Tom and Kitty Wojcik have Liver Operation

Based on a report by Cheryl Wetzstein

Tom Wojcik, a missionary to Russia until about 1994, now a national messiah to Pakistan, has been deathly ill with Hepatitis C for the last five years. He and Kitty have 6 children, the youngest is 3. The virus has been destroying Tom's liver, and he's been on the transplant list for almost a year.

Lately, he's become so sick that the doctors allowed for last-ditch testing to see if Kitty could donate a part of her liver to her husband. It's very, very rare for married couples to be able to donate body parts because they are *unrelated* biologically.

Well, tests showed that, miraculously, Kitty's liver was completely compatible with Tom's and on Oct. 21, they underwent surgery in Richmond Va. The doctors marveled at Kitty's "beautiful, beautiful" liver (they called it a "hidden treasure") and it was so perfect and big that they took more than half for Tom (they had planned to take one third of it originally).

Tom came out of intensive care the following Saturday and, within 6 weeks, God willing, both of their livers could rejuvenate completely. If it goes as expected, Tom will have regained his life.

Both are recovering according to the doctors' expectations. Tom is still bleeding and he feels internal pain. He will have to stay several more weeks in the hospital before he can be released to a hospitality house. Kitty will be able to move to the hospitality house (near the hospital, under medical supervision) in a few days.

Kitty and Tom believe they are the 2nd husband-wife transplant in US history-- that's how unlikely it is... Their dearest wish to tell Father how grateful they are for their matching and Blessing.

The Third International Ocean Challenge Workshop, Kodiak, Alaska

by Eric Holt-NY, NY

An group of seventy participants from all over the world gathered in Kodiak, Alaska for the Third International Ocean Challenge from September 9 through October 18, 1998. The majority were National Messiahs, (missionaries in Africa, Europe, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Oceania). The Family Federation continental directors of N. America, Latin America, Asia and Europe also participated as well as several second generation brothers and sisters.

Our daily schedule included ocean- or river-fishing, hoon dok hae, spiritual guidance, testimonies and a considerable amount of practical training in boat-handling, navigation, fishing, knot-tying, first aid, etc. The local U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary came by for several evenings and presented a series of lectures concerning boat-handling and seamanship. All of us completed a final examination – and everyone passed! The local Red Cross came and taught CPR. Everyone received their CPR certification.

Boat-handling involved days of practice, practice and more practice. Docking turned out to be a most difficult exercise, in view of the constantly varying winds and currents. Other exercises included navigating waves and rescuing an imaginary "man overboard". In the end, we all took part in a practical examination to test our boat-handling skills, and, yes, we all passed!

During the first ten days, Rev. Moon spoke to us in the mornings after hoon dok hae. A recurring theme was the three stages of human life: life in the womb, earthly life and life in the eternal spirit world. This can also be compared to water, land and air. Life in the womb is preparation for earthly life, and earthly life is training for life in our eternal domicile. Rev. Moon likened our ocean-going experience with the embryo’s watery existence in the womb.

Hyun Jin Nim, the Vice-President of Family Federation International, was also in Alaska at around the same time, on a moose-hunting expedition. After several days of fruitless search for the illustrious moose, a moose showed up at the last minute, weighing in at over 1,200 pounds. The process of carrying several hundred pounds of moose meat and antlers back to the base camp took all day. In one of his talks, Hyun Jin Nim related how the experience of God and His creation had taught him the value of humility and gratitude.

When I first learned that I would be going to Alaska for ocean-fishing, by mind immediately rewound to a not-so-glorious day in Gloucester, Massachusetts about fifteen years earlier when my ocean experience consisted of emptying my stomach of its contents and turning a greyish-green. Let’s just say that it felt like a near-death experience. So, this time around I prepared by going to my local drug store and loading up on every conceivable type of sea-sickness medicine. I must say, this was a good move. I also got some good advice from an "old salt": keep your head and body vertical while on the boat – the boat may rock back and forth but you should not. This was the best advice – and it worked. There’s some kind of religious message here: if you keep your vertical faith in God amid the turbulent seas of life, you will be able to cope. The likelihood of sea-sickness is further reduced if one keeps one’s vision on the distant horizon. Yes, there’s a lesson there, too: a long-term vision and perspective will help a person to navigate the short-term difficulties of life.

On the ocean, one can recognize the incredible bounty that God has placed in the ocean – a seemingly endless variety of fish, including some fascinating multi-colored fish. As you bring the line up, you wait in suspense to see what (or who!) is on the other end. Hopefully, your line is not tangled in the line of the person fishing next to you on the boat. The mighty halibut is of course the fish of choice. Several large halibut (plural?) were landed, the biggest being a 218-pounder. There’s no telling when a halibut will get hooked. Sometimes one will bite after a day of zero action. One of the Coast Guard instructors recalled how a local resident had recently thrown out a line at the dock, and tied it up during lunch. When he returned, a 300-lb halibut was pulling on the other end of the line!

One day, as I was pulling in my line it seemed that there was a heavy weight on the other line. However, whatever it was it was not fighting much. A sunken treasure? An old lobster pot? No – a large octopus! This rather sizable octopus proceeded to walk around on deck for about an hour, until we confined her to one of the compartments. The following day we confined her to our stomachs.

Catching salmon from a river bank calls for another set of physical and mental skills. We tried to catch salmon as they made the final stage in their life’s journey. After five or six years on the high seas, these magnificent creatures return to their hometown for matching, wedding, multiplication… and death. Salmon fishing can be summarized by the words patience and perseverance. On occasion, although very infrequently, it was relatively easy to catch a few. My first day salmon fishing was like that: it was pretty easy to catch them. Maybe that was God’s way of encouraging me, because after that it was murder. In light of this, Rev. and Mrs. Moon’s abilities at salmon-catching are all the more marvelous.

The vast ever-changing ocean, the endless varieties of fish, crustaceans and other life all attest to the magnificence of God and the boundless character of His love for His children. It’s a whole different world out there, especially if, like me, you’re a city boy used to the concrete reality.

The Love, Life, Lineage of God and You and I

by Martin Herbst-Barrytown, NY

Endless are the times when True Father has shared with us the significance of God’s love, life and lineage. Already back in 1989 he declared: "We must always remind ourselves of the three most important things: love, life and blood lineage. The purpose of God’s dispensation is to establish these three things substantially on earth. This is the way the whole world will be restored." (Rev. Sun Myung Moon, "The Completion of the Dispensation of Salvation and the Providential Age of Love," Aug. 20, 1989)

By reflecting on True Father’s words I have come to the conclusion that they contain genuine revelation from God. Within this concept of love, life and lineage we find the key to a richer understanding of the nature of God, ourselves and human history. Revelation from God like the ocean’s crystal clear water is always deeper than it appears. As much as it shares it also hides for the Word of God embraces eternity. You and I, then need to pause for a moment to filter the meaning of these wonderful words through our own experiences so they can take root within us and give birth to a more fulfilled existence. And while each of us travel this path to the Word and Love of God in our own unique way, it is also a common journey. We can discover points of mutual agreement, points that are universally true and uplifting for all of us. With this in mind I invite you to come with me! Come with me on a small journey to discover the amazing truth that are contained in these three simple words: love, life and lineage.

So let us observe God’s love, life and lineage from the angle of 1) existence, 2) human history and 3) our personal lives.

1. Love, Life and Lineage from the Viewpoint of Human Existence

Throughout the ages many philosophers and religious visionaries have appeared passing brilliant insight unto their fellow human beings-but none of them conceived of the idea to arrange the essentials of life in this peculiar way: love, life and lineage. Yet, it is precisely this trinity of gifts from God that forms the axis around which our happiness and fulfillment as human beings turn.

No matter how long we live, no matter how many children we have, what is it all worth if we do not have love? How barren life would be, how empty the universe would seem were it not for the voices of our beloved ones. You hear the loving voice of your spouse and at that moment life is again charged with power. You see the laughter and the tears of your children and again life is worth living. Once more the universe appears not empty but full and the future seems not frightening but encouraging, calling us to continue no matter what. As mysterious and inexplicable as love is, it is also the most solid concrete element in life. You have surely experienced this yourself. Once we love someone we are ready to lay down our life for that person. In love, only in love, can we give up our life without regret as Jesus gave up his life in his love for God and this world. Even if a woman killed some mad rapist in an attempt to protect herself she would go free. Once the dead body is found by the local police and the facts are in, she is on her way not to prison and shame but to respect and praise. How peculiar! Yes, love, as all poets know, is mightier than life and whatever life can offer of material wealth.

