International Leaders Meeting

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Based on unofficial notes by Dr. Tyler Hendricks from Mr. Dong Moon Joo's translation, East Garden, Saturday, November 1, 1997.

I will continue yesterday's message. There are three things to fix: blood lineage, youth problems, and family corruption. There is no way to reach the heavenly world without a bridge leading out of the world of family breakdown. Father is making the bridge. The blood lineage cleansing is important. Even if external symptoms decline temporarily, the fallen blood lineage eventually will reproduce all the elements of the satanic lifestyle. So the old lineage must be cut and engrafted into the new o

Engrafting means to cut the old tree at the root and engraft the shoot of the new tree into it. Because we originated in the satanic lineage, even if you are an Abel type person or society, you will fail. That is why salvation history took thousands of years. From Divine Principle you know the origin of fallen character, received from Satan when Eve was sixteen years old. The conscience was weaker than the power of fallen love. That is why there was the failure. If the conscience is weak, it can

This is the perennial problem. Evil love is stronger than conscience. Therefore the body wins the mind-body struggle. If you see delicious fruit, you automatically reach for it and eat. It is a fallen power which you have no power to control. Satanic blood lineage means a satanic plus was created. But even a weak conscience at least is aware of what is happening.

Is God not pitiful? In Eden there were five men (God, Adam and three archangels) and one woman. The minus was able to connect with any of the five plusses. The possibility of the fall was great, therefore, and God was very careful.

How much do you feel that God is pitiful? If Eve had not fallen, she would have become the daughter of God and the wife of God. So God lost His wife and daughter. The first day of Adam and Eve's honeymoon should have united the universe, centered on God. Who then could have separated them? When do the man and woman separate? They separate after the seed of the baby should come out from the man, then you separate. That planting is delicate, so separation is not simple.

God passed on His position to Satan. But even in that miserable a situation, He has to love that hateful son of Satan more than His own children. That is not principled, but God has to do it. Why? Because of restoration. How is it justified in Principle? The archangel would have been loved after Adam and Eve matured. So there was some condition for God to love the archangel.

God has to love and endure everything. Everything is created by love. Without love, nothing can even be considered or conceived. Satan claims that God must love him even if he destroys the world, many times over. Otherwise, Satan tells God, no one can come into Your kingdom.

Therefore God has not be able to open the heavenly kingdom. God has to hold the hands of His children entering His kingdom; until then He cannot stop loving Satan. He saw Satan's adultery but could not intervene. God can act only after Satan exercises his maximum power. We see human beings having sex with animals and so forth in the last days. We see widespread homosexuality, which everyone hates when they first hear of it. Anal sex means the holy organ is going into the most dirty area. It is t

What can God do? Beat Eve? He had no power to do that. How was the sexual organ created? By God's word? No, by His hands. The logos represents God's heart. He cannot destroy the satanic world or yank His children out of it. He must respect it as natural, or He cannot keep His authority. You have to know the details of Divine Principle.

There are two royal palaces in the world; both are Eve nations: Japan and England. But both are evil. The death of Diana covered up something that was wrong. If a royal family is immoral, they should be handled more strictly than others. Eve should serve Abel and Cain, but can we force her to do that? No. She must do it naturally. Japan has been blessed for 40 years. Her blessing came at the cost of China, America and other countries succeed doing well. Even England has distanced herself from t

God and I are really in a hurry and aggressive. But also we must be very patient. I weigh 195 pounds even at my age. I can deal with any wrestler. I was very athletic. I can reach my head with my feet. All my joints are soft and supple. Hyung Jin Nim resembles me in this. I and my children have a great artistic sense. I was number one in art class. Although I cannot exercise my worldly abilities, I am happy to be involved with the miserable course of restoration.

[Father speaks on women following him when he was a student in Japan. They saw him in their dreams; women unknown to him gave him gifts. Father wore smelly clothes to ward them off. Still they would grab his hands.]

It is terrible for a man to follow a woman. When the young woman got into bed with him, Father did not want to hurt her. So he gently told her that he would call her another time. Then she sent money every weekend, and Father just kept it. After a few weeks, he asked her where she got it. Did it come from her parents? If so, he would have to return it to her parents.

God will send temptations and difficulties, and if we overcome them, it protects us. I am ultra-patient. But members join and are not patient, and this causes problems.

In the king's palace are beautiful women. They misuse the king, who is weak and allows them to do that because he cannot leave them alone. As you get old, use your sex organ less. Three times in a day is enough; sixteen times is too much. Become one, before changing position. (Here Father was, as I recall, referring to the Cain-Abel reversal; i.e. that Cain and Abel must become one before they can reverse positions.)

Contact 780 female leaders. They are like Father's sisters, and they must be restored. You must serve them for three years placing them as queens. They can restore their husbands.

Children's Day Speech

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Belvedere International Training Center, Friday, October 31, 1997. These highlights are taken from unofficial notes made by Dr. Tyler Hendricks from Rev. Peter Kim’s Translation

The children of God cannot see God, nor can the children of Satan see Satan. Children, by definition, have parents. To be a child means to be of the parents' blood lineage.

You all know spirit world exists, but have you seen it? You have two sets of parents: visible and invisible. In spirit world you will meet your invisible parents, either in heaven or in hell.

We want to return love to our parents, not just receive it. But we do not see God or Satan. Then how do we establish the give and take of love with them? Children of God go to heaven, of Satan go to hell. Where do heaven and hell originate and divide from each other? Did it take place in the invisible or visible world? Did love begin just between people, or between people and God? Love did not originate only in man, but through the relationship between man and God or man and Satan. With whom was

A relationship was established between man and Satan when they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge. That was a wrong turn. Man was to have had a love relationship only with God. Because Satan gave the fruit, i.e., built a love relationship with human beings, we became Satan’s children.

If man had built a relationship with God alone, there would have been no Satan. The fall was the loss of the love relationship which we should have established. Adam and Eve were chased out before they had children. Satan was involved, not God. We can conclude that the fall came from illicit love relationship. As their descendants, we all received Satanic blood.

Unification members make what kind of unity? Between east and west? between black and white? We make all kinds of unity. Unification members therefore receive persecution. We breakdown Satan's base on every level, and build up God's base. We cut off the satanic lineage.

Because of Satan's invasion, all the teenagers of the world fall, and the family system is destroyed. Only God’s side connecting to God's true love can solve it. God's true children have to do this. Thus, Satan's side is losing power. America cannot stand as a strong nation in the future because of its youth problem and homosexuality. There is no homosexuality in the animal world. It was made by Satan. Satan's armaments are drugs and free sex.

