A Tribute to Dr. Sang Hun Lee

by Dr. David S.C. Kim-Poughkeepsie, NY

Dr. Sang Hun Lee lived a good and prosperous life. His time on earth was filled with joys, accomplishments and the love of family and friends. I came to know Dr. Lee when he and his entire family joined the Unification Church very early on in the history of our church. He appeared to me as a man of vision, character and a sincere heart.

After the 36-Couple Blessing, Dr. Lee's family and my family became part of the same trinity. Throughout the years, even when we were far apart, we always kept in touch. I knew that some day, later on, we would work together in some way.

The opportunity for us to work together came when Father founded the Unification Thought Institute of America. Dr. Lee had pioneered the systematization of Unification Thought and V.O.C. theory as an application of Father's thought, and he was the world's chief lecturer on Unification Thought. When Father founded UTI of America, we were pleased to have had Dr. Sang Hun Lee himself appointed by Father as president of UTI of America. Moreover, I was honored by Father with the position of vice president of UTI of America.

Since that day, which was more than ten years ago, Dr. Lee and I began to work very closely to develop Unification Thought and to spread it to the Western world. We established seminar programs for Unificationist scholars and started the teaching of Unification Thought on a large scale. Dr. Lee came to America on several occasions to teach both Unification Thought and V.O.C. theory. I always remember those times fondly.

When Dr. Lee's wife passed away a few years ago, I was surprised at the moral courage and strength of Dr. Lee. He continued his work with the same kind of dedication he had been doing all along. Besides, he began to received direct inspiration from his wife in the spirit world, which gave him even more strength and determination.

And now the two of them are joined together again. And we are happy to have had such a wonderful man as Dr. Sang Hun Lee with us on this earth. We wish him all the best as he goes on to this new stage of his life. We will keep fond memories of his kind heart and sincere dedication to God and True Parents.

May 1997

WFWP Establishes Family 2000 Club

by Nora Spurgin-NYC

There is one group of women with its own particular concerns. That is- single women. They are the widowed, divorced, those raising children alone, single professionals, college women and teens.

We often think that a women's non-profit peace organization such as Women's Federation for World Peace is made up of women who are supported by a husband and therefore have free time to volunteer in charitable contributions to our society. However, although we often gear our activities toward such women, in reality, there are many WFWP members and participants in our activities who are single.

When the Family Federation for World Peace was inaugurated and WFWP began making plans to invite the families of our participants to join us in Family Federation for World Peace activities, the Blessing Festivals, or both, we realized the need to address the concerns of our single women. From around the country WFWP leaders were asking for support groups for single mothers, widows, divorced women and teenage girls. As we began talking about the blessings, inspirations started popping up from various quarters to start a computer matching service, singles club, etc.

Realizing that there are people everywhere - both women and men - who long for the wholeness and fulfillment of a family, we began brainstorming about how we could help them find partners with the same values. Just a cruise through the internet showed us there were both women and men who were sincerely looking for a good family life and wanted to make long-term commitments. The question: how does one find a good partner who loves God, who wants to promise commitment in marriage and is willing to pledge fidelity?

As we looked at the True Family Values Ministry materials, we saw that it was focused only on married couples. We naturally wondered if there was a way we could gather single people who could unite with these same goals and help them find each other, learn the same material and make the same pledges to each other and be offered the Blessing.

Thus, Family 2000 Club was born. Sponsored by Women's Federation for World Peace, the club is an outreach to single women and men. Set up as a club rather than simply a matching service, it is an opportunity for people to gather, learn, share, find support and ultimately find a partner for the Blessing either through their local group, or through a national exchange of personal data forms which the club would provide. This means they would be connected to Family 2000 clubs throughout the nation who would provide a pool of members with whom to connect.

As a beginning, WFWP has printed a fold-over card (business card size) which reads:

We are a group of men and women who want: A God-centered marriage, A lifetime commitment, Fidelity in marriage. Join us to meet others with the same goals and to share concerns and interests.

