Our National Contradiction

"I Take Full and Complete Responsibility. Let’s Go to the Vineyard."

Thus cartoonist Jules Feiffer depicted the essence of Mr. Clinton’s response to the long arm of the law. It reflected my sentiments well. The president admitted to the American public that he had done something wrong and then acted as if that’s all there is to it and we can now get back to the business of governing the nation.

Apparently the entire point of the independent counsel’s exercise was to get him to admit what he had done and to say that he is taking responsibility for it. But Mr. Clinton never outlined what exactly he intends to do in taking responsibility for it, other than heal his strained relations with his wife and daughter.

More important, in this instance, is that he heal his strained relations with the country. There are two dimensions to this. One, he has revealed himself to be an adulterer (to put it most simply). Second, he has admitted himself to be a liar. There are two of the Ten Commandments broken right there. And compliance with a third, that we should worship no gods other than the Lord, depends upon exactly whom Mr. Clinton is referring to when he says "this matter is between me, the two people I love most, my wife and our daughter, and our God." I mean, why doesn’t he just say "God"? Why is it "our God," when "our" refers to his own family? Do they have a shrine to their god at the White House? Has Hillary Clinton been hanging out with Eleanor Roosevelt again?

The point is that the sanctions against adultery and lying have their root in God, the almighty, Old Testament God. If we substitute the god we create for the God who created us, then our real authority is opinion polls.

The opinion writers of the nation’s newspapers reflected a somber and serious judgment upon the President the day after his grand jury testimony. Here are some excerpts, as published in The New York Times:

"’I misled people.’ The President said. No, he didn’t mislead people. He lied to them. By using the word ‘misled’ instead of the word ‘lied,’ the President lied to the American people. Again." New York Post

"…a President who shamed his wife and daughter and his party and the people of the United States." Helena Independent Record

"Clinton fell back on a legal point to defend his lies and placed the blame for his predicament elsewhere. That won’t endear him to anyone. The country Clinton leads deserves better than the superficial finger-pointing performance he delivered Monday night." Austin American-Statesman

"Clinton has dishonored the Presidency. He has diminished his stature as a leader. He has damaged the trust that unites the people who form his Administration. He has embarrassed the country he swore to protect and safeguard. He should be profoundly ashamed, and the shame should haunt him for the rest of his life." San Jose Mercury News

"It is almost beyond comprehension that Clinton is so lacking in self-discipline, so reckless, that he engaged in a sordid liaison with a youthful intern under the same roof with his own family, at a time he was under scrutiny for alleged sexual misconduct." The Des Moines Register

Vov Populi, Vox Dei Est

But if we go to the polls, we find a different story. Most people say that consensual sex between adults is not a crime. Then what are the American people so upset about? Apparently, we have a tough time pinning down exactly what is bothering us. Somehow, Bill Clinton embodies something that we are very attracted to and yet very repulsed by. He represents our national contradiction.

The August 22 edition of The New York Times published a poll in which 48% of Americans approved of Mr. Clinton, with 40% disapproving; some 50% approved of Mrs. Clinton with only 20% disapproving, and only 19% approved of Mr. Starr, with 45% disapproving, and only 5% approved of Ms. Lewinsky! And the August 25 USA Today poll revealed that if the election were held on that day, Clinton would have easily defeated Dole again.

Is this a nice nation or what?

Mrs. Clinton is, according to her spokesperson, "compassionate and steadfast" in her love for her husband. That’s the first time I’ve heard the King James Bible quoted by a White House spinmeister. Opposing Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Lewinsky is a "kiss and tell" temptress, it looks like, playing on our good-natured President’s vulnerability. Like Delilah, she has cut Mr. Clinton’s locks and shorn him of his power. Obviously, she is a tool of the vast right-wing conspiracy.

Mr. Starr, by this reading, is a Janvier, obsessed with bringing ruin upon a man with a good heart. Clinton, after all, is doing his best to see that his private sin is not exploited by the vast right-wing conspiracy to obstruct him from carrying out the hard work of governing the country, a job he does so well.

We see it now! The problem is not that Mr. Clinton is obstructing justice, but that Mr. Starr is obstructing the governance of the country! Mr. Clinton is only doing his duty to prevent this picky-picky hymn-singer from shutting down the Executive office. And meanwhile, back at the ranch, Hillary is compassionate and steadfast.

What we have here is an example of the "let’s just be nice to each other" syndrome (identified in the late 1970s by then graduate student Frank Kaufmann). Democracies love nice people. They elect nice people. In fact, being nice is more important than being righteous. For most Americans, those who are not part of the vast right-wing conspiracy, being nice in fact is the culmination of being righteous. Being nice is the very definition of righteousness.

As Luther said, God counted Abraham’s faith as righteousness (Romans 4:3-5). Well, the American people seem to count Bill Clinton’s niceness as righteousness.

