Old World Ends, New World Begins

by Alex Colvin-Glen Burnie, MD

So many things are going on in the world, that no one really knows what is going on. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the polarization between the communist block and the West, the historical resentments of the past are bubbling to the surface in racial, regional, and religious conflicts. The dividing lines that were established by the major powers after World War One and World War Two are coming apart at the seams. The digital revolution is changing the nature of the world economy. We are living in the post industrial era.

Domestically, society seems to be coming apart at the seams. Our nation is involved in a "culture war." There is no consensus on values, education appears to be failing, crime is rampant. The old "liberal" faith that government can usher in an age of equality and prosperity is bankrupt. In it's wake is a tidal wave of urban problems-drugs, crime, single parenthood, and cyclical dependency-that threaten to suck us down a maelstrom of despair. In the midst of the confusion and tension, people escape into bizarre conspiracy theories or shut themselves off from the larger world and live day to day for themselves.

What is going on? Where are we headed? Is there hope?

Abraham Lincoln, leaving for Washington to assume the presidency, once said, "With God, I can not fail; without God, I can not possibly succeed." These words are relevant today. The fundamental question in life is whether or not God exists. If God exists, then the world is guided by Providence. We can seek wisdom and God freely gives to all who ask. "Surely the Lord God does nothing without first revealing his secrets to his servants the prophets." If God doesn't exist, and the universe is simply a series of random physico-chemical reactions, then we truly live in an existential wasteland wherein "whirl is king."

As for me and my house, we are convinced of God's existence. Actually, it's not hard to find God. Simply be humble and have an open mind, pray and seek sincerely for truth. Amazing things will happen! You will discover a spiritual life and God will guide you from wherever you are into a relationship with Him.

Hamlet once remarked, "Surely He who gave us such noble discourse and godlike reason gave it not to fust in us unused." God wants us to understand his Providence-not just doctrine or theology. Calvin enjoined his followers to preach the whole counsel of God. In other words, let's try to understand, in the light of our faith, how God is working in the world. So, let's pray to God for wisdom, and with an open mind let's discuss the issues. Please feel free to respond.

Nature Of God And Man; The Purpose Of Life

Divine Principle Volume One. Part Nine

In order to survive physically, each of us needs physical nourishment. In a similar manner, Divine Principle teaches that our spiritual selves need spiritual nourishment. Such nourishment consists of two components - the "Life Elements" that come from God, which include love and truth, and the "Vitality Elements" which have their origin in the physical body.

These Vitality Elements flow from the body to the spirit as the individual lives in accordance with God's Word and acts according to the principles of service and love. As the spirit receives Vitality Elements from the body and Life Elements form God, it becomes vibrant and beautiful. Reciprocally, our spirit selves project spirit elements to our physical bodies. A spirit filled with a divine ideal, hope and love imparts health and power to the physical self. For this reason, people filled with spiritual life often need less sleep and food, and generally have more enthusiasm about life.

The character of one's spirit self is thus dependent on the quality of his physical actions. If a person for example has wronged another, or stolen property or exploited someone weaker, he will inevitably be called to rectify such matters during the course of his spiritual growth. If one fails to right his wrongs while he is on earth, he will enter the spirit world in a damaged state. Jesus' encouragement to us to straighten out our difficulties with our fellow man before we offer our gifts at the alter (Mt 5:21) is thus not to be ignored.

Heaven and Hell

But, if one neglects to do this, he will be sent to "hell"? The Principle stresses that after physical death we continue life in the spirit world at whatever level we have attained during our lifetime. No one is "sent" to heaven or hell; rather one enters the spirit world at the level of spiritual growth he has attained on earth. We are the ones who determine our destiny.

The difference between heaven and hell has been suggested by one Emmanuel Swedenborg, a remarkable 17th century Swedish scholar and scientist who in his later years had an extended series of experiences in and with the spirit world. For this spiritual giant the distinction is clear cut:

The attitude that causes a drift toward heaven is in the feeling that there is a higher power...(and in the striving) to relate to it. This same spirit of humility and respect for the greatness of creation goes with an effort to be with others and to be of some use. By this a person faces toward heaven... The opposite attitude is to put down creation and elevate the self. The one bound for hell serves himself first, last and foremost. By this he is cut off from the opening-out possibilities of heaven and becomes enclosed in concerns for himself over and above others.

Love and Beauty

Since out spirit selves grow in conjunction with our physical bodies, our experience of love, beauty and joy on earth conditions our ability to experience them in the spirit world. Life in the spirit world is initially determined by whatever degree of love we have experienced on earth. Since, as we have seen, love is to be experienced most profoundly in the family, Divine Principle affirms it is through our families that we are meant to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, both on earth and in the spirit world.

Professor Charles Whitehead, twentieth century philosopher and theologian, is reported to have once complained that too many Christians think of God in terms of an absolute, autocratic, Roman emperor. Perhaps so. In any event, a special aspect of the Divine Principle revelation is its understanding of the heart of God. For Divine Principle, God's heart is tender, sensitive - and grieving over a lost relationship of love.

Divine Principle underscores the fact that the almighty God is not only the source of energy, the origin and preserver of life, but also the Father of Heart. Man was to be one with his Creator, forming intimate relationships of father and child, friend and friend, lover and beloved, bridegroom and bride. However, as man's relations with his fellow man have been ridden with conflict, so have his relations with his Creator been badly crippled. Although He is a God of love, the Almighty God cannot express His heart of love as He wishes; He is limited by the capacity of human beings to receive and respond to it.

Judge or Lover

While for much of the Old Testament God is portrayed as a strict judge or powerful monarch, there are nevertheless flashes of a God of tender heart and supreme sensitivity. The story of the prophet Hosea, a man whose wife was faithless is a case in point. Hosea's knowledge of his wife's infidelity, coupled with his continuing love for her, was a heart-breaking experience for the prophet.

