National Parents Day Blessing in Southern California

by Isabelle Sarah Davati-Ontario CA

"To Celebrate True Love and Claiming God’s Blessing upon our Families" was the motto for the Second Annual Parents Day Awards Ceremony in the Inland Empire. On July 26, Ontario, California observed National Parents Day by holding its Second Annual Awards Ceremony. The First United Methodist Church of Ontario was hosting an Awards Ceremony and a "Blessing of Holy Juice" Ceremony at the same time.

Councilman Gary Ovitt from the City of Ontario, who is an elder at the First United Methodist Church, was the Master of Ceremonies. There were many Christian pastors and their congregations, mayors of various cities, two Congressmen, senators, assemblymen, and city officials of many cities across the Inland Valley gathered to commemorate this national holiday.

The program started with the national anthem and an invocation by Rev. Marie Estrada. It was followed by a congratulatory message sent by Assemblyman Bill Leonard. Opening remarks by Inland Empire NPD representative Sarah Davati were next.

Designated "Outstanding Parents of the Year" were chosen not only for their strong parenting skills but for their sacrificial service to their communities. Congressman George Brown sent a certificate of recognition to the National Parents Day Coalition for promoting healthy families in the Inland Empire. Three councilmen from the cities of Pomona, Ontario and Upland read proclamations from their respective mayors issued in agreement with the members of the councils. The contents echoed True Father’s words in his Inaugural Speech for the FFWPU in 185 nations read by True Mother in her speaking tour. For example, here are some excerpts from some of the proclamations:

WHEREAS healthy families are the foundation of the healthy, well-adjusted nations because the values which promote peace in the world are a direct extension of values which promote peace within individual families....

WHEREAS God-centered families and the pursuit of world peace are not two separate goals.... Without families which embody the love and ideals of our creator, reconciliation and peace among divided classes, colors and creeds remain an unattainable dream....

Designated four categories of awards: Parents of the Year, Teacher of the Year, Professional Parents’ Organizations, Charitable and Ethical Organizations. These received recognition from NPD Honorary Chairman Mayor Bill Alexander (city of Rancho Cucamonga) and Honorary Co-Chairman Mayor Gus Skropos (city of Ontario) for their outstanding service to their communities and their sacrificial love toward their families.

The First Tongan United Methodist Choir was absolutely captivating, and the audience and Ballet Folklorico Huitslin were among the recipients of awards.

At the closing remarks, the audience were asked to sign the small card containing the four vows of FFWPU. As the program drew to a close, Pastor David King from Isiah’s Rock offered the benediction. All the audience held hands in a great circle and sang together the song Amazing Grace. Right then, Ms. Yoshiko ushered in the trays of "Holy Juice Cups" and everyone lifted their cups in a toast "to celebrate God’s True Love and God’s Blessings upon our Families." This was an awesome ceremony. The presence of the Holy Spirit was overwhelming, the audience gracious and cooperative.

This event was fully sponsored and organized by the five local Christian churches and city officials under the leadership of the local Tribal Messiah, Sarah Davati. My heart felt gratitude to them who invested themselves in this program by their sacrificial contributions. Their unconditional love and devoted service and commitment to NPD ideals made this event a memorable one.

This successful event was a victory for True Parents! Congratulations to all those who received the Blessing at this ceremony.

CAPTION: From right to left: Ontario, Cal., Councilman Gary Ovitt, Mayor Paul Eaton; City of Montclair, Eara Thompson, Rev. Barbara Reynolds; Chino Centerpoint Church, Vice Mayor Elizabeth McDonough; City of Upland, Isabelle Sarah Davati; Inland Empire ND representative, Mayor Eunice Uolloa; City of Chino, Pastor David & Charleen King, Isiah’s Rock, Rev. Marie Estrada, Pastor Paul & Helma Vander Pol, Calvary Chapel