The American Heritage

In recent months, this author made many dire statements about American society, and its leadership in particular. This month we’ll take a positive turn, and review some of the things that have made this nation great. An earlier version of this article appeared in May 1993.

The United States of America burst upon the world as a new type of nation, deliberately created upon a vast and undeveloped land, by a group of wise and inspired leaders. In all history, no other nation has advanced so rapidly, or influenced the world so profoundly.

In the past, many nations traded widely, and some built Empires through military conquest. Historically, the Greeks and Romans altered the world forever. Today, America’s ideals and form of government have already changed everything. Its fashions and culture now pervade the world and, overall, this has been a positive influence.

America has the world’s oldest functioning Constitution. Most other national constitutions owe much to the system, rights and responsibilities spelled out in ours. Even the most despotic governments claim to emulate American freedoms and legal procedures. America has multiple roots. Her founders were educated, well traveled, experienced people. They knew of the "written rights" of England’s Magna Carta, the "divided powers" government proposed by Montesquieu of France, the "religious tolerance" of the Dutch, and the "independence" of the Swiss. Nearer at hand, the Iroquois Indians enjoyed an "elected representative government." These and many others contributed their "wisdom of the ages" to the American formula. Most important of all, from Hebrew tradition and Anglo-Saxon common law, came the concept of "God given rights."

Recently, the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s landing renewed the debate about his legacy. Although he contributed little to America’s intellectual heritage, his voyage made its founding possible. Was he a "good guy" or a "bad guy?" It’s absurd to apply our modern standards of behavior to him. His was a brutal era of powerful Lords and Ladies; of capricious cruelty rendered without appeal. Lucky indeed were those lands favored with a just ruler!

There are many versions of American history; as many as there are historians. Opinions come and go, and popular impressions change. Were Americans the bearers of Manifest Destiny, pioneering the untamed wilderness? Or were they barbarous conquerors, ravaging the land and the peaceful natives? Actually, both-and neither.

Look at the portrayal of native Americans by Hollywood. Originally they were "screaming hordes," mowed down by brave wagon train riders. Next they were "noble savages," destroyed by rapacious cavalry soldiers. Later, movies like Dances with Wolves admitted to both good and cruel soldiers, as well as Indians. Even that portrayal of "virtuous Lakota" and "murderous Pawnee" was not without controversy. (Note that the beautiful horses they rode arrived a mere 300 years before, after they’d lived without them for at least 10,000.)

How much does the average American know about history? It’s a vast and often controversial subject. Just look at the Kennedy assassination, which is still within living memory.

Most people know that the young George Washington didn’t really cut down a cherry tree. But how many know that he didn’t have wooden teeth? That little item came from a British smear campaign.

Were the Puritans dourly religious, clad in black, and very "uptight?" (Whether that’s considered good or bad.) They were not! They had sexual problems too-and discussed them openly in their regular church meetings. They had marriage manuals as explicit, and as fun for man and wife, as anything Dr. Ruth has done. (Read Richard Shenkman’s Legends, Lies and Cherished Myths of American History.)

How many people are aware that thousands of Blacks, free and slave, fought during the Civil War . . . on the side of the South. Shocking indeed-but true. Modern sensibilities unavoidably color our view of history.

America has combined much evil with its good, yet it is the freest, fairest, and most prosperous nation that has ever existed. Gradually, wrongs (like slavery) were ended, and rights (such as the vote) were extended to all. INDUSTRY A century ago, Jack London and Upton Sinclair wrote about the horrible "sweatshops" in our emerging industrial centers. London thought that the "Robber Barons" of early Capitalism would rule the world for ages to come. (Read his prophetic novel The Iron Heel.)

In the event, history took a different course. Unions, often fighting pitched battles with company-hired goons, won better working conditions. The people elected crusading "Reform" politicians, who broke the stranglehold of the railroads and other industrial giants.

Fairness and prosperity grew together. Henry Ford and his men developed the "moving assembly line", enabling mass production of a cheaper, standardized product. In a fateful decision, Ford raised his worker’s pay to five dollars per day, far above the usual "starvation wages." Thus he increased his own market, because afterwards his workers could afford their own Model T cars. Other companies followed suit, and the American standard of living shot through the roof.

Ever since, whether it’s refrigerators, radios, or the newest computer, goods have come to market, fallen in price, and spread into every household. An affluent "middle class" appeared. As far back as Aristotle, scholars have written that it’s these stalwart citizens who bring stability to a nation. The rest of the world has followed suit, where their leaders were wise enough to allow it. IMPERIALISM Critics of Imperialism claim that America’s prosperity is illegitimate, looted from our "economic colonies." Was wealth sucked out of the Third World, leaving it in long term poverty? The answer is mixed.

