The World Family Circle: A project of the Women's Federation for World Peace

by Laura Hornbeck-Center Point, TX

Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon, founder of the Women's Federation for World Peace, stated in her founding address to the women of the world:

"History is calling for reconciliation, compassion, love, service and sacrifice. Today's problems cannot be solved by the logic of power.... Our present problems can only be solved by the logic of love."

The World Family Circle was inspired not only by these words of Mrs. Moon, but also by her loving example of compassion and sacrifice for others which is the strength that sustains the women of WFWP.

This is a project initiated by Region 8 of WFWP, but which can easily be carried out by any chapter throughout the world. We offer it to anyone wishing to participate in it through our regional chapter, but at the same time, we would like to present this as a model for other chapters which may wish to undertake it from other parts of the world.

The World Family Circle is a project of the heart. As in any adoption (be it of a newborn baby, a foster child, a troubled friend or even a pet), the most valuable asset of an adoptive family is their ability to embrace, nurture and love unconditionally someone in need. More than likely, that someone has more needs in the beginning of the relationship than they have love to offer. Some do not even respond in the beginning. For this reason, WFC is a project for people with big hearts, tons of patience and compassion, and a very sincere desire to serve others just for the sake of loving them!

If you qualify, please prayerfully consider becoming an adoptive family. It's a commitment which will impact not only your own family, but the lives of people, families, communities, countries and the world. Truly, it is a project for world peace!

The seed for this project was planted by God in the heart of an American woman who worked in Latin America fifteen years ago. Seeing the poverty and spiritual conditions of these countries, she realized just how blessed America was and she determined to someday find a way to share these blessings substantially from America with the people of South America and other parts of the world. At that time she knew only a handful of people outside this country. However, God had planted this seed in her heart and He was going to open the way for her to bring it to fruition.

In the last ten years, God has silently guided her through her profession to meet people from all over the world and to develop very intimate and trusting relationships with them. A few months ago when she returned to South America, she was in a toy store purchasing souvenirs for her children when God spoke to her once again. She was asking the price of a coloring book and box of crayons (which in America sells for 89c) and was astounded to find the price almost $7! She later discovered that this coloring book and crayons (of which her children have dozens in their closet) are luxury items to many of the children of this country!

God had spoken to her once again. It was time to get on with this project which God had been nurturing in her heart for all these years and which He had carefully set up for her. She returned to America and three weeks later initiated the World Family Circle project. For several months the project has run on a pilot as a means of polishing it up to make it a workable endeavor.

We are proud to introduce this program to you and your family as a solid and loving service project that will bring God's blessings and love from your family and home to countless people throughout the world!

Following is the content of the World Family Circle flyer. You may write to this address for more information.

If you cannot directly participate at this time, we ask for your prayers for the success of this heavenly project. Thank you and may God bless you, your family and your home.

World Family Circle

The World Family Circle's purpose is to provide a means by which families can give each other spiritual, emotional and moral support. This is facilitated through a process of adoption. Basically, families adopt families in need from other parts of the world to love and care for them with the same commitment and heart with which one adopts a child into one's family.

A short prayer directed toward a family in a war-torn nation or in a poor ghetto on the other side of the globe is the beginning point of healing and of true world peace. The reason is that this tragic circumstance of war or poverty started with the lack of caring and concern of one human being for another.

Through our contacts in various parts of the world, we receive families which are available for adoption. We then prayerfully match these applicants with their adoptive families which are also put in touch with our World Family Circle contact in that particular country. Our contact support both families in their communication and exchange.

Adoptive families are encouraged to serve their families abroad through prayer and correspondence. Some families may wish to become personally involved with their adopted family by visiting them and learning about their needs and the needs of their community as a way to care more directly for them. The World Family Circle provides a clear structure and support system by which we can involve our whole family in a very meaningful and providential endeavor that advances world peace through love and service!

Our hope is that through this project, families can establish eternal bonds of love and unity which can span nations and generations to create a true world family under God!

If you are interested in participating in this project in some capacity (as an adoptive family or as a contact person* in a developing country), please submit the attached form. We will gladly supply you with an application for participation.

*A contact person finds families wishing to be adopted and helps them to submit their applications in English. This person must be capable of translating correspondence between the two families.