Of course, niceness does not apply to our dealings with the Islamic world. Muslims see American niceness as a symptom of decadence, which makes them just a little worse than the vast right-wing conspiracy. The Islamic world sees righteousness in more traditional terms-order, justice, punishment of evil, reward of the good, sexual morality. They have not entered into the modern deconstruction of good and evil, and do not appreciate our morally profound, deeply edifying television programs.

Hence, in dealing with the Muslim world, it’s no more Mr. Nice Guy. There is no effort made to comprehend the driving force of the Islamic world, which sees itself as a clear option over-against the Christian or post-Christian west.

Family Values Are Not Nice

Principles sometimes require that we not be "nice." A nice-guy finally has no principles, in a fallen world. In the ideal world, we can be nice and succeed, but in the fallen world, nice guys finish last. Nice guys who finish first are only pretending to be nice. I suspect this is the case for Mr. Clinton.

Consider Abraham Lincoln. He was criticized terribly for keeping the union at war over principles-anti-slavery and national unity. He could not, by his principles, be a nice guy, seeking to please everyone.

Consider the Beatles. Not to compare them with Abraham Lincoln, but John Lennon stated that the Beatles became number one because they were the biggest bastards. Look what they did to their poor workday drummer Pete Best.

This also applies to "family values." General opinion is that family values are "nice." "What a nice family you have." Hence, the Clintons are a nice family, even with Mr. C. having affairs.

But there are family values that override "niceness." Any parent knows that we cannot be "nice" to our children when they want to violate standards. Any parents who has not been judged mean and oppressive by their children at some point probably is lacking the power to discipline.

This point was well known to Americans of an earlier generation. Our ancestors were aware of the alternative to unmitigated niceness: discipline. Once upon a time, families were three generations, and marriages entailed tying two entire families together. There were strict formal codes for spouses in relation to their in-laws, in particular for a woman entering her husband’s family. Filial piety was a strict code. In played strongly upon a new bride in relation to her husband’s parents.

The ethic of filial piety has all-but disappeared from today’s society. It is practiced, thank God, but to practice it is to swim against the cultural tide. Filial piety means that the child, whether ten years old or sixty years old, puts the parents’ interests above their own. The child sacrifices for the parents. This might not be a very nice situation for the child. They may feel that they are giving up their dreams. And yet the 10 commandments tell us to honor our father and mother, just after honoring God. God nowhere commands, "Thou shalt live thy own dream."

The old adage, spare the rod and spoil the child, carries in it wisdom. Parents often want to be nothing but nice to their children, to be their children’s peers. This creates problems for the children, and eventually for the entire culture. I would like to see Mr. Clinton take a stand for discipline, even if it is not very nice.

Mr. Clinton, I would rather have you honest than nice. If your wife and daughter are the people you love most, then please act that way. If you think the United States should be run as you ran Arkansas, then come out and say it, and let us vote on it. Before you tell Mr. Yelstin to drink the bitter medicine of fiscal responsibility in Russia, please drink the bitter medicine of moral responsibility here. Sooner or later, America and Russian will have to pay the piper, and it’s not going to be nice, because we all have something not-so-nice to amend for. As Alexander Pope wrote, "When Adam delved and Eve span, who then was the gentleman?"

One God, One World, One Family

by Cathi Close-Arlington, VA

The first time I came across the teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon was through a book of his speeches entitled, New Hope. I was eighteen years old and wandering through the college campus at U-Mass in Amherst. The Unified Family had a table of books they were lending and the cover of that particular one caught my eye. I could use some hope, I thought. I took it home and as I read the speeches I was quite amazed. While so much of what Rev. Moon was saying was difficult for me to comprehend (and still is!), I remember thinking this guy really knows what he’s talking about!. In other words, he "spoke with authority, not as one of the scribes or Pharisees." (and he still does!).

I decided right then and there to join this group, whatever it was. Boy, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. God knew, though, and He pushed me right along.

As I look back over the years and experiences, both good and bad, I like to think in terms of the Native American concept of time. Progress and growth are not looked upon in a linear perspective but as concentric circles that are ever-expanding and evolving. Picture a spiral that gets wider as it gets higher.

Now, when I consider my own and the many, many lives which have been touched throughout the world with this same message, the organizations, the campaigns, the families, etc. that have multiplied, I find myself in a parallel place on the spiral of my life .... once again of questioning, wondering and struggling to understand our purpose and the complexities of God’s providence. (This isn’t a first. I’ve been here many times before.)

What is the role of the church? How do I or don’t I fit in? Is the church as an institution really going to change into something that’s not a church? Will merely the external form change or will there also be a transformation within? Will there be any encouragement toward or opportunity for reflection and renewal? Just as the caterpillar must go through the chrysalis stage before opening it’s new wings to fly, and a baby spends time in the womb before birth, so also Jesus spent three days in the tomb before the resurrection. No matter how much we like to believe we are making progress, we cannot evolve without passing through the same cycles that affect everything in the universe. Preceding new life there is always a time of darkness, a time of going and growing within. There is always winter before the spring, darkness before dawn.

