In Memory of Tokuhiro Yamazaki (1984-1997)

by Yoshihiro Yamazaki-Istanbul, Turkey

Tokuhiro Yamazaki, the only son of Yoshihiro and Sachiyo Yamazaki (1800 Couples Blessing), went into heaven on Feb. 13, 1997 at about 4:30pm at a hospital in Istanbul, Turkey.

He was born on March 26, 1984 in Kuwait City, where we his parents were working as representatives of True Parents since 1980. However, it was in Turkey where Tokuhiro began forming his character and soul-searching towards True Parents and God. His experiences at a Turkish elementary school were never easy but his attitude was always that of digesting every hardship with a positive perspective. His sincerity and warm heart eventually won the hearts of the teachers and students, as confirmed by their many testimonies after his death.

His death appears to have been caused by complications from a brain hemorrhage. On True Parents' Birthday, he attended pledge service and morning service. Around 12 noon, his mother noticed he was having some headaches, although he did not complain about it. Subsequently he went to bed. After a couple of hours, when we realized his abnormal condition, eyes half-open, lips turning dark, as in a coma, we rushed him to hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

We were all shocked. All Turkish Family members, including the Muslim Blessed Couples, instead of gathering for the evening entertainment portion of True Parents' Birthday celebration, united at the hospital room, where Rev. Kim, the Korean representative for Turkey, personally guided the prayer vigil with members taking turns in prayer and singing. He continued until the Seung Hwa ceremony two days later. Also, the hospital sympathized with us and allowed us to conduct our vigil in a form unconventional for this society. The two Turkish sisters working at the hospital helped us with everything needed.

Because Turkey is an overwhelmingly Muslim nation, we faced a situation in which few cemeteries allow burial of a non-Muslim. We were told by the concerned Japanese consul that even Christian cemeteries may not accept the dead body of a person whose faith differs theologically from theirs. It was a great surprise and relief that one of our acquaintances, a very devout Muslim lady, willingly offered one of her two burial plots free of charge for Tokuhiro. She had bought them long ago-one for herself and another for anyone who might need a final resting place; she had steadily prayed about such an eventuality. She joined us at the Won Jeon in the ceremonies on the third and 21st day from the Seung Hwa.

The Seung Hwa ceremony on Feb. 15 was the first in Turkey, but with the thorough guidance and sleepless efforts of Mr. Kim and the Japanese sisters, it was all well prepared and conducted by Rev. Kim and Mr. Thomas Cromwell, the continental director for the Middle East and North Africa.

In Memoriam - Dean M. Kelley

by John Biermans

I was saddened by the recent passing of Rev. Dean Kelley who served for many years as the National Council of Churches executive for religious liberty. It was through this position that I came to know Dean Kelley and grow to admire his absolute commitment to the rights of all people to religious liberty. In fact, as I think of religious liberty in America (or the world, for that matter), I consider the name of Dean Kelley as synonymous with religious liberty.

During the many years I worked at HSA Headquarters, Dean was always the man we would turn to when persecution struck. He was someone we could always count on to lend his considerable voice to defend us, not on theological grounds, but on constitutional and humane grounds.

I can recall many times during the 1980s when we would be confronted with some major crisis. On those occasions, the first game plan was usually "John, can you call Dean Kelley?" I would react with outrage and determination to take action. Often, Dean would make some dry comment which made me laugh and gave me that warm comforting feeling showing Heavenly Father was really looking out for us. This was part of Dean's wonderful sense of humor which made the many trials we endured somehow bearable.

I first met Dean Kelley in July 1982 when the HSA Legal Department was preparing to appeal the tax conviction of Rev. Moon. This was a very dark period for our movement and despair was in the air. Prof. Laurence Tribe of Harvard was our lead attorney and he met with Rev. Kelley to explain the many violations of Rev. Moon's constitutional rights during his trial earlier that year. Following that meeting, Rev. Kelley persuaded the National Council of Churches (and subsequently many other religious and civil liberties organizations) to support our appeal.

Dean Kelley's efforts were the turning point in this battle and within a year, the consensus across the nation was that Rev. Moon was not a tax felon but had been the victim of religious persecution on a grand scale.

My most personal experience with Dean Kelley occurred when I decided to write my book, "The Odyssey of New Religions Today," in 1986. After I had completed the original manuscript, I sent it to a number of professors and experts on new religious movements, including Dean Kelley. To my amazement, Dean took the time to go through the entire manuscript line by line with copious comments and corrections throughout.

After he had done this, he told me to come to his office and we sat down and went over every one of his comments. I can still see all of the red lines and scribbling on all those pages! I was utterly astonished and almost giddy with excitement that he, the Dean M. Kelley of the National Council of Churches, would take so much time to help me with my humble little book!! So then, I began to feel some confidence in what I had written and eventually gathered up the courage to ask him if he would consider writing a Foreword for my book. Ultimately he agreed and, with much anticipation, I made another sojourn to his office to receive it.

