Nurturing Love Through Music

Children Become Brighter through Playing an Instrument
by Mary Jane Yasuko Tashiro-Tarrytown, NY

One Mind Focus, written by True Father with bold Chinese characters, hanging on the wall at East Garden, has a very deep meaning. To have this quality at a moment's notice may be like imagining what it is to uncover the true potential of our pure original selves. We are all like an uncut gem that is being asked to be revealed. True Father urged many times for the blessed children to study an instrument. To practice repeatedly to master an instrument is like cutting away at a stone by hand until the beautiful facets sparkle as in a diamond. Tests have proven that an activity as playing an instrument requires intense focus; therefore, it stimulates the brain cells to work at an optimum level. Why then don't more children master this art? Most people would answer, "Because our children don't have talent". Unfortunately, it takes more than just talent.

When True Mother was a young girl, one of her desires was to take piano lessons but because of her difficult circumstances, she could not do what her heart desired. It was natural that she wanted to give all her children this opportunity. When I arrived at East Garden in 1986, Mother gave me the mission of teaching Sun Jin-nim and Kwon Jin-nim piano lessons. They had been studying a few years with other teachers, but after hearing them play, I knew they had some ways to go before piano would became a fun thing to do. Sun Jin-nim, who was 11 at the time, understood my explanation of technique to develop freedom in playing. Kwon Jin-nim seemed to have some facility and was brimming with talent. The problem was both of them had difficulty reading notes. When going to the music store, I looked for music that was fairly easy to play as well as satisfying to their taste. In the classics, there were a few Bach pieces that they liked and were within their piano capability, but most of the music that would help develop their coordination skills, were few and far between. Before too much time elapsed, I found I was very unsuccessful in helping them read notes without their getting frustrated. Mostly this was so because they had to remember too many notes at once to be able to play their intermediate level music. I finally concluded that the note reading habit has to be established in the beginning stages of learning piano. Sun Jin-nim and Kwon Jin-nim would be prone to neglect this area only because they caught the melody quickly through listening because they were born with what the musicians call a "good ear".

Hyung Jin-nim and Jeung Jin-nim's instrument was the violin. They, being also blessed with "good ears" and taking the Suzuki method that emphasized ear training rather than note reading, were also in need of help. They had the advantage of age on their side. They were young enough (6 and 8 yrs. old) that I might have some success teaching them note reading via the piano The first thing I did was compose a song that they could sing to learn the "nasty notes!" that eluded them. This was the start of composing many pieces that eventually I would publish. The first book called 21 Winners, Op. 10 for Beginners was published, using the precious "seed' money that True Parents presented to me in 1987 after Shin Won's birth. True Father asked me to continue to publish more books. I eagerly took on the task to complete and publish 74 more piano solos. Father's idea at that time was that I do this so that eventually, it will go out to the whole world. What an inspiring idea that was!

The opportunity for trying a different and more simplified way of teaching would occur to me with teaching the True Grandchildren. With Shin Myung requesting to take lessons, I introduced the piano keyboard to him by pointing out only 5 alphabet letter keys located in the middle of the piano. They were Middle C, D, E, F, and G. They were given names as follows: cat, do-nut, elephant, fish and "good", meaning "Good, you now know 5 keys!" I made standing billboard style cards with the animals etc. pasted on them and he placed them on the proper keys.

After he knew the keys well, I presented him with a sheet of paper divided into 8 squares. I wrote a song choosing, for the right hand, any of the 5 alphabet letters mentioned above and for the left thumb, the G below middle C. With the right hand letters written "high" inside the square and the left hand note "low" in the square, there was no confusion. Because most children are right handed, they can manage to play any of the 5 notes without too much problem. The left hand being more awkward, playing with only the left thumb would give their playing the "balance" necessary to help them in their coordination of both hands for future playing. I found his facility developed rapidly because he was focused only on one thing. That was connecting the specific alphabet letter to the piano key that had that name.

By Shim Myung having to do the "see-saw" action from right hand to left hand, he was able to achieve the "relaxation technique" more quickly. I was happy that this particular range in the piano was easy for him to sing. Rhythm by singing became a part of his whole being when the half notes became "squat notes, the quarter notes "walk" notes, the eighth notes "running" and the whole notes "touch the bench" notes or "sit down" if it’s at the end of the song. In this way, Shin Myung was able to have fun by thoroughly understanding the two very important aspects of the early stages of playing piano, relaxation technique and counting. His hands began to look as if they were doing a dance, rhythmically bouncing back and forth. Thus, the book, Music Letter Names, was born.

The next big step was not impossible when I introduced note reading through the book, NOTES, Our Friends, Op. 19. It was easy to transfer his playing skills in C position to reading the notes on the music staff in the same C position. He surprised himself when he could apply the written notes to his playing so quickly. His parents were also surprised at his sudden progress. If he ever forgot the name of the notes, I would start singing the Note Song and he would finish the song with me and proceed to tell me the correct notes without missing a beat. This is how easy it is for children to latch on to something difficult when it is through song.

Shin Won who had been studying with a Russian teacher before he came to me was playing intermediate level music at the time he bruised his left "pinkie" playing ball. I decided to use this time to test his sight-reading through these simple 5 finger C position songs. later, his sincere comment was, "This book is simple and enjoyable!" This was a sign that signaled to me that many children would have the same reaction. We don't know what kind of gem we can uncover unless we give every child a chance to become successful in the early stages so he can make a decision whether he wants to continue piano or not. Note reading should be an adventure of meeting new friends and looking forward to their becoming their best friends. When I heard that my student's younger sisters or brothers were dancing and singing with the music, I began to see that this music was infectious. Their relaxation approach imbued rhythm to the music and their note reading gave them confidence. My plan was taking "root".