I have a lot of questions now and not all of the answers. I have some of the pieces of the puzzle, I think, but the puzzle also seems to be getting bigger. Instead of aggressively challenging myself to find answers to every question all at once, I feel that it would be more fruitful to reflect instead upon what I do know and to build upon that.

Recently my husband and I took a trip out West to look at possible areas to relocate to once our house in the DC area sells. We stayed with and met members in both Colorado Springs and the Denver area. Along with spending time looking at real estate, we also had the opportunity to have interesting discussions with these members about some of the various aspects of our life of faith. I found that regardless of to what degree a person is involved in church activities, regardless of our own personal perspectives or priorities, there is a real genuine element that binds us together. Even if we had never met each other previously, it didn’t matter. There was a comfortable and secure feeling that we were brothers and sisters. We were family. We have True Parents in common and God as our parent. What a blessing and comfort! This is so precious to me because it is one thing that endures even when everything else seems to be changing.

These somewhat simplistic truths, I find in life, tend to often be the most profound at the same time. Consider that, compared to friends, family members don’t choose each other. (Sometimes mates don’t either!) We can be as different as night and day and often don’t even get along. However, when times get rough, it more than likely will be our families that we turn to for help and support. It’s interesting that no matter how dysfunctional families are these days, still the busiest time at airports is always during Thanksgiving weekend. It’s not because it’s the year’s biggest weekend for business trips but because people all over our country are traveling to be with their relatives. Why is this? Families are fundamental. It goes back to the original intention of our Creator. As He invested His love and hope into each one of us, he also created a loom with which to bind us together. He created families. So, like brightly colored threads, even though we are individually beautiful to behold, together we can weave a tapestry that will become a splendid masterpiece of it’s own.

It will be a long time before this world and cosmos are completely restored and healed and love flows to every corner of the globe and beyond. A long time before all families are close to being ideal. Who knows how long before the need for religion and churches no longer exists or jails and armies become obsolete? There are still many challenges before us. There will be successes and yes, defeats as well. Happiness and also suffering. It’s nowhere near over yet. Along with the privilege we have the responsibility and burden to be a part of this heavenly healing effort. However, in our eagerness to reach out to as many others as we can, let’s not forget our own. Along with outreach and campaigns we *must* pay attention to the needs of each other. Within our immediate families, within our communities, within ourselves. There are wounded among us and it’s imperative that we acknowledge and tend to those as best we can.

I find myself asking a lot of questions these days. I love True Parents. I love Divine Principle. I respect the many accomplishments of the Unification Church but I also have valid concerns about some of the problems we are confronted with. It’s not easy in this church, or any church for that matter, to bring up doubts or differences. These are often viewed as a lack of faith or weaknesses. This is the typical nature of institutions. I once heard the comment made that if institutions and governments changed as fast as individuals did that there would be total chaos. I had to think about that one. It made sense but at the same time we ultimately need to work toward a balance.

I’m hopeful about the possibilities of the Family Federation of World Peace. I look forward to a new concept that can expand well beyond the boundaries of any one particular faith or outlook. At the same time, it’s important to retain a solid foundation and stability. We don’t want to be wishy-washy but clear in our values and practices. We also need to create the space to acknowledge our differences and weaknesses. We do have them and if we simply try to pretend they don’t exist, whether as individuals or as an organization, then they are going to simply come up from behind and pull us down. I hope that we can find a way to balance these many needs and to create not only another organization but a genuine bridge that can support us all and carry us toward our destiny.

To revive the long forgotten knowledge that we are all truly one family of brothers and sisters under one loving God. Isn’t this our ultimate purpose? Witnessing, evangelism, public relations, marriage rededications, service projects, conferences, educational seminars, spiritual traditions, etc. All of these efforts have meaning only when they can result in the tangible building of God’s true family.

I recently came across a decorative magnet that I bought to put on my refrigerator. It says:

One prayer - peace ; One hope - harmony; One dream - understanding.

I’m sure this is desire of all people and of God, Himself. I hope that the FFWPU can be successful in reaching out to not only embrace all cultures, races and religions but also will inspire and motivate others to work actively toward building God’s Kingdom on this earth.

A National Tragedy: Sex Abuse of Children

by Haven Bradford Gow-Eudora, Arkansas

Recently in Crystal Lake, Ill., a teacher was found guilty of sexually abusing one o his middle-school female students; it was discovered during the trial that the teacher secretly took the 14-year-old girl to a medical clinic for Depo-Provera injections to minimize the chance she would become pregnant from his sexual abuse.

In Arkansas, the state police currently are investigating an allegation that a 15-year-old female detainee was sexually assaulted by an employee at the Juvenile Detention facility in Dermott.

