Absolute Love Tour 1997 Schedule

Proposed Schedule

Orientation Program

Yosemite National Park


27 Arrivals

28 Pure Love Seminar

29 Pure Love Seminar


1 Recreation: Yosemite National Park

2 Orientation

3 Orientation

 National Tour Begins

4 Long Beach

5 Los Angeles

6 Highway

7 San Francisco

8 Oakland / Berkeley

9 Sacramento

10 Portland

11 Seattle

12 Highway

13 Recreation: Yellowstone National Park

14 Salt Lake City

15 Salt Lake City

Education Break - World CARP Academy, Boulder CO




19 Recreation: White Water Rafting



Tour Resumes

22 Denver

23 Denver

24 Highway

25 Chicago

26 Chicago

27 Chicago

28 Detroit

29 Recreation: Niagara Falls

30 Albany

31 Boston


1 Boston

2 Bridgeport

Education Break - Location to be announced

3 Seminar

4 Seminar

5 Seminar

Tour Resumes

6 New York

7 New York

8 New Jersey

9 New York

10 Recreation: Six Flags

11 Philadelphia

12 Baltimore

13 Washington DC

14 Washington DC

15 Washington DC

16 Closing Seminar

17 Graduation

Pure Love '97 National Tour

From July 1 through August 15, hundreds of young volunteers will be joining in Pure Love '97, a national tour throughout the United States to promote sexual and moral purity, abstinence before marriage and fidelity within it.

Why are we doing this? Because we have had enough! Young people everywhere are suffering from an endless diet of cheap and irresponsible sex, fed to us by a greedy, cynical media and entertainment industry. Too many of our schools have given up on teaching morals. They're handing out condoms instead. We are led to believe that casual sex is normal, adultery commonplace and virginity rare, even undesirable.

But this is a lie! In fact, over 80% of Americans have never cheated on their spouses. More than half of high school students are still virgins. Those who aren't overwhelmingly wish they still were. People of all ages feel the same. It's time to blow the whistle on the so-called sexual revolution.

The list of victims is already much too long. AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy are just the beginning. How about long term damage to marriages, families and relationships; divorce, betrayal, child abuse, broken homes and domestic violence? Slowly dying hope and trust among the young in the ideal of committed love? Good role models are scarce. Churches, schools and parents often feel powerless to help.

But change is coming! Let us take an analogy: after decades of denial and confusion, society is now taking a stand against the tobacco industry. Cigarette advertising aimed at the young is finally on the way out. Over thirty states are seeking billions of dollars in compensation for health-care costs associated with smoking. Slowly and reluctantly, our nation is learning to kick this costly social habit. But it took so long. So many deaths. So much heartache. So many lies.

Must we repeat the same mistakes with sex?

The Pure Love Alliance is fighting back. Pure Love '97 is an exciting national event encouraging young people everywhere to take a stand for purity. A traveling team of PLA volunteers will join with local church, youth and abstinence groups for a series of one or two day festivals. There will be rallies, marches, seminars, and public speeches, leading up to the "Pure Love Explosion," a fun educational event featuring live music, dance, and theater, together with a cutting-edge multimedia presentation. Everyone will be invited to take the Pure Love Pledge, publicly committing to a collective new start.

The Pure Love Alliance is a new organization, founded less than two years ago. Perhaps you've seen us in action, infiltrating the Oscars ceremony in Los Angeles to protest the movie The People vs. Larry Flynt, or at other impromptu demonstrations nationwide. In March we joined Enough is Enough picketing outside the Supreme Court against porn on the internet, prompting EIE President Dee Jepsen to say "being so persistent in the midst of rain and snow was wonderful... we want to encourage you to keep doing what you are doing for the sake of this country's future." You can read more about our activities in our The Alliance newspaper, or at our new Web Site. (http://www.purelove.org)

Membership of the PLA is open to anyone willing to sign the Pure Love Pledge. Although we are non-sectarian and non-political, we strongly believe in the existence of the living God, a loving parent whose moral commandments and personal concern have a place in every human heart. That's why we are introducing and promoting an exciting new lifestyle, called "Absolute Sex." What is it? A back-to-basics approach based on the radical idea that our sexual organs belong not to us, but to our eternal spouse.

