Biographical Sketch: Dr. David S. C. Kim

1915, November 9 Born in Seoul, Korea

1942, January 6 Married Eui Hong Kang

1954, February Met and joined Unification group; receives name "David" through Mrs. Se Hyun Ok

1954, May 1 One of five charter members of HSA-UWC

1954, August Departs as the Unification Church's first overseas missionary to England

1959, September 18 Arrival and missionary work in U. S. A.

1975 Appointed President, Unification Theological Seminary; incorporates International One World Crusade - President to the present

1977 Charter member, Unification Church International

1978 Incorporates Global Congress of the World's Religions - Permanent Advisor

1982 Charter member, International Religious Foundation

1988 Ph. D., Columbia Pacific University

1990 UTS gains Absolute Charter from the State of New York

1992 Listed in Who's Who in American Education, and other source books on educators

1994 Founds Marriage and Family Institute of America - President

...And Let It Begin With Me

by Kristina Seher-Berkeley, CA

Hearts were beating with excitement as the 250 women, gathered in the Grand Ballroom of the Renaissance Hotel in Los Angeles on Oct. 21, stood on tiptoes to get a better glimpse of the woman walking toward us in the spotlight. She was Coretta Scott King, founder of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta, Georgia and the widow of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the slain civil rights leader. We were participating in the International Friendship Conference sponsored by the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP). Japanese and American women were to matched later that day as "sisters of peace" to help heal the wounds of enmity left from World War II. Mrs. King was to be our keynote speaker.

Some of the Americans in the audience had marched with Dr. King during the heady, sometimes brutal, and ultimately victorious civil rights struggle of the 1960s. One of them, Mrs. Freddye Davis, now the president of the South Alameda County, California NAACP, recalls marching with Dr. King as a teenager growing up in Birmingham, Alabama. Four little girls had been cruelly murdered when angry whites exploded a bomb in the 16th Street Baptist Church in 1962. Mrs. Davis and many other citizens, although frightened, knew that they had to make a commitment for justice and threw themselves wholeheartedly into the work for civil rights. Through Dr. King's deep personal commitment to nonviolent principles, his inspiring talks, and his unwavering example of courage and compassion, Mrs. Davis and her coworkers learned new tactics against the hate of racist whites. Instead of retaliating against the murderers, they marched peacefully, demonstrated, and prayed. As news and pictures of their brave struggle to meet violence and hatred with nonviolence and love filled the news media, idealistic whites as well as blacks, both young and old, came south to join them. The experiences they had there changed their lives forever. For Mrs. Davis, being at the International Sisterhood Conference with Mrs. King was "a dream come true."

As Mrs. King gave her keynote address, she shared her powerful vision of a nonviolent world with us. She exhorted us as women to join together "to make human development a greater priority in every nation than preparing for war." She reminded us that women have certain qualities which facilitate peacemaking: the nurturing instinct, "patience, open expression of affection, the preference for conciliation over conflict and creative resourcefulness in resolving conflicts." Mrs. King felt her message was especially appropriate to women, as in every culture it is the women who are primarily responsible for child-rearing. She encouraged us "to teach children the values of compassion and caring, patience and understanding," reminding us that to do so we had to show them examples of tolerance, forgiveness, love and sharing in our own behavior. Mrs. King made a special plea to us to teach children how to deal with conflict in an effective way, since conflict is an unavoidable part of life. "So much of the violence that we see in our world comes from people who don't know how to deal with personal frustration and conflict."

I was touched by a story Mrs. King related about the difficulty of nonviolent child-rearing in modern society. When her son Dexter (now an adult) was six or seven, he wanted a toy gun. Dr. and Mrs. King talked it over with each other. Then they explained to Dexter, kindly but firmly, that although they loved him very much, they could not permit him to play with toy guns. "A toy gun represents a real gun," Dr. King had explained. The violence that it can do is not something to take lightly in play. Mrs. King is very proud that of all her children, Dexter feels such a commitment to nonviolence that he has taken over the directorship of the King Center in Atlanta. I am sure his attitudes were influenced by the parenting he received as a boy. It made me more aware of the choices I am making in my own parenting! Mrs. King received a standing ovation after her inspiring remarks. We felt affirmed in our roles as spiritual guides in our families, and uplifted to look forward to creating a nonviolent culture in the twenty-first century.

