Principle Study Book and Workbook for Children and Youth

by Ray & Kathy Sabo-Clifton, NJ

We are pleased to announce the second publication of the Principle Study Book and Workbook. The second publication contains 20 lessons covering both Part One and Part Two of the Divine Principle. Part One has been revised and improved according to feedback and suggestions from the first printing. In addition, the 21st lesson summarizes the speech called, "True Parents and the Completed Testament Age." The study book contains 400+ pages. The workbook is 100+ pages. Bright colors of a sunrise shine forth on the covers. We are confident you will be very satisfied with this set.

Each of the lessons in the Principle Study Book introduces the main points of the Divine Principle followed by discussion questions and a suggested activity. The pages are illustrated and the words are clear and simple. The Principle Workbook reviews and reinforces the ideas. It contains multiple choice questions and puzzles. A list of activity ideas for each lesson is given in the workbook including the following areas: 1) Artwork, 2) Music, 3) Performance, 4) Field Trip, 5) Write, and 6) Actionize. These suggestions can be used to spark your own ideas based on the situation, time, ages, and the interests of the individuals. These books can be incorporated into Family Study, Sunday School Lessons, Workshops, Youth Activities, Discussion Groups, Lecturing, and Witnessing.

The Principle Study Book and Workbook can be used in different ways depending on the situation and the age of the children. 1) Each lesson can be read and discussed. 2) One page can be the "topic of the day." 3) One of the activities can be the "project of the day." 4) One of the questions can be the "discussion of the day." 5) One of the Bible Quotes can be a "lesson for the day." 6) One of the illustrations can be used for an explanation. 7) Or, just browse through the book until a discussion starts informally.

We hope these books will continue to bring inspiration, hope, and guidance for many children, as well as young men and women everywhere.

On Love, Maya, and the Goodness of This World

uViews, August 1996

The origin of human life, at least in terms of our experience, is man- woman love. It is the root of life, and it originates in God. It is the goal of life, and it is our permanent obsession. Through it, as the eastern religions tell us, the cycle of birth and death, of life on this earth, is perpetuated.

The eastern religions saw life on earth as nothing but suffering, and this world as a world of illusion, of maya, of non-reality. Hence, they viewed the love which brings us into this world as evil, or, at least, the result of ignoble passions, ignorance and self-deception. Freedom meant liberation from this evil, illusory love, thus liberaion from the "cycle of birth and death."

There are western religions which tend to share this view. The Latter Day Saints, for example, teach that we are born into this world for the purpose of perfecting ourselves by struggling with and overcoming evil. Like the eastern religions, the Mormons believe that moral evil is a quality inherent to the natural, physical order, and that salvation is not attainable in this world, but comes through transcendence of this world.

These are similar to, and directly or indirectly derived from, a version of Platonism. Plato taught that this world consists of physical derivations of the ideal forms. These ideal forms are, Christian Plotonists explained, the ideas within the mind of God. The forms in themselves are perfect. But by virtue of their coming into physical existence, these forms lose their perfection. They are flawed due to the incorrigible intracability of matter. Matter is a problem. For example, there is no perfect circle in this world; all circles are approximations of the form of the perfect circle, which exists in its perfection within God alone, within the world of pure form.

Hence, for Platonists, mathematics offers a window on the divine, because we can work with the idea of a perfect circle through mathematics. Of greater consequence are the ideal forms of truth, goodness and beauty, or of justice, freedom and love. There is the ideal of truth, but in this world there is no perfect truth. These forms simply cannot be realized in the physical world, according to Platonic thought, because of the brute intractability of matter. Thus, the materiality of our existence makes absolute beauty, goodness, justice, peace and love impossible. This world is necessarily imperfect.

This kind of thinking affected Christianity, through people such as the apostle Paul, who tended to view the body as inherently evil, and longed to be free of the "thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan." While Paul maintained connection to the Holy Spirit enough to affirm the goodness of this world (such as his view that the creation is "groaning in travail, awaiting the revealing of the sons of God), some took Paul's thinking the wrong way, and these people were called Gnostics.

For Gnostics, the physical world is a world of evil and ignorance. Who is responsible for this world? Whoever created this world was a clumsy, perhaps even evil, God. Well, it is the God of the Old Testament who is responsible for this physical world, according to the Bible. Hence, the God of the Israel was an evil God. On this basis, Gnostics such as Marcion, or the Manicheeans, rejected the Old Testament and much of the New Testament as well. It was a great victory for Christianity to lay claim to the Old Testament as the revelation of the one true God, and to exalt the one God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as also the God of Jesus Christ. This doctrine, we see, was not a "given" at the outset of the Christian story.