In Tennessee, the Memphis public school department recently agreed to pay $330,000 to the family of a then-six-year-old girl who was sexually assaulted on school premises by a group of first-grade classmates. The parents had sued the school department because school officials allegedly failed to protect the girl from repeated acts of sexual harassment which ultimately led to the sexual assault.

In this connection, a June 1998 report from the National Consortium on Alternatives for Youth at Risk, Sarasota, Fla., pointed out that "According to authorities, there is unprecedented growth in child pornography in the United States largely because of the Internet, which provides child sexual predators with a virtually undetectable means of sending and receiving illicit images of children. As Robert Flores, a former attorney in the U.S. Justice Department who prosecuted child sexploitation and pornography cases, observes, "The Internet is the ultimate distribution system for child pornography. Before the Internet, pedophiles and child predators targeted children in parks and playgrounds, offering ice cream or candy to gain the child’s trust."

Who are the people who sexually abuse children? Is there a connection between pornography and the increase of child sex abuse?

According to retired FBI agent William Kelly, an expert on organized crime’s involvement in pornography, the widespread availability and popularity of pornography have contributed to the nationwide epidemic of child sex abuse cases; he maintains that child pornography whets the appetites of sex criminals and encourages them to view and treat children as sex objects.

Betty Dickey, the prosecuting attorney in Jefferson County, Ark., says there has been an increase in child sex abuse cases investigated and prosecuted by her office; pornography, she adds, is a major factor in child sex abuse.

Ted Gorski, a police officer in Mt. Prospect, Ill., says, "We investigated some child sex abuse cases when I was a youth officer with the Mt. Prospect police department; the people involved were a grandfather, a father and a stepfather; I also know of some cases (not in Mt. Prospect) where homosexual Boy Scout leaders sexually abused kids in their troops."

Commander Joseph Kolonowski of the Mt. Prospect police department observes, "Although I can’t quote you any scientific studies, my gut reaction is that pornography contributes to sex crimes. When someone looks at porno films and publications, he becomes sexually aroused and needs an outlet." He adds: "The best way to deal with porno shops and theaters is through zoning laws. Courts have upheld the constitutionality of zoning laws."

Mt. Prospect police officer/attorney David Wysopal readily agrees that pornography is linked with the sexual abuse of children; he says, "I believe a connection exists between both adults and child pornography and sex crimes. What we read and see can have an adverse effect on our thinking and behavior."

Former FBI Director William H. Webster, Jr. is right: "Every child in America is a potential victim of sexual abuse and exploitation."

National Parents Day Blessing in Southern California

by Isabelle Sarah Davati-Ontario CA

"To Celebrate True Love and Claiming God’s Blessing upon our Families" was the motto for the Second Annual Parents Day Awards Ceremony in the Inland Empire. On July 26, Ontario, California observed National Parents Day by holding its Second Annual Awards Ceremony. The First United Methodist Church of Ontario was hosting an Awards Ceremony and a "Blessing of Holy Juice" Ceremony at the same time.

Councilman Gary Ovitt from the City of Ontario, who is an elder at the First United Methodist Church, was the Master of Ceremonies. There were many Christian pastors and their congregations, mayors of various cities, two Congressmen, senators, assemblymen, and city officials of many cities across the Inland Valley gathered to commemorate this national holiday.

The program started with the national anthem and an invocation by Rev. Marie Estrada. It was followed by a congratulatory message sent by Assemblyman Bill Leonard. Opening remarks by Inland Empire NPD representative Sarah Davati were next.

Designated "Outstanding Parents of the Year" were chosen not only for their strong parenting skills but for their sacrificial service to their communities. Congressman George Brown sent a certificate of recognition to the National Parents Day Coalition for promoting healthy families in the Inland Empire. Three councilmen from the cities of Pomona, Ontario and Upland read proclamations from their respective mayors issued in agreement with the members of the councils. The contents echoed True Father’s words in his Inaugural Speech for the FFWPU in 185 nations read by True Mother in her speaking tour. For example, here are some excerpts from some of the proclamations:

WHEREAS healthy families are the foundation of the healthy, well-adjusted nations because the values which promote peace in the world are a direct extension of values which promote peace within individual families....

WHEREAS God-centered families and the pursuit of world peace are not two separate goals.... Without families which embody the love and ideals of our creator, reconciliation and peace among divided classes, colors and creeds remain an unattainable dream....

Designated four categories of awards: Parents of the Year, Teacher of the Year, Professional Parents’ Organizations, Charitable and Ethical Organizations. These received recognition from NPD Honorary Chairman Mayor Bill Alexander (city of Rancho Cucamonga) and Honorary Co-Chairman Mayor Gus Skropos (city of Ontario) for their outstanding service to their communities and their sacrificial love toward their families.

The First Tongan United Methodist Choir was absolutely captivating, and the audience and Ballet Folklorico Huitslin were among the recipients of awards.