We need your help to make this tour a success. We'd like to invite you and your organization to be a cosponsor. Perhaps you can encourage youthful volunteers to join us on the tour, or help organize the events when we come to town, or even by simply showing up with your friends, family and colleagues. And, of course, we'd welcome your generous donations!

Pure Love Alliance
305 Madison Ave., Suite 1166, New York, NY 10165
Tel (212) 382-1634 pureall@aol.com
Fax (212) 382-2005 www.purelove.org

Planets from Scratch - Part One

In this two-part article we're going to look at humanity's situation here on Earth, and at what the cosmos may hold in store for us. In the second installment we'll consider how we might grasp those possibilities.

Each year the world celebrates Earth Day, with events ranging from neighborhood cleanups to diplomatic conferences. More significantly, if with less fanfare, we Unificationists celebrate the Day of All True Things.

This concern for the environment, and for our planet as a whole, is a sign of God's advancing Providence. While the wealthier nations have made great strides in curtailing pollution, the former communist world is only now coming to grips with the massive contamination of their lands.

Many Third World nations are exploding in population. They're also striving hard to industrialize. Some environmentalists speak darkly of the "massive consumption and waste" that an increasingly wealthy Third World will generate, comparing their typical villager's spartan lifestyle with the profligacy of an American.

In reality, pollution in the Third World is already severe, and they must become wealthy too-so that they can afford to clean things up.

Humanity has been impacting the environment for a very long time. Human-set fires have kept open the teeming tropical grasslands for tens of thousands of years. Primitive hunters wiped out the woolly mammoth and many other creatures.

Scientists, drilling deep into Greenland's annual snowfall layers, found evidence of terrible contamination. Years ago, the globe was blanketed with toxic heavy metals. Who did this? Industrial England? Stalinist Russia?

No, it was Classical Greece and her ancient neighbors. Their metal smelters belched noxious clouds, while so much wood was cut to feed the forges that entire forests disappeared, and the land eroded. Even today much of the Mediterranean remains scrub land; the trees never grew back.


The American government is constantly debating whether to fund "birth control" for poor nations. In reality, prosperity is the surest brake on population growth. Where children have an excellent chance of reaching healthy adulthood, parents can plan their family, and offer their kids the best upbringing possible. But in famine-stricken areas, a woman will bear numerous children, and consider herself lucky to see half of them survive, and grow up to labor stolidly in nearby fields.

Is the world overpopulated? Anyone who's flown across the United States knows just how vast-and largely empty-this nation really is. Some areas of the Great Plains are actually depopulating, as family farms decline and the land reverts to prairie.

Parts of Asia are much more crowded. Still, the ongoing "Green Revolution" has enabled China and India to feed themselves. (Note: most recent famines were caused by socialistic policies, not a lack of foodstuffs.) Ocean farming is opening up a new food supply, and microbial genetic engineering will soon provide another.

True Father applauds large Unificationist families. He explains that, in nature, parents raise all the offspring they can, as best they can. Many religions frown upon birth control.

There are limits. Roughly, the Earth has fifty eight million square miles of land area, and six billion people. That comes to about six acres per person.

But this includes Antarctica and Greenland, mountain crags, sand dunes, Arctic tundra and other inhospitable areas. Leave those out, and the available area shrinks. On average, then, each family of four "has" about a dozen livable acres. That's counting the vast, bitterly cold, northern taiga forests.

To a family with a minuscule city dwelling, several acres may sound big. However, that dozen acres also includes parks, and the farms which provide food, fabrics, etc. Modern farming requires large, open spreads.

In the Third World, most people live in villages scattered amongst small agricultural plots. But increasingly, they're crowding into cities, usually to find work.

How much further can the population expand? Futuristic tales depict a planet covered by towering structures, the bedrock honeycombed and the oceans drained. Several trillion people could fit into such a "world city," and if the population continues to grow at its present rate, they may have to!

