Hurricane Georges Relief Effort

by Kathy Winings-Tarrytown, NY

This is to let you know that IRFF is mounting a relief effort and project for those affected by Hurricane Georges. If you are interested in donating anything or have friends in other networks that would be interested, please contact me at this email address: I can then describe what would be needed and what would be useful and other details.

As IRFF is True Parents' relief agency, we have been consistently working on projects since 1975. Though you may not hear a lot from us, we have been there. We have also become involved in partnering with other agencies for American disasters as well - such as Hurricane Hugo and the flooding in North Dakota as well as the international projects such as North Korea, etc.

Besides trying to respond in some form to Hurricane Georges now, we are also planning a Christmas service learning project for second generation teenagers. We will be doing clean up and work in an area affected by Georges and possibly, by then, Hurricane Jeanne.

Contact me either by email at or directly by phone for any information: (914) 366-0558.