At the closing remarks, the audience were asked to sign the small card containing the four vows of FFWPU. As the program drew to a close, Pastor David King from Isiah’s Rock offered the benediction. All the audience held hands in a great circle and sang together the song Amazing Grace. Right then, Ms. Yoshiko ushered in the trays of "Holy Juice Cups" and everyone lifted their cups in a toast "to celebrate God’s True Love and God’s Blessings upon our Families." This was an awesome ceremony. The presence of the Holy Spirit was overwhelming, the audience gracious and cooperative.

This event was fully sponsored and organized by the five local Christian churches and city officials under the leadership of the local Tribal Messiah, Sarah Davati. My heart felt gratitude to them who invested themselves in this program by their sacrificial contributions. Their unconditional love and devoted service and commitment to NPD ideals made this event a memorable one.

This successful event was a victory for True Parents! Congratulations to all those who received the Blessing at this ceremony.

CAPTION: From right to left: Ontario, Cal., Councilman Gary Ovitt, Mayor Paul Eaton; City of Montclair, Eara Thompson, Rev. Barbara Reynolds; Chino Centerpoint Church, Vice Mayor Elizabeth McDonough; City of Upland, Isabelle Sarah Davati; Inland Empire ND representative, Mayor Eunice Uolloa; City of Chino, Pastor David & Charleen King, Isiah’s Rock, Rev. Marie Estrada, Pastor Paul & Helma Vander Pol, Calvary Chapel

My Personal Experiences at One Heart Camp

by Rosa Davies-San Diego, CA

As I reflect on my experiences on my way back to San Diego, I cannot stop being so thankful for Heavenly Father’s presence at One Heart Camp.

One Heart Camp was the first priority for our kids this summer. We couldn’t plan our schedule until we knew when the workshop would take place. Finally, we received the notice, but another problem had to be worked out-that was transportation. The camp is about 12 hours from San Diego and I could not drive all the way there. So we decided to make our journey going by Amtrak from San Diego to Vallejo. We transferred four times (altogether, two trains and two buses) and from Suicin City my brother drove us to Aetna Springs.

In some ways this year’s camp felt the same as the others. On the other hand, it was externally different because we had a lot of second generation on the staff. Led by Eunha Stein and Mike Lagrasso, the second-generation staff planned some fun activities and games where the kids could review Divine Principle and Bible questions in a more fun way. Internally, the second-generation young adults helped our middle and high-schoolers immensely.

By the middle of the workshop, I started to feel some personal struggles. I realized that I had not visited the Holy Ground as we used to do in past years to pray deeply for the kids, not just routine shallow prayers. The kids were having fun and were united, but I was not seeing a breakthrough and deep understanding with the older kids. My daughter was not in our team, but when I tried to talk to her, she seemed very distant. I felt things were getting worse. I have helped at many workshops over the years and I have never felt a feeling of running away. I called my husband one night and I asked him to pray more for us. But it was myself that had to pray more desperately as well. Gradually my prayers were beginning to feel deeper. I prayed for a breakthrough, not just for my daughter, but especially for all the other kids who needed it the most. I begged Heung Jin Nim and Daemo Nim to come and help us. They sure did! One older second-generation sister, Grace Hill, was so influential in the spiritual lives of most of the kids there. She spoke to them so openly. Heavenly Father really used her to convey His sorrowful Heart to His children.

When I visited the Holy Ground on the last day, I did not know what the kids’ reflections had been since we did not have group meetings after the yut game. So I was still unaware if there had been a breakthrough spiritually-not just the fun of feeling good and high-spirit. That morning at 6:30 am, I walked from my cabin to Holy Ground. As I passed Robin Cox’s house, the three dogs started walking with me. Suddenly, tears started coming down. When we finally reached Holy Ground, I was overcome with tears and a great warmth and a feeling of relief. The dogs were surrounding me, just watching me as I prayed. I did not want to leave this place, but I had to go back for morning service. This morning some kids would give their testimonies. All the kids who shared their feelings that morning were very sincere.

Almost everyone had left by 6 pm. Aetna Springs was quiet and peaceful. It was easy to reflect and be with nature. Sitting outside the Social Hall and looking at a humming bird suck the nectar from the flowers and looking towards the other side of the fence, just next to the road, a deer was wandering about. Suddenly a special warmth overwhelmed me again. Deep inside I heard, "You asked for my help and I did it."

There was a breakthrough in many of the kids. Some may not have got the message and some may have been too young to understand deeply, but they sure had a good experience.

A special thanks to Rev. In Hoi Lee, Rev. Thompson, all the parents who were praying for this camp, especially to all parents who took their time to be there for a week to help. Also to all the older second generation who inspired our middle and high-schoolers, who are going through a very critical part of their growth.

My Experience on the Pure Love Alliance Tour

by Pavel Gavrichev-Moscow, Russia

The PLA Tour was a success. It lasted for almost 3 weeks - August 2 -19. During that time we toured almost all of Japan-we had rallies in 5 big cities: Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Hiroshima and Fukuoka. In Korea our schedule included 3 rallies: in Pusan, Taejong and Seoul and after that the 3-day workshop at the Chung Pyung Lake Training Center.