Unpleasant as that sounds, there's another bad side to it. True Father teaches that it is unhealthy, physically and spiritually, for children to grow up in cities. He says they should come of age surrounded by nature. (The traditional objections no longer apply, because technology can facilitate jobs, and a good education, for even the most isolated family.)

But is this fully possible? If every family decided to head into the wilderness, those areas would instantly vanish, literally blanketed with a sea of humanity. "Empty stretches" only remain because of crowded urban areas.

Already, then, this planet is too small. What can we do?

New Horizons

Historically, when things got too crowded at home, folks would strike out, seeking new territories. It's hardly been a hundred years since the "wild frontier" days of the American West, South Africa, Australia, and elsewhere. (In Brazil, they're still expanding into the Amazon basin.) In every case, the aboriginals were driven back, or worse . . .

Now those frontiers are gone. Yet in that same hundred years, we've developed aviation, then space flight. New worlds beckon.

There are many reasons to spread out. Deadly plagues have swept the world before, and could again. The dinosaurs were wiped out by a gigantic asteroid that struck the Earth with the force of millions of atomic bombs. It could happen again.

A famous scientist said, "The Earth is our cradle, but humanity cannot remain in the cradle forever." Centuries ago, Galileo studied Jupiter and its four larger moons, which are worlds in their own right. Mars and Venus are nearest-and most similar to-Earth, but no one could live there without substantial protection.

Buck Rogers and Captain Kirk have been "visiting alien worlds" for decades, but only in the past two years have astronomers actually confirmed the existence of planets around other stars. So far they've only been able to spot Jupiter-sized planets around nearby stars. New discoveries are coming in frequently.

When better space telescopes are developed (and funded!), they'll be able to observe smaller worlds. Liquid water forms at just the "right" temperature. In Earth's atmosphere, the oxygen and free nitrogen are maintained by life forms. If these are detected on another planet, we can be fairly certain that life exists there also.

Debate surrounds a now-famous Mars rock, which may contain evidence of life. Recently the Galileo space probe confirmed that Jupiter's moon Europa has water oceans beneath its icy crust. Closer to home, geologists have pushed back the date of the first known Earthly life by hundreds of millions of years. Life developed here very early.

Life forms

It may be that, under the proper conditions, life will arise quickly on any planet. Possibly those conditions are a lot broader than we've supposed. Imagine animals with plastic bones, breathing a chlorine/oxygen atmosphere. Or creatures living in an ocean of ammonia slush. How about fish with silicone blood, swimming in a sea of sulfuric acid? Or creatures that metabolize carbon monoxide, flourishing on a world with iron carbonyl rivers? (It gets even more bizarre. Read World-Building by Stephen L. Gillett.)

Is life common in the universe? We'll soon know!

But what if those other worlds are already settled? For several decades, astronomers have operated SETI programs, listening carefully for extraterrestrial radio messages. (Earth's own transmissions could now be picked up a hundred light years away.) They have detected nothing. Zilch.

Despite the Hollywood hype, there is no solid evidence that any alien spacecraft has ever visited this planet. None. Claimants are either confused, or they're frauds, or they have a screw loose. They may be having spiritual experiences. (The Air Force is, in fact, testing secret "wingless" aircraft.)

Several famous New Agers claim to be "in telepathic contact with the Pleiadians." Others insist that aliens are mainly interested in fooling around in human women's bedrooms. That tells us more about the claimants than it does about the supposed aliens!

If there are any technologically advanced beings out there, they're leaving us the hell alone. Perhaps rather literally . . .

"Life" does not imply intelligence, much less technology. After all, Earth itself was without both for %99.999 of its history. (Not counting the theory that dolphins, whales, chimpanzees, giant squids, etc. are intelligent.)

Barren, lifeless worlds won't be terribly appealing to prospective settlers. We could "terraform" such planets, making them habitable, even pleasant, but that would require centuries at least. As noted above, we'll soon be looking directly for verdant, earth-like worlds.

