Parents Visit to South America

by Ricardo de Sena-Sao Paolo, Brazil

Greetings to all from the south. I would like to give you a brief report about True Parents’ recent visit to Argentina. They arrived on Tuesday September 16, at 7:50 am with their private plane and left to Brazil on Saturday Sept. 20, at 8:00 am.

They came together with other 10 Korean leaders, including the three regional leaders of Korea who gave the most pre-blessings. Everyday at 6:00 am True Parents came for morning service. After we all had a full bow, True Mother chose somebody to recite the Family Pledge in Korean. Then, for one hour Mrs. Won-Ju Mc Devitt (Mother’s secretary) read Father’s words from the book "Blessing and Ideal Family". Sometimes Father interrupted the reading to emphasized one point.

At the end of it, Father said a few final words before having breakfast. It was very impressive to see Father paying full attention to every word of the reading. After a very quick breakfast, True Parents went for their praying-fishing condition. They are very seriously focusing in South America since they proclaimed the second forty year course in San Pablo in 1995, specially Argentina (Adam), Brazil (Eve), Uruguay (Abel) and Paraguay (Cain).

Coming back from their condition, about 12 hours in all, we all had dinner with True Parents and then they asked to make a camp fire outside the house. They came, we sat down in a circle sharing testimonies and songs. It is very special to be with them. So much love, goodness and purity-it was very moving, very inspiring, the True Love we all long for.

They might come back soon-Father is searching very seriously the Parana and Paraguay rivers for future projects.