What then must be the experience of God, Hosea asked, whose love for us is so much deeper and more sensitive? In the most profound and revealing of man's relationships, Hosea found a metaphor for the relationship between a faithful God and a faithless nation. For the prophet, his own experience became a living parable of the suffering heart of God.

The truth then is that God has been hurt more than man. God feels crushed by the historic betrayal of His loved ones - as any lover would be. The injured heart of God, the suffering of the Heavenly Father, is beyond measurement and human comprehension.

It has been said that it is not so much we who seek God as it is God who seeks us. While humankind has walked a tortured and searching path through history, Divine Principle suggests that the same is true of God. The Lord's call to Adam, "Where are you?" (Gen 3:9) expresses an inquiry directed to all humanity. Ever since man's fall, God has been seeking His lost family with a grieving heart. Reflecting the difficulties of this search, Isaiah writes:

Hear, o heavens, and give ear, O earth; for the Lord has spoken: "Sons have I reared and brought up, but they have rebelled against me. The ox knows its owners, and the ass its master's crib; but Israel does not know. My people do not understand." (Is 1:2)

And Hosea describes a similar situation: the more I called them, the more they went from me; they kept sacrificing to the Baal, and burning incense to idols. Yet it was I who taught Ephraim to walk. I too, them up in my arms, but they did not know that I healed them. (Hos 11:2)

On the other hand, alienated from God, humanity has also walked a torturous path. Separated from the love of God, humankind has hungered and thirsted in spirit. The Psalmist writes:

As a heart longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for thee, O God. My soul thirsts for God, the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God. My tears have been my food day and night. (Ps 42:1)

I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God. (Ps 69:3)

Spiritual Death

For Divine Principle, man's separation from the love and wisdom of God has prevented the human family from functioning at its optimum level. At its worst humanity's alienation from its Creator has brought spiritual death to man and has caused the sorrow and tragedy within man and the world.

Since the time of man's fall, many religions have developed in human society; to seek God through Jesus, or for that matter, through any historical religious path, is man's attempt to restore the original relationship of love with God. If man had not fallen, he would now be living in the bosom of God's love, walking with Him, creating with Him.

For Divine Principle, then, the central goal of the person who would be a mature son or daughter of God is the alleviating of the divine sorrow and the comforting of God's heart. This can be done as we realize God's hope for us, step by step fulfilling the three Blessings and doing our part toward realizing the Kingdom of God on earth. God has been longing for His children and they, like orphans, long for Him. Only when the meeting between this eager Father and these suffering children is sealed can restoration begin. The Lord is looking with great longing to the time of reunion, the day He and man can at last become one, as was the original intention. Then the great suffering of God, man and the universe will come to an end.

Mountain Tigers, Mountain Rabbits

by Chris Garcia

If you had been there, you would have seen three people walking among the trees in the moonlight. Feeling their way down a small path, talking to each other in whispers, they moved gently down the mountainside through the pine needles. You would have seen that the woman in the rear was fairly old, maybe 60 years old; the woman in front was fairly young, maybe 25 years old more or less; and the little girl walking between them down the mountain path was definitely six years old.

The little girl’s name was Hak Ja Han, and she was humming with excitement and chattering with endless whispered questions to her mother and grandmother. She was excited because she was able to stay up so late at night, and because she was walking through a dark forest with her mother and grandmother, and because the last couple of weeks she’d been through so many adventures.

Her mother and grandmother were excited, too, but in a different way. You might say they were excited because they were scared. Unlike the child, they knew what was really happening. They knew all too well what war was, and that overnight their little country of Korea had gone crazy and was at war with itself. For the first time in thousands of years, Koreans were not fighting off the Chinese or Japanese, but were fighting against each other. It was a civil war.

Mrs. Hong was scared because she had been having terrible dreams at night of friends and relatives declaring war on her and coming to shoot her. That’s what civil war was.

She was scared because of a neighbor who had tried to escape to the southern half of Korea at night, just like they were doing now, and she had stepped on a flat metal can buried in the ground of the road and gone straight home to Jesus in a clap of thunder and a flash of light. It was a land mine, a little bomb.

All these things pressed on Ju Nai Hong’s heart as she led the way for her little girl and for her own mother. The starry night was full of dangerous things. The mountains were full of soldiers-the soldiers of the South and their American friends, and the soldiers of Kim Il Sung and his Chinese friends. A sneaky little can buried in the ground, or the sudden blast of a rifle behind a bush, might end their business on this earth at any moment. If they met South Koreans they would probably be safe. If they met Kim Il Sung’s army from the North, they would be sent back to the prison camp they had just escaped from or maybe just shot dead. It would all depend on how Kim Il Sung’s people were feeling. Her life and her family’s might simply hang on what the commanding officer had for dinner that evening. No more than that. That was how it was now. That was war. That was Korea.

But in her heart, Mrs. Hong couldn’t believe that Jesus would let anything bad happen to them. He’d taken care of them so far. Hadn’t he made a way for them to escape from that terrible prison camp? This is what had happened.

The communists had found out that the Hongs were part of Mrs. Ho Ho Bin’s church. For that and other reasons they had spent the last two weeks in a prison camp. Then one afternoon an army truck full of oil barrels backed into the wire fence, tearing a hole in it. No one seemed to care about it. It was, after all, just a camp full of frightened women and children. No big deal.

That night, little Hak Ja Han was sleeping soundly when her mother came and woke her up. Grandmother and mother were all packed up with their clothes tied in a bundle.

"Let’s go," whispered Mrs. Hong. She pulled Hak Ja Han out from under her blanket and told her to be very, very quiet or they would all be in a lot of trouble. She obeyed without a sound.

Outside in the prison yard, the rickety fence was lit by gasoline lanterns hanging from nails. The lanterns where the truck backed in were broken. Again, no big deal. Women and kids.