But any such worlds are very, very far away. Next month we'll discuss how we might reach them, and how best to settle them once we do.

Persevering in California - Islamic Blessing

Rev. Kevin Thompson blessed 38 couples in an Islamic group in the Central Valley of California back in 1995. A few days ago, the group's leader invited him to their Sunday gathering of some 200 couples. Kevin was given the podium and he gave a 45 minute talk on True Family Values and invited them all to receive the Blessing.

Soon the entire group was engaged in a big debate about the issue, to which Kevin was a mere spectator because they were not speaking in English. Apparently the debate centered on the propriety of signing the application form. They asked Kevin to stay overnight and meet them the next morning (Monday, May 19).

The next morning, the group's leader (who had been Blessed in '95), told them that each couple could decide what they wanted to do: receive the Blessing or not. Kevin was praying desperately all night for them, and his prayers were answered as, when the dust settled, 71 couples remained in the room for the Blessing. The Islamic leader couple officiated, and Rev. Thompson was the emcee.

Peacekeepers on the Playground

Poppy Richie
June, 1997
Berkeley, CA

The Principled Academy of Hayward, CA, formerly known as the Sunshine School, is dedicated to cultivating the unique divine potential of each student and fostering each one's ability to love and care for others. Students learn leadership and pride in themselves and their school as they develop spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and physically.

"Peacekeepers on the Playground" is one of several projects at the Principled Academy designed to help students learn and practice leadership, good citizenship and conflict resolution.

Imagine this scenario: it is the playground at recess. A dispute arises over setting up a spontaneous dodge ball game. The two captains are facing each other and shouting, disagreeing vehemently. (Does this sound familiar?) A fifth-grader and a sixth-grader, each carrying a clipboard and wearing a bright blue tee shirt with the word "Peacekeeper" emblazoned on the front, approach the two angry students.

"Can we help you solve this problem?" they ask.

The four students retire to a nearby picnic table to discuss the dispute. Everyone knows the rules, which are restated by the Peacekeepers:

1) Do not interrupt (Each student gets a fair chance to describe his/her viewpoint)

2) No name calling

3) Be as honest as you can

4) Agree to work to solve the problem

Usually a solution is reached and the students resume their play. Occasionally, adult help is needed and the Peacekeepers know whom to ask for help.

One staff person, Brenna Iredale, researched available conflict resolution curricula and suggested the school use the one published by the Community Boards program, which originated in San Francisco. It is specifically tailored for us with middle school students. Mrs. Iredale conducted ten training sessions over a two-week period for each group of fourth- through eighth-graders, until all had been trained. The course is based on the following assumptions:

1) Conflict is natural

2) Students can solve their own problems

3) Students are responsible people

4) Conflict can be resolved peacefully

The goals of a conflict manager, whom we call a Peacekeeper, are to be a good listener, to work well on a team with another Peacekeeper, to be fair, to be a helper, to be a dependable person, and to be someone who can be trusted. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of training and experience to be able to help others work out conflicts. The Peacekeepers have a rotating schedule and take turns working in pairs during the lunch hour recess.

Students' responses to the program have been very positive. The following are quotes from student evaluations:

"It helps students solve problems without punishment. With punishment, kids might still be mad."

"It has taught me some skills that help me handle things that happen."

"I haven't been getting into as much fights as I used to."

"It helped me because I don't get as angry when someone calls me a name."

"It has helped me to understand feelings that I have, and others [have] during certain situations."

"Just our presence keeps kids from fighting and arguing."

"'I messages' are better than 'you messages' because it doesn't make the person feel as accused."

Teacher responses have been positive, too. Playground supervisors agree that conflict on the playground has decreased since the student Peacekeepers have taken responsibility to monitor the recess. Even parents have noticed their Peacekeeper children using the skills learned during the training in their relationships with family members. A fourth-grade boy was upset early in the training because the course conceptualized violence (e.g., hitting, kicking) as a choice a student might make which would result in some undesirable consequence (missing recess to write in a "Behavior Journal"). He was heard muttering to himself, "This is so stupid! Like I would choose to be punished!" A few weeks later, having internalized the training, he was overheard earnestly advising an angry classmate who felt like hurting someone, "That's not a very good choice you're thinking about."