This seed was sown in the garden of Eden. To reverse it in the last days we must work with youth and the family. Our catch phrase is absolute sex, pure love. Absolute sex is for the sake of absolute love: unique, eternal, unchanging and absolute. Catholics and Protestants may link the fall to eating literal fruit, but that does not explain the lineage problem. That's why the engrafting process must take place. Jesus Christ came with the true lineage, for engrafting to God's lineage.

People of the world go after excitement centered on the body. This is caused by satanic lineage. Taking physical pleasure is like kissing Satan. God spits at this love. This is why religions call people to leave the fallen world. God has been working through the history of restoration, on advancing levels. When God reaches over 50% of the world, He can clean up the world at once.

The borderline between the theistic and atheistic worlds is the line between man and woman, between + and -. Family begins with husband and wife. This relationship is the key. Because it was not right at the start, this became the fallen world. The problem is the man/woman relationship. If there is unity there, you are blessed with eternal peace. If no there is no unity, then there will be no peace.

Adam and Eve became the worst animals. They had to be converted into the best animals. Through 25 million years of human history, God could not find one true man, one true Adam. Do we conclude that a true Adam cannot be found? It is logically a prerequisite to restore Adam before Eve. The meaning of the marriage of the lamb is that an original Adam and Eve have reached perfection and married.

If God destroys the world, He is a God of failure. He will never do that. If you find a true husband and wife, your sound of joining will be louder than lightning and thunder. Lightning and thunder is a marriage in nature. This is the essence of the ideal of creation.

The fall of a man and woman divided the world into two. To terminate the fallen world, we must return to the original place. Even within ourselves there is plus and minus, mind and body. They are created to be united, and resemble God, in whom + and - are united. We as His children have mind and body, therefore God must have mind and body. God will be happy when our mind and body are united.

But we all struggle between mind and body, hence we know that we have some connection to Satan. Then we cannot claim to be children of God. This battle of mind and body has been continuing for millions of years and could continue forever. It's a war. We have never reached a truce. Then everyone is doomed to hell. This is a world of desperation and destruction. It is hell. We should find those who will follow the one who can save this world, the Messiah, who will end the struggle of mind and body

Do you want to be on Rev. Moon's side or God's side? [Yes, this is literally what Father said.] It is an important question. After the fall, God kicked out Adam and Eve. Now can God embrace the children of fallen Adam and Eve? Even though Adam fell, he had a better conscience and lineage than we do here. Whatever qualities Adam had have been lost. So, will God embrace you, or kick you further than He kicked Adam and Eve?

In the last days, there is only misery. But Satan is blocked by the Blessing, and cannot move horizontally. So he must go up to heaven or down further to hell. He still possesses his original mind’s desire to educate mankind. So Satan is stuck, but he says to God, "You are stuck too!"

The three problems now are sexual diseases, youth problems, and family breakdown. Once they turn 180 degrees, the path to heaven is entered upon in each problem.

Terminate the satanic lineage as a teenager, because that is where the fall took place.

True Children are those who completely cut off Satan's blood lineage, stay away from youth problems, and establish true families. But they also must be 100% united with True Parents. That is accomplished through the Blessing. The three problems are solved. Such children do not need religion; they can go to heaven directly.

It takes absolute denial and negation, including denial of the English language. English has no vertical concept. Everyone, including your father, your dog, and your king, are all "you."

Only Rev. Moon can teach how to solve the mind-body struggle. We are happy to be with him because we can receive the marriage blessing from him.

Adam and Eve's mind and body were fighting. Each of us is like two people fighting with each other. The body usually wins; the body overcomes the mind's direction. This is still the pattern. Religion is the only way to reverse it. Become a martyr; sacrifice yourself. Jesus said your family members will be your enemy, preventing you from going to God. Satan is a false +. Erase it and replace it with an original --. It is a long term process.

Division between heaven and hell takes place in myself. The mind belongs to the public, the body centers on the self. America is individualistic. The public way is that love goes from the husband to the wife, from the wife to the children, from the children to the neighbors, etc. Selfish individualism will perish. American youth spread the culture of free sex and AIDS around the world. Therefore we hear Yankee go home.

Your body is the base of hell.

Your meritorious service is based on heart, not money.

This is a special True Children's Day, because next year Rev. Moon may not be here.

To reach 360 million blessed couples by the year 2000, we must bless 500,000 couples a day. We have reached 25 million worldwide as of today. We have 11 million to go to reach 36 million. Nov. 29 will be the declaration of the 3.6 million and 36 million couples blessings. Without this, we cannot solve youth problems. We must launch a campaign to protect our original love organ. Ministers who reject this are robbers.

True Children are found in the family. Victory means world level victory. The family is the training ground to love people of all kinds, the kinds who are like your parents, like your children, like your relatives. When this ethic is practiced, the world will be like one family. That is the completion of the providence of salvation.

It is not easy; you may have to give your life three times. Father did this, and now no persecution is left. Now is the time for building, for the construction of God’s Kingdom on the Earth.

November 1997

Workshop for Matching Candidates

by Dr. David Carlson-Barrytown, NY

On Saturday, September 20, 1997 a workshop was held for matching candidates from Region 2. The Garden Room in HSA headquarters served as the venue for some spirited and insightful presentations. In attendance were about 80 participants, a mix of first and second generation candidates. Centering on the theme of "Developing a Heart of Acceptance," the workshop offered a veritable goldmine of information, inspiration, humor, and internal guidance. Dr. and Mrs. Dietrich Seidel, the primary organizers of the workshop, had their hands full as they attended to the needs and concerns of the participants.

Dr. Seidel, serving as master of ceremonies and presenter, led off with a thoughtful and well-organized presentation on "The Meaning of the Blessing." He spoke on such topics as the purpose of life, rebirth, and change of lineage. Everyone was attentive, some perhaps hearing such content for the first time.

Following Dr. Seidel, Mr. Masahisa Kobayashi spoke on "Faith and Commitment." Sharing some of his own testimony, he gave a heart-felt sense of the deep conviction and faith necessary to fully appreciate the Blessing, even when experiencing difficulties in one's external situation.

The next presentation was a very lively one for everyone. Mr. In Ho Pak, himself a member of the second generation, and the son of Rev. and Mrs. Joon Hyung Pak, spoke about "How to Make Your Blessing Romantic." Wandering between serious and very funny, he related the ways in which he and his wife slowly came to get to know each other, and shared the many ways in which they were able to bring romance into their relationship. His honesty and purity touched everyone. Towards the end of his presentation, his wife joined him and shared a bit of her own experience.

The following session, "Blessing and Family: Strategies for Success," found Rev. and Mrs. Farley Jones, the national President of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, sharing some of the techniques they had discovered as useful for working out conflicts. As a successful elder blessed couple in the American movement, their experience was valuable. They gave concrete examples of how common everyday conflicts can be approached with a better possibility of being worked out. Conflict among couples can often not be avoided, yet how we approach those conflicts and our way of dealing with them can make a tremendous difference.

