Celebration of Chusok Festival in Sao Paulo

by Christian Lepelletier-Sao Paulo, Brazil

The Chusok festival, or Moon festival, is widely celebrated throughout the Oriental culture. In Korea the families gather at their ancestor's graves on the 15th of the 8th month of the lunar calendar, the most beautiful full moon of the year. Yesterday Father instructed to prepare a small altar with offerings, a cake and to make a special ceremony at 8 am this morning.

Until 3:30 am in the night Father was talking to the Korean National Messiah in the 6th floor room. This morning they thought the program would start at 8 am, so every one was still in bed at 6 am. When True Parents came down to the 5th floor temple for the Hon dok hae at 6 am, no one was there. I saw Mrs. Won Ju running through the corridor, knocking on doors, to quickly wake up all Korean NM. They were rushing to dress and to enter the hall one by one and making a full bow in front of True Parents who were waiting patiently for the whole group to assemble, before they began the reading. At 6:15 am Mrs. Won Ju started to read from the same book as yesterday, until 8 am.

Everybody rose, and True Parents initiated the ceremony, with a special prayer, which sounded deep and tearful. Afterwards Rev. Kwak commented that the title of the ceremony was the Proclamation of Total Liberation and Unification Between the Physical and the Spiritual World.

Through the prayer Father assigned a mission to the 5 major saints previously blessed last June at the Madison Square Garden Blessing ceremony, they are assigned to work on earth with their followers as follows: Jesus' couple will be in USA, Joseph and Mary's couple in Latin America, Buddha's couple in Korea, Confucius' couple in China, Mohammed’s couple in the Muslim world. Rev Kwak said during the ceremony they were all present with many disciples and followers. True Parents cut the cake and we had three cheers of mansei. Then Father asked to line up by continent, and we could take a continental group photo with True Parents.

After breakfast, the Korean national messiahs gathered in the 5th floor hall. They were preparing for a yute tournament, but Father appear again in casual clothes, grabbed himself a chair from the corridor and sat in front of the group. He spoke quite a few hours until afternoon. Lunch and the yute tournament were delayed for a few hours.

People then were divided into 16 teams for the yute tournament which lasted until the evening. They competition continued until the final team won a cash prize.

Bringing the Blessing to Burkina Faso

by Will Suttles-Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

In recent months you have probably read that Burkina Faso was one of the top ten Blessing countries for the 40 Million Couples Blessing, after such well-known luminaries as Ukraine, Philippines and Zaire (now Congo). Your first response may well have been: Burkina Faso? Where is that? (Or worse: What is that?) Burkina Faso, formerly known as Upper Volta, is a relatively poor, landlocked country in the center of West Africa.

I came to this country in 1996 as a part of the National Messiah providence. At that time there were two cities with church centers and an active membership of around 20. Using a method pioneered in Burkina Faso called "community Blessing," the members had blessed over 3,000 couples in the 360,000 Couple Blessing. They were preparing to do the community Blessing for 1998 with basically the same people and same method. At this point our Korean National Messiah, Rev. Dae Sub Jung, appeared on the scene and transformed the country. He and the former missionary, Kenichi Ito, held a 21-day workshop in the Chung Pyung tradition with clapping and singing and reading in addition to lecture practice and Divine Principle lectures. Then all the members who were willing were sent pioneering. Fund-raisers or office members or CARP leader or general affairs, all who volunteered were given a province. Where before there was one team which covered the whole country, now there were 12 pioneer centers focused on the Blessing. We spent the next 9 months helping with the Blessing providence.

In our faithful 1983 Peugeot 305, Rev. Jung or Peter Haller and his wife, or myself and my wife and sometimes Jason (our 4-year-old son) would travel from village to village with the local pioneer giving the Blessing. The chief or his representative would call the people and they would come out. The pioneer would give an inspirational talk and reveal why all needed the Blessing. Then all who agreed, usually everyone, would line up for the Holy Nectar. Since most villages had substantial Moslem populations, no alcohol was served. Sometimes a mint syrup drink was used or a local drink called Zoom Koom, made with millet and sugar. Rev. Jung would pray Father’s prayer, and three cheers of Mansei and a photo would complete the ceremony. Sometimes the Chief would present Rev. Jung with a chicken or even a sheep. Or they would have a presentation of dance with African mask figure. Then on to the next pre-Blessing.

Many of the villages were off the main asphalt road. Many were off anything which could be called a road, and we pushed our Peugeot to the limit more than once, sometimes driving through dry river beds, sometimes through not-so-dry river beds. Many times the asphalt road turned to a dirt road, which turned to a track, which turned to a path, which would have been a challenge for a Land Rover. But we never turned back.

After the Blessing of Nov. 27, 1997, Rev. Jung gave the direction to expand all the pioneer centers to regular church centers with center members and witnessing activities. The pioneers, now church regional directors in charge of 3 to 6 provinces with 2 or 3 province leaders under them, secured larger houses with indoor plumbing (!) and telephones to communicate with Headquarters in Ouagadougou. Now instead of 12 pioneers, there are 35 (out of a total of 45) province centers, many led by new members who have gone through the 2-7-21 day workshop system instituted by Rev. Jung. Total active membership is well over 200 now and rising. And the Blessing process goes on. June 13 found us with almost 400,000 new pre-Blessings.

Now we are looking to the future. While the village Blessing continues, Rev. Jung has started a system of workshops and witnessing and fund-raising teams to train especially those bound for the matching. The witnessing team will visit villages all over the country and stay in the local church center, a kind of IOWC.

In Ouagadougou, where the power of community and the authority of the chief are much less, we are starting a different process, a network of Blessed Family Clubs, called Club 360 Million Ouaga. In the introductory meetings we introduce and give the Blessing. Then we invite them to educational meetings in which we introduce True Family Values, in depth study of the four Blessing Vows, the Fall, etc., information that can improve the quality of their family and community life. We began the Club last month. In Club 360 Million Ouaga, the family can learn how to be a true family and at the same time learn how to survive in the 21st century with real skills and progressive attitudes, as we will include health, education and economic talks with the family information. We hope these clubs can become popular so that the new members can promote the Blessing to their friends and their friends’ friends, creating a multi-level expansion pattern. The motto will be "It’s good to be Blessed!" How about you? Don’t you think it’s good to be Blessed?

If you have any suggestions (or donations!) feel free to contact us at FFPMU, 01BP 1255, Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso, West Africa or by e-mail at africom@cenatrin.bf. (Mention FFPMU in the subject line.)

An Evening at the New Life Tabernacle in Brooklyn

by Christine Libon

The "Easter in New York" and "Macy’s Brooklyn" events were sponsored by the Christian Times. Christian Times editor Rev. Dillon, New Life Tabernacle’s Rev. Billings and Rev. Al Sharpton are important figures in the Christian Church and black communities of New York. They all know and support each other and have begun to know and appreciate our True Parents. They invited our church and Dr. Tyler Hendricks to their most important annual event, held on Sunday, Oct. 7, hosted by the Rev. Figueroa and Rev. Billings. The New Life Tabernacle is the nest of the New Life Tabernacle Choir, led by Angela Moses, who played such an important role as leader of the 2,000-voice choir at Blessing ’98.

It was truly The place to be, as those attending included Rev. Holt, Rev. Clarke, Rev. Pierre-Louis, Rev. Hiro, and Adruma Victoria (please forgive me if I neglect to mention all names). I found this night to be a precious chance to meet saints of the new age where the will of God is being done. Being before Angelica Moses in person was incredibly exciting and emotional. At least one brother took the opportunity to get her autograph. What does it take to be the kind of leader she is? I’m sure, if asked, she would attribute it to the power of the Lord working through her. Such leadership offers great hope to this trouble society. What kind of character do dedicated members of the family of God have? Such thoughts were with me as I participated in the congregational hymns.

The pastors clarified our purpose for gathering: to offer praise and gratitude for God’s blessings on the abundant harvest of the past year. "Don’t eat the seeds," was one strong emphasis of the opening message, "plant them."

As for the regional choir, we really felt spirit world supporting our efforts. Usually it would be difficult to gather many people to travel far distances. We believe it was accomplished quickly and smoothly because the event directly supports God’s central providence. Rehearsals went well and we were able to learn the two pieces, "He Watching Over Israel" by Mendelssohn and "If I Can Help Somebody," a traditional gospel number. Francesco Santelli directed, Rikako Asanuma accompanied, and Daryl Franklin performed a solo.

But most inspiring was what followed-the speech by Dr. Tyler Hendricks. In the heart of his speech Dr. Hendricks said that Jesus told the woman at the well to go and get her husband. Jesus couldn’t give the "Living Water" to her alone. Surely, if she had brought her husband to Jesus he would have blessed their marriage. "Go and get your spouse," Dr. Hendricks told the congregation. "But you’ve got to get serious, you’ve got to be faithful...you’ve got to be able to invite God into your home and your family."

Rev. Billings added that it’s okay to be the bride of Jesus, but "You’d better bring José along, too, because just you and Jesus ain’t gonna fill my church; but you and José and your kids will!" He also really liked Francesco’s baton for conducting. The closing prayer was powerful. Citing specific problems in the community, Rev. Billings prayed that some deadbeat dad "gonna feel convicted by this prayer and come back to fulfill his responsibility. Some teenager going astray from mother’s guidance is going to feel convicted and make a change this day."

We are thankful for the spirit of true brotherhood and sisterhood and unity of all races which permeated the atmosphere. We are thankful for the warm welcome and the honor of your hearty applause given in appreciation of our performance.

I would like to commend the UTS students and all others who made a wonderful offering by dedicating their heart and time to participate in this event. Special thanks to Rev. Hong and the New Jersey choir whose support of the regional choir has been so consistent. There is so much more I want to say in appreciation of the exemplary service, sacrifice and untold dedication of Heavenly brothers and sisters, yet somehow it is not now possible or appropriate. However, when we go to the blessed land where precious treasures are being held in store, and when the time comes to pass out the golden crowns, all these wonderful deeds will be made known.

A Testimony of the Pioneer Ideal Family Workshop held in South America

by Mrs. Betty Lancaster-NYC

Pledge #8-Our family pledges, as we enter the Completed Testament Age, to achieve the ideal oneness of God and humankind in love through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, thereby liberating the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven, by centering on True Love. Blessed families now have the opportunity to go to South America for the 40-day Ideal Family workshops. Senior blessed couples should plan to lead the way. The education we receive guides us into the future. The 21st century is the Century of the Family, centered on True Love.

At this workshop you are liberated, your family is liberated. This is the place of liberation. As a result, you become stronger. "Birds that migrate become stronger" True Father said. "The world of God’s perfection is the era of the world of liberation, the world of completion of God’s Will."

