Philippine Blessing Education By Radio

by Federico V. Niduasa and Wolfgang Schawaller-FFWPU Philippines

About 90% of the nation’s population (70 million people) are tuned to 283 AM radio stations in the Philippines. There are five 50-Kilowatt stations with national coverage, six 20-Kilowatts’ with 200 ~300 Kilometer’ range and the rest of the radio stations are local based stations with 5~10 kilowatts’ with 30~50 kilometer’s range. Our first live radio program was aired last January 26, 1997, few days after the start of our national mobilization. It was aired in DWBL 1242 KHz, Metro Manila, every Sunday at 9:30 - 11:00 p.m. When the number of Pre-Blessing Couples had increased in the provinces, in a period of 6 months, we opened 11 more radio programs in 11 local radio stations in major key cities.

We visited first the major radio stations, then we discussed with the station manager of their available time slot, preferably from 7:00~10:00 p.m. during weekends. This is the time when the prospect listeners are already in their homes. It is very common here in the Philippines for any radio station to sell time slots during weekends. Most blocktimers (buyers) are religious groups. During Saturday and Sunday nights, AM radio stations are saturated with religious programs. Our program proposals to station managers is the most sought program-family values !


The length of the program ranges from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on station’s available time slot. This is our basic format.

1. Introduction of the Program: This is to introduce the program, the sponsoring organization, its purpose and the benefits that can offer to the listeners. (With background music - 50-60 seconds)

2. Greetings from the Hosts: Two hosts is livelier in radio broadcast. This is to greet the listeners and to introduce the hosts, their backgrounds and little bit of their social status. Qualified broadcasters with thorough knowledge on the subject matter is very important for the listeners. (With separate background music - 60 - 90 seconds)

3. Explanation of Tonight’s Program: This is to explain the main topic of today’s broadcasts. For 1st broadcast - it is advisable to explain the purpose of the FFWPU and the reason why we are conducting Pre-Blessing Ceremonies. We also explain the different steps of the Blessing Ceremony and its significance (first, a practical explanation, deeper one will be later. In the Philippines, we introduce Rev. & Mrs. Moon as True Parents over the radio. (With soft background music... fading - 60-90 seconds.)

4. Dialogue - Part 1: To keep the listeners tuned-in to the program, the presentation should not be in lecture or sermon style but in lively dialogue between the hosts. Topics include today’s reality but focus mainly on family problems, roots of problems, Introduction to the Principle, etc. (Not more than 15 minutes - no background music).

5. Musical Piece No. 1: This is to entertain the listeners with appropriate music, preferably songs that promote love and peace.

6. Station I.D., Program I.D. & Time Check: Use the Radio station’s standard I.D., Program I.D. (The title of our program is the Voice Of Unity.) Time Check, to inform the listeners the exact time.

7 Domestic and/or International News: To inform the listeners about the activities of the FFWPU, update of memberships, the number of pre-blessed couples, domestic and world-wide results. (With march music or any appropriate music).

8. Dialogue - Part 2: Proposals to solve family problems based on the Divine Principle, True Parents’ speeches and hosts’ actual experiences. Presentation of the Divine Principle should be presented in a very lively fashion in the form of question and answer.(Not more than 15 minutes - no background music).

9. Musical Piece No. 2: Songs to be played must be in accordance with the tenor of the dialogue.

10. Station I.D., Program I.D. and Time Check: 11. Greetings’ Portion: Greet the newly Blessed couples. By mentioning specific names, people will be very inspired. Give thanks to people who are helping the mobilization. (With live music background).

12. Special Announcements: Invite listeners to call our centers (announce addresses/telephones) or invite them to our workshops, or activities. Time to inform listeners about our future plans, projects and how can they be involved.

13. Final Dialogue: This time is for internal guidance. Use Family Pledge or True Parents’ speeches as the basis.(Not more than 15 minutes - no background music).

14. Musical Piece No. 3 ( If there is still enough time): 15. Station I.D., Program I.D. and Time Check:

16. November 29, 1997 Blessing Ceremony Reminder: To remind the Pre-Blessed Couples the importance of preparing for the upcoming Blessing Ceremony.

17. Final Words: (If there is still time).

Recap of the program. Announce the next topic for the next broadcast.

18. Parting Words (Extro): Thank all the listeners. Invite them to listen again. Mention the title of the program, day, time, the radio station and the radio frequency, end with the word "Good night and God bless you!" We inform the new Pre-blessed Couples during the Pre-Blessing Ceremony about our radio program.

While we are raising up more broadcasters, our radio program in Metro Manila is being recorded, edited and sent to the rest of the radio stations in the provinces for "tape broadcast".