God's Day Celebrated with True Parents in NY

by Dr. Tyler O. Hendricks-NYC

It was a busy several weeks leading up to True God's Day of 1996. Reverend and Mrs. Moon invited leaders from around the world to New York to celebrate with them. Among those leaders, awards were to be granted to those with 33 years or more church leadership experience, or 21 years in the mission field, or with 7 blessed children. It was a lot of work to make sure that all possible applicants were contacted. Furthermore, the New Yorker Hotel, now operating commercially, had booked a large number of rooms for this peak season of the year. They could not just kick out faithful groups who have been clients for long years, nor first-time customers. The limited number of rooms had to be dispensed carefully, and many from around the world brought their sleeping bags. They were the lucky ones; those of us living in the New York area, such as I, found ourselves sleeping between chairs, desks and computer boxes in storage rooms. The difficulty, however, was mitigated by the fact that there was virtually no time to sleep anyway.

Guests began to arrive from the 27th, and the onslaught began in earnest on the 30th. We had registration tables set up and did a respectable job, I think, although such affairs are never free from occasional confusion. For example, we were so happy that we could provide certain church elders keys to sleeping bag rooms, and they humbly accepted it as the best we could offer. They returned within a few moments, however, to let us know that we had sent them sent to rooms which were double-locked.

Midnight Ceremony

The hour of midnight approached, and I found myself assembling the tables upon which Father would write in calligraphy the new year's motto. Gradually brothers and sisters my faithful secretary Shirley, the kingly Taj, the wonderful representative of our CIS church Tom Phillips joined in the task. I was summoned to a special entrance of the hotel to greet True Parents as they arrived. It was an icy-cold night, and they entered the building quickly from their car. They went upstairs; the True Children were already there, preparing, and there was a time for meeting and reports. The entire True Family entered the Grand Ballroom seconds before midnight. The room was overflowing. We had been singing and meditating. The first several rows were filled with blessed children.

Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak joined True Parents on the stage to count down the final seconds approaching the turn of the year. With the entry into 1996, True Parents raised their hands and Father pronounced his opening prayer, representing all mankind before the True God.

As the prayer concluded, we brought the tables onto the stage and Father wrote the motto for the year. Carefully, artistically he wrote Cham Pumo Nim-ul Jarang Ha Go Sarang Ha Ja; which Mr. Peter Kim translated as, "Let Us Be Proud of True Parents and Love True Parents." True Mother joined the True Children sitting at stage left, and Mr. Peter Kim remained with True Father to interpret the Midnight message (see excerpts in this issue of UNews).

This message was a tour de force, a sweeping summary of God's Principle and providence, culminating in the present moment. Father called us all to a new standard of commitment, a greater dedication to his responsibility before God. As the clock turned `round to 2 a.m., 3 a.m., and passed 4 a.m., we all realized that from God's point of view, there is no time to rest. The standard of dedication to God and mankind must be absolute. I was proud of the blessed children down to age ten who listened quietly and attentively the entire speech, and were enthusiastic respondants to Father's many questions.

Main Ceremony

Between the old friends to tarry us and the crowded elevators to ferry us, it is understandable that nary of us would allow the hour to weary us, as Father's speech had cheered us to greater heights of preparedness. Three hundred and sixty elders in holy robes gathered in the second floor dining room to receive the blessing of sharing the True God's Day Main Ceremony with the True Family. It was a dignified and moving ceremony, presided over by Reverend Kwak. At its conclusion, True Father introduced Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim, an 1800 Couple sister carrying out a special mission as representative of Daemonim (Great Mother Hong), healing and bringing good angelic support for our members' work for God.

Mrs. Kim spoke only briefly, as we had to adjourn and reconvene at 9 a.m. for the True God's Day Address. Father again poured out all his heart and energy, this time dwelling upon the ideal husband and wife relations.