This is the way the club works:

1. Local WFWP chapters may find a couple or single person to "parent" or sponsor the club. It can start weekly or even monthly in the living room of the sponsor with only a few people who share ideas, learn True Family Values content and socialize. Or, a public place can be worked out for the meetings. Because the parameters of the club should attract only people of the same high standards, we will avoid many of the problems which might otherwise ensue.

2. We may invite our own single church members and their contacts as well as WFWP contacts and single ministers who have attended TFV Ministry lectures. Many of our "over-40" church members are themselves at a loss to find partners. As they meet potential partners (for themselves or others) it will be simple to bring them to the club where they can get to know each other.

3. After the club is established locally with good-standard members through our own members and contacts, we can begin advertising both on the internet and through local ads and fliers.

4. The focus is the club, rather than a matching service. It is a support group and a source of inspiration and education and socialization. It provides the care and service once provided by churches, but with a broader base.

5. A personal data sheet will be offered to each member to complete for our local data file. This data will be initially kept on the local level. However, as clubs develop nationally, a club member may choose to pay a one-time fee to enter their data sheet in our national matching service. We will then provide them with names, addresses and personal data from other clubs, enabling them to contact each other. Because the club has already defined parameters, the necessity for large amounts of data is eliminated. There are many possible ways to set up the data exchange including telephone, fax-on-demand, e-mail, a web-site, but we have not yet made any final decisions on how to accomplish this.

6. We are suggesting a $5 to $10 fee for each meeting to cover costs of space, refreshments, educational materials, and staff investment. An additional fee for the national matching service will cover the expenses of computerizing and managing this service.

7. Short sections from TFV or other relevant discussion topics may be presented. As local clubs are developed, presenters may be invited as speakers and club members may also be invited to lead discussions or present materials. This would be supervised by the club sponsor or "parent".

As local clubs find or develop some of their own discussion topics, these will be shared with national clubs to provide a manual of materials to draw from for weekly meetings.

We are ready to start local clubs. People interested in "parenting" a club should contact their regional WFWP chairwomen. As we find interested sponsors, we would like to provide an opportunity to train sponsors. However, starting a club is not dependent on this.

Fold-over cards and data forms are available from WFWP headquarters. The cards cost: $10 for every 100. They are printed in green ink on cream card stock, have space for local info and are nice to carry for distribution to interested potential members.

We believe that God will bring great "Blessings" to the American ministry through this club.

A start-up kit is available from WFWP National Headquarters. This will include 100 cards, 20 data forms, instructions on how to begin, and materials for the first 10 discussion topics. The cost is $20.

The Unification Church and the Six O'Clock News Cult

"Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's ANCHORMAN!"

I've been encouraged to write on the difference between the Unification Church and your average "cult." Before embarking upon this, I should advise that we should appreciate our society which allows freedom of religion and association, in spite of their occasional misuses. And, at the same time, we should be cautious of new and high-intensity groups. Reverend Moon himself said that in these days it is virtually impossible to distinguish truth from falsehood, good from evil. The sign of the true religion, he said, is that it will receive the most persecution.

Case in point: Recent media coverage of the Heaven's Gate mass suicide explored that group in great detail, but who received the persecution (i.e. undeserved attack)? The Unification Church, that's who. A major network featured a "cult expert" on several programs, who knows nothing about Heaven's Gate but went on and on warning about the dangers of the Unification Church! Meanwhile, Heaven's Gate is "accorded respectful media attention. Survivors of the Professor Applewhite's UFO cult have been solemnly interviewed by network television. No commentator laughs at or scorns their authoritative gibbering." (R. Emmett Tyrrell, "Spellbinding visions with the afterglow" Washington Times Weekly Edition, April 13, 1997, p. 30)

But what really is under attack here is religious faith itself.

