WFWP members. We currently have the International Liaison Committee, the Interracial Sisterhood Project Committee, the Volunteer’s Committee, the Chapter’s Committee, the Empowerment Committee (just beginning to form,) the Grant Writing Committee, the Communications Committee and the Annual Convention and Awards Committee. In reality, most of these committees are still being formed. If you are interested in being involved in any of these areas, please contact our National Office at (212) 481-3922.

What are WFWP's main objectives? Women's Federation for World Peace has by its name, a mandate to work to establish world peace by addressing directly and indirectly, the underlying causes of conflict fundamental to the relationship between men and women.

Currently it is well recognized that one of the most obvious lines drawn between those who have and those who do not have, is the line between the sexes. Unfortunately, this same differentiation between those who have and those who do not is the basis for conflict worldwide.

Poverty is well recognized as a scourge not only due to the physical misery it causes, but also to the mental, psychological and spiritual anguish that accompanies it. Poverty is the most prevalent violation of human rights. And poverty has primarily a woman's face--the face of single, uneducated women. It cuts across race, religion and national boundaries.

Only as we empower women with all they need to be successful -- knowledge, tools and support, can women arise from our rather sorry state. But we have to constantly remind ourselves, that empowerment does not come from accusation, resentment or a reversal of power. Rather true empowerment and equality come with wisdom, strength and love--with hearts that can forgive and forget as we rebuild ourselves and the ones we love--our families.

What are the current projects that define WFWP?

The three main current projects are:

First --the Interracial Sisterhood Project targeting high school girls as well as women to become people who can reconcile, resolve and gain strength through the skills of vision, respect and forgiveness.

Second-a Social and Economic Empowerment Project, targeting the problem of poverty. At the time of writing, it is in its formation stages and we will get full information out to you early in 1999.

Third--UN Public Lecture Series. This will be an ongoing series designed at informing and bringing key issues to the public's attention.

What is the value of being associated with the United Nations' Economic and Social Council?

As with all UN associated NGO's, the value is twofold as the relationship is a partnership. First, we can feel good about our organization as not so many organizations gain the status we have thus far. We gained it on the basis of having sister organizations in over 143 countries worldwide. From the UN's perspective, this not only gives them a greater voice for their issues and concerns in the world, but it also means that we can provide them with useful information, project implementation ideas and feedback.The second is that through our association with ECOSOC we are much more in touch with the UN developments in the areas of our concern. Therefore we do not have to function in a vacuum and we can both learn from the UN's developments and those of other NGO's as well as find partners for our many activities--at least in spirit if not always in substance.

What is the value of being associates with the United Nation's Department of Public Information and Communication?

The main value of being in association with the UN's DPI is information--knowledge. Perhaps the greatest resource of the UN is their information resource and networking resource. Well used, we can develop far more effective strategies and plans of action that will be much more effective at implementing the changes we seek.

As WFWP’s restructuring progresses, we will more regularly inform our membership of UN activities and issues through a special publication, UN Update. Information is an important tool. With timely information, WFWP is far more effective.

What are the main goals for 1999 and 2000?

We have two main goals. One is organization, (maintaining identity), and one is development. We must become a truly viable nonprofit that is completely self-sufficient in terms of our corporate functioning otherwise we will have no ability to effect change in our society.

Simultaneously we need to initiate programs that serve the communities that have needs and the communities that feel they have something to offer. Our development as an educational and service organization must happen as we strengthen ourselves membership-wise and organizationally.

What are our annual dues used for?

Growth and survival. To exist, we must sustain some fundamental activities. To keep our NGO status, we must be a nonprofit. To be a nonprofit we must have annual audits. To have annual audits we have to have people to assist and people to do the ongoing work. To be an organization we need an organizational body. Annual dues are absolutely needed to sustain the organization. Contributions to the local chapters sustain the local chapters in a similar fashion. So as not to drain the local chapters, WFWP National seeks only 33% of the original dues rather than the 50% sought in the past. However, we need to get more members to cover the basic expenses. Any moneys donated for a particular fund, such as the Anti-Poverty Fund will be used accordingly.

Why does WFWP have a goal of involving 50,000 women in antipoverty work?

Because it makes sense given the feminization of poverty--and because our Founders suggested this particular goal! We want to change the world. Perhaps it won’t all be glamorous work, but we want the changes to be real.

It is our hope at WFWP National Headquarters that this process of growth inspires you as much as it inspires us. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please let us know as we are interested in hearing from all of you.

