UTS Library Provides a Key to Father's Words in English

by Tom Bowers-Barrytown, NY

Have you ever tried to find out what Rev. Moon has said on some topic? In the past this has been very difficult. Things are changing. The UTS Library is developing a full-text database of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's speeches in English. The big news is that the Library is inviting you to send in your requests for quotes from Rev. Moon's speeches. Please use our service in preparation for your sermons and for your personal study.

If you would like the UTS Library staff to make a search for you, just think of a word or group of words that Rev. Moon might have used in a speech and the UTS Library staff will search its database for those words. To make a search request just call or write. Please explain what you want to use the quotes for so that we can choose the best quotes to serve your purpose. We will try to find up to ten quotes for you on your topic and send them to you. There is no charge for this service, but a donation to the library would be appreciated.

The picture that accompanies this article shows what the search screen looks like. In this example the search words were "parental heart". The search pulled up 30 speeches with these words next to each other. You can see the excerpt from one of the speeches in which "parental heart" appears. The software we use for this purpose has some limitations, but we will do our best to find excerpts from speeches related to the words you give us.

Any donations for searches will go to fund some aspect of the Library's speech project. One aspect of the speech project is to create this database of speeches. At the moment there are approximately 600 speeches in the database and it is growing as we continue our efforts to scan speeches given in the past and add recent speeches. We are also transcribing speeches from the 70's which have not been available in print before.

UTS Library
10 Dock Rd.
Barrytown, NY 12507
Phone 914-752-3020.
Fax 914-758-2156