At the conclusion, after the cutting of the celebration cake and giving of gifts and flowers, True Parents dispensed the awards. First to receive the award for 33 years of church leadership was Reverend and Mrs. Won Pil Kim. They were followed by Rev. and Mrs. Young Whi Kim, Dr. and Mrs. Bo Hi Pak, Rev. and Mrs. Chung Hwan Kwak, and 24 other couples. From America, Dr. and Mrs. David S. C. Kim, Rev. Chong Jik Woo, Rev. and Mrs. Do Hee Park, Rev. Chang Seong Ahn, and our Continental Director Rev. and Mrs. Joong Hyun Pak received the precious recognition. Rev. Pak, by the way, was the youngest recipient. (See list attached.)

This was followed by the awards for 21 years in the mission field. The first here was Thomas Cromwell, followed by many others who have given their lives, and continue to do so, in the most difficult of environments. (See list attached.). Finally, the blessed couples with seven or more physical children and who had maintained exemplary church life were awarded, beginning with Mrs. Keum Soon Park, wife of the late Chung Goo "Tiger" Park and mother of nine. (See list attached.)

This awards ceremony was a rare occasion, and brings to light the fact that True Parents are now beginning to recognize us for the fruits of our lives of faith. We become aware that our results count and will be known, for better or worse. So we should be responsible in our minds for the offering we have made, and use the time we have remaining to become the kind of members we know we should be.

After rounds of photos with the recipients, True Parents and the True Family departed the hall, and the members joined together in a delicious holy day lunch. The second floor mezzanine was full of tables selling products and promoting many heavenly activities. At 2 p.m. the World Mission Department staff convened a True God's Day yute tournament, including teams fielded from `round the world and a second generation team. The winner of the tournament, we heard, would be honored with a final match against the True Family. (By the way, fourth place went to the CIS team; third place to Africa, second place to the Second Generation, and first place to the American Regional Directors. This gave the Regional Directors the privilege of a match with the True Family, which the True Family won with ease and aplomb.)

Evening Program

Meanwhile, preparations for the holy day performance were continuing in the Manhattan Center. They had begun at 2 a.m., once the hall was free from a non-alcoholic celebration of the new year. The hall was packed by 7 p.m. when True Parents and the True Family arrived. It was a gala show, emcee'd by Larry Moffitt. It began with the New York City Symphony Chamber Ensemble. ___ and Yoshimi Kadota combined voices in glorious harmony; it was truly impressive to hear these two sopranos together for the first time. Their closing number, "Climb Every Mountain," from "The Sound of Music," really brought down the house.

This was followed by a 16 minute video rendition of True Parents' 1995 providence, entitled "True Teacher and True Parent." For the first time, New York members could view footage of the New Hope Farm in Brazil, True Parents' activities in Sao Paulo, Father's foundation in Eastern Europe, and the tremendous welcome in Africa, in particular Cote d'Ivoire and Zaire. (The video is available through 43rd Street" see ad in this UNews.)

A cuter-than-cute choir of Second Generationites from Jin-A School in New Jersey entertained us next. Ken Hendricks provided a sensitive guitar accompaniment for the choir, directed by school director, UTS graduate Christine Brunkhorst.

The next portion of the program presented the heart and spirit of the Sisterhood Ceremonies of the WFWP. Ms. Kathleen Burton, Campus Minister at Yale University, took the emcee position to introduce an actual bridge ceremony involving the Japanese and western regional representatives of the WFWP in America. This was followed by a video scrapbook of the highlights of the `95 sisterhood ceremonies, including cameo's of dozens of important speakers and entertainers who have graced the programs. Finally, Ms. Candi Staton, a Christian composer and singer who has entertained at some of the ceremonies, offered her voice and heart of testimony to the hope and vision of the ceremonies. This was a first in America"a professional, grammy-award winning artist offering her songs in the full spirit of True God's Day. It was really a blessing from God, and Ms. Staton was truly a star.