Gnostics exhibited another interesting characteristic. First, they boasted that through their hidden teachings, one could ascend, step by step, to perfection, to total liberation from the material realm. Hence they usually prescribed severe ascesticism, fasting, celibacy, and so forth, in order to break the chains of the body. Yet at the same time, Gnostics often engaged in complete hedonism, free sex, self-indulgence in food and drink. They did this in order to display their confidence in their freedom from those things. They proved, to a fault, that they were not legalists (captives of the Old Testament law, or any law). Theirs was not a salvation by works. They were liberated people.

It appears to me characteristic of spirit-led groups to simultaneously boast of perfection, to claim that they partake of a higher grace than the rest of us, and to practice a more severe, sacrificial life than those of the religious tradition which they are rejecting, and then from that lofty perch to abandon all sexual morality.

We can gain a Principle perspective on this through the Resurrection chapter, which explains how those who are highly evolved, relatively speaking, reach the "line of the fall," and then succumb to the temptation which Satan offered Adam and Eve. This is why institutional religions are hesitant to follow those who rise up now and again, on their own, claiming higher revelations or greater righteousness than those around them, greater in particular than the humdrum church leadership. Such people, in the name of revelations and righteousness, dissociate from the religious leadership which they judge to be fallen or to have compromised with the "world." In all too many cases, the final outcome of the more-spiritual and more-righteous-than-thou is sexual immorality.

This stands in marked contrast to Christianity, which proclaims the goodness of this world, and that the problem of sin lies not with the order of creation, but with the failure of human beings. This is one essential truth which, of all new religions, the Unification Church establishes with greatest integrity and finality. The Principle of Creation stands forever, and the Principle of Restoration is simply the Principle of Creation applied to the project of re-creation of what was lost by the human fall. The providence of God is exactly to restore the original Three Blessings given Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Christ is the original ancestor. This is a dramatic affirmation of the two thousand years of Christian thought and sacrifice.

Those Christians who reject this teaching will inevitably follow the way of Gnosticism. These tendencies are at work in the mainstream now, through the teaching, for example, that "Jesus is God" (a rejection of the Old Testament), that God will destroy the world in an apocalypse (a denial of the eternality of the created order), and the confusion within Christianity regarding sexual morality.

Taking the view that sexuality is evil, or at least is less than the highest ideal of love, stands, with greatest significance, the Roman Curia. Roman Catholic teachings hold that the sacrament of marriage is a temporary one, and that the love of the celibate for Christ is the higher love. This sounds good, until you consider that it means that the preferred way of life is celibacy, and, since what removes you from the love of God is evil, thus sexuality is a relative lesser good, which is to say a relative evil. Paul said marriage is not much more than a recepticle for the uncontrollable testicle. Celibacy is a qualification for channeling the grace of God. Mary was, after all, a virgin. Sex, after all, defiles the womb.

On the side that sexuality is an unqualified good stands everyone who is against Rome. Among them are those advocating gay rights, pre- marital and extra-marital sex, homosexual marriage, the ordination of homosexuals, birth control (read: sex deregulation), abortion-on- demand, divorce-on-demand. Such people deride the church as repressive, inhumane, homophobic and, worst of all, patriarchal.

Christianity, as it now stands, cannot resolve this complex issue, as its roots lie in biblical contradications. For instance, Jesus taught that marriage is the will of God, and yet that men should make themselves eunuchs for the sake of God's Kingdom (Matt 19). By the grace of God, by the invocation of mystery and faith, Christianity has tread the waters between Scilla and Charibdis for 2,000 years. But, as St. Peter tells us, God's grace lapses at the time of the second coming (1 Peter 1:5). This helps explain the sudden collapse of traditional family morality within the Christian world.

Notes from Chung Pyung Lake

These are excerpts from reports sent in by two of HSA's HQ staff who are at the workshop at Chung Pyung Lake in Korea.

This place is really a blessed place and all American couples are doing well. With some health problem.

We set up an international committee to run our group since we have over 350 members in the Western workshop. Michael Kiely and I are trying to contribute to help things run smoothly.

We begin the seven-day fast Aug. 26. It was amazing to see all the Japanese couples going to the top of the mountain on their sixth and seventh days. Hope we can all do as well.

Rev. Kwak stressed that both partners should do a forty-day condition and the next one is Sept. 20. But at least if one is here they can receive a country.

