Change in New Jersey Unification Community

by Christine Libon-Paterson, NJ

Rev. Kil Hwan Kim has been helping members to revamp the church on Van Houten Avenue in more than just external ways. Specifically, the Youth Ministry is a targeted area. Over the past several months Mrs. Maxine Becker, Mrs. Jeanne Carroll, Mr. David Balise, Mrs. Ursula Kohama and many other wonderful respected brothers and sisters have been seriously reforming many activities for the second generation. Twenty-seven teachers are currently involved in the Sunday School, which is now divided into five age groups. The national curriculum developed by Kathy Wynings is being used. Some teachers have been volunteering for years with no compensation. Mr. Brian Sabourin is a bright new light, inspiring everyone with his constant giving, serving and loving.

Activities for the youth include Sunday School, The Violets (performing arts club), Teen Nights, and now the soccer team! Mr. Tony Vozza heads the soccer, assisted by Carlos Libon, Peter Elliffe, Neil Angelino, David Konn, Mike Lima, and Steve Sprague. Both the children and parents are grateful and excited to go to the field for an active game after Sunday School. The girls teams display most enthusiastic and action-packed games. Some skill training is also offered. There are ideas to play area teams, such as Westchester. With the winter season on its way, there might be table tennis indoors. Other future plans are up our sleeves.

Blessing Web Sites

by Mike Leone-Washington, DC

There are now two web sites about the upcoming Blessing ( W.C.S.F.) in Washington D.C..

They are:


People have questions about the satellite transmission. These sites will have the most updated information on just about everything surrounding this festival. If there are specific additional questions about the satellite transmission , please e-mail me directly at-

A View Of Korean Culture

by Michael Breen

Michael Breen was a journalist in Seoul for 15 years. He now lives in Britain where he is writing a book about Korea.

One morning many years ago, in the church headquarters building in London, I sat down next to a Korean sister to have breakfast. She was prodding rather miserably at her corn flakes, and seemed absorbed, so I didn’t say anything, reminding myself that silence is OK for Orientals.

The cereal done, she stared for a moment at a slab of bread and started eating it without butter or marmalade.

"I guess English food is different for you?" I ventured, trying to be culturally sensitive. At this, she burst into tears and rushed out of the room.

Until that experience, I thought you were only supposed to cry about major issues such as John the Baptist’s failure, and spiritual children who leave, unless you were really selfish. Somehow, dry bread didn’t fit into the picture. But, like many British members, I labored under a happy illusion that oriental members were spiritually superior, and figured that something deeper was going on.

It was. Culture clash. Later I would experience 15 years of it living in Korea.

Of course, in the Unification Movement, you don’t need to go abroad to find it. Many have it in their marriages. And in some ways, all non-Koreans may experience a culture clash simply by being in the movement. This is because, as it has grown, the international movement has become increasingly controlled by Koreans, who bring with them a particular culture of management.

You’re always on shaky ground when you start classifying people by nationality. In the total make-up, I’d guess it counts for about 15 percent and is less significant than gender, character, class and occupation. So, in talking about nationality, you naturally tend to generalize. Koreans are of course as varied as any other peoples, but they are culturally and racially about the most homogeneous nation on earth. If nothing else, this is suitable justification for the generalizations which follow.

I find Koreans are wonderful as friends. I can think of no person I’d rather have with me if I was stuck on Camp 6 on Mt. Everest in a storm, provided he doesn’t smoke. But, much as I like Koreans, I find they are generally difficult to work under when you’re in the junior position. So I wouldn’t want my climbing companion to be the expedition leader. But, if it’s any consolation, Korean bosses tend to be nicer to foreigners than to their own.

The Confucianism that underpins Korean society means they start from a very different place than westerners. Bottom line existential reality is not God, but relationships with people. Thus their feet are more on the ground than ours. They’re more materialistic and people-oriented than we are. We are more internal and vertical because we relate to God and our conscience more than to other people. Westerners do better on desert islands than easterners.

While Confucianism explains the emphasis on ceremony and etiquette, it does not explain the earthy passion of Koreans. This comes from the more ancient tradition of shamanism, according to which to be fully human, you have to grip life with both hands. When Koreans happily make vulgar noises in public, it’s not because of a farming background. Well, not only. It’s because the shamanist streak makes a virtue out of earthy expressiveness.

Another contradiction is that while Confucianism makes people very narrow and conservative, the shamanist thinking makes Koreans very tolerant. In many ways, they are far less judgmental than western liberals pretend to be. They have a nice habit in Korea when a drunk gets on a bus of standing up and giving him a seat. In Britain, an obstreperous drunk would get a lot of disapproving looks and possibly a punch in the face. But the Koreans give people space when they need it to get over what’s bothering them.

Korean relationships are structured so that everyone except same-age classmates and friends are either above or below in status. The learned ethical obligations tend to stress duties of the inferiors, rather than responsibilities of superiors.

Koreans have been royally shafted by their leaders. In this century the country was handed over to Japan by the leadership without a fight. Given the lack of confidence in leadership (maybe there are other reasons, too), Koreans are very fractious. There’s a joke that while two Japanese on a desert island would create one political party, two Koreans would create three parties-one each and a coalition. This difference is apparent when you look at companies and labor relations in the two countries.

Both the Korean and the Japanese seek to expand their family-type relationships to larger groups. But for the Korean the extent of trust is limited. The Japanese can be loyal to nation and organization. But this is very difficult for the Korean, who tends to seek sub-groups within organizations as objects of loyalty. Despite their stated patriotism, I do not consider Koreans to be really very patriotic. Given half a chance, millions would become American citizens. The real Korean loyalty is to family. They find it extremely difficult to cooperate with non-family members.

Koreans have emerged from a fearful world. In this horrible century, Koreans are up there with the Poles, the Cambodians and others for sheer enormity of suffering caused by political factors. It’s touched every family. In my book, this misery is reason enough to feel compassion for them. These are a deeply scarred people.

As if external political events were not enough, Koreans have in many ways been their own worst abusers. They’ve all been bullied by dictators, teachers, police, army officers, bosses, fathers and big brothers, and anyone else with more authority. Women suffer terribly from abuse. The first words they may hear is the "Oh no," of their father and grandparents when they’re born. That assumes, of course, that they’ve made it to the birthing room. There has been so much aborting of female fetuses that, when it became noticeable in the imbalance in kindergarten classes a few years ago, the government made it illegal for doctors to reveal the results of Ultrasound tests.

It’s not illegal for a husband to beat his wife. I’ve lived in two places where next door the drunken dad regularly beat up his wife. The mothers’ recourse has been to love their children with a passion. Grown men can be reduced to blubbering wrecks when they recall what their mothers went through to raise them. They would crawl a million miles over broken glass for their mothers. But not for their fathers. This is particularly true of the generation of fathers now in their 50s and 60s. They were such workaholics that their children hardly knew them. One model workaholic, Kim Woo-chung, the chairman of the Daewoo Group, always worked seven-day weeks and took his first day off work in 30 years after his son was killed in an auto accident. The Promise Keepers are a bit late to save this generation.

God was no comfort because historically, the shamanistic spiritual world, until the recent arrival of Christianity, was peopled by spirits and ancestors that got angry and wrecked your life if not appeased.

