True Father Speaks in Houston

by Chris Corcoran-Houston, TX

The tearful testimonies given at the Sunday service two days after Father's speech bore witness to the successful unity we were able to achieve in our small but vigorous community in Houston.

Everyone was moved by each other's contribution to the event and I could glimpse in a small but very real way the brotherhood that will exist when His Kingdom arrives.

Naomi Tsujimura and Toshie Jumongi were among the first to be ignited and they staffed the office and laid the necessary foundation of heart and hard work so that others could follow more easily.

I was the first person in our region to receive the news that Father would soon be speaking in Houston-again. I felt a mixture of elation and trepidation, knowing how challenging the task would be that lay before us.

That night, amidst growing anxiety about how to create a successful event, I received a dream that was like a big hug of reassurance from God. In it, I was sitting on the floor with several people playing cards. I had about twenty cards in my hand as Father approached and looked over my shoulder. His face broke into a huge smile as he viewed the four aces among the cards in my hand. He nodded his head as if to say: "Don't worry, everything will be all right."

I felt tremendous waves of love coming from Father which helped me keep going through all the ups and downs of the next four weeks.

Throughout the entire campaign Rev. Dang Ok You, our regional leader, encouraged each of us to feel that this event was "my event" for the sake of "my family." Each was asked to prepare our hearts as if Father were coming to our home, thus personalizing the event.

An aggressive advertising approach using both radio and newspaper ads was initiated by Rev. Ichinori Tsumagari, pastor for south Texas. He displayed the absolute faith, love and obedience Father asks of us, and was the dynamo powering our mobilization.

We also could not have managed without our sister from Austin, Laura Lea, who left her two children and husband behind and moved into the Houston center for two weeks prior to the event. Her calm and giving nature were a source of support for all who worked with her.

One of the main ways our community was able to unite was through the door-to-door witnessing campaign headed by Taeko White. It was a great experience to go and proclaim Father's name on the doorsteps of America. In 95-degree heat and humidity, we walked all the neighborhoods near the hotel, shedding buckets of sweat for a heavenly cause.

Nearly 500 guests filled the grand ballroom of the beautiful Adam's Mark Hotel and listened intently as Rev. Moon delivered his speech.

Our VIP guests and media enjoyed a buffet reception before the speech. Some of our noted guests included a state representative, the sister- in-law of a former president, and many pastors and heads of local social and civic groups.

A member of the State Board of Education and advocate for youth introduced Father. In the spirit of ecumenism, a youth minister from the Nation of Islam gave the invocation.

These events give us a chance to see old friends and make new ones. For several guests it was the first time to see Rev. Moon since receiving the Blessing via satellite two weeks earlier.

The event was capped off when nearly 100 people crowded into Father's suite after the event. After about two hours of Father sharing with us, we all listened to a live broadcast of Mother with Pres. and Mrs. Bush in Japan. Everyone felt so elated to have someone of their stature and with their strong family values standing side by side with our True Parents.

After their speeches ended, Father continued to share with us until 5:30 in the morning! For those who could endure, it was one of the richest sharings imaginable. Afterward, Col. Han commented that he could not remember the last time Father shared like that in America, and it reminded him of the early days in Korea.

We like to believe that as Texans everything here is bigger, bolder, hotter and better. But when Father told us that if we have the right kind of faith we will bring 3.6 million couples to the next Blessing in 1998, it gave us a whole new perspective on being Texan.