Let's begin with a lay definition of religion: religion is the holy beliefs and practices by which I work out the answers to my basic questions: where did I come from? why am I here? how should I live? what does the future hold? why do bad things happen to good people (and vice-versa)?

There are all kinds of religions: high intensity, low intensity, emotional, intellectual, hierarchical, non-hierarchical, culturally- adjusted, culturally-maladjusted, etc. etc. The most generalized religion can be called "civil religion." Civil religion is the answers that a society-as-whole provides to the big questions. It is the common moral language by virtue of which people identify themselves as a nation.

Some nations have one religion taking care of that. Others do not have that option, because their people maintain competing religions. Such societies must find a set of beliefs which can include everyone, with their various religions; such a set of beliefs has been called civil religion. Until the 1960s, the American civil religion seemed water- tight. It combined Judeo-Christianity, the rule of law, self-reliance, the belief that the universe is just, confidence in historical progress, democracy and equality.

But by the mid-20th century cracks began appearing, major beliefs dripped out or were ripped out, and today American civil religion is a hollow shell. Judeo-Christianity, it turns out, is patriarchal, sexist and racist. Law is a means to power and there is no cosmic guarantee of justice. All that is left is the belief in progress through science and equality. (Turning science, progress and equality into a religion gives you secular humanism, which I will discuss momentarily.)

Two results have come from the demise of the American civil religion. One is the emergence of new religions. Two is the fear of new religions.

New religions emerge when old ones fail, because human beings are religious. We seek for and find the answers to the big questions, and these answers often gain luminosity. We are social creatures, so we like to assemble together to celebrate these answers and carry out their mandates.

Fear of new religions naturally follows on the part of those who feel threatened by them. Why would one feel threatened? Perhaps one fears that the new answers will expose inadequacy in the old answers, to which one would like to cling. Perhaps one is promoting another set of new answers, and desires to eliminate competitors.

This latter dynamic helps explain, to me at least, the behavior of the media in the USA in relation to religion. The Media Research Center has reported that between 1993 and 1996, about 1% of network news stories dealt with religion (Washington Times National Weekly Edition, April 6, 1997, p.1). This means that perhaps once every two weeks one will view a report on religion. This despite the fact that 95% of Americans believe in God (or something approximately God) and there are churches, synagogues, mosques and other religious organizations literally on every street corner of our nation.

How can this be explained? The explanation is obvious, on one level: most people in the media are, by their own admission, not religious. But if we probe further, we find it is not that simple, because media people are just as religious as the rest of us. It's just that their religion is different. It tends to be part and parcel of this new religion called secular humanism.

Secular humanism developed out of the rationalist branch of the Reformation, matured through the so-called Enlightenment and appeared in America as Unitarianism and Universalism in the late 1700s. Its practitioners dropped all pretension and proclaimed it a godless religion with the Humanist Manifesto (circa 1930).

Secular humanists claimed their worldview is based upon reason. Thus, they take the position that religion based upon God is irrational. In fact, its plausibility depends upon this. So, for example, sociology, a good secular humanist project, has for one hundred years interpreted religion as the result of irrationality. To believe in God and Christianity, one had to be a fool, or brainwashed, or coerced, or a charlatan. No reasonable person would believe.

Note how this seems to shape the behavior of the people in mainstream media. They do not report the good of religion, i.e., the evidence that religion is a rational choice which benefits personal and corporate life. The fact that rational people are benefiting from religion everyday, doing wonderful works of charity and healing, is ignored. Why? because this fact disproves the hypothesis that religion is irrational.

But when we find an instance which proves the hypothesis, namely, an instance of truly irrational religiosity, the media feverishly researches, exposes, explains, photographs, video-tapes, discusses, analyzes, repeats and warns ad infinitum, ad nauseam. Hence the incredible coverage of Jonestown, and the Aum Sect, and the Branch Davidians, and Heaven's Gate. For the media, four obscure religious groups with no real significance represent all religion. Says the media: all religions are cults; don't let the big churches fool you. Look at those SUICIDES!! Get a real good close-up on them, Joe. See, we told you so: religion is irrational. Look at Jonestown. Look at Heaven's Gate. The media tries to give the impression that soon it will be the Catholic parish hall down the street full of suicides.