We can be reached in New York City by phone at 212–481-3922 or Fax 212-481-3927. You can also e-mail us at wfwpnatl@aol.com and to subscribe to our online newsletter, "Peacemakers" just send an e-mail to: Peacemakers@wfwpusa.org and type the message "subscribe". It’s as easy as that. Hear from you soon and if you’re not already a member of WFWP please fill out the form and you will receive a packet with our latest newsletter!

WFWP – Into the Future

by Nora Spurgin-NY, NY

This is the first of a three-part series on the structure, vision, and activities of the Women’s Federation for World Peace. Part One: "Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going", will look at WFWP from a historical perspective and discuss the new restructuring plan that will bring us into the new millennium. Part Two: "What We’re Doing and its Social Impact", will provide an overview of WFWP activities and our approaches to those activities. Lastly, Part Three: "WFWP – Touching the Rest of the World", will discuss how all our work translates into real and lasting change. WFWP – "Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going"

Several months ago Reverend Moon questioned me about how many speaking tours I had done and then asked me to do another tour. He commented that the time between now and the year 2000 was a crucial time for women, and that it was important for WFWP to continue its activities. His comments were short, but they again reminded me of the great window of opportunity we have as women to spearhead changes in our society.

I thought back over the last six years since April of 1992 when I was asked to take the role of USA President of the newly created Women’s Federation for World Peace and when our Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, made an eight city Inaugural tour in the U.S. and then continued on a worldwide tour.

We created a fledgling organization funded solely by membership fees, set up a non-profit 501(C3) organization, and created a regional structure based on the incredible dedication of local Chairwomen. We sought to build an organization of its own strength and integrity by reaching out into our communities while at the same time we planted our roots deeply in our providential mission as the "Mother" half of the Church.

In 1994, WFWP of Japan, sent 10 volunteers to every country to identify needs, provide resources and connect to women leaders of each nation. Their work created a substantial foundation for WFWP International, which was incorporated in 1994. After a very successful and powerful Sisterhood Program in Korea between Japanese and Korean women, WFWP USA entered a whole new stage of activity and plans for Sisterhood Ceremonies in America began.

WFWP Goes to Beijing

With plans for Sisterhood Ceremonies underway, another major event was taking shape, the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China. WFWP International, was applying for accreditation with the United Nations to send an international delegation to China and provide a seminar entitled, "The Renaissance of the Family", at the NGO Forum. Since I was in America, it fell upon me to get the accreditation and arrange for the seminar. The trip to Beijing was a great success for WFWP. Ms. Maureen Reagan joined our delegation of members from 17 countries and was the keynote speaker for our seminar. The seminar was held in a large room which held 400 people and was overflowing with members and guests. Our presence in Beijing, at the conference and at the NGO forum was an incredible networking opportunity which opened many doors for us worldwide and served as the beginning of our application process for N.G.O. status at the United Nations.

The Sisterhood Ceremonies – A New Era

In January of 1995, when it was decided that Sisterhood Ceremonies would be held between Japanese and American women, we became alive with great excitement and the plan for a beautiful Bridge of Peace Ceremony evolved. Catching the interest of leaders and opinion makers, (men and women throughout America), WFWP sponsored over the next two years, 129 bridge ceremonies and 17,000 pairs of Japanese and American women, who promised each other to be ambassadors of world peace.

Women who "crossed the bridge" spoke of this moving experience as a "moment of magic" – often a transcendental moment which deeply touched their lives. WFWP’s bridge became a significant event known in influential circles for its potential for conflict resolution.

When we completed the Japanese-American Sisterhood Ceremonies in December 1996, the interest in using this ceremony for interracial conflict resolution had already taken root. WFWP members in Florida sponsored a small, but very successful interracial ceremony. Heather Thalheimer of Boston was also planning a "Beyond the Dream" Ceremony. During the next two years, ceremonies were held in New York City and many cities throughout the country between women of many races – African American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Caucasian, and others. Ceremonies were held on college campuses, high schools, nursing homes, in civic centers and churches.

Bridge of Love

In 1997, the bridge ceremony also became an opportunity for couples to rededicate their marriage vows. The beautiful and moving ceremony lent a romantic mystique for husbands and wives to put aside any marital conflicts and begin anew as they crossed the bridge to pledge eternal commitment to each other. Throughout the country, many WFWP chapters held such ceremonies in preparation for Blessing ‘97.