The next act was entitled "East Meets West Side Story," and it was produced by a group of students of the University of Bridgeport, directed by Mr. Haru Higuchi. For me, this was the evening's high point. I had watched it twice during the afternoon rehearsals, and again in the program. Of course, I love the West Side Story music, but their adaptation, concerning the resolution of conflict between a Bridgeport street gang and UB students (with both sides egged on by well-meaning but seriously fallen young ladies), bringing them finally to a confrontation with a female martial artist aided by the angelic world, and then the Blessing"was more than clever; it approached brilliance. As Mr. Moffitt exclaimed after viewing it in the dress rehearsal: "That was the finest skit I have seen in my life." I second that emotion. Mr. Higuchi is a skilled choreographer, and the all- Japanese cast (save one American) really learned the steps. We look forward to more entertainment from this vibrant student body.

The skit concluded by uplifting two newly blessed couples who were in the cast"couples matched by Rev. and Mrs. Moon and blessed during the 360,000 Couples blessing, all of whom happened to be Bridgeport students. The theme of the Blessing carried over into a video presentation about the `95 Blessing in Seoul, and footage of the site of the `97 Blessing in Washington, DC. The closing scenes were of RFK stadium with two crowns emerging out of the stadium into the sky. I've heard of Jesus coming on the clouds"but never in a football stadium!

The finale brought everyone together on stage, led by Raoul Joseph, Miyuki Harley and Sheila Vaughn (???), singing the theme song of the `95 Blessing, "Sarange Segye" ("World of Love"). It was powerful, and lifted everyone up for the coming work for the liberation of mankind.

Getting Back on the Right Track

by Christine Bryant-Woodstock, GA

Time is flying and we are only getting older and hopefully wiser! I remember a long time ago True Father saying that we are on a heavenly train speeding forward, and some of us would hang on and some of us would fall off. I never envisioned at the time that I would be one to fall off.

However, I broke my Blessing, and slowly drifted away. I got married on the "outside". I had the remote hope that I could bring that person to understanding the Principle and True Parents.

Call me sinister, but I always wondered what Satan was really like. Well, during seven years of a "conflict-ridden" marriage, I found out. I decided to stop the spiritual spiral down, save what was left of me and my little girl, and find that heavenly train. And what a lot of ground True Parents' train has covered.

Feeling so unworthy, my only hope is to catch the Concord of True Parents' love and forgiveness. The Blessing is the only means by which I can stay eternally connected to anything, even my child.

A couple of Korean leaders have impressed to me Father's constant concern for the return of older members. I heard that in Korea, Mother offered a special prayer for the same. True Parents still want to Bless those of us who fell away. An outpouring of tremendous forgiveness by True Parents has been testified to in the most recent blessing.

Of course, in the movement itself there are not too many single members left who are over 30 years of age. So, those of us who are considering refurbishing our souls need to connect with each other. I'm sure that there are other brothers and sisters out there in the same boat. Perhaps we can help each other get back on the right track, one step at a time. I truly look forward to anyone calling, even if it is just for a chat. My telephone number is (770) 928-5627 and my address is 175 Little Brook Drive, Woodstock, Georgia 30188. I need your input, ideas and suggestions. Perhaps we can start a newsletter.

Father's 1995 Visit in Africa The Restoration of the Heavenly Sovereignty

by Boubacar Diallo

First of all, I want to make a special address of thanks to Rev. Kevin Thompson and especially to those wonderful missionaries who came back here to California for their hometown providence. Gary Fleischman, who worked more than five years in the Republic of Mali; Charles Kamins, the first missionary in my country (Burkina Faso), who worked there for 10 years; Justin and Patricia Fleischman, who arrived in California two years ago after 18 years in Senegal; and Jim McAn, who worked for more than five years in Niger.