The Tour was lead by Jin Hun Nim. I really want to thank him and all the staff for making it possible.

In Japan we were about 300 people, including 200 from the World-PLA and 100 local Japanese members. Also in all the cities many members joined us just for the rally and march. For example, in Tokyo they were over 2000. We were traveling in buses (t7 of them) and we were staying almost every night in different Church centers in different cities. Everywhere we've been to the local Church members were very glad to meet us and did all their best to make our stay the best way possible. Actually sometimes it must have been very difficult to accommodate and feed 300 people but anyway, they were able to do it. We were all very much moved by their sincere heart.

Our typical schedule included a rally and a march in every city we went to. The whole program usually lasted about 3 hours. The rally was a combination of different pieces of entertainment, like traditional drum band, Pure Love rap group, hip-hop dance, Pure Love Choir and many more and speeches by both PLA representatives and local VIPs. Every time we had few people from either the local parliament or universities speaking which was pretty inspiring, even though we couldn't understand a word. Anyway we tried to make as much noise as possible when we felt like the Japanese speaker wanted a response from the audience.

In Japan the emceeing was bilingual, basically in English with great Japanese translation, in Korea it was more "nationalized"-the major part was in Korean with a partial, but very good English translation. Together with the Japanese or Korean speakers we had Robert Kittel and some of the Western PLA students speaking at each of the rallies. All of those speeches were also very moving, and what made them even better - we could understand the content. Actually each tour participant had a chance to speak during the rally. We had a special Pure Love speech contest, where the representatives of all the 7 buses, chosen earlier, presented a short, 3-minutes speech. The winners got a cash prize from Jin Hun Nim and a possibility to speak at the rally, which has actually happened later on.

Anyway, the rally lasted usually for about 1,5 hours with all the audience reciting the Pure Love Pledge in the end. After that we quickly lined up and started the march. We had many banners and pickets (I'm not sure how they are called in English) that had something either in Japanese (Korean) or English on them. Usually it was something like "Love Alive", "Pure Love" or "Absolute Sex". So we marched through the streets of the cities holding up these banners and screaming out different chants, that we've already learned by heart during a few hours of practice. The chants were also in different languages. But they were limited in number, that's why we were repeating the same ones for more than 100 times during each rally. Anyway, it was a lot of fun.

Actually, Japanese and Korean people were responding very differently to our activities. Most Japanese pretended that they didn't see us as they were walking by our rally or march. On the other hand, many Koreans showed interest in what we were doing. They were coming up to us asking what this was all about, and many of them were supporting the things we were promoting. Many times our brothers tried to wake the Japanese up -they ran into big department stores along our way and screamed the chants there. I think that it was pretty unusual for people and they will remember it for a long time. Of course not all the Japanese people were indifferent to us, many of them were really showing their support by clapping and chanting together with us. That was inspiring.

Our program included also some sightseeing (actually there was a lot of it). In Japan we visited a few places in Kyoto and Osaka, climbed Mt. Fuji and hiked in a very beautiful place in the mountains near Hiroshima. Also we visited the Peace museum in Hiroshima. The major part of the sightseeing was actually watching through the bus window, since we spent a real long time traveling by bus. Anyway all the sightseeing was very good, it truly gave us power to do more during the rallies.

In Korea, on our way to Seoul, we visited the Sun Moon University for some short time. Then we all had a chance to see the True Parents home at HanNamDong. At that time Hoon Sook Him spoke to us there. She had been asked by True Mother to address us on behalf of True Parents. It was a great blessing for us that she came and spoke. We all didn't know that this would happen. We were just invited into the big room in the basement of the building, and then suddenly Hoon Sook Nim came and gave a short speech.

When we were in Pusan, during our first day in Korea, we held a special ceremony with both World PLA and K-PLA participating. They called it Brotherhood-Sisterhood. It means that each of the World- PLA participant got "matched" with a Korean brother or sister. Many brothers and sisters later testified that it was a real great experience for them, like they have really found a new brother or sister. I felt like that, too.

The part of our program together with K-PLA finished on Sunday, August 16, at Im Jin Gak, a place on the 38th parallel, N-S Korean border. There we had a "unification" ceremony led by Sun Am Moon with all of us praying, singing Tongil and cheering Mansei. It was a very moving experience, and many of us really felt the heart of Korean people whose families got separated during the WW2 and their desire for reunification.

After that we had the best, in my opinion, time during all the Tour- 3 days workshop at Chung Pyung. For many of us it was the first time being there, that's why everything was surprising and sometimes shocking-how real is everything what is going on there. The workshop was great, just if I start to describe all that was there, it will take too much time and disk space. I will just say that it was a great experience, at least for me and I want to go there again for a longer time.