At this point the American and Japanese women were matched with each other as "sisters of peace." Many wept as they exchanged names and addresses, photos, and gifts. Some Americans asked to be forgiven for dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Some Japanese asked to be forgiven for being the aggressor in World War II. A deep feeling of peace stole over the room, blossoming into hope that our children can avoid the brutal crimes of the past. The women spent the rest of the day with their new-found "sisters", eating, chatting and dancing. After a delicious dinner, the swing music of the 1940s, performed by Bill Tole and the Tommy Dorsey orchestra, brought everyone to their feet! Tiny Japanese women and big Americans-holding hands, kicking back, swinging, moving to the music! We concluded by singing what has become the WFWP "theme song" all together: "Let There Be Peace On Earth." Even the performers had tears in their eyes as we concluded. I felt to the bottom of my heart, and most of the women there shared my feeling: indeed, let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

November 1995

Witnessing to Our Parents

by Ken & Akemi Hendricks

Recently Akemi and I had the opportunity to witness to my parents about True Parents' Blessings. This summer, to my surprise, they were unusually open and receptive to attending a Blessing.

They did not make the 360,000 Couples Blessing because my father was hospitalized. He has since returned home and they have asked me to forward a letter from them to Father and Mother. It may seem premature, but they are requesting permission to reinstate their wedding vows through True Parents in 1998 at the great Blessing.

I am forwarding their letter to you now. For my wife and myself, this is a great victory. We have been witnessing to our families for years. Akemi's mother is expected to receive a Single Blessing in Japan this December. Her father had passed on into the spiritual world already last year.

If my parents receive the Blessing, then conceivably by the time our four children are blessed we could actually attain Blessings through three living generations on both sides of our family.

We have already told our friends about my parents' request, and they have become inspired to try and witness again to their own parents, even requesting a copy of the letter itself to send out.

RE: Request to be Part of the 1998 Eternal Marriage Blessing

Dear Reverend and Mrs. Moon,

Our son became a member of your church on Sept. 1, 1974. Like so many of the youth of that time, he was searching for a deeper, truer meaning in life. We believe that he found that meaning through you and, in like manner, we found it through him and the family you selected for him. We signed Associate Membership in 1987, and have had only good, positive, spiritually enriching experiences with your church, your members, our son and his family, all directly attributed to you and the teachings you have shared throughout your life. Truly you are creating world peace through ideal families.

Although we are too old to change our religion, we would like to ask you a favor. As many couples have done over the years, we would like to renew the wedding vows we made to each other almost 50 years ago. We feel that it is only fitting to do so through you, since your principal teaching is one of restoring the sanctity of marriage and the family. Also, the requirements you have established for your recent Blessings do not conflict with anything we currently believe, so there is no reason for us not to participate in the upcoming 3.6 Million Couples Blessing in 1998. May we be the first to request that Blessing?

We did not attend the 360,000 Couples Blessing because I, Mr. Hendricks, was hospitalized; however, we definitely wish to join the 1998 Blessing. Our son has prepared any pertinent information you may need from us to fulfill the requirements for the application. We make this request now so that in case one of us should pass on into the spiritual world before 1998, one of us could carry the other's picture to the Blessing at that time. Thank you so much for taking our request into your consideration.


Oscar & Clementine Hendricks

Our Commitment before God

* We understand that Jesus Christ appointed Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon as the True Parents to bestow the eternal Marriage Blessing, and we recognize the precious value of Blessed Marriage.

* We pledge true love and fidelity to each other, now and eternally, and thus that we will never commit adultery.

* We pledge that we will not divorce.

* We pledge to educate our children about ideal family life.

* We hereby apply to be part of the Blessing of 3,600,000 to be held sometime in 1988 simultaneously throughout the world.

Why the Messiah Could Not Come from the West

UVIEWS October

It was Dr. Richard Rubenstein, if my memory serves me well, whom I heard comment once that religions must emerge from pre-modern cultures. I would like to elaborate on that insight, which I believe to be a true one.

Our society, to put it most simply, does not support the notion that one might die for an invisible and unreasonable power. One might die for his country, as a soldier in a war. One might die for his religion, even, as a martyr under a foreign and oppressive regime. But it is simply not plausible to die for an invisible reality which sends you against what the world believes reasonable. Unfortunately, God is invisible and often unreasonable.