I feel deeply honored and indebted to Dean Kelley for writing this statement of his commitment to religious liberty. I believe that, in many ways, this Foreword summarizes the principles and values that Dean Kelley stood for throughout his life. We will all miss Dean very much and, with all my heart, I wish him godspeed to the place in Heavenly Paradise for the righteous ones.

Hope in the Midst of Despair: Flood Relief in North Dakota

by: Dr. Kathy Winings, Executive Director IRFF

One of the most powerful floods in almost 500 years struck with devastating effect in America's Northwest region. Families in the multi-state area of Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota experienced the fury of nature toward the end of April. The hardest hit area was the Grand Forks area, a thriving city in the northern part of North Dakota and Minnesota.

As heavy rains soaked the region, the waters of the Red River of the North began to rise. As the Red River began to rise so too did the watersheds of the Minnesota, Yellow Medicine and Chippewa rivers as well. It was this combination that spelled trouble for the families in that region. When the waters spilled over their banks in Grand Forks and East Grand Forks, thousands of families and businesses knew that this was going to be a difficult spring and summer season.

In early May, a special meeting was called of those disaster relief agencies that have formed a cooperative partnership called National Volunteer Organizations Giving Aid in Disaster (NVOAD). IRFF is a member of that umbrella organization. I attended the special meeting to see what IRFF could offer to the thousands of men, women and children of the flooded area. The meeting only confirmed what all of knew already - this was indeed a serious disaster and would require all of our efforts.

After the meeting, I was able to tour the affected area of Grand Forks with a colleague, Dr. Ron Patterson, the Executive Director of Christian Disaster Response. Our guide was the WFWP chairwoman for North Dakota, Mrs. Betsy Ormand. From our brief stay in the region, we spoke with several individuals and families who were just beginning to filter back into their neighborhoods to assess the damage.

One woman was kind enough to allow us into what was left of her home. Though I have seen many disasters and have witnessed the devastation of disasters, poverty, and disease around the world, each one is still profound and tugs on my heart. This particular woman had just purchased her first home. She had saved for most of her life to purchase this simple house in East Grand Forks. They had just finished preparing their new home and had only moved in a short while before the floods came. As she described her moving day, you could see in her eyes the pride and joy she felt. This was to be home for her and her son.

What we saw was a house with windows blown out by the force of the water, warped floorboards, furniture completely destroyed, and nothing left for her to salvage. The water mark indicated that the water had reached her ceiling. Though she and her son escaped with only the clothes on their backs, they both thanked God that they were alive. As they walked through what was left of their home, the only emotion that they could express was shock and disbelief. Tears would come later.

As we wandered down street after street, this scene was repeated over and over. Everyone was experiencing a sense of gratitude mixed with shock and uncertainty. Of course, other concerns would soon take root. First, as the flood waters recede and everything begins to dry, bacteria levels will rise and the potential for illness will increase without the proper precautions. Secondly, winter comes very quickly to these 3 states. Unfortunately, the clean-up and rebuilding will take more than a few months. This is a long-term rebuilding need. This means that thousands of families who are living in shelters, with friends or with caring strangers will be without a home for most of this year. Third, the longer the clean-up effort takes, the more toll the disaster takes on the victims - physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Fourth, the longer it takes to clean-up, the longer the businesses will be closed. This means the local economy will also suffer. People will be jobless as well as homeless, without businesses running money will not be generated in the community which will further hamper the rebuilding efforts. Finally, as with all disasters, this community will be flooded with people who seek to profit from the misfortune of others. All of which will effect the rebuilding efforts.

Of course, through times like these, there are amazing stories. We have all read of the widow of McDonalds founder, Ray Kroc, donating millions of dollars to help the families. Several families have opened their hearts and homes to the victims of the flood. And hundreds others have volunteered to help in some way. Through it all, many people have had deep experiences with God and the Holy Spirit. The power of the family has also become quite evident and many of the victims have sought to renew their family bonds as a result of the disaster.

IRFF too is trying to do all it can to help the flood victims and to share the loving parental spirit of Rev. and Mrs. Moon. We have formed a partnership with Christian Disaster Response and a few of the smaller relief agencies. By working together, we believe that we can mor effectively use our limited resources. There is tremendous need for volunteers, special relief kits that can be assembled in your home and communities, and of course donations are deeply appreciated. If you, your family, or your friends wish to do something to support this relief effort, please contact me in New York at: (212) 869-2614. This is a tremendous opportunity to reach out to thousands of families and to demonstrate the power of living for the sake of others. Encourage your children to take an active part in this effort. Let's be creative with how we can share God's blessings this summer!

Homeland of Your Heart

Quickly come to the gate,
Don't become a prey.
Quickly come to the gate,
The gate of Chung Pyung Lake.

