Virtuous Business People

by Haven Bradford Gow

Is it possible to be a good, honorable and decent man and still be a successful businessman? Can a businessman serve God and the public, too? Consider:

* Robert Stuart is chairman emeritus of the National Can Corp. and past president of the Chicago Crime Commission; he states: "One should be guided on his job by one’s religious faith (and should be guided accordingly to be ethical in all business practices).... I also believe companies serve their shareholders’ interests best by doing good in their communities (e.g., providing moral and financial support for worthwhile charitable projects), as well as by upholding high ethical and professional standards."

* Jerome Sit is a TV repairman and a member of the Chinese Christian Mission at First Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi. Mr. Sit says, "I view TV repair work as a vocation, as an honorable way to make a living, to serve God and my community. God has given me certain intellectual skills and talents, and I believe I must use these gifts from God to make a living and serve others. Whenever I do work on someone’s TV, I aim for excellence and perfection."

* Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marshall are prominent business people in Eudora, Arkansas. Although they have achieved financial success, they have not forgotten about the less fortunate in society; they believe in providing employment to others so they can develop a sense of dignity and self-respect. The Marshalls believe that, instead of supplying people with handouts, they must provide people with employment and teach them a good work ethic so they can learn the blessings of hard work, self-sacrifice and team play.

* Mr. Petty owns auto body repair shops in Eudora and Lake Village, Ark. He declares: "If I do a job for someone, I do it to the best of my abilities and charge a fair and honest price; if I find I can’t do the job, I’ll be honest with the customer and send him to a place where the job will be done the right way. I believe in being honest and fair in my business dealings." He adds: "I also believe in giving something back to the community. If someone has locked himself out of his car, he just has to call me and I’ll come to him and open his car for him for free."

* Mr. Mack Mooney is a typewriter repairman in Greenville, Mississippi. Not only does Mr. Mooney provide excellent repair work; he also contributes to the betterment of his community by working with his church, the local Chamber of Commerce, the Boy Scouts and the Salvation Army. Each Christmas, Mr. Mooney puts on a Santa Claus outfit to raise money for the Salvation Army.

* Barney Payne, a car mechanic in Eudora, Arkansas, and a church official in Greenville, Mississippi, does good and honest car repair work and charges a fair and honest fee. If he finds that someone’s car does not need a brake or tune-up job, he will be honest with the customer and tell him the truth so he will not spend money on unnecessary car repairs.

* Rev. Albert Jones, Sr., pastor of Jericho Baptist Church in Eudora, Arkansas, and meat department manager for a local supermarket, says: "It doesn’t matter to God whether you work as a janitor, car mechanic or meat cutter; if you do work in a prayerful, Christ-like manner, your work can be a blessing to others and for the glory of God."

* Mr. Tommy Mills is manager of a supermarket in Eudora, Arkansas, and Sunday School superintendent for a Baptist church in Jennie, Arkansas. Mr. Mills applies the Golden Rule in his personal and professional activities and relations; he insists business people can operate according to Christian principles and still be a financial success. Indeed, good business people can serve the public and make a profit and, at the same time, serve and please God, too.