A Public Confession - Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s and Our Responsibility

by Cecila Cullen-NYC

I believe Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon are the True Parents of Mankind. I believe Rev. Sun Myung Moon is the Second Advent of the Messiah we have been waiting for.

As True Parents, their responsibilities include saving this world from total destruction through establishing ideal families, thereby creating ideal communities, nations and world. This can be achieved on the foundation of a culture of heart following the Divine Principle affecting our economy, industry, politics, arts and sciences, education and the like. This means a global and cosmic responsibility for Rev. and Mrs. Moon.

However, individual and family level responsibilities are yours and mine to accomplish following True Parents’ path. For example, my responsibility is to make sure that:

1. My mind and body are united centered on True Love, making me a true woman.

2. I have unity with my spouse, and parents and children are united within my family, making it a true family.

3. My family considers other individuals and families as part of my own family and takes care of the environment to establish an ideal creation.

In other words, our absolute unity centered on True Love, True Life and True Lineage is needed to make possible what Rev. and Mrs. Moon aim to accomplish at the world and cosmic levels.

True Parents have physical children. But, I am Rev. Moon’s spiritual daughter. Their children and I have the same individual and family responsibilities . If anyone among us failed, same has to undo what was done. In this case, we are not different from each other.

In a classroom of different individuals, the teacher stands in the role of a "second parent". It is a standard norm, morally speaking, for the teacher to give special attention in teaching student who is lagging behind or does not know/comprehend what the lesson is all about. On the other hand, the teacher relies more on the leadership of the intelligent and capable student.

Morally and spiritually speaking, I stand as the one lagging behind, not knowing anything about the fundamentals of true life, love and lineage. Therefore, the precious attention of True Parents as my teachers, is focused on me and to the rest of us who do not know anything at the start.

Guidance and direction, workshops and training, various programs, projects and organizations are set up and more are being set up by True Parents. These are all for you and for me. True Parents’ prayers and ultimate goal are meant to bring us back to Heavenly Father’s bosom in the Garden of Eden. They do not complain of any hardships along the way. They just do what they have to do, regardless of any pain, sorrow and tears. This, we all must acknowledge, be proud of and express deep gratitude for our True Parents, our True Teachers.

Therefore, True Parents are not true parents to True Children alone. They are mine and yours, too. That makes us one global family. The huge responsibility of changing this global family into an ideal heavenly creation is upon True Parents’ shoulders alone. This we have to understand clearly. On the other hand, we can never ask True Parents to help us accomplish our portion of responsibility. This is the challenge Father has given us.

In other words, I, together with the rest of the world, took our True Parents away from their physical children. This is the sacrificial way True Parents have been following from the very beginning of Father’s ministry. They need to focus on their global responsibility while we are being challenged to accomplish our individual and family responsibilities.

My Responsibility and Confession

In times of troubles, personal, family and community-wise, who can take responsibility? It is part of fallen human nature to blame somebody beside me, near me, around me or the one far away from me. Like a hot potato, we want to drop off the problem immediately without involving ourselves. We want to get out clean all the time. This can be productive but not at the expense of somebody else.

Let us therefore, analyze ourselves on the basis of true heavenly standard and ask the following:

a. Have I accomplished my individual and family responsibilities following True Parents’ absolute standard?

b. Am I a standard bearer of True Love in my family, at work and in the community where I live?

c. Am I truly an honest and faithful child to our True Parents?

d. Can True Parents be proud of me? Can they depend on me?

e. Can I tell boldly to True Parents, "Relax and sit down, my dear True Parents. I can and will take charge from now on"?

These are serious questions that can humble us down, shedding tears for our True Parents. We need to think deeply before we answer.

If I cannot say "Yes" to any or all questions above, then I stand trial before the public, before the rest of us, before the heavens, before True Parents and before Heavenly Father. Can you?

Let me therefore, bow down my head and ask for everybody’s forgiveness in the court of true heart. May God have mercy and bless us all, His children.