Circle of light, circle of sound,
Sacred trees where angels abound.
Heavenly heart forever dwelling,
Shimjung showers sin dispelling.

Pounding drums loosen spirits,
Many voices keep the beat.
Clapping hands create the forces,
An soo power brings release.

Grace is here but you must strive,
Break the granite, come alive.
Dividing point of life and death,
Repent, forgive with gratefulness.

Heavy burdens lifted from you,
Gone is sorrow, pain no more.
Cycle of tears is so cleansing,
Peaceful calm bathes your soul.

Daemonim, Hak Ja Han,
Faces bright, hearts are one.
Loving smiles, loving eyes,
Comforting spirit, precious light.

Once your heart has found its home,
Wash your robe, enter the gate.
Thank your Father,
Thank the Spirit,
For the grace of Chung Pyung Lake.

by Paula Fujiwara
attended 10-day Chung Pyung Workshop April 18-27, 1997
(This poem can be recited to a steady drum beat)

God's Blueprint for a True Family

Rev. J. H. Pak

This year's motto is: "Let us be proud of True Parents and love True Parents and accomplish the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing." How? By succeeding in inviting 3.6 million couples to the Blessing November 29, 1997. True Parents have dedicated their entire lives to God. They have loved God, and loved humankind and all of creation with True Love and with this True Love, they are now extending this glorious opportunity to all people to participate in this heavenly event.

True Parents have shed their tears, sweat and blood for humankind. Through them we receive God's True Love and Eternal Life. This is their gift to all people so we have to appreciate God and True Parents. This invitation to the 3.6 million couples Blessing is so vitally important this year. Through the Blessing everyone receives God's Eternal True Love, Eternal Pure Lineage. We have to understand this.

Since Communism fell in 1990, America's big enemy disappeared and now America is the single, super power. Those who live in America don't appreciate so much what it stands for and the many privileges and advantages it has to offer. In Switzerland, where I am national messiah, I have seen for myself just how very expensive everything is--from food to cars to houses, everything. A McDonalds hamburger costs ten dollars. Gasoline for the car is three times as expensive as America. Houses are extremely expensive. To go to a restaurant for dinner is a costly activity. In comparison to other countries, American prices are more reasonable. This country is a super country in many other ways as well. It influences the world--with good and bad.

General Colin Powell, famous general of the Gulf War, dedicated his entire career to defense of America. His mission was to always watch the outside enemy--be aware of how strong they were; when and where the enemy might attack; how to defend against them. That was his mission. Then he retired. And he began to look within our nation, our domestic side. In a recent national magazine article he said we are our own worst enemy now. So now our enemy is 'within'. He spoke of how dangerous America has become. Why? Twenty million young people, maybe more. are wandering the streets, taking drugs, alcohol, participating in free sex, homosexuality, lesbianism; having no families (divorced parents or single-parent homes); many young people are becoming gangsters.

General Powell said we must give volunteer service. On April 29 in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, President Clinton and General Powell organized a "Volunteers Summit." They organized a big budget and a large group of volunteers to help young people find jobs and such. But that is not the fundamental answer. Rather, the answer lies in strengthening American family ties, bringing value back to the family. Young people have become violent because of lack of family life, love and education.

America is now this super country, influencing the world, having everything to offer-- except family strength and integrity! Families are in trouble. It has become very dangerous. Some statistics have shown that only 50% of American families are intact. Even our door-to-door volunteers for the Blessing now are finding single-parent homes to be the norm. In the Christian churches we are finding more and more single mothers. And some of the ministers themselves are divorced. America most definitely is in a family crisis.

If we ask the question "Who is God? How do you envision God, the Father?" people will have different answers because God is spirit and we answer according to our imagery, emotion, concept or experience. Sadly, if we ask America's young people the same question, they may not have an answer because in most cases they have no image or experience with a father in the home, And worst of all, they have very negative impressions of what a physical father is because many have experiences an abusive step-parent.

So to speak of the goodness of God the Father is difficult for some young people to comprehend. Shocking.

America has become shamefully immoral. Without father images, masculine role models, young boys are turning to homosexuality. And in some cases, the mother figure is missing so young girls do not grow up experiencing the feminine role model and turn to lesbianism. Both boys and girls lack respect for the opposite gender.

We must become America's volunteers for the sake of the families. This is our very important life's mission, each of us. We must not sit at home watching television while America is in peril. We must become model volunteers.

When Communism collapsed, we thought there would be peace on Earth. But immoral, invisible Satan was there still bringing free sex and breaking down the families. This big Satan never died, never disappeared. Marx and Lenin lived only 70 or so years, but immoral Satan has existed for 6,000 years.

In Korea, when I was child going to a country school, we had one room. Even within that one small classroom boys and girls were divided. One-half of the room was boys, one-half was girls. Morality was so important. But our nations are changing now.