Now, why would significant parts of the media go to unreasonable lengths to make the irrational argument that the Unification Church is similar to Heaven's Gate? I think it is because Unificationism presents the most powerful alternative to secular humanism.

Secular humanism can defeat traditional Christianity, or at least drag it into a battle to the death, because secular humanism provides answers to questions Christianity cannot answer. That is, secular humanism is a Christian heresy which Christian cannot overcome. On the other hand, the Unification Church is a healthy providential development of Christianity which fills in the gaps of Christian understanding, and can and does critique and offer coherent counter- proposals to secular humanism. The fact that this is a good thing does not occur to those committed to an aggressive agenda to save the world, which is what secular humanism sets itself up to do.

Friends have suggested I write why the Unification Church is different from a group such as Heaven's Gate. Now, it is impossible, I think, for me to do this subject justice. But to make things simple, let's approach it this way: What is the difference between belief in God and belief in flying saucers? A cynic would find no difference: both are invisible, unproveable, desperate constructions of evidence for higher powers and intelligence, the object of irrationality, escapism and the search for a crutch. But we, not being cynics, will look a little more deeply.

It seems to me that this account of the differences between belief in flying saucers and belief in God is applicable to understanding the differences between the Unification Church and faulty religion (if you will allow me to use the term "faulty religion" in the place of the media's "destructive cult"). In fact, it would describe the difference between every religion which teaches goodness, and faulty religion. Perhaps most important is the fact that true religion places highest emphasis upon my personal responsibility to practice sacrificial love; faulty religion provides means to evade that responsibility.

But I would add one further distinguishing characteristic of the Unification Church theology. It affirms God-centered marriage and the three-generational family as the central paradigm for human life, for the human relationship with the divine, and for the order of creation. I believe Reverend Moon may be unique in this. And, while I may be biased, I believe that without such an understanding of truth, this world has no future.

The Pure Love Alliance Rallies at the Oscars

by Mary Hose-Los Angeles, CA

On March 24, we protested against pornography and the abuse of the First Amendment as shown in the infamous movies "The People vs. Larry Flynt" at the 69th Academy Awards.

It was a virtually unprecedented event, so none of us really knew what to expect. The first plan of action was reserving a place on line in order to get a seat in the bleachers. There was already a little line forming at the gates of the Shrine Auditorium (where the Awards ceremony was taking place), so we had to send a few members to sleep out there on the pavement Friday night in order to reserve a few spaces for us (we were about 80 or so altogether).

Early Saturday morning a phone call came from one of the members who had been camping out overnight in the line, telling us to come quickly, since it looked likely the other fans might take our places. Howard Self, the national director of the Pure Love Alliance, emphasized the fact that we were on a "spy mission" so we shouldn't even be casually chatting to other members we knew-otherwise, the officials and security might suspect something was up. So we stayed with our designated groups of ten people or so and ignored the other PLA members the rest of the time.

Saturday morning the media was scanning the line of fans to get interviews before they let us through the gates and into the stands. Finally, when the clock struck 12pm the line began to move and slowly but surely we filtered through the gates and into the stands. We had to pass through metal detectors; the security thoroughly checked our bags. Everyone received yellow bracelets so we could leave and re- enter the stands freely. The stands were right up close to the red carpet where the stars would be walking through. We got as near to the front as we could. While we sat out in the hot sun, Frank, an 18-year veteran of the Awards, entertained everyone and enthusiastically cried, "Isn't this great? You ain't seen nothing yet!" Little did he know....