For all these reasons, Koreans kind of approach the world with a personal confidence from mother’s love, but with clenched fists.

They are a very physical and forthright people. If you have a spot on your nose which everyone in the center is politely pretending isn’t there, it will be the Korean who says in a loud voice, "Hey, you’ve got a spot." But when you are hurt inside, he may be the first to notice.

Koreans get slapped around a lot. All the men have done military service and they’re used to being thumped. When Cleophas, the Zimbabwean Heungjin-nim, came to Seoul in 1987, most of the participants didn’t really know what was going on but getting thrashed didn’t really faze them. In our "conference" which happened overnight, the brothers were sprawled in the stairwells and offices of the headquarters while the sisters got done. We were supposed to be praying for our wives, but the further down the basement you got, the more people were just crashed out. Every so often, a church leader would come round kicking everyone awake. "Wake up, you sons-of-b****s, you’re supposed to be praying" he yelled. When he came to a westerner, he’d bow and smile and say "How are you?" and go on down the corridor kicking. The kicked member would open one eye, grunt, and go to sleep again. It’s their way of conveying that they’re not impressed. I love people like that, the kicker because he lets rip and the kickee because he’s giving the bird back, as the Americans say.

However, I should point out that this portrait of Koreans may be getting rapidly out of date. No country, with the possible exception of Taiwan, has developed so fast in human history. In 1960, south Korea was on a par with Ghana. Now it is overtaking Britain. As a result each generation thinks and behaves very differently from the last. And a new generation comes every five years.

Our church leaders come from that generation which upturned the social system and brought Korea out of the paddy fields and into Silicon Valley. Father, and many of the leaders, are from peasant backgrounds and were raised at a time of terrible violence and grinding poverty. When Father says he was hungry every day until his 30s, he’s not making it up. Despite their idealizing of their own country, they have few illusions about the depths of backwardness they have emerged from. There is little pride in the past. For many, the single source of pride is the greatest that a nation can have, to be able to say that Christ was born there.

Scratch a Korean and you will often find unspeakable stories in his family’s experience. One friend in Seoul told me of a relative who was tied by North Korean soldiers to the floor of his house. They stoked up the underfloor heating until he slowly burned to death. South Koreans also committed horrendous atrocities. On Cheju Island in 1948, anti-communist youth groups and police massacred thousands of innocent villagers with bamboo spikes and rifles to dissuade survivors from supporting communist rebels.

Has government protected them in peacetime? No, government has always been the biggest bully. Last year I met a man who had been released from prison after 44 years. Most of it was in solitary confinement. His crime? He was a communist who stubbornly refused to recant. Back in 1951, his family arrived after the trial was over and were told that if they’d got there earlier and bribed the judge, they could have got him off. Few people in Korea care about his story.

There are a million tales of power abuse. One elder Koreans member, who is well known to foreign members, was once held on suspicion of murder. He was kept in a hotel room for 12 days by police, naked, and beaten senseless, but wouldn’t confess. They let him go without a word and picked up another suspect, who got the same treatment. "Didn’t you sue?" I asked him. "How long have you been in Korea?" he asked me. The law, I soon learned, and the tax authorities, are weapons in the bully’s armory. When the Segye Ilbo ran stories criticizing the government, authorities threatened Unificationist-run companies with tax probes. The business leaders pressured the newspaper to kill the stories. In this kind of environment, violating law and cheating on taxes is understandable.

So Koreans fear fate and mistrust people something wicked, and with good reason. One of their survival strategies is to harness spirit world, using fortune-tellers, making offerings etc. They also rely of intuition about people. Westerners tend to be impressed with words, but Koreans tend to "feel" people’s vibes. You may have had the sense that while you’re explaining something to a Korean (especially one in a superior position), he’s not really listening. His ears might be, but he’s often trying to sense what you are, whether you’re a decent person or a threat etc. It’s this kind of thing that people are referring to, I think, when they say Koreans are "internal".

Another strategy is to roll over when you’re weak. Don’t be fooled by the bowing. It’s acquiescence, not respect. Koreans tend to dislike bosses and leaders, but they know when to acknowledge superior power. What tends to happen is that when a boss is no longer in power, his successor will completely ignore his projects and his foundation and come in with new projects simply to assert his own authority. I was once invited to give some lectures on ethics in journalism to editors and reporters of the Joong-Ang Ilbo, the daily paper owned by the Samsung Group. It was part of a week-long training session. I got really irritated because no one was paying attention. After the second lecture I asked a few people why they were there and they said that the "training" had been ordered by the new publisher as a way of asserting his authority. Basically, they figured it was a waste of time, but they were going through the motions. So, I started the next lecture addressing this point and then discussing with them whether it would be ethical to expose the sexual scandals of President Kim Young-sam. That seemed to get their attention.

When workers get the power, as Korean labor unions have in recent years, one of the first things they try and do is demand the right to make management decisions. Incredibly, this is sometimes granted. On some newspapers, reporters have the power to veto the appointment of editors. This all derives from mistrust of leadership.

Going overseas, Koreans get into all kinds of trouble because of all this baggage I’m talking about. There are cases of businessmen beating up workers in China and Indonesia, where Koreans feel they are superior. In the West, the problem tends to be corruption. You need to bribe your way in business in Korea and there’s often a naive assumption that this will work in developed countries. The Daewoo Group was stung with a big tax bill in the U.S. in the 1980s and instead of paying it, they spent millions of dollars lobbying. They even bought some property and sold it cheap to George Bush’s son, thinking this was the way to get influence. In the end the tax bill the eventually paid was five times bigger than the original one.

Because of such corrupt practices and also because of a rather tedious obsession with status, Korean managers overseas do not fare so well with white collar workers. However, their warmth and earthiness can be a real plus with blue-collar workers in the West.

From a business viewpoint, Korea’s is a "low-trust" culture. It is not easy for people who are not family members to trust one another enough to go into business together. In this regard, Korea is very different from Japan and America, which are "high-trust". (For more on this, I’d recommend the chapter on Korea in the book "Trust" by Francis Fukuyama). The culture-clash problems we are familiar with in the UC come about when people from this low-trust, non-Christian culture, find themselves in charge of people from high-trust, Christian cultures.

The UC presents many complications in this analysis because it is a spiritual group, not a business. One problem is that Korea is being idealized and even made an object of worship.

Father is, of course, a Korean, but he strikes us as more than a Korean. His views are informed by Korean experience and values, but he goes beyond it. One of my few personal experiences with Father was very liberating in this regard. His gave me something once and as I sat down a Korean leader in a loud aside said, "In Korea, when we receive things from True Parents, we do so like this with two hands." I thought I might have inadvertently offended Father and half rose out of my chair to apologize, but he waved me down with a smile and said in English, "Korean culture. Not important."

Still, in general, the UC is very Korean (aside from the Japanese part) because of certain features that Father is unwilling or unable to step in and change. For example, it is:

1. Authoritarian.

Central power is very much in the hands of one man and one man only. Why? If it weren’t, other Korean leaders would have by now hijacked the movement (especially the money) and Father would be a figurehead.