University life is a low life now. As a student, if you live a pure life on campus, most other students think you are abnormal. Dormitory life is very strange and impure, with boys and girls relaxing together, partying, drinking. I saw some of these things with my own eyes when I visited the campuses of my sons and daughters. For students who do not wish to participate it is a very lonely life. Our second generation is suffering very much in these situations. Your children and mine are going into this kind of immoral atmosphere after they leave their homes. We must work to change all this.

This is why True Father is giving Blessings. To cover the Earth with wholesome families, educating people about God's plan for Heaven and Earth and purifying God's creation. We are now working to bring True Father's Blessing to all the people.

We are receiving the cooperation of many Christian ministers and other spiritual leaders as well. The ministers and spiritual leaders who attended True Family Values seminars should teach their congregations and assemblies what they have learned. This is True Parents expectations for the spiritual leaders.

Our True Family Values Ministry is for the sake of our nations, our societies, our families. It is very important that we clearly understand. All of you should have the True Family Values book in your home. Sit down and read it with your children. They must be taught the value of the family, centered on God.

What is the meaning of True Family Values ?

If you buy a new car or new computer, you will receive a manual with it. This manual is the guidebook, the blueprint for your car or computer, how to use it and what to do when something is not working right. You read your manual and become acquainted with it so you can know your new car and know how to operate it and maintain it. That is what True Family Values is for the marriage, for the family. It is the guidebook for the family--how to keep the family healthy and functional and how to restore it back to health if it has become dysfunctional.

Let's think of the car when it is first made in the car factory--it goes through the stages of an assembly-line. At the end of the assembly-line, it is ready for a final inspection. Having passed that, it now rolls off the assemblyline, ready for use. Now you can buy the car. But if you buy the car but do not learn how to drive it or care for it, of what use is it? And also, if you are a salesperson at the showplace and you do not understand the function or value of the car, then how can you convince others to buy it.

If Brothers and Sisters do not believe in True Family Values how can they go about convincing others of its value? Or more seriously, how can you be the true salesperson if you are not the user of the product? Or if it is not part of your internal self? Do we really believe the Blessing is the answer to overcome family crises?

What is the meaning of the Blessing?

On the "human assembly-line of God," we grow through different stages in life until we reach adulthood, and you are ready for God's and True Parents' final inspection. True Parents now give you that certificate, that final stamp of approval--in the form of the Blessing. Now, centering on God and True Love, you are ready to begin a productive life, fulfilling your purpose of creation, living the True Family Values. The Blessing is the beginning of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

Adam and Eve were the first family, the ancestor family. They were only one family. This family was in trouble. This family lost God's original blueprint and manual. They followed the wrong blueprint and manual. They followed Satan's guidebook. The family fell. There was Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel. God was the first generation, Adam and Eve were second generation, Cain and Abel were third generation. Cain and Abel hated each other, were angry with each other, jealous of each other and finally one killed the other. This pattern followed generation after generation. Anger, hate, distrust, disunity--these are not God's attributes, but Satan's. God's original blueprint never contained such elements. Satan invaded the first family values.

Isn't it wonderful, as we go about the world now, offering True Parents' Blessing; once husband and wife sign that certificate, vowing their pledge of purity toward their marriage, with that certificate in their household, Satan will say, "Oh, this house belongs to a true family. I cannot invade!" How wonderful! What a treasure. For generations to come, people will say "that is the house of Mr. and Mrs. so-and-so."

As Blessed couples, we are Trees of Life. Do trees need fruit? Yes, a lot of fruit. November 29, in Washington, DC, 30,000 couples will attend the Blessing and by satellite, 185 nations.

A spiritual Revolution has come to Korea. Things have been quiet there for a long time but now it is changing and wonderful results are coming. They are experiencing the results of Chungpyung and hard work combined.. Blessings are spreading like wildfire. Daemonim's life of faith, love and obedience to God and True Parents is bringing results to Korea.

During True Mother's speaking tour throughout America last year, I was asked to travel with True Mother from city to city. Also traveling with True Mother were several representatives from the Moon and Han clans. I was responsible to teach them Divine Principle. Our workshops took place in the air, aboard the planes! I didn't know at the time what a privilege I had been given. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ had no family to support him. Zechariah's family and Joseph's family did not support with their clans. If they had, Jesus could have claimed a family and a nation.

In Washington, DC maybe there will be empty seats at RFK stadium if we space out and do not bring results! We must bring honor to America and to God and True Parents.

What is the meaning of True Parents?