The next question was how can I initiate enthusiasm from teachers to incorporate this kind of teaching? They could use my books and help their students from "alphabet letter reading" to "note reading" but they wouldn't know how to teach them the "relaxation technique". If this isn't taught in the early years, they would develop what the professionals call, pianists' syndrome; their fingers would be "tight" and their rhythm "stilted". With this kind of emergency, I thought I must make a video. One day, a mother, who was in my choir and knew how to play piano, asked me to teach her daughter. My schedule was filled up; however, I knew I could not refuse her. My heart responded to her because she would always tell me how much she loved music, so much so that she couldn't stop singing a song I had composed for the choir. Trying to solve the problem of already having too many students, I hoped that I could train her to be my future teacher under me. I told her I would teach her daughter on the condition that she would videotape the lessons, study my teaching style and eventually take over teaching her daughter. She happily agreed.

As we started working together, I was surprised she was so creative with the camera angles. I found her comments helpful for improving the quality of the video. She, in turn, was so enraptured with any ideas that had to do with my music dreams that she would literally force me to stay for lunch so she could hear more. It was a wonderful creative time for me with her by my side. For the introduction to be aesthetically beautiful, she took scenes of Mother's rose garden in full bloom and the majestic pine trees at East Garden. I was anticipating making more videos after we finished the first one because this "tool for teaching" is a wonderful way to quickly spread this kind of teaching. I taped a song called, Circle of Love which I had composed for Sun Jin-nim and this provided the background music for this opening scenery. When I donated a set of my music and this completed video to the music director of Hackley school, she was elated to understand what was wrong with her piano technique by watching this video. I wanted to share this victory with my devoted camera lady and friend, but Heavenly Father took her to Spirit world before I could do so.

The ultimate testing of my theory of teaching came with Shin Yeon. I was teaching Shin Eh and Shin Won in the music room at East Garden when Shin Yeon, taken by their music making, would come in every week, begging to also be taught. At that time, she was not yet 6 years old. After spending a few minutes with her, I realized she needed a little more time to physically develop the coordination demands of playing the piano. I told her to wait until she was 7; however, I explained I would spend 5 minutes every week just to teach her the "letter names" of the piano keys and the "relaxation" feeling. She was happy just for a "tidbit" of what piano was about. As she approached her 7th birthday, I knew that she understood everything I was saying because she is a very bright girl, but she still could not play without fumbling. At that time, everything I wrote had to be xeroxed and one song, Snowflakes was her downfall. She couldn't handle it and so was willing to wait a little longer. My conclusion was that maybe she would be better off pursuing sports or some other instrument.

In the fall of that same year, I hoped Shin Yeon would have forgotten about piano but when I saw her, she asked again about lessons. I really was moved that she was so persistent. To teach her on a regular basis was difficult because suddenly she would have to take a trip with either True Parents or her father, so I was not expecting her to do too well. To my amazement, she took off like a bird with wings fully developed. Her brain had finally connected to her fingers! The astonishment on her face was something I will always remember. She could now play Snowflakes without any problem. From that day on, whether she was sick with a fever or had just come back from a trip and was tired, she came to her lesson and was willing to even come twice a week to "make up". Her "relaxation approach" is so natural and "right" that this sound which I call the "window into one's soul", makes her piano playing very pleasing to everyone who hears her. There is a reason that I went into such detail about Shin Yeon. She proved to me again that 7 years old is the most advantageous year to start piano lessons. To find out more about the history behind my conclusions, please read my book, Piano Teaching with Love, Op. 15. I outline what the 3 age groups are for optimum natural development of the children's skills in piano playing. Of course, I hope you understand that there are always exceptions to the rule, possibly one in a million. These children do not need to be addressed because they will learn despite any circumstance, bad teacher or no teacher.

My thanks go to all the True Children and True Grandchildren in my 11 year venture to publish the Children's Piano Course. There was no question in my mind that these solos would be helpful to other children because they were written for a most critical group of children. What flair and emotion they brought to the music when they were touched by the music! On some occasions, they would say something that would bring the comfort to my heart that I needed to continue working at this task. I remember the times I failed to write at their level and then, I had a crying child. A child's expression and opinion of something is always so spontaneous and honest that I could only gain by taking their reactions very seriously. Thus, they helped me compose better music, more conducive to their liking and ultimately, they felt more successful. I told Father in the spring of 1993 that I completed the children's course. He put his signature on my last and final book.

The story should end here and I could say I'm finished. Wrong! When I was in full swing teaching Shin Won and Shin Eh, I found it necessary to compose more songs for them. After 5 years of not publishing music, the piano solos started to pile up on my shelf and in 1998, I suddenly received a strong message that I must continue to expand this children's course to print more Level 2, 3, and 4 music. An example of what would happen when I would get a notion to compose was as follows: Shin Eh came to a lesson one day and said she was going to be a flower girl for Hyung Jin-nim and Young Jin-nim's wedding. This was a time to write Wedding Piano Solos spreading the essence of love. Dressed in White, Wedding Cake, Wedding Bells and Wedding Wish, although written for children, I knew even adult beginners would enjoy playing them. I could write a message through Wedding Wish to the "public at large" with words of love and God. God could become an integral part of many people and children's lives through their hearts responding to this music. Shin Won, being a boy, wanted solos that celebrated Haraboji's victories so the music is dramatic. Others evoke adventure, turbulence or celebration with the songs, New Adventure, Twister, and I'm Now .......! Shin Won told me last week that he wants to make drawings to enhance the titles of these songs. To him, he feels he is an integral part of my project. To have him express his desire to offer his talent was another unspoken victory for the project. These solos became incorporated in the books called, Sharing Time Piano Solos.

Again, I found that when love is given, it has a way of coming back. Yun Shim Kim, my niece and student since 9 years old, became my first student teacher. She was a "whiz" at computer and helped me by doing the computer work for the first two 1998 books. Although I thought I would never learn how to operate a computer, especially engraving music, she gave me one lesson and with trial and error, I began to engrave the more difficult level 2, 3 and 4 piano solos. I am finding that my personally being involved with the engraving process gives me the luxury of changing the notes any time I want. The computer is sitting next to my piano but after completing the notes, I don't have to move over to the piano to test it. All I do is point to the icon button that says, "play" and I can hear it exactly as I engraved it. What a time saver this is! I never ever have to hand-write the changes anymore! I remember the many years of losing sleep because I couldn't make any changes after the music was sent to the engraver. Last but not least, Jin Hong Park, Yun Shim's brother-in-law and now my relative through her marriage, got "snagged" by Yun Shim to do the cover designs. What a heart he has! I can only say that his generosity in offering his talents was the only way I could complete this most difficult but important project.