We are all repenting and feeling renewal and hope.

- Betsy Jones

We are now over a third done with our workshop. Our prayers at the trees of love, heart, all things, loyalty, life and blessing grow deeper; the hike up to Holy Ground more meaningful. As people have become used to the routine, the singing sessions become a wonderful tool for spiritual cleansing. We are increasingly united and clapping with more and more vigor. Testimonies of spirits leaving and of breakthroughs are increasing.

Meanwhile, thousands of Koreans, including hundreds of children, come every three days. Also, in the Korean forty-day workshop are Dr. Seuk (CIS), Rev. Kim (in charge of Asia), Rev. Lee (KEA-NY), plus a number of Koreans who used to be at UTS.

Most of us have colds with a persistent cough and lots of mucus. This is part of the healing process. Dr. Sheftick, whose foot was to be amputated, is healing well. No amputation was necessary.

We all have so much to be grateful for! I appreciated your advice about using every minute well. I pray all is well with you & T, B & S at HQ.

- Michael Kiely

NJ's 2nd Annual God Bless America Festival

by Christine Libon-Clifton, NJ

On July 4, 1996 the Second Annual God Bless America Festival took place at the Liberty Marina in Jersey City, sponsored by the Family Federation for Unification and World Peace, produced by Regional Leader Rev. Kil Hwan Kim and assisted by Francesco Santelli.

Though the weather was less than ideal, the performances went on, emceed by Phillip Schanker. In the background, many guests in dinner party attire awaited the lobster dinner cruise. Nearby neighbors, invited friends and family filtered in and out, managing to catch inspiring glimpses of either the practice session of the New Hope Players and New Hope Chorale or the real thing!

The essay contest "What America Means to Me" will hopefully become an annual event with more entries from surrounding areas. Reflecting on this topic, hearing the winning essays read aloud, and receiving the award certificate and cash prize from Rev. Kim, created a never fading memory for those involved, I'm sure.

Members from the New Hope Chorale (New Jersey), the Westchester Choir (New York) and the Manhattan Choir combined to form the God Bless America Chorale.

It seemed the performance of "America the Beautiful," "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor," "Battle Hymn of the Republic" and other patriotic selections evoked the same level of emotion from the audience as in those who were performance.

Most impressive of all were the New Hope Players-so young, so well- practiced. Their play, "The Statue of Liberty is Missing," produced and directed by Mrs. Maxine Becker, was educational, captivating and endearing; and their united effort was obvious. Oh, did I mention Uncle Sam stopped by?

All this served as a platform for a talk on True Family Values given by Family Federation President Farley Jones.

Much praise goes to the people involved in carrying out this celebration even as they are so heavily involved in other major responsibilities in God's providence. To be part of this event, continuing a tradition of True Parents in America, was an honor and a privilege.

Additional thanks go to NJ State Leader Rev. Tom Baldwin, FFUWP Regional Coordinator Ron Gurtatowski, Mrs. Yasuko Kono with administration and organization responsibilities, and Mrs. Sato for the use of the stage at Liberty Marina.

National Parents' Day in Southern California

by Robert J. Spitz-Los Angeles, CA

During May, June and July, I mailed out promotional letters about Parents' Day to about 50 cities in the Inland Empire. This area includes part of Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County and Riverside County. It includes all of the cities east of Los Angeles all the way to the Arizona border.

Initially, only a few of the cities responded to the letters. However, with some follow-up phone calls from Sarah Davati, we were able to get a commitment from virtually every city in the Inland Empire.

We have attempted to be present at the City Council meeting to receive each of these Proclamations. Because of scheduling problems with this large number of cities, it has not been possible to attend every one of the City Council meetings. There was one day in which I was able to receive proclamations at the City Council meetings for four different cities. It was an incredible battle driving from one city to the next at nearly 100 mph.

At each of the City Council meetings we have attended, the mayor, City Council and everyone in the audience were highly supportive of the idea. In each city we have suggested they initiate a Parents' Day program each year. Our recommendations include:

1. A Parent of the Year award;

2. A Youth Speech contest on "Why my parents are the greatest;"

3. A committee of religious and community leaders to meet and discuss the problems of parenting in each community.

When we are not able to attend the City Council meeting, we ask to have a private meeting with the mayor of the city in order to talk about the importance of Parents' Day. This gives us an opportunity to present the full program to each mayor.