2. Individualistic.

Koreans are low-trust. They do not harmonize like the Japanese. Thus each pursues his own mission and makes sure his lifeline to the power source is intact. To the westerner, Korean leaders appear to be "doing their own thing." The higher they are, the less likely to cooperate with their peers. They know that the way to get on in the UC is create your own career within it. It always amused me how the American members on the staffs of Dr. Pak and Rev Kwak in the 1980s used to joke with each other about their bosses’ rivalry.

This individualism works in another way. Instead of pooling talents and resources and achieving goals through team-work, UC members are in general required to do everything by themselves. Thus, for example, recruitment of new members or gaining signatures for a campaign tends to be a matter for every follower.

3. Status-oriented.

Your status determines how you are treated. Thus the symbols that denote status become very important. For example, being "Mr." is pretty low so you try to go for "Dr." or "Prof." or "Rev". Unlike Chinese, Koreans get very uncomfortable about adopting western names. What many fail to recognize is that western members are going to feel much closer and warmer towards people who do make their names easier, like Peter Kim and Joseph Kamiwatari.

4. Personality-oriented.

Loyalty is not to ideas but to people in power.

5. Top-downism

Korean national development in the last 40 years has followed a very distinct pattern. It began with a visionary leader who held total power, Park Chung-hee. He supported large companies, like Hyundai and Daewoo, which were lead by visionary chairmen who held total power. The worker was irrelevant and, if he got angry, may find himself accused of being a communist and suppressed. But as the country developed and the middle class grew, democratization began to spread. Now in modern Korea, you can no longer ignore the worker, the voter and the consumer. In the UM, though, the old top-downism prevails. In my interpretation, the homechurch and tribal messiah drives in the UC marked a kind democratization, in which members were set free from an authoritarian spiritual community. However, many people ignored these opportunities to set themselves free and resentments spread.

6. Emotional.

A great thing about many Koreans is that they are not afraid of emotion. You can get angry and disagree with them and they won’t hold it against you as long as you don’t embarrass them in public. When they pray and their heart is bursting, the snot and tears fly. Tears are the measure of spirituality in the UC. And rightly so, given the central theme of God’s heart.

7. The Emotional Lever

One odd aspect of Korean emotionalism in the UC is that there is a great tradition in testimony-giving of stressing the hardship and emotional suffering of "Abel" as a strategy for helping "Cain" unite with him in heart. Thus we were all moved to hear how True Children, for example, had suffered persecution at school. However, you don’t get the impression that Abels are all that interested in Cains. Cain can only get emotional if he’s expressing how he’s overcome himself to love Abel.

This is not because Koreans are not sympathetic. It is, I believe, more to do with strategy. The way to win hearts and minds in Christian democracies is often to serve the grass roots and challenge the powerful. In the east Asian environment, this is suicidal. Furthermore, by showing you concern for the grass roots, you may be simply inviting "Cain" into your house to take everything you have.

8. Poor communication.

Koreans are not great communicators with modern, democratic audiences. They seek to demonstrate their authority often by mobilizing large numbers and then expect an audience to listen. This doesn’t always work with westerners who are often mistrustful of people who would seek power.

The western approach of communicating a message verbally is less appealing for Koreans for a very logical reason. Koreans don’t listen. One of their ways of rebelling is to ignore you. In the 1980s when the dictator Chun Doo-hwan used to walk into a reception of, say, 500 people, a few sycophants would stand there holding their gin and tonics and listen to him, while the rest of the room just carried on their conversations.

But in other societies the patterns are different. A PR advisor would say that every time a Unification leader stands up in front of a western audience, he or she should repeat the same core messages. This doesn’t happen. The inspiring parts of the Unification message: God has a broken heart, you have a messianic role to heal it, let’s harmonize, let’s marry foreigners, etc. are poorly communicated.

9. Hierarchical.

In any hierarchical organization, the most important aspect of your work is how you are going to report to your boss. In a religion, this is unfortunate because it means that saving souls is secondary to getting some good tales that will inspire the regional leader.

In this vertical culture, loyalty to leaders and filial love of TP tend to be the prime virtues. You’ll note that at the highest levels of our movement, a person can tumble into obscurity if he is disloyal, but can be given enormous responsibility despite demonstrable and repeated incompetence if he is loyal.

In the UM, you are limited by which country you’re from. Father is not likely to make, say, a Belgian the head of world missions, nor an Ethiopian head of church finances. He has said that when Korea becomes "Adam" upon re-unification, national barriers will cease to have meaning. Perhaps then the UM will become a meritocracy, rendering an individual’s race, nationality and "restoration significance" irrelevant.

10. Politics over service.

In Christian societies, the UC could win hearts and minds through genuine and honestly-conducted charitable activities. But instead, we spend millions on things like getting people like George Bush to appear at our functions, then we pretend he accepts and approves of TP and the DP. The Koreanologist in me sees this as based on a false assumption that Bush is at the top, being an elder statesman, and that acceptance from him will then flow down into the mass of society.

That this happens in western countries is perhaps due to the failure of westerners to convince the Koreans. I can’t escape the conclusion that in some way we have disappointed them. But I can’t figure out how.

"Spirit Talk" Is On The Air!

by Greg Davis-Long Island, NY

"Good evening, ladies and ‘gentlebeans’-welcome to Spirit Talk! I am glad you tuned in this evening. Welcome to ‘The Quiet Revolution’ with your host and fellow traveler, Greg Davis."

If you were to tune in to WCNJ 89.3 FM on your radio at 10pm Saturdays, that is what you would hear. I am happy to announce that I am joining the ranks of radio talk/disc jockeys currently hosting talk format shows.

My show is featuring contemporary upbeat music-with-a-message, interspersed with talk segments dealing with contemporary news issues and stories reported and commented on with a decidedly spiritual (DP) point of view. I intend to "tell it like it is" without preaching and let the listeners decide if the message is right.

The spirit world is sending many messages now to people of faith as well as those of a sincere conscience, about important events taking place at this time in history. Witness the phenomena of the funerals of both Mother Teresa and Princess Diana, the Promise Keepers rally, and of course Blessing ’97. These were spiritual events. In many cases people may not be aware of the providential significance of these events but nonetheless they are being led to participate. I am reminded of the movie "Field of Dreams," in which the main characters were "inspired" to go all over the place without realizing why they were doing it, but at the same time being firmly convinced that it was important to do so.

The show is broadcast live from the WCNJ New Jersey studio every Saturday night and is picked up in the middle New Jersey area, as well as in parts of Long Island’s south shore and outlying Philadelphia. It is also carried by several satellite networks throughout the country. Listeners can call in to an 800 number (800-900-0190) nationwide, or locally (732-888-7775) to comment or have a discussion on air. There will be guests both in studio and via phone, from time to time, dealing with many different subjects and issues.

I have worked for over a year to get "on the air" and I am determined to play a part in this "gentle coaxing." I have received a lot of support and encouragement from many brothers and sisters in this effort, for which I am deeply grateful. I invited you to tune in, and call in. See ya on the "radio"!

Greg Davis is a UTS grad living and working in Long Island. If you are interested in helping to support this program or want more information, call him at 516-667-1056.

Victorious March To RFK

Rev. J. H. Pak

When we go to the spiritual world, what kind of gift could we bring to God? If we visit our parents' house, our friend's house, or our teacher's house, we might bring some gift, especially on some special day such as Thanksgiving, maybe even a turkey. God is our eternal Parent. He gives us life and protection; He gives us all necessary resources for our physical life--water, air, sunlight, everything. And He gives us everything necessary for our spiritual life. After all that he gives to us all our life, if we go before Him would we want to go empty-handed? To take a gift, a remembrance, to the one we are visiting is both an earthly and a heavenly custom.