Marxists cry "exploitation," but it was their own inept, corrupt rule that threw many newly independent nations into ruin. There certainly was exploitation in the "banana republic" domains of American businessmen, including Hawaii. One embittered, former Marine Corps General said, "Al Capone ran three districts of Chicago. I ran three countries for United Fruit."

There is another side to the story. A respected Idaho farmer, a man in his nineties, once gave this author his personal testimony. Decades ago, he and his partners bought a plantation in Central America. The local’s pay was one coin per day-about 50 cents. Aware of the "evil Yanqui" criticism being voiced even then, the new owners doubled these peasant worker’s pay. What happened? The locals started showing up for work only half the time! Who prospered?

Little of America’s wealth came from there. (Read the CAUSA manual on "Imperialism") FOUNDERS Many see God’s Hand in the founding of America. Rev. Moon speaks often about the Pilgrim’s dedication to God. (Manuel and Marshall’s book The Light and the Glory documents our amazing history of worship and revival.)

America prospered because of her people’s freedom and self-reliance. Inspired ministers and inventors changed her, and the world, forever.

Children could be children, with many years to learn and play, instead of being conscripted as "junior workers." For the first time in history, an entire national populace was free from starvation. And even the humblest worker could enjoy "free time." (Read The Mainsprings of Human Progress by H. G. Weaver.)

Americans are very religious people. Much of their free time is spent in church. In fact, attendance has steadily risen over the past 200 years. The charitable generosity of her people has increased every year, through good times and bad.

Some of the fieriest historical arguments are about the Founding Fathers. Did George Washington "smoke dope," as the hippies claimed? No, but he did grow it, for hemp fiber. Did Jefferson have children by a slave? Historians aren’t sure. Most important, were they Christians? Did they intend to establish a "Christian nation?"

Whatever one labels the Founders, they did believe in a creator God, and the Fall of Man. This understanding was crucial to what they wrought. They affirmed our "God given rights," which no human can annul. An "immortal soul" has infinite value, far above any social object, or any passing ruler or government. (Thus her citizens ought never fall victim to some dictatorial ruler’s "killing fields.")

We hear a lot of talk about "putting government in the hands of the people." That’s not what the Founders had in mind! In their writings, they did not use the word "democracy." Rather, they "insulated" the leadership, as with the (originally State-appointed) Senate. This is because people are fallen: often selfish, impulsive, and short-sighted; sometimes mean-spirited. Leaders too! That’s why the Founders wanted "citizen leaders," elected frequently, and held in check by a "balance of powers."

These brilliantly realistic insights lead the Founders to write the Constitution as they did. And that’s the basis for its unprecedented survival through two very turbulent centuries. Hopefully, Americans will always bear this in mind.

America’s heritage offers great hope to the world-if we ourselves don’t bury it. The parallel between modern Russia and our old Continental Congress is remarkable. They too need unity, and centered on Godly principles, rather than communist guns.

Administrations come and go, but America endures. Her people’s life expectancy and living standard are steadily improving. Its houses of worship continue to fill each Holy Day.

Twenty years ago, Rev. Moon told us that we need to take one more step: a "quiet revolution from selfishness to unselfishness." Actually living by the Golden Rule would transform American society beyond the fondest hopes of her Founders. Thus our third century will progress far beyond the first two. by Paul Carlson

St. Louis Event with True Mother

by Rev. William Stoner-St. Louis, MO

On Sat., April 4, 1998 Region 8 crossed a very important threshold with the visit of our True Mother to St. Louis. Having been in existence for little more than a year, this new region, the Heartland region, came together through a unique series of events which challenged us to establish a sense of collective unity that we had yet to experience. Through the sacrifice and devotion of brothers and sisters from Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa, God did bless the city of St. Louis with the profound experience of receiving His Love and Truth only His true daughter can share.

As Hoon Dok Hwe implies, April 4 witnessed a community of believers, both Unificationists and non-Unificationists alike, sharing in a family setting the oneness of God, as well as our growth as His children, through the reading of His Word as expressed through the speech "Blessed Marriage and Eternal Life." Unlike the typical understanding of a family setting as a nuclear family sitting in a circle on the floor near the fireplace, this speech brought people from various racial, religious and cultural backgrounds together to acknowledge themselves as spiritual children of the True Parents. Rev. Michael Jenkins introduced Dr. Moon as True Mother to an enthusiastic audience.