After a delicious pizza lunch, everyone gathered for a brief but stimulating question and answer session with the presenters of the morning sessions. When Mr. John Gehring arrived, he effectively caught everyone's attention as he shared some of the joys and pitfalls, expectations and real-life experiences of an international marriage. Everyone was riveted to Mr. Gehring's animated presentation, since it will be indeed possible that some of those present might be finding themselves in an international marriage.

The workshop ended with a presentation by Dr. Tyler Hendricks, the American Vice President of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, on "Developing a Heart of Acceptance." Dr. Hendricks shared quite honestly and openly about his relationship with his wife, and some of their trials and victories. Participants listened carefully, because his presentation was so honest and filled with practical advice. He was able to bring the reality of blessed marriage life into clear perspective.

To give the Blessing candidates a better sense of what to expect in the matching process by True Father, Lynn Mathers, the national director of the Blessed Family Department, gave a heartwarming presentation that included a report about the matching for the 360,000 couple Blessing in 1995. In several ways, she assured the workshop participants that their heart of acceptance is matched with Father's total investment to find the right spouse for them.

This workshop has been successful in raising the consciousness of those present to the point where they could have a more real sense of what to expect as they approach their blessing, how they should prepare themselves, how they could make their blessing into something very meaningful for themselves, personally, and a sense that there were many people, older brothers and sisters, who were ready and willing to support them and help them work through any potential problem they might face. Everyone surely felt their confidence level go up.

After the official closing of the workshop, opportunities for counseling and other forms of guidance were made available to those who requested such support. It is hoped that other forums, similar to this, will be forthcoming in the future.

Video tapes of this Blessing Candidate Workshop are available from the Blessed Family Department for $15.00 for a set of 2 tapes, plus $5.00 for shipping where needed. You can order them by phone (212) 997-0050, ext. 711. Send checks payable to HSA-UWC to: Blessed Family Department, 4 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036.

Visiting Beijing and Pyongyang

by Nicholas Bikkal-Tokyo

I recently returned from a most interesting vacation: a week touring Beijing, China and Pyongyang, North Korea. While exotic over there it's a matter of course for me; as Etsuko would say "becoming" me.

It was my second visit to Beijing. The first one was just under 12 years ago. What I saw this trip was externally not so changed, just more commercial. The psyche of the people seems to have taken a major turn for the better. People are smiling, and in the streets one sees many little ma and pa shops. Prices are still low. Three of us toured Beijing in a taxi for about 35 minutes and the bill came to $7 for the three of us. This nation has changed from being a communist country to being a very poor third world country. They are starting at the bottom. As you see and experience in many poor countries there are now many (and that's saying a lot) poor beggars roaming the streets peddling postcards, or anything that will make them a yuan or two. Many are poor and dirty.

The city is beginning to show signs of foreign trust and investment. I myself stayed in what was arguably the best hotel in Beijing, a luxury class hotel on one of the main streets. The new privately owned buildings ranged from the Swiss'tel to foreign banks, etc. They are big and beautiful. A nice feature about this city is the mixture of old Oriental architecture blended in with the modern Western. Both are a joy to see. However, for a city the size of Beijing the number of modern, big structures is very small compared to what lies just a few blocks away. In some areas it's like Madrid was some 30+ years ago: poor, dusty, narrow streets and homes with only crude brick wall finish. Some areas are clear shanty towns. Yes, there is new money but it will take generations before this city becomes a dreamland.

Like it was in my previous trip Beijing was again in the midst of celebrations. In both occasions it was by mere coincidence, it just happened to come out that way. People were in the streets, this time, in (what we would consider) regular street clothes, not expensive, but somewhat stylish. Many had cameras. Men wore less Mao uniforms and more smiles. In the streets there were people cutting hair in the open air, selling fruit, and anything else they could imagine and afford on just a little capital investment. Also shops on the main streets were filled with consumer goods. Although very poor, a welcome sight compared to almost 12 years ago. There is now a little money starting to go around. One must now also beware of pickpockets and other undesirables.

Pyongyang and North Korea was a different story. Anyone who had in any way experienced a communist nation in the past saw a lot more than one now sees in North Korea. Possibly the first and most shocking impression is the total lack of commercial ads. NOT ONE. This includes posters, billboards, ads on the streets or anywhere else whether it be a Coke, Nissan, IBM, Samsung, etc. The other side of this coin is that there is no consumerism. If we can't see the promo it's because there is nothing to promote and sell. Anything not strictly focused on the revolution is prohibited. There is no private business, not even a ma and pa shop. The whole country and society is strictly geared to the person adoration of Kim Il Sung, the "Beloved Leader", and now Kim Jung Il, the "Dear Leader". There is a total stripping away of all thought that is not vertically and directly connected to the two leaders. It has now been several generations that the revolution has been going on that most have no knowledge or little memory of anything else. (This is far worse than China was in my previous trip when some consumerism existed.)

Are they really educated to hate Americans, and are they geared up for militarism? I believe yes. The tour guide at one point did talk about the evils of America. There is also little love for Japan. At one point I got up in the tour and spoke clearly to the guides and the tour members about this contention and told everyone that there is less hate and more good will than they thought, we would otherwise not be there. This cleared the air and the rest of the tour went quite smoothly, with no more negative talk. This earned me alone a Kim Il Sing badge. These badges cannot be bought, as one can buy hundreds of others in stores for foreigners. Although I had asked for it in beginning the request was swept away as unacceptable. It was at this point that they decided to give me a Kim Il Sung badge. It was given, however, with clear instructions that it was to be warn on the left lapel, over the heart!

Public transportation was another interesting story. Many walked to work. Some took whatever available bus, or in Pyongyang also subway, there was. Most often, however, people rode in the back of trucks, especially in the rural areas. There are cars seen in North Korea. These are from many nations. Possibly the drivers have no idea where they come from. Many are clearly Japanese. Japan is one of a small number of nations with the steering wheel on the right. The North Korean community in Japan is large and it's well know a lot of Japanese * end up in North Korea, funneled by these people. Vehicles are seldom new, with the exception of Mercedes Benz. All vehicles are almost always driven and ridden by people in uniform. The only other people using cars are the largely invisible diplomatic community.

The main industry in North Korea by far is farming. Any other industry, and this includes military of course, is revolution bent. Again, there is nothing that doesn't directly support the Kims' character adoration or Juche, the North Korean self reliance ideology. There are cement factories and most else is food industry, but not luxury level. What we, foreign tourists ate and drank were imported goods from South East Asian nations, usually lesser copies of brand name goods made elsewhere.