God is Almighty and as True Father always tells us, "God does not need money, or knowledge or power; nothing like that," so what kind of gift can we bring to God to His satisfaction and joy? What kind of gift can we offer Him which would make Him say "My son, my daughter, let us live together forever and ever"? Only one thing--Love. What kind of Love? The Love we practiced by giving the seed of life to humankind. How do we do that? By witnessing to people, teaching them, nurturing them with love and care, guiding them and bringing them to the Blessing. Through this, they gained new Life, Love and Lineage. They become new seeds of life.

When we visit someone, we often bring a fruit basket, with many different kinds of fruit. So this is just what we are bringing before God--our fruit basket. The harvest of many fruits in which we invested and planted the seed of life. If we bring three spiritual children, then seven spiritual children, on up to a thousand spiritual children in our fruit basket, representing our love, our investment, as we planted the seeds, nurtured them through their growth, and gathered them up at harvest time--this fruit basket is what we bring to God. Then God will feel joy and in return, we are indeed rich and honorable in the spiritual world.

Father said if we do not witness or help people on Earth, that in the spiritual world we are restricted to a vertical position only, like one straight line, without horizontal movement--no space. According to the number of people we help or give life to in our own lifetime on Earth is how much space we are allotted in the spiritual world. If it is three people, then a small amount of space; the space expands according to the number. If we include all races and cultures in our sphere of witnessing--black people, white people, yellow people, red people, far-away Eskimos in Alaska, Africans, South Americans, North Americans, Asians, everyone, everywhere, rich and poor--then we can look forward to a joyful life of very expansive space in the spiritual world.

All over the world in this year of 1997, miracles of Blessings are happening. Now some of the pre-Blessed people are beginning to volunteer to plant and harvest. This is the time of judgment and the time of harvest. Those coming for the Blessing can have eternal life.

All the world now is competing, competing, competing! Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak believes that he can announce by the middle of November that from the 185 nations all around the world the number of blessing couples will be more than 36 million!! Some nations were so busy with enormous numbers of couples to bless that they did not have time to add up numbers and send totals to the International Office. Consequently, numbers have suddenly jumped up drastically.

By the year 2000 the New Heaven and New Earth will come from "new people." Not new fancy clothes or new beautiful jewels or new anything, but rather NEW PEOPLE. These new people are coming from where? From God, from True Parents, from True Love, Eternal Life, Pure Lineage!

The American Indian people are suffering from so many things--alcohol, drugs, aids, family problems, bad atmospheric pollution. The pure mountain spring water they used to drink no longer exists. The animal life they fed from is practically gone. Now so many satanic things have entered into their life. The Indian chiefs and other leaders are wondering how to take care of their people. Throughout all societies, nations and the world, it is the same thing. True Father is bringing the answers. If people will just listen and change, True Parents will provide all the solutions for every possible problem on the Earth.

Even now as I speak, Parents are visiting the Amazon area in South America. As they explore deep into God's original creation, the world of nature, they realize that in order to be saved, humankind must go back to nature, smell God, touch God, commune with God in order to return to find God and restore their own original mind and body.

I meet with many high-level leaders from all religions and organizations, and yet it is amazing to witness such top-level persons as True Parents, who have reached such a pinnacle on Earth, return to the most simple, untouched, unpolluted part of the world, the vast Amazon River area, the Pantanal, the Garden of Eden. Here they experience God, as He originally, joyfully, painstakingly, and with a great deal of adventure and humor, molded some 36 million different kinds of insects--one by one--with His own hands, not just by His word or His thought, but with His hands.

To explore, to digest and spiritually and physically conquer this great creation of God, True Parents have suffered a great deal in order to create great plans for preservation for God's world, nature and human beings. For all its beauty and mystery, there are mosquitoes, snakes and other things of discomfort and danger existing in that area of the world . It is a most hot and humid place with no air-conditioning right now. Yet, True Father and True Mother are most joyful, as they dwell with nature. It is all so interesting and amazing.

To be "blessed" has a deeper meaning than just receiving material blessings or an easy life. It also means to have an appreciation and longing for God's original nature and world, the world of pure love, life and lineage.

Some of us were blessed 10, 20 or 30 years ago. At that time, our families, our friends surely thought we were crazy. Many would not in any way endorse our blessing life. They thought our way of life would pass away with time, but instead 36 million couples

throughout the world are now being blessed! These couples are agreeing to a more pure way of life. Now our way of life is most assuredly being proved right. This is your victory, my victory, True Parents' victory and God's victory. This is indeed good news. This is a day of victory.

We have anxiously awaited this news of 36 million couples. It is like wartime when you wait for news of victory. This is indeed a battle between God and Satan, a difficult war between Pure Love and satanic impure love and God has claimed the victory. God and True Parents themselves brought victory. Six thousand or more years God has waited for the victory that is now coming.

Members in Washington, DC are getting occasional glimpses of the spiritual world. Some say they have seen President Abraham Lincoln and also many soldiers in full uniform from Washington National Cemetery, coming even into the prayer rooms in the city. They are prepared to help win the battle. How comforted we can be by this reinforcement!

In North America we now have almost 400,000 blessings. Of course, compared to the rest of the world this number is too small. But at least we are growing. In Nigeria, there are almost 8 million blessed couples.

Three years ago 2,000 Christian ministers were blessed. But they didn't multiply. We would naturally expect them to bring others in their congregations if they realized the value of the Blessing. But apparently this didn't happen. Or maybe they feared persecution within their churches that might jeopardize their leadership role. Now, however, many of them are beginning to realize the value of the Blessing and are teaching True Family Values which gives a strong spirit to their members and raises the spirit and power of the church. Some churches are even competing now for Blessing totals.

One pastor in Chicago is giving many blessings and has promised to bring 20 buses to Washington. This is just an example of the competition we will have in the future. We had better hurry up and bless many couples now because after this coming Blessing we will find ourselves homeless!! Much competition is entering the Blessing field! Seventy church pastors are working together with our tribal messiahs in Chicago to bring buses.

Chicago has a different history than most of our cities. There, for many years, brothers and sisters have worked with churches and loved and served churches. They have always done things together and stayed connected.

There is one story in Chicago of an elder church minister who was blessed several years ago. His wife has already gone into spiritual world. He wanted to help RFK campaign so he offered to financially assist any couple in his congregation with $70 if they wanted to go to Washington. So that church filled one bus right there.

Substantial church leaders are now joining with us for the Blessing. We are now experiencing on-going victory. Do not feel discouraged in any way. Heaven's power is at work.

There will be major representation from the world's religion--Christian, Judaism, Islam, Hindu, Coptic, Sikh, and others. Who prepared such a gathering? Who opened the door to this victory? God and True Parents. Three years ago, Father announced this coming 3.6 million couple Blessing. At that time, the Unification leadership almost had heart attacks! Back when True Father announced the 360,000 Couple Blessing, we were shocked!

Only God and True Parents believed in such possibilities which were coming. Their vision is so great. Ours is so small. On November 29, at RFK Stadium, the whole world will be watching; the physical world and the spiritual world, all of the cosmos will be watching. The world will know they can trust the vision of Reverend Moon.