The tour was great, it gave a lot to all of the participants, this I can testify from my own experience. We all were able to realize once again what purity means for ourselves and how we can witness about it to other people. I believe for some it was a life changing experience, during which they've decided to lead a pure life, not being sure about that before the tour. I think that PLA has a big future, since it can make a real big impact on the society by it's activities and also change lives of the people taking part in them.

Mid-Summer Gospel Extravaganza at Macy’s in Brooklyn

by Christine Libon-Clifton NJ

Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, inspired by the idea of Rev. Dennis Dillon, master of ceremonies at Blessing ’98 in Madison Square Garden, suggested we organize our choir members to participate in this event which would feature performances by choirs or groups rotating on Wednesday and Thursday night, Aug. 5-6.

Song and music are universal. Throughout history, folktales and songs have been passing down traditions. Lullabies have comforted babies. Love songs have expressed the inner passion of mates. And hymns of praise have filled us with the Spirit and united us in heart. Songs can touch the hearts of all, even beyond the barriers of language.

Our director, and also accompanist for this event, Francesco Santelli, chose three melodious numbers: "If I Can Help Somebody," "Bridge Over Troubled Water," and "Let There Be Peace On Earth." Onlookers were definitely impressed and appreciative, judging from the applause and reaction. One woman remarked, "I’ve truly been blessed tonight." Another was a man whose parents had both been ministers, one a Baptist and the other a Methodist. He himself had also been a minister for a time. "What Church are you with?" he asked. "Well, to me, we’re all just one big church. This is my daughter...." She received Holy Candy. In effect, we definitely raised the spiritual atmosphere in that secular place. We also hope more members from the region will turn out to participate in upcoming events with Christian churches.

Reflecting over dinner, later with participants, brought back memories of street-preaching and fundraising by performing in the subways (where we still find our Muslim brothers and sisters).

Special thanks go to Rev. Holt for making it possible for the choir to participate in this and previous events and also to Rev. Hong for his complete support in purchasing robes, encouraging participation of members, and treating us to dinner. We are also deeply indebted to Mrs. Kono for her effort and investment of time in coordinating the Regional Choir. With Mrs. Kono as the ever-bearing mother, classically trained professional singers, an original New Hope Singer, and others with many years of music training, the New Hope Chorale has plans for fall and winter performances. But basically we’re just a bunch of good people with the right way of living hoping to heal the wounds of racism and trying to steer this modern-day American culture in the right direction. Please address any inquiries about joining us for future events to Mrs. Kono (973)235-1868.

Matching Advantages

David Carlson

This article is aimed primarily at our members, especially the Second Generation. It was inspired by something I read in one of our monthly publications; some interviews with older Blessed Children, mostly teenaged girls.

The girls shared a lot about their relationships with secular friends and schoolmates. One spoke of pretending to have lost her virginity, in order to "fit in," to avoid being teased or rejected. It is lamentable that society could put such terrible pressure on God’s special sons and daughters. It’s time we cranked up the pressure in the other direction!

An earlier version of this article appeared in August 1992, and many of the changes referred to have occurred since then.


It is easy to criticize American culture. Its failures, and those of the other westernized societies, are all too apparent. Brutes like Osama bin Laden have no shortage of material for their hateful diatribes.

Actually, it’s rather sad. In popular songs, boy meets girl, they hop right into bed, then vow to love each other only and forever. Country-western songs are sadder, but more realistic. I won’t even bother to quote any perverted rap lyrics.

In Hollywood-on TV, in movies, and in their real lives-about %90 of the sex is between unmarried people. On screen, they rarely catch any nasty diseases, and virginity is often depicted as "a problem to be solved."

Popular culture projects a "perfect image" for men, women, and children, one that changes every few years. With considerable expense, many try to match those images. For women, the "slim leg and waist, large bust" image can be achieved-with plastic surgery.

Stable relationships are hard to find. Many wealthy singles are employing professional "matchmaking services." (Even True Father’s self-appointed enemies have to admit his success in that area!)

Those who enter the dating scene are aware -or not- that it can be violent. Women afraid to reveal their phone numbers in a bar are handing out voice mail numbers instead. "Date rape" is an ever-present menace, sometimes involving potent drugs like Rohypnol®.

After casting away all tradition, dating couples now lament the lack of "rules." Men are free to expect sex early on, even during a first date. This is fraught with another kind of danger, for accusations of harassment and rape can bring heavy penalties, even if they’re false. The new "one strike" laws are especially draconian. Of course, if stupidity-not to mention violations of the Principle-could be prosecuted, they’d be justified after all…


Singles who want easy sex agonize over the "limits," especially whether to give their current partner a key to their home. This was depicted in a particularly annoying movie called Key Exchange.

How often do people end up with broken hearts? The figures for contemplated, planned, attempted -not to mention successful- teen suicides are unbelievably high.

Traditional marriages aren’t doing well either. The divorce rate remains high, even in Utah and the Bible Belt states.