What about life and lineage then? Strictly speaking, the value of life is higher than the value of lineage. Does this seem hard to accept? Think about a newlywed couple who have just received the happy news that the wife is expecting a baby. Her cheeks are glowing with expectation, his breast is bursting with pride. But then the doctor comes along and explains that the chances are that the woman will lose her life in the process of giving birth! What then would their hearts dictate them to do? In this case abortion seems justifiable. Lineage would be sacrificed to preserve life and no one would have the right to accuse them. And if, as it is really sometimes the case, a woman would die as a result of becoming pregnant due to some physiological condition, then it is better that such a couple walk through life childless unless they are blessed with the possibility of adoption. Yes, love is higher than life but life is higher than lineage. Once the child is born, however, nothing can justify it being done away with, for then it already carries within itself the love and the life of its parents. Amazing! Love, life and lineage are flowing down vertically like water over the waterfall with love appearing first, then life and finally lineage. Once they reach the bottom, they unite and flow out to form the ocean of human experience. In this unity the danger of competition among these three gifts of God is suspended for love turns into life and then the love and the life turn into the lineage, multiplying forever and ever.

We could also say that the essence of God first appears as love, which is most mysterious and spiritual. Then it becomes life which is yet more observable. Finally the essence of God manifests itself in the newborn child, the lineage of God. No one can see how much love you have inside yourself. But whether you have life or not is pretty obvious! Finally your children express your love and life in a visible way. By giving us love, life and lineage God has literally given Himself to us. And as all true lovers He gave the best to us while we did not know it, while we were deep asleep within the mother’s womb lest we should wake up and protest that such a sacrifice would be too much and that in all eternity we would not be worthy of such a gift! Love, life and lineage are the three great blessings God bestowed on us. They are the three keys which have to be turned simultaneously in order for the gate of the kingdom of heaven on earth to open. One key is turned by the husband, one by the wife and one by the child. By inheriting God’s love, life and lineage we qualify to become parents of love, teachers who can teach the true way of life and by multiplying generation after generation we become the true lords who are qualified to dominate mother earth in love. Once we have love, life and lineage, nothing else matters much. A couple who is grateful for their love, their life and their children can live without fame and fortune, although these things would be nice to have, too. But obstruct our love, interfere with our lives or touch our children and you will get into serious trouble. So these three remain in all eternity: love, life and lineage-and the greatest in all this is that they originate in God and are manifested through a couple.

Let us continue our trajectory to approach the love, life and lineage of God. The Bible reveals that God created man in His own image as men and women (Gen. 1:27). Now True Father appears on the stage of history and proclaims that God is furthermore a God of love, life and lineage (Rev. Moon, "In Search of the Origin of the Universe," Oct. 1, 1996). Does this then indicate that just as we humans physically express the invisible masculinity and femininity of God, we likewise reflect His invisible love, life and lineage with our physical bodies? If it is true that in a human being God makes Himself visible, then would it not be logical to look for the evidence of these three central elements in the central place of the human body which, commonly speaking, is our face? Amazing! When we glance at a human face, we notice at once that the eyes, nose and mouth are placed centrally, forming one vertical line. The eyes are the symbol of love. As True Father says, "We first experience love through our eyes." (Rev. Moon, "Cutting Off Satan’s Lineage, the Origin of the Most Evil World," Dec. 1, 1997; see Today’s World magazine, Feb. 1998, Vol. 19 No. 2, p. 10. In this speech (p. 8), Father further explains, "There is a Korean saying that for a teenage boy and girl, the first stage of feeling love for another involves staring at each other, uniting the eyes. The next stage concerns who kisses first.") Can you remember the first time you fell in love? How your eyes met as if some magnetic force was activated, pulling the two of you closer and closer together. And once the love between you was secured it was as if your eyes opened to a complete new reality.

The eyes are mysteriously and wondrously connected to love. Just as God placed love centrally in the world of existence, so the eyes play perhaps the central role in the orchestration of bodily movements. Although the eyes always unite in one vision, they are nevertheless two distinct objects. How remarkable! For love in its greatness made itself so humble that it cannot exist alone. It appears in its emptying of itself for the sake of somebody else. In this way love is always present although nobody can ever find its hiding place. It hides in its own giving. The conclusion we come to is that the more we give love away, the richer we become! Herein lies the reason that no one can be deceived as long as they cling to love. Whether love has opened your eyes or made you blind-in true love, only in true love, you will never be deceived, for the more you give, the richer you become.

Let us pause a bit longer and listen to what God has to tell us through His creation of the eyes. And here it comes. The eyes are placed horizontally, not vertically!! Does this then indicate that true love is horizontal in nature rather than vertical? Yes, love starts out vertically but it culminates in the horizontal relationship of absolute equality and unity.

Here again True Father’s words are very illuminating: "So the father/son relationship is vertical and the husband/wife relationship is horizontal. The vertical relationship existed even before birth, but the ultimate conclusion of the purpose of life is this horizontal marriage relationship." (Rev. Moon, "The Completion of the Dispensation of Salvation and the Providential Age of Love," Aug. 20, 1989; see Today’s World, Oct. 1989, p. 6)

Returning to the analogy with the eyes, we clearly see a vertical line traveling down from our forehead to reach the eyes, but the eyes themselves are placed horizontally. Likewise, true love may start out vertically like the relationship between parents and children, but the culmination of this vertical down-pouring of love is to be found in the conjugal relationship, where the possibility to become creators and parents like God is opened up to us.

By introducing the concept of True Parents, Father is revolutionizing the world of theology. So far the relationship between God and man was described as a static, vertical relationship. In Judaism the highest spiritual goal was to become a servant of God. Christianity declared that the ideal is to become a son or daughter of God. But no one thought of bringing the horizontal sexual love relationship into the center of the God/Man relationship. This is precisely what True Parents have done. By emphasizing the ideal of True Parents both the vertical and horizontal aspects of love are being harmonized with the ultimate goal that we who come from the dust of the ground end up as God’s love partners and friends! The more we connect to true love the more we become like God. Yes, in love all things are possible.

With this in mind we can better understand why both God and Satan focused their efforts to prepare the way for the horizontal conjugal relationship. If God stressed the vertical relationship through Judaism, then he has definitely emphasized horizontal love through Christianity. Paul proudly proclaims that in Christ many vertical distinctions are erased, for there is no "Jew" and "Greek" any longer. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. (I Corinthians 12:13, Galatians 3:26-29) Anybody who has attended Christian sermons or watched them on television cannot fail to notice the emphasis on horizontal love. Satan likewise has mobilized all his efforts to camouflage the real beauty of a permanent conjugal relationship. He has gathered all his ammunition to fire at God’s ideal of true love and not only is he in his desperation running out of ammunition, but the recoils of this endless firing are pushing him further and further backward until he pushes himself off the deck of God’s existence altogether. Nothing can exist and defeat the love of God, for the love of God is the root of all existence.

If the eyes are meant to symbolize love, where then shall we look for the symbol of life? By traveling a bit further down the face, we arrive at the nose! Of all organs the one that most adequately symbolizes life is the nose. Through the nose we breathe life, don’t we? We inhale oxygen which is then dispatched to our whole body, filling us with the movement of life. The Bible explains that God breathed life into the nostrils of the first human beings (Gen. 2:7), further indicating this remarkable analogy between life and the nose. Just as the shape of the nose is vertical and static, so is life. Life never changes, it just goes on and on. Whether we love or hate, whether we laugh or cry, we will all live for eternity. Life itself goes on and on as if it was indifferent to good and evil. What adds color and change to existence is love and, as we have just seen, love even makes the impossible possible. So love in its capacity to change oneself and the world is more horizontal and must therefore be handled with greater care than the force of life which just rolls on. The wheels of life move on but love decides the direction.