People are looking for blessing and protection. According to Father, we have three problems: 1) satanic lineage problem; 2) youth problem; 3) family problem. These are the biggest problems, all over the world. Actually, in the Bible we will find the word 'lineage' mentioned 700 times. The Judeo-Christian religion is Lineage religion, blood lineage religion. The first chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament, gives all the generations of Jesus Christ's lineage. The first verse introduces us to those generations. The Bible is definitely a book of lineage.

In the world today, we do not realize the value of blood lineage.

Blood lineage comes from where? A seed. The seed of life of our father and mother. The love and life investment of our father and mother. That small seed, that sperm of life coming from the lineage. This is multiplication upon multiplication, growing and becoming our physical body, forming our blood flow. If this blood circulation jammed just one minute we would die. This is our lineage. But does this blood lineage only gives life energy? No. It gives us our personality, our character, temperament, emotions, our conscious, our righteousness, the color of our skin, our hair, size of body, every potential thing within us comes from blood lineage. When looking for a marriage partner, families think of looking for people of good family background, good blood lineage.

Spiritual leaders, prophets, scholars and others have questioned from generation to generation down through the ages, "Why can't we solve the problems of humanity?" They have tried making better systems in societies, better organizations, improved prisons, many things--but nothing has solved human problems. The most important element is blood lineage. We might think of a fine looking candlestick holding a wax candle. If the candle wax is good wax, the flame of the candle is beautiful; but if the wax is not good quality, then the flame will give off ugly smoke and will pollute the air rather than give off a beautiful light. So all the potential of the candlestick and candle is hidden within the candle.

So True Father takes responsibility to change our blood lineage. Before Jesus came into the world, God prepared the bloodline, the blood lineage down through the ages for his birth. And Jesus was born of God's lineage, holy lineage. Disciple Matthew tried to explain the greatness of Jesus' lineage. He tried to explain "you killed this special person, Jesus Christ, but he came from a special lineage. He's the messiah, he is the king of kings, he was the chosen people's hope, but you killed him."

True Father's great teaching to humanity includes: 1) We must be re-created or restored; 2) for the price of this restoration we must pay indemnity; and 3) we must be engrafted to True Parents' lineage. Lineage is priceless. It is also the problem. Because we are fallen, bad lineage is a problem. We struggle. But we need to understand that we must change this blood lineage. And now is the time in history to do it. Before the year 2000, all the world will have the opportunity to be blessed.

So why does Jesus have to come again? To change the blood lineage once and for all. Without the messiah, the chosen one, the True Parents, it cannot be done.

To help you in your work to bring couples to RFK Stadium, let me include the testimony of Westchester County member Mrs. Natsue Erstling (excerpted and paraphrased):

"In order to inspire couples to go to Washington, DC we have to make their original minds happy. To do that we teach Divine Principle as much as possible. We must also make them aware that it is not just for the happiness of their own couple, but for their entire family as well, including their grandparents, and great grand-parents. And especially tell them how all of these relatives, even in the spiritual world, worked so hard all their lives and suffered and sacrificed and probably died as lonely people.

Explain to them that it is because of these kinds of ancestors down through their lineage that their couple can now merit being in the blessed position. Encourage the couples to think in terms of how important their role is now to be the connecting force for all their

ancestors' sacrifice. Explain that by going to receive the final prayer on November 29 they will complete their blessing and they will be a part of Jesus' direct lineage. They will be proud to hear this whether they are Christian or not. Remind them that they must not make a sexual mistake. They must take responsibility to live morally. Remind them that the small amount of money they are paying is nothing compared to the joy that their ancestors feel at being liberated. The ancestors will advance to a higher and brighter place in the spiritual world.

Tell them the holy wine or nectar which they drank is so precious. Ancestors will see the value of that too. They will also be there with the couple during the holy ceremony .

No matter what their cultural background or religion, once they take the holy wine they will understand all that you say. Many times you will cry together, and pray together. Come to trust each other. Discuss that these are the Last Days and we must grasp this fortune. Spirit world works strongly when we teach Divine Principle.

Talking about all the immorality of our society will not move their original mind. This is what you discussed with them when they signed registration and took the wine, but you must talk about deeper, spiritual things if they are to be inspired to go to RFK. Only truth will move peoples' hearts and original minds. Assure them you will continue to be their tribal messiah even after Nov. 29. (Natsue's family has testified that she sacrifices everything, day and night, for all those she has blessed. She takes her responsibility very seriously and is an inspiration to others.)

We must repent that we have not fulfilled according to Heaven's desires and determine to have a more responsible attitude from this time on. True Parents are being so serious themselves about everything. Big things and small things. And another thing we can thank True Parents for: there will be a heated pad for each person as they enter the stadium. Can you imagine! If all those coming on Nov. 29th could only know all the concerns and care and love that True Parents are giving to details for participants! So there are many extras that will be available, not to mention the singing, dancing, laser show and fireworks. At the beginning of the RFK planning, there was to be a banquet for a few hundred people, but True Father said "everyone is to have a banquet!" So a banquet in a box will be available for all.

This is like John's vision when the angel said, "Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb" (Rev. 19:9). The holy banquet, the marriage supper of the Lamb, is being fulfilled now. And we can see that it is happening in the way Jesus spoke in the book of Matthew: "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a marriage feast for his son, and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast; but they would not come. Again, he sent other servants, saying, 'Tell those who are invited, Behold, I have made ready my dinner; my oxen and my fat calves are killed, and everything is ready; come to the marriage feast.' But they made light of it and went off, one to his farm, another to his business... "The wedding is ready, but those invited were not worthy. Go therefore to the thoroughfares and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find.' And those servants went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good; so the wedding hall was filled with guests" (Matt. 22:1-10). And just as it was in the Old and New Testaments, so it is now in the Completed Testament So we must carefully prepare for all to get to RFK. Heaven will prepare all benefit and protection for us all.

The following are five points of advice given by True Father which I want to pass on to you:

1) If you absolutely believe, now God, all angelic world, saints and sages, Pres. George Washington, Pres. Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., all of them are now on Earth to help us. But if our Tribal Messiahs are active, then they cannot help us.

(Rev. Jae Suk Kim in Boston had this dream: True Father appeared and encouraged Rev. Kim, saying "when we are active in mobilizing couples to come to RFK Stadium spirit world will support and help our region. True Parents have already established the foundation. True Father wants us to inherit his victory. Even if the current result is slow, if we invest ourselves we can experience their reality of Heavenly Father's support. Don't be discouraged.")

2) Tribal messiahs should find John the Baptists to assist in the mobilization, like good newly blessed couples.

3) Make sure all your people get mailouts, either through the computer database or yourself doing mailings. And follow up with phone calls.

4) Make one bus your goal. Each tribal messiah should bring one bus. To assist members who are not active in this campaign, trinities are being formed; three couples working together to pool their people and participation. This is being organized.

5) This RFK event is historical, never to happen again in this way. So even if we must go into debt, we must fulfill. If we invest some small amount for each couple who can't pay, it will be to our eternal credit.