During this Ideal Family Education for World Peace we find ourselves being cleansed and renewed. Parents have been separated. Brothers and sisters have been separated. Through this 40-day workshop this is healed. Heavenly resentment is resolved. No one stands over you, prays over you or delivers you from anything specific. Some inner strength begins to surface within you, just by the education you are receiving and just by "the nature of the place."

The nature of the place, "New Hope East Garden" (formerly New Hope Farm but renamed by True Father 7/22/98), Jardim, Mato Grosso, Brasil, is a Garden of Eden. It has been prepared to be a territory where high heavenly standards and heavenly traditions will be maintained by those who dwell there; where no barriers exist-whether national, racial, religious or otherwise-and where the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth can begin and spread. When you go there, you are to think of yourself as Adam or Eve, having no possessions, just growing in God’s Love.

The basic reason we should be willing to deny ourselves, our possessions, is because Adam and Eve had nothing in the beginning. We have been falsely taking what is not ours. We must reverse that. We have to restore Adam and Eve’s positions. God gives Adam and Eve possessions after they have kept His conditions. In the Old Testament they offered "all things." In the era of the New Testament "children" were the offering. "Parents" are the offering in the Completed Testament era. The future will be the era of liberation; the world of liberation; the completion of God's Will. So here in this Garden of Eden we can reflect on how we can offer everything to God, thus restoring these 4 eras of time.

Realistically speaking, at the present time New Hope East Garden is still under construction so it is not yet the peaceful and beautiful place it shall one day be, with tree-lined avenues, sparkling lakes and such. We also have to realize that the property as a whole here is vast, and we are just talking about one area which is set aside for the educational grounds and facilities. There are other areas adjoining, such as property with 22 natural waterfalls which will be used for other purposes; and there are other properties, in addition to all this, which are to be used for various projects.

The Grounds

But even in its present state you will find the educational facilities to be quite adequate. You will room in a house with eight units. There are many such houses. Each of the eight rooms have ample space and each has its own bath and hot shower. You will take your meals buffet-style in a beautiful, large 2-story structure with 4 dining halls and a veranda all around. A lake will soon be made behind this hall. Of course, the whole community is surrounded by bodies of water, but this lake will be in full view of the "restaurant" as the community calls it. The two upstairs dining halls are used for classrooms right now, with windows on all sides.

Just across the street and a few steps away is the splendid Temple, which seats 1,000 and is used for worship, classes and special events. Behind the Temple, there are six good-looking schools, three in a row, which are scheduled to open in February, grades 1-12.

Washing is done by hand, in your own bath or in outdoor laundry tubs, with nearby clotheslines. Speaking of clothing-some people dress up, some people dress down. To dress comfortably, casually and respectably might be a good code. And put a couple of "dress up" items in your bag. There is Sunday Pledge service to consider, maybe some stage entertainment, an invitation to lunch or dinner with the Education Director Rev. Jung Rho Yoon or you might have to lead a group sometime. You might even find yourself in some nearby town having your photo taken with its mayor. This happened to our group one day. Then there is family picture-taking day and who knows what else might come up when you want to be better dressed.

Take an umbrella and poncho. There are downpours off and on. You most probably will see the soccer field double as a lake sometimes! Rubber or plastic boots are a good idea as well. Tennis shoes or something similar is good for walking. "Keds" have excellent soles because they don’t pick up the clumps of clay that larger treads do. Take sandals or slippers for indoors. You will need a pair of work gloves for community service days. Take a flashlight. The power occasionally goes out for short periods. The temperature is usually warm, hot and hotter, with an occasional cool early a.m. and late p.m. in spring, autumn and winter. Take a pocket radio for translation.

Jardim is only 1 hour ahead of New York. Money denominations are the same. Very convenient. And you can exchange monies almost dollar for dollar. And you should do so because you will need some Brasilian money for in-country expenses, tips, and so forth.


In a place like this, we stand a good chance to get a glimpse into the spirit world. This is something we should not delay any longer (after all, a glimpse or two gave St. Paul the enthusiasm and fervor to march on for years). We, likewise, will be invigorated. Since June 13, 1998 the physical world and spiritual world are one. We do not need to be in darkness anymore. We can develop our five spiritual senses in the same way we develop our five physical senses, which is done over time after we enter the physical realm from the womb. It is the same process. We want to be able to live with God.

We have three parents who take care of us from our beginning throughout our eternity: Our physical mother, while we are in the womb; [mother] nature, while we live on Earth; and God, after we go to the spiritual world. True Father told us this. We need to be prepared for the transition.

Angelic activity takes place very much at New Hope. We were told that here we would understand the Divine Principle more clearly. This was definitely experienced even before we heard that it was so. And some were very much aware of ancestors accompanying them for learning. Answers come through more clearly to questions you might have on your mind.

Until this time, the Blessing has been on an individual-level. It is now the era of the family-level Blessing. On attending the Ideal Family 40-day workshop, participants can resurrect to the family-level Blessing, which represents the national level.

Upon receiving the family-level Blessing, the family is then entered into the Eternal Family Register of True Parents. On this foundation a family then becomes one having the same value as True Parents family. When your family is entered in the Register of True Parents Family you have then entered the era of the Fourth Adam, as tribal messiahs, so that now your family can inherit the authority to give the Blessing to your tribe.

During the 40-days we 1) become educated about the heavenly traditions of God and True Parents and 2) we learn to put these traditions into practice. We study True Father’s New Hope Farm, Jardim declarations.

The Four Declarations

For example, in True Father’s 1st Declaration-April 3, 1995, at New Hope, Jardim, in front of leaders representing 160 nations-Father declared: Have absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. At that time we learned of the purpose for the establishment of the model for an ideal society and ideal nation, where God’s people will live in cooperation and true love; where nature can be loved and preserved; a place where blessed couples have restored their blood lineage and the realm of ownership and will center their lives on God’s heart, language and culture; where all will live for the sake of others, transcending all barriers known to humankind in absolute faith, love and obedience to God. (Read Way of Unification, v. 2, ch. 8, HDH series.)

The 2nd Jardim Declaration centers on God’s four major attributes. As citizens of the Kingdom of God, we must become people of God’s character. The new nation will center on God’s character and attributes.

During this 40-day period, we study God’s attributes and realize that we must quickly take on these attributes ourselves in a substantial way:

God is Absolute, Unique, Eternal and Unchanging.

As God’s children we also become Absolute, Unique, Eternal and Unchanging.

We live as Absolute couples, Unique couples, Eternal couples, and Unchanging couples.

We become Absolute parents, Unique parents, Eternal parents and Unchanging parents.

We live as Absolute families, Unique families, Eternal families and Unchanging families.

At the 3rd Jardim Declaration Father declared: The first creator is God; the second creator is Adam and Eve; the third creator is their children. God can now say He has grandchildren. The creation of the universe is the ideal of God’s creation, in a real, visible sense. The entire universe is becoming perfected now in our 3-level family structure.

We have entered the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the great era of transition. Mass migration may now take place. The Elder Son must save the world’s families. We can prepare ourselves to go out in the world as saviors. It is interesting to migrate to another country, especially this one, Brasil, where you can gain the benefits of being in the midst of the providence. The 40-day family workshop is the equivalent of attending True Parents directly for a three-year period.

From the 4th Jardim Declaration we learn that as blessed couples we offer ourselves and all we possess on the altar, as conditional offerings for the sake of humanity and restoration.

On the foundation of this 40 days, your family resurrects to the formation level of the perfection realm. In this new era we will come into the direct dominion of God. Through this workshop True Father is opening a new age. This workshop is different from the past.


Following the Blessings of June 13, 1998 and February 7, 1999, a new world will start. True Father will solve the youth problems and family problems as we go into the new age.

It is best to take three generations to the workshops. Husband and wife is a must, and children and grandparents should accompany the couple if possible. This will enrich and empower your 40 days of learning and practicing.

At this workshop we inherit True Parents’ heart and tradition. Through the first 21 days you will be in the classroom reading and sharing together The Exposition of the Divine PrincipleBlessing and Ideal FamilyThe Way of God’s WillTrue Parents (v.10, HDH series); Life in the Spiritual World and on Earth (and Father’s Prayers when it is translated into English). Be sure to take all these books.

This is a family-style workshop; it is serious but relaxed at the same time. The schedule we had, for example, was as follows:

6:00 am Pledge & Hoon Dok Hae
7:00 am Breakfast
8:30 am Classroom
10:00 am Break
10:30 am Classroom
12:00 Lunch
2:30 pm Classroom
4:00 pm Break
4:30 pm Classroom
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30-9 pm Classroom

There are some variations, especially in the afternoons and evenings. Your group, for example, might want to visit the local ostrich farm and learn the interesting aspects of that project, or whatever else might come up. Some groups extend the evening sessions to 9:30 or 10 pm. Some groups keep late, late prayer conditions.

Our group would occasionally set aside time during some sessions to have guest speakers. There are members on the property, for instance, with special missions that are of interest to everyone. Or sometimes we invited a leader from another workshop to speak, like Rev. Hideo Oyamada. One day all workshops were called to meet together in the Temple and the mayor of Jardim came to speak to us.

In the second part of the workshop you will be spending 7 days traveling back and forth by bus to various other properties of True Parents. At these places you will be educated about the projects going on there and you will most probably be doing some fishing. Each family should take fishing equipment. They sell things like leaders and hooks at New Hope but you need to bring your rod and reel. Various baits are used: live small fish, corn, meat, worms, artificial bait and such. You will probably want to fish also at the local lakes on New Hope property during breaktime.

The third and final session involves 12 days of working for the community. There are many categories to choose from so everybody’s skills (or lack thereof) can be put to use. When you someday look back on this and realize, no matter where you may be, that you played a part (though maybe it was only a matter of hours or days) in building this kingdom, it will be your heavenly pride.

As far as children are concerned, you just hang loose. There were toddlers, pre-schoolers, on up to teenagers and young adult second generation. Japan had the largest group of children. So many, in fact, that the Japanese set up two age group classes to keep the children occupied, probably rotating the caretakers.

For others, you just do what you have to do. In our class some brought their children and hoped they would quietly play in the corner. Some sat on their parent’s laps. Some children found friends there and went off to play. Or sometimes the father or mother would stay in their room while a child was sleeping. It is not something that needs to be worried about. The children enjoy the fishing and walking times, mealtimes, the bus trips to other places, the animals, and just being with other families.