Traveling further down the human face we arrive at our last stop in this connection: the mouth. To imagine that the eyes symbolize love and that the nose allows us to breathe, life seems plausible. But to see the mouth as the symbol of lineage! Is that not a bit fabricated, Mr. Herbst? And I agree that nothing of what I have said can be proven to be true to you, for truth always lies within you and not on a piece of paper. But let us consider the matter. And we discover that it is precisely this organ of the mouth that allows us to perpetuate the lineage. Through the mouth the mother eats food, which goes straight down to the fetus until the time has come to leave this automatic supply chamber and enter into a new world. Through the mouth creation is transformed to become new sons and daughters of God populating the earth. It seems that by sacrificing itself for mankind, the entire creation becomes all the richer.

God translated His invisible love, life and lineage into the form and function of the eyes, nose and mouth! But we have lived oblivious of the preciousness of a single human face. Did you ever consider that when you look into the face of another human being, you are staring at the love, life and lineage of God? When you spouse turns his or her head towards you, it is in fact the love, life and lineage of God which is turning your way. How precious it is to be a human being and to have the face you call yours. Why is it that we cannot meet God more often? Is it because He is too far away? Or is it not rather because He is too close! As close as your lovely eyes, your lovely nose and your lovely mouth.

Finally love seems to embrace everything on its way down even the nose and the mouth. It is helpful to see the eyes as the starting point of love for love begins spiritually distant from the flesh just as the eyes meet but are separated by earthly space. Then the element are drawn closer together until we can smell the masculine or feminine fragrance of each other. Finally the process is sealed with a kiss. From then on, as they say, the rest is history.

2) Love, Life and Lineage from the Viewpoint of History

Our trajectory has led us into human existence. From there we journeyed down the human face. And now the time has come to leave the individual human being to venture into the collective experience of human history.

History is truly "His-story". The story through which God seeks to establish His own image here on earth. Ironically, in order to reestablish the essence of His being here on earth, God had to move away from the traditional headquarters of this world. He had to move away from the busy, busy marketplaces, away from the desks of politicians and warlords and into the desolated land of man’s deepest fears and highest hopes-into the realm of religion. Through the medium of religion, God left His abode in heaven and came down to earth to once again implant His love, His life and His lineage in human soil. True Father explains: "Restoration of love, life and blood lineage must occur in the reverse order. Religion is the process to solve these three problems. To fulfill these purposes, God established the Jewish religion, which now represents the Old Testament Age. After that, there was the New Testament Age and then the Completed Testament Age." (Sun Myung Moon, The Completion of the Dispensation of Salvation and the Providential Age of Love, Aug. 20, 1989, Today’s World, Oct. 1989, p. 5.)

Like a gardener who plants many flowers each beautiful in its own way and each with a particular fragrance of its own, God planted the seeds of the various religious traditions in the soil of human culture. Among all these beautiful flowers in God’s garden, there was one which happened especially to steal God’s attention. No, it was not so much due to its beauty nor its shape but rather because God simply chose to rest His eyes on this particular flower; a rose it was, and He decided to call it Sharon.

The central purpose of Israel was none other than to restore the lineage of God here on earth. Herein lies the reason why the Jewish people have attracted so much attention and have played a role on the stage of history completely disproportional to its actual size. Historians have so far failed to grasp that the story of the Chosen People is not just the story of a people in search of their God but the story of God’s effort to reestablish His lineage amongst men and women like you and me. Judaism is the story of the lost son’s search for his father but also the desperate father’s search for his lost son, the son carrying his lineage. Jewish history is not just about the preservation of the lineage of a persecuted and liberated people but even more about the lineage of the liberator Himself-God. Because the Jewish people carried within them the mission to preserve and multiply God’s lineage, they were protected beyond all normal expectations, they were justified and forgiven well beyond ordinary standards, and found themselves at the center of world history.

"The lineage of God! Prepare for the lineage of God!" This is the message pulsating through the various Biblical stories. The endless rattling off of genealogies cannot but surprise or rather tire anyone who makes the effort to read the Old Testament in its entire length. But underneath the loud human voices of the prophets, writers or redactors, the voice of God is whispering, "The lineage of God! Prepare for the lineage of God!"

The dominant role of lineage in the Old Testament Age centering on Judaism is further highlighted by the nature of the central religious ritual of the Jewish people: circumcision. How peculiar! That an act of cutting the male sexual organ where it is just about most sensitive should have the power to move a person away from the misery and pain of this world and into the land of God, a land flowing with milk and honey. Pushed by the hand of God, the significance of this ritual would swing above the significance of all the other religious rituals performed in Judaism. (Arthur Hertzberger, Judaism, George Braziller, New York 1962, pp. 87-88: "Rabbi Jose says, ‘Great is circumcision, for it overrides even the stringency of the Sabbath [circumcision may be performed on the Sabbath if it is the eighth day after birth]’.")

Picture yourself in the shoes of young Isaac trying to convince the local media and famous scholars that this type of act would alter world history! Surely they would regard him as a madman and his father even more so! God’s wisdom often reveals itself in the absence of human cleverness. Thus the difference between an insane person and a person who can receive revelation from God are almost indiscernible. The only difference is that the truly mad person has lost both his mind and his God, but religious visionary, like Job, has willingly lost his mind but clings unto God. And by keeping God, he or she will eventually gain the whole world.

Through the Judaism of the Old Testament Age, God tried to recover His lineage. Does this mean that God’s love and God’s life were absent from the history of the Israelite people? By no means. To say that God attempted to restore His lineage through the course of the Israelites does certainly not mean that there was no love or life in the Old Testament Age for love, life and lineage are intrinsically connected and can only be separated conceptually. But it is correct to say that in the Old Testament Age the resurrection of God’s lineage took precedence over the resurrection of his life and his love. This is the reason why the Old Testament narrative teems with stories which ring strange in the ear of a conscientious person. Often life is sacrificed and, yes, people of other lineage’s such as the Canaanites are even killed to preserve the lineage of the chosen people. Even within the Jewish community itself, love at times is sacrificed, such as in the strange stories of Tamar (Gen. 38) or Rahab (Joshua 2:1, Matthew 1:5; originally a prostitute, she became the ancestor of Jesus Christ), in order to continue and protect the lineage of God.

With the above in mind, let us now leave the lineage of God to observe how the next stage of God’s central providence unfolded. As Father already indicated, the path of restoration is accomplished in reverse order. This being the case, what would we expect to be the focus of God’s work after the recovery of His lineage through the Israelites of the Old Testament Age? We would expect God to breathe new life into the dead body of humanity. Precisely this has been the task of Christianity of the New Testament Age.

The aorta through which new meaning and value is pumped through the whole body of Christianity consists of the mystery and blessing of eternal life. Am I on my way to eternal damnation or to eternal life? Will I die and rot away like the grass in the summer or like some dead animal on the roadside, or will I resurrect to life eternal with God? Can faith in my Lord, Jesus Christ, really wrest me out of the grasp of death and provide me with the wings of eternity? Such is the temperament of the questions knocking on the door of the Christian mind. The tension between life and death of which only we humans are conscious is continuously magnified through the Christian message, and then in the promise of resurrection it is suspended once and for all. For the victory of Christ, so the Gospel tells us, was an eternal victory over death in the temporal order. With Paul, we shout triumphantly-directly into the face of death which we once feared much the same way a criminal fears his own well-deserved execution: "Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O Death, is your victory? Where, O Death, is your sting?" (I Cor. 15:54-55)

And the joy! The joy of knowing that Christ really was victorious on the cross just has no end. It is a joy which runs deeper than all the currents of sadness, sin and suffering which usually threaten to fill up this earthly life and drown us in despair. With Christ in our hearts, we learn to survive in waters once foreign and hostile. The symbol of Christianity is not the star of David which shines forever over the descendants of Abraham but the fish which moves freely and playfully in a territory where others would hardly be able to breathe!

The promise of Christianity is not that the faithful will be blessed by having an eternal lineage here on earth. In Christianity the significance of a physical lineage almost disappears into the value of eternal life. The promise also does not revolve around eternal love, at least not in the conjugal sense. When a Christian imagines heaven, he or she imagines a world populated by individuals, not couples. Paul advises that the strong of heart serve the Christian cause better if they remain single. (I Cor. 12:13) The true Christian gladly forsakes the blessing of married life and children in order to secure the blessing of eternal life. In Judaism the establishment of the lineage of God took a dominating role over His love and life. Similarly, in Christianity the lineage and love of God are present, but it is the hope in resurrection and eternal life which plays the main role.