We have made a team effort to get every city in our area to issue a Proclamation for National Parents' Day. All of the brothers and sisters have pitched in to attend City Council meetings in this very large geographical area. Everyone involved has been surprised at the extremely positive response from the cities. We have a great opportunity to reach out to these cities and build new programs. our Inland Empire Tribe considers this a conditions to claim our area for True Parents and bring it under God's dominion.

Some of our future goals include producing videos of parenting classes, based upon the Divine Principle, and then getting them on local access cable TV. In addition, we would like each city to have its own parenting classes. We will work with the schools to find good parents as examples as well as parents who need to improve their own abilities.

Newspaper articles appeared in the San Bernardino Sun and the Riverside Press Enterprise about our work with National Parents' Day.

Cities Giving Proclamations

We have already received or will soon receive proclamations from these cities: Rancho Mirage, San Bernardino, Montclair, Ontario, Redlands, Barstow, La Verne, Diamond Bar, Rancho Cucamonga, Upland, Chino, Chino Hills, Pomona, Fontana, Rialto, Highland, Big Bear City, Loma Linda, Colton, Grand Terrace, Riverside, Perris, Moreno Valley, Temecula, Corona, Norco, Canyon Lake, Victorville, Cathedral City, Murietta, San Dimas, Hemet, Palm Desert, Banning, Indio, Blythe, Needles, Apple Valley, Walnut, Lake Elsinore, Beaumont, Indian Wells, Hesperia, 29 Palms, Calimesa, San Jacinto, Yucaipa, Desert Hot Springs, Palm Desert, Coachella.

Mrs. Moon's Victory in San Francisco

by Bill Bechtel-Oakland, CA

Reverend Moon started a fire of truth in Washington, D.C. It grew in three stages. The fire was kindled on April 16th when he told three thousand D.C. leaders about the failure of Zechariah's family to protect Jesus. He fanned the flames when he spoke on the importance of family to world youth leaders at the Youth Federation for World Peace one month later. The third stage was a conflagration at the Family Federation for World Peace on August 1st. In front of world presidents and prime ministers, he spoke late into the evening about the beauty, passion and righteousness of a husband and wife in true love.

Embers from this fire were brought around the nation to Korean audiences during the last weeks of July. Mrs. Moon spoke in twelve cities, bringing the same message as her husband. She told about the agony of Jesus` childhood without a family to protect him. With only a month's preparation, San Francisco members brought Koreans to hear Mrs. Moon at the Miyako Hotel. Inspired by Reverend Do Wan Kim, a dozen Japanese JEA brothers and sisters invited hundreds of Korean residents to hear her speak about Zechariah's family. Two thousand invitations were mailed to the Korean community in the Bay Area. San Francisco members visited their favorite Korean stores to pick up some kim chi and drop off beautiful invitation cards. Inside was an invitation to share dinner and special entertainment at the Miyako and then listen to Mrs. Moon's very important message.

San Francisco was the half-way point on Mrs. Moon's twelve-city tour. Her Los Angeles speech was the day before. The Northern California Church in Berkeley under Pastor Thompson offered much practical help. Mrs. Moon had the hard work to do, but Pastor Thompson was determined that the hall and video screening and sound system would not make it any harder. When he asked me to supervise the in-house audio technicians, I suggested, "They're professionals and we can leave them to do what they do best." He gave me an important lesson in a nutshell: "They know electronics, but they don't know the tricky spirit world." So we checked every detail of the setting up then checked it again.

Reverend Do Wan Kim was preparing to leave as National Messiah to Chung Pyung Lake at this time. Mrs. Moon's national tour was a big surprise but National Messiah responsibility was just as big a shock to the Kim family. The Kim's had been building friendships with the Korean community in San Francisco since 1987. Because he pitched himself faithfully into these preparations, the speech was a true success. His willing sacrifice to follow True Parents' direction in both the public purpose of this speech and the personal challenge of National Messiahship brought the good spirit world's assistance. He prayed and encouraged his members to witness door to door to Korean households and to ask Koreans on the street. The Japanese members were given some Korean phrases to rehearse and use to stop Koreans on the street. Many Koreans stopped to talk because of this heartistic effort to share their language.

The evening of July 25th began at 6:30 when we opened the Imperial Ballroom and began welcoming our guests. The banquet was prepared, and, of course, we wanted every seat filled with a delighted Korean guest. At 7:10, Reverend In Hoi Lee was sweating blood longing for this evening`s success so he let our members seat themselves at four or five empty tables. But as minutes trickled away, Korean guests continued to trickle in. Willingly our members vacated their seats as one more and then one more Korean guest was welcomed inside. Finally, and better late than never, the beautiful hall, decorated with delicate floral murals, was filled with Korean guests.