Way of Life

Speaking of walking times: One day a couple of us were strolling down a dirt road and suddenly we heard a loud hissing sound! It was undoubtedly targeted at us. We stopped dead in our tracks, our hearts thumping! Then, out of the corner of our eyes we saw a mama duck nestled in the brush, sitting on her eggs, hissing at the top of her lungs! We had greatly disturbed her. We politely hurried on our way.

The meals at the workshop are good-a combination of oriental and Brasilian food. It would be nice, however, if they would include some wild or brown rice to add nutrition and fiber to the white rice! You can have plenty of fruits, ice cream and snacks which are sold at a concession outside the dining hall. All proceeds go to the project there, so it is a pleasure to support the food concession as well as the "shopping center." I laughed when I first saw the crude little sign with an arrow pointing "Shopping Center." It turned out to be a tiny room in one of the buildings, but there’s a whole lot of stuff in that little room. Baby diapers and such are no problem. And if they don’t have what you need, they can probably pick it up for you on one of their daily trips to Jardim. Take any special medicines you need; maybe throw in some stomach medicine and laxatives, just in case the change in diet and water might effect you, but probably it will not. Take mosquito repellent and itch medicine as well.

Our first workshop was incredibly fortunate to have True Parents there a great deal of the time. In truth, because they were with us so much we were hardly aware that Parents actually came and went so many times, between us and the National Messiah workshop, which was a day’s journey away, not to mention their coming and going as well to the Northern Hemisphere workshops during that time! It was quite incredible. True Father is so seemingly omnipresent! So that first pioneering workshop had a more varied schedule than the ones to come are likely to have!

Our little band of pilgrims from North America, symbolizing the number of Jesus’ disciples, held strongly and tightly to the schedule, and though our 12 representative families came along at staggered times, still we anchored ourselves as much as we were able; and as clearly and correctly as we knew how, we made our mark in God’s history.

On August 28, the Holy Day of the Cosmic Sabbath and our graduation week as well, the Temple was filled and True Parents were present for the entertainment. Amidst the large classes of Koreans and Japanese, with their various performances, when our time came to perform, our little group proudly walked up on the huge stage and lined up representing North America, and to the best of our ability, we delivered several songs (one Korean, one Japanese, and one English), ending with "America the Beautiful." We appropriately changed a couple of things: "America, America...became "America, the Americas..." and "brotherhood" was changed to "fatherhood." It also seemed appropriate for us to take the children of our group on stage, so there we were, one baby in arm, three small children and one teenager all singing together. A true family group. It felt good.


Upon completing this workshop, blessed couples should now substantially become the couples that God intended for Adam and Eve, having no national, racial, cultural or language barriers. All will become one. This is how we secure our eternal life. We learn to live earthly life correctly-in practice. In our life of prayer we begin to be conscious of communing with God in terms of "we" not "I"; praying in terms of family instead of self, according to True Father’s instructions.

Through practice of Absolute Love, we can obtain Absolute Lineage. And on that foundation, we can attain the four attributes which engrafts us to God’s Lineage and God’s True Love.

Between the satanic world and the Fourth Adam era, we will learn to build ideal families. "Crossing the Jordan River" means departing the satanic world and reaching the heavenly shore. The Jordan River lies between these two borders. (Read Way of Unification from the HDH series, v.1, p.189). At this workshop we can cross the Jordan. Soon we will reach the other great shoreline.

We have to inherit God’s tradition of loving and protecting nature. South America is the place to do that. In fact, it can begin at your very door, where you most certainly will feed, hold or just chat with the gorgeous macaws that dwell in the trees in front of True Parents porch. With their beautiful feathers of green, yellow, red, and blue, they will perform for you on the wire between the trees, or just stroll along the ground at certain times of the day. You might be sitting on a bench nibbling a cookie or cracker and plop! You will have company beside you! Green parrots are there as well, sitting in the trees around you.

Dogs, cats, ducks, and even a few wild animals are all present. Some frolic together. Picturesque white Brahmin cows are seen everywhere. Eating beef is no problem there. A cow sells for one or two hundred dollars. Easy to feed a large crowd.

The fish you catch in South America will "talk" to you. Some of us have been surprised to have them sing or look up at us making funny little noises after they are caught.

When we return to our nations after this workshop we return as Abel-type citizens. There is now no opposition and no persecution for us. We begin anew our heavenly families.

True Father is the victor of land and water. The National Messiah fishing workshops that have been held represent the water, and the classroom workshops represent the land, so land and water are being connected, by true love. And by having simultaneous north and south workshops, True Father has been connecting the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. He long ago connected the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. How marvelously wondrous and all-encompassing is our beautiful True Father. Who else in all of history past or that which is yet to come could so beautifully weave all things, all beings together in the Cosmos to be harmoniously one. There is only One-Our Beloved and Revered True Father. Marching in complete harmony with God, Our True Father and True Mother have brought that harmony to the horizontal level, that all of humankind and all creatures might live and walk in that same harmony on Earth and in the Spiritual World forever.

Imagine how Jesus Christ and all the Christian martyrs feel right now. All the blood they shed, all the suffering paths they trod will now be totally glorified on Earth as well as in Heaven. Christianity itself can be united. What a glorious new age this is. Daytime is coming.

For this article, I have drawn from my own experiences at the Ideal Family workshop as well as notes taken there from True Father’s talks or talks of other leaders; some notes came from Rev. Kwak’s memos; some notes came from True Father’s recent speeches at Belvedere; and some words were taken from True Father’s Hoon Dok Hae series.

A Public Confession - Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s and Our Responsibility

by Cecila Cullen-NYC

I believe Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon are the True Parents of Mankind. I believe Rev. Sun Myung Moon is the Second Advent of the Messiah we have been waiting for.

As True Parents, their responsibilities include saving this world from total destruction through establishing ideal families, thereby creating ideal communities, nations and world. This can be achieved on the foundation of a culture of heart following the Divine Principle affecting our economy, industry, politics, arts and sciences, education and the like. This means a global and cosmic responsibility for Rev. and Mrs. Moon.

However, individual and family level responsibilities are yours and mine to accomplish following True Parents’ path. For example, my responsibility is to make sure that:

1. My mind and body are united centered on True Love, making me a true woman.

2. I have unity with my spouse, and parents and children are united within my family, making it a true family.

3. My family considers other individuals and families as part of my own family and takes care of the environment to establish an ideal creation.

In other words, our absolute unity centered on True Love, True Life and True Lineage is needed to make possible what Rev. and Mrs. Moon aim to accomplish at the world and cosmic levels.

True Parents have physical children. But, I am Rev. Moon’s spiritual daughter. Their children and I have the same individual and family responsibilities . If anyone among us failed, same has to undo what was done. In this case, we are not different from each other.

In a classroom of different individuals, the teacher stands in the role of a "second parent". It is a standard norm, morally speaking, for the teacher to give special attention in teaching student who is lagging behind or does not know/comprehend what the lesson is all about. On the other hand, the teacher relies more on the leadership of the intelligent and capable student.

Morally and spiritually speaking, I stand as the one lagging behind, not knowing anything about the fundamentals of true life, love and lineage. Therefore, the precious attention of True Parents as my teachers, is focused on me and to the rest of us who do not know anything at the start.

Guidance and direction, workshops and training, various programs, projects and organizations are set up and more are being set up by True Parents. These are all for you and for me. True Parents’ prayers and ultimate goal are meant to bring us back to Heavenly Father’s bosom in the Garden of Eden. They do not complain of any hardships along the way. They just do what they have to do, regardless of any pain, sorrow and tears. This, we all must acknowledge, be proud of and express deep gratitude for our True Parents, our True Teachers.

Therefore, True Parents are not true parents to True Children alone. They are mine and yours, too. That makes us one global family. The huge responsibility of changing this global family into an ideal heavenly creation is upon True Parents’ shoulders alone. This we have to understand clearly. On the other hand, we can never ask True Parents to help us accomplish our portion of responsibility. This is the challenge Father has given us.

In other words, I, together with the rest of the world, took our True Parents away from their physical children. This is the sacrificial way True Parents have been following from the very beginning of Father’s ministry. They need to focus on their global responsibility while we are being challenged to accomplish our individual and family responsibilities.

My Responsibility and Confession

In times of troubles, personal, family and community-wise, who can take responsibility? It is part of fallen human nature to blame somebody beside me, near me, around me or the one far away from me. Like a hot potato, we want to drop off the problem immediately without involving ourselves. We want to get out clean all the time. This can be productive but not at the expense of somebody else.

Let us therefore, analyze ourselves on the basis of true heavenly standard and ask the following:

a. Have I accomplished my individual and family responsibilities following True Parents’ absolute standard?

b. Am I a standard bearer of True Love in my family, at work and in the community where I live?

c. Am I truly an honest and faithful child to our True Parents?

d. Can True Parents be proud of me? Can they depend on me?

e. Can I tell boldly to True Parents, "Relax and sit down, my dear True Parents. I can and will take charge from now on"?

These are serious questions that can humble us down, shedding tears for our True Parents. We need to think deeply before we answer.

If I cannot say "Yes" to any or all questions above, then I stand trial before the public, before the rest of us, before the heavens, before True Parents and before Heavenly Father. Can you?

Let me therefore, bow down my head and ask for everybody’s forgiveness in the court of true heart. May God have mercy and bless us all, His children.

Who Do You Say That I Am?

Rev. Dr. Chang Shik Yang is the Regional Director in Washington, DC. This is taken from his sermon given September 27, 1998 at the Washington DC Unification Church. The interpreter was Tim Elder.

Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi he began asking his disciples saying, "who do people say that the Son of Man is?" and they said, "some say John the Baptist, and others Elijah but still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" and Simon Peter answered and said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." And Jesus answered and said to him "Blessed are you, Simon bar Jonah, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but my father who is in Heaven." Matt 16:13-17

These words of the Bible from the gospel according to Matthew have many inspirations for us. The passage that was read is a part of a conversation that took place between Jesus and his disciples just before he was to be crucified while he was on an evangelical mission at Caesarea Philippi. The disciples did not realize this yet, but Jesus already knew that within days he was to be crucified. And Jesus wanted and needed to at least establish the condition of having people know who he was before he died. So Jesus turned to his disciples and said as you go around witnessing what do people say about me, who do they say that I am? And some disciples said "oh they say you are John the Baptist and others say that you are Elijah and so on." And some people say that you are a prophet. But Jesus was not really interested in what the people thought. What he really wanted to know was what his disciples thought, so he asked them directly "Who do you think that I am?" and that is the subject of today’s sermon.