To come full circle to what I mentioned in the beginning about why Father repeatedly emphasizes the importance of discipline, I think he does so because discipline (persistent practice) is challenging in this day and age because of the many distractions we are bombarded with. In my case, coming from a family of 8 girls and one boy, we all took lessons. I was one of the girls that really "loved" music, according to my mom. When love of music is that pronounced, it usually means that a "gift from God" was given and so I had an obligation to develop this gift. Working at it means I had to make choices to give it priority. Also I was faced with difficult obstacles or circumstances. There were times I wanted the best teacher who could make a difference in my playing, but as a full time university student, I had a partial scholarship but it didn't cover paying for piano lessons. I needed to find a job but I had to fit this job into my schedule. I auditioned for a job accompanying ballet which required I play non-stop for 3 hours. I was accepted. It was tiring to play "forte" (loud) to help the dancers in the "lifts" and the "grande battements" but it helped pay for my music lessons and gave me more confidence in performing.

Because of this background, I felt Heavenly Father asked me, through Mother, to try to untangle some difficult problems in teaching music. This article is somewhat long but short compared to my life-long pursuit to do something meaningful. To finally know that I have something of value to offer True parents and our Heavenly Father, made all those years of preparation worthwhile. Without the many troubling experiences I faced here at East Garden, I would not feel an urgency to design my children's course as I did. I am concerned about the parents understanding my conclusions in my book. (Op. 15). It was quite evident to me that there is a difference of opinions in educating children music because of our cultural differences. A child's desire to practice piano could be "squashed" if the parent handles it in the wrong way for the wrong reasons. The guidelines I give did not come without much suffering on the part of the children and myself as the teacher.

Over 200 piano solos for the children have been published. To teach the principles I believe in are already in book form and video. What remains is for me to extend this article to other publications to spread the word that it is now available for you to use and as Father hoped, for the whole world too!

To see children happy to share their accomplishments at the piano and brightening the atmosphere (including spirit world), is truly a blessing for all of us. What music can do for you as it has done for me is: "Mind and body working together will make you feel yourself evolving into a bigger person spiritually and your overflowing joy will enable you to embrace others and be more giving. God's joy is reflected when our expression in music conveys love and beauty on the highest level."(Book, Op. 15).

All these book are available at 43rd St. Book Store and Accord Book Store. If you have any questions, you may write to me at 120 N. Broadway #8A, Irvington, N.Y. 10533.

Children's Piano Course

Mary Jane Y. TashiroMusic Letter Names, C. Position, Opus 18..............................First Book..............$6.95

Teachers: Refer to book, Op. 15

NOTES, Our Friends, C. Position, Opus 19.............................Level 1..................$7.00

NOTES, Our Friends, F Position, Growing to G, Opus 20.......Level 1-2...............$7.00

Wedding Piano Solos, Opus 21 (4 Songs)...............................Level 2 1/2...............$4.00

Sharing Time Piano Solos, Opus 22........................................Level 2-3................$8.00

Sharing Time Piano Solos, Opus 23.........................................Level 3-4................$8.00

Sharing Time Piano Solos, Opus 24........................................Level 4....................$8.00

Piano Teaching with Love, Teacher's Manual, Opus 15.......................................$7.00

A book explaining how to teach each age group

Piano Teaching with Love, Companion Music Book, Op.16...Level 1-3...............$7.00

28 Piano Solos (includes photographs of "drop-lift" action)

Piano Teaching with Love, Video, Opus 17

The "relaxation approach" taught by M. J. Tashiro....................................$20.00

21 Winners, Beginner, Opus 10..................................................Level 1..................$5.95

21 Winners, Advanced Beginner, Opus 12................................Level 1-2................$5.95

21 Winners, Intermediate, Opus 11...........................................Level 2-4................$6.95

Hometown, Opus 13..................................................................Level 2-3.................$2.95

Circle of Love, Opus 14............................................................Level 4.....................$4.95MJYT

120 N. Broadway #8A
Irvington, New York 10533

New Hope East Garden, the Place to go After Chung Pyung Lake

by Lourdes Swarts-New Hope East Garden, Brazil

I can't thank God enough for affording me the recent opportunity to visit New Hope East Garden in Jardim, Brazil-or rather to return home, since I was born and raised in a small city only 500 kilometers farther south. I came to this area this past August in order to take part in the first American 40-day workshop in New Hope East Garden. "New Hope East Garden" is, of course, the legal entity comprising what was formally known simply as New Hope Farm, but which has grown so large, with innumerable educational and business sub-entities, that the word farm became misleading. This corporation now includes, or will soon include, a secondary school, a university, a hospital, an educational center, a hotel, a research institute, many scenic properties, and businesses such as agriculture, ostrich farming, fish and escargot farming, ecotourism, and engineering, construction, fiberglass and machinery firms. And this is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg in terms of developmental plans.

This first thing I noticed in my travels to Jardim is that True Father is known in this state of Mato Grosso do Sul simply as O Reverendo' (the Reverend). As we traveled from Campo Grande to Jardim by bus I felt the need to speak about Father and the principle. I stood up in the bus and begin reading the Today's World and made sure people could see our Father's picture. Well, I noticed a great deal of interest from my new friends: Do you work with O Reverendo? I was asked.

Good question, I thought! And the whole trip I was able to speak about our Father's vision and doctrine. I can't imagine a better way to travel to the farm. There is certainly a great deal of interest in our True Father in this state. To the citizens in this underdeveloped region, True Father represents hope as they eagerly look to him to usher in a new era of prosperity.