True Parents have received the absolute Blessing from God and come as God's physical representatives on the Earth to give that Blessing to others, changing the blood lineage from Satan to God. They become the educators and models for family development. The original family, Adam and Eve, did not receive God's Blessing so humankind has never had the true role models of what 'parents' should be. Likewise they did not give birth to children who would then become true role models for generations to come. Instead, all families followed Satan's example, doing the best they could do in following God's will until God could finally set the right conditions for the True Role Models to come, True Parents. When a family is a true family, the parents become the model for the Blessing. The purpose of a husband and wife is to have a God-centered relationship and produce and educate children who will be continue to produce God-centered families themselves. Without parents, how can we learn to live a life of goodness, based on heavenly traditions? How can we experience a true lifestyle, centered on God? We need our true parents who have been blessed by God to be the blueprints of life so that we in turn become true parents ourselves. They educate us and show us by example how to live the life on Earth and in Heaven as intended by God. A life of real happiness and joy. True Parents bring us the new car and the manual, the instructions, but it is up to us to learn to drive the car.

Humankind, in the Garden of Eden, did not receive God's Blessing. Humankind did not receive God's Holy Blessing at that time. Check the Bible. You will not find where Adam and Eve had any such ceremony. It is not there. Instead we read where God expelled them from the Garden. That means that Adam and Eve, without God's permission, began sexual relations and family life, bearing children. They started an immoral, illegal sexual life.

But now, couples from even that lineage can receive God's Blessing for a happy, joyful marriage. It is guaranteed.

When Jesus came, he brought the blueprint for a true family. But he could not demonstrate it with his life because his life was taken. He must return for the sake of the fulfillment of the family. The Messiah brings a True Family and True Family Values.

The American world is so lucky to have True Family Values in its midst. Those receiving the Blessing through the True Family and the True Family Values are so lucky. Our Sunday morning Pledge contents are True Family Values. As we say the Pledge each Sunday with our family, with our children, are we really believing the words and living the words? This is a very serious matter. We have to deeply understand the meaning of the Family Pledge. If we understand and believe the words, we will put it into practice. If we put the Pledge into practice, results will come.

This is True Family Values.

Someday we will be in the spiritual world, standing before our descendants. What valuable gift should we bequeath? Our property? Our bank account? We should have the gift of Divine Principle and True Family Values.. And if we have lived the Divine Principle and True Family Values, we will have changed entire cities. Making house-to-house families can make your city drug-free, crime-free, disease-free, social problem-free. Your city can become a small Kingdom of Heaven. This is the Ideal of Peace on Earth. All families, all cities, all nations combining to make the Kingdom of Heaven.

By building True Families with the True Family Values "the blueprint," the manual for building and maintaining a true family, you will receive God's "inspection sticker" or "stamp of approval." You will be abiding by the heavenly Traditions which have been given by the True Parents. If you begin your family with this heavenly way of life, your family will be very secure, no troubles; everything good.

We need True Parents. We need True Parents' Marriage Blessing. We need Divine Principle and True Family Values. Spiritual leaders in America need True Parents. Five thousand spiritual leaders were educated last year in Washington, DC at the True Family Values seminars. Some of them were Muslim imams.

In our Unification Church life we have been accused of being a "cult" and other such attacks by the media, but today we are recognized as "mainstream." We are now being included in activities of "traditional" Christian groups, such as annual city-wide prayer breakfasts. Not only being included but also being asked, in some of cities, to give the opening representative prayer at these large gatherings.

In Africa, already they have great numbers of couples for the Blessing. This is reasonable when we think of our much Africans have suffered through the ages.

In C.I.S. they are having great success, educating pure love values. The government is working together with our leadership. In Siberia there have been many Blessings. Imagine.

In Taiwan, the national President cares about people and what kind of standards they keep. He appointed a Mr. Wong to be his cabinet member. Mr. Wong met our Blessing Invitation Committee. Their goal is 100,000 couples for the Blessing, but already they have reached this. Their problem now is: so many couples coming that they don't have enough staff to take care of them! Bad activities, Mafia, porno shops and so forth were taking over Taiwan so they have welcomed true family life activities. We brought Little Angels ballet, Mr. & Ms. University contest, Family Federation for World Peace, and True Family Values seminars. Governors and Mayors of cities welcomed our pure activities. They welcome our Blessing Festivals. Now Taiwan has raised its quota for the Blessing.

In America, in Los Angeles, the mayor and chief of police have given congratulatory speeches at our Blessing Festivals. Also, in Chicago, at a forthcoming large Blessing Festival, they are planning to ask the mayor of the city to give an address. True Mother herself spoke at this particular church during her 16-city tour in America. This is the Messiah's church. Christianity's Temple, God's Temple, True Parents' Temple, Two thousand years ago, Jesus overturned the tables in the Temple and cried out, "Why do you make trouble in this Temple?" This is my Father's House, I am here!" So today's Christian church, whose is it? God's and True Parents'! If True Parents make anymore speeches in America we will use Christian churches, not other halls. They belong in the Christian church.

America is now going the way of victory! Which city in America will become the national champion?! How high up on the list do you want to be? How low on the list will you be? Shall we sleep or shall we wake up! We need spirit! God is watching.