The three had one more thing going for them-the guard himself. He was a young man from the borderland of North Korea and Mongolia (which is a part of China). He had been taken by force from his pig farm, from his wife and children and a way of life he understood. Now here he was, guarding a pen full of children and terrorized women, like some shepherd from hell. He was miserable and depressed, and had taken to drinking moonshine which the farmers made from rice. He was babbling to himself, carrying on a conversation with his wife who lived far away.

He heard the jingle of the fence being lifted. He turned around, reaching for his rifle. He saw the three shadows, two big and one very small slipping through. He slammed the breach in and pulled back the hammer, but as he was lifting the stock to his shoulder, he saw the tiny skirt of the little girl in the moonlight.

"Oh no," he thought. "Not a child." A sweet smelling alcohol tear trickled down his face. This wasn’t his country; these were not his people. What in the world was he doing in a place like this, pulling his gun to shoot a little girl? Not this time, not for Kim Il Sung and his rotten bunch. He’d rather shoot those guys first. "Good-bye, ladies," he whispered. "Good luck. And watch where you step."

He raised his voice in an old Mongolian folksong, while the guard officer left his desk to come out and tell him to shut up.

It was the third night, and Mrs. Hong knew they must be getting close to the South. They had relatives somewhere in Chun Chon. But what kind of shape would Chun Chon be in by now? They didn’t know whose army they would find there-if and when they got there.

Mrs. Hong felt the intensity of the spirit world all around her as they picked their way through the solid country darkness. They had traveled by night and slept by day. Now the sky was filled with stars and a sliver of a crescent moon. The cool night air seemed full of weight and soft winds that sounded like voices talking about them, deciding things about them. Hak Ja Han felt those voices too, and sometimes thought she could see the spirits around them. It distracted her from her tiredness and her hunger.

"Omma," she said, "are there still tigers in the forest?"

"I don’t think so, dear," answered Mrs. Hong. And this was true as far as she knew. The farmers and ginseng hunters, in their little village of Ahn Joo, had said the wild animals had been driven from the mountains by the fighting of men and had gone to look for quieter hunting grounds. But you could never be sure about Siberian tigers, who weren’t afraid of anything.

"What about ghosts?" asked Hak Ja Han.

"Oh, probably there are some," said Mrs. Hong, trying to sound nonchalant. To deny it might draw bad luck. And her mysterious little girl had a funny way of knowing when people weren’t saying what they really thought.

"Good ghosts or bad ghosts, Omma?"

"I’m sure they’re good ghosts."

"If we pray to God, maybe the good ghosts will protect us from the bad ones."

"Yes, yes." Mrs. Hong heard the shaking in her own voice and hoped her daughter hadn’t noticed it. They were so alone out here! Anything could happen to them, and Satan had tried so many times before to destroy her little girl. She knew they had some great destiny to fulfill for God, and that was why they had to get to the South. Somewhere in the South, the Messiah would be waiting for them. But first, there were many things on the way they had to get through. Tigers. Yes, tigers-tigers with guns, whose hearts were worse than tigers who killed only for food. Those tigers were Kim Il Sung’s army. She peered into the darkness and pulled her daughter closer to her.

"Omma," said Hak Ja Han, as they moved through the forest. "May I sing a song?"

"Sure, why not?" said Mrs. Hong wearily, putting one foot in front of the other.

"Do I still have to sing a song of Kim Il Sung?"

Good question! Just how far had they gone? She paused, then answered, "No." The sound of it made her begin to feel strong, almost free. "Sing anything you want to, little daughter."

The little girl held up her finger on each hand next to her head like rabbit ears. She began hopping up and down as they went. "Bunny, bunny, hopping down the mountain trail, hopping hopping..."

Mrs. Hong stopped so suddenly that Grandmother bumped into her in the dark. She’d heard something among the trees. Hak Ja Han went hopping on ahead. There it was again. A low voice. The soft sound of metal on metal.

"Bunny, bunny, hopping down the trail..."

"Oh Jesus!" prayed Mrs. Hong silently, frozen with fear, unable to stop her daughter. "Oh Jesus, save your people!"

"Hopping, hopping..."

"The tigers have found us," thought Mrs. Hong. "Jesus, please!"

"Hopping, hopping..."

There was a crack and a flash of fire from behind a tree. It was a rifle. A bright electric light came on, shining in their eyes, blinding them. Suddenly the night was full of light and still they couldn’t see. "crack, crack," went the guns, and grandmother shrieked as a bullet hit the pine tree by her shoulder, spraying her with chips of tree bark.

"Holy Moses on a pony!" shouted a man’s voice, in a language they had never heard before. "It’s some women and a kid! Hold your fire!"

"Crack," went the rifle, and something hot zizzed by Mrs. Hong’s ear.

"Cut it out, you jerks!" shouted the big voice." Put your guns down!" His words were repeated to the soldiers in Korean. Mrs. Hong heard the Kwang Ju accent, and then she knew-these were South Koreans and an American!

The bright light was taken off them, but for a moment they saw only purple dots dancing in front of their eyes. Then a man came up to them, and they had never seen anyone like him. He was bigger than any Korean man they had ever seen, and his skin was as dark as the night. His big grin seemed to float in the dark by itself, and his hair was short and fuzzy, like a sheep’s.

Hak Ja Han laughed with delight at the sight of him. The man laughed back in his booming voice, "Hah, hah, hah. Ain’t she cute! C’mere, little girl."

He took something out of his pocket. Paper crackled, and he put something in her hand. It was flat and hard and felt like wax. There were letters carved in it that didn’t look like Chinese or Japanese. They looked like H-E-R-S-H-E-Y. She smelled it. It smelled great! She broke off a piece and put it in her mouth. It tasted wonderful. She gave the rest to her mother.

The man laughed again with joy. Sorry we scared you ladies. We thought y’all was somebody else. Y’all better be careful in these here woods tonight."

The Kwang Ju man translated his words for them. "I got a little girl like you at home," he continued, still smiling his big, big grin. "I sure do!"