Lineage cannot be established by an individual alone; neither can love. But life you can have, just as you are, in yourself. Herein lies one reason for the Christian culture’s fascination with the life and death of the individual. Christianity stresses the lonely life where the path to heaven is a path we primarily travel as individuals. Think about how lonely Jesus must have been! He was searching all over Israel, which to him must have seemed like the entire world, for three long years, which to him must have seemed like all eternity, for one single individual who could believe and follow him as the long-awaited Messiah. And as he walked towards his own death with the weight of the cross on his shoulders and the weight of this world on his heart, he was whispering to God, "Finally! Finally, I have found someone who has faith! Finally, I have found someone who is willing to give his life for the Messiah and the messianic ideal. It is me, your son, Jesus from Nazareth! See, Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. Now let me represent all these people, so that they in turn can participate in my victory over death." And as a father who bends over his dying son to let him whisper a final wish into his ears, God was speechless when he observed how Jesus returned hatred and scorn with love and compassion. And God could not but grant this final wish of Jesus that all mankind could be forgiven, and join him in everlasting life. By giving his life for all, Jesus gave life to all. He knew more than any that if something is lost in love, love itself will find it and see to its eternal growth.

That Christianity is the instrument through which God infuses his life into mankind can also clearly be seen in its central religious ritual of baptism. Baptism is ritual murder and rebirth! Down in the waters with the old Adam of sin and death! Out of the waters with the new Adam of hope and life! How strange, even mad, this ceremony must seem to a person observing from a distance, the distance easily created by another cultural background or religious affiliation. Imagine someone from such a background passing by a church where a baptism is being conducted within. He hears the singing and moves closer to watch the event through the window of his own perspective. How cold and brutal this act appears from where he stands. To see the little innocent baby, perhaps deep asleep, being dipped in the cold water of the baptismal font. How the baby wakes up and cries as only small babies can cry. But the minister, who in all likelihood sees this child for the first and perhaps even for the last time, ignores the tears of the baby and proceeds to say his prayers. Prayers that mean so little to the little one, for all it wants is to be held by its mother-but even that is denied.

And then picture the company within. How meaningful it is to be gathered with friends and family around the event of baptism. They have gathered from far and nigh to celebrate the blessing of eternal life on the newborn. Once again they are reminded of the tremendous gift Jesus brought to them in exchange for his own blood and tears on the cross. If any in this company could understand the significance of what is taking place, how could he or she avoid feeling warmth in the heart and the desire just to offer thanks to the God who has created and sustained all of them? Once again the wisdom of God begins where human logic stops. How wonderful a place this world would be in Christians would bear such things in mind when dealing with people who are nurtured in a different religious tradition from their own!

We have seen how God recovered His lineage through the chosen people of the Old Testament Age. Then He resurrected His life through the Christians in the New Testament Age. And "now, after accomplishing all this, we are entering into the fantastic new era of the dispensation of love." (Sun Myung Moon, "The Completion of the Dispensation of Salvation and the Providential Age of Love," Aug. 20, 1989, Today’s World, Oct. 1989, p. 7) True Father declares without a shadow of doubt in his mind, that all mankind are moving into the Age of Love. The Age of Love? Today? Tomorrow? When, where and how, if I may ask, does this make sense in a world which is torn apart by personal and national catastrophes such as insanity, divorce, drugs and wars? Are we not further away from love and friendship than ever, or at least as distant? In the case of the Completed Testament Age centered on God’s love, we do not have a two-thousand-year-long history at our disposal as was the case with both the history of the Old and New Testament Ages. In fact, we are in the process of entering it now. I also doubt that God will limit His efforts to resurrect His love to one particular religious tradition for the love of God is by nature beyond doctrine and organized religion. Still, I contend that we are indeed entering the Age of Love or the age where the love of God will play the dominating role.

What then are the signs of the times? First, throughout history the main concern of virtually all human beings from cradle to grave was how to survive. Living conditions in the past were too harsh to provide the general population with the luxury of surplus money and leisure time. Although the blueprint of morality came from above, it was in all practicality shaped from the matrix of one’s social condition. Thus a husband would refrain from impregnating another woman, a wife would refrain from divorcing her husband, and grandparents would stay together with children and grandchildren no matter how much they desired to do otherwise-simply because they couldn’t afford it! To fee another mouth, to survive on the job market as a single mother, or to provide for oneself in one’s old age were not possible for the average person. What through the lenses of nostalgia may seem to have been an age characterized by love and care may from a closer observation appear as an age dictated more by external than internal conditions. Then came the marriage of science and technology in the 20th century. Today a man can leave his wife, remarry and still be pretty well off financially. A woman can divorce her husband and at least survive on the job market. And as if this was not enough, we have decorated the landscape with thousands of old people’s homes to house the elderly because nobody else wants them. The shadows falling from these facts are long and gray. I hope they need no further elaboration. The brightness in all this is, that we are entering an amazing age where the only thing which will keep us together as a couple, as a family and as an extended family is love, true eternal love, which is the love of God. In the end, all things seem to work on the side of love.

The signs indicating modern man’s longing for the love of God are manifold and encompass the whole spectrum of human affairs. New religious movements off all brands and from all directions promise to guide the believer into a deeper experience of love. Psychology attempts to explain love based on a scientific paradigm. Social movements have pioneered respect and equality among all people and in this way planted flowers where there once were walls. Even the ghastly presence of pornography is a desperate cry for a deeper experience of love! I have actually managed to find one positive aspect in the world-wide sex-industry! It brings to our attention how central sexual fulfillment is to human happiness and how completely disoriented we are about our own sexuality and how to establish a permanent relationship of conjugal love.

The Old and New Testament Ages opened up through the ceremonies of circumcision and baptism respectively. Where then shall we look for the central ceremony which has the authority to begin this Age of Love? The Matching and Blessing Ceremonies of True Parents. Do you know of any other ceremony in today’s world which centers uniquely on the resurrection of God’s love and which is both genuinely original and worldwide in character? The matching ceremonies are not a gigantic marriage bureau but a profound religious ceremony where God allows the participant to reclaim his vertical and horizontal love. By having absolute faith that God is working through the True Parents in the selection of one’s eternal spouse, the vertical love for God is restored. By being ready to love virtually anyone of the opposite sex whether they are white, yellow, black, blue, green or purple, a person demonstrates his determination to restore the horizontal love towards all mankind. I cannot marry all women in the entire world. But by being willing to accept anyone, I have at least in my heart embraced all women. With this victory I can then see my wife eternally as being the embodiment of all women, which she is. In this way, the abstract trust in God and the entire world is concretized toward one human being. How wonderful! For is it not the very nature of God’s love that it turns the universal into the particular! It is easy to love God and this world when there is no risk involved, isn’t it? But love cannot exist without risk, for love exists by way of risking itself. The Blessing Ceremonies which now include millions of couples are God’s way of ringing in the new age where His blessing will rest on the eternal conjugal relationship and the entire family.

But can all this really be true? Is it not just a serious joke? How easy it would be if the Messiah would come on the clouds. I have in my own weak moments been tempted to wish for something like this. If he would just come riding on the white clouds of heaven, how wonderful it would be! For then we wouldn’t have to think, would we? But the sweetness of being liberated from the terrible heaviness of our own responsibility would turn bitter and sour in the presence of deeper reflection. Then what if the Messiah came in much the same way that Jesus came 2000 years ago? And made it so terribly difficult for anyone to follow him. So difficult that only the person who would descend to the deepest layers of his or her mind and intuitively grasp what all this is about could generate the power to continue with a smile.

Although the Completed Testament Age is the age where God’s efforts to restore His lineage, life and love come to fruition, it is primarily an age which is characterized by the presence or absence of God’s love. Love involves a partner. The great revelation the True Parents are bringing to this world is that the prototype of Christ is not any longer an individual but a couple. It is a revelation which must change this world once we grasp the significance of it and apply it to our daily lives. Rather than ignoring or rejecting the efforts of the great religious pioneers who cried and struggled before us, this simple truth brings them consolation and comfort. The reason why the kingdom of heaven on earth could not be established despite the amazing works of all these great individuals and their disciples is that the kingdom of heaven cannot be established by individuals! It can only be established by couples and families embodying both the vertical and horizontal dimensions of God’s eternal love. This is so simple that even a fool can understand it and yet so profound that even the mind of a genius could not have produced it.