St. Paul said, "Our war is not with flesh and blood; our war is spiritual. In America (as well as other nations) it no longer is a battle with flesh and blood. but a spiritual battle with Satan. Especially in America, where Satan's blood lineage is everywhere in the form of immorality. Many good families have become false families, satanic families. broken families. So shall we be volunteers to bring blessings to American families and victory for God?

We can make America the king of volunteerism again, We can volunteer ourselves to save America by saving its families. America is in crisis as it has never been before. As you go about in your volunteer work, carry your "business card" which will identify you to others. Have "True Family Values Ministry volunteer" printed on your card, with your name. Be serious about what you are doing. Put value to what you are accomplishing. Take a video tape, some True Family Values materials, an approach book, anything you may need to enrich your volunteer work for your 160-Family Blessing goal.

When your children see you being so serious they will benefit in their own lives. Mrs. Pak and I have six children. They have seen both of their parents work seriously for the Kingdom over the years and they are influenced by that. And in practical matters, they learned early to do many things for themselves and to participate in caring for the family household. They learned to be respectful and sacrificial.

God has planted His divine nature within our second generation. God teaches them and inspires them in many different ways . But we must set an example for them in order to activate these blessings that God has given.

We must believe the angels and ancestors are working with us. Just be eager to volunteer to go to families and you will see how much they are helping. Just take that first step and all help will come. Miracles are happening everywhere. Please let the miracles happen in your life.

First Native American Bridge of Peace Ceremony Held in S. Calif.

by Paula Fujiwara-Anaheim, CA

On the evening of May 14, 1997, the Interracial Sisterhood Project of Southern California brought their Bridge of Peace to the talent and culture night of the 18th National Indian and Native American Employment and Training Conference (NINAETC) at the Anaheim Sheraton Hotel. They also brought over 100 women eager to become a "Sister of Peace" with a Native American woman.

The annual conference of NINAETC takes place in a different location each year. Community leaders from many tribes around the nation gather to address employment and job training issues. The Southern California Indian Center, Inc. was responsible to organize the talent and culture night for this year's conference in Anaheim. Paula Starr, assistant executive director of S.C.I.C., Inc., was inspired to include the Bridge of Peace Ceremony as part of the culture night. Her inspiration came from Mieko Ishino, a volunteer with the Interracial Sisterhood Project of Southern California, who made Paula's acquaintance several months prior to the conference.

Ms. Starr brought together all the talent for the first half of the program, which included a poetry reading, a Navajo flute soloist, a Creek psychic entertainer, a 10-year-old Chickasaw vocalist, a 5-year-old Sioux boy dancer and the local Intertribal Student Council Dancers. The entertainment portion of the evening concluded with an invitation for all to join in the Friendship Dance in front of the Bridge of Peace. Many in the audience of over 300 joined the dance, which contributed to the harmonious atmosphere already apparent in the room.

Mrs. Sheri Rueter, chairwoman of the Interracial Sisterhood Project, then came forward to emcee the Bridge of Peace Ceremony: "It is my honor to welcome you to the first Bridge of Peace Ceremony to be held with Native American women here in America. This event is about...women who are scared and brave; who are hurt and have healing powers; who carry dreams of love in their hearts. This event is about women who can cross a bridge."

At this juncture, Ms. Alma Rail, president of the Board of Directors of the Southern California Indian Center, and Mrs. Jennifer Francis, representing the event co-sponsor, Women's Federation for World Peace, exchanged flower bouquets on the Bridge of Peace in a gesture of friendship.

Mrs. Rueter then continued to convey the heart of the ceremony through her words: "We are bound together by our common desire for dignity and peace, not only for ourselves, but for our children and all humanity. We represent millions of people who lived before us, who suffered, who caused suffering, who watched and did nothing while suffering and injustice prevailed. Each of us carry these experiences in our spirit. We are affected by that history, whether we are conscious of it or not, whether it is personal or not." At one point, Mrs. Rueter looked up from her prepared text to offer an emotional apology on behalf of those Americans who have unjustly harmed Native American peoples. She concluded: "One woman crossing this bridge meets another. Perhaps she experiences her own ability to change or to forgive or to be forgiven. One woman who changes can impact everyone she comes in contact with-her family, her friends, her community, her world."

A special duet followed Mrs. Rueter's remarks. Two 10-year-old young ladies, Courtney Starns, a Chickasaw, and Stephanie Nickols, sang "Love Can Build A Bridge" as they went through the ritual of the bridge-crossing and down into the audience.