The soldiers dug in their pockets and put some money together to see the two ladies and child off. The dark man drew them a map showing the way to a friendly train station that could take them from the next town to Chun Chon.

The sun was rising hot and pink over the mountain top as they went down the dusty road. They no longer had to sleep by day. "We’ll find the Messiah," thought Mrs. Hong to herself hopefully. "Someday, when we get to the city."

Montana Blessing

by Michael and Yukiko Yakawich-Billings, MT

The mountains jut out from the Great Plains embracing the great "Big Sky Country." How we love the land and the people who dwell in this state. The cultures are vast and as wide as the state. Even though the population is not huge, the heart of its people is broad and deep. This is Montana.

As we gather in Washington, DC for the Nov. 29th event, I reflect on the many who will be part of this event even though unable to travel so far to be in person to be with us there in DC.

This has been an exciting year. The summer days now wane into autumn as the snow-capped mountains beam from afar. We have traveled many miles throughout Montana working on pre-Blessing programs. From the local church events to door-to-door, table setups and community events. It is here for a moment that our memories of the Native American people are revisited.

The Native Americans have touched a special place in my heart. They have indeed been a big highlight of our relationship and our work with the pre-blessings. Though we have gotten to know each other through fundraising activities and USA programs, this summer help deepen our bonds. Not intending to make a cultural or historical analysis, this article is simply a tribute to the nations of the Crow, Salish, Kootenai, Pend d’ Oreilles, Gros Ventre, Northern Cheyenne, Assiniboine, Blackfoot, Sioux, Chippewa-Cree, as well as the many other Native American Nations we could have met or interacted with.

Their appreciation for "Chief" Sun Myung Moon has been expressed in their own appreciation for us. Inviting us to their homes, sharing over pre-blessings at table set-ups and community programs, they have donated and expressed their kindness in many ways.

At the Crow Fair, the "Teepee Capital of the World," we could meet and interact with so many Native American nations. Their traditions of dress are so beautiful, their songs and dances so rich, and the foods very tasty and unique. Here we could present a large wood inlay of an eagle family to the Tribal Council before the large audience in August on behalf of the Family Federation for World Peace.

As we gather in honor and in blessing, we were reminded in Pryor, Montana how dignified and how much value is placed on the family. Even though their culture has been faced with the same problems of drugs, divorce and other social problems, they still strive to maintain the values of respect for elders, reverence to the Creator, care for the creation and keeping the extended family intact.

Some called us the Blessing Minister as we traveled through some of the towns. They gave us fried bread and jerked meat to eat. I was "smudged" by one elder giving me his blessing in return. Some offered us gifts as simple and as precious as a feather or some carving in gratitude for our work for the Family Federation for World Peace.

Therefore, our country is filled with so many wonderful nationalities, cultures and traditions. As with the Native Americans, they are the true founders of this great land of ours and to me deeply my brothers and sisters. It is through the vision of Rev. Moon that all races and peoples may live as one family. As with these, traditions of family and the Creator are also deeply embodied within the Native American culture. They have been my teacher and have inspired me to a deeper understanding of the land I walk on, the people I interact with and the life I live.

As I worked at the pre-Blessing table in St. Ignatius, MT, a wood carver came to me and said, "Here is a wood carving of a Native American couple. Thank you for all that you are doing for my people." Another time, as I was working door-to-door, a child came running after me hollering for me to stop! Having pre-blessed her parents, she ran after me to give me $5 from her parents in gratitude for what I just did for them.

One grandmother rushed to the door to great me at her home. She said, "You must be the Blessing Minister. I have heard about you walking all over my town. Please come in and meet my family," expressing to me such special humility and kindness.

The DiLorenzo’s, Martins, Reuther-Affor and Lamphier couples also have many other testimonies as part of the Montana family’s work on the True Family Festivals.

For all of these experiences, I thank God and Rev. Moon for such precious opportunities and such rich memories. The summer of 1997 has been an unforgettable summer. Now as the seasons change and we gather in Washington, DC for the main Blessing event, I do give tribute to the many people who continue to be part of this event. Even though there are many who will not be able to travel so far to DC with us, we acknowledge them as part of this unique and worldwide event. We will bring back to them the heart of this event to share with them in their homes and in their communities in order to continue the blessing and building stronger ties for all the families we have met and more to meet in the future.

Modern Times - Part Two

This is the second half of a short story about some portentous events in a small Mississippi town. All of the characters and places described herein are fictional. On Friday, Bill Samson sensed it was time to switch gears once again. He’d encountered a large elderly population. This town was a backwater of the New South; its people were gracious, and pious, but few of them had an advanced education.

Besides, the package had just arrived from England.

Bill and his business partner Fred knew that people worried about their health. They understood that men loved sports, and their wives hated paying high bills. They also knew that almost no one understood genuine scientific principles, least of all in this humble, hard-working place.

Their colleague Dr. Edgerton ran an establishment in Oxford, England, and together they’d come up with something new. It was a line of products based on "Ludific Energy."

Bill and Fred opened the package, and eagerly made their plans. They switched places, and began to cover the territory once again. Both avoided places where they’d made heavy sales during their first go-round.

Their sales pitch was finely honed, and used many impressive, polysyllabic terms. This invisible energy was said to "vibrate beyond relativistic levels, oscillating with accelerations in excess of the precipitance of luminousness." Thus the "harmonic vibrations" could "stimulate any molecules brought into direct proximity, raising them to an elevated quantum plane."

The folks of Dixie associated anything from Oxford with its famous university, and Bill and Fred did nothing to discourage this impression.

They sold small "water conditioners" for fifty dollars, and sure enough, several elderly customers reported that their arthritis cleared up immediately. Bill then introduced golf gloves studded with "Ludific nodules," and that following Sunday, the owner of the local car dealership scored his best game ever.

Fred sold housewives hundred dollar "activated" food containers, and many husbands complimented them on the improved quality of their cooking. One lady caught Fred on the street and tearfully confessed that he’d saved their marriage.