In retrospect we can see how God began the Old Testament Age with a miracle centered upon lineage. In Gen. 17:17 we read about Sarah’s miraculous conception of Isaac when she was 90 years old! With Isaac begins the new lineage of the chosen people. What was the central miracle through which God began the New Testament Age of Christianity? The central miracle in Christian history centers on life. Jesus’ resurrection from death to life laid the groundwork for the next 2000 years of God’s work. The miracle which will open the Completed Testament Age will center on love. The miraculous matching and blessing ceremonies of True Parents as well as many other works of love herald the coming of the Completed Testament Age.

3) Love, Life and Lineage from the Viewpoint of Our Personal Lives

We have arrived at the final destination on our journey to approach the love, life and lineage of God: our personal lives. And now, I take the liberty to ask you some questions which I, in all honesty, have asked myself a million times.

Is your love rooted in the love of God? Is your love different from the type and standard of love we normally see practiced in this world? Does your love move like an ocean within to whose depths you constantly dive, even at the risk of your own life? Can you feel the love of God pushing towards the gates of your mind tearing them off their hinges and mingling with your tears and laughter? Have you decided to love the unlovable, to willingly suffer-to find that secret hiding place where you can pray for those who hurt you-and broke your heart? Perhaps you sense the truth in this but want to postpone the project of doing it until tomorrow. I can understand that. But tomorrow will always be tomorrow. Eternity is always an eternity away! However, in love the ordinary conceptions of time collapse. What Einstein discovered by means of the intellect, that time speeds up and slows down, we all have discovered by means of the heart. Truly, the arms of love stretch into the future and bring a piece of that world into the present moment. Once you love with the love of God, it is as if the arrow of time stops, bends back over itself and inflates the present moment with the breath of eternity. In love the actuality of the present moment is joined to the presence of the eternal.

Is your way of life really different for a life disconnected from the life of God? No! I am not asking if you fly around in your own helicopter, have achieved fame and fortune in this world or happen to lead many people. These things could easily be signs that you have made wrong choices in your life. Is your life filled with risks? Are you truly living for others or are you using the wonderful concept of "higher purpose" as a conceptual springboard to jump into imaginary worlds with imaginary accomplishments far away from your own immediate responsibility towards the flesh and blood sitting next to you? I have done this a number of times and hurt myself terribly in the process. So if these words seem too strong, remember that they are echoes from my own mind and heart.

Finally, to your lineage, your beloved children. Are they different? Do they feel rooted in the lineage of God, or are they gravitating towards the sickness in modern culture? Whether they are clever and capable in the human sense is really secondary. But is their sensitivity towards good and evil in themselves and this world nurtured? Can the voice of their own conscience drown the messages coming from without? These are questions no one can answer but you yourself. How we relate to such questions determines the presence of God’s love, life and lineage in our families and the world.

And now a final word. With all of the above in mind, you can perhaps better understand why I cannot but feel a deep love for the man and woman who gave their lives to help me grasp these things. As a result I am experiencing the living God and so my family. With this I want to thank you for having followed me on this trajectory to the love, life and lineage of God, which now has come to an end. Or has it just begun?

TFV Seminars and International Night in Chicago

by Richard Lemont-Chicago, IL

Union MBC in Chicago is one of the oldest African-American congregations in Chicago and the pastor, Rev. Marvin Alexander, is one of the most powerful and respected preachers in the city. Rev. Alexander invited the True Family Values Ministry in Chicago to present a TFV Seminar at his church to his core lay leaders. Over 20 guests attended bright and early on a Saturday morning. These were the deacons and missionaries and Sunday School teachers that make a substantial success of any ministry.

We were blessed to have Rev. Steve Braxton deliver one session of the seminar. Rev. Braxton is a minister and is in charge of pastoral counseling at Progressive Community Church. Progressive has often been called 'The Mayor's Church' because Mayor Harold Washington attended services there while he was mayor of Chicago. It's Pastor, Rev. B. Herbert Martin, is a long time friend of TFV Ministry and an ICC graduate. Rev. Michael Jenkins from TFV Ministry gave a powerful presentation in the late morning portion of the Seminar. He prevailed upon Rev. Alexander to assist him in delivering the topics of "Jesus and the Holy Spirit" and "The Purpose of Marriage".

As Rev. Alexander and Rev. Braxton spoke we were able to see how the potential of TFV Ministry Seminars can be unlocked when the lectures are delivered by the capable Christian Ministers God brought to the TFV Seminars in Washington DC. It stops being teaching and becomes preaching. The cadence and delivery of a 'ministers voice' draws excited "Amen's" from the audience. The power of truth in the TFV Seminar combined with the touch of professional ministers is unstoppable.

The TFV staff from Chicago prepared coffee and doughnuts before the seminar and after a night of blitzing the night before the coffee especially was welcome as the staff set up the overhead projector and screen while guests were welcomed and workbooks and lecture manuals were distributed. We are all grateful for the planning and organization of Rev. Yukimi Lemont who organized the seminar. Rev. Hitoshi Onishi and Rev. Richard Lemont from Chicago TFVM and Japanese Missionaries Yasue Miyazaki, Hiromi Umino and Yuri Sakamoto worked hard to make the seminar a success. On this successful foundation Rev. Alexander invited Rev. Jenkins to preach at Union MBC where Rev. Jenkins was able to speak and introduce TFV Seminars to an audience of over 700. Rev. Alexander is scheduling another larger TFV Seminar at his church in the near future.

The enthusiastic report on the seminar in their church newsletter said that the "True Family Values seminar ... has encouraged many Pastors, ministers and church leaders to focus on organizing family ministries in their churches..." and that "A godly family provides the launching pad that will rocket our young people to high levels of success." TFV has invented a new kind of ministry, a family ministry.

This seminar was only one of the seminars TFV Ministry is promoting in the city of Chicago. Rev. Yukimi Lemont and Rev. Dwayne Luckett have both been organizing TFV Seminars for churches in Chicago with two different techniques. Yukimi has been inspired to by a vision of Jesus that guided her to teach the Christian Ministers to inherit and begin teaching the TFV seminars. "Make a tree of the TFV. Then the Tree of TFV will make the spirit of Christianity strong and united. TFV belongs to every denomination"

Rev. Luckett became so inspired by the potential of the TFV Seminars that, with the spiritual and financial support of Rev. Ki Hun Kim, he began organizing and giving TFV 1-day seminars to various congregations Chicago Family Church has been working with.

Rev. Luckett has organized seminars at a number of churches in Chicago and then started to give Saturday afternoon seminars at the Chicago Family Church. Our Tribal Messiahs each have Christian congregations that they visit and support. Many of them have been inviting these churches to hear a TFV Seminar at our church. Rev. Bennie Smothers, the pastor of New Holy Temple MBC sponsored the first seminar and was successful in inviting the ministers and their lay leaders to attend.

One TM, Mr. Akihiro Kudo, despite his limited English and together with Rev. Yukimi Lemont organized a TFV seminar at First Star MBC for Dr. David Cotter and his congregation. All done through the power of love. Afterwards Dr. Cotter asked Rev. Braxton and Rev. Lemont to organize another seminar for those members of his congregation who had not been able to attend and promised a feast for all who attended, their church usually retires downstairs to a potluck dinner prepared by the women in the church.

One TM couple, Bob and Jasmine LaRue have been attending and supporting Rev. Ernest Hamilton the Pastor of Greater Holy Temple COGIC and organized a TFV seminar there. Rev. Hamilton was inspired by the seminar and helped Rev. Jenkins give one session of the seminar. Afterwards he said that this was something he wants all of his ministers and leaders to hear. He said it was not just for the youth in the church but also for the married couples and parents.

One week later Rev. Hamilton stood in the pulpit at Bethel Deliverance COGIC and the pastor Rev. James Wilson, Jr. and a crowd of 100 as he delivered one session of another TFV Seminar. Rev. Braxton praised TFV as he explained how it had helped his ministry by taking him out of his own church and has him preaching before Baptist, COGIC and other denominations. After the seminar 10 couples rededicated their marriages in a Holy Communion of Marriage Blessing ceremony. God was working because after the seminar Rev. Wilson signed up to teach a TFV Seminar at another church.

7:00 am, Monday to Thursday, brothers and sisters in Chicago get in the van and quickly go out to the train stations for an hour of witnessing. They catch the commuters on their way to work or school and the businessmen and students take the flyers inviting them to an International Culture Program at 6pm Thursday evening.