Gathering her children together, she shared internal guidance on concepts that were closest to her heart. Thus, as True Mother revealed that "God created humankind to become His partners of true love," they could understand that as mortals we are to share divinity with Heavenly Father as we complete our growth as His true children. When she shared that "our basic motivation for marrying is to resemble God," it became apparent that we are to share that divinity not just as individuals but more important as families. Finally, her proclamation that "humanity can enter the Kingdom of God by passing through the gate of this Blessing," illustrated the idea that the Holy Blessing Ceremony, as performed by Rev. and Mrs. Moon, is the originating point by which true love can grow within each heart and each home.

The victory gained April 4 was especially significant because of the heroic efforts of some special brothers and sisters. I am especially grateful to David Payer, Regional ACC Director in Iowa, for his assistance in obtaining the banner. With a promise that many banners and signs were to arrive that very morning from an Italian master sign maker, the painful reality of an airline company that didn’t deliver weighed heavily upon our hopeful hearts. With only two hours before the program was to begin, David not only found a local sign company open Saturday afternoon, but was able to convince them that this would be the most important banner they had ever yet created. John O’Connor of the Kansas church did an excellent job of orchestrating the various tasks involved in setting up the main banquet hall. Carl Swearson, of the Missouri ACC, was instrumental in having U.S. Senator Christopher Bond join him at the airport for True Mother’s arrival. Thanks to Carl’s efforts, St. Louis Mayor Clarence Harmon offered a proclamation establishing Apr. 4, 1998 as the "Day of Renewing America and Our Families" in St. Louis. Rev. Mary Bratti, former Missouri state director, was successful in inviting the eight community leaders who received Father’s books. Mark Lincoln from Nebraska church utilized his experience and skills as an East Garden security guard to insure that Mother’s visit was safe and secure.

Many leaders of the St. Louis metropolitan area were honored for contributions to the growth of God-centered families and faith-based communities by being named as recipients of 15-volume sets of True Father’s words. The eight book recipients were: Dr. Fran Benham, director of library services at St. Louis University; Rev. Dr. Irma Cannida, director of Wonderful World of Women; Rev. Dr. William Collins, retired Baptist pastor, retired seminary professor and member of the Board of Directors of Eden Theological Seminary; Rev. Michael West, bishop of St. Michael’s Temple; Rev. James Stewart, bishop of Pentecostal Saints Tabernacle; Denise Muhammad, assistant minister of St. Louis chapter of Nation of Islam; Evangelist Ruth Coney, St. Louis director of Women Aglow; Rev. Leonard Wrice, Christian Service Center.

Heaven was truly present that afternoon as ministers came forward with a strong desire to join in fellowship with us to study God’s Word as expressed through True Parents. Even our own church members eagerly volunteered their time and energy to insure that such event would continue into the future. This precious and blessed occasion concluded as True Mother opened her heart and her room to our members as we shared in celebration through song. As the practice of Hoon Dok Hwe is enfolded in our lives, members from the Heartland region now share a common bond of heart and many within the community are empowered as a result of our True Mother bringing Heaven to St. Louis on a day in April. 

Responsibility and Our Cultural Crisis

uViews April 1998

The question of responsibility looms large in our current political affairs. The president, Mr. Clinton, seems unable to take responsibility for his behavior or alleged behavior. Allegations swirl around him. If he is innocent of the accusations, responsibility would be to exonerate himself. If he is guilty of them, responsibility would be to admit the error of his ways. In either case, it would allow the ship of state to progress into the coming millennium.

Instead of taking responsibility for his actions, Mr. Clinton throws himself into a conglomeration of legal, political and media institutions and allows their inborn nature of the balance of powers to eliminate the application of any authority with regard to his judgment. In other words, Mr. Clinton becomes a ward of the state, more broadly, a ward of the culture. The chief executive becomes the chief recipient of society’s self-healing institutions. The therapeutic society is designed for this. But it is, as we call see, a failure, for it absolves anyone of responsibility for their actions.

In traditional America, a lawyer setting up shop in a town was taken to indicate that the town’s clergy had failed its mission. The phenomena of lawyers setting up shop defines our present social landscape. We occasionally read of outrageous litigation. Here’s another one: a woman left her horse in a neighbor’s field, without permission. She was told many times to take away the horse, but refused. One day the horse escaped the field, jumping over a low point of the fence. It caused an automobile accident nearby. The woman sued the neighbor for failing to keep up his fence. She won and the neighbor had to pay for the damages in the accident.

The real failure was the lack of community which led to such a breakdown in neighborly relations and lack of support among the larger group. And community rooted in religion.

If the wisdom of traditional America is correct, and I believe it is in this instance, this state of affairs results from the failure of our religious and moral institutions. Why did they fail? In the current issue of First Things, Wilfred M. McClay approaches this question in relation to the rise of "the ideal of the autonomous self" in our culture: "Was it implicit in the nation’s very beginnings? Or did it arise out of some detour from those beginnings? If the latter, then when and where did the detour occur? If the former, then what are the implications for those of us who see that the ideal has now become pernicious and destructive?"