At the Principled Academy, our greatest concern is not just what the students are doing today, but what kind of citizens they will be in 30 years. Will they be a credit to True Parents and the Principled way of life? Implementing the "Peacekeepers on the Playground" program is giving our students some important skills they will use all their lives to be more responsible and effective in relationships.

If you are interested in knowing more about the Principled Academy and the courses of study offered, please call or write to:

The Principled Academy
20625 Garden Avenue
Hayward, CA 94541
Phone: (510)293-0300 Fax: (510)782-5315

The Principled Academy is seeking a qualified, credentialed, experienced elementary school teacher, who is a Unificationist, for the 1997-98 school year. Please write or call for a salary schedule and job particulars.

North Dakota Appeal

The worst flooding in 500 years hit the upper Midwest region affecting South and North Dakota and Minnesota. Your help is urgently needed. Donations and volunteers are urgently needed for this disaster.

The Christian Disaster Response and the International Relief Friendship Foundation are mounting a major effort to respond to this disaster.

If you wish to contribute or volunteer, contact either:

Dr. Ron Patterson
Executive Director
Christian Disaster Response
P.O. Box 3339
Winterhaven, Florida 33885
(941) 956-5224


Dr. Kathy Winings
Executive Director
4 West 43rd Street
NYC, NY 10036
(212) 869-2614

Corporate donations are also encouraged. All contributions are tax deductible. Your help is urgently needed!

Thank you for your support! 

Nature of God and Man; the Purpose of Life

Section 1• part 4

The earnest searching question asked by a 1960's pop hit, "What's it all about, Alfie?" reflects for the present time a question that has beset men and women of all time. What is life all about? What are we here to you? Is life, as Shakespeare's Macbeth would have us believe, merely a walking shadow...a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Or does it have as other poets and mystics suggest, some ultimate and sublime purpose?

For Divine Principle, as we shall see, the purpose of creation is three-fold yet one. In contrast to Macbeth, the Principle affirms there is a profound meaning in life and this meaning is connected to joy. Indeed, for the Divine Principle the very purpose of God creating the world was to produce and experience joy. God, humankind and the natural world all exist both for their own joy and to bring joy to others.

Let us think of how joy is experienced No one feels joy by himself, but only by having an object which complements or reflects his own character. If an artist merely conceives an ideal without expressing it, his joy is not fulfilled. But when his creative idea is perfectly expressed on his canvas, then he is likely to feel a joyful satisfaction . The painting serves as an object to stimulate such feelings.

On a deeper level, joy comes from love. When one has a full relationship of love, the highest joy is his. Romeo's rather exaggerated exclamation upon seeing the light in Juliet's window, "It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!" suggests the ecstatic heights truly-felt love can bring.

Divine Principle teaches that God's desire for love is not so different from that of his children. So long as God was alone and his essential self was unexpressed, the feeling of satisfaction or joy was not his. He needed an object and out of this need he created humankind. Projecting his whole nature into his work, God produced man to manifest his invisible nature in the form of a visible and tangible image. He thus created man as an expression of himself, as a being with whom he can have a relationship of love.

A specific analogy to the divine reality can be found in the human family. Because a child is the most perfect expression of his parents' nature, parents can have an abundant exchange of love with their children. In the same way, of all beings in the created world, many inwardly and outwardly expressed God most fully. Thus he is a being with whom God can have the fullest exchange of love. In the view of Divine Principle such was the hope of God when he undertook his creative endeavor. He intended to live with man forever in the highest joy through the perpetual exchange of love.

Three Great Blessings

Within the framework of this understanding, Divine Principle finds a clear expression of God's purposes in the following well-known passage from scripture:

Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it: and have dominion... Gen 1:28)

God is bestowing three blessings upon Adam and Eve: be fruitful, or unite with him; multiply, or unite with each other; have dominion, or unite with creation.

