Contributions Welcome to Unification Archive

by Dr. Tyler Hendricks-NYC

Our brother Tom Bowers has shown remarkable energy as the UTS head librarian to develop a Unificationist archive at the Seminary. I have been impressed with his work, and send this communication with his permission.

This is an open invitation to all HSA-UWC members in North America to send any and all speeches, audio or video tapes, photos, slides, film, flyers, pertinent magazines or newspapers, diaries, letters, speech notes, personal recollections, and so forth, to our Seminary's emerging archive.

Mr. Bowers commented: "I would be delighted to receive whatever people feel they would like to send. On some things I will even pay postage." If you feel you have something in this "C.O.D." category, please contact Mr. Bowers about it in advance.

This work complements extraordinary efforts developed by the UC History Committee in Korea, which is recording the history of our True Parents' life and works and all church and related activities, using high technology (electronic storage).

Send to: Tom Bowers, Head Librarian, UTS Library, 10 Dock Road, Barrytown NY 12507.