We would turn this question as to the failure of our moral and religious institutions as follows: were the institutions implanted at our nation’s beginnings good, and evil people abandoned them, or were the institutions flawed and deservedly discarded? In general, the conservative position, on the right, would opine that the former position is correct, and the liberal position, on the left, would choose the latter. The truth as to the cause is somewhere in-between. But the truth as to the effect, the disappearance of our moral institutions, no one disputes.

The cause of our moral breakdown has everything to do with responsibility, because both the left and right have abandoned the tenet of responsibility. The conservative position, on the right, tends toward predestination, that all things are controlled by God. Injustice is only apparent; it is in fact decreed by God. God is sovereign and planned everything to be as it is. The liberal position, on the other hands, believes that everything is the hands of man, that nothing is pre-ordained. Both positions abrogate responsibility.

The right abrogates responsibility by assigning everything to divine determination. The left abrogates responsibility by assigning everything to social, historical and finally biological forces. A person, finally, is not responsible because his social or biological, including psychological, setting prevented him from doing other than he did.

The abdication of responsibility on the right is more subtle. In a way, it is rather abstract, the assigning of predestining power to God. To their credit, conservatives these days are not consistent with this doctrine. They do call for human responsibility, for example, for homosexuals to consider their behavior a choice, not a condition. They call for those on the welfare rolls to take responsibility for their poverty, and for sex offenders to do likewise.

The abdication of responsibility on the right is more subtle but just as far-reaching. Their ultimate abdication is than man bears no responsibility for the general human condition. That’s a sweeping statement. Let me unpack it.

The conservative tradition in America proudly identifies itself with Judeo-Christianity. This tradition in general exalts human freedom and responsibility. The covenantal tradition of the Old Testament views God and man as partners. Consider Abraham’s negotiating the fate of Sodom with God.

It is but a typical instance of the entire story of the relationship of the chosen people with the Lord. If you follow my commandments, sayeth the Lord, you will prosper. If you violate my commandments, you will perish. Your fate, within the principle of creation, is in your hands. And God is forbearing, "flexible" in today’s vernacular. He warned, He waited, He tried to work things out; He always gives a second chance.

Then came the Christ event. For the Jews, things turned much for the worse. Within a few decades they lost the Temple and their land; within a few centuries they lost their legal status as a religion. For the most part the next twenty centuries were full of the suffering and deprivation of these good and moral people, culminating in the Holocaust.

The tormenting question for Jews had to be: did we fail our responsibility? If God is just, and punishes those who violate His commandments–i.e.... who fail their responsibility–what did we do to deserve this suffering? There are three answers. One is "narrow-minded": yes, you failed your responsibility to receive Christ and you are justly suffering. A second is broad-minded: let’s not jump to conclusions about this; God is mysterious and we don’t really know why or even if He is punishing us and what our responsibility was. The third is atheism.

Questions for Christians are just as difficult, and the way Christianity has answered leads to the abrogation of responsibility. Christians like to posit that man is free to respond to God’s love or to reject God’s love. Here Christianity is consistent with the Torah. But this principle is left to evaporate at the two most crucial points of providential history: Adam and Eve in the Garden, and Christ on the earth.

These two points are the points of creation and re-creation of the human race. Suddenly, Christianity becomes jelly. We had no choice! We were victims! We were just doing what he had to do, what we were created to do! God knew we would do it and in fact, He wanted us to do it!

In the Garden we witness the first cover-up. In fact, human history started with a cover-up, and we’ve been covered-up ever since. What did Adam and Eve cover-up? The same thing Mr. Clinton is covering up: what they did with their lower parts. They came up with the first human invention: aprons of fig leaves. Adam said it was not his fault, that he was not responsible. The woman, he said, whom You gave me (so it’s ultimately Your fault, God); she tempted me. That’s why I ate. There’s really nothing wrong with me; it was her temptation. Likewise, the woman blamed someone else, the crummy serpent, who wriggled off to live on the dust of human veniality.

So history begins with a set of responsibility denials. But that’s not the only problem. The serious problem is that Christianity justifies their denial of responsibility by teaching that they had to fall, that it was no less than the will of God that they fall. Christians end up with the insane position of praising Adam and Eve for sinning. Christianity is reduced to teaching that Adam and Eve followed the will responsibility of God by rejecting the commandment of God. God becomes a silly fellow who commands His children to do the opposite of what He really wants them to do. This is why ministers rarely sermonize about the Garden of Eden.