It was the first Sunday of November, 1995, when Pastor Thompson announced the news that Father was going to Africa. To tell you the truth, I was totally shocked. This was the first of a series of shocks. I began to worry about this historical event. When I got home after service, I called right away to New York to ask what Father's itinerary in Africa was. Then I received the second shock when the answer came: Father is going to West Africa and the first country is Burkina Faso. I asked her three times if she was absolutely sure. My wife and I were both surprised. Later on that same day, Charles Kamins received a call from the missionaries in Burkina Faso to inform him of Father's arrival and that Charles should come and bring me with him. When Charles called me to bring this news, I felt confirmed in my heart that Father was really going to Africa and the first country was MY country.

At first I was confused about what to do-to go or not to go. I decided to call my country and tell them that it would be better for me to collect money to send to them rather than fly out to Burkina Faso. Then I would face the judgment of my conscience later. So I determined to pick up the phone and call. The leader there answered the phone. First I asked him what was going on about Father's visit. He explained that Father was invited by the president of Burkina Faso by official letter. He went on to say that Burkina Faso would be the first country of Father's visit, scheduled for Nov. 15. I asked him again to repeat the date.

He said, "It is on Nov. 15 and the airplane is arriving from Paris at 6:30pm."

This was my third shock: "Do you know what Nov. 15 is for me? The date when I was physically born!"

My leader was surprised and then his last sentence to me was: "Anyway, you plan to come or not, it is YOUR country."

I couldn't sleep the whole night. What if history asked me the question: Where were you when Father was visiting your country? When Father was talking to the brothers and sisters? So I tried to digest the idea of not going because I didn't have even one penny to go and I didn't know where to go to get started or how.

I told my wife and we both began praying and worrying. In my life experience I know only one thing I could do: a special prayer condition. For three days we prayed without limit in order to receive the right direction. I asked Heavenly Father to help me go.

A few days later, in the early morning while half-sleeping, half- awake, deep from the bottom of my heart came a voice telling me clearly to use my intelligence and a quick wit to do God's will. Then I asked myself: "How many missionaries are in this Bay Area and how many would love to be there after all of their suffering and sacrifice: the hot weather, poor nutrition, sleepless nights. How about their sacrificial life pouring tears, sweat and blood on your continent? So the right thing to do is to invite them to go together with you."

That same morning I excitedly told my wife about this inspiration and she thought it was a wonderful idea. So, I called them and explained to them. They in turn became very excited and wanted to help me go. They all gave me a hand. Even Mamoudou, who is working with World CARP, came to help me fundraise, as he was also from Burkina Faso. I received help also from Paul from Ougadan, who is a student at UC Berkeley. By connecting everyone, everything was made easier. Through unity we have the power to do God's will.

Finally the day arrived. On Nov. 12, I arrived in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. On the way there, I was really excited but at the same time I had a feeling of judgment. What have I done for True Parents to open the way for their arrival in my country? I was surprised to discover that I was to fly in together with Mrs. Kathy Rigney, the continental leader of Africa. We arrived around 11:30pm and went directly to the hotel from the airport. Father was due to arrive in just a few days. A meeting began a few minutes after our arrival at the hotel, which closed at 4am.

My dear brothers and sisters: I look back and my heart aches to tell how the brothers and sisters there prepared for the coming of Father in Burkina Faso. It was such a long time preparing with increased intensity over the last year. First, they began with prayer and then fasting and intensely witnessing. Every day they woke up at 5am and desperately prayed that God could help them to bring Father to Africa. All the anticipation brought them to witness to people from the government. Day after day some VIP was invited to participate in our different conferences, i.e., ICUS, PWPA, Council for World Peace. All those who went to these conferences had very good reports about our activities to the president.

On top of all this, the brothers and sisters decided to do a special condition to protect their wishes. I was totally surprised. All of them did a seven-day fast (I also participated in this condition in California). Not only that-some of the members did 12 days, and even 21 days, of fasting. In addition to the fasting, they were bowing in from of True Parents' picture 120 times every day at 5am. This condition was done month after month. When I was there, the condition was only 40 times bowing, but even this condition was a lot for me. Seeing such heavenly faith and dedication in my brothers and sisters brought me to tears. The amazing thing about all these conditions: they were done in order to meet with Father for just a few hours. I was and am still so moved by such an example of life of faith.