During the day Tribal Messiahs come to the church center and pickup flyers before they go out for a days witnessing. Church missionaries go back out during the afternoon to nearby campuses or train stations before the regular evening program.

A regular evening program is held at the Ashland street church building with lecture and dinner on Tuesday and Wednesday but the backbone focus of the weeks witnessing is the Thursday night program.

A lady at the train station takes the flyer and asks "Do you have a different country each week? I was there last week but I'll be back; I love Japanese food." Yes ma'am that's right! Join us for a night of international cuisine, entertainment and culture! A different culture each week. A short lecture by Rev. Michael Jenkins introduces the guests to True Family Values and our workshop each weekend.

Japanese Night, Korean Night; Spanish Night; Thailand Night; Philippine Night; Russian Night; African Night and American Night. And then we start over with Japan Night again.

The Tribal Messiahs and departments and businesses all help out with preparation and cooking the meals. Rev. Jesse Avila from the Spanish Church supplied the Spanish night cooking with members and the missionaries from Peru supplying the entertainment.

On Korean Night the KEA pastor, Rev. Byung Chul Kim, emceed a program of songs and dances and costumes as the wives from the Korean community spent the week preparing the food.

The Moriya family provides Thai cooking and songs and entertainment and the next week the Philippine sisters from CARP get together with several TM wives and the mother of one sister to cook Philippine food and invite a number of important guests from the Philippine community. American members cook hamburgers and hot dogs on the barbecue as TM wives make potato salad and apple pie and Mrs. Kathleen Sometani leads a good old fashioned square dance.

The programs draw about 100 people or more with about 40 to 45 adult guests average attendance. Many of these guests return again and again for regular weekly programs or have started regularly attending Sunday Service with us.

But the big indicator is the number of guests that go on to attend a 2-day workshop at the Lake Geneva CARP workshop site. The Church and CARP and the Tribal Messiahs have been cooperating to make it a success. TM's drive guests to the workshop on weekends when church members are fundraising. Rev. Brian Winters from CARP and Rev. Michael Jenkins sharing lecturing duties with supplements as needed. TM attend and support the program with prayers and cooking and any way they can.

CARP and STF members witness downtown all week long under the leadership of Rev. Hiroshi Higashino and Rev. Shota Iwasaki and a full van goes up to the workshop each weekend, sometimes twice. One week was particularly full with 13 guests from the church of Rev. Bowers, a pastor who has worked with TFV for years. The same weekend CARP brought 23 Chinese students from local campuses.

The victories in Chicago could not have come without the support of Regional Director, Rev. Ki Hun Kim, and the entire church community of Tribal Messiahs, department leaders, businesses and CARP all working together for God.

Sun Hak Choir Sings to 20,000 with Celine Dion in Seattle

by Nancy Kubo-Seattle, WA

Yes, you read it right...Celine Dion...pop music’s newest mega-star who rose to fame after her recording of the "Titanic" love theme, "My Heart Will Go On." Currently she’s on her one-year 100-city world tour with the theme "Let’s Talk About Love." Sounds like something True Father would say to begin a speech, doesn’t it? The theme song of the tour has a children’s choir part in the music, so in every city she performs, she finds a local children’s choir to perform live on stage with her.

Sun Hak Choir’s director, Nancy Kubo, got a call from Celine’s producers just one week before Celine’s October 10 Seattle concert. None of the well-known children’s choir would work on such short notice, but would short notice ever stop Unification Church members? Of course not! The next day the musical score and a rehearsal tape were at Mrs. Kubo’s doorstep, and the choir sprang into action.

What Celine wanted was a multi-racial choir of 24 children ages 7 to 12. The Sun Hak Choir had plenty of children in that age range, including several Asian children, but was lacking in African Americans, so an emergency effort had to be undertaken right away to add more "color" to the choir. The gospel choir at God’s Anointed Temple quickly organized auditions, and three black children were selected. The next morning, Ms. Kubo walked into the principal’s office at African American Academy, a local public elementary school, and explained the urgent need for this amazing opportunity. The principal was very excited and immediately took action by escorting Ms. Kubo around to classrooms for more auditions. From those auditions three more children were selected.

Now Sun Hak Choir was truly a multi-cultural choir with all races represented! But the choir’s work had only just begun. Five intense rehearsals would have to suffice to get the music learned and memorized. Pop music, with its syncopated lyrics, was a genre which the Sun Hak Choir had never sung before, and two-part harmony was a challenge for the 7- and 8-year-olds-but they mastered the music with clarity and confidence.

Sat., Oct. 10 finally came, and the 24 choir members converged on Key Arena for the big event. The choir rehearsed and practiced stage placement with Celine’s choreographer, who was quite impressed with the choir’s accomplishment after only one week of preparation. After working with dozens of children’s choirs around the country, the choreographer rated the Sun Hak Choir as "A+" and "one of the best." Celine came out just minutes before the performance to pose some group photos with the choir, then we were on! "Let’s Talk About Love" was the first song of the night, and Celine was joined on stage by the purest bunch of kids she’ll ever sing with on her tour. The Sun Hak Choir sounded as professional as any children’s choir out there. They absolutely glowed and showed no signs at all of nervousness in spite of singing to a sold-out audience of 20,000!

These children who sang with Celine Dion were not your regular everyday kids just pulled off the street. These children were heavenly spokespersons singing True Parents’ message of True Love. This is what they sang in Celine’s song:

Everywhere I go, all the places that I’ve been,
Every smile’s a new horizon, on a land I’ve never seen,
There are people around the world, different faces, different names,
But there’s one true emotion that reminds me we’re the same-

Let’s talk about love,
Let’s talk about us,
Let’s talk about life,
Let’s talk about trust,
Let’s talk about love.

Now the Sun Hak Choir is no longer just another children’s choir at another church. As a result of opening up the choir to families outside the Unification Church for the Celine Dion event, two of those children want to join Sun Hak Choir on a regular basis! Sun Hak Choir has now embarked on a new journey-that of a multi-cultural children’s choir open to children of any faith or color who want to sing out True Father’s message of love and unity.

Sun Hak Choir was organized in the Seattle area in 1993. At that time, True Mother graced the choir with the name "Sun Hak": "Sun" from True Father’s name and "Hak" from her own name. It has been growing and rehearsing and performing extensively ever since.

Recent Activities of True Parents in South America

A report by Rev. Joong Hyun Pak given at East Garden, New York November 11, 1998

(Note: Rev. Pak returned with True Parents from Jardim where he and Mrs. Pak are attending the Ideal Family workshop. True Parents asked Rev. Pak to accompany them back to America for the celebration of True Children's Day and the week's activities)True Parents have been gone since September 21. They have spent most of this time going back and forth between Fuerte Olimpo and Salobra in the Pantanal, teaching and fishing and then back to Jardim to teach there as well.

True Parents traveled to Sao Paulo on October 3 to celebrate Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World. On October 5 they conducted the Ceremony of Unification of the Spirit World and Physical World. At this ceremony, they assigned the major religious leaders in the spirit world to continents on the Earth. North America, of course, is centered on Jesus; South America is centered on Mary and Joseph; Korea, Buddha; China, Confucius and Islamic nations, Mohammed.

True Parents remained in Sao Paulo to officiate at an international religious freedom conference held October 10-12 entitled "Religious Freedom in Latin America and the New Millennium." Thirty-two countries around the world participated. It was reported to have been very successful, with notable people attending, including many from the United States.

True Parents stayed with the national messiahs at their workshop at Fuerte Olimpo until October 20. Although Parents have already fulfilled all the indemnity conditions necessary, still they continue to give their sweat and tears, investing so much everyday.

There are 1,500 members presently in Jardim attending the Ideal Family workshops. The spirit is high. The various races and nations are loving each other as a beautiful community. Father conducted 18 hoon dok hae sessions there in just a 12-day period, one day starting at 5 am and ending at midnight. There is a large stage in the main lecture hall and True Parents continually stayed on the stage, in view of everyone, sweating so profusely because it is so hot. But they are with everyone all the time.

True Parents matched workshop national messiah families. Mrs. Pak and I were matched with a Japanese 1800 couple blessing family. After that, True Parents sat for family photos for 900 couples! It took a long time. Can you imagine smiling for 900 photographs!

