UTS Graduation

by Gareth Davies-Barrytown, NY

Faced with a world in desperate need of healing, what can 34 UTS graduates do? Plenty, according to Reverend T.L. Barrett Jr., Senior Pastor of the Life Center Church of God in Christ, Chicago. Speaking at the 22nd commencement exercises on June 28th, he cited the Biblical story of the loaves and fishes, not for the miraculous work of Jesus, but for the boy who came forward with the two fishes and five barley loaves. "That was totally inadequate to feed the thousands of people who were gathered," he said, "but that young lad stepped forward saying, ‘I am here and I have something to offer.’ He insisted on being allowed to give what he had to Jesus." Reverend Barrett asked the graduates to compare what they had learned with what the world needs and to realize that they have two fishes and five loaves. But he also urged them to boldly step forward and offer what they have. "You should have the attitude that, ‘I am that lad and I am here and what I have counts.’ Be confident that what you have will be sufficient to make a difference."

Pastor Barrett told the graduates that they should have faith that God will work through Reverend Moon. "You must take what you have and give it to God through the spiritual leadership of Reverend Moon. Give what you have and go willingly where he sends you because he has a special relationship with God." Reverend Barrett spoke passionately about the life of sacrifice and obedience to God’s will which Reverend Moon has led. He urged the graduates to be as committed as an elderly member of his own church who, whenever faced with a request from the bishop always responds with, "Bishop, that’s just what I was fixin’ to do." Reverend Barrett’s spirited and moving address received a standing ovation which was appropriately followed by the choir’s powerful rendition of "Arise, your light has come," one of two pieces which they performed.

In the Founder’s Address, read by Reverend Peter Kim, Reverend Moon encouraged the graduates to be people of true love, particularly by developing true love within their families. "A true family is an indispensable school of true love for the creation of a true world, in which the true love of God has absolute dominion," he said. "Because of this harmony of love, they will also be able to enjoy true equality and freedom and true joy and happiness." In the absence of true love, he said, people have had recourse to all manner of external measures such as money, power and knowledge but these have failed to deliver fulfillment and happiness.

Reverend Moon therefore told the class of ’98 to never give up on true love. "I want you to understand that true love is still the best and only solution in this world. The problem is that no one in the past has tried it thoroughly. We must rediscover it and practice it courageously. That is the task especially of UTS graduates, who are messengers of this Unification gospel of true love. Please believe that this gospel will revolutionize the world, eventually solving all its problems completely, whether they are political, economic, industrial, cultural or environmental problems. You are going out to the field as UTS graduates to work for the realization of God’s kingdom. In your work, perhaps you will face a lot of practical challenges and difficulties. But please have absolute confidence in the power of true love. Already the Completed Testament Age has come. God’s power will be fully available where you are serious about true love. May God bless you all!"

President Shimmyo’s congratulatory remarks included an appreciation of individual students for their particular qualities. "Serge Brosseau, I admire your deep commitment of faith. Akiko Higashi, you are a small Japanese woman but I like your strong will. Raymond Otika, you endured much difficulty as a leader in Africa before coming to UTS but your warm kind of sensitivity is a real treasure. Young-joo Yoo, your big smile has the power to overcome any problem." Addressing the graduates in general, he told them, "All of you have each a unique character given from God. Please fully develop it and use it for the sake of God’s kingdom and his righteousness. And work hard to wipe away all the tears from the eyes of God and from the eyes of humanity and to build a peaceful world where pain and suffering shall be no more."

In his Graduate Response, Serge Brosseau, who graduated magna cum laude, looked forward to the challenge of "putting into practice in real life what we have learned here." His dream, he said, is to do as his hero, General Douglas MacArthur, did. "I want to come back to these special grounds after fulfilling my responsibility. I want to follow in those footsteps."

The graduates’ summer schedule includes one week at the Washington Times followed by a 40-day workshop at Chung Pyung Lake in Korea.

Master Of Divinity

Henry Kiryowa Kulubya
Christopher David McKeon cum laude
Herman Adza Mould
Naomichi Sawada cum laude
Clive Edward Wright cum laude
Tetsuya Yamada
Oksana V. Semenchova magna cum laude
Prince Edward Monya Tambi cum laude

Master Of Religious Education

Xavier Akerekoro-Zinho
Kotaro Araya
Serge Brosseau magna cum laude
Justine Nyiranshuti Cherutich
Leslie Paul Michael DeJonge
Seung-Yeon Doo cum laude
Masashi Fujikake
Taisuke Hibino
Akiko Higashi
Jun Honda
Katsuya Ito
Cirilo C. Jagopa-as
Tomomi Kaneuji
Soon-Ok Kang magna cum laude
Bryan Anthony Lancaster
Simone Allison Lancaster
Hiroyuki Matsumoto
Hiroyuki Miyake
Kinue Nakane cum laude
Akihiko Nishimura
Takaaki Ogino
Katsuya Oishi
Raymond Otika
Young-Joo Yoo
Remy Vollmer cum laude
Chiaki Yoshikawa

All of the graduation speeches and prayers were crystal clear this year thanks to the new sound system made possible by alumni/ae donations. The acoustics have also been improved by placing carpeting under the chairs (also paid for by donations.) Work has begun on the chapel roof so continued support will be deeply appreciated.