What precisely would it mean to "be fruitful", which is the first Blessing? A tree becomes fruitful when it becomes mature or when it blossoms and bears fruit. Similarly God's first Blessing to mankind is the blessing of individual perfection or maturity-a state in which the individual become one with God in heart.

In the history of religious thought, man's relationship with his Creator has been characterized in several ways. The encounter between man and God is compared to a ruler and his subject, a master and his slave, a craftsman and his craft. In line with historic Christianity, however, Divine Principle affirms the validity of the most personal analogies; father and child, lover and beloved, bridegroom and bride. The intimacy possible with God not only allows man to reason with God, but also to live in joyous love with him.

Ultimately, each of us is meant to establish a vital rapport between himself and God, resulting in perpetual, ever-expanding joy. "When thou comest unto my heart, all that is within me dost joy!" writes Thomas A Kempis of his relationship with God. Such was God's hope: we were to be fruitful and joyful by uniting with him.

The promise of maturity may be described from another point of view also. That is, Divine Principle would assert that the goal of individual life is achieved by getting mind and body in tune with each other, centered on God. Unfortunately, rather than possessing such a personal integration, most of us know only too well the conflict the Apostle Paul describes:

"I can will what is right, but cannot do it...I do not the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do." Rom.7:19

The task of spiritual growth, then, is to bring an end to this inner division, finding an inward God-centered harmony and unity. In such a state we may say one's feelings parallel God's feelings, his thoughts reflect God's thoughts and both are expressed clearly in his physical deeds. Diagrammatically, we may say this state produces a four position foundation on the individual level.

Despite the promise of this ideal, it is clear that it has not yet been realized. Individuals by and large have not achieved a God-centered integration of personality. Falling short of the goal given us by Jesus, humanity has not become perfect ("You must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is Perfect." Mt. 5:48) nor have we become God's temple ("Do you not know that you are God's temple and God's spirit dwells in you?" 1 Cor 6:19). Therefore, since mankind has not yet become fruitful, neither God's joy nor man's joy has been consummated.

The Loving Family

It has been said that there is no success in the world that can make up for failure in the home, Divine Principle would affirm this as true, based on misunderstanding of God's purpose for men and women, as expressed in the second Blessing. This Blessing is the experience of an ideal family, a family in which God's love dwells. In the view of Divine Principle a man and a woman were first to attain individual perfection and then become husband and wife, giving birth to children and forming a family. As the center of love, this family would be the fullest basis for the experience of love for man and God. Had there been no fall, we may imagine that Adam, Eve and their children would have formed the first God-centered four position foundation on the family level.

For Divine Principle, love is the beginning and the end, the nearest and the farthest, the deepest and the highest. "Many waters cannot quench love, either can floods drown it" writes the author of the Song of Solomon (8:7) and the Divine Principle would agree. It would also argue, for reasons we have already mentioned, that such love can be best cultivated in the God-centered family. While it is widely accepted today that one's early experiences with his family are profoundly influential in determining his future psychological health and wholeness, Divine principle points out that the diverse relations of the family also provide the natural ground for ongoing growth in the dynamics of love. Specifically, we may identify three basic expressions of love that develop progressively in the family: L passive, mutual and unconditional.

When, for example, a person is a child he experiences love passively as he receives love and care from his parents. In marriage he is called to know love in a different way, through the mutual exchange occurring between husband and wife. Finally, in becoming a parent, one is to experience unconditional love, expressed in his relations with his par children. For Divine Principle, the family was thus to be a multifaceted sphere through which each person would come to full maturity in his capacity for love. Also, since God's love is expressed primarily through human beings, the family was to be the basis for the fullest knowledge of God. In this way are family and marriage to be sacred.

Although traditional Christianity has considered marriage a sacrament through which one receives divine grace, marriage is generally not given the central position it is in Divine Principle. Mystical religion, Eastern and Western, commonly emphasizes the individual's experience and unity with God. Divine Principle proceeds to an even higher goal, transcending the individualism of the traditional mystic and embracing the potential of the family. The Principle points to the ideal of moving from I and my Father being one to I and my spouse being one, centered on God. The greater and higher goal is the loving unity of God and the family.