Things really started to roll!

Local gardeners bought larger, thousand dollar systems to treat their irrigation water, and swore their vegetables were growing faster. The mother of one summer school pupil sewed "nodules" into his baseball cap, and the boy proceeded to win the spelling bee.

Jim Faircloth knew what was up, but he didn’t want to confront his friends and neighbors unless he had clear evidence. He examined his neighbor’s new "water conditioner" carefully. Despite its revolutionary claims, it was not patented.

"Honey," Jim told his wife, "if Bill Sampson patented this thing, he’s have to show plans and a model to the Patent Office. Maybe he doesn’t want to." But when he attempted to point this out to his neighbor, Jim received only a hostile glare.

Dale and a few other mechanics resisted the temptation to buy, as did a disappointed Ellie May. Her RV had used more gas than ever, and they’d had to borrow money from a cousin just to get home from the lake.

One "nodule" was sacrificed on Jim’s basement work bench. Every test he could perform revealed nothing but an inert lump of metal. It wasn’t even magnetic. Nonetheless, Bill and Fred were selling hundreds of assorted devices.


The two salesmen had always been loners; both were unmarried, always on the road. Now they started getting bigger ideas.

"If Amway can do it-" Bill told Fred, in the privacy of their motel room. The very next day they rented an empty storefront downtown, and hung up a banner reading: "Global Marketing Institute of Mississippi."

Folks could buy in to the new organization at "levels" costing anywhere from three hundred to two thousand dollars. The golf-playing car dealer bought in at ten thousand, and was appointed Senior Vice President. Bill immediately rented himself a house in the nicest part of town.

Seriously worried, Jim Faircloth started asking around, and realized that not a single person in town had a degree in Physics. However, his brother-in-law had a friend who was a professor at the University of Alabama, several hour’s drive away. Long telephone consultations followed.

Word got around, and Bill learned of Jim’s concerns.

With guidance from Mr. Edgerton, the salesmen prepared their troops. "Ludific energy will cure many diseases," Bill told this recruits. "But those medical doctors, they need your hard-earned money to make their pool payments! Do you have any idea how many cancer cures the AMA has suppressed?"

Angry shouts greeted Bill’s assertion. "My pa died of cancer," one lady cried. "The doctors did nothing-and left us broke anyhow!"

"That’s not all," Fred followed up. "Do you know what they said about Galileo? The authorities always try to crush new ideas like ours. And do you folks know the real story of the Wright brothers?"

The following Saturday, Jim Faircloth dared to stand up during a monthly Businessmen’s Breakfast meeting, and address the issue directly.

Several of his fellows gave him an unexpected, and apparently well informed reply. Jim had never heard of Lord Rutherford, at least, not by name. He soon got an earful.

It seemed that Rutherford, one of the nineteenth century’s most prominent scientists, had pronounced: "Man will never fly." Later, when informed that the Wright brothers had done so, he’d retorted: "Then they’ll never manage to carry a passenger." Jim soon found himself wishing that Lord Rutherford had never existed.


Meanwhile, the town’s mainstream, Protestant minister was getting involved. He was a young man, just out of seminary, and his self-appointed goal was to help the townsfolk become more enlightened.

Pastor Bascomb had found little open racism; he’d almost felt disappointed about that. So he sought a new challenge, hoping to "raise the spiritual level" of the local people, and so "bring the whole community to a higher plane." Spiritual vibrations had been all the rage at his seminary, located as it was in the progressive Boston area.

It was proving difficult. And then, as if in answer to his prayers, along came Bill Sampson and his wondrous, vibration-raising high technology.

Pastor Bascomb was an intelligent man, and when Jim Faircloth had fixed his microwave oven, two months earlier, he’s talked the repairman into giving a short lecture on how the oven really worked. That afternoon, Bascomb had told his secretary about it. "Why, the invisible energy excites the water molecules directly!" he’d enthused.

Now it seemed to him that Mr. Sampson’s devices must work on similar principles. Besides, Bill and Fred had started attending church each Sunday-and tithing generously.

That Sunday, Pastor Bascomb asked Bill and Fred to stand, and publicly thanked them for their contributions to the community. Sales and recruitment had spread nationwide, and their town was soon to boast of more wealth than it had since the Civil War. Seated in a back pew, it was all Jim could do to keep from jumping up and shouting, right then and there.

After the service, Jim requested a meeting with Bascomb. And could a friend of his, a professor from Alabama, sit in too? The Pastor said he could.

While they were waiting to see the Pastor, Jim and the professor talked about Lord Rutherford.

"You see," the professor explained, "the man understood the principles involved. He knew that air resistance would increase with an aircraft’s speed. They didn’t have good engines back then, so more output meant more weight. His objections were entirely valid. It was just a question of better engineering."

Jim shook his head and sighed. "I doubt there are four people in this entire burg who could tell you how a VCR works. Much less explain the principles behind it. That’s plenty good for my business, but no wonder Sampson can snooker folks so easily. I’d love to put the truth about this whole business on the front page of the paper, like, explaining what a ‘placebo’ is."

"Then you’ll have to find those four people, and get together with them," the professor said quietly. "Maybe you could put something in the local paper. Tell them how wondrous science really is. The genuine discoveries are so fascinating! You know I belong to the American Scientific Affiliation, and we do see the Lord’s hand in the cosmos as. I hope your Pastor can see his way clear, too. He’d be able to get the truth out."


With this, we come to the close of our story. But, who knows-there might be a sequel.

Dear Reader, if this town sounds at all familiar to you, that’s because it was meant to. Which character would you like to be?

In Memoriam - Izilda Ernestina Withers (Nee Lima) 1945-1997

Our precious sister, Izilda Withers passed into the spiritual world at ten passed midnight on September 3rd 1997 perhaps not uncoincidentally just days either side of two prominent women whose roots were also very much in the catholic faith-Princess Diana on August 31st and Mother Theresa on September 7th. Izilda's beloved family-husband Philip and second generation daughter P. were by her side. She had been diagnosed as having cancer a month or so previously.