Don’t worry, it gets worse. Let’s consider the issue of responsibility in relation to the event of re-creation, the coming of Christ. Human beings had the responsibility to follow Jesus, right? That’s our responsibility today, and, presumably, that was their responsibility back then. Jesus believed this. He praised those who believed and followed him. He chastised those who persecuted and rejected him. Simple enough?

If we follow what Jesus taught here, then, we would conclude that those who crucified him did evil, and that those who protected him did good. And we would assume, since Jesus did try to persuade them to do good, that they had the freedom to do good and that to be responsible was to do the right thing.

Enter "theology." Theology teaches that Christ came to die. Somehow, therefore, the rules of engagement between God and man changed during the life of Jesus. It was necessary that he die, therefore, it was necessary that people kill him. If it was necessary that they kill him, then they had no freedom not to, and if they had no freedom not to, then they had no responsibility to accept him. The Sanhedrin were victims of their social/historical environment. There was no crime committed. The Messiah was executed by legal procedure. Such was the sovereignty of Satan.

But, theology tells us, most Christians, and all people who reject the contention that Jesus was a criminal worthy of capital punishment, believe that it was a sin to crucify Jesus. The Gospel writers felt such; John said that "Satan entered into Judas." Jesus called upon God to forgive those who killed him. The centurion exclaimed that they had killed an innocent man. Judas threw the blood money back at the Sanhedrin and killed himself.

But no one was responsible, and this irresponsibility is, as with the fall, raised to the level of dogmatic foundation for Christian faith.

I hope that at this point, a Christian believer would hear his conscience say, NO! We are responsible for the crucifixion. The whole human race is responsible and thus held worthy of death and hell. This is why Jesus’ forgiveness and shedding of blood is so great, because it removes this curse from us.

To such a conscientious Christian, I would say two things. One, Jesus died for our sin, yes. But we can be more precise. He did not die for sins in general. Sins in general he could and did forgive on earth repeatedly. He died for one sin and one sin only: the sin of rejecting him, the one unforgivable sin. This one sin is beyond the vernacular of "sins." It is not just another sin, such as a robbery, an act of adultery, a murder, a lie. It is the sin by which we confirmed ourselves willfully alienated from God, because it is the sin of rejecting the holy spirit, rejecting God. So don’t say that he came to die for sin. He came to judge the human race.

Judgment came while he was on earth. Had he been accepted, we would have been judged righteous and he would have forgiven all our sins and gone far beyond that. But he was rejected; we were judged sinful and nothing was forgiven. Therefore, he had to die. He died because we failed our responsibility. It was not the devil’s fault. It was not God’s fault. It was not a requirement of theological reasoning.

Two, we must reinstate responsibility in a thoroughgoing way. If our worldview, the Christian worldview, denies human responsibility at the two events which define the human condition, then there is no way to institute a culture based upon responsibility. There will always be an out, a shrug of the shoulders, a pointing of the finger, a closing of the eyes.

True children take responsibility. Immature children blame others. "I hit you because you made me so upset! The house is a mess because she messed it up!" Growing up is a process of accepting responsibility. Christian culture has two big areas in which to stop denying responsibility.

One has to do with the fall of man. Our culture must take responsibility for its sexual behavior. Anything short of sexual purity, chastity and complete faithfulness (absolute sex) is a failure of responsibility. No more winking, joking, bending the rules, playing around.

The second has to do with the messiah. Our culture must go beyond the paradigm of the "man who cannot but sin but praises God that through Christ he is forgiven." Christ did not come to forgive a passel of inveterate sinners. That was John the Baptist’s mission. Christ came to bring us into the Kingdom of God.

And this is what Hebrews 9:28 says he will came back to do: not to deal with sin, but to save those who are waiting for him. Stop praising Jesus for dying for our sins. It’s the ultimate in negative thinking. It keeps Christian culture stuck in the spiritual mud. It is irresponsible. Once we take responsibility for these two things, we can take responsibility for the world.

Report on True Mother from Dallas

by John Jackson-Dallas, TX

Mother’s visit to Dallas was a great success. Rev. Jenkins said many times that if the place is full you’ve done swell. And was it ever full! 550 seats were filled with people come to see Mother. While there were still seats available, they weren’t many, leaving 30 or more people standing in the back. What a great filling!

VIP guests’ list included: Mrs. Roxanna Carranza Lopez, personal assistant to the Consul General of El Salvador, was so happy to receive the gift of Hoon Dok Hwe books from Mother. She also asked us to please invite her to all our future events. She wrote a very wonderful letter as well.

