Victorious Realm

by Malcolm & Suemi Allan and Steve & Jerry Tamayo

We were very fortunate to be with True Parents on God's Day at the International Training Center. The night before, True Father proclaimed the motto for 1995 as "Let Us Inherit True Parents' Victorious Realm." As True Father spoke, those of us at the dormitory welcomed in the New Year with Mr. Young Whi Lee, our dormitory leader. He spoke to us briefly after midnight prayer and encouraged us to break through in our relationships with each other and to work hard at gaining fluency in the Korean language. The next morning we pledged at 7:00 and then went to Father's speech. The hall at Il Hwa was filled to capacity and many people were downstairs watching on video. Buses brought members from all across Korea, so we were grateful that we could even attend. As we listened to True Father's speech, we redetermined ourselves to make more effort in our language studies so that we can understand the content of True Father's speeches.

As we were to greet True Parents at the Little Angels School in the afternoon, we left the speech early to get prepared. Christoph Yasutake had the privilege to give True Mother a bouquet of flowers as True Parents entered. This is always one of the highlights for students and staff alike. Although our meeting with True Parents was fleeting, the experience is long-lasting and spellbinding. Entertainment was MCed by Bernhard Quandt, a German brother who is now a naturalized Korean citizen and who speaks Korean fluently. Now that's inspiring!

The days following God's Day were taken up by DP workshop, followed by "Homestay". For the workshop we were fortunate to get two guest lecturers: Alireza Alhoui from Iran, and Mrs. Mary Johnson, an American sister who was a missionary in Central Africa for 15 years. Following two days of lectures, students prepared their own lectures and gave them. We were all amazed at the maturity of their presentations, and we know that in the future they will be powerful speakers for God and True Parents. After workshop was Homestay, which for some students is the highlight of their year in Korea.

My Years in Korea

by Akiko Ikeno

Akiko Ikeno shares about her almost three years in Korea. She is now back in her hometown with her parents, attending 10th grade.

Coming to Korea, living here, learning to adapt and change to a different way of life, are things kids dream of doing. It's an irreplaceable experience. It's a time when you learn and grow, understand a little and struggle a lot, and when you try to realize the ideal God put into you.

When I look back at my years in Korea, I see the change. I see the deepening of my relationship with God and I see the importance of being God's daughter. During my first two years in Korea I held myself back. Because of my parents' support, I was able to keep coming back, no matter how much I fought the idea. Upon entering my third year, I had to take responsibility as an elder. It was the first time that I had to do this. During the last four months I tried to see from God's viewpoint and understand His and my parents' hopes and expectations. I was able to open myself up to see the beauty and heart of Korea, its people, its land, history and culture. I saw things that I had failed to grasp about Korea and Koreans: their strong filial relationships, their diligent and dedicated lifestyle and loyalty to the nation. Externally it's not much to look at but internally there's so much to feel.

We all struggled, and through that we grew; we came to understand each other better and changed. Struggling is part of life and we can't expect too much all at once. Like all humans we made mistakes, and through these we learned and grew. Because of what Korea has done for me, I find it hard to believe it all started just over two years ago. I learned to live by my heart and look into the hearts of others. If it weren't for this dorm, my brothers and sisters and staff, I never could have broken through. I see the changing and deepening of my heart. I not only feel the pain we experience but also know the hope each one of us brings to God. By living according to Father's motto, which is to forgive, love and unite, we can create our principled selves. I've come for heavenly training and I leave now to serve, to spread what I gained and move on with my mission. I'll try my hardest to live by God's ideal to be a true Blessed Child. My hope is for every child to search and find their worth and to love it for God. Korea is going to stay within my mind and heart for a long time. We really got to break through with our Korean brothers and sisters and build new relationships and friendships. My memories of climbing mountains, studying for tests, playing games and having fun together will be with me for eternity. Through these things I learned a grew a deeper relationship with God.

Thank you, Heavenly Father and True Parents.