In our culture, it is reasonable to be a Christian missionary, even at great sacrifice. But it is not reasonable to start a new religion. New religions never make sense to the world in which they emerge. This is because the new religion is proposing new principles and new implications of traditional principles. New religions proclaim new starting points. Since any religion make sense only on its own terms, a new religion has a particularly difficult time.

This is why the more successful a society is, the more resistant it is to new religions. Further, it is why a successful society cannot be the seed ground out of which a new religion will emerge.

No Success Like Failure"

Scholars comment that the Divine Principle view is that history is a history of unremitting failure. Looking at the world, how can it be otherwise?

The Million Man March

By the time this is in your hands, the march will be over. We will know if a million men showed up, what happened, and the fallout, and many comments will have been made. Taking that risk, I cast my vote in favor of the march.

I do so not because of what I read in the New York Times. The Times does not even provide one the basis to form an opinion about the march. It had extensive coverage to the effect that many are planning to participate, and there are a variety of opinions about the march. What the Times fails to report is what the march is for!

However, I read some Nation of Islam literature on the march. The themes which the march is to represent are commitment to family, marital responsibility, the individual virtues of which males are especially called to manifest, and social responsibility, centered on God. These themes enliven my heart. The "reconciliation and atonement" aspect, as I understand it, means that the march's sponsors and participants are stating that they have failed to fulfill these ideals (and who among us has not?), and that they are determining in solidarity to uphold them and accomplish them.

Critics of the march focus mainly upon its exclusivism: only men (say some women); only blacks (say some other blacks; it is not PC for whites to say so); and, of course, the leadership of Minister Farrakhan, well-publicized for making racial-superiority and anti- semitic statements. Is Farrakhan molding black solidarity by inciting hatred of others as its foundation? I do not think so.

Distinction from others always plays a role in forming a group identity. This takes benign form in the normal distinction of families, companies, schools, and so forth. It takes a malicious form when distinction is based upon a good-evil criterion: those who do not belong to my church (synagogue, mosque, race, nation) are bound for hell, are non-human, etc. The judgment between the benign and malicious, in this case, is whether the group-identification is based upon that group living sacrificially for the sake of other groups.

Thus, I am proud to identify with Reverend Moon and the Unification Church as a "group," because I can see that this man and his church are authentically and consistently working sacrificially for the sake of others: other churches, the nation, the world, and ultimately for God.

I perceive that the Million Man March is at its basis an effort to mobilize the conscience and energies of black men to live for the sake of others: for their wives and families, for their communities and this nation, and ultimately for God. In fact, the literature connected with this march makes some of the clearest statements of these ideals that I have seen coming out of anywhere outside the Unificationist community.

So, I am for the march, and I wish, for today, I were black enough to take part in it.

Not of That World

At worst, men and women love each other for physical pleasure. The highest level in this world is when men and women love each other for spiritual pleasure. Who is loving each other for the sake of God?

The New Testament is clear in its teaching that there is enmity between God and the world. It teaches that one is either on the side of God or on the side of the world; there is no middle ground.

Then, on which side stands the institution of marriage? In the view of Jesus, one is rewarded for separating from wife and family for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Paul follows his teacher: one who is married no longer has concern for the things of God. Marriage definitely stands on the side of the world, not of God, in the New Testament.

Even in the context of the availability and accomplishment of Christian salvation, the world is evil, and the more one separates oneself from the world, the better one's chances to live a good life. And marriage it classified as one component of the ways of the world, not one of the paths to God.

Reverend and Mrs. Moon are proclaiming that, on the foundation of the New Testament, the Completed Testament is at hand. The purpose of the Blessing of marriage given by Reverend and Mrs. Moon is to bring marriage back completely into the realm of God. By bringing marriage into the realm of God, we also are bringing the entire world back to God.

The kingdom of heaven is not a church; it is a family.

Thought Waves

Cellular phones are but the newest instrument enabling us to tune into the invisible world. We are tuning into the invisible world, in the sense that we are turning invisible energy (various types of radiation) into visible phenomena (sound, light). The information which is manifested is stored, or encoded, in the invisible waves of

energy. With the proper instrument (dish, phone, radio) we transform

that energy into phenomena accessible to our five physical senses.

Let's take it a step further and look at the brain as such an instrument. It is picking up invisible energy which is encoded with information. This information is transformed into thoughts (which comprise visual images, music, words, intuitions, emotions, and so forth) in our brains. With the aid of another transformer, known as the body, these thoughts can manifest in the physical realm (sounds, actions), of a grosser vibration.