We became friends with the other fans and found out some had come from as far as Florida for the event! Down on the red carpet, reporters and cameramen buzzed about, taking shots of the crowd doing the wave which we PLA members started. George got well acquainted with the media. Good Morning America gave him caviar and filmed him eating it after everyone shouted "GIVE GEORGE CAVIAR." It was a pretty good crowd of 200 on our side of the bleachers and no one really suspected anything.

Saturday night came and about ten PLA members slept out in the stands to save our spots. All day Sunday we had shifts of members waiting at the stands. We met back at the CARP center that evening; we received our Pure Love Alliance T-shirts and our cloth banners which had written upon them "Free DUMB of Speech" and "Take a Hint, Larry Flynt, No Porno" and "Perversion of the First Amendment." That evening we took time to practice our protest. George was appointed as the cheerleader. We were to watch him for the sign; then we were all to stand up, show our T-shirts, whip out our banners and chant at the top of our lungs when the director Milos Forman's name was announced. Sunday night came and again a bunch of us camped out at the stands.

The big day came so quickly. Monday morning the streets were blocked off and the crowds began to gather all around the Shrine and outside the bleachers. There were even people on top of buildings hoping to catch a glimpse. Our members came through the gates from the center in groups of three. How did we hide the shirts and banners? We had the PLA shirts hidden under our jackets and shirts and the banners we tied around our waists and under our pants. By the grace of God everyone made it through the security checkpoint without being caught with the "goods".

The media stands were completely packed by 3:30pm. Hyun Do, a PLA member, was dressed from head to toe in gold (spitting image of the Oscar) and he got the bulk of media attention prior to the stars. Although everyone was smiling and acting excited, there was an undertone of utmost seriousness in the hearts of all of us. The reality of the situation hit and I was reminded of how the spies must've felt when they first entered Canaan. The key was to be like Joshua and Caleb and not get intimidated by everyone. I mean, only a billion people would be watching this event!!!

At four o'clock the first few limousines pulled up and the guests and stars walked the carpet. There was an emcee there who had the big-name stars come up and introduce themselves for the fans and cameras. Helen Hunt, Chris O'Donnel, one by one they came up and we cheered like mad. Overhead a jet plane flew with a trailing banner which read "Columbia Pictures Sucks-by Larry Flynt." Apparently Flynt had not received an invitation to the Oscars (but later he managed to get in). I caught a glimpse of George, who was watching intently for the director, Milos Forman. Sure enough, the emcee introduced Milos Forman, who stood up on the platform. But before he could get a word out, George stood up, took off his shirt and began flinging it in the air like a madman. This was our cue, so within seconds all 80 of us were up on our feet pulling off our disguises and flashing our banners to the world. The attention instantly flew to us and we began to shout our lines "HEY, HI, HO, PORN MUST GO!" and "NO OSCARS FOR FLYNT!" in unison. Nothing mattered anymore, and we became confident as our righteous shouts intensified. The security closed in on us (one lady guard even grabbed Magda, but she barked back "THIS IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH!"). Even the emcee told us to "be polite! Sit down and shut up!" but we kept going untouched by his words. Though there were hundreds of fans and stars and guests everywhere, we totally dominated the atmosphere until Howard gave us the sign to march out of the stands and on to the streets. It was as if we were saying there is an issue more important to us which deals with morality and the future of this country, and it means a lot more than seeing a bunch of famous actors and actresses parade in their silly attired. As we left the place, the crowd gave us cheers and jeers and Muhammad Ali and Kurt Russell gave a smile of approval. Chris O'Donnel remarked as he was being interviewed, "Well, there goes half the crowd."

What a feeling! We did it and it was awesome! We felt like we were 50 feet tall. Once we got to the streets outside we continued to chant our one-liners until we finally joined in a huddle and belted out three cheers of victory.