Georgiana Valoyce-Sanchez, writer, storyteller and lecturer of American Indian Studies at California State University at Long Beach then imparted something of the woman-centered spirit of Native American peoples. She quoted a saying by Laguna Pueblo writer Paula Gunn Allen: "In the beginning was thought and her name was woman!" She explained that it was the White Buffalo Calf Woman who originally brought the Way of the Sacred Pipe, the teaching of a balanced life which is respectful of all things. She told the story of "The Hidden Wisdom": When the elders saw that the people were abusing and corrupting their gift of wisdom, they decided to hide it from them. But the question was where. They couldn't agree on a hiding place until an old woman spoke: "Hide the wisdom deep in their hearts. They'll never think to look there!" In this way Georgiana brought the audience to realize that peace is achieved by looking deep into our hearts.

Finally, the anticipated moment arrived as the Native American women were asked to line up at one end of the bridge and all other women at the other end. Nearly 70 pairs of sisters came together on the bridge that evening. Some Native American women received two new sisters, while several married couples became paired, in addition to a few "brothers" and children. The new pairs recited the Sisterhood Pledge together and signed each other's Sisterhood Certificates.

Paula Starr, coordinator of the program, remarked that the ceremony felt natural. "The words which Sheri and Georgiana shared painted the necessary imagery to move forward our deepest and most heartfelt desire as women for world peace. Our board president was emotionally taken by everyone's commitment for world peace."

The formal close of the program was the singing of "Let there be Peace on Earth" as all held hands in a large circle. No one was in a hurry to leave as new pairs took photographs on the bridge and lingered to share with one another.

Many Native American participants were inspired to go home and plan bridge ceremonies with chapters of Women's Federation for World Peace in their localities.

Reprinted with permission from New California Times

Celebration of True Love in Montreal

by Franco Famularo-Toronto, Canada

Seventy-one married couples of every race, religion and culture participated in the Celebration of True Love Blessing in Montreal, Canada on May 17, 1997. The couples ranged in age from their 20s and married for only three months, to one couple in their mid-80s who had been married for 57 years. There were Christians of various denominations, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists and people who belonged to no particular religion at all. Some were French Canadian others were English Canadian. The vast majority, however, were from the multi-cultural and cosmopolitan community of Montreal. Couples from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and countries such as China, Vietnam, Jamaica, Peru, Italy, India, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Russia, Greece, and many other countries were among the participants. The atmosphere was truly festive.

What follows is a brief overview of our recent activities in Montreal. As some of you might remember, Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon visited Montreal on October 9 and delivered a speech on True Parents and True Family. The Unificationists community in Montreal which consists of no more than ten families were greatly challenged with hosting and organizing her speech in Montreal. Nevertheless the event went relatively well. Soon after her visit we were informed that 120 Japanese women representatives of the Unification Movement would be coming to Canada to assist us in our outreach activities for the 3.6 million couples blessing.

This was preceded by the arrival of 3 of the 4 National Messiah couples, one from Korea (Dr. and Mrs. Chae Hee Lee), another from Japan (Mr. and Mrs. Eiichi Habara) and from the USA (Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Dixon). A fourth couple, Dr. and Mrs. Morauf, from Austria, will soon be arriving.

In mid-December, 38 women representatives of the Japanese movement arrived in Montreal. After an initial period of adjustment to the climate and social environment, beginning in early January they began doing traditional outreach work door to door and invited people to Divine Principle lectures. Many people attended the lectures and seminars. However, we found after holding a blessing ceremony on February 16 for one couple and another blessing ceremony for 2 couples on March 22 that if we continued to do things in this way it would be impossible to really bring God's blessing to Montreal by November.

In mid-March several members in Montreal along with Dr. Lee and Mr. Habara, Robert Duffy, Marc and Isabelle Laurin, and myself held some very lively discussions on how to improve our outreach efforts. This coincided with our hearing reports from Africa, Russia, the Philippines and Central America where the members in those countries had adapted the blessing ceremony to suit their cultural environment. The results from those countries were phenomenal. At this stage let us say that we considered contextualizing the Blessing ceremony for our Canadian audience. At Dr. Lee's recommendation we also began 40 day period of prayer and fasting on April 1st.

After a long discussion we concluded that we would do it in a manner similar to the sisterhood bridge ceremonies. A detailed explanation follows:

The members go door to door with a questionnaire about the family which concludes with an invitation to a Celebration of True Love. Those that agree fill out a registration form which includes their personal information, how many years they have been married etc... This approach give us the possibility to network within the community more extensively.

The program is presented as a means to promote good families and the ideal of true long lasting love between couples. Until now we have been holding the events at a hotel in mid-town Montreal until now.

Concluding that building a bridge would be too costly, we created a beautifully decorated arch that we call the "arch of true love." The first such Celebration of True Love was held in Montreal on April 19, 1997 and 51 Couples participated. Many more could have taken part, but unfortunately we did not have enough space to accommodate everyone.