This author spent eight years in the fish business, so I had dealings with some very rough guys. Though married, they had one thing on their minds-and it wasn’t fish! A word to you women: the raunchiest comments are often made after you pass by. And to you feminists: most women seem to enjoy the attention. In fact, they try very hard to get it. The market for spandex jogging outfits is booming.

Wives who suspect their husbands of cheating are hiring not only detectives but "professional tempters." Sultry women who will approach the errant spouse and -on hidden camera- attempt to draw out any lewd tendencies!

It is said that: "A fish rots from the head down." President Clinton’s shameless liaisons (plus the millions of citizens, mostly women, who are defending him to the bitter end) are a very bad sign for America.

In many cases, conservatives are no better. Britain’s scandal-plagued Tory leaders were a grotesque example. Conservative writers bemoan the "sexual harassment lawsuit mentality," with nostalgic talk about "the lost art of seduction." Both are against God’s ways, especially since the advent of True Parents.

An Alternative

Thanks to our ever-larger Blessing ceremonies, Unificationist marriage traditions are known to the world. They’ve become a subject of popular discussion, if only superficially.

God’s people have different standards for themselves, and for their relationships. Images of perfection can emanate from Heaven, not just Hollywood or Madison Avenue. Expensive fashions and surgery are not needed to reach God’s Ideal! Women have always wanted to appear beautiful, and that’s good and natural. "True Hearts" bring out the greatest beauty, which any fallen world fad or fashion could never hope to match. Mrs. Moon is a shining example of this.

Take a fresh look at your lifestyle. We Unificationists can be fiercely proud of our traditions, and our moral standards. We have much to offer, and we can save our friends a lot of heartache.

The tangled "Gordian Knot" of fallen relationships is cut right through by True Father’s "Alexandrian Sword" of Blessing tradition. The popular way says "anything for fun," and we all see where that leads. Our way is more difficult at first, but it takes a completely different road.

Consider: the Marine Corps runs ads that depict exactly how severe they are, and thousands of people respond, hoping they can measure up to that fine tradition.


Let’s take a closer look at our own still-evolving traditions.

Our Blessings have always been ornate, almost regal ceremonies. Originally, the True Parents alone presided over the full series of marriage rites. They had lengthy, personal consultations with each and every one of the candidates.

After 1979, with hundreds of participants, the in-person matchings were done in a series, leading up to a single, larger Blessing. As thousands more members qualified, from all over the world, some of the matchings were conferred via picture. Later, Blessings were given via satellite link.

Our family-level traditions have evolved as well. As the Providence advanced, our families gained the right of Tribal Messiahship, and we began to give "pre-Blessings" at gatherings in every part of the world. These started out as fancy occasions, and sometimes they still are.

In 1997 the Providence expanded again, and we all went out giving pre-Blessings door-to-door. In each case the couple’s names and photographs were recorded, and there was personal follow-up.

The "numbers" increased rapidly, and the ceremonies became simpler. We gave them in public areas, with only a sign-up sheet for the people’s names; thus tens of thousands could be reached, but recontacting was limited.

As of this writing it’s being given to millions, out on "the highways and the byways" of America and the world. (And at parks, tourist attractions, flea markets, and beaches!) The people’s identities aren’t even recorded.


Those persons matched by True Father (with the help of our leaders and the Blessing Dept.) have always been central. This was acknowledged in the official reports on the RFK Stadium Blessing, where the "already married" couples in the stands were described as "spectators." While the ultimate spiritual value is the same, the newly matched couples down on the field were the "stars of the show" for the news media and everyone else.

The responsibilities of our families are growing year by year. Eventually, it may be that Tribal Messiah couples will be able to match and Bless people by themselves, whether their own children or members of their "tribe." (Within strict heavenly guidelines, of course.)

However, that may not spell the end of the "stadium style" ceremony! Customs have a way of sticking, especially now that we have an emerging Third Generation. As the old saying goes: "The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree." Our new generations will want to experience just what their parents, and grandparents, did.


I know what it’s like to be teased and persecuted. Most Unificationists have experienced it. With the ongoing Second Generation campaigns, our young people are now getting the same tough but valuable hard-knocks treatment.

Recent news reports, from all around the world, have carried many spirited proclamations by our campaigning members, both young and old. More and more people will be looking to us for an alternative, and we’ve got to be ready. To know it, to be able to teach it, and to be living it ourselves. If teenagers want to rebel, instead of swallowing phony "popular culture" trends, they can rebel against the fallen world itself!

Nobody is saying this will be easy. My household enjoys "The Simpsons," liberal though it is, but our Pastor finds the show repellent. The Second Generation is hotly debating whether it’s okay to watch MTV. (I never liked MTV, and there are no Principled cartoon shows…)

No doubt our community will sort these things out, and year by year we’ll approach the Heavenly Ideal more closely. Others will follow. It will be well worth it.