Homes are another sorrowful sight, There are many buildings which from afar look quite good. However, when looked at more closely are run down. (Something I also saw in China) There is no maintenance of buildings and structures not directly elevating the Kims. Many windows are broken, the finish is chipping away, and in the more rural areas one often did not see electric wiring running to buildings. Heating comes from picked wood. I would really doubt there was and central heating in many homes. I did not see the areas where the famine is taking place. Clearly it is a problem of distribution as well. Whereas they are now in the midst of harvesting I could see the crops are not thick or large. Everyone is involved in the harvest. Our guides had to go cut rice before going on our tour, and I saw many young teenagers with sickle in hand harvesting after school in the afternoons. There are rivers and lakes filled with water. Again, I found little government interest to invest in people to a large degree. Resources are limited. I saw they don't even make things attractive for foreigners to have something good to say other than their revolutionary statues.

One source of man made beauty are public buildings and monuments dedicated to Kim Il Sung, his son Kim Jung Il, and Juche. These are well maintained, beautifully finished, invariably very large, and usually with large grounds surrounding them. Some buildings, however look like something you'd find in Star Wars or other Science Fiction movie, with odd shapes. There is a building triangular shaped that is now being finished.

To the structures dedicated to the revolution add all the posters and billboards that are seen. When walking into our hotel there is a large wall sized mural picturing the two Kims walking down a Pyongyang bridge. This single minded focus on the two and the revolution is pervasive throughout the country. There are several statues dedicated to the signature of the senior Kim.

There are some nicely finished highways, well paved. However, they are most empty. A few of the uniformed driven cars run down them, and otherwise only sightseeing buses. What are their purpose? Military is all I can think of. You can sit for long periods along the side of one of these connecting Pyongyang and the DMZ and not have but a car or two come down them.

Who walks the streets? Only the people who have been granted permission to do so. Also there are few cars in the streets, just as the highway heading south. I said permission needed to be granted to walk in the streets during the day. Whereas people walk to work, during the day few are seen walking, driving or roaming around. I asked to be allowed to walk home from a tourist store about a kilometer from our hotel, clearly visible from where we were. I was not allowed. We are to stay in a single group, and not to be broken down into smaller ones. I didn't push it too much.

We went to the DMZ on the first day. It was a long waiting game at first. Other (Chinese), a group of Japan North Korean high school students and other locals were already ahead of us. We were given the gruesome story of how the US-led allies are the cause of the Korean peninsula division, and how the US is the big evil to be destroyed. Their literature, available for purchase, tells the whole story with pictures and newspaper clippings. We visited the buildings where negotiations were held with the South, and where armistice was signed. We saw the South's side of the DMZ, only a stone's throw away. One of the prefab buildings we were in literally went as far as the 38th parallel line itself. South Korean soldiers with binoculars on the other side kept a watchful eye on us as we visited, part of the continual cat and mouse the two sides are constantly playing. After the tourists walk away the security guards on both sides leave their positions facing each other standing at attention and go back to their office rooms. Usually they wear no guns, they only stand at attention facing each other. Here I did not feel as much tension as I had when visiting Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin some 30 years ago.

There was little direct communication with locals. I could ask few relevant, if probably embarrassing, questions, but there was no real need to ask for details of their life when we could easily see it and imagine the rest. I was not in a confrontational mood. There life is so simple and clear that one needs to ask no questions. There is a purpose in life which is clearly defined and no one nor nothing strays from it.

As there exists in China there are the friendship stores where foreigners shop and spend their money. At several points during the trip the guides stopped to allow us to buy North Korean made goods. They need every foreign currency they can get. Also, as in China, these are the only visible department stores as we have in the West. All the others are small one room deep, at times wide, stores. On shelves there are few goods, often (alcohol?) drinks. I did not get to see a market, however. I would not expect to see high quality products. I didn't see high quality in China when I was there in the past, and would expect to see less now in North Korea.

How could I go into North Korea? US citizens are allowed in. It does not mean it's easy to do so. Because I am spouse of a Japanese, and I also reside in Japan I was accepted into North Korea at the Pyongyang airport. The police verified the above by asking me directly. I may have otherwise been sent back to Beijing or imprisoned, who knows? (Just joking) The only other way is to be part of a relief organization

Is there hope for North Korea? Yes, it lies in understanding the people and government and working with them. Slowly, ever so slowly they are making their move. Today's official inauguration of Kim Jung Il's new taking of power of two other positions he had not officially held is the start of something new. We'll see.

Virtuous Business People

by Haven Bradford Gow

Is it possible to be a good, honorable and decent man and still be a successful businessman? Can a businessman serve God and the public, too? Consider:

* Robert Stuart is chairman emeritus of the National Can Corp. and past president of the Chicago Crime Commission; he states: "One should be guided on his job by one’s religious faith (and should be guided accordingly to be ethical in all business practices).... I also believe companies serve their shareholders’ interests best by doing good in their communities (e.g., providing moral and financial support for worthwhile charitable projects), as well as by upholding high ethical and professional standards."

* Jerome Sit is a TV repairman and a member of the Chinese Christian Mission at First Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi. Mr. Sit says, "I view TV repair work as a vocation, as an honorable way to make a living, to serve God and my community. God has given me certain intellectual skills and talents, and I believe I must use these gifts from God to make a living and serve others. Whenever I do work on someone’s TV, I aim for excellence and perfection."

* Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marshall are prominent business people in Eudora, Arkansas. Although they have achieved financial success, they have not forgotten about the less fortunate in society; they believe in providing employment to others so they can develop a sense of dignity and self-respect. The Marshalls believe that, instead of supplying people with handouts, they must provide people with employment and teach them a good work ethic so they can learn the blessings of hard work, self-sacrifice and team play.

* Mr. Petty owns auto body repair shops in Eudora and Lake Village, Ark. He declares: "If I do a job for someone, I do it to the best of my abilities and charge a fair and honest price; if I find I can’t do the job, I’ll be honest with the customer and send him to a place where the job will be done the right way. I believe in being honest and fair in my business dealings." He adds: "I also believe in giving something back to the community. If someone has locked himself out of his car, he just has to call me and I’ll come to him and open his car for him for free."

* Mr. Mack Mooney is a typewriter repairman in Greenville, Mississippi. Not only does Mr. Mooney provide excellent repair work; he also contributes to the betterment of his community by working with his church, the local Chamber of Commerce, the Boy Scouts and the Salvation Army. Each Christmas, Mr. Mooney puts on a Santa Claus outfit to raise money for the Salvation Army.

* Barney Payne, a car mechanic in Eudora, Arkansas, and a church official in Greenville, Mississippi, does good and honest car repair work and charges a fair and honest fee. If he finds that someone’s car does not need a brake or tune-up job, he will be honest with the customer and tell him the truth so he will not spend money on unnecessary car repairs.