Rev. Rufus Kyles from Houston, TX, a Blessed minister, gave the invocation; he was also a recipient of the volumes of Father’s speeches. He is superintendent of the Thanks Progressive Evangelistic District, C.O.G.I.C., and on the mayor’s Ministerial Advisory Board. He loves True Parents. He and his wife Louisa joined the victory party, sitting in the front row.

Dr. Lonnie Kliever, the director of Religious Studies at Southern Methodist University, has written many books from the historical viewpoint of religion. He is a top authority quoted by newspapers around the country. With his encouragement Dr. Ronald Flowers, professor of religion and chairman of the Department of Religion, Texas Christian University, attended. The author of many books, he came with his guest, Dr. James Atwood, church vocations counselor in the Religion Department at TCU. Drs. Kliever and Flowers both received the books and were very happy to do so for the University. Dr. Flowers invited Rev. You to come and speak to his class.

Minister Robert Muhammad, Southwest Regional Representative of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam, came with about seventy guests to Dallas to welcome Mother. He was Blessed at RFK and presented Mother with a beautiful plaque and flowers. The letter he had framed was very lovely as he thanked Mother for the way she and Father had welcomed Louis Farrakhan and himself in Korea. Very gratefully he presented the letter to Mother.

The Rev. Robert Willingham, pastor of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas, and former president of the NAACP-Little Rock, came to receive Father’s books. He is an old friend from ICC days, who is very close to us.

Pastor Manuel Nabarrete, Jr. of Victory Life Ministries, whose Victory Home is working in Dallas to help people get off drugs, is doing a great job; we were honored to have him attend.

Mrs. Kay Schecht, founder of Irving Together, also received Father’s gift. Her organization’s purpose is to enhance opportunities and the quality of life for minority youth.

We had victory on other levels with many ministers coming for the first time; Pastor Jefferson brought 50 members of his congregation; joining us in Mother’s victory party, he even sang a song for Mother. During Mother’s speech, True Mother was smiling. Near the end, as she waited for the applause to end, she let out a small laugh, then read on to the finish with a standing ovation. The room was electric as she came down from the stage to present the books of Father’s words.

Mother seemed very happy at the victory party, as brothers and sisters sang for True Parents. She was openly laughing as two brothers tried to sing in Korean. All in all, a great victory for True Parents. And great blessing for Dallas. All of our brothers and sisters worked hard. Members from other states from all over Region 9 united with each other centering on Bishop You, making this the greatest event for True Parents in Dallas history.

Philippines Court Victory

by Lloyd Howell-Manila, Philippines

Your readers might like to know that the HSA-UWC of the Philippines received word on April 7th from its lawyers that the Department of Justice had issued a resolution (dated March 12) dismissing all cases against all persons.

Readers may recall the charges were 1) Violating the "mail order" bride law (Arranging of marriages to foreigners for profit), 2) Usurpation of authority (conducting a marriage ceremony without proper license to do so), 3) Illegal recruitment of overseas workers (women married for the purpose of manipulation into forced into servitude).

The Philippine headquarters held an all night celebration to hear the good news that this cloud which had hung over the church for more than a year (impacting many activities) had been lifted.

Palm Sunday Crowd Greets True Mother in Atlanta

by Tom Cutts-Atlanta, GA

True Mother introduced Hoon Dok Hwe to nearly 1,000 people in Atlanta on Palm Sunday, April 5, 1998. Mother arrived in the city on a beautiful spring day. The air was cool, and the sky was bright and sunny. All around Atlanta, the buds on the dogwood trees and the azalea bushes were just beginning to open.

Later that afternoon, Mother was greeted by some of the most influential leaders of Atlanta and the Southeast; Civil Rights Champion Dr. Hosea Williams; a State Representative on two powerful committees; President Seuk Hee Lee of the 50,000 member Atlanta Korean Association; a past Dean of Students of Clark-Atlanta University; Dr. Jacob Quiambao, past President of Union Theological Seminary of The Philippines; Southern Regional Minister Jamil Muhammad of the Nation of Islam; Ms. Portia Scott, the Senior Editor of the Atlanta Daily World, the nation's oldest African-American newspaper; Mrs. Karla Brandau of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints; Talk Show Host Ms. Alberta Grant; Dr. Lonnie Edwards, Sr., the Assistant Superintendent of the Dekalb County Schools; Dr. Al Stewart, President of the Institute of the Christian World with projects in Atlanta and in three African countries; and Dr. Charles A. Carpenter, the Director of Pastoral Care and Clinical Psychology at a major regional hospital.

Mayor Bill Campbell of Atlanta, recognized Mrs. Moon's speaking tour by proclaiming April 5, 1998 as "The Day of Blessed Marriage." The cities of Marietta, East Point, Stone Mountain, Doraville, and Clayton County also sent proclamations recognizing April 5th as "The Day of Blessed Marriage."