At Salobra, Parents made a special prayer condition and then caught 14 fish. After having them "preserved," they brought the fish to Jardim and displayed them on the stage. Father gave a prayer for the 3rd Ideal Family workshop and then offered the fish by lottery. The cost of a lottery ticket was $300, so Father raised $200,000! Two of the fish went to Korean couples and 12 went to Japanese couples. Then Father invested the $200,000 to buy 1,000 cattle for the farm. When the cattle arrived, the couples shepherded them into the fields. It was a powerful experience.

On November 6, Father declared the fulfillment of the restoration for the Garden of Eden. "Garden of Eden" means harmony of land and water, fish, birds and animals, and sinless blessed couples. This is the meaning of the 40-day workshop directly with True Parents. This third workshop was the foundation to declare the fulfillment of restoration.

The hoon dok hae focused on the following: a book of the prophecies of Nostradamus from a Korean translation; Dr. Sang Han Lee's book on the spirit world; the two hoon dok hae volumes on Spirit World; True Parents (vol. 10 of the hoon dok hae series) and from Father's Prayers, the volume on "the mind of filial piety." Following the readings, Father would then provide his commentaries.

The overall theme was for all blessed couples to arrive at the perfection level and for blessed children to find success, not just on Earth but in preparation for eternal life while still living on Earth. To do so we follow True Parents and True Family's victorious model of love. When we fulfill this, we can register in True Parents Family Registry.

Father is working so hard among the four chosen nations of South America. The populations of Argentina and Uruguay are all "white," making them Cain-type; Paraguay and Brazil, on the other hand, are racially mixed, so they are Abel-type.

I once read about an interview with Mother Teresa, in which she was asked when she thought the messiah would come and where would the Garden of Eden most likely be. She answered: "The year 2000, but if we are not prepared for him then he will be persecuted and delayed in his work. The location of Eden will not be Africa but in the South American rain forest," she said!

Father said that he chose Jardim and the surrounding Pantanal region because it is the least developed area on the planet, hence the closest to the original creation. Father has gone there to love the land, water, and all creatures. True Parents have invested all their physical and spiritual resources there, to the point of almost dying, to make a vast foundation. It is now developing non-stop everyday. We visited all the holy grounds and heard the explanation of what True Parents have done at each place. We followed their footsteps. This has made me a new person. I learned Divine Principle all over again, especially "Restoration through Indemnity."

The RFK and Madison Square Garden victories did not come about because of our hard work, but rather because of True Parents' indemnity in South America. From the dark and cold of the early morning, to the dark of late night, True Parents were on the water. Father is so intent on maintaining the schedule that if the boat did not depart on time, he would become very frustrated. The boat is small, a five-person boat. The guide is a native, not a member. They would go up small rivers, full of alligators and the land populated with wild animals. The vegetation was so dense that even to make their way up the channels the guide had to chop away branches with a machete. The cut branches, on return trips, were dangerous, like spears pointing at the boats going up the narrow channel. But Father would push and push the guide to go faster. A boat that small can easily capsize.

They would travel three hours on this narrow river, in areas where there was no human habitation. The rivers are full of piranhas. Just recently a boat (not ours) capsized with six people on board; five survived but one was eaten by piranhas. But Father wanted to make his own trip faster each day! Father's mind and body were completely invested. This is what brought the miracles of RFK and MSG. This time, as I realized this, I could only cry tears. Everyone carries guns in that wilderness, but True Parents have no security; there was only one staff member with them.

One day, when circumstances allowed, a sister invited Parents to come off the boat to have lunch on the dock, but Father declined the invitation with thanks, saying that he had to eat on the boat because if he got off he would lose focus. At the end of the day, after sitting for long hours in that cramped little space on the boat, Father had difficulty standing up and walking. Everyday it was cold and rainy. In rain or sun, Father gives no attention to his health or his skin.

All this indemnity mobilizes the spirit world. I could not bear to raise my head and look at True Parents directly. At Jardim, Father asked the blessed couples to live a life of this standard. I realize that our attendance is not enough.

True Mother is a great fisherwoman. She caught five bacu on each of two successive days. The record for everyone else is 70 in 40 days, but most catch 30 or 40 in 40 days.

We can say that Chung Pyung Lake is the "cleansing center." We did not deserve the blessing, but Father forgave us. He has a timetable and has to work with unqualified people. This is why our blessing marriage life is not good enough. We disrespect God, the Principle and the value of the blessing. So at CPL we clean out our past character and liberate our evil spirits and ancestors so that they can attend Heung Jin Nim's 100-day workshop. CPL is like cleaning the dirty cup. Jardim is where we fill this cleaned cup. We receive the Holy Spirit. At CPL, Dae Mo NIm conducts the activities, but at New Hope East Garden, True Father, True Parents directly conduct the teachings, the activities.

Through doing the hoon dok hae and visiting the holy grounds, we gain power and energy to go out to the world as messiahs. Koreans, Japanese, Americans--everyone working together on teams, farming and building. It is a joyful experience.

The next stage will be to connect this work at the headwaters of the Paraguay River to the headwaters of the Amazon River, which flows out of the northern side of the Pantanal. Too many people are cutting down the Amazon rain forests. These forests are the lungs of the planet. Only Father's vision, leadership and love will save this. He will divide it into 185 territories and assign these territories by lottery to the 185 Eve-nation national messiahs. Father often spoke about the need for an insect museum, for tourism, boating, and so forth for this area. Now all this can be fulfilled.

To educate families, Father is conducting the Ideal Family workshops in Jardim. As the Elder Son nation let us prepare well.

[When all reports were completed, True Father gave a simple conclusion before dismissing us: "When we build a house, we need the component parts first; then we assemble them and the house is created. In the same way, to build the Kingdom of God, we need all the component parts. The major part is our family, the family system."]

Pure Love Alliance Activist Casebook

Spoiling the Party for Alfred Kinsey at SFSU
by Michael Balcome-NY, NY

The other week, San Francisco State University was sponsoring a seminar celebrating the 50th anniversary of the publication of Alfred Kinsey’s pioneering work in the study of human sexuality, Sex and the Human Male. Experts from around the world were invited to take part in a discussion on the future of human sexuality. All speakers were supporters of Kinsey’s work.

The PLA decided to hold an event of our own, protesting Kinsey and demanding that the university present a more balanced curriculum concerning their human sexuality studies program, which was way too liberal and pro-homosexual. At the same time, PLA sent in several members to sit in on the seminar to take the opportunity to ask questions of the panel.

Our Goals

1) Heavily impact the seminar at SFSU (we wanted to make a little trouble);

2) Stand up strongly for PLA values and speak out to the campus community;

3) Get 210 signatures of supporters who agreed with our demands and 40 signatures of those who would be interested in actually involving themselves with future activities of the PLA;

4) Have media attendance at the event and make the evening news;

5) United the members internally through the preparation and actualization of this project.

Our Demands for the School

1) That a class be included in the human sexuality cluster concerning the benefit of marriage; and that this should be taught by a person who believes and practices that lifestyle.

2) That it is not necessary in an academic setting to deal with sexually explicit material-especially visual material. It simply should not be done.

3) That both liberal and conservative viewpoints should be represented in sexual education classes-especially in the readers.

4) That the proposed B.A. and M.A. programs be evaluated by a balanced committee.

5) That student evaluations of class content should be required and be accessible to the public.

6) That material discussing abstinence as a positive alternative for physical and emotional health be present at sex resource centers on campus.


We had one week to prepare, and focused a lot of time on reaching out to community members and possible interested groups and organizations which could support our efforts. One group, First Principles Press, Inc., aided us by sending out an e-mail to all of its interested constituents, informing them of the SFSU event as well as the PLA rally.

Beverly Sheldon, of the Traditional Values Coalition, also contacted us, requesting information about the seminar and about the SFSU Sex Ed curriculum. She also sent a representative from the area to attend the program. The Coalition works on a political level to make it difficult for such sex "research" to get public funding.

Judith Reismann, a scholar who has written two books criticizing Kinsey’s work, attended the event incognito, and called us Monday morning offering congratulations and requesting information about SFSU’s curriculum. She is pretty much one of the biggest activist honchos against the Kinsey ideology. Richard Sweeney, an independent Christian in communication with Reismann, also received the e-mail and contacted us, saying he’d like to attend. He was very supportive and audiotaped the entire event.