The Interracial Sisterhood Project

WFWP of California, where Onni Durst serves as Regional Chairwoman, found several groups of women who had a great interest in developing the Sisterhood Ceremonies as an effort to address the racial problems their cities faced. Under the tireless leadership of Sheri Reuter and Kimiyo Anceney in Los Angeles, the Interracial Sisterhood Project initiated many programs, including one where four racial groups sought healing among each other at the L.A. Civic Center. ISP leaders continue to be "on call" to bring the popular bridge to programs in schools and other places throughout the Los Angeles area. In San Francisco another group of women under the leadership of Christine Froelich and Christina Seher and Tomiko Nojima, developed an Interracial Sisterhood Project Board and continue to create programs. (More details about ISP to come in Part Two of this series).

In 1998, based on these women’s efforts, the Interracial Sisterhood Project was recognized by President Clinton as a "promising practice" for interracial conflict resolution as part of the President’s Initiative on Race. You will find this on the website: http://www.whitehouse.gov/initiatives/oneamerica/Practices/pp-19980804.4097.html

NGO Status at the United Nations

In 1997, the review for WFWP’s application for NGO General Consultative Status with the U.N. was completed and our requested status was granted, opening up a whole new relationship with the U.N. The long process of application and gathering of material internationally was taking place during the time of the Sisterhood Ceremonies. Much of the application work was done by Linda Perry at USA National Headquarters. The WFWP office in New York now has a WFWP International U.N. liaison office and Mrs. Motoko Sugiyama and myself serve as International Vice-President’s, relating to the International Office In Korea where Mrs. Gil Jo Sa serves as International President and Mrs. Lan Young Pak also serves as Vice President. I should mention here that Mrs. Sugiyama has been appointed to a new role to serve as our liaison at the U.N.

On June 15, 1997, just two days after the Blessing at Madison Square Garden, WFWP co- sponsored a speech on Female Genital Mutilation by Minister Jane Kuka of Uganda. Our first event at the U.N. was held in one of the Conference rooms and attended by over 300 people. Mrs. Angela King, special assistant to the Secretary General, delivered Kofi Aman’s speech. The program was a resounding success.

International Conferences and Convocations

November, 1997 was the time of Blessing at RFK Stadium. As part of the World Culture and Sports Festival, WFWP USA hosted an International WFWP Conference at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington D.C. Attended by 400 international delegates from 104 countries, the event featured plenary sessions, speakers, and a beautiful International Bridge Ceremony. At this conference we introduced the concept of creating "Partnerships for Peace", responding to our Founder’s direction that we find 50,000 women worldwide who will address world poverty.

In New York City, at the World Culture and Sports Festival II, in June of 1998, WFWP joined other organizations to sponsor a convocation on "The Family and World Peace". In February of 1999 we will join another convocation, "Family Ethics and World Peace", taking place in Asia.

Also in 1998, WFWP initiated our first annual Woman of the Year Award Ceremony.

Speaking Tours

In addition to traveling with our Founder on several countrywide speaking tours, WFWP leaders have made an effort to provide programs nationwide. In the spring of 1996, a four month tour on women’s spirituality covered every region. Currently, I am presenting one day marriage seminars entitled, "Creating Lifetime Marriages – Ten Reasons to Plan It and Ten Ways to Maintain It". These are very practical seminars designed to educate youth and couples as well as WFWP members and their families.

Having given this overview of WFWP from a national perspective, we want everyone to know that we would not have been able to create such an organizational foundation without the incredible grassroots work of WFWP members and leaders throughout the country. In Part Two of this series, we hope to highlight more of your work: the charity events, the projects of the Japanese members under Yoko Kobayashi’s leadership, the programs, the support you give to make WFWP a viable organization which will move us into the next millennium - an organization that will make a social impact and strengthen family life.

There is no doubt that today women are a vital voice in creating a moral compass for a world where so many suffer in poverty and hopelessness. WFWP has developed strong roots within our Founder’s concerns and efforts and has created branches throughout the country. Now is the time to nurture the blossoms and pick the fruit!

Early in 1997, our Founder appointed Karen Judd Smith, as the Secretary General of WFWP, USA. Karen has brought her skills as an efficient administrator to set up the office for a whole new level of activity. This includes increasing membership, communications through E-Mail, website development, interacting with U.N. programs and restructuring to accommodate the needs of WFWP chapters in the field. The following article by Karen outlines this restructuring and exciting new vision for WFWP – Into the Future!