The Speaker of the U.S. House Newt Gingrich, and Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney also welcomed Mrs. Moon to Atlanta with their letters. Speaker Gingrich wrote, "Your efforts to strengthen family values are essential to the future of America... My best wishes to you as you continue your speaking tour."

A reception prior to the program held in the hotel's Garden Court gave guests an opportunity to refresh themselves, and to meet one another. The program began at 4 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom with welcoming remarks from Rev. Michael Jenkins, ACC Regional Director of the Chicago Region. The Rev. Dr. Hosea Williams offered the invocation. He asked God's blessing upon the assembled guests, upon the Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, and upon their work of saving the family.

As an introduction to True Mother, Mr. Neil Salonen delivered his remarks, and Mrs. Karen Judd Smith read the speech, "True Parents." There was a growing anticipation of meeting Mrs. Moon, and the audience's expectation was heightened even more by the video presentation, Toward World Peace. Rev. Jenkins introduced the video by saying "Truly the Word of God is powerful, but more powerful still, is the life of One who has put those Words into action." During the video, some guests were deeply touched, and even began crying.

Immediately after the video, True Mother came onto the stage, and was greeted with a standing ovation. After the Ballroom quieted, Mother read the speech, "Blessed Marriage and Eternal Life." She read with tremendous dignity and beauty. Heavenly Father and his servants throughout the ages endured unspeakable hardships to bring God's Providence to the time when Blessed Marriages could be proclaimed. Reflecting upon God's profound suffering and present joy, Mother herself was choked to tears several times during the speech, and paused to wipe tears from her eyes. The audience listened with rapt attention, carefully following the reading in their own speech booklets. Many guests marked passages that particularly moved them. At the conclusion, Mother's speech was warmly received another standing ovation.

Following the Hoon Dok Hwe, two dignitaries presented gifts to Mrs. Moon. Mrs. Karla Brandau, the Public Affairs Director for the Lilburn Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) presented the book, Mission, and a beautifully framed and illustrated message from the President of the LDS Church, describing God's ideal for man and woman, and the eternal importance of the family. Southern Regional Minister Jamil Muhammad of the Nation of Islam presented Mrs. Moon with a proclamation commending Mrs. Moon for her work of reconciliation, and promoting World Peace.

After receiving these gifts, Mother presented a set of True Father's collected speeches to each of eight dignitaries from Atlanta, and the Southeast The first set went to the Rev. Dr. Hosea Williams. He was Dr. Martin Luther King's Dr. King's Field General.

Dr. King would sent Dr. William's team into a city to break the fear that the black people had of the white power structure. Dr. William's team would do this through demonstrations, and other acts of civil disobedience. Then Dr. King, Dr. Abernathy, Andrew Young and others would come to the city to negotiate with the city leaders. If city leaders would not negotiate, Dr. King threatened that Dr. Williams and his "gangsters" would stay longer.

This was a very dangerous mission. Dr. Williams was severely beaten numerous times, 20 of his men and women died during the struggle, and he was imprisoned 135 times.

Dr. Williams is a recent American Leadership Conference graduate. He is extremely concerned that America is headed down the same road of inner corruption and ruin as the Roman Empire. He applauds the work of Rev. and Mrs. Moon in strengthening the family, and said, "Rev. Moon's family movement might just be the movement that will save America."

Also receiving the collected speeches from Mrs. Moon was Professor Jacob Quiambao, a retired United Methodist minister. Dr. Quiambao is Professor Emeritus of Religion and Theology at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia, and is a past President of the Union Theological Seminary in The Philippines. Among his notable students is Bishop Nacpil, President of the World Council of United Methodist Bishops.

Other dignitaries receiving the books from Mother included; Ms. Portia Scott. She is the Senior Editor of the Atlanta Daily World, the nation's oldest African American newspaper, and is also a professor of journalism at the Clark-Atlanta University; Dr. Lonnie Edwards, Sr. is the Assistant Superintendent of Schools of the Dekalb County School System. He is the director of the department of Staff and Community Relations; Mr. Seuk Hee Lee is the President of the 50,000 member Atlanta Korean Association; Mrs. Karla Brandau is the Public Relations Director of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, Lilburn, Georgia Stake; and Southern Regional Minister Jamil Muhammad of the Nation of Islam.

Following Mother's reading, and the book presentations, Mother, several V.I.P.'s, and church members moved to another room for a victory celebration. Here Father and Mother spoke to one another by telephone. A sound system had been prepared so that Father and the members in New York could hear and speak with Mother and the members in Atlanta.

