Mrs. Moon Addresses NYC Korean Community

by Yong Ju Han-NYC, NY

"True Parents will come to save all of humankind by engrafting them to God, source of True Love, True Life and True Lineage, through a new mode of wedding procedure, thus leading them to become true human beings, create true families and, further, contribute to building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth."

Such an explicit proclamation of "True Parents and True Family" by Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon, president of the Family Federation for World Peace, stroked the mind and heart of the Korean congregation, numbering about 600, sitting quietly around the dinner tables set in the ballroom of the Manhattan Center. To convey the conclusive message regarding the purpose and necessity of True Parents, Pres. Moon made a concise account of "What is the ideal of God's creation?" "What was the actual nature of the human fall?" and "How has God's heart been manifested through the providence of salvation-that is, the providence of restoration and recreation?" She further explained how God worked through the central figures of His providence such as Jacob, Moses and Jesus in order to restore God's true lineage from Satan's control, and why and how female biblical figures such as Rebecca, Tamar and Mary took a significant role in the course of the providence of restoration. The speech also elucidated that, due to the disbelief and opposition of his own family, including Mary, Zachariah, Elizabeth and John the Baptist, and the weakness of the disciples, Jesus Christ has to return to realize the ideal of True Parents and True Family. Finally, True Mother urged all of the Korean audience to receive the Blessing from True Parents.

Pres. Moon's message to the Korean community to join the True Family movement under one ideology, Godism, is to awaken the sleeping Koreans to see the contradictory, isolated state in which North and South Korea are placed against the changing reality of today's world that all peoples and nations are merging into one unified global family. The worldwide longing for the unification of divided Korea was conveyed by the four Western singers, who entertained the audience with Korean songs. A videotape was shown, displaying the historical turn toward unification accomplished by the Beijing meeting of student delegates from all over the world; this was sponsored by HSA and evoked the spirit of unification among the Korean invitees. The medals and wreaths presented by several renowned American leaders added to the serious tone of the event. The presidents of the NY Korean Association and the Korean Women's Association delivered the congratulatory address and the medal of appreciation for FFUWP's efforts to bring unity within the Korean community. Even more blessed was Mrs. Moon's speech by the presence of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and their family. This FFUWP event held in New York City on Aug. 3, 1996 concluded Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon's entire speaking tour course through twelve selected American cities with both qualitative and quantitative success.