Just a thought.

Victim of Love

We do evil for the sake of love. Jean Valjean, in Les Miserables, robbed a bakery for the sake of love. Susan Smith killed her children for the sake of love. One act we find admirable, the other despicable. But is not Susan Smith an image of our nation, in which divorce, child abuse, throwaway children, child prostitution and pornography, man-boy love associations, and dumbing-down education are part of the social fabric? Ms. Smith was rather forceful about it, but when one views the media fare assaulting our children's senses on a day in, day out basis, one can easily draw the conclusion that in a moral sense, we are killing our children.

God is love, so what does He do with evil committed for the sake of love? Newsweek pointed out this week that Americans support capital punishment but do not execute many people. Like God, the more we get to know the criminal, the more we feel pity and sympathy. In fact, the more we get to know them, the more we see they are the same as us.

Where is the root of the evil? Divine Principle teaches that it is in the intimate relations of man and woman; the relations we normally place under the category of love.

Generation A (for Absolute)

It was my college friend Randy Reedy back in 1969 or `70 who predicted that the next generational trend would be to dress in black, have very short hair, and exalt death and suicide. He reasoned that every generation rebels against its parents, and the parents who grew up in the `60s were promoting "life" (flowers, love, peace, freedom, ideals). So the next generation, naturally, would promote the opposite.

Soon, in the alphabet of generations, we will be out of letters. From "life" to "death" to . . . "reality", perhaps?

What goes around . . .

In Buddhism it is the law of Karma. On the street, it's "what goes around, comes around." According to the blues singers, "you gotta pay your dues." This is inexorable. What you give out, comes back, either to you or to your descendants. What you have is mostly what your ancestors bequeathed you. What you do with it is up to you.

Christian evangelists speak of the "conviction of sin." That term had little impact upon me until I realized that it really means: "feeling that one deserves punishment." The "grace of salvation," on the other hand, really means that "the punishment that I am receiving has efficacy to save one thousand, one million people."

Based upon the realization that one deserves punishment, and that one's punishment will save others, one can live through the most miserable of circumstances and find meaning and hope. Reverend Moon said that we should consider others' mistakes as our own, and take responsibility for others' failures. He said that the person who does this will not decline.

This, I believe, is the theme underlying the popular movie, "Forrest Gump." Mr. Gump's gift was the ability to accept everything which came his way as destiny. He had no agenda of his own, in other words. If someone told him to do something; he obeyed. If someone asked him a favor, he committed his life to fulfilling it. In fact he was taking responsibility for others' failures. He promised his army buddy, for example, that he would take up shrimping, using the man's boat. The buddy died, but Mr. Gump kept the promise. His late friend's boat was a wreck, but Mr. Gump took responsibility for it, without a second thought. Thus he became a wealthy man.

Is Gump a fool, as he appears to be at first glance? Or is he a Christ-like figure, a St. Francis? I believe, in the final analysis, he is a fool, because he does not know what he is doing. He is making no moral decisions; he is not capable of them. When the pressure builds, he (literally) runs from it.

But Gump is a beautiful fool, of which the world is not worthy.

Washington Washed by New Spirit; Capital on Fire with Parent's Love

by Kate Tsubata-Washington, DC

Washington, D.C. has been electrified of late by many opportunities to experience God's living spirit in our lives.

Beginning with the announcement of the second 40-year course, followed by the preparations for the 360,000 couple Blessing, and then topped off by the "True Family and I" speech tour, we have had a very exciting course. Under the guidance of Reverend Chong Jik Woo and Reverend Kevin McCarthy, members have been re-learning the importance of witnessing, lecturing and making God's Will our first priority.

This was completely the work of the Holy Spirit. Although Washington has always been a focal point for the more secular missions, our internal growth has been sorely lacking. But, through some new dispensation of grace, suddenly many people began to feel strongly that this is a time of desperate need on God's part, and that we must respond to that need. As each individual began acting on that motivation, miracles began to take place.