Appeal: The Wanangwe Project

by Dickson Kamoko - Nottingham, UK

We are a group of students who are members of Unification Church . We are planning to travel to the middle of Africa in a remote village in Western Kenya to evangelize in the region. This place has very few churches and through some of our contacts the locals are enthusiastic to join the unification church if one can be set up. We are thus in the process of finalizing our plans and we hope to convert many people and set up a church in the long run. To help us achieve our goal we have been fundraising and so far through sponsorships (e.g. we had a rice and water week where all four of us ate only rice and water to raise money) we have collected one third of the required sum.

We believe that this mission is important and since people are willing to cooperate we can achieve something.We still require more money and we are appealing to anyone willing to help us achieve this goal in any way possible however little donation they may give.

Donations should be made payable to Wanangwe project, University Park NG7 2QT Great Britain. Or directly into a special account number 43093116 at National Westminster Bank Nottingham QMC branch. Or anyone can reach me on mzyshom@nottingham.ac.uk for more information.

Correction from December 7, 2001

Our organization deals primarily with HIV/AIDS education and orphans support in this area and is not affiliated to any religious organizations. Our work is supported with people of all walks of life. Thus the phrase "members of unification church is in accurate and misleading". The original author of the article was Mr Dickson Kamoko who is no longer associated with Wanangwe Foundation of which the project was first borne.

Unpopular Culture

Before we get started, I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the Second Generation writers who have begun contributing to these Opinion and Commentary pages. I am confident that, in the future, this section will never lack for quality material.

A culture war is raging across this world, driven primarily by America and its humanist elite. The contended grounds are familiar; this war is well-covered "from the front." Established radio shows like Rush Limbaugh’s, and new ones like Michael Medved’s, do so daily. Magazines like "Heterodoxy" and "Insight," and books like Thomas Sowell’s provide timely information.

From the left spring many incidents that are plainly outrageous, such as the National Endowment for the Art’s funding of so-called "performance art." Much of it is so raunchy I could not begin to describe it here. We taxpayers have been footing the bill for the stuff! The Supreme Court has just ruled that we cannot be required to do so.

In this war, everyone has something to answer for. Our own Dr. Hendricks has been pointing out the shortcomings of both the liberal and conservative camps, regarding their entrenched ideologies and the problems that result. The deeper, spiritual roots of the conflict are not widely known, and only the Divine Principle can supply certain key insights.

Earth-shaking issues are involved, so vast and complicated that they can easily become overwhelming. Fortunately there are also finer details, immediate things we can always be on lookout for.


Films and television are not this writer’s specialty, and to learn about them I recommend Mr. Medved’s works. Virtually all of the media giants are so liberal and humanistic that it hardly bears mentioning. This includes not just their "entertainment" but also their "news" divisions.

Most magazines are, at least, honest about their editorial persuasions. However, many supposedly neutral publications (in the women’s, senior’s, scientific, health and other fields) have become exclusive forums for the left.

My personal specialty is books, especially works of fiction. My on-line writer’s critique group, with their experience and commentaries, have been most helpful in building my knowledge of the subject. (See "Friends On-line," March 1996 UNews.) If you are an avid reader, or know someone who is, this article is especially for you.

Every book reflects the worldview of its author, whether or not he’s deliberately trying to project it, and even when he doesn’t realize it’s happening. This goes beyond style or even opinion, to the basic assumptions which frame each book and all the ideas it contains. In fiction, it’s what "drives" the characters and plot.

Generally speaking, each genre has its conventions, which are universally assumed, but seldom admitted, much less described.


Romance novels, and their soap opera counterparts, are almost exclusively followed by women. Their influence is tremendous, and sometimes controversial. The popular "Bridges of Madison County" won praise from millions of women, but generated unease, and even disgust, from nearly all men.

Why? Because it brought passion into many women’s dull lives. And it made adultery "okay," excusable, because the heroine ultimately chose to stick with her husband. (Who was absent at the time, and thus unknowing.)

Literary and dramatic works are similar. Many feature a troubled Catholic priest, who always manages to break his vow of celibacy. It’s usually women who enjoy reading these finely detailed narrations of the everyday lives of fictional strangers. Some of these tales end up as TV miniseries.

Horror novels, many of which are made into movies, are popular with teenagers. Each strives to produce a larger "adrenaline rush" than the one before. If we’re lucky, that’s all they do. "Freddy Kruger" actor Robert Englund, when asked to describe the value of his films, replied lamely that "censorship would be worse." He forgot to point out that most horror tales do embody a certain shallow morality. To wit: the monster always gets the sneaking, illicit lovers first, and its ultimate conqueror must be sacrificially virtuous, at least on some level.