* Rev. Albert Jones, Sr., pastor of Jericho Baptist Church in Eudora, Arkansas, and meat department manager for a local supermarket, says: "It doesn’t matter to God whether you work as a janitor, car mechanic or meat cutter; if you do work in a prayerful, Christ-like manner, your work can be a blessing to others and for the glory of God."

* Mr. Tommy Mills is manager of a supermarket in Eudora, Arkansas, and Sunday School superintendent for a Baptist church in Jennie, Arkansas. Mr. Mills applies the Golden Rule in his personal and professional activities and relations; he insists business people can operate according to Christian principles and still be a financial success. Indeed, good business people can serve the public and make a profit and, at the same time, serve and please God, too.

Unification Theology and the FFWPU

by Gareth Davies-Barrytown, NY

When God’s providence moves as rapidly forward as it has in recent months, theologians are sometimes left scrambling to catch up and to understand the implications and significance of new developments. This was the purpose of a seminar held in Barrytown on July 28th which brought together theologians and other scholars from UTS and Sun Moon University (SMU) which hosted the first seminar which was held last year. The one day gathering covered a range of academic and theological issues relating to the Founder’s recent announcement of the discontinuation of HAS-UWC as an institution in favor of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU).

The seminar was divided into five sessions:

1. The Age of the FFWPU as the New Context for Unification Theology.

2. The Community and Content Addressed by Unification Theology

3. Methodological Approaches to Unification Theology

4. Educational Philosophy and Practice

5. Practical Cooperation Between SMU and UTS

Speaking during the first session, conference organizer Dr. Andrew Wilson attempted to define this age of the FFWPU by identifying its characteristics. Firstly, he noted that the Completed Testament Age Word is comprised of three speeches which have been delivered by Reverend Moon since 1993. These are "View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation," "In Search of the Origin of the Universe," and "True Family and True Universe Centering on True Love." Dr. Wilson pointed out that the Divine Principle is the eternal truth and that these new speeches are consistent with that truth. He suggested, however, that these speeches may now require a rethinking of how the Divine Principle is understood. "The implication is that we must reconceive the Divine Principle as including, and indeed centering on, the content of the Three Speeches which is the Completed Testament Age Word," he said.

A second characteristic of the age of the FFWPU, said Dr. Wilson, is "the universalization of the Blessing which will soon embrace all of humankind." The Blessing, he said, is now a free gift of God which means that Blessed couples are no longer required to walk the path of restoration as "Father has paid the price of restoration for them."

Dr. Wilson saw a third characteristic of this new age in the passing of HSA-UWC which, he said, means that the age of Christianity has also passed. While the Divine Principle was designed to persuade Christians, he said, in the age of the FFWPU, Unification Theology is liberated from the task of appealing to Christians to receive the Lord of the Second Advent. "FFWPU is not a religion," he said "but a movement offering salvation to families of whatever religion. Therefore, its theology can appeal to all human beings who are charged with the mission to form true families."

The final characteristic of this age identified by Dr. Wilson is the return to the original commandment. He pointed out that Reverend Moon is strongly emphasizing sexual purity. "He teaches that if men and women will only respect the proper function of the sexual organs, all social problems will be solved. This message has the significance of reinstating God’s original commandment to Adam and Eve."

Dr. Wilson went on to discuss the implications of these four characteristics for Unification Theology, suggesting that rather than following the order common to most Christian systematic theologies-namely Creation, Fall and Restoration-we should now adopt the Completed Testament Age kerygma as outlined in the Three Speeches. These speeches, he said, organize the overall structure of CTA theology into three themes-The Root of God’s Love; True Marriage and Family; and The Ideal Society.

Continuing the discussion of FFWPU as the new context for UT, Dr. Jae Young Lee of SMU pointed out that the name "Unification Church" was adopted after common usage by others rather than through a decision by the Church itself and that a certain image is now associated with the name. In the same way, he said, the clear purpose and identity of FFWPU should now be disseminated into all areas of society. Unification Theology, he said, can play the role of an intermediary by introducing the words of True Parents to society and he proposed the development of a new theological structure based on heart, true love, true family and the heart-centered cultural world.

During the second session, Dr. Hang Je Kim stated that the definition of theology as "a contemporary interpretation of truth and a contextual confession of faith" means that Unification Theology in the age of FFWPU must be different from the age of HSA-UWC. He offered the following outline: True Parent God; True Parents Messiah; Completed Human Being as True Parent; Ideal World Through the Redemption of True Parents.

Dr. David Carlson’s role in session two was to clarify the community and content addressed by Unification Theology. He stated that the nearly universal experience and recognition of the family as the source and school of social bonds means that the community addressed by UT is the whole world. He cited the recent experience of those going door-to-door offering the Blessing; "Couples from all nations, all cultures, all races, all religions, and all classes of society responded," he said. In addressing the question of content, Dr. Carlson asked "To what extent is Unification theology, as it is presently formulated and expressed, a universal message, with the capacity to reach all people?" He noted that Divine Principle was written at a time when it was historically necessary to speak in Christian terms and to a Christian audience. Generally speaking, he said, people of other faiths do not feel comfortable with a narrow Christian perspective and he suggested that "we must be able to express the truth in terms which are meaningful to a world audience."

Speaking during the third session, Dr. Frank Kaufmann raised the question of whether a tradition of "legitimate theological labor" has ever existed in the Unification movement. He suggested that the need to save everyone within a specific time period has resulted in a dilution of God’s truth as revealed by Reverend Moon as opposed to a serious effort to secure a profound grasp of that truth. Dr. Kaufmann speculated that "perhaps we are doing theology for a future time; a time when seeking a clear understanding of Sun Myung Moon’s teachings has overtaken the providential necessity to save everyone before the clock runs out." Looking toward that future, he responded to the question of which approach best leads to an understanding of Unificationism, the Judeo-Christian approach or a World’s Religions approach? Dr. Kaufmann took the paradoxical position of affirming the Judeo-Christian hermeneutic as the best approach to Reverend Moon’s teachings while also affirming that Reverend Moon’s teachings are unique and unprecedented in the history of religious thought. Of the two approaches, he expressed a preference that the latter should be emphasized.

In the same session, Professor Hyun Kwang Kim, proposed a method for establishing the "Completed Testament Theology." He proposed to use Dr. Young Oon Kim’s "Unification Theology" as the basis for this project with annual joint seminars providing the forum for ongoing discussions. Professor Kim also proposed to establish clear sections of the existing theology such as Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology, Historical Theology and Practical Theology with professors from each institution being responsible for one section. As in all of the sessions, there was an animated discussion of the proposals but in the absence of President Shimmyo, who was in South America, and President Se Won Yoon, who was unable to attend, few decisions could be made.

