Principle Study for Children and Youth

by Kathleen Sabo-Lyndhurst, NJ

What's chastity? Why purity? How can we abstain?

Are these questions our children will ask us? The original way of life is pure and true. Each person's original mind knows his but because of the environment of this fallen world, young people receive false information.

Along with explaining the true way of life, we must teach why the fallen way of life is wrong. The Divine Principle clearly explains how evil came about, why it is wrong, and how it has effected God's heart and mankind's happiness.

As a person grows, they feel emotions and love in new and deeper ways. The Divine Principle explains that love is stronger than the principle. It also explains what is good and evil.

There are many examples of people fighting evil and having faith., While reading moving stories or watching victorious struggles, we actually experience some of the feelings and victories of the characters. Heroes can be found in the Bible, story books about saints, pioneer stories, accounts of historical figures, and some video tapes.

The Divine Principle can give young people the knowledge they need to make the right decisions, strength to do what is right, and power to become modern day heroes.

The inspiration behind the Study Book

After our eldest daughter entered kindergarten, I realized that we can not shelter our children from ideas and view of life against our own. I started to think about ideas (explained in the previous section) on bringing up children to be pure and good.

One day, in 1993, just after the birth of our fourth child, the State Leader, Rev. Hoshiko, visited and we discussed the need to teach our children the Divine Principle. I explained my interest in writing a children's principle book. Rev. Hoshiko suggested to put down the main points of the Divine Principle as it is written and just simplify the words.

As I began writing, there was just not enough time in a day. Many times I would be writing until my newborn son woke up for his night feeding in the middle of the night. I thought about the sisters who have gone to the spirit world and I felt that they were pushing me to write because they know it is so urgent to teach our children the Divine Principle. Their inspiration was very strong and it was hard for me to forget about writing. My thinking about these sisters was confirmed later after sending out our first letter and order form for the books. The first order and check received was from a brother whose wife is in the spirit world.

What is the Principle Study Book and Workbook?

The Principle Study Book introduces the main points of the Divine Principle. Each page is illustrated and the words are clear and simple. The Principle Workbook reviews and reinforces the ideas. Both the study book and workbook are divided into lessons. The workbook contains multiple choice questions, puzzles, and discussion questions. A list of ideas for activities on each chapter is given in the workbook including the following areas;

1) Artwork
2) Music
3) Performance
4) Field Trip
5) Write
6) Actionize

These suggestions can be used to spark your own ideas based on the situation, time, ages, and the interest of the individuals.

Principle Study Book and Workbook (Part One) Chapters: Introduction, Creation A, Creation B, Creation C, Creation D, Fall of Man A, Fall of Man B, Fall of Man C, Last and First Days, Purpose of the Messiah, Resurrection, Predestination/Christology

Coming Soon: Principle Study Book and Workbook (Part Two) Chapters: Restoration, Adam/Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Time Identity, Preparation, Second Coming.

How can the Principle Study Book and Workbook be used?

Very important points about teaching are making the lesson interesting and being sure that the concepts are understood. The Principle Study Book and Workbook can be used in different ways depending on the situation and the age of the children.

1) Each chapter can be read and discussed.
2) One page can be the "topic of the day."
3) One of the activities can be the "lesson of the day."
4) One of the questions can be the "discussion of the day."
5) One of the bible quotes can be a lesson.
6) One of the illustrations can be used for an explanation.
7) If the children are very young, you can flip through the book until a discussion starts informally.

Everyday, we are all faced with temptations and ideas that are not from God. How important it is to teach our children the Divine Principle. The Principle Study Book explains the main points (especially the fall) in a way that they can understand. After reading the study book, discussions can take place according to the age, group, and appropriate timing of the children or youth. These books are a good introduction to further study and a good base for discussion.

When can the Principle Study Book and Workbook be used?

These books can be incorporated into;

1) Family Study
2) Sunday School
3) Workshops
4) Youth Activity
5) Discussion Groups
6) Lecturing
7) Witnessing

Studying at home is ideal because parents can focus on the needs of their children. It is a stepping stone to discussing the Divine Principle as a family. Activities can be geared towards the children's interest. Even simple or short activities can leave a lasting impression when combined with the love in the family.

Sunday School is an excellent place to teach and discuss the principle. The children can learn a lot just by listening to the comments and questions from the teacher and other children. The teacher can be creative with the study book and the workbook to guide the students into understanding. The illustrations help tremendously to focus the attention of the students and to explain things.

Workshops can be run for children only or for the whole family. The lecturer can use the pages in the Principle Study Book for an outline or as a reference and bring the principle to life with explanations and examples. The workbook can be used to:

1) check on the understanding of the participants,
2) decide on topics for discussions,
3) choose ideas for activities.

Young people enjoy being with their peers and belonging to something. Activities that are centered on the principle can be fun and inspiring. In this kind of atmosphere, young people can open their hearts, share, learn, seek, and find meaning and guidance for their lives.