That night we piled into the living room and cheered as we watched ourselves being covered in many of the evening news shows and reports. We really took the media by surprise. Heck, we took the whole world by surprise! It was another victory for God's side, and the most righteous, awesome happening: THE PURE LOVE ALLIANCE.

Here's an excerpt from Variety Magazine, one of the many papers which buzzed about us the day after the rally:

"This year the action really heated up when Milos Forman, director the `The People vs. Larry Flynt,' took the emcee stand with Army Archerd. Before Daily Variety's senior columnist could get his first question out, a group of 80 protesters who had camped out in the bleachers since Friday evening, ripped off their jackets and shirts to reveal T- shirts that read `The Pure Love Alliance.' While the striptease and the name might imply support for Flynt, the group began chanting, `No Hustler, No Flynt,' and held up signs that read `Take a hint, Larry Flynt, No Porno!' Forman was drowned out and the security took some of

the signs away and tried to get the protesters to sit or leave, but they continued chanting until Forman left the dais (platform) and Archerd shouted, `Would you please shut up!'"

Religious Persecution: A Worldwide Tragedy

Haven Bradford Gow
April, 1997

In his introduction to Paul Marshall's Their Blood Cries Out (Word Publishing), Hudson Institute scholar Michael Horowitz observes that "The mounting persecution of Christians eerily parallels the persecution of Jews, my people, during much of Europe's history. Today, minority Christian communities have become chosen scapegoats in radical Islamic and remnant Communist regimes, where they are demonized and caricatured through populist campaigns of hate and terror. As ever, shrewd tyrants understand that their survival depends on extinguishing the freedoms of communities which live beyond the reach of the bribes and threats on which their power rests. Modern-day tyrants further understand that terrorizing the most vulnerable and innocent best helps them achieve power over all."

A fellow at the Institute of Christian Studies, Toronto, Canada, and a fellow at the Claremont Institute, Dr. Paul Marshall tells us that Their Blood Cries Out is a "book about...religious persecution.... It is about Christians. It is a story that is all but ignored and unknown in the world at large, and little better known in the Christian world. It is about women and men and children who daily suffer pain, misery and death. They do not suffer only from the myriad ills that afflict all of humankind. They suffer because they are persecuted for what they believe."

As Dr. Marshall suggests in his book, religious freedom and Christian people also are under attack in the United States.

Is religious freedom under attack in the United States? Are Christians becoming the victims of religious persecution and harassment?

In his new book Original Intent (Wall Builder Press, Box 397, Aledo, Texas), historian David Barton provides some examples that make one wonder if Christians now have become second-class citizens:

1. "In the Alaska public schools, students were prohibited from using the word `Christmas' at school, from exchanging Christmas cards or presents, or from displaying anything with the word `Christmas' on it because it contained the word `Christ'."

2. "In a high school class in Dickson, Tennessee, students were required to write a research paper using at least four sources. Despite the fact that the students were allowed to write about reincarnation, witchcraft and the occult, because student Brittany Settle chose to write her paper about the life of Christ, she was given a zero by her teacher."

3. "An elementary school principal in Denver removed the Bible from the school library, and an elementary school music teacher in Colorado Springs stopped teaching Christmas carols because of alleged violations of the `separation of church and state'."

4. "In DeFuniak Springs, Florida, a judge ordered the courthouse copy of the Ten Commandments to be covered during a murder trial for fears that jurors would be prejudiced against the defendant if they saw the command `Do not kill'."

5. "In Omaha, Nebraska, a student was prohibited from reading his Bible silently during free time, or even to open his Bible at school."

Such actions are based on the argument that the Constitution demands a strict and total separation of church and state; but this view is contradicted by these facts:

Public prayer and the acknowledgment of a Supreme Being have been an important part of American life. The Declaration of Independence affirms that "all men...are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights." Our national pledge of allegiance proclaims that we are "one nation, under God." Our coins are inscribed with the words "In God We Trust."