Probably the two greatest miracles were the Blessing and Father's speech. We were able to receive the Blessing by satellite in the D.C. church, with 74 couples present, but many more having gone to Korea and New York to participate. Many of the couples here were very special-couples from embassies, or ministerial couples from churches. Some had heard the Divine Principle only within the last few months or weeks. They shared the same sacred respect for the Blessing that we had felt at our own Blessings, however. At the end, when they turned to bow to the packed audience at the end of the ceremony, they were cheered with thunderous applause and voices by their families and the members. And when True Parents left the stadium on the satellite screen, the Blessed Couples themselves cheered wildly. The D.C. church building, in a way, seemed to have received a special consecration at that moment.

We felt amazed, on the heels of such a tremendous experience, to be granted yet another great blessing. We felt such awe that Father, just returned from this exhausting effort of matching and blessing so many country's couples, would attempt to give even more greatly to America. We felt his unstoppable love in this speech tour, and yet we were a bit sad that it is always True Parents doing the giving, and we who are always receiving.

For this reason, we wanted to bring some joy and some hope to True Parents through this event. Brothers and sisters, completely on the inspiration of their own consciences, made many sacrifices. People took vacations from work or refused money-making offers in order to volunteer. Families who had very little money contributed large donations. Night and day, people worked to invite people and to share with them the amazing news of True Parents work in the world. In a way, the timing was perfect-most people had heard of the Blessing through the media, so they were fascinated by the chance to see our True Parents in person. One interesting phenomenon was that people on the more cosmopolitan and educated levels, especially leaders, were even more interested than others. Someone theorized that leaders are more familiar with the difficulties of solving the problems and bringing the solutions than the average person, so they really can appreciate the enormity of our True Parents' accomplishments. Others felt that the ancestors of these people were really pushing them to receive resurrection by listening to and practicing the truth that our Parents are bringing. For whatever the reason, what we members experienced is that virtually everywhere we went, and whoever we spoke to, there was a complete openness, acceptance and agreement with this message.

Many times, members came back glowing with the amazing experiences they had. We began to realize that to the degree we testified and prayed, we would receive even more response from the people. Many times, the official himself or herself would begin speaking the exact message that we were coming to tell them! We found that God and the spirit world are indeed so desperate to save people, and to bring them to their True Parents, that they will work strongly with anyone who is making the effort to reach out.

The final results were at the speech even itself. Some 500 VIP guests came to the pre-speech reception, many of whom were able to offer their greetings to True Parents personally on the reception line. At the event, some 2,500 people filled the hall and listened intently to Father. As he concluded, they gave him a standing ovation, and then remained standing for the entire time of the presentations and proclamations which were made afterwards. When Mother joined Father on the stage, and they received a large trophy from one embassy couple and one ministerial couple from among the newly blessed couples, the audience cheered. Even as D.C. Council-member Harry Thomas read the Council's proclamation, word for word, people stood and craned their necks to see True Parent's response. Father corrected the Council- member twice-once on the correct pronunciation of his name, and second, on the number of couples to be blessed in 1998. The council- member corrected his errors, and capped his comments by offering to host the next Blessing in Washington, D.C.!

As we reported to Father after the event, the audience could not seem to tear themselves away from the scene afterwards, milling around in the ballroom, searching for True Parents in the VIP waiting room, and mingling in every corner of the hotel. "They were all searching for True Parents, trying to find the scent of True Parents," Rev. Kevin McCarthy told Father, who said "True Parents, True Parents. Americans love the sound of the words "True Parents" because they never felt True Parents' love."

A few sisters were able to testify to Father about the incredible spirit moving among the members, and the excitement of the new contacts. Father, despite a bad sore throat and cough, gave us some special words about mobilizing spiritual world through public-minded prayer, with love greater than that of the growth stage. He said that with such prayer, we can move even our relatives in hell to help us, and to move the people on the earth. With such experiences, we can resurrect Washington, D.C. he told us.

In retrospect, we feel that this has been a very special gift to us, from God, to be able to re-ignite our spirits, and to join our True Parents with new minds and hearts at a crucial time. We are so grateful to the True Family for continuing to give unconditionally over the years, and we hope to be able to give back, from now on.

Unification Church Files by Modem

by Gary Fleisher, Denver, CO

The largest source Unification Church computer files has moved. The Unofficial HSA-UWC BBS has re-located to Denver, Colorado. It's new modem number is 303-321-6911.

BBS users are from all parts of the world, over half of all calls are international. Since there is no fee, user's support the BBS by posting files of interest to others.