On Nov. 15, all the preparations were done. True Parents were supposed to arrive at 6:30pm, just enough time for Father to shower and dine before his 8pm speech, where 2000 people were waiting for him. Included with those waiting were the government minister, the National Assembly delegate and religious leaders. Then, the following day, Father would meet the president at 10am.

Suddenly, we received a phone call that Father's plane couldn't take off because of some technical problems. The company didn't know when it would be ready. Around 5pm, the brothers and sisters came to know that Father might not be able to speak. You could see the brokenheartedness in their faces. They were so sad and depressed. Some of them began to blame themselves: because of their sins or because of not enough conditions. I myself blamed my own past dirty life. To tell the truth, it was a time of repentance and review of our entire life. The deep question of brothers and sisters was: why, after all the sacrifice of True Parents and the missionaries, were there still barriers and obstacles to meeting with True Parents for just a few hours? Everyone was in tears, blaming themselves.

By 6pm we received another phone call that Father would definitely not make it that day. We decided one brother could give the speech. Our last hope was that Father could come the next day to meet with the president. For brothers and sisters, it was another sleepless night of prayer to meet with their Parents.

The next day, Nov. 16, early in the morning, we received a call that Father and Mother were on their way. Our meeting beforehand heard nothing but talk about the worries that Father would miss his meeting with the president. When Mr. Ito, our national leader, called the president to express his regret about the delay, the president answered, "At any time the flight arrives, please send Rev. Moon directly to my office." We were all pleasantly surprised.

Father landed at 12:30pm and we prepared everything. The government provided two cars, four motorbikes and police everywhere. Father received the welcome due a head of state. Everything went through the airport, to the palace and from there to the hotel and finally back to the airport. I was chosen for Father's security and I was there watching True Parents. It was so exciting!

After the first meeting with the president, Father and Mother went to the hotel where brothers and sisters were waiting. They were all so happy to see True Parents coming, escorted like heads of state. This was the most precious time, the most unexpected time. Father and Mother went straight to the room prepared for them. Afterwards they came quickly back down looking for the members. That time I saw True Parents looking desperately to meet their children who have been waiting for 20 years. I put two chairs for Father and Mother and immediately I opened the door of the ballroom. The members waiting for this moment all ran to True Parents, hoping to be closer to them. The whole room was in tears of joy, so happy to meet with their Original Parents. Everybody was so happy, crying and sometimes laughing.

Father spoke for about an hour. His first words were: "I didn't know that black people are so beautiful. I don't know, maybe because of the temperature you are dark like this and we can see more your white teeth like that and your shining eyes." Everyone was laughing and applauding. Each sentence they wanted to applaud more and more. Finally, Father had to ask them to sit on their hands so Father could say more. Father spoke on about relationship between man and woman and between Heavenly Father and us. He spoke with a lot of action, kicking brothers and sisters. It was an unforgettable moment in the history of their lives.

After the speech, Father cut the cake and wrote a beautiful sentence in Chinese characters:

"In the entire world we can find a place of fidelity and loyalty."

Then Rev. Kwak led us in three screams of Mansei.

Father left around 4:30pm the same day to go to Ivory Coast where the government was waiting for him.

The experience I had with Father went deep into my heart and I felt Father's agony to see this suffering continent. Father is really working on another level. I saw the need for us to wake up and to follow his standard. He is totally pushing himself, and totally dedicating himself to save this world in a short time.

Family Witnessing Nourishes Children

Mrs. Kelly Coryell-Boise, ID

First, I would like to thank Heavenly Father and True parents for giving wonderful Blessing to our family. I was honored to be asked to write this article for the Unification News about witnessing. I have given it a lot of thought and as much time as I can with five children.