After several hours in the bus and a short drive to the Farm (at the end of 48 hours in airports and planes due to some technical difficulties,') , I finally crossed the recently- inaugurated bridge which takes us to the main educational center. Just two years ago, the route to the farm involved 50 minutes over a very rough and sometimes impossible to transverse dirt road, and one would arrive at a tent and bamboo settlement. Now one travels via an asphalt highway, and the tent and bamboo settlement is a brightly lit village of beautiful buildings, including a large meeting hall, a two-story restaurant, and enough individual rooms (with private baths) to accommodate a 1000 people. The top of the restaurant also serves as a conference center, and it was in the south east wing of this conference center that the American 40-day workshop was being held.

This is the place where heaven is to begin. To top at all, the great breeze makes you feel like God is saying, "Welcome, I am here! You are at my home!" I immediately joined the workshop and was able to attend True Father's speech-one of many he gave to this first workshop.

The meeting room-which can accommodate 1,200, and has a large stage and high-ceiling-is fully decorated with the bright faces of our adorable Japanese brothers and sisters, over 300 families, and the 300 Korean families likewise brings a great deal of spirit and dignity to the floor. The small American contingent-11 families-sit in the back where we can receive interpretation..

True Father's message that first night was the commitment of us during these times: Absolute love, Absolute Faith and Absolute Obedience. Certainly not a new message but one that had a whole new impact when heard here in this developing model village, set in a floral and faunal paradise. With Father looking at us, we can sense the intensity of his heart. The heart of father wanting his children to become a unique reflection of divinity, and of a Father wanting to be loved and understood. I wish I could whisper into Father's ears a word of love. But he has heard so many false words over the years that the thought causes pained reflections.

During the time I was there, Father addressed the members many times. Every morning, True Father and Mother would gather with all the members for pledge, prayer and Hoon Dok Hae. Late at night True Father would once again be sharing himself with the members. At times, we were laughing with joy, at another moment we could hear the whisper of the wind and the gasp on our brothers and sisters as our Father addressed them in Japanese, quietly. Even without understanding the Japanese, we were caught up in the moment, just watching our Japanese brothers and sisters weeping as Father spoke in hushed, tearful tones.

The giant faith of the Japanese was moving beyond words. Centered on the leadership of Mr. Oyamada, The Eve National Messiah of Brazil, the Japanese members live a life of service at New Hope East Garden reflecting their service to True Parents throughout the world. A service of great sacrifice. History will record that these faithful brothers and especially sisters carried our movement during times when we could not imagine going down such a thorny path.

The schedule at the 40-day workshop was not the intensity one finds at the Chung Pyung workshops. Here the premium is placed on personal and family reflection, and experiencing the principle and Father's words in a paradise-like setting. Surrounded by beautiful trees, macaws and coatis, in an environment where chirping insects and croaking frogs replace traffic noise, and walks on dirt roads replace traffic congestion, the principle seems to come alive. Many participants, and especially my husband, have commented on how many intense insights one can get from studying principle and Father's words in such an environment. The laws of the universe, the meaning of unconditional love and richness of interpersonal relationships, and the basic principles of creation, all become so much clearer. Father has stated that one must leave the cities in order to better understand principle. That becomes much clearer here.

The schedule also includes tours to other properties owned in the area, including the Salobra Hotel in the Pantanal area, the Fuerte Olimpo workshop area on the Paraguay River, and the Rio Perdido, which is a beautiful, clear river with shoals of beautiful fish visible. Individually, the families walk to the ostrich farm, or take a nearby tour to the escargot farm.

This workshop is a workshop for couples and families-not individuals. Many individuals without their spouse were quite distressed when realizing the fullness of the blessing available was reserved for families. Indeed, as we know, it is couples and families that will enter the Kingdom of Heaven together, not individually, and thus the Registration for the Kingdom of Heaven requires a family or couple registering together.

All the sounds of love can be heard at this Educational Center of New Hope East Garden. The squawks of the paired macaws, the chirps of crickets, the low bellows of the wild rheas on the property, the occasional chattering of monkeys, the calls of the parrots, and the croaks of innumerable frogs pierce the air. But the most beautiful sounds were that of the words of harmony between our brothers and sisters gathered from the far corners of the world, engaged in constructing a literal Garden of Eden on the earth.

Montana, Big Sky and Big Hearts

by Michael Yakawich-Billings, MT

There is so much going on in this world that it seems so hard to keep up. Yet, in this fast pace, I had to take time to reflect once again as the ol’ Christian tune reverberates in my soul, How Blessed Thou Art, How Blessed Thou Art!

We have all been inundated with the media and other forms of scrutiny. It was during this time that I received a phone call from a friend who requested me to marry some friends of hers. She being the maid of honor could only think of me to marry her friends. Through some marital counseling on the Blessing (marriage) in which the couple sat down to hear some lectures at the church and deeper explanation of the Blessing vows, they were set. On Oct. 4, with my wife’s support, I conducted the wedding in their friend’s home with 50 guests. It was so wonderful to be invited and allowed to share such a Blessing. The rest of the story however remains. Let me call her Pauline. Pauline (the maid of honor) met me out fund-raising a few years ago. She was an employee in a business which often had a hard time to welcome church members who were fund-raising. She expressed this to me very strongly. Yet with patience and a good heart, she was moved by the Christian response. She was moved by the Christmas cards and other acts of kindness to a point she requested me to marry her good friends. This is the way of our founder which I could see actualized.

And now, we have had so many other activities lately with the media. Yet, what has been so moving to me has been the letters and cards from the leaders in the community who continue to encourage me to keep going. As one community leader wrote, "You and your members of the church are like army ants...working hard and not being always recognized...don’t forget that others do see your efforts...don’t ever give up!"

With the opportunity to host some of the activities of the IOWC team in our region, it has been a great opportunity to continue to build our outreach. We could focus a lot on social service as a way to reach out and witness. One local paper covered the river rafting trip we had sponsored with parents and children in our community. The IOWC team could both experience Montana plus help support the witnessing of the community. We were able to have a seminar along the river after the rafting trip. The Stillwater County News stated, on Aug. 26, 1998, "River rafting links parents, kids for a day of fun."