Izilda was one of the great pioneering spirits of The Unification Movement in The Western World. She did especially important work in The United States, Portugal and Britain in all of which nations her priceless Contribution will surely be long remembered with great affection and deep gratitude. She also spent time pioneering in Honduras.

Izilda was particularly blessed with the necessary qualities for being a pioneer-great love for and devotion to God and True Parents, profound and unshakable faith, sacrificial spirit, intense and single minded desire to do God's will and great perseverance and stubbornness in doing so, often in the face of considerable hardship difficulty. For these and many other qualities she was much loved and valued by our True Parents, who directly gave her pioneering mission on a number of occasions, most notably in the case of Portugal. True Father himself once paid a glowing tribute to Izilda's qualities when at a meeting of leaders in The United States in the early 1970s, he made her stand up and commented "There's an exemplary missionary."

Izilda was born into a devout Catholic family, the sixth of nine children, On the island of Faile in The Portuguese Azores in 1945. Her Catholic upbringing in these early years played a major part in preparing her for her work for True Parents, nurturing the deep devotional character, piety and love for God and truth which would lead her eventually to accept Divine Principle.

Life on Faille was not easy. There was no electricity and few other creature comforts. Self reliance was at a premium and Izilda, the loyal daughter, sacrificed her education at the age of ten to help her father seek out a livelihood farming his small- holding, on which he also did some carpentry. Eventually, in 1960 when Izilda was 16, the eruption of a volcano on the island forced the family to flee to the Bay area of California. There she took up her education again and through a combination of natural ability and unstinting hard work succeeded in catching up the lost years of her education, first in High School and later studying foreign languages at Holy Names Catholic Womens' College. It was whilst studying there that in 1969 Izilda met The Bay area family under the leadership of Dr. Edwin Ang, accepting The Principle the first time she heard it.

After a brief spell in The Bay area, Izilda first joined "One World crusade" team under the leadership of The Rev. David S.C. Kim and was then (in 1972) asked by True Father to pioneer Arizona. However, in 1973 Father heard that Izilda was of Portuguese descent and asked her to be pioneering missionary to Portugal where she remained, apart from periods away pioneering Home Church and leading Portuguese crusade members in Britain, until 1983. During this time she took responsibility to develop the movement in that nation in many ways, leaving behind her 40 dedicated members, a number of properties, a large print press and several businesses. In the latter year in Portugal she worked together with her British husband Philip. By the time of her final illness she could take comfort from the knowledge that upon this foundation almost 20,000 Portuguese people have now received The Blessing from True Parents and the future of the movement there seems bright indeed. Future generations of Portuguese will surely come to know her as The Spiritual Mother of their nation.

In 1983 Philip and Izilda went to The United States once more. There, over the ten years, they devoted themselves wholeheartedly to a succession of responsibilities- IOWC team leadership, the State leadership of Tennessee and Georgia and a variety of pastoral responsibilities in The Bayou le Batre area. During this period Izilda also pioneered various towns and was commended numerous times for her work in educating Christian ministers in relation to The ICC conferences in Korea and Japan.

In 1993, Philip and Izilda return once more to Britain, where they already had a considerable foundation. Not only did Philip, as an early British brother, have a considerable foundation there, but Izilda had been the first pioneer leader in the Northern English town of Huddersfield, to accomplish The Home Church pioneering goal set by Father while he was personally taking responsibility for The Crusade in Britain in the summer of 1978. Furthermore, Philip and Izilda had been matched and blessed by True Parents in The British headquarters in May 1978 and their daughter P. had been born in Huddersfield in 1981.

The last 4 years of her life Izilda devoted to humble and self effacing service to The British Movement, giving invaluable secretarial and administrative support at The Lancaster Gate headquarters, assisting in the preparation of events, baby sitting, as well as supporting Philip to lead a witnessing team around the nation and as a devoted mother ,helping P. settle into School. Although few who came into contact with her will have known much of her long and devoted service to True Parents, none can have tailed to be touched by the quality of heart and spirit she brought to her surroundings. As National Leader at the time, I felt so grateful for the heart and attitude she showed. She was my elder in both faith and years and yet she supported me and my family in an exemplary way as if the reverse were the case.

It was my privilege to witness the deep faith and selfless courage with which Izilda faced the reality of her short final illness. I was with her the afternoon she was told the diagnosis of incurable and inoperable cancer. I was very moved when she told me with utter sincerity "You know I am not afraid to die, I am just very concerned about Philip and P.". As the disease took its course, despite the valiant attempts of many brothers and sisters to provide a miracle cure, Izilda's unshakable faith sustained her. She had a beautiful dream in which she was on a plane journey with True Parents. A Korean elder was preparing a bed for True Parents with white silk sheets. Then True Mother said that Izilda should use the bed. Izilda was extremely reluctant because it was for True Parents, but Mother smilingly but strongly insisted. Finally, Izilda gave in and jumped in joyfully!

In those last weeks Izilda also came to understand a dream she had had many years before in which she was standing on a barren seashore with a group of people. True Parents told them to stay there come what may, "to wait for the waves", but one by one all the people left, except Izilda. Finally, after quite a time, she saw a massive wave thundering towards her which threatened to envelop her. However, she was not afraid, only exhilarated. Since having the dream its precise meaning had remained unclear, but now she understand that by keeping faith in True Parents, she had been able to live through the age of indemnity (when so much was invested and yet so little result came in terms of humankind following True Parents) to see the age when humanity en masse could begin to follow True Parents, particularly through the widespread giving of The Blessing. This too gave Izilda deep comfort. For myself it most precisely encapsulates the deep meaning and value of her life, for she was truly one of the most devout and faithful of the relatively few who rode out the hardships the suffering and in many ways the fruitlessness of the age of indemnity as a pure and sacrificial offering to enable the rest of humanity to come home to True Parents in the age of accomplishment.