We must continue to bless more people. We must think of heavenly registration. We can be proud Tribal Messiahs. We are living in these great times so we can do greater things than all others in history. Our ancestors in the spiritual world are lined up before Heung-Jin-Nim and Dae-Mo-NIm, waiting in anticipation. They are happy that we are with the True Parents but we must be active in this campaign so they can feel honor and look forward to a brighter future. We must not disappoint those depending on us. Be aware of the times, be wise, trust True Parents, believe.

We want to bring as many people as possible to the Banquet of our Lord. Everything And Everyone Is On Our Side As We Victoriously March To RFK Stadium.

Preparations for the Upcoming Blessing

by Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak

This report was given after Belvedere Sunday Service on November 2, 1997. These are based on unofficial notes taken by Dr. Hendricks.

I worked under Father's guidance for the first, second and now third WCSF. This event did not come up suddenly. During the 1988 Olympics Father directed that WCSF be announced. At the time I had no clear idea of Father's vision. So Father explained: eminent scholars, art and culture events, should take place together. From now Father will solve world conflict through the WCSF. Father will make a culture and sports forum, to create world harmony. Still I was not clear, but I guessed that Father had already made a strong worldwide foundation for peace, and to bring them to one place.

Then Father added the blessing to the program. I was challenged to combine a culture and sports festival with a marriage ceremony. I questioned Father often, but he was unwavering. The most important element for world peace, he said, is the family ideal. Culture and sports must link with the blessing ideal. So we advertised this in the Seoul newspapers in September of 1988.

I have followed Father forty years, and in many cases had a hard time to understand his new projects. After the ad came out, Father proclaimed the Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World. He already had that planned. Other holy days were based upon conditions laid within the church, but this one related with external conditions, specifically with the providential action of the Korean government. But the Korean government has virtually no understanding of Father's will; it was just

The unified world will not come by political power, but by worldwide sports and culture, centering on one event. The fact that the Œ88 Olympics were in Seoul was itself a miracle. Nagoya Japan was the competitor, and they had already built stadiums etc. Their economy and diplomatic relations were superior to those of Korea. But Korea won. In this way, the Korean government did help Father.

Korea's national foundation day is October 3, and 1988 was the 4,321st year from the founding. All important numbers are there. 1 = God, 2 = dual characteristics, 3 = stages of growth, 4 = four position foundation and earth. They total out as 10.

And True Parents' family were involved as athletes, as part of the Korean team. So God, True Parents and True Children were involved in the games. Father felt these were his Olympic games. Father called missionaries from 120 nations, and directed them to serve everything to their own country's team. We brought trucks of McCol to all the athletes in the Olympic Village. Also we served the government ambassadors in every country.

Father invited all medal winners to the Little Angels Center. We gave them many gifts, especially to third world and communist world teams.

In 1980 the Olympics were in Moscow, and 1984 in LA. Many refused to attend 1980 because of Afghanistan. To retaliate, communists did not attend LA. The super-powers each had half an Olympic game. The Seoul games had 160 nations, the largest in history. Communist countries sent athletes despite having no diplomatic relations with Korea. Father pushed Korean government to invite and help communist teams come. It was to fill the external form and condition.

Why was Father so excited, watching three televisions? True Parents watched the entirety of the games, they really enjoyed them. More than any Korean, Father welcomed all participants. He made the unified world foundation, and proclaimed the one nation of the unified world. Only Father understood, and laid all the conditions before the proclamation. We do not know. Father said the WCSF will soon be the most important world event.

Blessing Testimonies

1992 was the first WCSF, and it marked a new level of the blessing. The conditions had been very difficult, but this was the formation stage of the globalization of the blessing ceremony. It was the tenth blessing ceremony since 1960, with 30,000 couples. Until then we had the condition of 3 spiritual children and 7 day fasting and 3 years in church to receive the blessing. But that year, Father decided to invite members of all churches. So I found Muslim, Sikh and Christian leaders to receive t

1995 growth stage was 360,000 couples, as growth stage it was very hard. It was so hard to gain those numbers. I asked Father to push leaders, but Father never would. I could not understand why, but later I came to know it was because he could not intervene in the growth stage. Therefore, the day after WCSF II, he started pushing for 3.6 million couples.

Now God and spirit world are assisting so much. As of last Wednesday, the total is 24,596,000 couples. Many miracles and spiritual phenomena. One example, in the former CIS, one non-mainstream Christian archbishop was tortured so much for his faith, in jail, and was told spiritually to live as a celibate, even though he and his wife live together, for 15 years. Recently he met our movement, and testified that True Father is the second coming, the seed of God's new life and True Parents.

Ultimately he had a chance to meet True Parents. When our National Messiah met this archbishop, she led a song session, clapping strongly. He joined and danced with complete unity, more than our own members, more excited than us. He received the blessing, and took holy wine to share with his followers. He understood without explanation.

In Africa, a minister was blessed, but the next day he was visited by his denomination's European leaders. He was shocked that he had joined this terrible sect. He went back and reneged the blessing. That night, Jesus came to him and told him to follow him. Jesus took him to a room, and he bowed to Jesus. Then Jesus took him to a higher place, and Jesus told him to bow, and he did and looked up and it was True Parents.

He became ashamed, and he sent his wife. UC leader gave condition of fasting and prayer. They did, and received back the certificate.

Ukraine testimony, a secular leader met our young sister, attacked and persecuted her. She was 22 years old, and she stood up to him and challenged his sources. His conscience was struck, and he could not get her out of his mind. He invited her to his home, and she came with her leader. Then, his father was sick and his mother took care of him. His mother had the dream of the two members nursing her husband. She told him the dream.

The next day, he had a dream falling down a cliff, holding onto the missionary's left hand. In her right hand was a cup of holy wine. He drank it and found himself in a safe place. He started systematically preblessing large groups, and the country has 2.5 million preblessings now.

So, even though you work hard, don't think you did it. Think of the blessing history from 36 couples blessing on. It always had a miserable environment, receiving persecution for no reason. But now, until Nov. 29, Father said he is focusing on one point, the blessing ceremony. He wants to embrace all humankind, to give the blessing. Don't be arrogant, thinking that you did it.

We pledged to True Parents that worldwide we will reach 39.6 million couples by Nov. 29. You will experience this miracle, if you take part in it. National leaders and National Messiahs are working hard everyday.

RFK Providence

At the Oct 29 press conference, the media people gave no negative reaction. They asked how much budget and its source, and a Washington Post reporter asked about what we are doing about all the other problems besides families? I said, we do not deny all the problems, but the most important one is the family, because it is related with human destiny. We have IRFF and agricultural and technological programs, and hunger solutions. But the most fundamental problem is family.

Mayor Barry publicly welcomed WCSF III and Rev. and Mrs. Moon at his press conference. The first two had no official welcome. This one even had an official invitation. Now we have received one from Thailand, too. Rev. B. W. Kim had announced WCSF III and received extensive positive press coverage. The next day, the government issued the invitation. The big festivals will be celebrated in many cities at the same time. It is a forum for a peaceful world.

The Washington Times reporter asked him, "I heard many ministers are against this because it is connected with Rev. Moon." Barry called Dr. Bennett to answer, and Bennett asked Rev. Schanker also to the microphone. Bennett said, if we argue doctrine, ten years is not enough. I work with them because they never deny others' value, and promote sexual purity for youth, so we joyfully support and welcome this movement.