The president-elect takes his oath of office with his hand on the Bible. The standard form for oaths for sworn testimony contains the phrase "so help me, God." Each new session of the U.S. Supreme Court opens with the declaration "God save the United States and this honorable court."

These facts serve to buttress the contention that, as Jewish Theological Seminary of America scholar-educator Rabbi Seymour Siegel observes, "whatever the meaning of the First Amendment, which prohibits the establishment of a state religion, it certainly did not mean the separation of religion from public institutions and functions."

Partners for Peace: WFWP and RYS Cooperate in a Kindergarten Reconstructing Project in a little Village in Romania

by RYS Staff-Bucharest, Romania

From July 31 to Aug. 11, 1996 in Doicesti, near Tirgoviste, a volunteer project took place, including 33 participants from eight nations (USA, Japan, Korea, Great Britain, Austria, Russia, Italy and Romania).

The project itself was the restoration and preparation for a kindergarten to be used as a full-day kindergarten in the future. The building could not be used until now because of lack of finances and several necessary prerequisites.

A truck filled with material help was brought from Austria, represented by Forum-Ost, a NGO (non-governmental organization) which has helped in many East European countries, materially and educationally. We also received support through donations and materials from the organizations and companies listed below.

All participants showed a very enthusiastic attitude, not just to give their best externally but also by taking loving care of the crowds of children whose curiosity drew them every day to meet their new friends. These children, suffering in the dirty environment of this highly industrial village, became truly the center of our whole project. They wanted not just to play and talk with us, but also were very eager to work with us. Because of the patience and trust the participants brought to the children, it really became a great event not only for them but for all the people in touch with this project. Especially the mayor, who was supporting us strongly, and Mrs. Ioana Bragorenco of the Women's Union of Dambovita County, who served all the participants daily with food and other necessities. We all realized that through service coming from the core of heart of any person, the ideal of sharing as a great family, in this time really a worldwide family, can become reality.

The practical work accomplished in this short period of seven working days was as follows: several rooms painted, one even quite artistic, with a tree, a teddy bear, a rabbit, etc., to have a really inspiring playroom for the children. Windows and doors painted, some rooms with linoleum or carpet adapted, and a kitchen was installed. In the courtyard an adventurous wooden playground was constructed and immediately occupied by a hundred children.

The idea of such an international project is the RYS (Religious Youth Service), founded in 1985 at the Assembly of World Religions as a project of the International Religious Foundation (IRF). Its purpose and common base is to practice the ideals common to all great religions such as service. Young people are offered a great opportunity to come to know different cultures and lifestyles in a personal experience. Through sharing and lectures on several topics, such as "Family Values in our Time," which was the theme of this specific project, all could gain internally for their future life. All participants were serious about using any possibility to participate in a future project.

The first RYS project in Romania was initiated and sponsored by the Women's Federation for World Peace, which is an international NGO already active in 165 nations worldwide. Its Romanian chapter has already been serving for three years in projects in Romania, such as helping orphanages, organizations for the handicapped, a nursing school, and initiating an exchange program between a Japanese and a Romanian school. It also offers opportunities for women to learn how to develop better heartistic relationships within the family in order to rebuild strong "stone families" (a Romanian expression referring to good, harmonious, stable families) which help concretely to create world peace.

To the following sponsors we wish to express our gratitude:

Anglo-Romania Insurance Company; Betty Constructing Impex.; Doicesti Mayor's Office; Forum OST, Austria; GOLDSTAR-Bucharest Office; Kokusai Koeki Co., Ltd.; LG International Corp.; Meditech Super S.R.L.; Montero S.R.L.; S.C.A. Arta Casnica - Breaza; WELLA-Romania; Women's Committee of Bucharest; Women's Federation for World Peace-Okayama, Japan, chapter; Women's Union of Dimbovita County

New Eden Academy International

by Dr. Hugh D. Spurgin-Bridgeport, CT

I invite parents to consider sending their teenager to the newly established New Eden Academy International for a special, residential high school experience. Founded on the inspiration of Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, New Eden Academy will welcome its inaugural class in August, 1997. Rev. and Mrs. Moon are concerned about providing the best well-rounded education for your child. The Academy is the flagship program for an eventual network of middle schools and high schools around the world.