Unification Church files include:
* Moon family speeches, photographs, and books from 1936 to present
* Various versions of the Divine Principle
* Sermons and books of Church Elders
* Details of Unification Church Traditions
* Blessing photos, Church calendars, Baby names, and Church graphics
* Holy Songs and CARP Song Book
* True Parent's History for Children, Early Unification Church History
* Unification Thought articles and Official Church Position Papers
* Back issues of the Unification News
* Unification Church Center Directory and Family Pledge
* Bible and Bible Study Aids

Regular BBS files are also on line. They include: games, utilities, spread sheets, text editors, communications programs, text files, database programs, etc.

Founded in 1986, the Unofficial HSA-UWC BBS operates 24 hours a day, every day, and never charges a fee. Modem settings are 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. Modem connect speeds are from 300 to 38,400 BPS. Register on your first call, and have access within 24 hours. The BBS can be accessed from any computer, DOS, Windows, OS/2, UNIX, or other operating system.

For more information contact Gary Fleisher

True Father Speaks in Houston

by Chris Corcoran-Houston, TX

The tearful testimonies given at the Sunday service two days after Father's speech bore witness to the successful unity we were able to achieve in our small but vigorous community in Houston.

Everyone was moved by each other's contribution to the event and I could glimpse in a small but very real way the brotherhood that will exist when His Kingdom arrives.

Naomi Tsujimura and Toshie Jumongi were among the first to be ignited and they staffed the office and laid the necessary foundation of heart and hard work so that others could follow more easily.

I was the first person in our region to receive the news that Father would soon be speaking in Houston-again. I felt a mixture of elation and trepidation, knowing how challenging the task would be that lay before us.

That night, amidst growing anxiety about how to create a successful event, I received a dream that was like a big hug of reassurance from God. In it, I was sitting on the floor with several people playing cards. I had about twenty cards in my hand as Father approached and looked over my shoulder. His face broke into a huge smile as he viewed the four aces among the cards in my hand. He nodded his head as if to say: "Don't worry, everything will be all right."

I felt tremendous waves of love coming from Father which helped me keep going through all the ups and downs of the next four weeks.

Throughout the entire campaign Rev. Dang Ok You, our regional leader, encouraged each of us to feel that this event was "my event" for the sake of "my family." Each was asked to prepare our hearts as if Father were coming to our home, thus personalizing the event.

An aggressive advertising approach using both radio and newspaper ads was initiated by Rev. Ichinori Tsumagari, pastor for south Texas. He displayed the absolute faith, love and obedience Father asks of us, and was the dynamo powering our mobilization.

We also could not have managed without our sister from Austin, Laura Lea, who left her two children and husband behind and moved into the Houston center for two weeks prior to the event. Her calm and giving nature were a source of support for all who worked with her.

One of the main ways our community was able to unite was through the door-to-door witnessing campaign headed by Taeko White. It was a great experience to go and proclaim Father's name on the doorsteps of America. In 95-degree heat and humidity, we walked all the neighborhoods near the hotel, shedding buckets of sweat for a heavenly cause.

Nearly 500 guests filled the grand ballroom of the beautiful Adam's Mark Hotel and listened intently as Rev. Moon delivered his speech.

Our VIP guests and media enjoyed a buffet reception before the speech. Some of our noted guests included a state representative, the sister- in-law of a former president, and many pastors and heads of local social and civic groups.

A member of the State Board of Education and advocate for youth introduced Father. In the spirit of ecumenism, a youth minister from the Nation of Islam gave the invocation.

These events give us a chance to see old friends and make new ones. For several guests it was the first time to see Rev. Moon since receiving the Blessing via satellite two weeks earlier.

The event was capped off when nearly 100 people crowded into Father's suite after the event. After about two hours of Father sharing with us, we all listened to a live broadcast of Mother with Pres. and Mrs. Bush in Japan. Everyone felt so elated to have someone of their stature and with their strong family values standing side by side with our True Parents.

After their speeches ended, Father continued to share with us until 5:30 in the morning! For those who could endure, it was one of the richest sharings imaginable. Afterward, Col. Han commented that he could not remember the last time Father shared like that in America, and it reminded him of the early days in Korea.

We like to believe that as Texans everything here is bigger, bolder, hotter and better. But when Father told us that if we have the right kind of faith we will bring 3.6 million couples to the next Blessing in 1998, it gave us a whole new perspective on being Texan.