So, officially, we are already a success. Then what is your difficulty? You must be proud and with dignity adopt this event. But what is your relationship with this event? How many of your spiritual children will be mobilized to RFK Stadium? In your lifetime, True Parents directly mobilized the WCSF in the US. Practically, it will be the last experience of your lifetime. It is for your family's record; how important is this event?

Years ago, we received so much persecution, and so our physical families could not understand, and our relationship was strained. But gradually Father's victorious foundation built, and after fifteen or twenty years, I began to concern about my family, my parents. If their son is serving True Parents, they must at least give thanks to True Parents and kyung bae, as a minimum.

So I visited them and invited them to greet Rev. Moon and Mrs. Moon. They refused, but I explained how much they guided me. You already learned in school. Again I tried, a year later. You love me, please, I beg you to meet them, because they are so good to me. They said, okay. I didn't say you will kyung bae. But at the moment, I said he is an historical teacher, so we should kyung bae, and I initiated. So they followed. Later, in 1988, they received the blessing.

Buying gifts for your parents is not important. The blessing is important. Send a letter, telephone and visit. Especially now, it is easy to give this best gift. They will give thanks later. How will they feel in spirit world if they are not blessed.

Dr. Sang Hun Lee went to spirit world and felt desperate to let us know the spirit world reality. He met Jesus, John the Baptist, Adam and Eve, Swedenborg, Kim Il Sung, and found out their status. He said, once you are there, there is no freedom. You have a certain status based upon your life on earth, and that is all.

So think about how they will feel if you did not introduce the blessing and True Parents? Even leaders like me, with busy schedules, have to fulfill Tribal Messiahship. Now we must fill RFK Stadium, with couples one by one guided by you. In front of media, with True Parents. Who will bring them, other than you? How will we fill empty seats? You bring people or mannequins. Even if there is one empty seat, it will be disgraceful. Our ancestors are coming down. Some countries have blessed millions,

Is there a more important event in your life? I told the worldwide leaders, we failed many times, so why do not we fulfill this time? This will cover everything in the past. Father is praying everyday for RFK Stadium. Do we focus on it? or on what? Please get more serious; don't look to others.

You may think Africa is easy and America difficult. But their conditions are so difficult. Sweltering heat, no food, no transportation, no money. Don't compare. Father asked all leaders to double their results. So everyone became strongly determined. Not by our effort, but because everything is prepared in spirit world. It's not just for the ceremony, but for yourself.

True Father’s Words East Garden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Based on unofficial notes by Dr. Tyler Hendricks from Peter Kim’s translation, East Garden, Saturday, November 14, 1997

When a big event comes, who will take responsibility?

In the secular world, the most critical problems are youth immorality and family breakdown. This is the world's biggest issue. In the Garden of Eden, history was created based upon the human fall. Youth immorality therefore re-appears in the last days, and, as in the Garden, neither God nor Satan can touch the problem. It is the human responsibility, and only Rev. Moon is addressing it effectively.

It is natural to conclude that once we succeed with the 3.6 million and 36 million couples blessings, the world will respect Father and seek to emulate his example. Ever since the 3 couples blessing, there has been persecution and opposition. But after the 3.6 million and 36 million, the world will change.

In general, when people hear we have blessed 3.6 million couples, they are shocked. But then they hear that we reached 36 million during the time we planned to reach 3.6 million, their jaws drop. It is unimaginable. From an infant to the oldest grandmother, no one can feature it. But we did it, and they will receive the benefit.

This victory of 40 million couples will begin a new era. It will challenge all kinds of people relating to every kind of issue. This is because every stage of human life connects with the family, and the blessing is addressing the family at the root–the husband-wife bond of eternal, godly love. So people who care about the future of the world will inevitably respond to it.

Suppose Father said we would end at 36 million. Then the world would begin to examine who these 36 million people are, as if they are separate or different. But when Father projects 360 million, then they realize this is on the scale of all humanity. They will be impressed and inspired.

360 million couples represents 360 million families. Each family connects with 8 or 9 people, including parents and single kinsfolk, so the 360 million couples blessing will touch over 3 billion people. So we are talking about more than half of humanity. Within a year after the 360 million, the world can be embraced. If we stop at 36 million, then China will not be impressed. But 360 million reaches more people than the population of China.

No political, economic or military power can change the world, because they do not address the family problem. By the same token, because it addresses the problems of the family, the blessing can turn the world around. So Father is handing the solution to the world. No intelligent person can fail to recognize this. People of wisdom and insight will rise up and support this activity.

The time will come, once this foundation is made, that the world will recognize that Rev. Moon's family is serving the world as a true elder brother, true parent and true leader. No one will be able to deny it. How wonderful. No political power can legitimately oppose it, because it is beyond politics, beyond left and right. Political power means nothing to Rev. Moon. Critics will realize they have misunderstood Rev. Moon; in any case, no one will pay attention to them, but only have sympathy for them. Have confidence and faith. Father doesn't even blink at the persecution. To hit the bulls eye, the arrowhead must go straight. We are the arrowhead. If God's will is established, Father does not need the Washington Times or any business.

Worrying about your spouse and family has nothing to do with God's dispensation. Look at Father's life. Father never loses concentration; he stays focused on the goal. Everyday he is busy. This applies to all of you. Have guts, emotional intensity and enthusiasm. You distance yourselves from God's will. You have been busy following Father, but originally you were to have prepared the foundation upon which Father could stand. Father sometimes wonders why you come here, what you have to offer. Be alert. If you are not, what you have been trying to do will be done by someone else and your position will be taken from you.

Are you ready to work for 360 million couples? What is America's goal? You have to make up your mind. Each individual must make this decision, each family. Do you want America at the bottom of the list? Father has endured so much suffering and injustice in America, and still America may be the last to bring the blessing result. Then Father has the right to leave out America.

Super Highway of True Love

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

These are excerpts from unofficial notes taken by Dr. Tyler Hendricks at the sermon given Sunday, November 16, 1997, at the Belvedere International Center, Tarrytown, NY. The translation was by Rev. Peter Kim.

Chinese characters are very different from western characters. Chinese characters create beautiful combinations of ideas. (Peter Kim explains the Chinese characters making up the term, super highway, far too complex to recount.) Western characters do not have these sub-thoughts, so westerners cannot dissect the subtlety of thoughts unless it is expressed out loud and explicitly.

Therefore, westerners are noisy, Asians are silent. While they are silent, they are thinking about their past and present, and making a plan for the future. If you talk and joke about these things, you lose everything, because nothing is reserved. In order to find the truth, Father lived in a quiet place, for days and weeks saying nothing.

The most precious thing in this world is your parents. Do western youth understand how precious their parents are? In English, the word "you" makes no distinctions vertically. Why are your parents so precious? Because your love stems from your parents. In order to seek love, you need your parents; they are the prerequisite for love. Your parents like true love the most. Your life, future, parents, everything is connected to true love. It is the starting point.

Everything comes from the love relationship, subject and object. Every level, from man and woman to minerals. They meet because of love, for the sake of love. So, human life is simple. We are born out of love, we live to give love, we achieve love and for the sake of love pass into the spirit world.

Every existing being needs true love, not secular love. Everyone likes real flowers and pure gold. Even your finger likes truth. Your finger wants to touch a true being. Every infant wants to touch the parents, and you want to touch the child, because he is true.

