ICUS Holds Planning Meeting to Prepare for 20th Conference

by Gregory Breland-Lexington, KY

On the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Unification Church in Korea (HSA-UWC), it was decided to bring together the ICUS Planning Board to not only attend the festivities but also to seriously map out the next International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS). The board met from April 28 to May 1 at the Sheraton Walker Hill Hotel in Seoul, Korea. The 20th ICUS will be part of the 2nd World Culture and Sports Festival scheduled for Seoul, Korea in August, 1995.

Dr. Tor Ragnar Gerholm, Professor of Physics Emeritus at the University of Stockholm, Sweden and member of the Nobel Prize Academy and Chairman of the next ICUS presided over the Planning Board meeting with Dr. James A. Baughman, Secretary-General of ICUS. As various proposals were presented it was heartening to see the ideals of Rev. Moon and ICUS being upheld by these professors. There was insistence by the board over and over again that the committees being proposed be international and inter-disciplinary in scope. The ones that failed this criteria were severely criticized and have little chance of being recommended by the Planning Board. There was equally strong insistence that the proposals include various values questions. In all the Planning Board must be commended for its strong stand in upholding the vision of ICUS and its founder, the Rev. Moon.

Below is the preliminary list of suggestions that the ICUS Planning Board will be submitting to the ICF Board of Directors for final approval for the 1995 conference. If any of the readers of the Unification News has contacts or associates that they feel may be able to contribute to these committees either as a paper writer or discussant, send their updated curriculum vita (resume) to the ICUS Secretariat and they will be considered. These individuals should have significant credentials and hold a Ph.D. degree. This must be received by September 15, 1994. If you would like more information about a certain committee, write to the Secretariat. ICUS Secretariat, 147 Goodrich Ave., Lexington, KY 40503, USA. FAX: 606/278-4009

Proposed Chairpersons And Committees

1. Paul Badham - Scientific Objectivity and Human Values (Professor of Theology and Religious Studies, St. David's University College, Lampeter, Wales, UK)

2. Max Jammer - The Philosophy of Physics (Former President, Israel Academy of Sciences, Professor of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel)

3. Jacquelyn Kegley - Genetic Knowledge, Human Values and Human Responsibility (Outstanding Professor of Philosophy, California State University, Bakersfield, California, USA)

4. Gerard Radnitzky - Values and the Social Order (Professor of Philosophy of Science, Emeritus, University of Trier, Trier, Germany)

5. Ravi Ravindra - Promise and Threat of Science & Technology (Professor of Comparative Religions and Physics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)

6. Harry Moody - Multiple Dimensions of Aging as a Global Phenomenon (Executive Director, Brookdale Center for Aging, New York City).

Gregory Breland is the Executive Director of ICUS