Izilda's final mission, which she received along with Philip at Chong Pyong in October 1996 was as National Messiah to Eritrea in Northeast Africa. She was never able to go there herself, but supported Philip to do so. On his last visit there he was able to bring a wonderful spiritual son, who could come back to Britain to receive education and whom Izilda was so happy to have lived long enough to meet. This victory apart, the way forward in Eritrea prior to lzilda's passing seemed completely blocked. Several representatives of the various National Messiah couples had been there. Not only could they make very little impact on the society but they seemed in real danger of being expelled. Then suddenly, within a very short time of Izilda's leaving us, the situation dramatically changed, The Grand Mufti, the main Moslem leader there as well as the Head of The Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the main Christian leader, agreed to attend The World Cultural and Sports Festival in Washington. What is more, our members were suddenly and wholly unexpectedly granted an audience with The President. When I heard this news I was deeply moved and a single powerful thought flooded into my mind "oh boy, Izilda pioneering again!" In her passing, as in her life on earth, Izilda has succeeded in deeply connecting yet another nation to True Parents.

At her beautiful Seung Wha ceremony at True Parents' house in Chislehurst, attended by about 120 people, including British members, lzilda's in-laws and Dr. Avelino Rodrigues, National Leader of Portugal, warm tributes were read from many elders of out movement ,including Rev Young Whi Kim and Dr. Edwin and Mrs. Marie Ang and deep and heartfelt gratitude and appreciation was expressed by so many for a beloved sister of profound and exemplary faith and devotion, whose life has given life to so many by connecting them to True Parents.

Mark Brann (National Leader of Britain from l993-96)

East Garden Reports

This is based on unofficial notes taken by Dr. Tyler Hendricks at East Garden, October 28, 1997.

Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak's Report:

Last week (ending Oct. 25) the pre Blessing result: 21,533,000 total. Africa over 11 million. Japan 1.3 million. Nigeria: 5 million, mainly through the Christian ministers. They were blessed in 1995, and Father told them to keep their own churches and teach DP and true family values. Their churches grew while others shrank. Thus they are grateful to True Parents and have confidence to stand on the front line for the 3.6 million couples blessing. They work with their own communities and other churches.

Kathy Rigney promised to fulfill by Nov. 29 3.6 million blessings, and they are far beyond that. Now the suffering continent is receiving the blessing.

2nd is Korea, 2.11 million, even with Christian churches still negative. 3rd is Ghana, 1.97 million. 4th is Ukraine, 1.92 million, totally guided by spirit world. 5th is Sudan, 1.35 million. 6th Philippines, then Japan, Zaire, 9th is Kenya, 10th is Taiwan, 676,000.

This result is not by our organization, planning or physical effort, but by Spirit World and Heavenly Father. Our members' faith and heart is strengthened. They recognize the living God and True Parents. Tomorrow is October 29, one month to go. I will focus the press conference on the heart of the WCSF III, which is Blessing 97.

This was the first time we received an invitation letter from a Mayor. Now a major southeast Asian government has officially invited WCSF IV. Six years ago they were persecuting us, with our leadership in jail. Now the country's media is promoting the Blessing and True Parents. Their blessing result is pretty low so far, but they will bless the entire country all at once. Who knows which country will invite next? Ukraine? North Korea?

The living God is supporting this Blessing activity. If you work, you will experience it yourself. I am curious what the media's response will be tomorrow. I am confident; who can deny this wonderful vision?

Koo Bae Park's Report:

Koo Bae Park reported on Father's 43 day visit to South America. This last trip was difficult and painful for TP. They left NY on 9/15, the day before chusok. Their plane is where they celebrated chusok, with rising sun on left and setting moon on right.

The Paraguay River was the first place Father checked after 7.8, when he stated that all remaining for TP is to check every place in the world. 9/16-20 stayed in Corientes, then moved to Amazon, Casserres, on 9/20. It was the day Father's representatives were visiting North Korea, and Father had to pray for their success.

We prepared 2 days in Casserres, and boarded a boat bound for Pantanao, a famous place. That region is swampy, with many small rivers, 700 km by 600 km. It took six days to traverse by boat. Every 50 km, we set a sign on a stick, numbered 1, 2, 3 etc. The first two, Father pounded the hammer. It is not easy to do that, because it is swampy ground covered with growth, and we had to clear the area, walking through the water, getting bitten by bees and ants. We set 63 sticks with signs along the Paraguay River down to Buenos Aires. There are billions of large ants. They climb trees and build condominium like homes. When it is dry, the work on the ground. When it rains, it floods, and their homes are built right above the water level. Father checked every type of life and landscape. Yet whenever he found time, he had us reading his speech books.

After those six days, Father spent a few days in Uruguay, and then to Jardim, thence to Bulto Bulchini, where Father fished and researched the future of fishing there. Based in the Americana Hotel, several days.

Then to the Amazon. Father had told the Korean National Messiahs in South America to catch 40 of 4 different types of fish, and so he did it himself at that location. They must fly to that area, where these fish are plentiful.

The Paraguay River divides South America east and west. The Amazon divides it north and south. Brazil looks like a brain with a lot of blood vessels, the biggest of which is the Amazon. It ranges from one mile to 60 km wide. We stopped in six cities. Each day we followed this schedule: arrived by plane in a city at 7 am, prepared one and a half hours, explored in a boat some 100 miles circumference, then in the evening read Father's speech book. Then at 7 am we flew by plane to the next city.

The Amazon is vast, deep and wide. It is impossible to explain. This untouched, fertile land, unpolluted, Father wants to give humanity as a gift. The headwaters of the Amazon and Paraguay rivers are 4 km apart. By connecting them, South America can be united.