In some other projects, we were able to do community service at the local YWCA, a Baptist community center and neighborhood cleanup. The largest paper in Montana, the Billings Gazette covered this with the title, "Unification Church, Volunteers help needy in Billings." It stated in the beginning of the article, "Honoring the spirit of Paul and other great philosophers, a group of international volunteers is spiffing up Billings for the winter." The local YWCA sent out a newsletter statewide informing its members about the work of the Unification Family Church’s volunteer work for them. What a great witness.

I believe we have so much to be proud of. Though we may get unfair media coverage sometimes, there is so much good we are doing that we can hold our heads up and be proud of who we are and what we represent. At the end of August, we were able to host an ecumenical service at our church. About ten churches, pastors and congregations converged here for worship. The IOWC team and our local church members could celebrate with so many of our Christian friends. There is a respect in the grassroots toward Rev. and Mrs. Moon and our church that even we as members forget to recognize.

I am proud of our local church members and the dedication of the IOWC team as they worked together in witnessing, conducting service projects and hosting seminars in Billings. Twice we gave international singing performances in the local convalescent homes. Seeing our members singing, sharing and embracing the elder residents was both heart-moving and inspiring for both the participant and observer, entertainer and entertainee. We have so much to offer. As the Billings Gazette reported, one IOWC member, Chris Saito, stated, "It’s a good feeling to help people accomplish something. It sounds basic, but if you donate your time to others, the pleasure really comes back to you."

In conclusion, our lives can be so rich and rewarding. Seeing both new and old friends coming to our center to hear Divine Principle seminars is so encouraging and inspiring. There are many people out in our communities who do appreciate our friendship and others who long to meet one of our church members. Yes, at times persecution is good for our soul. It can strengthen us and help us think more deeply. Nevertheless, I can see we are surely and steadily building faith communities. As we dwell more on what we can each offer to our communities, I believe we will be astounded how much we are not only welcomed but vitally needed. As the Stillwater County News reported in the article, "The focus of the group is to help families stay together in the face of social struggles, such as drugs and alcohol." As I work in our community, I realize more and more how much people need our support, our friendship and fellowship, our internal guidance and external role models that so many can offer within our church. As Jesus reminds me again and again, let us not hide our candles under a basket but let it shine for all to see.

Messianism: Divine Mystery or Human Misunderstanding?

by William D. Deurwarder-Barrytown, NY

This is derived from a paper presented to the Comparative Messianism class of Dr. Robert Price at UTS,

There isn’t a concept or title that is more intriguing, captivating and enigmatic than the concept of The Messiah. Well, except for that of religion-the category and context that it generally falls under-which is a mystery in and of itself. This messianic figure is a being endowed with divine qualities, who is supposed to destroy God’s enemy and establishes a theocracy. The situation becomes more intricate and complex on the phenomenological level simply because no one knows for sure what the Messiah would look like. People have an idea as to what he is supposed to do, but no one knows exactly how he is to pursue his divine mandate. Devoted believers who eagerly await the appearance of the messiah are in a conundrum as they try to calculate when the messianic event will occur. However, despite all these seemingly unresolved puzzles, the hope of an imminent appearance by the messiah is very much alive.

The root of this phenomenon can be traced back to ancient Judaism. The term Messiah is Hebrew for anointed one, and denotes a king who whose reign was consecrated. (Helmer Ringgren, "Messianism: An Overview", Encyclopedia of Religion. p.469.)

But Israel wasn’t always a kingdom, it was a confederation of tribes that was constantly harassed and victimized by the surrounding kingdoms (who’s Kings were believed to be divine). So the people of Israel petitioned their prophet-judge Samuel, demanding a king like the other nations. But their experience with kings was not pleasant. There were great kings and there were terrible kings, there were times when they prosper and there were disastrous periods. Eventually, Israel was taken captives and exiled in Babylon. Here is where the saga begun.

An anointed king, the Messiah, would become the object of Israel’s most profound longing. After the exile, they looked to God to restore an idealized king like David. The source of this longing for a messiah-king for Israel was a legitimate one. They need someone to lead them out of the present impasse, and more importantly someone on whom they can fasten their hopes and ideals. (Walter Wink, "Messianic Complex" Christian Century, May 18-25 1924, p.523)

Early Christianity took many of the Jewish ideas about the Messiah and applied them to Jesus. Very creatively they interpret every coronation and baptismal passage from the Old Testament so that they all point to the inevitable advent of Jesus. The Messianic plot became really messy when the early Christians began theologizing about the nature of Jesus. That’s a topic (Christology) entirely by itself, so I wouldn’t discuss that here. However, some of the features that Christianity added to the messianic scrip were: The Greek word ‘Christos’ for messiah became the designated title; Jesus was regarded as the son of God, and was at the same time identified as the suffering servant. But the most innovative element has to be the fact that, even though Jesus "has already in person fulfilled the messianic expectations, he is to Return in order to bring the final Fulfillment" (Helmer Ringgen p. 471).

Ironically, despite its long period of messianic expectation the Israelites never received a messiah on the national level. There were many that came and proclaimed that they were the ‘One’, but their appeal and followers were limited. Subsequently they either faded away or were crushed by the very enemy that they were to destroy. The messianic ideal that was established was so high that mere mortals were unable to measure up. But this wasn’t the original Idea of Judaism; all they wanted was a righteous king to fight their battle. It seems to me that this mystifying of the messiah was an egregious misunderstanding.

While Judaism was unable to identify, adopt and embrace a messiah, Christianity was able to glorify theirs and is now awaiting his return. The messiah’s return, The Parousia, can now be considered as being the core or at least one of the core elements of Christian faith and veneration. To safeguard this mystery from human impostors the Christians then warned against the Anti-Christ that will appear, coincidentally, just around the same time the True Christ is to return. Now guess what? There have been a proliferation of so called anti-Christ over the years and still no sign of the True Christ. I think that this very safeguard can be dysfunctional to the Christian cause, since all this doctrine does is arouse skepticism and generate persecution. As a result, Christianity now seems to have monopolistic control on messianic orthodoxy, which might not be a healthy situation for religion and humanity as a whole. If the messiah is coming with the revelation of God in order to ‘save the world’, then it goes without saying that he should be free to choose the manner and place of his advent. As is written in the Book of Revelation, "You must again prophesy about many peoples and nations and tongues and Kings." (Rev. 10:11)

However, this Christian model has become the standard for all messianic claimants in the Common Era. They were able to do this by reconstructing the image and at the same time fabricate an explanation that appeals to the mysterious ways of God.