And then Peter who was the first disciple gave a clear answer. He said "You are the Christ, you are the son of the living God." Then we have to pay close attention that Jesus gave in response. He said "Blessed are you, Simon bar Jonah, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but my father who is in Heaven." In other words he was saying that when you confess and say that I am the Son of God, you are not saying this from your flesh and blood but because of God who is your father in heaven.

Peter was a descendent of fallen men. He had a fallen blood lineage and he had a fallen physical body. And as a fallen person he had certain limited spiritual senses. So by his physical senses and by his flesh and blood he could not recognize Jesus and confess that Jesus was the son of God. Recently in one of Father’s sermons there was one with the following subject. The subject was, "Do you know me? Do you believe in me?" Two thousand years ago, how many among the disciples who followed Jesus knew who Jesus was? Anyone who truly knew Jesus would certainly have truly followed Jesus. But as we know through history and through the lessons of the Bible, when it came to the point where Jesus was dying on the cross, there was no one there to follow him.

During Jesus’ public mission, many people followed him around, many people had their diseases cured by him, many people witnessed his miracles but why then at that final moment was no one there with him? If people had really known who he was, and though Peter confessed at this moment, if Peter had really known the true meaning of what he was saying then certainly they would not have turned against him. Peter did not really understand who Jesus was until after the crucifixion, until after Jesus’ resurrection when the Holy Spirit opened his eyes and finally then, only then could he recognize who Jesus really was. Just before the crucifixion, Peter turned to Jesus and said, "I believe in you Lord, I believe in you Lord, I really truly believe in you Lord", but then after that he turned against Jesus and denied him three times. And Jesus prophesied that before the cock would crow the following morning that Peter would deny him three times and it in fact turned out that way.

Today, I know that there are many members who are concerned and worried about the many things that have taken centering on the True Family, the True Parents' family, during the past week. Many people have been surprised and many people are concerned. During the past 20 years, 30 years or even longer since we joined the church we have overcome all kinds of criticism and persecution. But no matter what persecution, no matter what criticism we received our fundamental, our basic belief was never shaken and that is why we are all here today.

But the reason that many people are concerned and worried and struggling today is because the persecution or the criticism is not coming from outside but because it is a situation that is occurring inside. We are today in the same place where that occurred 2000 years ago. Jesus was crucified on the cross. Many people never thought that Jesus would actually be crucified. And when it finally actually did turn out that way, almost everyone turned against Jesus and only Mary Magdalene and a few others, a handful of people kept his grave.

And I think that today, True Parents are in the same situation where today they are on the cross. For the last 20 or 30 years we have believed in True Parents and we have followed them. But we have to think about how we are going to understand ourselves, how we are going to see ourselves in this particular situation that is occurring today. I think that this is the time where the faith that we have kept for the past 20 or 30 years comes to its ultimate conclusion, its ultimate fruit. So what I want to suggest to you is to think very deeply about who True Parents are, because without knowing who they are I think it would be very difficult for us to survive this situation in this time today.

I think people who truly understand who True Parents are will find themselves in the same fate and in the same position as True Parents and through that experience they will find themselves drawn closer to True Parents. People who do not see themselves that way then I think will have more and more spiritual difficulties in their spiritual life. I don't intend to go into the details and talk about all the detailed matters of everything today, for example whether or not all the allegations made in the book are true or not.

There is one word that Jesus left for us before he died on the cross. He looked at all the disciples and followers and he said, "Don't cry for me, but cry for your descendants and for yourselves." There is a certain objective fact here which we can look at from two different perspectives. For example, the first would be then to have the conclusion first and to interpret all the facts in a way that leads up to that conclusion. Or we can look at various facts and then arrive at a certain conclusion based on where those lead. The first is inductive reasoning and the second is deductive reasoning.

When we first decided to go this way, we did so as a result of deductive reasoning. We looked at many things and as a result of various things that we saw and heard and facts that we came into contact with we decided, "Okay, therefore, True Parents must be the Messiah and I will follow." It was a deductive process. Then once we began to follow what is required of us, then it is the opposite, that we look at things in the opposite direction. I have heard of several instances where people have said they that are beginning to doubt fundamentally whether True Parents are the Messiah. In that case, such a person should go back to the point where he or she first entered the church.

As Jesus said to Peter we cannot with our own flesh and blood understand the providence of Heaven. As it says in the general introduction to the Divine Principle, the True Parents have come with two missions. One of those missions is to restore all the past history through indemnity. It is to recover all that has been lost. In other words, they have the responsibility to indemnify all the things that the central figures throughout history have failed to accomplish. We are living in the process of history. What kind of history is it? It is the history of providence. What kind of providence? It is the restoration providence. It is the history of restoration through indemnity. And expressed in Korean it is eight syllables, Tang Gam Bok Gui Sub Li Yeok Sa . That is Tang Gam meaning indemnity, Bok Gui meaning restoration, Sub Li providential, Yeok Sa history. Those eight characters in Korean describe all of this mission.

After the fall of Adam and Eve, God established many central figures, after Adam there were Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and Jesus to True Parents. And there are many things that True Parents need to bring to a conclusion within their lifetime. First of all, in order to accomplish the work, they have to know God. And without knowing Satan, nothing can be accomplished. And who in history has known God more deeply than Father knows him? And no one and no doctrine in history has revealed as much about Satan and about the motivation of Satan and about the actual visage of Satan than what True Parents have done. As a central figure in restoration history there are two things that he has to do and one is to bring back, recover, restore fallen man, and that means the liberation of God.

For a human being to restore other human beings means what? It means to restore what was lost in the Garden of Eden. In other words it means to restore the blood lineage and to restore the love that was lost there. We often read the Old Testament. Everything in the Old Testament is a description of the providential process by which preparation was made to send Jesus as the Messiah. Restoration is not simple. In order to have restoration the reverse course of the Fall has to be taken, and we know that this history of restoration began within the family of Adam and Eve.

The essence of restoration is to recover the lost love, the lost blood lineage and the lost life. Because Adam and Eve fell, the descendants of Adam and Eve were no longer the direct descendants of God. They were all the descendants of the archangel, and so our blood lineage, the basic essence of our blood lineage is not that of God. So without knowing exactly what original sin is, there is no way for us to be restored, and only True Parents have exactly identified what the original sin was. It was the creation of a wrong blood lineage, and unless a condition is established to restore this mistaken blood lineage there is no way that the Messiah could come to this Earth. And that is the entire history of the Israelites. Why was Jesus able to come to Israel as the Messiah? We know that it was because of the victory of the three generations of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and we know that especially beginning with the family of Jacob, there was the full scale work to restore the blood lineage. This was based on the victory of Abel's sacrifice in Adam's family.

Today, many people are concerned especially about two particular points, and I have received these questions. One of these has to do with the contents of Nan Sook's book. I think that with regards to the content of that book, we have to understand what the motivation and the intent was of the person who wrote that book. True Parents have released a statement in their name saying that they very much regret the situation that is taking place, centering on Hyo Jin's family, and have asked that people give them time for healing. People have a tendency to believe negative things. I think that the proper position for Abel-type people to take is if we as people who have been on this way of faith for 20 or 30 years, try to look beyond the allegations and try to look at the more fundamental aspect of this. I believe that Father's speech of September 21, the transcript and also the video, will be given to you soon. But I think that the key is who do we confess True Parents to be, and who do we believe the True Parents to be.

As I said a moment ago, the first of True Parents' missions is to restore the 6000 years of providential history, and the second is to establish a Kingdom of God on Earth, the ideal Kingdom on Earth. We don't need to go into the details of the establishment of the ideal Kingdom of God, we are actually living that today and we are a part of the process. As far as providential history is concerned, we can think about them in terms of what we know about them. This is part of the responsibility of the Messiah, someone who knows God and someone who knows Satan, who goes the way in order to restore fallen man, and to liberate God. How incredibly difficult that must be!

Jacob went that course in a conditional way, and Moses did, and Jesus and now finally ultimately, True Parents are going that same way, as the last ones to go that way.

A moment ago I said that Father preached a sermon, do we know True Parents and do we believe in True Parents, but if there is anyone here who thinks that they know True Parents, I would like to see your hand. We may know them externally, but can we really know them in the deepest way, in terms of their mission with God, and in the relationship with God? Father has sometimes said it this way, that no one understands, no one knows. My children don't know, and Mother doesn't know. There are many things, providential things, that only Father knows about, only he can resolve without anyone else knowing. So that is why faith is emphasized.

We can make judgments of good and evil based on our own standards of morality and ethics which are based on what we have learned in the world at large, but those are based on our own horizontal common sense that we have acquired as a member of the society in general. We cannot make judgment on providential things based on that kind of common sense, and we have seen many examples of that in the Bible. The most vivid example of that is the example of Tamar, the daughter-in-law of Judah. There are actually four adulterous women in the ancestry of Jesus whose acts actually helped to establish the conditions for the Messiah to come. Tamar was the daughter-in-law of Judah, the wife of Judah's son, but she received a direction from Heaven to have a relationship with her father-in-law, and Jesus was the descendant of that relationship. Can anyone in society throw a rock at that?

The four gospels of the New Testament include all the positive and good things about Jesus, but that was not necessarily a record of Jesus' life, but was a confession of the faith of the disciples who wrote those gospels. In coming to believe in Jesus, one of the most difficult things for the disciples was how could a person from Nazareth be the Christ? How could such a person be the Messiah? If you have been to Israel you know that Nazareth is a very small village, and everyone knew about the background of Jesus' birth. Father has said that Mary already knew from her father, her father already told her the things she would have to do, by revelation he received that, and people in that age all knew that Jesus was born as an illegitimate child. Partly because of that people in Israel even today do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah. That was one of the largest stumbling blocks in getting people to believe in Jesus as the Messiah, that is, the background of his birth. So in those days, by the common sense of the general society, it was impossible to confess Jesus as the Messiah.

Another good example. In the Old Testament, let's look at Numbers chapter 12. This is talking about the situation just before Moses was about to send 12 men into Canaan. Moses had already married but with the direction from Heaven, he took another woman. At that time Miriam and Aaron his strongest supporters criticized him very harshly. In chapter 12, verse 4, it says (Num 12:4):

'And suddenly the Lord said to Moses and to Aaron and Miriam, "Come out, you three, to the tent of meeting." And the three of them came out." Miriam; and they both came forward. And he said, "Hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make myself known to him in a vision, I speak with him in a dream. Not so with my servant Moses; he is entrusted with all my house. With him I speak mouth to mouth, clearly, and not in dark speech; and he beholds the form of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?" And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them, and he departed; and when the cloud removed from over the tent, behold, Miriam was leprous, as white as snow. And Aaron turned towards Miriam, and behold, she was leprous.'