Westerns are a uniquely American genre, though Sergio Leone and other foreigners have done them justice. They are perhaps the most "principled" genre, and most embody a simple, straightforward morality. The good folks are "struck first," they suffer a while, and then rise up against the encroaching evil. In the end, the bad guys die from "well deserved" bullets. (Correct me if I’m wrong, but as I recall, every single episode of "Bonanza" ended that way.)

Mystery and thriller novels are primarily male-oriented, though a growing number of women are getting into the action. They are a relatively harmless form of escapism, peopled with odious and dashing characters that most of us will probably never meet-much less become. They are characterized by explosive action, explicit sex, and death by many means. It is de regueur that the villain is finally caught, and/or the world is saved from disaster.

The personal lessons drawn from thrillers are misleading. Their characters, heroes and villains alike, seduce their way across the world, but end up dying from anything but AIDS or other actual consequences. The only time they die in a hospital is when an assassin sneaks in!

Interestingly, these novel’s written depictions of intense sex draw hardly any comment, much less criticism. Righteous indignation is usually reserved for the sex in still or motion pictures. Only the very worst books draw fire, like Luis J. Rodriguez’s young adult novel "Always Running," with its graphic, street-talking sex scenes. (It’s recommended reading at many Public Schools.) Or Bret Ellis’s revolting book "American Psycho," which is about to be made into a movie, starring the much-imitated teen idol Leonardo DiCaprio.

Historical fiction is sometimes mistaken for romance, but it is a separate genre. These tales are set in "actual" past settings, and often include real figures, sometimes retelling their life stories. Many have been made into award-winning films. The better authors conduct meticulous research to ensure accuracy.

With complex and tangled situations that reflect its true-life basis, this genre can carry all sorts of messages. These are inevitably ‘colored’ by our modern perceptions. For example, not too many years ago, most adults sported a mouthful of rotten teeth. How many actors would appear like that today, even if it’s just makeup?

A step beyond historical fiction, we find Classical literature. These tales are themselves historical, dating back as far as three thousand years. The Bible, and the Homeric tales of the Trojan War, are the foundations of all western literature. The Trojan legends have influenced virtually everything written since, from Irish Celtic folk tales to Imperial Roman school books to Shakespeare’s plays.

These all-too-accurate depictions of humanity, of our bravery and our foibles, have lasted through the ages. They truly range from the sublime to the ridiculous. Dismissing them as the irrelevant work of "dead white males," as most Universities now do, is a sure way of condemning ones self to bitter -not blissful- ignorance.

Last but not least, we come to my favorite genre: Science Fiction, and its cousin Fantasy. Opposite the classics, these works have been called "the history of the future." They range as far as the world’s most imaginative writers can take them, embracing all of time and space, and beyond them to "alternate timelines" and "parallel universes." H. G. Wells, Jules Verne and several others were eerily prescient in their depictions of the future-the very technological world we live in today.

Overall, F&SF people are remarkably broad minded. With vividly depicted aliens as their "best buddies," any variety of human seems familiar in comparison!

Unfortunately, most F&SF authors "side with science" in its trumped-up contention with traditional religion. Their tales often marginalize or even ridicule religious characters. In many of their imagined worlds, people have managed to "outgrow" their (supposed) "stuffy Victorian heritage."

There are very special exceptions. Fantasy luminaries C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien were both devout Christians, and that faith, even though unnamed, shines in their works. Their "moral torch" was taken up by several F&SF writers: Madeleine L'Engle and Zenna Henderson, and today by Elizabeth Moon, Stephen Lawhead and a handful of others. (I received direct confirmation of this from one such author.)


True Father says that the Fall, and God’s redemption, are now being played out openly on the world stage. Inevitably, this is affecting the popular culture. The best and the worst are both increasing. In the end, the Principle must emerge as a "final stage." But how?

Japan is often swept by "super fads" of fashion and trendy behavior. Nearly all are trivial; most are forgotten in a few years.

However, such a fad, if based on the Principle, would not be so temporary or meaningless. The same thing could apply, to a greater or lesser extent, in every nation and culture.

We Unificationists have before us a tremendous project: injecting the Principle into the popular culture. Our film makers have tried. Our musicians continue to develop their talent. Our writers, dancers, athletes and others are making great strides.

Currently, in the popular culture, monotheism and morality are rare-and the Principle itself is essentially nonexistent. So far, not one single commercially published novel has any such content.

History tells us that this will not always be the case. Christianity took 400 years to conquer Rome; after only 40 we have a much better foundation. Things will move even faster in the years to come.