The Unification Movement is a contemporary messianic movement that regards itself as being in line with the Judeo-Christian tradition. In other words, it believes that the God of the Old Testament and New Testament is the same, with Jesus being the link between the two traditions. Like the early Jesus movement unification Messianism was able to stay clear from popular imagery and all the concomitants that goes with prevailing messianic expectations. Therefore, what it did was to present a new Christology coupled with dynamic proselytizing.

According to the Unification perspective, the messiah comes to fulfill the purpose of God’s work of salvation, which became necessary as a result the fall. The Rev. Moon in a recent speech explained, that the basis for the coming of the Messiah is to reject the sinful lives of those with a fallen lineage and under the dominion of Satan. "The Messiah has his root in God, and comes as the second Adam, who wipes away all that was committed by the first Adam. This is the reason God cannot send a superman Messiah who will work only through miracles"("True Love and True Family", FFWPU 1997, p.10).

God’s original purpose of creation was the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Consequently, history is viewed as God’s restoration plan, which will culminate with the return of the messiah. ("Exposition of the Divine Principle" HAS-UWC 1996, p.111.) Thus this approach is eschatological like the other two traditions but it is not apocalyptic which is an element that later crept into Judaism and is very much apart of Christianity. The Divine Principle also contends that the historical Jesus will not be the person who will return at the Second Coming. So then, who will it be?

Contemporary Analysis

One of the most prevailing approaches to the study of Messianism is Max Weber’s treatment of charismatic leadership. The charismatic leader is characterized as having a special gift that attracts people to them. A list of such leaders always comprised the virtuous as well as the notorious; thus it isn’t uncommon to see Jesus positioned next to Hitler. From a social scientific point of view such a list does not pose a problem, but from the perspective of religion it’s blasphemy. What Weber posited is merely an "Ideal" typology, a mental construct that can serve as a tool to enable understanding of social phenomenon. The study of Messianism does fit nicely into Weber’s typology, but is it the appropriate paradigm for a religious/mythical phenomenon? This model along with the generalizations of Berger et-al illustrates that there is a growing effort to rationalize a mystery.

Contemporary Messianism has applied the term too loosely and thus includes too many groups. I am not being a typical bigot who is trying to shun other messianic groups. I am simply trying to argue that not every rebel who rode into Jerusalem shouting freedom should be considered as a messianic figure. Neither should a leader and his followers who fought against invading imperialist be labeled a messianic movement. Though the cause of such group is noble the vision is too narrow.

According to George John Hoynacki, "any expectation that the present order of the world will end and a new utopian life created is labeled milleniarist, and any appearance of a ‘savior’ figure within such movements designates them messianic." Hoynacki further explains that there are basically two type of messianic figures; "one type represent a social phenomenon in that human charismatic visionaries rise up from among the people and achieve some dimension of "divinity’ either by self proclamation or devotee acclamation… The other represents a spiritual phenomenon in that divine saviors will appear…"(George John Hoynacki, "Messianic Expectations in Non-Christian Religious Traditions" Asia Journal of Theology, October 1991, p.374.)

My problem here is that why can’t the charismatic visionary be at the same time a manifestation of the divine savior who will appear? In other words the elements seem to overlap.

Hoynacki has set up a duality that appears to be fairly reasonable, on one hand, there is the social fact and on the other hand there is divine intervention. In this case I don’t think I can choose one or the other, the characteristics of either structure is not as clear-cut as presented. So instead of a choice between two ideal types, I am confronted with a dilemma (paradox) that besieged me from the beginning: Mystery or Misunderstanding!

Towards a new Paradigm

Messianic figures especially the more successful ones, never claim to be relying on their charisma, instead they appeal to divine authority. What they offer is a theology which often serves as a new worldview, even though it may be a kind of revision of existing perspectives. It is in this new theological worldview that I suggest we explore in our quest for a new paradigm for understanding Messianism. (Please permit me to share a few casual observations.)

Judaism was able to develop and maintain a more ethical culture because of their messianic expectation (debatable but plausible). But that mysterious Hope has caused them to constantly adjust their moral and ethical mores. In the case of Christianity, which has spread literally to all corners of the world did so not because of Jesus’ superhuman nature but rather to his universal appeal, brotherhood and inclusiveness. There were messianic groups that preached violence and destruction and they were the ones that were destroyed, some even instigated their own death in order to self-fulfill their prophecy. The lesson from all this is that Messianism is part of the whole metaphysical-mythical milieu through which mankind receives revelation. A divine message through human agency.

The Unification Messianism has brought a new emphasis to the fore, True Parents. The True Parents are the symbolic representation of True Love, True Life and the True Lineage of God. And through the Blessing of new marriages that pass on a new lineage, the True Parents will be able to give salvation to all humanity. In other words the messiah will establish a True Family, thus creating the basis for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Not only God’s messenger stands in that position but it is also the universal call as well.

In conclusion, I would reiterate that Messianism need not be over simplified, (charismatic paradigm), neither should it be over mystified –superhuman manifestation. If this were to be done then the effect would be that the extremes at both poles would be eliminated. Consequently, the focus will thus fall on the analysis of how the messianic hope has been able to propelled mankind forward in the direction of moral, social and spiritual integration.

It Happened to Nancy by an anonymous teenager, A true story from her diary

Book review:
Edited by Beatrice Sparks, Ph.D. $4.50 / Avon Flare books
reviewed by Cathi Close-Arlington, VA

"She thought she’d found love ... but instead lost her life to AIDS."

Every parent should read this book. Every teenager or pre-teen should read this book. It’s a true story and one that you can never forget. Even before she died, "Nancy" dedicated this book "to every kid who thinks AIDS can’t happen to him or her."

