Region 2 Gathers Christian Ministers in the Poconos for the First Regional TFVM Seminar and Festival in 1997

by William Hilbert-NYC

The first True Family Values Ministry Seminar and Festival for Region 2 in the Pocono mountains was held Tuesday, February 4th to Thursday, February 6th. David Fastiggi, Region 2 TFVM Conference Coordinator, reported that the first conference in this region was successful and it will serve as a foundation for our future programs.

There were 13 Christian ministers attending, two couples. There was an additional attendance of over 20 True Family Values Ministry leaders and staff from Region 2. Total participation was about 40.

The next conference at the Pocono Manor will be from February 18 to the 20th followed by a conference on February 25th to the 27th.

Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, Continental director of True Family Values Ministry, gave the closing remarks to the ministers and inspired and moved their hearts as he brought the conference to a successful conclusion. Rev. Pak also said that we should build up this program in this region and in all the regions nationwide to help accomplish the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing in November.

David Fastiggi and assistant coordinator Nina Magnin at Pocono Manor said that the Pocono conference went very well for all attending, everyone seemed happy, the food was great.

The Pocono Manor Inn and Golf Resort is in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. It is in a wooded area and there is snow on the trees at this time. The grounds surrounding the Inn are expansive and provide a beautiful view. The facility has a moderately elegant atmosphere with rich wood decor.

One of the unique developments of these conferences is the inclusion of the True Family Festival marriage rededication ceremony after the lectures are completed. The ministers will hear more and more about True Family Values and the Blessing throughout the seminar and then will be given the opportunity to participate in or observe a True Family Festival.

In the Poconos seminar, although none of the ministers participated in the True Family Festival at the conference, 60 percent of the attendees indicated that they would like to bring the TFV Ministry into their churches and are considering the True Family Festival for themselves.

The lectures, based on the updated and improved, Empowering Christianity Through True Family Values lecture manual, transparencies and workbooks, have been going well. Dr. Wilson and Michael Inglis, who are working with Dr. Tyler Hendricks to edit the new lecture series, were the teachers.

The ministers are responding well to the material. One minister wrote, "The seminar was inspiring, informative and inviting."

David Fastiggi, as conference convenor and emcee, helped the participants connect the educational content of the seminar with the goal of the conference, which is their participation in the Blessing. Nina Magnin is working with David to arrange all the practical details of the conference with Pocono Manor. They are also supervising the volunteer TFVM staff from the region who help with the conference.

Adruma Victoria was responsible for general affairs and entertainment. Adruma was the conference technical production and set-up manager, driver and entertainment coordinator. Adruma, who is a musician and singer also sang at the banquet. Adruma commented to David that something very special happened there at the conference, implying that there was a feeling of good spiritual support helping to make the conference a success.

William Hilbert is the TFVM National Communications Director