For Fast-Acting Relief, Try Slowing Down

by Debby Gullery

Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.

Mary Jean Irion, Yes, World

I've always been moved by the written word, drawing lines around inspiring quotes, putting pieces of paper in library books so that I could copy the passages out later, which I seldom did.

Compiling Wisdom, Insight & Counsel, 365 Daily Meditations has enabled me to do just that - go back to all those books, poems and songs which touched my heart or stirred my soul, gleaning the best and putting them together. I know that they will give each reader some of what they gave me: an inner sanctuary and a vision of what's possible each day.

All of us are busy, and we wear many hats. I am a wife and mother of three children. I have a job that I love as New York area chairwoman of Women's Federation for World Peace. Involvement in my community, the children's schools, their playdates and activities, and my congregation, all add to the demands on whatever time I have.

I've realized that the true art of life lies in finding the balance between ordinary daily activities and the ideals which inspire me to do more and to do better. The title of this article - For fast-acting relief, try slowing down- is actually a wonderful quote by Lily Tomlin that I used in the book.

Recently a friend shared this story with me: Her husband works in an office which overlooks the Hudson River. One evening he was so moved by the beauty of the sunset that he called her at home, emphatic that she run out and see it. This mother of two toddlers was in the middle of post-dinner clean-up. She did go outside, and was impressed, but later told me that she couldn't really stop long enough to connect to the beauty and allow it to nourish and fill her. I truly felt her heart, having had similar experiences.

I've also been blessed with happier occasions. Recently I had scheduled a walk to the brook with my four-year old. It was a perfect autumn day. Toby and I played hide-and-seek, and later I sat by the brook and watched him chase the falling leaves. I was filled with the desire to just stop and be in the moment, to drink the perfect joy of it deep into my soul and I did!

Experiences like these help me to remember the value of nurturing the ability to be still and be filled, of finding a quiet moment every day. That, then, is the purpose of this book - to offer an inspiration or thought that can provide a focus, if only for a few moments, on what is truly important.