Nancy was only 14 years old when she contracted AIDs. Because Nancy had asthma and already a lower-than-normal immune system there was no incubation period for the AIDS virus which she contracted. She began getting sick immediately. Shortly after her 16th birthday she died. This book was written from her personal journal. It covers the relationship that led up to her first and only sexual experience. It was not consensual. It was date-rape from an older boy whom she was heads-over-heels in love with.

During the course of the following two years, Nancy wrestled with the reality of this dreaded disease and her passion and love for life. She’s young and naive. She’s precious and personable. Her future was stolen from her because of a lie she believed. Here’s what my own teenage children had to say about It Happened to Nancy .

"This book taught me more about the reality of AIDS than anything I’ve heard so far. I feel like so many facts are always being pounded into me. I’ve heard them so many times. But this was a true story. It really happened and she was a real person." Jason (13 years old)

"This was not like reading about AIDS in a health book. This was a girl just like me. She had friends. She had hopes and dreams. Now they will never happen." Michelle (12 years old)

"I learned alot about the dangers of trusting the wrong kind of person. It could cost you your life like it did for her." Michael (14 years old)

I Kissed Dating Goodbye

I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Joshua Harris, Multnomah Books
Reviewed by David Kasbow MRE, MA, LLP

Although we have seen some relief from America’s obsession with sex in the "True Love Waits" movement, Joshua Harris’ book is a breath of fresh air in that it goes beyond the pledges of abstinence to propose a new lifestyle for singles, that of not dating. It’s a solid, principled proposal, and has the extra punch of being written by a 21-year-old and directed to young people his age. Parents with teenagers who have experienced the problems of dating will also benefit from having these dangers spelled out in black and white. Harris describes in detail the destructive aspects of this cultural pastime. And, he knows what he is talking about. Even as a very Christian young man, he was engulfed in the dating scene. He describes from personal experience the tricks, the lies, the game of "dumping" someone before they dump you, and the terrible hurt that is caused when it happens.

We think of dating in America as being as natural as Mom and apple pie. Harris reflects on Beth Bailey’s work From Front Porch to Back Seat, to remind us that dating is a relatively recent phenomenon; it was only after the invention of the automobile that it really took hold. Here Harris could have gone further, informing his readers of what the traditional customs of America were before the 20th century, and reminding us that still, in much of the world, dating is not the norm as a way for two young people to come together.

The cornerstone of his work is the chapter entitled "The Seven Habits of Highly Defective Dating." Here he lays out the false goals and assumptions which dating embraces. Defective Habit Number One is that dating stimulates intimacy but lacks commitment. In high school two teenagers meet, date, become a unit, and then "go steady." But for what purpose? The logical goal of such a unit is marriage, but this is far from any kind of reality in their minds. The relationship deepens emotionally with no thought of where it will go. Harris likens it to two climbers supporting each other going up a mountain but then, at any random point, one just says he needs his freedom and leaves the other to fall or survive as best she can. The relationship is for recreation and to serve the individual’s needs. When it is time to move on, it is broken off with the resultant turmoil for one or both partners.

Even when partners want a long-term commitment, Harris rightly points out a fallacy in our concept of how commitment comes about. We tend to think that intimacy promotes commitment. In reality the reverse is true. Commitment promotes intimacy. As Harris states, "intimacy is the icing on the cake...intimacy without commitment, like icing without cake, can be sweet, but it ends up making us sick."

Harris describes another defect underlying the common notion about intimacy, the mistaken belief that sex equals love. In fact, the cornerstone of dating is the fantasy of "falling in love" with a physically attractive person. However, based on stimulated emotions, the relationship steamrolls much too quickly toward intimacy. The passions of the moment take center stage and outweigh any other consideration. With no other considerations, the gauge of the seriousness of the relationship is the level of feelings. Thus the rollercoaster of falling in and out of love begins and too often chaos is the result.

Harris deals with the core issue when he gives the Biblical perspective on love. He states that the world’s deceptions flow from the central problem-that love is seen as being primarily for the fulfillment and comfort of the self. Here Unificationist thought can be of great use in Harris’ proposal. It is only when we understand that the cause of the fall of man was the misuse of love that we clearly understand his statement, that this "comfort of the self" revolves around the sacrifice of others to gain love for the self. From a Unificationist perspective, what Harris is describing in the culture of dating is the activity of young Lucifers, Archangels, hunting for Eves to entice and use for their benefit. He does have some intuition of this: his direction to guys is to stop acting like "hunters" trying to catch girls. Instead, he proposes men be "warriors" standing guard over them. Instead of warriors, Unificationist thought would urge them to a broader ideal, to be "True Adams" displaying the image and character of God, as Jesus did, in male-female relationships.

So dating is flawed. As Harris says, "God’s true love pretty much nullifies dating as we know it." Incidentally, this is why the True Love Waits movement, as it stands now, is not likely to succeed. Leaving dating in place and saying "control yourself" is a losing proposition. But what is the alternative? Harris’ proposals for an alternative lifestyle are to be commended: singleness is a gift from God to be used to its fullest while one can. A better way to get to know someone is by working with them on a service project rather than putting one’s energy into creating false impressions on a date. Parents of both parties should be included in the equation when getting to know the other person. Good as they are, they still come short of the perspective presented by Unificationism. That perspective includes nothing less than the creation of a marriage culture. It’s only when we realize that God designed the world around the marriage of man and woman, that the goal of life is not to be a holy individual, but a holy couple, that we get a true perspective on marriage. When children are given this vision with the extensive guidance and example of Rev. and Mrs. Moon, we have hope of transforming our sex-obsessed culture into a culture of the highest dignity of conjugal and parental love.

David Kasbow is the Michigan state leader and has a private practice in clinical psychology. He was blessed in 1982 at Madison Square Garden in the 2075 Couple Blessing.

Hurricane Georges Relief Effort

by Kathy Winings-Tarrytown, NY

This is to let you know that IRFF is mounting a relief effort and project for those affected by Hurricane Georges. If you are interested in donating anything or have friends in other networks that would be interested, please contact me at this email address: I can then describe what would be needed and what would be useful and other details.

