Report on True Mother from Dallas

by John Jackson-Dallas, TX

Mother’s visit to Dallas was a great success. Rev. Jenkins said many times that if the place is full you’ve done swell. And was it ever full! 550 seats were filled with people come to see Mother. While there were still seats available, they weren’t many, leaving 30 or more people standing in the back. What a great filling!

VIP guests’ list included: Mrs. Roxanna Carranza Lopez, personal assistant to the Consul General of El Salvador, was so happy to receive the gift of Hoon Dok Hwe books from Mother. She also asked us to please invite her to all our future events. She wrote a very wonderful letter as well.

Rev. Rufus Kyles from Houston, TX, a Blessed minister, gave the invocation; he was also a recipient of the volumes of Father’s speeches. He is superintendent of the Thanks Progressive Evangelistic District, C.O.G.I.C., and on the mayor’s Ministerial Advisory Board. He loves True Parents. He and his wife Louisa joined the victory party, sitting in the front row.

Dr. Lonnie Kliever, the director of Religious Studies at Southern Methodist University, has written many books from the historical viewpoint of religion. He is a top authority quoted by newspapers around the country. With his encouragement Dr. Ronald Flowers, professor of religion and chairman of the Department of Religion, Texas Christian University, attended. The author of many books, he came with his guest, Dr. James Atwood, church vocations counselor in the Religion Department at TCU. Drs. Kliever and Flowers both received the books and were very happy to do so for the University. Dr. Flowers invited Rev. You to come and speak to his class.

Minister Robert Muhammad, Southwest Regional Representative of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam, came with about seventy guests to Dallas to welcome Mother. He was Blessed at RFK and presented Mother with a beautiful plaque and flowers. The letter he had framed was very lovely as he thanked Mother for the way she and Father had welcomed Louis Farrakhan and himself in Korea. Very gratefully he presented the letter to Mother.

The Rev. Robert Willingham, pastor of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas, and former president of the NAACP-Little Rock, came to receive Father’s books. He is an old friend from ICC days, who is very close to us.

Pastor Manuel Nabarrete, Jr. of Victory Life Ministries, whose Victory Home is working in Dallas to help people get off drugs, is doing a great job; we were honored to have him attend.

Mrs. Kay Schecht, founder of Irving Together, also received Father’s gift. Her organization’s purpose is to enhance opportunities and the quality of life for minority youth.

We had victory on other levels with many ministers coming for the first time; Pastor Jefferson brought 50 members of his congregation; joining us in Mother’s victory party, he even sang a song for Mother. During Mother’s speech, True Mother was smiling. Near the end, as she waited for the applause to end, she let out a small laugh, then read on to the finish with a standing ovation. The room was electric as she came down from the stage to present the books of Father’s words.

Mother seemed very happy at the victory party, as brothers and sisters sang for True Parents. She was openly laughing as two brothers tried to sing in Korean. All in all, a great victory for True Parents. And great blessing for Dallas. All of our brothers and sisters worked hard. Members from other states from all over Region 9 united with each other centering on Bishop You, making this the greatest event for True Parents in Dallas history.