Dr. Michael Mickler’s presentation on educational philosophy and practice in session four suggested that there are three main areas to accentuate as we go forward into the age of the FFWPU, with the first being globalization. "I believe that Unification education can only take place in a global, multi-cultural, inter-racial and interreligious context," he said. "Second, I believe that volunteerism and in-service education will be a key component. Third, although we are undertaking a transition into a more peaceful and harmonious world, Unificationists have to be forceful in advocating traditional values and a Godly way of life." Dr. Jin Choon Kim, Dean of the College of Theology at Sun Moon, contributed to this discussion by offering a summary of the Founder’s statements concerning theological education and his expectations of the graduates of UTS in particular.

In the final session, Dr. Yoshihiko Masuda, Dean of the Graduate School at SMU, offered several ideas concerning practical cooperation between SMU and UTS and divided them into three areas: exchange of students; exchange of professors and cooperation in research and publication. Regarding the last of these, Dr. Masuda encouraged faculty members at both institutions to contribute to the journals which both now publish. SMU launched Journal of Unification Theology earlier this year and the first issue of UTS’s Journal of Unification Studies will be published in the very near future. Dr. Masuda also encouraged joint research and authorship among the various specialists at both institutions.

Thoughts on Visiting Father's Birthplace

by Nicholas Bikkal-Tokyo

My trip to North Korea was a lesson first and a rebirth next. My lesson was one of attitude. I went with a closed mind toward the North Korean people as we have been taught that they are the enemies of God, and True Parents. Additionally, I was brought up fighting communism since some of my own family escaped the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956. In the Divine Principle we learn that communism is the enemy of God. The Korean War between 1950 and 1953 brought back bad memories; and for sure the guides in North Korea do not speak words of praise toward Americans, either. I previously had seen them as "American haters", "Dehumanized, soulless revolution-bent beings".

In part I was right.

However, what I found was a people starved from the lack of love. I understood of the providential claim Satan had on the nation. During the trip I found the answer to my problem when we were taken to True Father's birthplace and home as a youth, and with my own give and take with North Korea and its people. My experience showed me that they are people like any other and that we need understanding of their situation which only comes from the study of the Principle. It's essentially a God-Satan battle. This comes out loud and clear in the Fatherland. All other experiences with communists and communism fall short of this direct connection to the Adam nation and its people.

Many questions came to mind: Why was I in North Korea to begin with? Who am I? Who are True Parents that I was able to enter this holy yet desperate land? It's where love starts. North Korea and its people are where love was lost. Communism is the ultimate historic Satanic claim to mankind. Thus Kim Il Sung of North Korea was used to kill the humanity of the chosen people, controlling their feelings, thoughts, life through his own feeling of paranoia, hatred towards outside invaders, etc. Thus Satan retaliated. The core is attitude. North Korea is where Satan took all that historical accumulated negative energy and sucked the life out. He chose God's chosen people. As he did with Adam, Satan took God's most precious land and people and destroyed them.

The main lesson I learnt in going to North Korea is that of giving: give and don't stop giving, as True Parents have often taught. Don't go and expect anything in return. Fundamentally, they are in no condition to do so. At times I saw some waiters and waitresses hesitate when given a broad smile. The second time around they would smile back, but then only meekly. Generations of spiritual, heartistic starvation and abandonment are not solved with a single giving, or even a few offerings of gifts. It will take a lifetime, or two or three to get their hearts and minds fully open and free. However, they will quickly learn to do good in God's eyes. They are a humble and simple people who soon will understand God again. God will bless that faith and simplicity with heart.

Giving to North Korea is participating in the building of the Kingdom of Heaven. However, North Koreans are fated to wait and continue suffering until all providentially have-not nations have been satisfied. They will continue suffering because of mankind's sins. Remember that the North Korean tragedy can only be seen and understood from a Divine Principle perspective. Going to the Fatherland leads the mind to this truth, it is otherwise incomprehensible what has happened to these people. If we had all done right in the eyes of God others would not have had to suffer, or at least if we had done less wrong others would have had to suffer less.

The Fatherland is the heart of the Kingdom of Heaven and thus must be built free of Satan's accusation. This will come after yet-unsatisfied nations, people with no visible hope or who have not yet achieved their providential mission are at peace. This is what True Parents are now working on. To achieve the ultimate goal we must fulfill our mission so that North Korea can be liberated sooner rather than later. North Korea is destined to be the new Garden of Eden. If Christian leaders, years ago, had accepted Father in North Korea they may not have had to go this suffering route, paralleling in many ways Father's suffering course. Their disunity caused both to suffer. We, the inheritors of God's blessing are now entrusted to free them all by fulfilling our given duties.

Joseph, son of Jacob, became prime minister of Pharaoh's lands. He fed Egypt during 7 years of famine, de facto ruling that land. God worked through Joseph. In the same way I see God working through True Parents to "feed" North Korea both spiritually and with food. Already True Parents were given the right to manage the main tourist hotel in Pyongyang among other projects, more will naturally follow. Only True Parents can with their understanding of North Korea and its communism, and True Parents' cosmic level indemnity paid, bring this nation back to God. North Korea was the alpha and it clearly is the omega. All else are in between foundations.

However, there are things that Satan can't have, and that is man's conscience and humanity. Satan can cover it and control it but can't take it away. This is the heart of my lesson. North Korea will be won by OUR giving to them - unconditionally. We will not get a thing from people who have nothing to give, as it has all been completely taken away from them. North Koreans live on the bare minimum a human can subsist on. We, the inheritors of all of God's and True Parents' love are the ones who have to give life to this nation of 20 million. The hardness emanating from these people, perceived by the world, comes from historic deprivation insecurity, inequality; the result of lack of love given and received.

Giving it all as an offering to the center, Kim Il Sung, and now his son Kim Jung Il, in North Korea is the way of showing gratitude to the "givers of love and life", the Satanic way, which is how elder statesman envisioned his own role. This was the process through which all was taken from the people. Nothing in North Korea is done without permission from a central figure. When giving to the center one receives blessings. To this extent I see them being prepared for True Parents in a restored way. They are the chosen to make offerings to God in behalf of mankind, as did the Levites, descendants of Aaron among the Israelites.

Kim Il Sung was the historical personification of resentment, and anger toward others, thus setting out to separate from them. This is what lies behind the Juche ideology. He started his revolutionary career as a resistance fighter against the Japanese occupation (1905-1945). One can say that it was this military occupation that gave the senior Kim his impulse to establish his own brand of communism. Satan, history's dark power, took control after that. For all the Christian Churches that might have existed in Pyongyang and North Korea before, Korea was not essentially a Christian nation, although they have always had a sense of historic destiny. North Korean public structures, all glorifying the revolution, are monuments to the grandeur of Kim Il Sung's thought. Structures are large, with large grounds accommodating tens of thousands of people surrounding them which are used for rallies, and other public activities. No churches can be seen Pyongyang today. However, ground breaking has taken place just a 5-minute walk away from the UC-managed hotel to build a Unification Church.