And here I want to concentrate especially on verse 8, where it says, "With him I speak mouth to mouth, clearly, and not in dark speech". In other words, there was a direct channel of communication between God and Moses. And brothers and sisters, I want to ask you today, do we believe that our True Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, communicates directly with God, or does he communicate with God through someone else? [Directly] In that case, if we believe that there is a direct communication, then with respect to the work and the deeds that Father does, we have to look at them from the providential viewpoint.

Today I want to say to you that within our church, within our congregation, we need to reaffirm and make sure what we believe in, and then to the world outside, we need to prepare ourselves so that we can go out and proclaim proudly the content of our faith.

As we approach the year 2000, all of history is coming to a conclusion at a certain point. Many prophesiers and prophets have said that the year 1999 will be the year of the final judgment. We are living in a time of great judgment, and we are also at a stage now where our faith has to be brought to its ultimate point. So let us not try to judge based on our own flesh and blood, or on our own common sense reasoning. There is nothing that True Parents do without reasons that lie in providential history, and if we believe in Father and believe that he is the Messiah, then we also have to believe in the things that he does.

You have seen in the Bible where Jesus says, "If you cannot believe in me, then look at the things that I do, and believe in my deeds." I think that each of us has our own different way of coming to the conclusion that True Parents are the Messiah. As the Messiah, there are two things that he has to do. One is to recover human beings. But before humanity can be restored and recovered, there are things that he has to do as the Messiah in order to achieve that position of True Parents, and True Parents are not in a position to explain all those things to us and it is not necessary for him to do so. He has told us everything about the public course that we need to take, and he does not speak about the courses that are not our responsibility to follow.

In the course of history, there have been many religious leaders who have received revelations about polygamy, Joseph Smith would be one example, and others too. Some of those people then told their disciples that they should also do the same. The True Parents have to make right all that was wrong beginning with Adam and Eve and then go back and then stand in the position of Adam and Eve. That is the eternal position that Father and Mother are standing in today, and he has already described that process through many, many speeches.

Today, I would like to introduce to you one sermon, in which Father talks about the essential part of the change of blood lineage. Today, Father is in a position where whether people believe it or not, he has a responsibility to speak the truth, and so there is some of that content that was in the speech that he gave at the anniversary of the founding of the Washington Times on April 16, 1996, "View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation " ( http://www.unification.net/1996/960416.html ) and he has spoken about this in his nationwide speaking tours, and he spoke in great detail about the situation about the restoration of Mary. He spoke in great detail about the aspects of Mary's mission that she was not able to accomplish. He also spoke in detail of this in the speech, "The Meaning of the Day of Victory of Love" which was given in São Paulo, last year. On page 22 of this speech, he revealed all that can be revealed about the situation of Adam and Eve. If you want to have a more intellectual understanding of this, you can go into brother Damian Anderson's web page, and click on 1997, and click on this speech, "The Meaning of the Day of Victory of Love", and you can read that for yourselves. (http://www.unification.net/1997/970102.html)

The essential most important aspect of the restoration is the restoration of women, that is the most important aspect of God's providence. The fall of Eve led to the fall of all of humanity and that has led to the situation where all humanity has a fallen blood lineage. The Messiah is sent by Heaven, and there has to be a representative from Earth, and Eve has to be in the position where no matter what happens, no matter what the circumstances are, she will absolutely believe in the Messiah, and believe in Heaven. This is the course that Mother has come. This has been true since 1960, since their Holy Marriage.

During the period from 1960 to 1967, Mother was married but she was not in the position of the wife, she was in the position of the daughter, and during that time she had to go the course of rising up from being a daughter to becoming a wife. We have heard some things about how Mother accomplished this heartistic victory and how Father led her through that course. It was a very difficult and steep course. For example, she could not even enter Father's room without his permission, that even though she was a wife, she was actually in the position of servant of servants, and she had to rise up to the position of wife. It was on the foundation of Mother's victory in this course that God's Day was proclaimed in 1968. It was in 1992 then that it was proclaimed that Mother was really then on the same level, completely on the same level as Father. I will read just a part of that proclamation:

"Because of this process, I could not raise True Mother until 1992. Because women are talkative, a woman has a great possibility to disclose providential secrets. Therefore, after accomplishing all things for 40 years, from 1952 until 1992, with the liberation of women, True Mother could stand beside me with equal qualifications. From that time I began a three to four year course of handing over my authority to True Mother. I am going such a way now until this year. By this year, everything has to be done."

This sermon by Father, "The Meaning of the Day of Victory of Love" contains a great deal about Father's course to accomplish this. The content that he has taught us is very simple, that we can believe and follow. There are many things that Father does not and cannot talk to us about. These are providential things that only the True Family need to know. Beginning with the 36 couples and all the way until now, the direction that he has given us has been blessing. The direction we have received from Father is to unite as a couple, and to establish an ideal family. We do not understand the various indemnity conditions that have taken place in order to bring us to the point where we can now have the ideal family. I think that some day there will come a time when Heaven can reveal these things to us, one by one, but it cannot be revealed and announced before the time has come. The situation of Heaven's history of restoration though indemnity cannot be understood and cannot be approached from the common sense point of view of the fallen world.

It was only recently in the 1990s that Father began to talk about the situation of Mary, and about the more detailed situation of the background of Jesus' birth. He could not talk about this during the 1970s or the 1980s. And he spoke of the situation of Leah and Rachel, and how this related to Mrs. Won Bok Choi, and others, which could not be revealed before. I believe that if we read the words that Father has given us, the answers to what concerns us today are contained within those words.

To conclude, I would like to say again, we are in the position today of having realized the Completed Testament Age providence together with True Parents, and I think that if we understand who True Parents are, then all the questions to all our concerns will come out naturally. And there are many ways for us to understand True Parents. Of course, we can go back to Father's words, and read the words, and understand again who Father is. Only the Messiah can tell us about God and about Satan, and about the formula course for restoring original sin. And only the Messiah could have done the things that True Parents have done over the last 40 years of providential history.

The word I would like to leave you with finally is that what we need to do today is to pray. This is one shortcut to understanding who True Parents are. That shortcut is to read True Parents' prayers. Read ten, twenty examples of True Parents' prayers. When Father speaks, when he stands up and gives a sermon, he may speak in parables and symbols, but when he is praying, he is speaking directly with God, so there are no parables and symbols there. There is only direct speech there. Though Father's prayers we can see how absolutely and how completely Father knows God. We can see to what extent and how absolutely God and True Father are one, and how much and to what extent, how absolutely Father and Mother have established oneness between themselves. The most important thing is for God and True Father to be one, and for Father and Mother to be one, and for the parents and their children to be one, that is a priority.

Of course, with regards to the things that are taking place in the True Family we have to be very sad. I would like to speak very simply, and in a very common sense way about this. Recently, many wives came to Upshur House for the 40 day IOWC course. They left behind their husbands and children, and at the end of the 40 days it was time for reflections and this kind of topic was mentioned then. For 40 days, the mother was not home, and so now the children are just in a mess. First of all spiritually they could not have a center, and in a physical sense, no one was controlling them, no one was disciplining them. If this had taken place so that the parents could go off and enjoy something by themselves, then this would have been a crime. But for two providential reasons, True Parents not just for 40 days, but for the entire lives of their children were not able to really take care of them as much as they would like to have done. I know that there are a number of people in our congregation who have had opportunities to live closely with True Parents.

Father from the time when he was 16 years old and accepted this mission until today, there is not even one hour that he has spent for his own private purpose. We know that Father is a person who lives for the liberation of God and who lives for the situation of the providence with every cell of his body from the top of his head all throughout his body every second of every day, and that we know that through his words and we know that through his prayers and that is the reason that we have followed him up until today. Father gave the responsibility for his children to us who have received the love from Heaven. There is also their own portion of responsibility. Just from a common sense point of view, just think about the situation of a household where the father and mother are not present, in America. And think about what would happen in your household, if this were to happen and the parents were not able to be at home to discipline or control the children. In this American environment, what would happen to the children then?

We have to accept this pain as our own pain, and the pain of this family as the pain of our own families. This is the pain of True Parents, it is the pain of God. In the end, the final answer to our questions have to come from Heaven, and we have to receive it ourselves in prayer before Heaven. I think it is not a coincidence that President Clinton who represents America externally and the True Family are going through similar things at the same time. Right now, heaven is carrying out the grand finale of providential history in which all 6000 years of history are being indemnified. This will end with the final judgment, and this is a time that a great spiritual hurricane is coming. Certainly with earthly physical strength, we cannot stand that, and we will not be able to stand it with secular and general common sense. We have to ask heaven for wisdom. We have to ask heaven for our answers, and we have to look for our answers through the Holy Spirit. Because the True Family is in this situation right now, the spirit world is in an uproar, and people who pray give us all kinds of warnings. We have also heard warnings directly from True Parents. We have to think very deeply about our own thoughts and actions, and we have to be very careful in what we say. We are at a point now where we can either if we are not careful throw all our past life and the things that we have done into the trash, or else we can stand firmly on the side of Heaven and stand at a perpendicular angle and be connected with God.

I would like to thank you that almost everyone is praying with the attitude of love for True Parents and concern for their situation. Among the crosses that True Parents have to bear, the most difficult cross to bear is the cross of love. That which was lost as a result of love has to be restored, regained through love, and how incredible all the situations they have faced must have been in that course. That cannot be judged based on common sense standards. And they do not want to leave for their children the course of indemnity that only they are going and they need to know about. That is why they are parents of love. Love is sacrificial love. Love is not expressed through words. Do parents express their own struggles to their children? If True Parents have a situation which they know has to be restored in their own lifetimes, they are not going to pass this on to their own children through their words.

I would like to say that True Parents already previously predicted that this kind of situation would arise. And so after the proclamation of God's Day, they have gone through a series of providential indemnity in order to defeat Satan and in order to create a new God's Day. I think Father would say something like this now, "Don't worry about me, but worry about yourselves, and worry about your own descendants."

Let's open our spiritual eyes, and let's come together with True Parents at a 90 degree angle with our spiritual senses. If necessary go in through deep prayer, and if necessary, approach them through fasting. But in any case, we are in the same boat as True Parents today. If the way that we have come is the right way, then we cannot feel embarrassed about what we have believed. Father has said that there will come a time when there will be things that you cannot believe in no matter how hard you try, but you will have to believe in them. That is the lesson of history. That is the lesson of Ham.

The actions of Ham from general common sense were quite justified, but from the providential viewpoint, we know that his actions were a decisive mistake at a very important turning point in providential history. Our confession is that Father is a person who will not compromise even one bit away from the providence of history, who will not turn even one step away from that.