This past year has undoubtedly been the best year for me in witnessing of all the years in my church life. When I reflect on why I think there are a few things that have been crucial. When I met with True Mother there were two main things which she said that struck me. In Portland she mentioned that Americans were raised without much interaction or relationship with their parents so they are so lonely. True Mother said we should study the Divine Principle a lot to overcome this. So, I try and when I do study I feel a lot of life and then I feel a need to share it with others. I believe that giving really does bring life, giving and receiving.

I stay at home with my children and I want to contribute to the society, my community. I believe that teaching people the Divine Principle can do a lot to help them overcome their problems and prepare them for their inevitable physical death and life in the spiritual world. Here in Boise, two years ago when True Mother was speaking to the members she said that people are dying without hearing the Principle. I felt a greater need to share the Principle also I know for myself, when I see religious people going door to door witnessing and standing up for God I am moved. I feel a greater desire to do it myself. I make small commitments (time is limited) and fulfill them. Spirit World has sent some really wonderful people who have really appreciated the Principle. My husband and I met a very nice lady who had so much faith that God would put the right people in her life at the right time. And she studied with us four months and then signed membership.

Also one day I went to the park with all my children. I had planned to witness to at least one person. I saw a young girl under a tree twirling some colorful sticks. I went down to talk with her and to invite her to our evening program. She was so interested and was a perfect person for the children to meet because besides teaching them to use the "sticks." She had a harmonica and drum in her back pack which the children lived. She came to our next evening program and was excited by the Principle of Creation. She has been studying with us for a while and is now studying the mission of Jesus. She also had a good expression up in Seattle at the Woman Peace Conference. On my birthday she brought one of her art picture gave it to me. My heart was moved by her kindness. The people we have met have loved and given a lot to our children. It is so refreshing to offer all to Heavenly Father. He seems always to put important circumstances and knowledge in my path.

One example; my husband, Dave and I were having lunch with our children at a Burger King Restaurant. I saw a young man praying over his meal. When he finished praying I walked over to his table told him how nice it was to see someone pray before eating and asked him if he would like to attend a Bible study at our home. He came to our home a week later and was excited about what he had learned from our Church director whom we also invited. We attended a special meeting at his church the next week where I spoke to his minister. I commented on that fact that there were many younger couples in his church. He said that he did not know what happened but that most of them had come within the last few months. I thought about our small church in Boise and said to myself "It could happen." I think it helps to envision our church filled with members. With lots of members we can move out of the growth stage and get involved with creating a Heavenly Community.

Dan Quale Was Right

In April of this year, it will be three years since Barbara Dafoe Whitehead's bombshell article "Dan Quayle Was Right" appeared in the Atlantic Monthly. As many readers will recall, the article laid to rest the liberal notion that alternative structures to the traditional family were equal in their effects on children. Rather, research proved that by all measures children did best in intact two-parent families. Further, the article established decisively that the dissolution of the two-parent family was the doorway to the three societal scourges of poverty, crime and educational underachievement.

Since then, much lip service has been paid to the importance of the two-parent family to personal and societal well-being. Nevertheless, although it appears that a theoretical consensus has emerged on the desirability of the two-parent family, the absence of any practical society-wide effort to promote this ideal is notable. Churches, community organizations, government, the mental health community, etc. have all largely been inert. There has been much talk but little action. This absence of practical efforts suggests that research and insights like Dafoe's will be allowed simply to wither on the vine.

Perhaps one reason for this absence has to do with the lack in the United States-and perhaps the Western world in general-of an ideology of the family. There is no worldview that explains the significance of the family and that serves to offer vision, support and direction to young people in their family formations. This is one need the Family Federation has the capacity to fill.

In any event, while many issues are being addressed by our society, it is clear that central issues are being overlooked. While we are doing many things, we are perhaps not doing the things that most need doing.