Father taught us: the Garden of Eden was untouched, as is this South America land. It has unlimited resources. Father wants to protect it until later, when he can give it to humanity. We will create a new civilization in the 21st century, and South America will be the Garden of Eden for the true family-centered community to be built in. He will bring all scholars, UN university, etc. there; he will do whatever is necessary. By this, as a side product, we will have plenty of natural resources and be able to mobilize neighboring countries, develop transportation and media, including newspapers.

We saw many small villages containing 10 to 20 houses. They love to stay there, not go to urban areas. Father wants to bring them medical services, so they can remain pristine Adamic families. Eventually we can join them. They live very naturally and have plenty of land, so they don't fight over land. But there are 7 men per 3 women. So they steal wives, and daughters, and fight over that. We can solve it by bringing in brides for matching.

The boat captain told me that I look like an Indian. I heard the same in Alaska. I am proud to be their cousin, and to be able to save them. (Father: save the Westerners too).

It was so hot, steaming. We all got blisters on our mouths. But Father never changed the schedule. Father was exhausted and the heat was unbearable, but Father pushed us, saying this is where we can build the Garden of Eden.

Chicago Ministers and the Blessing

by Richard Lemont-Chicago. IL

As the Chicago Community marches forward toward the November 29th Blessing of 3.6 million couples in Washington, D.C., we have held a series of banquets, programs and blessings. These programs overwhelmingly have centered on the foundation of Christian ministers that we have been working with throughout the past 15 years. Many of these ministers began relating to us back in 1983 when the ICC conferences began in the Bahamas. Other joined us through the CAUSA Seminars and still others joined us during the Common Suffering Fellowship. Many of the ministers went on the Korean ICC Seminars. Through the leadership of our Korean Regional Directors, we have worshipped with, served and visited these ministers. At one point we divided the city of Chicago up into the 50 political wards (districts) and assigned each Tribal Messiah Couple to take responsibility for all of the ICC/CAUSA ministers in their ward. Each couple would attend Sunday service, Wednesday night Bible study and help serve the minister in their community service projects. We would attend church anniversaries, birthday celebrations and other special occasions. Especially important was the time in between our providential events–when we could just visit and fellowship with the ministers. Some ministers would slip away for some period of time–it seemed that God called different ministers at different times–but through it all, many of our CAUSA and ICC ministers stayed with us.

But what has been happening since the Blessing providence began is that more and more new ministers have been joining us. This is in addition to our old friends who continue to support us. Examples here are Rev. M.E. Sardon, whom we met through Project Volunteer in 1983, Reverend Olivia Jones, who met us through the Korean ICC trip (and who still puts a thank-you to our True Parents on her anniversary service bulletin) and Rev. Walter Butts, "the Big Man", an incredible gospel singer ("Get High on Jesus") who has sung for nearly every major program which we have held over the past decade, culminating in his singing for our True Parents on their Birthday in 1995. But also, many new ministers have been reached through WFWP conferences and the True Family Values Ministry. One of our more recent friends, Rev. T.L. Barrett, has hosted True Mother and Rev. Pak and held several blessing ceremonies in his Church. He even spoke at the Holy Wedding of our True Parents’ youngest sons, held last September.

So it is on this foundation that our Regional "Bishop", Rev. Ki Hun Kim gathered over 200 ministers and clergy for a banquet in Chicago to kick off our final 40-day preparation for the November 29th blessing. What was unique about this gathering was the mixture of new ministers with so many of our old friends. Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, our Continental Leader, flew in to greet many of the True Family Ministry graduates whom he had met in Washington, D.C. His slide show and presentation focusing on the upcoming blessing deeply moved the ministers to prepare their members to go to RFK Stadium. Even the fact that they would have to leave on Thanksgiving night and return early in the morning, just a couple of hours before their own Sunday service, seemed to be no obstacle. Rev. Barrett had sent seven busses to Washington for the Million Man March, and now he felt inspired to send ten busses for the 3.6 Million Couple Blessing.

Dr. Archie Hargraves, the pastor of the South Shore Community Church, whom we met over 10 years ago when he was working with Rev. James Bevel, offered the invocation to the program.

Our Japanese sisters and the True Family Values Chorale provided beautiful music. The Rev. Thomas Jackson, who as President of the South Shore Ministerial Association had sent out the invitational letter to the ministers, offered the introduction to the program. We had never worked with Rev. Jackson before, but his coalition of Church of God in Christ Churches is a powerful organization on the South Side of Chicago. Rev. Barrett offered remarks introducing Rev. Pak as the keynote speaker.

What really inspired me was the quality and level of the ministers who filled the room on this Saturday afternoon. Several of the ministers confessed to having other events that they had to skip, cancel or come late to. One very eminent minister even left his home filled with house guests from out of town in order to join us. And the reality was that in a banquet room filled to capacity, even one extra table had to be set up, well after the luncheon had begun. And the ministers did not come alone. They brought their assistant pastors, their ministers of music, their friends, their families and other ministers.

So, as we proceed toward November 29th, our hope is that we will be able to combine our 185 blessed couples, along with significant numbers from the congregations of our ministers, to fill busses to join the celebration at RFK stadium. Even today, Rev. Barrett and Rev. Dunlap have taken the early bird shuttle to Washington in order to join Rev. Kwak, Mr. Salonen and Mayor Marion Barry of Washington in announcing the schedule of the World Culture and Sports Festival and the Blessing Celebration.

In Chicago, we have suspended our regular Sunday Service until after the blessing in order for our members to visit churches to invite their congregations to RFK Stadium. We are also attending their Wednesday night Bible studies and coming together at our church early Sunday morning for inspiration and preparation. We are also gathering on Monday nights for testimonies.

What is totally apparent is that God is working. Through the experience at the Ministers Banquet and the individual experiences of our members at the various churches, it is apparent that God is real, God is alive and God wants every faithful Christian in America to participate at the RFK Stadium Blessing celebration. So our members are getting out, we are visiting the churches and we are working to fill our busses to come to Washington, D.C.