Leaders Meeting at East Garden

From Combined Reports

Thursday June 5, 1997, 200 leaders gathered at East Garden to do Pledge service together with True Parents. Father spoke for one hour after pledge, on the importance of national and tribal messiahship, as well as on the value of Blessed families. He talked about the meaning of bringing 160 couples to the Blessing.

From 9.30 am to 11.30 am Father gave a special service at Belvedere to an audience which included approximately 30 clergy. There he talked about the meaning of the Day of All True Things and about his experiences with nature in South America. Throughout the whole speech Father made the audience laugh and feel good.

Father shared a wonderful story of life in prison where there was time with nothing to do. He put some saliva on his finger and attracted a pair of flies. He clipped their wings so they couldn't fly away and they became his pets and a source of study while feeding them every day. Even after their wings grew back, they did not fly away but rather chose to stay with Father.

In his speech he talked about races and their origins, again. and talked about how the Messiah must be oriental because whites had enslaved blacks. There were several ministers there. one from Zimbabwe who lives in Chicago and had received the Blessing a week or so ago, he was visiting UTS and then went to the speech at Belvedere. He loved Father, was so inspired, and said his speech resonated with his African traditions (he is an Anglican).

The entertainment took place in the Manhattan Center from 7 pm until 9 pm. The program included singing and dancing. The audience especially enjoyed the African delegation's performance of African music, as well as the singing and dancing of the second generation.

The entertainment was spectacular, with the New York City Symphony opening the show playing a short Mozart symphony, followed by Broadway selections from well-known performers.

Probably the highlight of the evening was the Moon Dance, a Korean high-energy spectacle performed by Blessed children.

Then a video was shown about the Blessing of Rev. Al Sharpton and his wife. Rev. Sharpton is a candidate for the office of New York mayor.

After the video was shown, Rev. Sharpton and his wife Kathy came to the stage and congratulated the audience on the True Day of All Things and expressed their hopes for a successful Blessing in November. Al Sharpton said he was so high from the Blessing, he didn't know how he would get to Nov. 29 Blessing; by plane or train or car, but he felt he was so high as if he had wings and could fly there himself.

Rev. Sharpton gave testimony to True Parents and to the Blessing. He said that the Blessing started many years ago under difficult times and hasn't been well received until now, but the signs of the times show clearly that Rev. Moon was right all along. He offered his thanks to True Parents for sticking to the task God asked them to do, and looked forward to working with the Blessing and to being at RFK Stadium on Nov. 29.

True Parents were very happy. At the end everybody sang "Amazing Grace" together.

Leader's Meeting

At East Garden the next day, Father spoke to an international gathering mostly of National Messiahs. He told us of his desire to finalize the 3.6 Million Couples goal by July 7 lunar calendar (Aug. 9 solar). On that day he will make a proclamation to the world.

Father said that the most important thing about True Parents is their authority to give the Blessing. They planted a seed in each of us, and if we nurture that seed of True Love, it will grow and grow. If we neglect it, it will wither. Now True Parents are giving us the authority to give this seed to others, i.e., our own tribe. If we give the seed to others, then it is the same as the seed we received. Those who nurture it will see it grow.

Father strongly urged us not to waste our time. All the years of failed witnessing can now be restored through giving the Blessing. As we give the Blessing, we are loosening Satan's grip on this world by removing his objects in both physical and spiritual worlds.

The State Leader of Kentucky reported that his couple is now Blessing five couples per evening going door to door. He is very excited, and urged everyone to try it.

In Korea, over 300 Blessed couples have fulfilled their Tribal Messiah responsibility. All those couples emphasized the same important point: the first Blessing is the most difficult: break that barrier and then it quickly multiplies. Find the first one somehow and then proceed from there; victory will come. Those who are breaking through in America testified the same thing: get the first one somehow!