Mother Wright, the "Mother Teresa of Oakland," attended the rally as a guest speaker, along with Christine Froehlich, president of WFWP here in the Bay Area. We garnered student support as well. Two groups, the Muslim Students Association and the Mandarin Evangelical Students Association, agreed to co-sponsor the event publicly. We also had a guest speaker from City College, and Rev. Angela from the Church of Christ, who testified to the benefits of abstinence and then performed a powerful hip-hop dance of her own creation.

We also had some of our own talent from the CARP house performing during the rally. Grace Hill was our emcee. Jennifer Perry, as PLA president at SFSU, spoke and presented our demands. Catherine Wright and company performed a skit outlining the falsehoods of Kinsey’s research. Several of our brave brothers, David, Odilon and Geoffrey, performed the infamous STD dance. Mark Lukyn rapped, and the students loved it.

We had a very good number of students in attendance. Some were antagonists. A couple of representatives of the campus Socialist Party tried to hold a gay rights demonstration, but quickly abandoned that attempt because we weren’t addressing homosexuality as a main issue.

Odilon, Gundi and Raquel were heading up a booktable next to the stage, which was constantly crowded with people wanting more information. Many of these people were oppositionists looking for ammunition for a later kill, but all in all, we were able to talk to a lot of genuinely interested students.

If there was one weakness in our program, it was that there was not a strong enough emphasis on getting signatures or phone numbers from people. We were better off in the area of making personal connections with our guest speakers and supporters.

Our Impact

The PLA had a significant impact on the Kinsey seminar. Catherine stood up in front of the panel and openly criticized the whole event as biased, and denounced the entire Sex Ed studies program as one-sided and inaccurate. She pointed out the panel speakers were freely admitting that some of Kinsey’s information was faulty. Where do we draw the line? Wouldn’t it be safe to say that more of his work might be faulty? She proposed that one way to help remedy the situation would be to interview the incest victims and other subjects of Kinsey’s "research" as to what actual outcome these actions brought about.

The experts "freaked out" and were running scared. Other supporters of our cause stood up and challenged Kinsey’s accuracy and methods, which helped to rout the speakers from a previous sense of safety, and imagine support from all sides. We successfully angered a lot of people, and all took notice of our presence.

One of the highlights of the day was that KRON, Channel 4, was present at the event. Later that evening, the 6pm News aired a clip of the SFSU event. Catherine was shown commenting on how Kinsey’s work increases divorce, STDs, family breakdown, etc. A clip of our rally outside was shown, with a great shot of our STDs jumping around. The news clip was objective and rather supportive.


We are still in contact with all of the groups that helped us during the week. Many have requested information about the PLA. We were invited to attend several churches in the area, including the Church of Christ in Oakland and San Francisco, and a Southern Baptist church in Berkeley. This past Sunday we sent several CARP members to the first two churches.

We are holding a follow-up PLA meeting on Friday, Nov. 20 to try to share our vision about the Alliance, get some advice and describe plans for future events. All local contacts are invited. We hope to inspire these community members to join our efforts. In preparation for this meeting we will be creating a new PLA pamphlet and a short video describing Bay Area PLA activities.

We Can Do A Lot!

Everybody worked hard and united together. Probably one of the biggest successes we had in this rally was vision. In the course of two weeks we had personally talked to some of the biggest honchos in the war against Kinsey, we had the Sexuality department shaking in their shoes and treating us with utmost politeness, and we had gotten on the evening news. Suddenly we realized what kind of impact we could make. It was crazy. The human sex department seemed to have experienced a lot of impact from the efforts of "us little kids." It was really beyond what we had expected.

Now our desire is to share our vision with other like-minded organizations; if we can get large numbers of people to these events, we can be really powerful, scare the pants off the sex people, and ignite a national spiritual revival. Big thinkers, aren’t we? We actually believe this.

Our next task is to create some more recent information about Bay PLA, our local programs, local vision, etc. We are also interested in creating an issue-oriented PLA video-testimonies, some education about the opposition, practical advice, and the vision. We feel that if we can create quality information about the issue, it will help a lot in networking and perhaps even getting some financial support.

We were all very happy. It was good to see everyone pumped up the night before, as we counted down to rally time. We now know how little we can do in a week, and will expect much more in the future. As Jin Hun Nim told us on the phone a few nights ago, "Always think four or five steps ahead. You can do more." And we will!

The PLA Storms San Francisco

by L. Cowin and Grace Hill-San Francisco, CA

There was no doubt about it, Alfred Kinsey was a name well known by the end of the week. On November 6th, San Francisco State University hosted a celebration to honor the 50th anniversary of Alfred C. Kinsey’s work of studying human sexuality. And as they happily prepared for the event, PLA members in the Bay Area were making preparations of our own.

We planned a rally protesting Kinsey’s work as well as the university’s usage of his findings as the dominant material in many of its human sexuality courses. Although Kinsey is regarded by many as an expert on sexuality and as the "Father of the Sexual Revolution", we knew he was definitely no hero.

Kinsey seemed to have an agenda to popularize homosexuality, pedophilia, incest and bestiality among the American people. Among his claims were that children, being sexual from birth, should have the right to engage in any sexual activity they desire, at any age they desire. Also, people are not naturally heterosexual , that is a condition that’s imposed by society. His work promotes such a twisted, warped version of the love that God gave us as a precious gift, to enjoy only in a blessed, committed union of one man and one woman.

Many do not know that Kinsey used pedophiles to assist him in collecting data on child sexuality by having them report their ministrations on young boys. He relied heavily on interviews with prison inmates, including sex offenders and used this data as a representation of the general population. Later, ignoring discrepancies and skewed or biased data, Kinsey manipulated his numbers to achieve the results he desired.

We decided that the Kinsey celebration would be a perfect opportunity for us to alert members of the Bay Area of how wrong his findings were and demand a representation of traditional family values within the city’s public school curriculum..

The day of the event dawned cold and cloudy. Rain drizzled or poured, on and off, all morning. At the rally site, we awaited anxiously for the rain to stop, for we were not allowed a sound system if any rain was falling. Exactly half an hour before kick-off, the skies cleared up and we were allowed to set up. Thankfully, we were not forced to cancel the whole event.

In the meantime, a team of well-researched and informed PLA members, lead by Catherine Wright, attended the conference where both the guest speakers and panelists and audience were expressing how wonderful Kinsey was, how originally brilliant and unrestricted by the bonds of forced social conformity. Catherine made her way to the front and asked some very pointed questions, addressing the fact that if some of Kinsey’s data was acknowledged to be faulty or biased than perhaps other data was as well. Perhaps a good way to prove Kinsey right or wrong was to interview the incest and molestation victims Kinsey repeatedly used to see what lasting effects his research had. The unsuspecting panel and the audience as well, did a double-take, realizing that there was a force present to be reckoned with. The conference broke for lunch, at which time our rally began.

Grace Hill emceed the event, with SFSU PLA President Jennifer Perry reading the demands we put forth to the school faculty. We were blessed to get some last-minute confirmations of speakers from the community. Among them were Mother Wright of Oakland, Christine Froehlich of the Women’s Federation for World Peace, Angela Sincavage, a student at SF City College and an amateur dancer, and Catherine Wright of the PLA. The ever-famous STD dance met with chuckles and grins from the students. Some were even caught singing along to the chorus. Angela Sincavage wowed the crowd with an original hip-hop dance performance. Mark Lukyn topped off the event with a slightly modified version of the rap from the PLA ‘98 International Tour.

The day was not without its opposition. Hecklers dotted the crowd, spitting shouts of challenge and protest. One campus club, the International Socialist Organization, pranced in front of the stage with a banner proclaiming "Gay Rights Now!" One panelist from the conference who was an observer actually broke from the crowd, marched right up to one speaker, Jennifer Perry, and loudly denounced our message. He was swiftly escorted to the side of the stage so he would not continue his attempt of disrupting the rally.

Overall, it was a victory. We made a big noise on campus and made students aware of the issue. Many were totally unaware of the condemning controversy surrounding Kinsey’s work. Last, but certainly not least, we made the 6 o’clock evening news on KRON, Channel 4. The clip was positive and informative. We felt really lucky to make the news after so little advertising beforehand in our short week of preparation. But it just reinforced our belief that anything is possible if you’ve got Heavenly Father behind you. Just have faith and push forward!

We’ve heard rumors that the Kinsey advocates are planning an attack on the PLA. Great! The fight is on!