As IRFF is True Parents' relief agency, we have been consistently working on projects since 1975. Though you may not hear a lot from us, we have been there. We have also become involved in partnering with other agencies for American disasters as well - such as Hurricane Hugo and the flooding in North Dakota as well as the international projects such as North Korea, etc.

Besides trying to respond in some form to Hurricane Georges now, we are also planning a Christmas service learning project for second generation teenagers. We will be doing clean up and work in an area affected by Georges and possibly, by then, Hurricane Jeanne.

Contact me either by email at or directly by phone for any information: (914) 366-0558.

Hello, Elmer! Part III

by Catherine Ladolcetta-Irvington AL

Elmer reached back into his memories of Dillon’s trial. It had been close. It had almost come to a hung jury. The question had been one of intention-had Dillon to murder the cashier or just rob the till? Elmer could hear the man pleading, telling the story from his point of view. He’d said that the guard surprised him and he’d shot because he was frightened. But Elmer remembered that he had pressed the point that, by carrying the gun, he must have considered that he might use it. Finally, the jury decided that the murder was planned-a sort of "Plan B" if nothing else.

Then Elmer remembered something he had read at the bottom of the police report. He had sneered at it. He’d laughed with all the cynicism of an overworked, low-paid public prosecutor who had become callous from seeing too much suffering. The report said that the robber had collapsed crying at the scene of the murder. When the police arrived, he was giving the dying cashier CPR and didn’t stop until a paramedic pulled him away. In all the confusion Dillon the robber-soon to be murderer-waited tearfully on the cashier’s high-topped stool behind the counter. When asked what he had seen (the police thought he was a witness) he admitted his guilt and surrendered.

Slowly, his hands pressed to his cheeks, Elmer stood up. Tears trickled from his half-shut eyes as he looked down into the semi-darkness of the near edge of Hell. Sobs of great sorrow and regret shook his thin form; he doubled over, nearly to his toes, gasping for breath, as the realization of his cold-hearted mistake exploded in his mind. "I killed him. I killed Beau Dillon with far more premeditation than he killed that guard." Elmer’s heart, pounding in his narrow chest, felt like it would split in two. "I believed Dillon wanted to kill him but, in fact, he tried to save that man he shot. I used all my power to kill him without any thought that he might be saved." Elmer’s tears were accompanied by a low moan punctuated by gasping sobs.

As Elmer continued to stand staring over the edge, the man below him raised his head and seemed to be listening. In the misty blankness, he turned as it trying to locate the sound. Finally, his searching eyes turned upward and, still not seeing Elmer, he cupped his hands to his mouth and shouted, "Hey-are you all right? Where are you? I can’t see you, but if you call out, maybe I can find you!" He took a step in Elmer’s direction, then stopped-confused because he really couldn’t see. "Look, just keep making some noise and I’ll come to you. Just keep talking-I’m coming!" With his arms extended and each foot feeling ahead as he stepped, Beau Dillon moved through the dank haze of Hell, searching for one lost, crying soul-searching blindly for his denouncer and executioner.

Elmer gulped and straightened up. "He doesn’t know who I am. He can’t see me. In this terrible place, he’s trying to help someone he doesn’t even know." As Elmer watched, the haze opened up in front of Beau. Elmer gasped and screamed, "Stop! Don’t move! Stay where you are-there’s a pit in front of you. Beau-stop!" In a blink, Elmer stood beside Beau Dillon, his hands gripping his arms, his body blocking his way.

"What? Who are you? You know my name...." Beau’s hands grasped the sleeves of Elmer’s radiant garment and he peered intently into Elmer’s face. "Oh! It’s...but it can’t be! You’re not here-in this place." Beau’s face lit up with joy and he threw his arms around Elmer. "It is you-but what are you doing here-in Hell?" He grabbed Elmer tighter and swung him around. "Hey, it’s getting lighter, I can see you better. Gosh, Elmer, you look terrible. Why are you crying, for Heaven’s sake? It’s so good to see you!"

Elmer’s face was all tied up in knots of fear and grief; it was red from crying, while his nose dripped and he was hiccuping. He buried his face in Beau’s shoulder, still sobbing, and tried to talk.

"Beau, I’m so sorry for what I did to you! I didn’t know till just now, when I saw you here, how wrong I was about you. You were truly sorry about that man-the guard-you know-in the Speedy Mart, and I-I didn’t believe you. I-I thought you were shamming-all the tears and surrendering and everything. I thought it was all a lie. Can you ever forgive me, Beau? All these years wandering around here in the dark. Alone. And you were trying to help me; you couldn’t even see to walk. You almost fell into that deep, black hole trying to find me. How can you be glad to see me?"

"Elmer!" Beau let him go and gazed serenely into Elmer’s wondering eyes. "You are the only person I’ve seen in all this interminable time-how long has it been anyway?"

"Ten years, Beau."

"Ten years, without any way to count it off, it’s like forever, Elmer. I’ve learned a lot just walking and thinking. I made up my mind that if I ever saw you again, I’d have only love in my heart for you-well-love and forgiveness. That guard-he forgave me. A long time ago-just before he went into the tunnel. Lately, I’ve been feeling like something was gonna happen. Didn’t know what, but just as soon as I felt that I could forgive you, I could see a little more around me and I could hear things, too. That’s when I heard the crying. All I could think of was that someone was all alone and needed help and, in my heart, I wanted to help so much that nothing else mattered."

Elmer wiped his nose on his sleeve and gripped Beau’s arms. Smiling, he said, "Beau, come on, I’ve got someone I want you to meet! But first, do you remember that tunnel-the really bright one that you decided not to walk through?"

Beau nodded with a grimace. "It was just too bright, Elmer; I couldn’t make myself step in there. So I stayed here instead. Is that where Heaven starts, Elmer?" He watched as Elmer smiled and nodded. "I’m ready to go, now. It’s not so bright any more. Will you come through with me, Elmer? Or do I have to go alone?"

Elmer grinned. "Let me check with my boss, Beau." Elmer’s glance turned up and he felt, rather than saw, his Father nodding joyfully. "Okay! He can go through together.... I’ve got so much to show you Beau; it’s all so light and warm. I bet you can’t find the sun! And wait until you meet our Dad!"