A recent article by William Bennett makes a similar point in a different context. Writing in "Imprimis", a monthly publication of Michigan's Hillsdale College, Bennett, former Secretary of Education and editor of the "Book of Virtues", addresses the ongoing decay of the American social fabric. Striking for its description of certain aspects of this decay, as well as for its diagnosis of the cause, Bennett nevertheless makes the point that our core problems are not being addressed. His observations and arguments are worth nothing.

At the outset, Bennett tells a story of a young girl from Eastern Europe who after coming to America found herself adopting behaviors that she knew were not consistent with her old-world ethic and which she recognized were not "good things to get used to". Picking up on this theme, Bennett cites a number of other developments in American culture (e.g. 30% of all births and 68% of black births are illegitimate; the U.S. leads the industrialized world in murder, rape and violent crime) which are "not good things to get used to", but which now seem to have been accepted as normative.

Bennett's description is reminiscent of the story of how to cook a frog alive. It is said that a frog will jump from a pan of water that is heated suddenly but that it will remain in place if the temperature of the water is increased only degree by degree. In this way, the frog progressively gets used to water that will ultimately cook it.

Bennett suggests that a similar process is occurring in the United States today. We are progressively getting used to that which will ultimately destroy us.

Why are we experiencing such decay? Bennett pinpoints what he calls spiritual "acedia", meaning a type of spiritual slothfulness. For Bennett the root of America's cultural decline has to do with spiritual causes, with "an absence of zeal for divine things".

Elaborating his point, Bennett relies on the insights of the novelist, Walker Percy, and the famed Russian, Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Responding to a question regarding what concerned him most about the future of America, Percy answered:

Probably the fear of seeing America ... be defeated, not by the Communist movement ... but from within by weariness, boredom, cynicism, greed and in the end helplessness before its great problems.

And according to Mr. Solzhenitsyn: "In the United States, difficulties are not a minotaur or a dragon-not imprisonment, hard labor, death, government harassment and censorship-but cupidity, boredom, sloppiness, indifference. Not the acts of a mighty, all-pervading, repressive government, but the failure of a listless public to make use of the freedom that is its birthright."

America's problem, then, is one of attitude, of heart, of spirit. "Cynicism", "greed", "helplessness", "listlessness": the words of Percy and Solzhenitsyn strike a chord.

Bennett then makes the point that I wish to emphasize here. That is, for all its energy and activity, our society is ignoring what must not be ignored. Just as we have recognized the problem of family dissolution, but have done little to address it, so too we do little to face our spiritual acedia. Despite the deficit of our spirit,

The conventional analysis is still that this nation's major challenges have to do with getting more of the same: achieving greater economic growth, job creation, increased trade, health care or more federal programs.

In other words, Bennett argues that our energies are fundamentally misdirected. Our real challenge is the restoration of spirit. If this nation is to be saved, Bennett would appear to say, we must reacquire a "zeal for divine things".

What then is needed to acquire such a "zeal". What is needed to address the problem of family collapse? These are critical questions.

The Family Federation locates the answers to the two challenges of family-collapse and spiritual acedia in one unit -the "true family". Such a family embodies God's love in its interpersonal dynamics and at the same time reflects God's love to the larger world.

Such a family is one that while maintaining its own integrity, broadens the scope of its caring to the larger society and world. Because self-centeredness is what numbs the spirit and dulls one's life, such a family recognizes the spiritual value of sacrifice for a larger good.

While the process of renewal must thus pass through the intact family, it cannot stop there. The "listless public" that Solzhenitsyn describes and that Bennett sees suffering from spiritual acedia must be raised to a new level of vibrant life. What must be held up as a societal ideal is the intact family oriented toward the public good. Building such families of our own and stimulating the multiplication of such families is the task that faces us all.

As a society, approaching the final years of this millennium, our task is to focus on our core challenges. Those have to do with re- constituting the intact family as the standard for human life and re- appropriating our connection with the divine. Without being successful in these two areas, America faces rough-sledding. With success, she can have great hope in her future.