Academic Excellence & Character Education

New Eden Academy is a college preparatory, residential school committed to moral integrity and academic excellence. We believe intellectual, artistic and moral character develops best in a God- centered school. The administration, faculty and curriculum is committed to promote an awareness of God as a loving Parent concerned for others. Our academic program integrates cultural, information and technological literacy so that graduates may enter top colleges and universities worldwide.

The core curriculum will provide a solid grounding in the essential subject matter with options for concentrating in math, science, the social sciences or arts. The mastery of foreign languages including Korean language and the study of world cultures highlights the international focus of the Academy. Also featured is a program in Unification Studies which provides perspectives on history, the arts, religion and politics.

Academy life nurtures public-mindedness and a responsible social conscience. Attention will be paid to character development in a spiritually enriched atmosphere where both a principled, moral lifestyle and community service are taught and practiced. We will graduate young men and women well prepared to make significant contributions to society.

Experienced, Caring Faculty and Staff

Faculty include well-qualified teachers and professionals; many of whom hold graduate or doctoral degrees. Mature, compassionate staff will guide the physical, emotional and spiritual development of your child through the challenging adolescent years.

International Friendships

An international student body provides the opportunity for your son or daughter to connect with people and ideas from around the world. The atmosphere is like a garden where a beautiful youth culture can flourish. Nurtured with God-centered values, lifelong friendships will be established.

Residential Life

Our boarding program provides a warm family atmosphere. Close relationships between students, tutors and house parents alleviate the stress of living away from home. Prayer, meditation, service and martial arts are encouraged. Students will be encouraged to seek the guidance of God, their parents and their teachers provide as a lifelong source of wisdom. Our policy of abstinence from sex, drugs, alcohol and smoking allows students the freedom to pursue their studies and spiritual lives unencumbered by negative peer pressure. Exclusive romantic relationships between students are discouraged and intimate fraternization is not allowed. The residential program seeks

to create a home-like environment where emotional intimacy, fidelity, respect and responsibility are honored.

Adventure Learning

The ocean beckons two hundred yards from campus offering an extended classroom. Learning nautical skills from hands-on experience at sea will be part of student life. Adventure learning projects which challenge personal limitations and deepen understanding of the natural world supplement book learning and provide opportunities for leadership training.

University Resources

Academy life is enriched by our plans to utilize the University of Bridgeport's libraries, arts and athletic facilities, health clinics and world-class security system. Students may pursue college classes; utilize distance learning resources on the Internet; internships; special tutoring; science labs; and music, art and ceramic studios. The recreation center includes an Olympic-sized swimming pool, racquetball and indoor tennis courts, gym and weight room. The library includes thousands of books as well as access to on-line and CD-ROM databases, periodicals, newspapers and magazines. A newly renovated dorm, private dining hall and state-of-the-art computer technologies create a sophisticated educational environment where your son or daughter may excel.

Affordable Education

The cost of tuition, room and board is quite moderate. International students pay extra for English language instruction. We welcome your visit to our beautiful seaside campus just 75 miles from New York city on Connecticut's coastline. We will be hosting Open House events during the summer so that you will have the opportunity to meet our staff. I look forward to meeting you and your children.

Please contact me to receive Admissions information and an application for the 1997-98 school year.

Dr. Hugh Spurgin, New Eden Academy International, 285 Lafayette St., Suite 100, Bridgeport, CT 06604. Tel: (203) 576-4850. Fax: (203) 576- 4672. E-mail: hauer@cse.bridgeport.edu.

Dr. Spurgin is the headmaster of New Eden Academy International.