Father has said with respect to Nan Sook, we have to pray that she will return, that she will come back. And we have to understand that we need to educate our children very well. We were very shocked to hear the story about Un Jin. The only way to know about Father is through the Divine Principle. The same with Nan Sook. She was too young. And it was very difficult for them at their age to understand Father as the Messiah, and to confess Father as the Messiah. All the dark forces of history that have tried to destroy the heavenly families throughout the course of the providence have now all come together in order to strike at the True Family. But no matter what happens, certainly Father will never step back, he will never retreat in the face of this. Heaven will always continue to go forward in the providence. There will come a time when the providence is finally victorious and Father has said that the suffering that his family is going through will be a sacrifice for the sake of the victory of the cosmic providence. And I hope that your deep thoughts and deep prayers will bring you to the course that you can go ahead.

The Affirmation of True Parents: A Confession of Faith

Reverend Joong Hyun Pak

This is derived from a sermon given at the Sunday Service October 4, 1998, in Kodiak, Alaska

These are the last days and our faith should be centered very closely on the Messiah. The time calls us to confess our belief in the Reverend and Mrs. Moon as the True Parents of all humankind. A Unificationist confession of faith is the humble and open admission and proclamation that Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon are the True Parents of all humankind. Confession of faith is beyond reason; it is based upon God’s revelation. It is to stake one’s life upon this.

It is a very serious matter to follow the True Parents, so our life of faith begins with the confession that our True Parents are the Messiah. The starting point of our faith is the revelation of the identity of the Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. They are the True Parents, the new ancestors of humankind. This point is the essence of our faith.

Confession is a form of witness. Consider Andrew, Peter’s spiritual father. We see in John 1:35-42 that Andrew was a follower of John the Baptist. Andrew was always looking for the Messiah. Andrew witnessed John’s baptism of Jesus and recognized, by revelation, that Jesus was the son of God. Andrew was deeply moved by this experience. Out of curiosity Andrew asked James who was Jesus, and they both started to follow Jesus. Jesus spoke to Andrew and James and they followed Jesus as the Messiah.

The first thing Andrew did, according to scripture, was to go to his brother, Peter. Andrew told Peter, "We have found the Messiah." This was the first act of witnessing to Christ. In our church we usually say indirectly that the True Parents are the Messiah, sharing many other points first. It is better if we declare as did Andrew, "I have found the Messiah; I have found True Parents."

Later, in Matthew 16:13-19, we read Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Christ. There were many rumors about Jesus in that society, so Jesus asked Peter, "Who do you say that I am?" Peter answered with his confession that Jesus is "the Christ, the son of the living God." We must answer this question. When Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" he was happy with Peter’s answer because he wanted to give his mission to someone who could understand who he was. Jesus blessed Peter, called him "the rock," and gave him the keys to the kingdom.

Based upon our confession, we receive blessings. Sadly, none of us appreciate God’s blessing. We easily take it for granted. We treat it as if it is a common stone on the street, not the diamond that it really is. But if we look in the Bible, it was very rare for an individual to receive God’s blessing. God directly blessed only Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In the New Testament, only John the Baptist, Peter and the disciples received a direct blessing from God. True Parents’ blessing is most valuable. Conveying the blessing is just as valuable as receiving it. The fact that we recite the Family Pledge means that the True Parents gave their inheritance to us as blessed families.

Minister Louis Farrakhan openly declared that the Reverend and Mrs. Moon are the True Parents and that we should all become True Parents. No one asked him to do that; he spoke from inspiration. Because he is their spiritual leader, his followers have also come to believe that Reverend and Mrs. Moon are the True Parents. So when True Mother came to their cities, they clearly knew that they should help in whatever way they could to attend True Mother.

We also should clearly confess our faith in the True Parents. We need to establish a clear foundation of faith and confess that the True Parents are the Messiah, that they are the living, substantial God. Let us make this confession with conviction. Through making this confession, we can separate from Satan. If you doubt, if you find it difficult to make this confession, you should pray and ask God directly if the True Parents are the Messiah. Through confession we should develop an ever-deepening understanding that the True Parents are the Messiah.

Everyday I renew my answer to the question, "What is the mission of the Messiah?" I believe that the essence of messiahship is the love of true parents. The Messiah in the fullness of marriage and family love manifests as True Parents. Adam and Eve were born to become the True Parents, but they failed. Jesus and the Holy Spirit succeeded as the True Parents in spirit. Through them we are spiritually reborn. Reverend and Mrs. Moon are the physical True Parents.

Why I Believe Sun Myung Moon is the Messiah

1. Every morning we gather for Hoon Dok Hae. I realize from his words that Reverend Moon is the king of the truth. He is the greatest teacher. He is teaching a worldview that encompasses the spirit and flesh, religion and science, history, the present moment and the eternal future, heaven and earth, man and woman, everything, under the principle of true love. It is the perfect development of God’s words recorded over thousands of years in the Bible. I confess my faith that no one else has approached such an understanding of the truth of God. He is one with the truth that he teaches, so he and True Mother are the truth itself, the living representation of the truth of God.

2. I confess my faith that Reverend and Mrs. Moon are the king and queen of true love. They practice absolute love for God, humankind and all things of creation. He and True Mother are love itself, the living representation and model of the love of God. His life is one of continual sacrifice. He goes out on the ocean even during heavy rain and snow, even in his 60s and 70s, to pray and to console God. This love is at the root of a vision that has brought forth a revolution in culture without precedent. He has created a network of leaders and simple people alike transcending race, religion, nation and culture, dedicated to the family and life for the sake of others. Through this foundation of love for all humankind, "the government shall be upon his shoulders, and he shall be called, prince of peace."

3. The origin of my faith is not myself, but God. The earliest Unification Church members exemplify this. They received revelations and spiritual guidance directly from the True Parents through dreams and visions. They were called, chosen and justified directly by the Holy Spirit.

In Pusan, the first member in South Korea, Miss Hyun Shil Kang, had been searching for the Messiah. Reverend Mrs. Kang, now National Messiah of Russia, heard directly from God that she should go to a particular mountain to meet the Messiah. She had been looking for the glorious Messiah coming on the clouds. She was so shocked to see a small, shabby hut on that mountain. God told her to open the door, but she ran away from the door, disbelieving that the glorious Messiah could be inside such a place. She was told again by God to open the door. Again, she ran away in disbelief. Where were the trumpets and angels surrounding the coming of the Lord? Finally, she opened the door and Reverend Moon welcomed her. He was there by himself, kneeling on the floor and looking up at her. He said that he had been waiting for her to come, that Heavenly Father had told him to expect a righteous daughter of God. He knew that she had struggled to open the door.

There are two important lessons to be learned. First is that because the spirit world witnessed directly to the early members, those members will never deny their faith. In this light, it is important to realize the messianic prophecies of world-level spiritualists such as Nostradamus. One American scholar listed the possible candidates for the position of the Messiah based upon the prophecies of Nostradamus. Of those whom he suggested, one was Reverend Moon. The others have faded away, and the only one who has maintained his mission and thus his qualification is Reverend Moon.

The second is that the Messiah appears not in external glory, but as another human being. By my spiritual eyes, I can see his internal glory. He suffers from heat and cold, he endures hunger and thirst, he gets lonely, he is in most ways just like us. The main difference is that he is consumed by God’s love and is anointed by God to establish His life, love and lineage on earth as Jesus did in Heaven.

4. What is the method of the Messiah? He discovered that the path of God’s people is the life of indemnity. Human beings are debtors; we have made so many mistakes. The Messiah pays back the entire debt and liberates humankind. He walks the road of indemnity. Laws and values change according to social convention. The Messiah obeys the laws of his society but at the same time obeys the law of indemnity. Generally, a person sacrifices only to benefit himself and his family. But the Messiah sacrifices for God and all humanity. He leads a public life and has no private life.

No one sought to comfort and serve Jesus after his 40 day fast. Who came? Satan appeared to show a kindness to Jesus. Satan offered food, angelic support and all the kingdoms of the world. Jesus refused the temptations and triumphed over Satan. Satan is afraid of those who obey the law of indemnity. If he had followed Satan, no one would have persecuted Jesus. Persecution comes when we follow the way of indemnity.

True Parents’ entire life has been one of paying indemnity. Reverend Moon went through the entire 8 stages of the indemnity course, from servant of servants, to servant, to step son, to adopted son, to true son, to mother position, to father position, to God Himself. He celebrated this victory with the Pal Jong Shik ceremony in 1989 here in Kodiak.

5. I always strive to see Reverend Moon with my spiritual eyes. Simon of Cyrene met Jesus on the road to Calvary. He saw Jesus carrying the heavy cross. Simon was a black Jew from what is now Libya in North Africa. He had come to Jerusalem on a pilgrimage. Simon had heard that the Messiah was in Jerusalem. Not one of the disciples was there to help Jesus, but Simon looked at Jesus and Jesus returned Simon’s gaze. Simon and Jesus communicated briefly, but directly, eye to eye, on the way of the cross. At that moment, with one look, Simon realized that this pitiful young man carrying the cross was the Messiah he had sought. I want to see True Parents with that perception. I live in the presence of the Messiah, so my faith must be even stronger than Simon’s.

Naturally Simon sought to help Jesus. He carried the cross for Jesus. Simon was one of the last people to whom Jesus witnessed before his death. Without a word, through only eye to eye communication, Simon recognized Jesus as the Messiah (Matt 27:32).

The Book of Acts records the presence of Simon’s family along with the 12 disciples at the Pentecost (2:10). Upon his return to Cyrene, Simon must have witnessed to his wife and son. There is no further record of Simon, but in Romans 16:12 there is an interesting reference. St. Paul sent this letter to the church in Rome to let them know that he had plans to come to Rome. Since it would be a while before he could arrive in Rome, he sent this letter to give spiritual guidance. In the last part of the letter he greeted the church members in Rome. In Rom 16:13, Paul mentions Rufus and his mother, who was Simon of Cyrene’s wife. He referred to her as being his mother too. This means that Paul saw her as a mother figure for the Roman church.