The ceremony consists of the following and is being refined with each event:

1. Introduction and Musical presentation

2. Recognition of couples with long lasting marriages. The couples are introduced to the entire audience and presented with a token gift in appreciation of their long life together. Among the participating couples some have been married for 50, 57 and the longest lasting we have come across so far was 64 years. This segment of the celebration is truly heart warming.

3. After a couple of musical selections the officiator, who also serves as host, gives a short talk about marriage and family life. Due to the bilingual nature of Montreal, the host/officiator speaks in both French and English. Our audience either understands French or English and in many cases they understand both languages.

The speech contains an introduction to the Family Federation and that the founders are Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han, the True Parents, and that the vision of the Family Federation for marriage is a God-centered one. The talk also emphasizes the need to transcend our differences of religion, culture and race and that social transformation can only come about through the establishment of strong families.

4. Toward the conclusion of the speech we invite the couples to participate in crossing the arch of True Love.

First one of our couples demonstrates how this is done and then one by one the couples approach the front of the room from opposite sides of the stage. After bowing to each other they embrace each other on stage as the audience applauds. They then walk through the arch hand in hand with their spouse as their photograph is taken. I have seen many a teary eye as this part of the program takes place. We also encourage the children of each couple to walk through the arch with their parents.

Once this part of the program is completed and everyone is back in their seats, the officiator then gives a brief explanation about the holy wine, renamed "ceremonial drink". (This was decided because many participants cannot drink alcohol due to their religious background). The explanation emphasizes that this drink represents the everlasting union of the couple and the cleansing of all bad things from the past. The ceremonial drink is then distributed by the ushers and each couple receives one glass. It is explained that the wife drinks half the cup first and then the husband drinks the other half.

This is followed by an explanation of the Holy Water ceremony which is called the "Water of Life". It is explained that the sprinkling of the water represents the long life and happiness of each couple. The water is then sprinkled on the couples in the front row, while the couples in the rest of the room are sprinkled with a type of confetti.

The couples are then given an explanation about the indemnity stick which has been renamed the "peace baton". A brief explanation about spousal abuse and violence follows and an emphasis on the idea that through this ceremony we symbolically put an end to conflict between couples. Our representative couple leads the way and demonstrates how this is done. The participating couples, I have observed, get very excited about this part of the program.

The ceremonial part of the program ends with a recitation of the "Affirmation of True Love" which is a version of the Blessing Vows. The couples are already familiar with the affirmation because it is included in their registration form which they need to present in order to enter the event.

The grand finale is the cutting of the cake where the three couples with the longest lasting marriages come forward to the stage to cut the cake.

This is followed by a couple of musical selections and concludes with the distribution of the cake. The couples are also encouraged to make a donation to support the Family Federation.

The next step is the education of the couples. We are planning seminars and symposiums to educate the couples more fully about the ideals of the Family Federation and to prepare them for the November event in Washington D.C.

Thus far we have held three such events in Montreal. The first on April 19th for 51 couples. The following week, on April 27, we held another celebration primarily for those couples who could not participate due to the lack of space and for those who promised to come but could not attend.

On May 17th the largest gathering to date was held in Montreal with 71 couples. In Toronto on May 4th a similar type of event was held for 67 couples.

Our plan is hold such blessings every week from now on in the hope that we can bless 20,000 couples by November.

Perhaps some might consider that this method is rather unorthodox, however I would like to suggest that in these times we cannot be bound to the letter of the law but rather we need to be open to the spirit of the times we live in.

Finally, I would like to thank each national messiah for their contribution thus far to the development of the providence in our country of Canada and especially to the 120 Japanese women representatives without whom the present developments could not have taken place. Special mention goes to all Canadian members who have kept the faith and continue to participate to the best of their abilities.

Becoming a Talented Writer

by Clopha Deshotel

Let's start here by getting a grip on something. Every eleven-year-old blessed child will be twenty-one in ten years. Hold that thought.

The technology for their creative expression has been, and is being, improved at an alarming rate. Some of it has already caught their attention. God only knows what will be available this time next year.

Some of them are thinking now about becoming writers. Writers for this newspaper. Those brain cells are developing at the very moment you read this paragraph! Some will write scripts for the movies and TV programs which our grandchildren will we watching.

Where is this going? The American Library Association has given an award for outstanding children's books every year since 1922-the Newbery Award. As you read the brief description of their first, imagine having the author time-travel to a lecture on Historical Parallels and you could have the seed of a TV mini-series, or an Oscar-winning box-office hit.

The Story of Mankind by Hendrick Willem vanLoon: Speaking directly to the reader, the author provides a fascinating picture of history from cave peoples to 1920. Ideas, movements and people are more important than dates, and history is shown as something which builds upon itself.

If you are still reading this article, you must know a blessed child who has a desire to be a successful writer some day. Before the income-producing potential sends chills down your spine, give him/her enough money to buy the most awesome pen and journal of their choice. You may be renting one of their videos to watch with your grandchildren. Not only will it be decent, it will be divine.