Do you have true eyes, which are happy to watch true entities? Your wife produced many children and is getting heavy, and a beautiful young woman appears. Do you keep looking at your wife? Do you really have that quality of eyes? Do you really love your parents? Doesn't the baby at the breast look at the mother's face as beautiful, and not judge any flaws? For the baby, the mother is most beautiful. The baby tries to touch the mother's face.

Why? because of the power of love. Do you have a true nose and ears? Do you seek to hear true sounds? True ears are the ears that drop everything when they hear the mother's voice.

Our five senses are there to connect us with true beings, not false beings. Is stealing right or wrong? It is wrong. So your hands have to go the right direction. We have an original desire to connect to the right things, in all things we do. The rightness of a thing is defined by true love relationships. If the absolute true love being sets the direction, everyone likes unification and peace. It is not possible to achieve unification through money, power or knowledge. Minds, eyes and all senses

There is heavenly fate in the universe. One of its functions is to chase out unprincipled (individualistic) entities, those which have no relationship. Heavenly fate is to protect and promote the subject-object relationship. The highest relationship is true love. So, every existing being wants to relate with a higher being.

In Alaska, a male deer can gather 52 females. When another male enters his territory, they fight and the females watch, and go with the winner. The females want to connect with the higher being, to create stronger offspring. Women have the same desire.

True love has many dimensions. You want to seek the higher beings, as well as all different sizes. Each person wants to carry all the true love in the universe in your bag. You are almost collapsed by carrying the heavy bag. How can you carry it? (With my wife!) You are pulled up by your love subject. The eternal vertical subject of true love is God. As long as you are connected with God, the universe of true love can be yours.

This is an attribute of universal law. It relates to everything, to every subject. As object of this, it takes hard work to come up to its level. The secret of how to be a filial child is to return everything our parents gave to us, in eternity. The same method defines a true spouse, and the next goal is to be a true family. A true family is one in which each member is ready to give everything for others. That family will exist for eternity.

Are this world’s people true people? No. You can ask God. Even if one is not perfect, at least one should humbly seek to be so, while repenting. Instead we hear them boast of being such a great man or woman. God will turn away. If you understand this, you can know the meaning of the Kingdom of God. Are you confident to enter there? Even taking as much time as necessary? Even eternity?

Because no one could reach this, God had to send the Messiah. The purpose of the messiah is to give the blessing of marriage, to marry people. God's desired world is still vacant. We fell, descendants of Adam and Eve, with no qualification to live in the Garden of Eden. So, even if it takes billions of years, in the spirit world, we have to build that kind of world. Beginning from Adam and Eve, even the good ancestors and Jesus and the saints, none are qualified to enter than world.

So Jesus taught to love our enemy. Embrace the world as we embrace our spouse. The family is the micro-world. The family is the palace of love. Through family unity comes unity of above and below, left and right, front and rear. Parent, child, husband, wife, brother sister. By the relationship comes the power of love by which we are elevated. The higher the speed of love, the greater the power of elevation. That course from the center up is the super highway of true love.

Beyond family is tribe. Love draws everything up here too. It is the same on level of the people, the nation. But if there is a downward power, you cannot advance. The power pulling you down power is self-centeredness.

Wives should be able to die 100 times for your husband. Then God will come down to you. If you cannot go beyond loving enemies, you cannot enter the kingdom of God. You are called to recreate your enemies, which is harder than creating in the first place.

If the family totally gives for the tribe, then the family doesn't exist any more, but is the center of the tribe. It didn't disappear, but was elevated to the higher level. The entire tribe then can live for the national level.

So, Adam and Eve would have been the center of every level up to God. Becoming one with God, that moment we would see lightning and thunder. Every cell of God would become Adam and Eve's cell. [Something about opposite sex power.] God and Adam and Eve would have been knocked out together. All universe connecting there, centering on God. All people want this reality world. Invest yourself to find this. Then everything would be dancing. You have heard that you are better than Father, so you should

This is the world of total freedom. We can all shout mansei! Amen! Ascending to the kingdom of heaven is no problem by this principle. This world was lost because of the fall of man, so a man should emerge out of this fall and become true parents.

God first created man, then woman. Western women may want to take the plus position, leading men. Ask children, people of the past and future, all will agree that the upper part is plus, the lower part minus. The center point is where they meet. When you make love, the man should be in the upper position. The woman is in the shape to receive the water, therefore in the lower position, so it does not spill. We receive the seed of life from Father, passing down all the way.

We should use the term, global family, not global village. The family divided at the beginning, so we are able solidify it. If you can create the center family, then the kingdom of God can be created instantly in the world. Is there a food industry in spirit world? An automobile factory? Airplanes? True love works in the world of essence. Everything is possible in the spirit world, as long as you have a mind of love. You can create just as God has done. You can put diamonds on your nose, ears, e

Love power is the power of motive. Absolute love being there means your instant feeling and intuition can be actualized right there. Father travels into that world, even while sitting in prison, although he is very serious. To travel there like Father, you should be able to go beyond death. Then no suffering can separate you. But you cannot enter that world by yourself. You enter with your spouse. That is why Father is promoting the Blessing for all humanity.

There was no one but Eve for Adam. He had no choice, no ability to make a selection, no second person. The electric power would increase the more contact they have. Adam and Eve's bodies would become one. Then they can roll together. By doing so, their sexual organs eventually meet and God cannot even separate them then. Then God will declare that what is mine is yours, yours in mine, the entire universe is yours and mine together. I am in you and you are in me.

Father has prepared this super highway which can take you everywhere, on such a roller coaster ride.

Last Nov. 1, Father returned to South America and he declared the settlement of the FFWPU and liberation from indemnity. No more obstacles. That’s why Father declared the cosmic realm of Sabbath. So we can receive God; He can come to our level. Now God is no longer behind us, but can come into us. Every level of being can travel on God's highway--a family, a society, a nation, a world.

When I told you to fulfill the 3.6 million couple blessing, no one had confidence. But now we have over ten times that. Father knows that 360 million couples can be achieved within 6 months if you all become like Father. But how much can you? Father built the superhighway, and gave you the best car, but your task is to get the gasoline. I can travel in any way.

How can we cut Satan's lineage? It is difficult in God's position, so the messiah had to come to the earth. At the time of the Exodus, God separated the Israelites from the fallen kingdom. By the same token, although Father has taught everything, if some people remain behind, there will be a line drawn, as at Exodus. Consider: even the first children of God, Adam and Eve, the only ones, when they made a mistake, God cut them off. It will be the same for us. Only God knows the final day when the

So Rev. Moon is serious. True Parents cannot be a dictator, like Stalin or Hitler. When God had to sacrifice those He loves, it was because the time had come. When we do not fulfill our responsibility, suffering inevitably comes about. Now is the time of the second coming. We do not know what will happen. A fearful time will come. Father's lifelong motto is to march until the end, his entire lifetime.

Every level of the world, nations, religions, all of them, need True Parents. Even God needs True Parents. Parents determine blood lineage. Everyone understands this and can restore their historical status. 360 million homes will affect about three billion people. This will reach all leaders. If there had been no fall, then Adam would have been the king of every level. God's form would be Adam's form.