It seems that Rufus and his mother went to Rome and gained Roman citizenship. Then they were able to witness and pioneer legally. She could take care of the early members. Similarly, in our pioneer churches, we had the concept of father figure and mother figure. Simon’s wife laid the foundation of faith in Rome. She also supported Paul financially. Jesus witnessed to Simon of Cyrene just before the cross. Simon then witnessed to his wife and son, and they went to Rome and pioneered one of the early churches. This was the plan of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The last person to whom Jesus witnessed was the thief by his side on Calvary. He witnessed without words. We do not know what moved the heart of that thief, but it came from Jesus on the cross. The thief could see that Jesus had committed no sin. He was moved to defend Jesus publicly. The other thief tested Jesus. "If you are the Messiah, save yourself and us too!" he said. He judged Jesus according to his own selfish desire. Show me you are the Messiah by releasing me from this punishment. How might Jesus have gazed upon that fallen man! The effect upon the other thief was to repent, confess his own sinfulness, testify to Jesus’ innocence, then testify to Jesus’ messiahship by asking that Jesus remember him when coming into his kingdom (Luke 23:39-43). This thief saw Jesus’ innocence in the midst of the world condemning Jesus.

6. I pray to God deeply and study the Divine Principle and Unification Thought, and through these means I understand that Reverend and Mrs. Moon are the Messiah and True Parents. My deep original mind tells me to follow them as the Messiah. My original heart knows the truth. I strive to follow my spiritual senses. Without True Parents, I am lonely and in constant danger. With True Parents I become a man of God and receive God’s power.

7. I believe in Reverend and Mrs. Moon because the world needs godly leadership beyond boundaries, and I see them taking that responsibility. We live in a world in which each nation influences all the others. Our problems now are global problems, such as civil wars between racial and ethnic groups, organized crime, AIDS, drug traffic, pollution and mismanagement of natural resources. We need planning and governing on a global level. But America is weakened by the moral crisis of the presidency. We lack military preparedness, and this compromises world peace. There are armed conflicts all over the world.

The United Nations is a paper tiger. It allows each nation to work for its own self-interest. The United Nations personnel as a whole live luxuriously. This is why many in the US want to dismantle the UN. Reverend Moon, on the other hand, says that we should restore the UN. He says that if it does not improve, it will decline and a new UN will rise up. I see our True Parents devoting all their resources into solving global problems, centering not on one nation or bloc of nations, not on one race or one religion, but on God.

A New Standard of Judgment

We need a new set of eyeglasses, a new worldview, a new standard of judgment. This standard by which we are measured is absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. We need to deny ourselves more and more to realize absolute faith. Does absolute faith mean absolute faith in oneself? No! As Reverend Zin Moon Kim puts it, we need to end our fixation on "I, my, me." I need to deny myself. I am an unworthy person. Further, I need to give true love, live sacrificially for others and follow the True Parents, not my own will. God used this standard of judgment at the time of the creation. True Parents have continuously followed and exemplified this standard. This standard is my new eyeglasses. The lens of these eyeglasses should be my own tears. I seek to see the world through the lens of tears.

The True Parents are not just fighting visible evil but are also fighting the invisible power of Satan. Father discovered the principle of separating from and subjugating Satan, which explained the course of God’s providence revealed in the Bible. We separate from Satan by our faithful offering of our material goods, ourselves and our families to God. We should do this not just for a day, a week or year, but over a significant period of time. Noah, for example, spent 120 years building the ark, sacrificing his material comfort, himself and his family for God and His will. This sacrificial offering reversed the lack of faith demonstrated by Adam and Eve. This act of indemnity separated Noah and his family from Satan.

The next stage is one of substantial change of heart through sacrificial love. The paramount biblical example is that of Jacob changing the heart of Esau, who wanted to kill Jacob, by offering his material goods, his family and himself to his brother. The hatred in Esau’s heart changed to love as the brothers embraced. As Noah exemplified vertical love for God, Jacob exemplified horizontal love for one’s brother.

Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was the ultimate act of indemnity. Jesus loved the world, forgiving his enemies at the cost of his life. God loved the world so much that He gave up His only begotten son. Through our faith in the resurrected Christ, our hearts are substantially changed, evil is changed to love, and we are reborn. This is indemnity.

Our True Parents have followed the course of indemnity their entire lives. Father teaches about indemnity by using examples, such as the life of the salmon. Salmon pay indemnity and practice true love. They follow an incredible suffering course on the way to mate and procreate. They have many enemies, hurdles and handicaps to overcome. They must travel through streams where brown bears are waiting. A brown bear will eat up to 20 salmon a day. Also eagles are searching them out. They must jump up and over waterfalls and avoid the hooks of fishermen. Father said we should say "salmoon," not salmon, because the life of the True Parents is like that of a salmon.

Like the salmon’s suffering course, the True Parents have fulfilled the 8 stage course of indemnity. Everything they do is a condition to bring God’s love to this world. Through my faith in them, my heart is substantially changed. True Parents have paid the necessary indemnity and have won. True Parents have sacrificed both spiritually and physically to restore true love. I testify without hesitation that our True Parents have never misused love, manpower, money or time. They have absolutely followed the Principle and have paid the indemnity required at each stage of the restoration providence.


In the early days of Christianity, the church went through great difficulties and challenges to their faith. Peter wrote to his brothers and sisters about this, saying "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing; so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultation. If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you." (1 Peter 4:12-14)

With this spirit, let us make a new start with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Let us boldly declare, as Andrew did to Peter, "I have found the Messiah and the True Parents. Who are they? They are the Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon." The 1998 motto is to love God and the True Parents and be proud of them. Heaven is ready to support us if we first believe in the blessedness of the time in which we are living and go forward. Through this faith we can build the kingdom of heaven on earth. We all have received the blessing directly from God and the True Parents. We repay through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience.

Speech to East Coast Members

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

This is from a speech given September 21, 1998,, at East Garden, New York and is derived from unofficial notes taken by Dr. Hendricks from Rev. Peter Kim’s simultaneous interpretation.

How many church leaders are here? What are the other missions? You are all blessed couples, right? Do you know the responsibility of blessed couples?

Spirit world is in the position of cause. Human beings in this world are resultant beings. The purpose of the providence of restoration is to go back to the world of cause and fix it for the fallen descendants, then to come back here. Therefore, without knowing the world of cause clearly, we cannot understand the world of result.

What is the crux of spirit world? (God) Yes, God. But that is too simple. Since God is the cause and we are the objects who resemble Him, we consist of dual characteristics, and so does God. We have mind and body relations, resembling God's original nature. Our mind connects us to God. Do you feel it? Does your mind function unchangeably every day, or does it change? The body changes even more than the mind. Why? Did God create us with mind and body changeable or unchangeable? (Unchangeable) But how can you prove that? (We believe it) What you believe may be different from reality.

We know for a fact that our mind and body are changeable. Do you think this came about gradually, or through an accident? If God created us to be changeable, then He is not absolute. God is unchangeable. (He is our parent) Did you say parent? If we simply say that, it doesn't mean much. We need to dig into that statement to find its meaning. As our parent, whom does God resemble? He resembles humanity, as parents do their children. Our character distinguishes us from animals. The mind includes knowledge, emotion and will. Having these, what do we want? Truth, goodness and beauty. Our character should be full of truth, goodness and beauty.

What does truth mean? Does it change? (No) Do you know truth? (Yes) What is it? (DP) Yes, but the DP itself is a written text, not perfect truth. When we say right hand, it should be the truth of the right hand. If a finger is missing a joint, it is not perfect yet. Truth should meet a standard. The finger should be based on the perfect shape of the finger. Men have a right arm, which they might claim as a true right arm, but if you have only that, then you cannot say you are a true model human being.

We compile components to build a house, each of which should be perfect and when assembled it is a perfect house. Have we all established perfect character? (No) How would you grade yourself? We can judge ourselves, how filthy and changeable we are. Does anyone want to be changeable? Nature embodies truth, hence it is unchangeable. When changeable human beings embrace unchangeable nature, nature shakes its head and asks not to be touched. The food we eat is unchangeable nature; does it enjoy going into our mouth? (No) As changeable beings, should we consume unchangeable food? No, by consuming it, we are killers and thieves. Can we find any perfect, righteous person in the world? We judge each other as nice and honest, or cold, but is that right to do?

Those who oppose the UC say it is satanic, with a lot of secrets, that I am the king of thieves and liars. After you have heard that, why do you still follow me? If the right hand itself is truth, then you might be following just because his right arm is true. (No) Why are you following? Because he is oriental and most ugly? Oriental and most handsome? As westerners, do you want the most handsome oriental man or most handsome western man? (Oriental) Those called WASPS cannot stand hearing this.

The truth never changes. The body is an individual truth body in itself, but also the head represents the whole body, then the trunk, and then the limbs each represent the body. Which is more critical? The eyes, the navel or what? What determines your sex? (The love organ) Do you have a love organ? (Yes) Is it the most fearful or most joyous part of your body? (Both) Are Americans' sexual organs changeable or unchangeable? (Changeable) Then are they true or false? (False) If so, will they end up in the trash can or palace? (Trash can) If you shout this out on Fifth Avenue, will they attack you or like you?

What is the headquarters of the changeable love organ? (The White House; everyone laughs) Is President Clinton the best or worst person in that realm? (Worst) Why worst? Because of the most changeable eyes or what? (Sex organ)

What is the core of virtue? Eating little food? What is it? It is having an unchangeable love organ. What is that? It is the absolute love organ. If it is absolute, should we tie it up and leave it unused, or utilize it? (Utilize it) What is better, that it is exercising or fixed? (Laughter) Speaking of the male love organ, some make a 90-degree angle, stiff, powerful and strong. A question to the ladies: do you want your husband's love organ 30, 45 or 90 degrees? (90 degrees) Rephrasing the question, only 90 degrees or over 90 degrees? (Over) Show your hands. You are shy, but should be able to raise both hands and wave them around, and fly. When you make love, do you wish to be in heaven up in the sky, or in your little hut?

The horizontal line and vertical line inside a circle both want to be as long as possible, hence to meet in the center. AS object of God, human beings are horizontal. Where do they meet God? In the center. If the center point moves up the vertical axis, the circle is shrunk. Meeting in the center, the radii are equal, creating a perfect sphere. A perfect sphere is the best form to revolve without resistance. There is no noise when it spins. Its spinning is even difficult to discern with the eyes. In this spirit, we all want to become round, a perfect sphere. Then we can move without being hurt. This is the purpose of dual characteristics in every being, by which each can move. This is the formula of the universe.…

We have five senses, each taking four years to form a perfect four position foundation, equaling twenty years. Then all five senses are focused in synch with each other. The power to focus them is love. Love focuses the five senses to form the sphere. We also have five spiritual senses. All ten senses should focus at one point. Our ten senses and God’s ten senses should focus at one point. That one point determines peace, happiness, etc.…

The variety of combinations make the beautiful creation, including color, form, action, etc. Plug the north and south poles together to light up the globe. Love color music power, immediately occupies you. Sound, action, dancing, everyone together… When God watches this, will He be happy or sad? (Happy) Man is the north pole, woman the south pole. The voltage comes from God. Entire cities will be glowing in God’s love. Don’t you think God wants to possess such a man and woman? For one day, or eternity? (Eternity) God will be steered by whatever this couple wants. That is the picture of the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven.