During the celebration, the elementary and middle school students from the Top Garden School in Bayou la Batre, Alabama delighted Mother and Father with several songs. In New York the nine-year old daughter of Chris and Gillian Cochran surprised everyone with her professional rendition of one of the songs from the play Annie.

In Atlanta, Mr. Salonen sang a Korean song, which made Mother smile and even laugh aloud. Mother said the first part was good, but the second part needed some practice. Finally, Mother sang a song, and in closing asked the second- generation children if they knew that they were different from other children. They answered "Yes." She admonished them to protect their purity.

The next morning at 6 a.m., about twenty-five church leaders, business leaders, WFWP leaders, and ACC leaders gathered with Mother for Hoon Dok Hwe. Rev. Peter Kim began by reading sentences in Korean and then translating each sentence into English. Mother stopped him and told him to read only in Korean. After several minutes, Mother stopped Rev. Kim again and told everyone that Hoon Dok Hwe should be read in Korean, not in Japanese or English. It is only by knowing Korean that we can truly understand the depth of True Parents' heart.

Also by learning Korean we can make True Parents happy. Mother reminded the members how Mr. Salonen had delighted Father and Mother with his attempt at singing a Korean song.

Then Mother asked this reporter to read the speech "True Parents." Mother has heard this speech many times before, yet she was again moved to tears. Mother remarked, "The Word of God is so delicious, it never loses it's taste." Then Mother asked Rev. Mike Jenkins to read "Blessed Marriage and Eternal Life."

After Hoon Dok Hwe, Mother had breakfast with Rev. Young Sik An, Regional Director of Region Five, and of the leaders from the region. Mother seemed pleased with reports about the American Leadership Conference that had taken place the weekend before, and about Master Marine in Bayou la Batre, Alabama. Ninety ALC guests from Atlanta and the Southeast had profound experiences at the conference. One youth minister had already shared the True Family Values seminar with some of his 1,200 young people, and many had committed themselves to sexual purity until marriage. Bret Dungan, the President of Master Marine reported huge increases in revenues at Father's ship building company.

After breakfast, Mother signed her name to twelve copies of the tour speech booklet, and quickly departed for the airport. Mother left as Atlanta as the city was bursting in spring time blossom.

New Hope Farms -- Schedule of Events 1998

April 5th. West Point Collegiate Horse Show

April 25th Rotary Club Benefit Horse Show

May 1st-3rd National Collegiate Horse Show

May 9th NBW Professional Wrestling

June 20th Carson & Barnes Circus

July 9th-12th Deerpark Family Festival

Sept. 2nd-6th The Autumn Classic Horse Show

Summer/Fall Music Festival 1998

June 11th An Evening with The Moody Blues

July 2nd Chicago & Hall and Oates

July 18th 70's Explosion: K.C. & The Sunshine Band, The Village People, Gloria Gaynor, The Tramps, Vicki Sue Robinson

August 2nd Doo Wop Festival

August 8th Culture Club, The Human League, & Howard Jones

August 9th Willie Nelson, Leon Russell, & Delbert McLinton

September 10th Wynona Judd

*October 23rd *Grand Funk Railroad

For General Info on All Events, Call (914) 858-6970
For Concert Ticket Info, Call (888) 266-9141

(* Tentative Dates)

New Eden Makes A Joyful Noise

by Clopha Deshotel-Bridgeport, CT

As we come to the close of this first year of New Eden Academy, a college preparatory high school located in Bridgeport, Connecticut, New Eden students and staff have had the unique opportunity recently to spend time with the True Parents. Because of our location, New Eden students were able to see and sing for True Mother three times on her national Hoon Dok Hwe tour: in Bridgeport, Boston and New York.

Especially meaningful was the special opportunity to make a joyful noise before True Parents at their home at East Garden, a privilege rarely experienced by others. In that way, the students were able to receive very personal love and attention from the True Parents. Such opportunities help to fulfill the True Parents’ hope for protecting second generation high school students from the adverse influences of the secular world. Imagine the excitement of students at having sung to the True Parents in such an intimate setting!

All parents want to give their son or daughter a competitive advantage in choices of colleges and careers. New Eden Academy provides that opportunity because it is located on the campus of the University of Bridgeport and students are able to obtain 24 college credits while still in high school. In addition, all parents want to keep their children morally pure; this includes courageously avoiding the misuse of sexual organs by being in a healthy spiritual atmosphere and moral environment like New Eden.

On June 5 the first class at the Academy will complete the first year of school and begin summer vacation. The next school year will begin on Aug. 29. For an application and information for the 1998-99 school year, please contact either Dr. Hugh Spurgin or Mr. Clopha Deshotel at (203)334-3434, fax (203)334-8653.