For those who had some experience in communist nations other than North Korea in the past, understand that North Korea is fundamentally and visibly different. No private ads of any kind, nor foreign business of any kind can be seen on the streets of Pyongyang. NONE. Not a Coke, Mitsubishi, Mercedes Benz, etc. poster, billboard, or ad. That because it is not conducive to the revolution. The only announcements, signs, posters are of revolution, which started many years ago. In addition to this strict observance of the main revolutionary spirit one sees no unnecessary building, vehicle, airplane maintenance. For sure upkeep is not done for art's sake.

What I did not see was a "show" put on for foreigners. They don't care to impress us externally in that sense, and even if they did they don't have the money for it. We saw North Korea as it really is.

North Korea has taken a course opposed to humanity and the Will of God. North and South Korea can't be compared. North Korea does not care about the weak or the economy. North Koreans are there for the personal adoration of the perfection of the perfection level Satanic figure, Kim Il Sung, and now his son Kim Jung Il. It's the true North Korean and Communist Raison d'être.

The Dark Power has the purpose of absolute and total reign over mankind spearheaded by Kim Il Sung. Other Communist leaders worldwide are secondary in this goal. A look at North Korea today shows that nothing exists for the sake of the North Korean people; only for Kim Il Sung, and now Kim Jung Il. They exist for Satan. This cold ruthlessness is supported by and education system and a military devoted to world dominion. All this is where the Dark Power, the direct controller of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jung Il, absorbs its glory. Kim Il Sung and Kim Jung Il are his creations.

Satan controls and is single mindedly determined through Kim Il Sung and Kim Jung Il to take. Any show of being soft on others and their misfortunes would be taken by Satan as not being fit for him and would work to violently replace them. Thus Kim Il Sung and Kim Jung Il themselves have no freedom, and cannot be human. It's the story of the Dark Power and its time in History.

Evil energy is usurped even from the Kims by the Dark Power. Unless directed to the Kims (Satan), and that direction, there is no rationale, heart for "I'm sorry," or "forgive me." Don't expect it from them when an atrocity is committed.

For them it's a privilege to serve North Korea. If you hold back the revolution you might be rejected. Survive and give to the revolution - don't take from it.

To what degree people believe in their revolution I cannot say since not only we could not speak the same language but they are not allowed to communicate with foreigners. Several generations have now passed. What may have been known in the past of religion, foreign connections, art, culture, wealth, freedom remains a long past memory for a few and non-existence to most. No substantial contact with anything foreign is visible, with the exception of vehicles. They walk to work, they ride in trucks as there aren't enough buses to go around, regardless of weather. It's not easy to believe that they have any thoughts of what is not state-sponsored revolution. This is what is taught in schools, this is what all their music and art is about, it's what they live day in and day out. The revolution is all. It's the ONLY thinking. They have given their blood, their life, and all they have for it. They still are doing it and will continue doing it until something changes it. That something is True Parents with their army of angels: us.

It's a very vertical society. There is no worldliness to distract them from their service to the "Beloved Leader" or, now, the "Dear Leader" and the revolution. North Koreans refer to Kim Il Sung as Father, or "our Beloved Leader" Kim Jung Il is the "Dear Leader". Concepts of free speech, or travel, or information, or any other non revolutionary thought is non existent, nor permitted.

People are indoctrinated for war. (I hear that the North Korean schools in Japan have also been training grounds for the eventual world revolution) The belief that Americans and Japanese are evil is very real, and they speak of us in those terms. I was not looked on with visible mistrust because I was a follower of Rev Sun Myung Moon, a most welcomed North Korean revolutionary in their eyes. (I don't know if they use the term Reverend when referring to Father) Kim Il Sung understood that Father does not hate North Korea, although he knew Father is avidly anti-communist. However True Parents were welcomed as Korean unifiers. True Parents are already working in North Korea.

Hardness of character is seen in the police and military, whose front line are mostly young recruits. They do not have the experience of parenthood, reflection, maturity. They are newly trained and fresh with revolutionary ideals and hardened by their ignorance of God, love, True Parents, etc. I toured North Korea the first three days of October. This is the middle of harvest season. Everyone, including our guides when not with tourists, have to pitch in and help reap, mostly rice. I even saw in the fields junior high school aged youth after school in the afternoons with sickle in hand bent forward cutting the rice, often in their blue, white and red school uniforms. These are a people who value and respect manual labor and physical work. For the revolution all is acceptable.

Other than True Parents few people understand the seriousness of the North Korean people to their revolution. Few have given so much of themselves for a cause or ideology, this time Kim Il Sung's Juche, or are as prepared to give all they have left: their life. All else has been given, or taken. Whether initially people voluntarily gave their life or not for this revolution, today all are prepared. They know nothing else, every neighbor expects the other, as part of a team, to do so, and they already have given up every and any sense of comfort and luxury for this goal. There are no horizontal, material distractions. People this committed to achieving an ideological victory, and free from any material or emotional baggage holding them down is a formidable enemy. Their every emotion is vertically connected to the ideological center, the Father of their society, Kim Il Sung.

North Korea is a simple society, mostly farmers. They have for several generations endured cold, famine, and all other hardships imaginable without complaints or restructuring of their society for the sake of the victory of their revolution which is to communize the world under their great leader, Kim Il Sung. When asked to commit their life they have little holding them back to do so, whether emotionally or materially.

On the other hand our materialistic and democratic societies are so weakened many would not be able to confront their ruthless, heartless attack. Once they start attacking they don't reason, they just fight until the end, until there is a victor.

Our True Parents pioneered the way to the submission of this society through heart: giving. We must never stop giving and thinking of the highest and broadest goals, following our True Parents' directions. It is our protection. How many of us, otherwise, would have the stomach to give it all up for our faith, Fatherland, etc.? Fight to win in our God-given missions.

To understand communism through North Korea as a heartistic course was one of my main lessons, directly connected to our oneness with True Parents and the Principle. Relationships with the few North Koreans we met on the tour were very warm. One cannot talk of Principle, ideology, poverty or lack of freedom, nor history. We must go to them with an open and giving heart, not confrontational. They blossom with our giving and intuitively see the poverty of their system. Sidetracking from this central strategy only hurts all involved. They need to receive heart. It's what they lack. What otherwise comes from them is historical poison or rhetoric. They are ready to fight us in any other way, and though they may not win no one wins that kind of meet. However they have no idea how to fight true heart and love, they are powerless, completely on the receiving end, and childlike unable to return it. What we do receive in return is the beauty of their having received the love.