Once we are activated by this true love power, there is no change. It is like getting water from a well forever. God created Adam and Eve with unchangeable mind and body, and by their maturation, God’s love power would have inserted there, and their mind and body would have lasted eternally, unchanging. This is so that the core and core can be connected forever, as if with crazy glue. On the other hand, the spark created by free sex does not connect; it is separable.…

The one who sacrifices his nation for the sake of its better future is a patriot. He who sacrifices his nation for his own sake is a traitor. What of the person who proclaims himself a great UC leader, and then turns into a great proponent of the position that the UC is a bad place? That person is Satan. Have I ever criticized or blamed anyone? When it was the USA as plaintiff and I as the defendant, who criticized whom? The USA criticized me. Communists attack me, but in the end they said I am innocent. I was imprisoned in the 1950s and the entire government mobilized to dig up crimes they could attribute to me, but they found nothing and I was released innocent.

In Korea I was labeled a thief of women. It started from the opposition of Christianity. They knew that I brought the most powerful truth, which they feared. Once they accepted it, they knew it would unify Christianity, Catholic and Protestant, as well as all religions and the secular world. That's why the men stood against me. The women looked on at their husbands' reactions and decided to check it out. They discovered the truth and decided to follow. Then the fathers and husbands went crazy because their children and wives were following me. Threats and persecution came to me. Men with rifles and bats came at me. Which are more beautiful, oriental or western women? Oriental women's' faces are flat, which is nice, but western women have higher and lower aspects to their face, much more variety. Oriental women smile just with their face, but western women do so with their entire body. Their laugh is much louder. So, the CIA tried to tempt me by sending women agents. Those agents wrote confessions to Father about it later.

If I open my arms to embrace you, you western women will come forward, right? (Yes) Oriental women are lonely because of this, and are jealous of western women and say I am prejudiced. So some oriental women feel I teach true love but practice discrimination by shape and color of skin, so they leave the movement. True daughters see that Father cares more for western and oriental women members than them, so they do not like Father. They ask, "How can we call you our father?" It is the same feeling of lack of love as in the Garden of Eden, leading to the same feelings of jealousy. Have I proved that I love the Cain type children more than the Abel type children? (Yes) Even as I leave for South America, my children grab me and beg me to stay. I often stop overnight in New York and my children stand by to talk with me, but I cannot even give them ten or twenty minutes, because I have a public schedule lined up. Don't worry about Nan Sook's story. I never even spent one hour talking with her. Of course she came to the True Family at 17 and her life has been lonely, miserable and hard. [Note: she was 17 by Korean determination of age; 16 by western] So when she felt a lack of love from True Parents, she developed a bitter feeling. Now the time came that I made the 4.4 Commemoration [this September 8], which means I can embrace my family and enter heaven with them. If I had even spent a few hours with them, this problem would not have occurred.

Nan Sook says I cannot be the messiah because I do not love my own family. From my point of view, my heart first goes out to the members who went to South America and are suffering there. But the True Children complain that we take leaders out to buy them suits, but rarely do so for our children. I have focused on restoration of the world, so this trouble came into the family. I globalized this offering table of love for the sake of humankind. My parents and family are the offering, because they are the closest to God. In history, the closest to God are offered. UC members want to piggyback on the True Family because they are on the offering table. Once the 360 million couples blessing is completed, think of how the world will respect and adore the True Family. They will have to pay back. The time is coming when all humanity will understand the suffering of the True Family for the sake of humanity. Once the foundation of all humanity being blessed, God will arrange for all humanity to pay back.

If True Family had stayed in Korea, this wouldn't have happened. It is partly a result of the culture of extreme privacy and individualism, which is evil. Does anyone disagree? (No one) In my life there have been and are many enemies trying to get rid of me. I try to forget and ignore them. But Satan expects me to fight them. If I had to deal with those billions of enemies, it would be endless. All families opposed me. It would take forever. That's why I forget it. I know that I have to restore 4,000 years in 40 years. I have no time to fight anyone. I know those world leaders who once opposed me are now friends.

The road may be twisting and rugged, but we have to reach the goal I had nothing to do with violating law, but I was put in jail. I knew that Satan wanted me to stand up and fight. If Christianity had accepted me at the start, there would have been no divorce. Upon being received by Christianity, I could have united Christians in Korea, Asia and the world. Why would I need a divorce? I violated no Korean laws, but because women followed me so fervently, their husbands plotted against me. This spread to put me in jail, but I am ashamed of nothing, because I taught those wives to be celibate. Naturally they separated from their husband. The husbands assumed they were in love with me. There were many accidents or episodes due to curfew. They would climb over their house walls and our church walls at 4 am, and they would hurt themselves or dogs would bark, and this caused persecution.

In those days, women felt as if I were their brother, fiancee, husband and father. That close spiritual feeling was typical. They experienced the four realms of heart. They could not eat or sleep. Then the spirit world showed them what I was doing. They would know where to meet me. Usually it was the males opposing, because the women neglected their housework. So persecution started because of women. I was threatened at gun-point, beaten. Because I had to restore women from Satan's side, women of all ages. I came to restore the women's side first, so that they would serve as a bridge. So women love Father. This is a worldwide phenomenon. . . .

As long s there is a feeling of enemy, it is impossible for God to see the ideal. So He teaches, love your enemy. This swallows communism, democracy, and everything. So many enemies passed away and I forget their names. I forget forever, and only love remains. Those who live for others are in the center, taking responsibility, ownership and protection. That is the result of love power.

If it can be said of anyone, it can be said of me that I live my life for others. If anyone opposes me, what do they gain? Those who try to destroy my family will not be successful. Some anti-moonie Jews and Christians teamed up against me. Even the Old and New Testaments together do not defeat the completed testament. If I teach religious young people the DP, they all will follow. The problem is that they have not heard it. It is that powerful. That is why the leaders oppose, so I feel pity for them. The opposition is perishing, one by one. Research shows this. 80 percent of opposers have perished or subsided. I never perished, but still am prospering. It is heavenly fate. Because I am minus to God. Even the communist world fell. The religious world is falling as well, and the secular family is falling. The core place is the real family. Smoothly going over every level to the spirit world. The True Family is the center. It is the starting and returning point of every kingship. .

There are people who are working against my family and me for a selfish purpose, despite the sacrifice of myself and my family for America. If we sympathize with them, God will judge us. We should challenge those who speak unrighteously against my family. Have a strong spirit and nothing will happen. They will perish. Do not pray that they will perish; rather, have parental hearts. If your son were about to be executed for murder, you would wish there were no such law as the death penalty.

As the UC founder, my life is to practice true love. Then why is there trouble in my family and was there more than one woman involved? God advocates absolute sex, and He cannot touch or intervene in fallen sex. He could not intervene in the fall. True Parents only can fix it. The restored Adam came in the place of God, so when True Parents play the role of God practicing absolute sex, think of the cross they need to carry. God has trained them in the spirit of true love. So why was there a divorce? I was trained to control myself even with the most beautiful woman tempting me in bed, even if about to make love, I can turn around and cut it off. So Father cannot think of another woman or of divorce.

Women destroyed Adam's family, Jesus' family, and now are trying to destroy my family, the family of the Lord of the Second Advent. What shall I do? It is the course of the cross. True Parents are the only ones in history to make the road carrying the cross of love. Even after 1960, my first wife still loved me. I may have set the world's record at dealing with attempted seductions. Crazy things happened. I had to put four locks on my bedroom door. A woman once tore down the door. A woman came in naked and took my blanket and said, please save me. Then, when I said no, she said, it takes only five minutes; aren't you a man? I said, I am impotent. She tried to make it work, but I made it not work. This woman was the daughter of a tycoon, very influential. I knew that I would be putting God's love organ into a trash-can. So I couldn't do it. I had the responsibility to continue the true love lineage even at the cost of divorce. As with Jacob and like Muslims today, there were different stages of wives. For Jacob to have 12 sons, he had two wives and two concubines. In the restoration history through Jacob's course, the lineage went through the second wife, the concubine. It is my responsibility to accomplish the true love lineage. This is the course of the love cross, for the sake of women.

Women killed Adam and Jesus, and are ready to kill the Lord of the Second Advent. Because of this chaos created by women, my family was destroyed and I married a second time. Korea was divided and the world suffered. Eight years elapsed before I could choose a teenage girl as my wife. It was such a heavy public mission, but I could not accuse God. The entire spirit world was against me, preventing me from going back the original way. At one point I spent 43 days fighting the entire spirit world. All the creation was against me as well. Finally God approved and the entire spirit world bowed down. Why did all of this happen? Because of the history of false marriage and the false use of the sexual organ. All of Satan's world power was against me. Finally the Cain and Abel worlds connected and made the foundation to choose a bride. This explanation can come in the last days, 2,000 years after Jesus, at the time of the Second Advent coming down. This power connects the poles and east and west. It takes off and never stops.

To build the kingdom of God, I should use the Internet technology. I predicted it many years ago and they thought I was crazy. One Christian minister laughed and opposed this prophecy, and now he realizes my predication came true and he is now deeply repenting. Similarly, you may not believe what I've said today, but God is using True Parents to create pure love and true families. At Madison Square Garden I blessed Sung Jin Nim's mother and grandmother. Those who are opposing do not understand how precious it is for me to be in this world. When they understand, they will change and follow me.

Dozens of women offered themselves as candidates to be True Mother. They are still waiting for me to hold their hand or kiss them, but I never will. They know me as cold as a rock or tree stump, a man with no feelings. But if I ask them for their honest answer as to whether I should love them or pursue the straight path of the Lord, they cry tears, bow down and say that what I am doing is right, and that is why they like me. There are many like that.

Please remember that there are millions of opponents of the Unification Church, but we forgive and embrace them to build the true family and true kingdom on earth. I will be recognized as the eternal king eventually. Those who follow are glorious couples. Concerning the secular world, say, "I don't care!"

No matter what interference, God ignores it and just loves and gives His mission to me, so that I can go through persecution and prosper. Similarly, we will ignore the flack and continue to build the kingdom of God on earth. (Applause) Even if the entire nation of America opposes me, I ignore it, because if God exists, the secular world is like dew in the morning. It will disappear. I don't care about the media. So send me to South America with a comfortable heart, by reassuring me that you will be strong to deal with this media and keep going toward the goal.