After all the guests left, we gathered with Mrs. Moon in the Spring Room. When she entered we all bowed. Just moments before I had brought the father and son audio technicians in to assist with the speakers. When I saw Mrs. Moon and bowed with the other members I completely forgot about the two men at my side. I'm sure their jaws dropped as they were left waist-deep in a pool of bent backs. So they bowed to Mrs. Moon also! There we listened like children as Reverend Moon spoke from New York. Over the speaker/conference phone he congratulated his wife and all of us on the evening`s success. With wide eyes and big ears, we sat enthralled as they sang to each other over the phone. Mrs. Moon sang such a tender song, I thought only a mother of deepest heart could sing that song. Some of us sang Korean songs for Reverend Moon. We shared a victory cake. Mrs. Moon closed by asking us to follow her directions given to the Los Angeles members, which Reverend In Hoi Lee printed for us later concerning caring for the Korean community and spreading the truth about Jesus. The next morning she explained to Pastor Thompson that children's education must begin with Divine Principle and always include updates on Reverend Moon's projects. Parents must seek the meaning of the projects and share this with their children, who will later be managing or involved with those projects.

Mrs. Moon Addresses NYC Korean Community

by Yong Ju Han-NYC, NY

"True Parents will come to save all of humankind by engrafting them to God, source of True Love, True Life and True Lineage, through a new mode of wedding procedure, thus leading them to become true human beings, create true families and, further, contribute to building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth."

Such an explicit proclamation of "True Parents and True Family" by Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon, president of the Family Federation for World Peace, stroked the mind and heart of the Korean congregation, numbering about 600, sitting quietly around the dinner tables set in the ballroom of the Manhattan Center. To convey the conclusive message regarding the purpose and necessity of True Parents, Pres. Moon made a concise account of "What is the ideal of God's creation?" "What was the actual nature of the human fall?" and "How has God's heart been manifested through the providence of salvation-that is, the providence of restoration and recreation?" She further explained how God worked through the central figures of His providence such as Jacob, Moses and Jesus in order to restore God's true lineage from Satan's control, and why and how female biblical figures such as Rebecca, Tamar and Mary took a significant role in the course of the providence of restoration. The speech also elucidated that, due to the disbelief and opposition of his own family, including Mary, Zachariah, Elizabeth and John the Baptist, and the weakness of the disciples, Jesus Christ has to return to realize the ideal of True Parents and True Family. Finally, True Mother urged all of the Korean audience to receive the Blessing from True Parents.

Pres. Moon's message to the Korean community to join the True Family movement under one ideology, Godism, is to awaken the sleeping Koreans to see the contradictory, isolated state in which North and South Korea are placed against the changing reality of today's world that all peoples and nations are merging into one unified global family. The worldwide longing for the unification of divided Korea was conveyed by the four Western singers, who entertained the audience with Korean songs. A videotape was shown, displaying the historical turn toward unification accomplished by the Beijing meeting of student delegates from all over the world; this was sponsored by HSA and evoked the spirit of unification among the Korean invitees. The medals and wreaths presented by several renowned American leaders added to the serious tone of the event. The presidents of the NY Korean Association and the Korean Women's Association delivered the congratulatory address and the medal of appreciation for FFUWP's efforts to bring unity within the Korean community. Even more blessed was Mrs. Moon's speech by the presence of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and their family. This FFUWP event held in New York City on Aug. 3, 1996 concluded Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon's entire speaking tour course through twelve selected American cities with both qualitative and quantitative success.

Lifeline: A Project of Love

by Dr. Frank Kaufmann-NYC

The other day I received a transatlantic telephone call from Andy Johnson, a fellow in the British Unification Church. Andy runs a program called Lifeline which was assigned to him several years ago by the then British National Leader. The project serves to reconnect former Unification Church members. Through his work already 50 brothers and sisters have re-joined, and 14 couples have received the Blessing!

Andy called to inquire if any such initiative exists in the United States, especially in light of the fact that a fair number of former members reside here. He offered to bequeath his knowledge and foundation to any couple interested in such activity. "It is hard work," Andy says. "The husband and wife should really love each other, and they should naturally have a lot of love for members."

Andy is happy to come here to the States for a while to help anyone interested in such a ministry. If you are interested, please give Andy a call at Lancaster Gate, headquarters of the British Unification Church.