I alone, with the brother that did translating for me, Hideo Kitahara, was given a Kim Il Sung's badge, a sign of our being accepted; not easy, especially since I'm not communist. I won their heart. It is a victory we must all win from them. There are many little tin badges connected to the revolution one may buy but the Kim Il Sung badge is not for sale. It is Satan's approval of one, one of the gates we must pass to enter Heaven. You must subdue them with heart. By the time the tour ended the three guides/security men were saddened and depressed because of the tour members' unity of heart and commitment to North and South Korean unity, and general embrace of the North Koreans.

Another angle one can take to look at North Korea is as that of a child. I saw communism as a problem of attitude. It's the spirit of one not having received love. This is the core of what lies behind the North Korean heart that I felt. Whatever attitude comes out of North Korea is rooted in historic, providentially perfection level immature attitude. Therefore love them! I "know" I'll be going back. I won the formation level victory, I must win two more.

This was a tour organized by the UC Japanese agency Seichi Travel. Until now ONLY a Japanese Unification Church member or his/her foreign Japan-resident spouse can sign up for the tour. A point that was clarified at Pyongyang airport upon my arrival when I was asked if I did indeed live in Japan and if my wife was Japanese. I met both conditions and thus was allowed in.

At the UC run Potonggang Hotel we were unexpectedly met with Father's envoy, the North Korean national Messiah, Mr Sang Kwon Park, also International Oceanic Enterprises chairman. His message to the tour members was that visiting True Father's birthplace and home gave us a condition to start calling him Father, rather than True Father. We thus come an internal step closer to his heart, we more closely feel to be his child, having taken interest in learning more about True Parents, our new roots. Just a few hundred meters away we visited Father's parents' tomb, a humble mound with a vertical marble with their birth and passing dates inscribed. In both Father's home and his parents' tomb we offered prayers. At Father's home we gave some gifts of food ranging from dried fruits to soba. We were given little flowers for the tomb.

The purpose of the tour was to feel Father a little closer. I saw the Fatherland and our Father's home. What it was like before I don't know. What is left is a 3-small-room structure plus a kitchen. There is no electricity. The windows were not tight fitting. Nothing remained inside, no furniture, there is no bathroom, no heating. This is where Father lived with his family and was prepared by God. At a nearby area we saw the mountain where Father received his Easter revelation from Jesus. We met people but I don't know if they were relatives of Father's. There are no paved roads leading to his home, just dirt roads. Now his home is a museum. There is a small hamlet 100 feet away with some homes. Possibly some of Father's relatives live there. (See picture) There are no luxuries in these houses, typical among all North Korean homes. In all directions there are fields, some already harvested. As we were praying, around 7:30 in the morning, loud North Korean revolutionary music was purposefully playing at a distance, loud enough for the whole valley to hear, even louder than the voice of the people speaking in front of us.

In Father's High School young kids performed some traditional dances, and did some singing of both also traditional and some revolutionary songs. They introduced themselves as proud followers of the famous alumnus of that school Sun Myung Moon (I don't know if they use the term Reverend). In North Korea schools have after-school activities preparing them for public performances. I was there the week before North Korea formally gave Kim Jung Il his two new titles, thus an occasion for national celebration. They are all ready to perform. They do it well, with lots of energy. It was a small school band of about a dozen musicians plus dancers and singers, the band included a drummer, six violinists, a base guitarist, an accordionist, and a few wind instruments. They performed convincingly. In the end we sang Arirong and Tongil, the latter of which brought an onslaught of tears to many of the tour members. We gave the young performers gifts brought along from home especially for this occasion.

Going to see North Korea and Father's home brought to heart some contrast between what we in the US and the West are living and what the North Koreans are. The reasons for our having riches and their not are basically God's Will. Essential attitude is what will permit us to continue to inherit blessings. We in the Unification Church, builders of the Kingdom of Heaven must surpass the North Korean heart of indemnity to win their heart. It's easy to be pompous, because of our efforts, and show off. However, before these people we must be very careful if we are to resolve the historic problems implicit in the North Korean version of communism in particular. We go to build bridges at whatever price.

Solving the Korean peninsula problem is at the core of God's heart. We first need to solve all other foundations before we give to North Korea, the future Fatherland of the world. Then when we give to North Korea we make a pure offering to God: the world. The world loving North Korea is like the world loving God, the center, through True Parents who made it all happen. All will participate in its rebuilding (Kingdom of Heaven) and thus get merit.

A word of warning, one cannot make comparisons between the two Koreas. Each took a different path not only ideologically but also economically. Juche, Kim Il Sung's ideology of self sufficiency, has not been concerned with economic development. The North is foremost and for the most part an agricultural society dedicated to the person worship of Kim Il Sung, and now to a lesser degree his son, Kim Jung Il. The industries in existence, and visible other than farming, are those related to the construction of buildings. There are also a handful of well finished highways. You can sit by one and not see a truck or vehicle for long periods at a time. Among the greatest frequenters of these roads are tour buses. Some private cars, mostly used and imported from Japan or other areas where strong support and sympathy for North Korea exists, run the roads but are used by men in uniform. (One can spot them since Japan is one out of a handful of nations which has both a strong pro North Korea base as well as vehicle steering wheels on the right. Also, few other people have the money to send used cars to North Korea. Japan has a large pro North Korean minority.) Structures in North Korea are not maintained. Once they have been completed they last out their life as the finish wears out, paint chips away, etc. I saw many buildings with broken windows, reminiscent of the Bronx in New York. The revolutionary single mindedness doesn't seem to deem it important. I didn't see the famine areas. One must be in a relief group to get permission for that.

North Korean society may not be blessed today but it's purified and ready to serve God and True Parents very vertically when the time comes. At Father's high school I made a speech of love and non-hatred directed to the North Korean guides in particular, but also to the tour as a whole. I suggested to all to forget all past history of war and division. I emphasized that Americans, Japanese and South Koreans, all represented on the tour, don't hate North Koreans. Korean unification is why we were there, I said.

Many slept during bus rides. It was sad to notice that some went out of duty, a need to fulfill a quota, etc. There is definitely a need to prepare one's heart to have a good attitude on the tour and absorb all that is implicated in the North Korean providence as God is trying to teach. As I said earlier, unfortunately for non-Japanese only Japanese Unification Church members and/or their resident foreign spouse are allowed to attend this tour. I'm curious and can ask thousands of questions but I don't know enough Japanese to understand and ask. It's difficult to depend on another tourist as a translator when he is also trying to get all he can out of it. Shamefully, I don't yet know Korean.

If any reader has questions or comments write to me at: and I'll answer what I can.